AdLib : Well, looks like it’s time to call it a night for this edition of Vox Populi! Thanks Khirad and cheers to everyone else for a great edition! Have a great weekend!
Khirad : Hmm, everyone is saying nighty night.
AdLib : Night KQ!
KQuark : TC I’m out as well. Great conversation.
AdLib : Night Cher!
KQuark : We need to learn how to play the game better. Look at conservatives running out in front of Bernake pumping cash into the economy. Perry is over the top for sure but you will see them all cry foul if Bernanke does it now. They set up their self fulfilling prophecies for Dems too fail unfortunately so do progressives.
Chernynkaya : Soory gentleman–I’m fading fast. Great conversation tonight. I’ll see you in my dreams!
AdLib : Khirad – I like it! “Another Socialized Health Care Reimbursement. Enjoy!”
Chernynkaya : AL–they did all kinds of stuff like that during WWll and it worked.
AdLib : Cher – I was just joking but heck, why not? “Another Paycheck Courtesy of the “Put America Back to Work Act”.
Chernynkaya : KQ–that is so true about the economy. But no one wants to admit that and the voters sure don’t want to hear that.
Khirad : This Medicare check — “brought to you by Socialism!” You’re welcome.
Chernynkaya : (GAwd–my spelling and typing are deteriorating.)
KQuark : Cher politically that is the best play Cher but believe me even the “big plan” will not satisfy the base.
Chernynkaya : AL–I wouldn;t use the word stimulus. But your on to something!
AdLib : And how about sarcastic banners being hung on each infrastructure project, “More jobless jobs courtesy of the Obama Administration. “
Khirad : Yes! We need better branding. Seriously. So many people don’t even know who’s really looking out for them. And that is sad when it is so friggin’ clear.
KQuark : Personally I’m going to look for new ideas like F.A.S.T. and for a diverse plan. Put it this way if we are a long trajectory of slow growth like I think we are. Doing stimulus for the short term only hurts long term debt concerns. This is not the old recessions where you stimulate the economy and it takes off. This is a fundamental shift in the global economy.
Chernynkaya : AL–I’s talking about the 2 track jobs bill–the one that he will try to get passed and the one that he will present as his Big Idea. The Big Idea can’t pass, but I think he should articulate what he WANTS to do, nit what can be done. That vision thing matters!
AdLib : Khirad – How about requiring the paycheck of each person whose job comes from such a stimulus to have printed on it, “Another Stimulus Job Paycheck”?
KQuark : TC Emerald
Khirad : I’m feeling rather righteously snarky tonight, ’tis true. I’m just so, so sick of people not knowing basic definitions – I feel it’s a public service to educate them as we’re fixing the country.
AdLib : Night Emerald!
Chernynkaya : Khurad–amen!
AdLib : Night Kes!
kesmarn : Before I go, I just have to say a big YES to Khirad’s idea.
AdLib : Cher – I think Obama’s jobs bill shouldn’t be less than $300 billion and could go as high as $500 billion. Ending the Bush tax cuts is at least $700 billion to $1 trillion. Pays for that plus deficit reduction and funding Medicare.
Khirad : Night to kes, as well!
KQuark : Take care kes.
Chernynkaya : Sleep well kes!
Khirad : I say all the project signs of repairing roads and such should have: Socialism at Work plastered over them.
Emerald1943 : Night, Kes! Get some good sleep!
KQuark : Cher big is in the eyes like they say. Big may be trying many different things.
kesmarn : G’night, Em! I hafta sign off too because it’s also after 2 here. And I hafta get up early! Good night, dear friends.
Chernynkaya : Em–sorry to see you go but so glad to see you tonight!
KQuark : Yup and I don’t think it will even be that big. Frankly I think looking at the global economy even another $1 trillion stimulus won’t work.
Chernynkaya : How will we be able to GOTV if the Big Plan isn’t big? I can see selling the vision even if it’s not possible. I can’t see selling a nothing burger.
Khirad : Night em!
Emerald1943 : Hey, everyone…it’s after 2am here and I’ve got to put it down until daylight! I can’t tell you all how much I enjoy our little chats! This is so much fun! You all are so great to bounce ideas around with me, and I learn from you every day! Thanks to you all! Everyone, sleep well…and I’ll see you tomorrow.
kesmarn : If he gets a jobs bill passed I hope every project is required to have OBAMA all over it. It’s aggravating that there are so many projects in Ohio being done with stimulus or Race to the Top money from DC, and people don’t even know it!
Chernynkaya : KQ–that $500 bil is what you think the Big Plan will be–the one that won’t pass? Then yes, it;s a loser. The Bign Plan is what WON”T pass.
KQuark : I think Obama needs to do some gamesmanship here. Add allot of different things so people know he wants to create jobs. The total numbers are going to be disappointing because he wants it to be deficit neutral in the future.
Chernynkaya : kes–I’m spent on venting against Perry, so forgive me–but i agree!
Emerald1943 : Khirad, it’s called making pretzels! This should be fun to watch!
AdLib : Khirad – Absolutely though politically, we should be as smart as our adversaries and call it something like, “The American Fair Share Bill”.
KQuark : but total
KQuark : That would be on on the order of $500 bil.
kesmarn : That’s very encouraging, AdLib. The thought of a third round of Texas Gov macho b.s is too depressing.
Chernynkaya : If Obama were to propose a big jobs plan–the one that won’t pass–what would it be?
Khirad : If they want a class war I say we give them one.
KQuark : Yup it will have little real impact even if passed. Cheers I could not remember the acronym for the schools project.
AdLib : Kes – Perry has already referred to himself as part of the wealthy by saying “we”. The minority of greedy folks out there who only care about not paying taxes will line up with him…whereas the 70% of Americans who want to tax the wealthy instead of having their entitlements cut and services cut, will mostly support Obama.
Chernynkaya : KQ–the jobs bill will be F.A.S.T–the school thing, tax cuts to business who hire and payroll taxes, and infrastructure bank. It won’t have any money for the states though so it won’t work.
Khirad : I know em, but they always “claim” not to be racist. I want to get them on the record on this and have them flutter and contort away about heritage and such. Perry too. Either he comes out against them and alienates the south, or he alienates the rest of the country… not like he won’t anyway, but this is just one of the most clear-cut symbolic signs we could ask for.
KQuark : No ones saying it’s the answer. Just talking about politics.
kesmarn : AdLib, I think the wealthy love Perry and will put their $$ behind him. E.g., some chick I went to school with owns 2 car dealerships and she has Perry plastered all over her FB page now. Just this last week.
AdLib : Cher – My feeling is that tax credits are fine but not the answer. We need money put into projects that require labor so the government is the only answer now.
Emerald1943 : Cher, he has to throw a bone to small business.
KQuark : It’s good to say and only costs something if it actually does create a job.
Chernynkaya : Do tax credits for new hires mean anything anyway?
Emerald1943 : Khirad, are you kidding? The baggers are lining up to buy those confederate plates!
AdLib : KQ – It will have an impact on the election though which is why he can go big.
KQuark : Just so you guys are prepared when the jobs bill is not close to what you want.
AdLib : Kes – I see this kind of panic about Perry but I don’t buy it. The MSM kept repeating the meme that Perry is great at “retail politics” and trying to make him a serious competitor to Obama…but after that retail mouth made Perry ask for a refund, it exploded that simplistic theory. Perry is only good for low info voters who don’t want the wealthy to pay taxes and that is less than 30% of voters.
kesmarn : Cher, the friend said Perry really knows how to crank out bumper sticker simplistic stuff that appeals to the FOX watcher demo.
Chernynkaya : Hey Khirad!
Khirad : That’s my secret worry about Perry too. He’s all over the place, but no matter what he says it just sounds folksy. Hopefully his record gets him. I’d nail him on the Confederate plates. He can’t win on those. And also force the baggers to come out against those too.
KQuark : I don’t mind tax credits for new hires like I didn’t mind tax cuts for buying American cars. It is a direct impact and does not even go out if it’s not used.
Chernynkaya : Kes, disagree with your friend, but not strongly disagree. we share a very low opinion of voters.
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad!
KQuark : AdLib it’s going to have no impact because it won’t pass.
Chernynkaya : And tax cuts to the Middle and Working classes!! And yes, tax cuts do create jobs when people can buy things. But only to the Middle and working classes.
Emerald1943 : Khirad! How are you? Glad you’re here!
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
kesmarn : Seriously, Em. She said Perry is THE MAN when it comes to talking to idiots. (She’s a lib, but is worried about Perry.)
KQuark : It was only a third in tax cuts. About a third to states. A third to infrastructure but see that’s what most progressives remember
AdLib : KQ, I don’t see how a floor of any less than $300 billion could be seen as making an impact.
Khirad : If we want to get them to go against tax cuts, remind them that they’re Keynesian, ergo, socialist!
Chernynkaya : Kes, your friend thought Perry was brilliant or good at communicating?
Emerald1943 : Kes, you’re joking!
kesmarn : Speaking of being able to communicate with low info voters, I had a friend today who said that is where Perry is really brilliant. Scary?
Emerald1943 : KQ, I just hope that he doesn’t put half of it into tax cuts like he did with the first stimulus. That’s not going to do much to get jobs going.
Chernynkaya : Oh, em–he’s always annoying and makes me cringe with embarrassment for him. He’s so lame!
AdLib : Kes – I think Krugman makes sense sometimes then other times is ridiculous. He, like many of those I criticize on the Left, attack Obama for not having a magic wand and making legislative things happen from the executive branch. No one, not JFK, Lincoln or FDR could get a Bagger House to pass anything to help America because they want America’s economy bad. What gets me is when he and others attack Obama for not being a dictator. He simply can’t do what they want him to do because of that little thing called a Constitution and separation of powers.
KQuark : I don’t think the total will be that high and under half that in infrastructure.
Chernynkaya : Kes, I think he is an economist who mostly calls them from that standpoint but like Nate Silver he has been promoted to pundit and that’s not his expertise. Too bad his ego wont let him recognize that.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I like Matthews thinking, but his style is a little hard to take sometimes. I wish he wouldn’t talk over people. It’s really annoying.
kesmarn : KQ, probably true. I don’t think he even tries to think in political terms, though. He’s just such a numbers guy.
KQuark : Not even close AdLib you will be vastly disappointed I guess.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I see Krugman on both sides of that question. Sometimes he comes out with lousy criticism, but he also comes out with some damned good ideas. He is, after all, a pretty smart dude.
Chernynkaya : You know who I listen to when I want to get a clue about low-info voters? Chris Matthews. He seems to have a good sense of what appeals to Indies too.
KQuark : Krugman is a great economist but a terrible judge of politics.
AdLib : KQ – I would suggest a meaningful jobs bill is one that puts at least $500 billion towards jobs (infrastructure, green jobs, etc.).
KQuark : Really it’s up to us to get in front of this. If it contains infrastructure projects as a big part of it we can’t harp on all the details like we always do.
kesmarn : Hope this isn’t a loaded question, but what are your thoughts on Paul Krugman? Do you think of him as a bitcher/moaner? Or a guy who’s just calling ’em as he sees ’em?
Chernynkaya : KQ–stop talking sense.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, you’re absolutely right on that! I am going to do whatever I can to blog wherever I see the firebaggers bitching to shame them into supporting the President!
AdLib : Kes – I agree, he has been saying that he will have a major jobs bill, I don’t think that would be a lead up to suggesting we offer a tax credit here or there.
Chernynkaya : Let me amend my last comment. I see many on the left growing up–Jon Chait at TNR, Kevin Drum at MoJo, only the Firebaggers–and KO will bitch.
KQuark : What is a “meaningful jobs bill”?
kesmarn : From the tone of the bus tour speeches it;s sounding like he’s ready to roll out something significant.
AdLib : KQ – Yes, the Purists/Firebagg ers will attack whatever he does because that’s the industry they’re in, fuck them. Dems will stampede over them to support Obama as long as it’s a meaningful jobs bill because Americans want jobs.
KQuark : The stimulus as a % of GDP WAS bigger than the WPA by 2 X.
Chernynkaya : Kes, it’s critical that he does.
Emerald1943 : KQ, yes, I can agree. There will be the usual moaning and bitchin’. But I think we can do something about that. I think we need to go on a little campaign of our own to combat that. The thing that we talked about a few days ago…
Chernynkaya : KQ–Yes agreed, As I said below, unless it’s a WPA like the 30’s expect digruntlement. Fuck ’em.
kesmarn : I skimmed through the earlier part of Vox. Good stuff. I hope the Prez does come out with a ginormous jobs/tax the rich proposal.
KQuark : But can everyone agree that Obama won’t satisfy progressives with his plan?
Emerald1943 : KQ, stimulus is a bad word now. I like “Put America Back to Work” myself.
AdLib : KQ – That’s my point. Forget the word “stimulus”, it won’t be used again. It will be an “Infrastructure Bill” or a “Jobs For America Bill”. The semantics will change and indies will be on board because they will support “Jobs For America”.
Chernynkaya : KQ-disagree. They want infrastructure repaired, but to your point the fact is most Indies are Repubs. Many polls show that. But not Baggers or far right.
kesmarn : One of these days life will slow down enough for me to think two coherent thoughts in a row…. maybe…
Emerald1943 : Kes, I know that feeling well…pulled a few long shifts myself! I’m not feeling great, but VP has lifted my spirits tonight! It’s been a most interesting and lively conversation! I wish we did this more often than once per week…hint, hint!
KQuark : Indies have to think stimulus creates jobs. That battle is lost.
Chernynkaya : Miss you kes!
AdLib : Cher, you beat me to it! Indeed, Indies and Dems and Repubs all want jobs!
kesmarn : Cher! So good to see you on Friday nights.
Chernynkaya : Kes so sweet of you to come and say Hi!
Emerald1943 : Cher, much of this will be that “optics” thing they talk about on the tube. He needs to be seen as fighting for jobs for the people. That will swing a lot of voters!
AdLib : KQ – Indies want jobs like Dems and even Repubs. You can bet that it absolutely won’t be called a stimulus, it will be called a Put America Back To Work bill or something like that but it will be about raising revenues and repairing infrastructure and helping out states so more jobs will grow.
Chernynkaya : OH! Hi kes!!
Chernynkaya : KQ–Whew.
KQuark : But a stimulus will not move those numbers especially when it’s voted down anyway.
kesmarn : Em, must confess I am beat. Loooooong night at work.
Chernynkaya : KQ I KNOW the Indies want jobs and the economy to improve.
kesmarn : $500 trillions sounds great. Almost as much as Blankfein makes in year.
Emerald1943 : KES!! Hello, my friend! How are you tonight?
KQuark : billion
Emerald1943 : KQ, of course there will be some who will. But the ones that get it will back him to the hilt! I plan to be among them! We really are going to have to work like hell on this campaign!
AdLib : Hey Kes!!!
Chernynkaya : $500 TRILLION?
KQuark : Cher, you assume indies want another big stimulus like progressive do.
kesmarn : I couldn’t let Friday night go by without at least saying hullo after work. Hullo! Are we talking Obama’s re-election odds?
AdLib : Plouffe is a big part of the problem, a campaign mentality when an administration mentality is needed. All he cares about is pleasing indie voters. I used to like him but no more. I do think Obama has to be shaken by what’s going on with the economy and trying to negotiate with terrorist Repubs. So, the 2 track theory makes enormous sense, have a deal for what’s doable in his mind on one track and a bold jobs program on another track. If the Repubs shoot both down, they own the poor economy. If they only go for the modest plans, Obama still has the bold plan to campaign on.
KQuark : So when he comes out with something say as much as $500 trillion (probably much less) mostly with infrastructural but tax cuts for hiring too and cuts to offset that amount in the future do you really think progressives won’t complain like hell.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I thought there was something in there about a jobs program, but maybe I am confused…that happens quite often these days!
Chernynkaya : And AL–spot on about what he should have done.
Chernynkaya : KQ–if you are right about Obama, Em is right and his re-election just got harder.
Emerald1943 : KQ, you think he may have learned something from that little debacle??
KQuark : Obama just doesn’t think that way. He does not go for something that he thinks is not feasible. That’s what got him off kilter with the debt ceiling debate. He thought he had a deal.
Chernynkaya : Nit kidding.
AdLib : Part of Obama’s mistake was not putting out such a big jobs plan during the deficit debate, months ago, and campaigning that if it wasn’t passed, the economy would be harmed. Then, when it wasn’t passed and the economy is where it is today, The Repubs would look fully responsible and Obama’s jobs plan could have built up steam. Still, looking forward, coming out with a strong jobs plan by Labor Day will be timely and he will have the momentum which the Repubs have lost.
Emerald1943 : Cher, you’re kidding??
Emerald1943 : Cher, Plouffe and Daley don’t get the fact that NOTHING is possible with the House. He may as well go for the whole thing!
Chernynkaya : AL–don’t laugh! The R’s already came out against his “proposal.”
KQuark : Put it this way you say stimulus and you get a collective too small from progressives. Even if it was the largest as a % of GDP by about 2 times in the western world. The plan may be half that or probably much less. So how are progressives gonna be happy with that?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, as I said earlier, how long can they bitch about the same thing, over and over again??
Chernynkaya : KQ–Plouffe and Daley want him to do only what is possible. His other advisers say go big and I think Obama gets it. But like most things in life, it won;t be as dramatic as we imagine. It;s like elections–peopl e always think that if it’s not a sweep (like I’m thinking WI) it’s nothing and life doesn;t work like that–things are in between.
Emerald1943 : KQ, yes he mentioned that in his speech on his bus trip. Much talk about infrastructure building/repair.
AdLib : But KQ, I think they will all look like bitter jerks after this, most will have grown tired of their whining and after seeing a real serious jobs plan, will back Obama and turn away from the whiners.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, heh heh! I’ll bet you’re right! Hammering away and burning that midnight oil, no doubt!
KQuark : The best thing I heard about the plan was that they are considering rebuilding schools and upgrading technology as part of the plan.
KQuark : You get it AdLib.
AdLib : Heh, I can imagine Arianna, Hamsher and Green already writing their posts today on how awful Obama’s jobs proposal is and just scheduling them to post when he comes out with it.
Emerald1943 : KQ, I’m not so sure he will approach it that way. Things are getting so bad out there and the economy is slumping further now. He’s going to have to go big. Then let them block it. That won’t be good for the people, but it’s probably the only chance he has of getting the second term.
Chernynkaya : KQ-I’m reading that he’ll go big. maybe not as big as the Left wants but big.
KQuark : I’ve read this book before and know the ending.
KQuark : Plus it’s going to include future cuts and progressives will hate that too.
AdLib : EM – Yes, I think the Debt Ceiling will be looked back on as the turning point against the Repubs. I say that because 2012 may be more of a vote against Repubs than for Dems but Dems will be favored especially by indie voters because of the bagger extremism.
Chernynkaya : Well, unless it’s a huge WPA project, the Pouters will be disappointed. But they don’t really matter statistically.
KQuark : Exactly because he will actually try to put together a plan he thinks has a chance of passing and all those plans would be much much smaller than what progressives want.
AdLib : KQ – Disappointment in what way? His suggestions will be too small?
KQuark : I just think this who jobs thing will be another big set up for disappointment.
AdLib : Those are the two issues that will bury the Repubs and they can’t escape them.
Emerald1943 : KQ, yes the conditions at election time will have some bearing on it. But the people are beginning to see that everything the President has tried has been blocked by the repubs. The debt ceiling debate may have been something of a blessing in disguise as far as the election is concerned. It showed the repubs in a terrible light.
AdLib : Cher , I can’t think of one instance where RW Repubs campaigned on taxing the wealthy or keeping SS or Medicare from being privatized.
Chernynkaya : Er, details.
KQuark : That’s what I mean Emerald huge for the sake of being huge is not how the president thinks.
Chernynkaya : Em, please read my Daily Planet for the detils.
AdLib : Yes, Obama needs to go bold with his plan and on a second track, have his “doable” smaller plans presented as well. We need some vision now, we didn’t go to the moon by saying it’s pragmatic to just shoot for orbiting the Earth. Hope Obama goes big and bold.
Chernynkaya : But AL, doesn’t that happen every cycle–the R base gets pissed at the general–and pissed on–but they vote for their candidate anyway.
Emerald1943 : Cher, just HOW big? I hope it’s huge! He may as well go for it. Then he can dare the repubs to block it! If they do, every American voter will know who is about power instead of the people!
KQuark : No matter what Obama comes out with progressives will say it’s too small anyway.
Chernynkaya : KQ right! And the Indies are low-info mostly.
KQuark : Emerald I think it more depends on the conditions during the election.
Chernynkaya : Em–Obama is coming back with a big plan. It;s been announced.
AdLib : Cher – The problem is, Repubs would have their base turn on them if they suddenly supported taxes and denied they voted to kill Medicare. They voted that way specifically to run on that.
KQuark : It depends on who believes the lies Cher. The GOP does no doubt and most Dems don’t. It’s up to the Indies.
Chernynkaya : What is the composition of Senate Dems now? How many are conseradems?
Emerald1943 : KQ, I think the next month is going to decide a lot of things. If the President comes back from vacation with a “small” jobs plan and keeps up the “bipartisan” theme, then it’s possible that he will lose in 2012. If he comes back with a big bold program and takes it to the repubs, then I believe that he will win. The American people are behind him on this, and they have seen what the repubs are all about.
AdLib : Cher and Em, I think you’re both probably right, it probably is more likely that Reid would protect the institution first over Americans but if ever there would be a time for Senate Dems to step up and hammer Reid to do so because they’re sick of what happened the last 4 years, it would be then. Or have a revolt if he won’t and elect a new leader who will.
Chernynkaya : AL–Yes they can! They can lie with impunity. They do it all the time and suffer no consequences.NON E. So I think I just put my finger on my worry–with your help. The rules have completely changed. Lying is fine, and the media never calls them out, so low info voters–which are 80%–don’t even know they are being lied to. That’s the game-changer.
KQuark : Only this time the scare is real. Look at what is happening to the NHS in the UK under the Tories. Wait times which were long are going up over 60%
KQuark : Yup and Obama repeated those figures on his last trip. Face it Obama needs to use scare tactics on the middle class safety net to get reelected.
AdLib : Cher – What the Repubs can’t do is deny they voted to kill Medicare as we know it, killing it as an entitlement and putting $6000 on the backs of seniors. That is inescapable. And they can’t walk back the Debt Deal or that they want to slash social services and programs and won’t allow any taxes on the wealthy. That’s not going to change.
Chernynkaya : AL–I don’t think Reid will ever change the filibuster rule. He;s not that guy.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, Reid is the only one of the Senate Dems that gives me pause…or paws! You never know if he will wimp out or not. He did seem stronger toward the end of the debt ceiling debate and was coming down hard on the floor of the Senate during debate.
Chernynkaya : Yes, I saw Markey.
AdLib : If we held the Senate, gained the House and kept the WH, I would desperately hope that Obama would sit down with Reid and explain that this may be their last chance to do anything big for a long time so change the rules on the filibuster and limit its use. Don’t know that would happen but it could.
KQuark : True. Funk was showing the 1996 Dem platform uge. One paragraph on healthcare and a bunch of stuff on free trade, welfare reform and law and order. It was chilling.
Chernynkaya : AL– Do you think there’s any chance the R’s will walk back from those issues before the election? I know Perry if nominated will. Whether the Indies believe him is another story. I guess my unease is, I dont trust the public.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I’m having a “senior moment”…was it Markey on this morning all fired up? They know that the American people are behind them on saving SS/Medicare and on taxing the rich. These are great campaign issues and they know they have the wind at their backs.
AdLib : Em – If we lose the Senate, don’t take back the House but Obama is re-elected, you don’t even need a filibuster, Obama can veto.
Chernynkaya : EM–why do you think more Dems will gorw a spine? I don;t see how or who.
Emerald1943 : KQ, what a total idiot! Can you just imagine what would be happening right now if he had pulled that off? Cat food and cardboard boxes under bridges for a lot of seniors!
Chernynkaya : Oh, just lost VP for a minute there.
AdLib : Cher – Not sure what that could be. Voters don’t like Repubs, aren’t crazy about Dems but they do like Obama. The Repubs can’t get elected in 2012 as they did in 2010, their fingerprints are all over this economy and Congress now. Perry will run on killing Medicare and blocking taxes on the wealthy because the GOP will have that in their platform. Those will be to massive issues driving voters and they are hugely on the opposite side from the GOP.
KQuark : Remember the filibuster stopped Bush from privatizing SS.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I think we are going to see a little more titanium in those spines here very shortly! They know what’s at stake.
KQuark : With the Senate it always depended on the composition of the states where they are holding elections and like Cher said how many incumbents there are.
Emerald1943 : Adlib and KQ, she is one strong lady! We really need her there for consumer protection to make sure that agency is funded and functioning!
Chernynkaya : KQ–that’s what AI said about the filibuster last year. IF IF IF the spineless Dems ever use it.
AdLib : Em – Exactly. Brown doesn’t have strong support in MA and Warren would generate national attention and energy from the Dem base. She would beat Brown hands down.
Emerald1943 : KQ, if we lose the Senate, the filibuster may be the only thing that saves us from rethug hell!
KQuark : I think so too Emerald and probably the only Dem that could.
Chernynkaya : This all depends on if we can believe the polls. The Repubs don’t seem to. I have a bad feeling that there is something missing, some factor we’re missing. Things don’t add up for me–polls say one thing but people vote differently. There is some cognitive dissonance and I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe because I want science and there is too much emotion in all of this to be clear.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I got an email calling for support for Elizabeth Warren today. She has formed her exploratory committee. I think she can beat Scott Brown up there. After all, Mass. is a Democratic state! Brown was a fluke!
KQuark : Cher I think the house is a better bet too. And we’ll say thank god for the filibuster after 2012
AdLib : And I think the Baggers are going to get flushed out of the House, Dems will take back control.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, hope to see you tomorrow! Sleep well!
Chernynkaya : Em–absolutely!
AdLib : Elizabeth Warren running in MA sure helps our chances for holding the Senate.
Chernynkaya : Good to see you, Sabreen. Take care.
AdLib : Night Patsy! Night Sabreen!
Emerald1943 : Cher, that just means we have to work harder! I don’t want to lose the Senate!!! We can’t let that happen! We have to work doubly hard because of the money that will flow into this election!
AdLib : Yep, very unlikely that WI, where Dems won in Repub districts this year…where they lost in 2008, will go anywhere but to Obama. And OH’s repeal will guarantee a big Dem turnout there, meanwhile in FL, Rick Scott is hated and many Seniors who won’t want Repubs cutting their Medicare so I don’t see that as fertile ground for Romney or Perry.
Sabreen60 : Good Night Patsy. I’m going to say Good Night, too. Take care everyone.
Chernynkaya : Goodnight patsy!
Chernynkaya : The Dems are almost sure to lose the Senate by at least a couple of seats–too many are up for re-election compared to the R’s. And I think we’ll re-take the House with a small majority.
Emerald1943 : Patsy, good night! Hope you have a great weekend!
KQuark : L8R Patsy good luck
Emerald1943 : KQ, I think part of that is that most people see him as an honest broker too. Even if he does not succeed in some of the things he tries to do, at least he is really trying. And people can see the gray in his hair that was not there two years ago. He is showing the stress of that office.
PatsyT : Hey guys I keep getting pulled away. I must say goodnight and hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
KQuark : We’ve got to remember president is just a backstop for the worst of the worst happening with a split or GOP congress. Do you think the Dems will take back the House and keep the Senate?
Chernynkaya : Thanks! It looks hard but not impossible. I’m going out on a limb and saying all the states who elected Baggers Govs could possibly go to Perry. HArd to imagine, but possible . even though WI got activated by the labor movement, I still don;t trust those voters–look at Prosser. But it does seem improbable.
AdLib : Emerald, I agree, I think FL, OH and WI all stay blue and give Obama a lock. MI could go to ROmney but wouldn’t go to Perry. This is why I think Perry would be an early Xmas gift to us and Obama. It would be an ugly campaign to have to go through but it will turn off indies to Perry big time.
KQuark : You can’t underestimate a good campaigner either. The tea baggers can’t stand it but most of the country really likes Obama personally.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I believe Florida will go ‘blue” this time. Between Ryan’s crap and Rick Scott’s crap, the senior vote there will swing back to the Dems.
AdLib : Whoops, here’s the link: «link»
AdLib : Cher – Use this map instead, it lists electoral amounts per state below the main map.
Emerald1943 : Cher, IS HE??? I didn’t realize that! PMSL
AdLib : When you look at the math, it’s hard to see how Romney wins and far harder to see how Perry does, even given the benefit of the doubt in many states. The GOP Govs have helped Obama’s campaign immeasurably. I think WI and OH will go for Obama because of that (and repealing 5 in OH will drive lots of Dems to the polls). FL should go to Obama after the Ryan plan to kill Meidcare, I don’t see a clear path for Repubs.
KQuark : I think the base would not be energized with Romney but they would vote for him.
Chernynkaya : Em, as they do Obama. Who is also Black.
Emerald1943 : Cher, yes but will they vote for him? Some of them equate Mormonism is one step removed from satan-worship!
Chernynkaya : AL, where is that electoral map again? Lost it.;-(
KQuark : Put it this way Romney did not win one big evangelical state against McCain
Chernynkaya : Em, even the evengelicals–al though sizable–are not monolithic.
Emerald1943 : KQ, it would depend on how the evangelicals take to a Mormon. I’m not sure how that would work out in the general.
AdLib : KQ – Agreed, Romney would be more competitive in CO, NM and NV…but that’s only 19 electoral votes. So even if Romney was the nom and won from Obama, those three plus IN, FL and PA, Romney still loses.
Chernynkaya : I was 12 when he died. But I think I might trust him now too.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I was a young adult when JFK was President. Oh God, one of the worst days of my life when he was killed! I wish you could have known him!
KQuark : Being a Mormon hurts him with the GOP but I don’t think it would hurt him much in the general.
Chernynkaya : Another “PRESIDENT…”
Emerald1943 : KQ, there is still the Mormon issue that has not been dealt with yet. Mittens has been pretty quiet so far, but let’s just see what happens when his religion comes into the picture.
KQuark : They are the biggest manufacture of alkylphenol based surfactants that are banned in Europe and have estrogen effects and are very slow to biodegrade
AdLib : Cher – Perry still loses even if he won IN PA and FL. That’s only 59 electoral votes, the count would be 306 for Obama and 232 for Perry. He would still need A LOT more.
Chernynkaya : What I think Obama has going for him that money cannot buy is that people really trust him. They may disagree with his actions, but not his intentions. I don;t know of another resident I could say that about. I was too young to really know Kennedy. I think that’s worth everything in a scary time.
KQuark : Huntsman is a oil based chemical company. They were the ones that use to sell all that styrofoam to McDonalds
Emerald1943 : Cher, I don’t think Florida will be a problem, not if Rick Scott keeps up his ridiculous stunts down there, like the robo-calls and having his staff write letters to the editors telling what a good job he is doing. Job approval of 29%!
KQuark : But look at Romney as candidate AdLib. CO, NM, NV are all pro Romney
Sabreen60 : KQ, I heard about Huntsman’s company and pollution so I did a quick search. Granted I didn’t do a thorough search, but I sure didn’t come up with much.
KQuark : Cher you certainly don’t want to depend on FL.
KQuark : True but all bets are off if we go into another double dip. The jobs economy is bad enough if growth stops it’s over.
Chernynkaya : Indiana, Pennsylvania and Florida. I don;t trust Florida at all.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I’ve been saying the same thing for two years. If they take away our jobs, take away our homes, and limit our educations, what kind of third world country will we be in ten years?
KQuark : *weekend
AdLib : Here’s a little challenge, look at this electoral map of 2008 and consider which states could go to Perry. I don’t see how he can win but maybe you can: «link»
KQuark : Sabreen it’s amazing how many secrets still exist. I tried a whole weakened to find out what wholesale prices where for a few things and you just can’t find them. Business is great at hiding stuff.
Chernynkaya : Just think about how the deck is stacked against democracy. Voting machines, voter ID, terrible MSM, uneducated apathetic voters, and far right churches preaching republicanism. We’ll really be a Third World country soon.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, we use those antiquated punch cards that go into a mysterious “counter” that I really don’t trust. But I am in a very rural area with not many voters. I heard during the 2008 election that Diebold was owned by a Venezuelan corp. Maybe I am wrong?
Chernynkaya : «link»
Chernynkaya : Here is the full study at NYT (got around the wall) it’s really big news and you should bookmark it.
Emerald1943 : Cher, thanks for the link! I’ve saved it.
Sabreen60 : Em, I just did a really quick Google search – who owns Diebold machines – got a lot of junk. This will require more research. But here in MD I don’t like the fact that we don’t get paper receipts from the voting machines.
KQuark : Great point AdLib
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I am going to work my tail off to see that the President does win here! We simply cannot afford for him to lose! We are going to fight hard. It’s already begun here.
KQuark : Cheers Cher.
AdLib : The math in the other direction is much harder. How does Perry win? He would need most of the swing states and that’s very unlikely.
Chernynkaya : Here’s one link for the study. The original is at NYT this week but my paywall there is used up for the month. «link»
KQuark : I think NC and VA are not in the toilet because they have good education systems, for now anyway.
AdLib : If it’s Perry, I agree that NC, NV, CO, NM and even VA may fall Obama’s way.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I heard about that, or maybe I read it too. Information overload!
KQuark : Add CO, NM and maybe even NV
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I think there might be hope for Obama in North Carolina too. He is still polling well, not as well as I would like, but he has not taken too much of a hit here.
AdLib : And that’s partly because of the bagger Govs who are very disliked in those states.
Chernynkaya : Study said they are racists.
KQuark : No doubt.
Chernynkaya : KQ– just this week, Monday I think.
AdLib : OH, MI, WI, FL will all go to Obama if it’s Perry.
KQuark : I thought something came out more recently
Emerald1943 : Cher, I would like to see that article about the TP also.
KQuark : OK that I do remember it was a little while back.
AdLib : Obama will beat Perry in all the swing states. Obama doesn’t even need all of them.
Chernynkaya : AL–got it. That’s my take too. Just thought I misunderstood.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, you brought up an interesting topic…the notorious Diebold voting machines! We HAVE to do something about them ASAP! I don’t know how, but every election, we bitch and moan. Then nothing happens while the thugs steal the elections.
Chernynkaya : KQ–Big longitudinal study of TPer’s beliefs. If you like I’ll find it. NYT’s but reported elsewhere/
AdLib : sown = down
AdLib : Cher – Look at it this way. To win the GOP nom, you need the bagger vote. Meanwhile, baggers are sown to a 25% approval rating among all Americans. So the dynamic is, who Perry has to be married to to win the nom is what will make him unelectable to any but hard core Repubs.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I’ve got the pitchforks covered!
PatsyT : Yes Em Chuckie has gone downhill
Chernynkaya : KQ– if Perry wins, bito has already started saving empty glass bottles and old rag for me. I supply the gasoline.
KQuark : Not sure what story Cher?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I totally agree with you! He will not get the Indie vote.
KQuark : He can’t win the general if he does it would be civil war.
Chernynkaya : KQ I’m sure you’ve read that study about the Baggers recently?
PatsyT : Sabreen I often think the same thing
Emerald1943 : Cher, NO, he cannot win the GE!
AdLib : Put Obama next to Perry and Perry can only win in the eyes of the Repubs and Baggers. Indies seek a president who is not divisive and will work with the other side, Perry will disqualify himself with indies again and again. I think he would be the weakest GOP candidate in recent history.
Chernynkaya : So wait, are we saying that Perry can’t win the general, or shall I proceed with my heart attack? Because earlier I thought I read the scenario where he could win.
Emerald1943 : Patsy, John King is better than Chuckie Todd, but that ain’t saying much! King lets his rethug roots show sometimes, but Chuckie is terrible!
Sabreen60 : Well, I hope the GOP cannot steal enough votes, suppress enough voters or hack enough Diebold machines (oh yeah that’s stealing) to win the GE.
KQuark : True AdLib and the baggers have morphed from the beginning too. They use to be more populist. Now they are hard corporate and hard evangelical.
PatsyT : Cher, especially when they have John King asking the questions!
AdLib : Cher – The MSM is against Palin too but her popularity among Baggers only soars because of it. When Newt attacked Wallace in the debate for questioning him, he was cheered. Baggers see the press, even Fox when they’re not acting as pawns, as the enemy. They take every attack as inspiration. I see Perry as being the strongest Primary candidate and the weakest GE candidate. No sane people will want Bush 3 in office.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I agree with you! Those debate formats are TERRIBLE!
KQuark : I’m also probably underestimating the crazy GOP zeitgeist now as well.
Chernynkaya : Anyine can win debates when the populace is stupid and when there are no follow up questions and when you can plain lie.
KQuark : A bigger chance after this VP.
KQuark : That’s exactly why I think Perry has a chance too. Romney is terrible in debates even McCain beat him.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I don’t think 2010 was the overwhelming desire to have repubs run the country. I think that vote was to show Obama how disappointed they were with him…you know! Stay home and pout! That’ll show him! But if he were to win, my bags are definitely packed! St. Maaren is my choice!
Chernynkaya : Also, form what I’ve seen, the media–MSM–is against Perry. So far.
AdLib : KQ – Exactly, Romney is a poor candidate and a poor campaigner. Watch, when Perry and Romney are on a stage together in a debate, as asinine as Perry will look to us, to Baggers, he will look like the fightin’ cowboy they want to grow up to be and Romney will come off as the wimpy suit.
Chernynkaya : Perry is definitely worse than even Goldwater.
KQuark : The GOP could pull a Goldwater. They feel threatened and that’s when they pick the biggest ideologues
Chernynkaya : Em, listening to AL’s scenario is frightening and after the ’10 election, this country is unreliable. The whole world’s markets know that now.
AdLib : Perry won’t win a GE…though as I saidm we have to work as hard as if it was going to be close. As for the GOP nom, here’s the latest Rasmussen poll: Perry is now the first choice of 29 percent of the GOP voters surveyed, with former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney with 18 percent, and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) in third with 13 percent.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I’m not afraid of Perry. This guy is a sleaze-bag, a womanizer (I’d lay money on that!) and a con artist. He’s everything that is wrong with politics in this country. He’s a bold-face liar to boot. He’s also too much like the Village Idiot. The repubs have taken a beating in the polls because of the way they’ve acted. I don’t want to sound to sure of our win, but this guy can’t last.
KQuark : Romney is a terrible candidate and you can’t underestimate that.
Chernynkaya : Jesus. I can’t take it. If Perry wins, I really am leaving.
KQuark : I just don’t think Perry is being smart though. W did all his kowtowing to the base in private. I still see the GOP going for the most electable. If they don’t the Tea Baggers had more effect than I thought
AdLib : Cher – Not trying to scare but just trying to extrapolate. Romney was a runner up last time and he feels like a runner up this time. The GOP desperately wants someone who can fire up the base and the only one I see who could do that is Perry. If Perry wins, he is so extreme that I think he loses spectacularly. But…only if we work hard as if it will be neck and neck. In the end, I don’t think it would be…unless we got overconfident and didn’t GOTV.
Emerald1943 : Cher, good point about getting out the vote!
KQuark : Take Care funk
KQuark : me too Cher
AdLib : Night Funk!
Chernynkaya : Well, you’ve almost convinced me AL. But now I’m terrified by Perry. All of that and more will work to elect him, although if that doesn;t get the lefties out nothing will.
AdLib : KQ – I would agree that CA, NY and IL are more likely for Romney but remember, the same baggers that elected Kasich and Walker are in those states. They could elect Perry if he looks like he’s got the momentum.
KQuark : Great minds and that AdLib I was just thinking Perry will benefit from voter suppression.
Emerald1943 : funk, sleep well! See ya’ tomorrow, I hope!
Emerald1943 : Cher, they will if I have anything to do with it! Maybe we need to have a “mission” here! How cool would that be!!
PatsyT : Nighty Night funksands
Chernynkaya : See ya Funk–on Twitter!
AdLib : Cher – The GOP has been hard at work in swing states using Voter ID and other tactics to suppress Dem voting. Add that to their confidence that with unemployment above 8% Obama can’t be re-elected and their confidence in the manipulation $1 billion in campaign spending will deliver…and the energy that a Perry will whip up with Baggers, Southerners and Evangelicals…n one of who would be enthusiastic about Romney, it can make sense.
funksands : Night everyone, long week for me. Catch you later!
Chernynkaya : Will the RW Christian groups even hear about it though?
Emerald1943 : This was posted in the KC paper today, but I saw it somewhere else a couple of days ago. I’m tell you all, this guy is going to implode! He’ll never make it. When the dirty laundry comes out, all the RW Christian groups are going to have a hissy fit!
Chernynkaya : No worries, Patsy. But don;t let me catch you saying opps again!
PatsyT : Opps posted the link again
KQuark : I just don’t think states like CA, NY, IL, OH are dominated by Bagger even in the GOP. They have peaked.
Chernynkaya : In LA it’s not so damning.
Chernynkaya : Yes, Em, but it plays worse in KS!
Emerald1943 : Cher, I believe the LA Times also ran the story.
PatsyT : Oh thanks Em thats a good one to tweet . “They sold family-friendly material in the front but had adult rooms in the back,” Read more: «link»
KQuark : That was amazing hypocrisy Emerald.
Emerald1943 : Apparently, several major newspapers ran with this story about his investment in a movie company that made porn flicks. This is going to come back to haunt him.
AdLib : KQ – Remember, their nominee will be elected by the Baggers primarily so what Rove wants is not what will be. Look at Christine O’Donnell, they absolutely didn’t want her, they knew she would lose…but they couldn’t stop her from winning. Perry will have billionaires and power behind him, the Repub powers are not monolithic, some may back Romney but others will back Perry.
Chernynkaya : Em, in the KS City Star, that;s pretty damning.
KQuark : Everyone still has to remember what country we live in anyway. about 2/3rds of the US is not even looking at the election yet
Chernynkaya : Gee AL–I guess I thought one needn’t be terribly smart to see what a liability Perry is. And you are correct–he could win if the election were stolen and I won;t dismiss that.
Emerald1943 : «link»
Emerald1943 : Hey guys, I knew I saw that article about Perry and porn. It was in the Kansas City Star:
KQuark : Yup funk that’s why I think the GOP will nominate Romney
AdLib : Cher – You’re assuming that corporate CEOs think like us. They have billions of dollars and faith that their money and a bad economy can give Perry the Presidency. Hey, who here can guarantee that if the economy is in very bad shape that Obama will definitely win? As Cheney once said (I think it was him…or Rove) “Reality is what we decide it will be.” That’s how they think. If they were so smart, why did they push the anti=union bills in OH and WI and end up turning the tide against themselves. The wealthy are not necessarily smart.
Chernynkaya : He’s a wus. Jumps on mama’s lap at loud sounds. And his farts could kill ya.
KQuark : My kitty Arthur’s on a diet so he hates us now
funksands : Obama is crushing Perry in nearly every poll. Beating Romney only by single digits.
Chernynkaya : Thanks Patsy! Me too.
KQuark : What a cutie and a biggon at that.
PatsyT : Oooo I love that Doggie!
KQuark : Exactly and even in some states he’s not polling well he still beats the Repubs.
Chernynkaya : My doggie «link»
Emerald1943 : KQ, I agree with you. Obama is still polling well in NC, contrary to what the MSM would have you believe.
PatsyT : Looking forward to it Em, A guy like that has lots of skeletons in his closet
Chernynkaya : But don’t the big donors want to win the general?
AdLib : Patsy – Perry has been all about pleasing corps. TX has no state income tax, low paid labor, a regressive tax system where corps pay single digits in overall taxes and workers pay 14%. No regulations, pollution a plenty. He is the perfect corporate pol.
KQuark : I just don’t think baggers own as many populous states as people think even within the GOP
Emerald1943 : Patsy, Perry is a loose cannon! I still think he’s going to self-destruct. I am going to find that article about his interest in the porn industry. I promise you I read it…I didn’t dream it. I just can’t remember where.
PatsyT : Maybe Perry is out there to make Romney look good
KQuark : My monies still on Romney but that could change
Chernynkaya : He thinks so too, KQ!
funksands : Wall Street is backing Romney. That’s it.
PatsyT : The big donors (masters) are looking for someone to control Perry comes across as hard to control.
Emerald1943 : Cher, OMG! What kind of doggie do you have? I have shih tzus that weigh about 10 lbs.
AdLib : Cher – The big donors have not been backing Romney. They have been sitting it out. Now comes Perry who has stronger connections with the Baggers, the Christian Right, Exxon, BofA, the Kochs, etc. My question to you is, what big money players are backing Romeny other than ROve and his Crossroads?
KQuark : WOW that’s like a little person
Chernynkaya : About 100 pounds.
KQuark : BSM’s article on Ron Paul was spot on. Nothing worse than when I here a so called progressive laud Ron Paul.
Emerald1943 : Cher, how big is your doggie?
Chernynkaya : Em, if my doggie walked across my keyboard it’d be demolished.
KQuark : Actually I love RuPaul that was terrible
KQuark : RuPaul
Emerald1943 : KQ, then Ron Paul knows what WE feel like! No media coverage! Did you guys know that there was a march in Washington not long ago? It was simply NOT covered!
Chernynkaya : Let me get this straight. You think that the money and GOP power can’t stop Perry? And that the real power is now controlled by the Kochs? All the big donors will back Perry? I’m not being sarcastic.Just asking. Cuz that’s a huge shift.
AdLib : Ron who?
KQuark : What do people think about the media not giving Ron Paul any recognition?
AdLib : Here’s my argument on Perry vs. Romney. Romney is disliked already, has lots of baggage and is weak in the South. Perry is more hostile and aggressive, has lots of baggage and is loved by the RW. If Romney makes a slip, he will be piled on and no one will bail him out, if Perry makes a slip, he could be piled on but will be bailed out by the Baggers and RW and Christians. Remember the Evangilists folks, they don’t like ROmeny because he is a Mormon and did liberal things as Gov. They LOVE Perry. Perry has all the advantages and Romney has weak support. Unless Perry really blows it big time, he gets the nom.
Emerald1943 : Cher, my doggie walked across my tummy and computer and several of mine went away too! Hate it when that happens!
PatsyT : Yep Cher I am going to keep the popcorn on hand.
KQuark : Like you guys are saying you can’t beat the money and recognition a TX politician gives you in the GOP.
Chernynkaya : Bingo, Em.
Chernynkaya : Gee–A comment of mine disappeared. I said Perry will explode–he can’t help himself. (but I said it better before.)
Emerald1943 : Cher, you’ve got a point about the textbooks. Uneducated masses are really easy to control!
funksands : Anyone else getting in?
KQuark : I think Perry has a bump now. We’ll see if it lasts
funksands : Cher, most of them do.
Chernynkaya : Then Vegas must think Perry will win the nom.
KQuark : I know my wife’s best friend works in that district
funksands : Vegas also has the Dems favored to retain the White House
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I still think Perry is going down. He’s got too much baggage in his closet that will undoubtedly come out at some point.
KQuark : Go figure Intrade has Romney at 30% and Perry at 35%
AdLib : Cher – I think the Baggers still power the GOP and will be the ones deciding races. Perry can win just about everywhere including FL which will be pivotal. Romney can win in MI and the NE but Perry could gain enough momentum, winning the South and the West, to get more and more rolling his way. Perry is the one to beat right now, keep in mind, no one really wants Romney to win, no passion behind him and many who want him defeated. The only question is whether Perry blows himself up first. Man, can’t wait for his first debate!
Emerald1943 : KQ, they chose the largest district in the state. It includes Raleigh, the capital…some 150,000 students. It’s been very peaceably integrated for many years. The only reason I can think of is the privatizing of the school system, but I wouldn’t think there could be THAT much money in it.
Chernynkaya : The school boards are crucial! They buy the textbooks and indoctrinate the masses.
KQuark : I would like to see the Intrade odds funk
KQuark : FL, NY, CA, OH, IL out of them he’s only got a shot in FL
funksands : Never mind, I am getting conflicting info on that.
KQuark : Yeah but Perry can’t win the big states save for TX,
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I don’t know how well Perry will do in Florida. They are having some extreme buyer’s remorse since they elected Rick Scott down there. It’s turned off a lot of repub voters.
Chernynkaya : Sabreen–I agree, but I do think there will be a small enthusiasm gap if it’s Ron=mney. But a small one.
KQuark : Emerald Repugs know school boards are where the power starts
funksands : Interesting this year Minnesota, New Jersey and Missouri have their primary and caucus the day after Iowa. I wonder what this does to the mix?
AdLib : KQ – Perry will kill Romney in SC. Romney is only strong in NH but Perry will come in at least 2nd, he could even win.
Chernynkaya : Funk–I don’t know much about the Paulites and I hope you’re right.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I did too. Sorry to overlap you. This is an amazing story! I still can’t figure out why the Koch’s want to get involved in a school board race.
KQuark : And don’t get me wrong AdLib for the first time I’m not sure Romney will win with Perry in the race.
Chernynkaya : AL–I think that you pointed out that the ’10 election is not the template for ’12. O’Donnel wouldn’t win now.
AdLib : Cher – The Kochs support Perry just as BofA and Exxon and many other billionaires do.
KQuark : Great point Adlib. But even McCain won states like SC and FL. I think they will see Romney as more electable and pick him
Chernynkaya : Em, I posted that a few days ago. Yep.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, just like us!
AdLib : KQ – Nope, Bachmann is behind Perry everywhere.
funksands : Huntsman 10-1, and Paul Ryan 16-1.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I was talking more about the general election than the primary.
Sabreen60 : I think the Repubs will rally around whomever wins the primary in the general. They hate Pres Obama so much that they’ll vote for the “R”.
bito : Remember that only 6-12% of all R’s vote in their primaries. 6% in Iowa. The most rabid of the rabid.
Chernynkaya : Em, I am agreeing. But someone like Bachmann is in it ideologically too. and Cain.
funksands : Cher, the Paulites come out in droves. He’ll win or nearly win almost every caucus.
KQuark : That surprises me funk
AdLib : KQ and EM – The Baggers represent a high percentage of GOP primary voters in many states, in a GE they are a fraction but don’t forget that even in non-Southern states, baggers like Christine O’Donnell and Sharron Angle won the nom.
Emerald1943 : Cher, speaking of the Koch’s, have you seen the thing about their getting involved in the Wake Country NC school board election? They want to re-segregate the schools there. It’s causing a lot of trouble!
funksands : Vegas currently has Perry 5/4, Romney 7/4, Bachmann 8-1, And still has Palin 10-1.
Chernynkaya : Are the Baggers the only ones who vote in the primaries? Other than Iowa, I mean?
Chernynkaya : AL– I always get a boost from your optimism and the logic behind it. But on this I can’t agree. There are still powerful forces that want an R elected. Even the Kochs have backed ALL the R’s. ANd let that settle in for a sec.–The Kochs have given money to all of ’em.
KQuark : The midwest Backmann still has the wacky vote I think.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, but you have to remember what a small percentage of the electorate identify themselves as baggers. Also, their popularity has taken a big hit lately.
PatsyT : Awww poor Calista!
KQuark : I think like Emerald said AdLib that’s also regional. GA is his kind of state no mater what.
AdLib : Patsy – Once his campaign goes into the hospital, he’ll leave it for another campaign.
Emerald1943 : Cher, Rachel’s point was that they use this as a platform to promote themselves and their books. Look at what Huckabee has done…gotten his own TV show. Not saying he wasn’t serious at the time, but he has managed to make some $$ since then.
KQuark : Patsy I guess you can call that pulling a Palin. Her only income now comes from running as McCain’s VP
AdLib : Cher – But what you’re forgetting is that the more insane Perry comes off, the more the Baggers love him. You saw the poll from GA below, despite all that’s happened over the last week…they love him even more. It’s ideal, the extremism that attracts popularity to him from the Baggers makes him toxic in the GE. A great dynamic!
PatsyT : When will Newt drop out?
Chernynkaya : Patsy, I didn’t see Rachel but I agree. Mostly.
KQuark : That’s true Patsy because in the long run they always pick the most electable candidate. At least recently
Emerald1943 : Patsy, I think Rachel has a good point! Just think of Donald Trump, Sarah, Huck. Herman Caine might be the exception. I think he’s serious about it…but still batshit crazy!
AdLib : And remember, the incident on video that came out today, of BofA telling Perry that they’ll help him, is for their PAC based in NH. If Perry can win or come in a close 2nd in NH, which I think he will (over Bachmann), then he wins in SC, he’ll have momentum.
Chernynkaya : Al-I’m rooting for Perry too. No way he’ll last though, he can’t shut his pie hole.
PatsyT : I likedthe Rachael M bit tonight on how this Rupub far right running for pres is just a money scam to sell books and drum up money for appearances Ain’t it the truth
KQuark : I don’t think the GOP will ever nominate anyone who didn’t run for the nomination before. W was the exception because he had daddy Bush. Remember Republicans are mostly dumb and lazy and name rec and appearance are all that maters not policies.
funksands : Perry is a really good campaigner and stump speaker. He’ll make Romney look even more wooden than he already does.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that goes back even further then. Perry is a real pr*ck! And I don’t buy that phony religious crap for one minute! Just wait! Somebody is going to catch him with his pants down at some point! I would be willing to bet money!
Chernynkaya : I can’t wait for the merdia to pay attention to Mitt.
AdLib : Cher – I’m rooting for Perry! It all depends on whether he blows himself up before SC.
Sabreen60 : No. I think it will be Mitt.
AdLib : Hey Funk! A Dune reference yet! Very nice!
AdLib : Em – I actually heard that Rove’s disliked Perry since he helped him win his Agricultural office and then Perry ignored him.
KQuark : Nope
Emerald1943 : KQ, there’s so little information out there about Huntsman. I’ve seen virtually nothing on him. He’s kinda’ being treated as an “also ran”.
Chernynkaya : So, does anyone think Perry will get the nom?
funksands : Em, Chris Christie is Baron Harkonnen
KQuark : Talking about Huntsman they are a huge polluter that would come out in a general too. Actually Huntsman is a hypocrite.
AdLib : Cher – I just don’t buy it, Huntsman would never be able practically to run as an indie and when faced with Perry as the option, indies won’t vote uselessly for Huntsman in any numbers to risk Perry getting elected. Unfortunately, we learned from Nader and Gore, that’s not going to happen again.
Chernynkaya : KQ You’re right! That weird widows’ peak.
Emerald1943 : KQ, sorry…that’s what I meant to say…Paul Ryan!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, there is some really bad blood between Rove and Rick. It goes way back when Rove gave that senate seat to Kay Bailey Hutchison.
KQuark : Paul Ryan
KQuark : One thing I like about chemistry is how diverse people are now in the field
Emerald1943 : Cher, Huntsman!
Chernynkaya : KQ–Who looks like Eddy Musnter? I’ll vote for him!
Emerald1943 : KQ, OMG! He does look like Eddie Munster!
AdLib : Cher – Yep, all this talk is coming from the Rove side of the GOP, they absolutely don’t want Perry because they’re out of his loop and would have no control…but more so, they know he’s too wack and extreme to win.
Sabreen60 : KQ,”Think” NOT “THANK.
PatsyT : Hey if Christie did run the rigor of the campaign might just do him in
Sabreen60 : KQ, she’s something. Thank about it. A 62 year old black woman who went to Tuffs in the 70’s. A WOMAN and BLACK in Chemistry. You know she can kick butt
Chernynkaya : AL–the Indies who would maybe vote for Obama would like Huntsman.
KQuark : He looks like Eddie Munster
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I don’t think Christie is going to run…thank God! I can’t stand to look at his rotund self! He is disgusting! A heart attack waiting to happen! And Ryan looks like a juvenile! His budget thing killed his chances a long time ago. People don’t like it.
PatsyT : Perry had a prayer rally- fundies only, no Catholics, No Jews
AdLib : Cher – More BS IMO, Huntsman doesn’t have the organization or money to run as an indie and why would anyone vote for someone more conservative than Obama instead of Obama? Don’t buy that either.
Chernynkaya : AL– I agree, but it might show how unhappy the R’s really are with these candidates.
KQuark : I should say deep south SC, GA, MS, AL he will have trouble in NC and VA
KQuark : Cool Sabreen I stopped at my Master
Emerald1943 : KQ, I’m not sure about that. He’s pretty far out there even for us in North Carolina.
AdLib : Cher – That’s all BS being pushed by Rove, there is no room in this field for a Ryan or Christie now and the money and logisitcs are too daunting to jump in now. Don’t believe it, this is the lineup and no one’s coming in now because there’s no room on the Right.
KQuark : Perry will sweep the south if he doesn’t mess up too much early
Sabreen60 : KQ, my best girl friend has a PhD in chemistry. We’ve been friends since the 6th grade. Opposites do attract.
Emerald1943 : Cher, you may be right. Michelle doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance. Besides, she’s batshit crazy! Newt is out of it…he’s just promoting Newt’s book. Huntsman would be a seriously dangerous candidate but for his lack of charisma. He is a statesman and could do well in debates, especially on foreign policy, but he doesn’t sell well.
Chernynkaya : Another worry is that Huntsman will run as an Indie. He could pull some votes from the dems.
AdLib : Check out this poll from GA that came out today, the Repubs love Perry the more most other Americans don’t: “Rick Perry: 24 percent Herman Cain: 15 percent Newt Gingrich: 9 percent Michelle Bachmann: 8 percent Sarah Palin: 8 percent Mitti Romney: 6 percent Ron Paul: 5 percent Jon Huntsman: 1 percent Other: 4 percent No opinion/Undecide d: 20 percent
KQuark : Him running would be a Dems dream
Chernynkaya : Now they’re floating a run by Paul Ryan and even still trying to get Christie!
KQuark : Yup Cher. You see his new strategy. Don’t sound crazy. Talk about how far the GOP has fallen
PatsyT : Hey did I see this on twitter – Perry, just like Bush but without the brains.
Emerald1943 : KQ, I noticed! heh heh!
Chernynkaya : I really think the only one who will get the nom is Romney.
KQuark : Chemistry is my thing he he he
KQuark : Even the Right is smacking down Perry but Rove attacking him could actually help
Emerald1943 : Cher, he’s so stiff and plastic! The evangelicals are not going to be happy with his magic underwear.
Chernynkaya : AL–Jinx!
Chernynkaya : Em–I agree–Perry’s over. Too bad tho, from an election standpoint. Willard is much more dangerous to the Dems.
Emerald1943 : KQ, I’ve got some chemistry, but apparently not enough! :-0
PatsyT : President Rick Porn Perry!
AdLib : Frankly, I’m hoping Perry doesn’t flame out before winning the nom, that’s ironically my main concern!
Sabreen60 : Cher, yes I do. I hope the Dems who have a platform make the distinction clearly and I hope the average person will pay attention and see the clear distinction.
Chernynkaya : AL–Indeed! And Patsy–Perry’s a caricature!
Emerald1943 : Patsy, this guy is going to go down in flames! There’s no way he’ll last with that kind of baggage. I read an article yesterday that he has an investment in a company that sells porn. I’ll try to find a link and post it
KQuark : I try to make it somewhat readable Emerald but it really is rocket science stuff and I don’t have a clue about the math behind it myself
AdLib : Sabreen – That’s what it’s all going to boil down to. Tax the wealthy and have money to build America back up or cut our way down into an endless malaise.
Chernynkaya : Sabreen, don;t you see the choice as that stark? I can’t imagine seeing no difference, but like you (maybe) I still distrust the voters.
PatsyT : President Scarry! Is that the ideal guy to play the part of the corrupt southern politician from central casting or what?
AdLib : Cher – It’s as much a delusional state, attacking Obama on everything from the Left, as it is on the Right. Same difference, just self-gratifying anger being projected.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, food for women and children? Or throw them in the streets hungry? How could people be so cruel and uncaring??
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I hope you’re right, because you make the choice sound so easy
KQuark : I hear ya Cher
Chernynkaya : Hi Sabreen!
Chernynkaya : I am sick to death of the Obama analysis. Talk about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Sabreen60 : Hi Cher,
AdLib : Welcome back Sabreen!
Emerald1943 : KQ, you had my head spinning with your fusion article! WOW! I’m going to have to read that about a dozen more times to be able to get it! I may have some questions…will there be a quiz???
AdLib : Cher – You are right on target. The situation will simply be, do you want President Obama or President Perry? Taxes on the wealthy or destruction of the tax code? Medicare and SS or no safety net and social programs? That’s a pretty simple choice.
Chernynkaya : Hi Sabreen. I’m here now too.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen!
KQuark : Her and Khirad are having a party I think
Sabreen60 : Glad I made it back. Hello to everyone who came after I left.
Chernynkaya : Mertooni.
PatsyT : Ludes?
KQuark :
Chernynkaya : Oh–duh– what I am on.
Chernynkaya : What’s VP?
Chernynkaya : Em–hear hear!
KQuark : but I will check VP to see if you were nasty
Chernynkaya : I’ve started debating some of the Lefty journos on Twitter. I say that when Perry is a frontrunner, any criticism of Obama–at all!–is irrelevant and irresponsible.
AdLib : Hey KQ, lots of props for you earlier, scan back!
KQuark : Nope just watching football
Emerald1943 : Cher, Kasich is scum! Along with Walker, Rick Scott, and whoever that d*ck is in Michigan!
AdLib : Well…maybe this latest revelation that a US writer for NOTW was involved in phone hacking will help the DoJ bring RICO charges against Fox and Murdoch…and force Fox News to be sold off. Then we need Soros and Buffett to buy it!
PatsyT : Waz Up KQ!
Emerald1943 : KQ!!! Hi there! We were missing you! So glad you’re here!
Chernynkaya : Hey KQ– were your ears burning?
KQuark : Sup planeteers
Chernynkaya : Yep, Kasich totally backed down.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I wish. My brother-in-law told me that. I don’t know where he got his information.
Chernynkaya : Em–about fox.
Emerald1943 : Cher, were you referring to Fox losing viewers? Or the bit about Rumsfeld? Sorry, You lost me when my doggie walked on my computer!
PatsyT : Yes, Bito, they had a quite charm then, now it’s as if they are crack addicts and need more, or else!
Chernynkaya : AL, Agree. There is no shortage of idiots, but the older ones, and the govs–they will land with cushy jobs paid for by the Kochs or deVos’s.
Emerald1943 : Cher, someone told me that little tidbit. Sorry my doggie just walked across my keyboard! Not helpful!
PatsyT : They have no shame! My brother (from Ohio) tells me the game is up for Kasich He has not come across one person that supports that crap even the ones that voted for him
AdLib : Cher , I’ve heard some of these guys ramble and many of them sure do seem to be completely deluded and drunk with power. Those who see themselves as powerful are capable of nasty things because they think they are above the law and their power will protect them. We’ve seen it repeatedly in scandals on the right and left, power makes people belligerent, selfish and deluded. That’s not to say that the Repub Govs and some of the Repubs in Congress haven’t been assured of cozy million-dollar gigs when they’re out of office but I doubt all of them have been.
Chernynkaya : Em, no do you have a link? That’d be music to my ears.
bito : Patsy. when you were younger CEO’s made 5-8 times as much as a worker, now they make 500 times. The rich then are not the rich of today.
Emerald1943 : Cher, thanks for the link. I just want to see Rumsfeld and the other criminals in the dock. I don’t care whether it’s civil or criminal, although the latter would be better, IMO!
Chernynkaya : AL– yes–exact same mentality. Did you see that case of the 7th grader in Missouri forced by her school to write an apology to her rapist?
Chernynkaya : Pay per View it’s called now.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I heard today somewhere that FUX news has lost some of its viewers. Anybody know anything about that?
PatsyT : When I was a kid, I used to like Rich People, I admired them, now they seem so utterly doomed to greed and destruction
Chernynkaya : Here’s a petition to keep the pressure on the DOJ «link»
AdLib : Cher – It is infuriating to see Fox so blatantly lying and twisting reality to protect the wealthy from taxes by demonizing those who have already been assaulted by the wealthy. Like the way a rape victim is attacked as “wanting it” by the rapist. But, the up side is that the more they do this, the more the public turns on them.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I will go back to it in a few minutes. Thanks for posting.
Emerald1943 : adlib, that has always been amazing to me that they actually believe their propaganda! Did you hear about some of them actually charging MONEY to attend a town hall meeting?? What nerve!
Chernynkaya : AL–I think they are being paid off. They are not all that stupid.
PatsyT : Thanks Cher
bito : The R’s have been trying to do away with Unions forever, it not news to them. I learned about income inequality when I was in my teens. Is it fashionable now to talk about it in public?
Chernynkaya : The link is that the DOJ is investigating.
Chernynkaya : «link»
AdLib : Em – The number is rising and people are giving Repubs hell at town hall meetings…even though the MSM isn’t hyping it as they did with the Baggers. The Repubs will know when they go back to Congress that they are on the losing side. The only question is whether they are in denial or paid off enough to stay immovable on taxes and lose in 2012. They may also believe their own hype that the public actually supports them and it’s only the troublemakers being heard.
Emerald1943 : Cher, are they really doing anything, or just giving lip service to it?
Chernynkaya : The latest is around his son–who looks to be on the way out. But it’s peanuts so far.
Emerald1943 : Patsy, that’s what I was just mentioning. I haven’t heard anything else about it. Just like our Justice Department, isn’t it!
Chernynkaya : Em, it’s being investigated here and just getting started. We must keep it in the limelight.
PatsyT : Hey I have been out of the loop .. Speaking of Fox Any word on Murdoch getting his just deserts over here
Chernynkaya : Also, the perfect companion was bito’s video. MUST see viewing by EVERYONE.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I’m so disappointed that nothing has come of the Rupert Murdoch thing on this side of the pond. I was so hoping they would take down FUX news.
Chernynkaya : Watching that Jon Stewart video that AL posted got my blood BOILING. I never can stand to watch Fox, but I want to demolish them.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, the number has been rising! The sleeping giant is awakening! And it’s about bloody time!
Chernynkaya : AdLib–that’s true and encouraging.
Emerald1943 : Cher, of course they want to deny it. It’s painful to know that we are losing our standing. But the people are really starting to FEEL it now like never before. This is what will bring change.
Chernynkaya : Em, thye may come later, but who knows? Every Friday is different so far.
AdLib : Bito – I think it just took the Repubs overreaching on unions and collective bargaining for people to wake up a little to the fact that corporate pawns were trying to legislate oppression over them. People have caught on and today I saw a poll, over 70% want taxes raised on the wealthy. over 70%! What other issue have you seen so many Americans united on like that?
Emerald1943 : Where’s KT tonight? Also KQ, our resident nuclear scientist?
Chernynkaya : Bito, as I wrote I honestly think most people WANT to deny it. We have been brainwashed and must believe USA #1. I think few will accept that truth.
Chernynkaya : OH, CL– you dork! OK, leave and don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. (Channeling my Bubby.)
Emerald1943 : bito, YES, it did!
AdLib : Patsy – Bachmann was also warning about the Oompa Loompas gaining power over us. Then we’re really in trouble, they can sing us into a deep hole.
bito : Income Inequality, I’ve been posting about it forever, why is just now noticed? The Unions have been screaming about it forever. Did it take 115% unemployment and a stock market re-crash?
Emerald1943 : CL, good to talk with you, my friend! See you later!
choicelady : Patsy – just caught your comment. No – Michelle wishes to bring BACK the Inquisition. She’s worried it won’t happen.
Chernynkaya : Em, me too. They need better messaging if we’re confused.
Emerald1943 : Patsy, NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! LMAO
AdLib : Night CL, have a great trip and presentation!
PatsyT : You have a great one Choice
Emerald1943 : Cher, I thought it was “Don’t Kill the Dream” but I may be confused.
PatsyT : Did I see that Bachman is warning about the Ottomen Empire? … I think she is gravely concerned about the Spanish Inquisition as well .
AdLib : Em – Check out KQ’s other articles by clicking on his name in his recent post. He has posted a number of cool articles on science, astronomy and more.
choicelady : Patsy – this is not because you got here, but I have to leave. I’m on the road from here to San Jose (about a 3 hours trip) for a 9:30 am presentation. Y’all can do the math. So I’m trotting off to bed so I can get up at 5:00. Ugh. GREAT conversation as always. Happy Twoth Birthday to the Planet and to everyone. ‘Night all!
Chernynkaya : al–{{{MUAH}}}
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that article by KQ blew my mind. I had no idea we had such a genius here at PPOV! I did understand some of it and it made sense, but he left me in the dust about the third or fourth paragraph!
Chernynkaya : So what do we do? I am going to write the media as usual, and Congress. But that’s why I like the American Dream movement–it’s very name highlights what a joke that phrase is.
AdLib : Cher – You’re mannered for miles in my book!
AdLib : Hey Patsy, welcome back!
choicelady : PAtsy – HI!!! Glad to see you!
AdLib : Cher – Right with you on that, it is the subtext of all the deficit cutting and tax cuts, it’s all about the transfer of wealth, making the middle class poorer and the corps and wealthy wealthier. Those are the central dynamics of American politics now, all the rest are just distractions and tools to accomplish that goal.
Chernynkaya : Excellent save, CL!
Emerald1943 : Patsy! Glad you’re back! We’ve missed you!
choicelady : Cher – “mile” mannered works. It means you have an extensive personality. (Pulled THAT out…)
Emerald1943 : CL, I could only understand about two of every three words! LMAO I’m afraid my nursing background and classical piano don’t give me what I need to understand all that!
PatsyT : Hey folks Now I am a bit caught up
Chernynkaya : HAH–Freudian slip–meant MILD.
choicelady : Cher – I think Warren Buffet just blew the comfy lid off that locked box, so with you making things public and his narrative from his own experience, I think media HAVE to clarify this issue.
Chernynkaya : Mile mannered. Yes. I am. {cough.}
AdLib : I loved KQ’s article on fusion, that’s the kind of variety that amazes me here.
Chernynkaya : So my new crusade–and I owe it to AL–is broadcasting income inequality. The corp. media absolutely wants that story stifled.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, absolutely agree! I always look forward to Cher’s DP!
choicelady : Em and KQ – the cold fusion article was beyond great. I keep it as a reference. Superb. Thanks, KQ!
AdLib : Adding my cheers to Cher for a spectacular, intensive daily feature, a real superhero at the site who’s a mild mannered reporter for The Daily Planet!
choicelady : Cher – you’re welcome, but thank YOU for your amazing information, day after day. We’d NEVER find all that on our own. You are fantastic!
Emerald1943 : CL, maybe it is an “age” thing. Cranky old people with too much time on their hands…and obviously, constipated!
Chernynkaya : I know, CL–I was blushinjg–thank s!!
choicelady : Hi Cher – just talking about you!
choicelady : Em – since most of the bitching progressives are (cough) our age group and thus boomers (not OUR Boomer) I have to think they are the same spoiled brats I went to college with. Didn’t like ’em then, don’t like ’em now. No facts, only demands. Enough already. Grow up.
Chernynkaya : Em–me too! And that’s why I say there is no site as comprehensive.
Emerald1943 : CHER!!! Glad you’re here!
Emerald1943 : CL, did you see KQ’s article on Cold Fusion yesterday? Good grief! I felt so totally dumb!! He’s something else!
Chernynkaya : Aww– [[[blush]]]
choicelady : AdLib – I definitely KNOW the Planet is ahead of the curve. This site was and is amazing in its depth, and now with Cher’s Daily Planet it’s the single BEST resource in town. The posts, the links, the citations, the reprints are simply beyond wonderful. Nothing beats it.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, how much can they continue to bitch with the very same meme? Obama isn’t doing what I want him to do…waaah!
Chernynkaya : I’ll just catch up for a minute.
AdLib : Hey Cher!
choicelady : Em – quick! Go change!
Chernynkaya : Hey y’all. Dinner done!
Emerald1943 : CL, oh God, I don’t have on my best nightgown!
AdLib : CL – I like to think that the folks at The Planet are ahead of the curve. The Purist thing is not sustainable and not constructive. Why waste our time going through such turmoil with so many others in the blog world? They will burn out and hopefully, people will become more practical and realize, unlike their current Bagger thinking, that not being willing to compromise undermines oneself.
choicelady : uh oh – Google is crawling. EVerybody neaten up! Look smart!
Emerald1943 : Bito, I didn’t know the Strangling Parrots joined!! PMSL
bito : Strangling parrots?
choicelady : bito – even as sponsors, they’ve been used, abused, stomped on, and exploited by “progressives” often enough to be wary. If they’re in, it’s probably good.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, how about kitty cats? Tried them yet?
bito : Hey, AdLib, you know me I’m usually lurking.
Emerald1943 : Bito, help me out here. Having a “senior moment” and can’t remember all the sponsors.
choicelady : Em – love you right back! And I’m only cranky when pushed to the wall which NEVER happens here.
AdLib : Em – I actually used the “we’ll shoot this dog” gag once for our donations…I may come up with another!
Emerald1943 : CL, you’re not nearly as scary as you would have us believe! We love you too!
choicelady : Em – I do get along fine here. Everyone is a grown up. No empire builders! It’s the wannabees who make me angry – the movers and shakers who think they know it all and in fact know nothing.
AdLib : Hey Bito!
bito : The AFL-CIO was listed on the opening rally as a sponsor,they didn’t just join, they helped organize.
Emerald1943 : CL, now see there…you can envision a scenario where we all might work together!
choicelady : AdLib – you start succumbing to the “sky is falling send money” and I’m outta here! And I’ll come down there and SMACK you! Seriously – our strength is in being the adults in the room. I will be interested in seeing if Common Cause joins Van after the link between them in Palm Springs and if they in turn recommend incorporating the faith folks, too. If we can do that – if we can get past our suspicions, our ego driven empire building – then maybe we will REALLY get somewhere.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, either give the PLANET more money, or I’ll have to shoot this dog!!! LMAO
Emerald1943 : CL, you are absolutely correct!!
AdLib : CL – I will keep myself open but MoveOn has grown more opportunistic than altruistic. They tried to terrify people that Obama was slashing Medicare in the Debt Deal…as part of a donation campaign, just as Adam Green and Hamsher did. Hey, maybe that’s what The Planet should be doing for its donation drive! We’re not scaring people enough to get their money!
Emerald1943 : BITO!!!! At last! I’ve been wondering when you were going to jump in! I believe the SEIU is also going to join up.
choicelady : bito – then that helps. AFL-CIO doesn’t entertain fools.
choicelady : AdLib – no flammable gel here! Planeteers are the most cooperative people I’ve seen. I am enjoying the uptick of groups that now are openly deciding to be the same. Facts, details, information, strategies, cooperation, respect. THAT will make the day.
Emerald1943 : CL, I think you get along with us just fine! I did get a good vibe off that town hall meeting last night. And I do like Van Jones from what I know about him.
bito : The AFL-CIO is also working with Van.
choicelady : Em – I don’t work and play well with others anymore. While the Right has its empires, it also has sufficient money. The Left is so freaking CHEAP that we’re all competing for funds and at one another’s throats. And we have people even more cranky than I leading a lot of the programs. Mine has survived almost a century and is the one with the largest membership – and we get left out all the time. The Left needs some self discipline, some respect for other people’s views, and some more mature egos.
Emerald1943 : CL, what other choices do we have right now? We MUST get OUR agenda out there…jobs, tax reform, getting lobbyists money out of Congress, emphasis on education, infrastructure funding, etc. We have to try! I know that MoveOn pisses everybody off at times, but they do have a HUGE membership. We can use people power!
AdLib : CL – There is the approach that yields the most benefits and the one that’s most emotionally satisfying…and usually, those are two very different things. Sure, it feels great to be self-righteous and howl about how one would hold values more strongly than Obama does…but the purpose of that is self-centered. We have two tasks, accomplishing goals and fighting off our adversaries. The only way to accomplish BOTH of those is to work together constructively and put the flammable hair gel away.
choicelady : AdLib – I’ve decided it’s worse than cats. It’s too often wrangling cockroaches. I just learned though that one group in CA that spent ALL its time empire building has got a new Ex.Dir – one of MY board members, a former NBC-SF anchor and UCC minister, so things may well change. IF he does not try to build his organization as the former ED did – on the backs of everyone else.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I’m not surprised at the difficulty. We are a testy group of liberals! We don’t do “lock step” like the thugs do. CL, maybe we could use your experience and your talents!
choicelady : Em – if Van’s movement goes beyond a couple of bright spots, then good. But I distrust MoveOn, so already we’re in a weird place. And I see not a shred of evidence he’s reached out to the progressive faith community that is HUGE. So time will tell.
AdLib : EM – Choicelady can share a lot of insight on trying to get groups on the left to work together, it is herding cats. And the ego battle is at the heart of it.
choicelady : AdLib – I think this is the difference between the hair-on-fire folks and us. They want the stick. We want the carrot. I trust the carrot. I trust Obama. Hard NOT to get sidetracked when the Baggers have you in their sights. Probably in fact as well as metaphor…
Emerald1943 : CL, if Van Jones can use his influence to bring all these disparate groups together, DFA, Change.org, MoveOn, Planned Parenthood, and I can’t remember all of them…we all need to adopt our agenda and concentrate on that, working locally also in town hall meetings and getting in the faces of the repubs.
AdLib : It’s a tough line to walk, Obama does deserve criticism for dropping focus on the poor and his base during the last several months of debt ceiling madness but he is back on track now and I would suggest that the carrot is needed right now instead of the stick.
choicelady : Em – did not see the Atlanta event, but yes – it’s everywhere and horrifying. We have to get back our country for working families!
Emerald1943 : CL, agreed. Did you see the lines at the Atlanta job fair today? This is an unbelievable and deplorable situation. Maybe a thousand standing out in the heat, all dressed up for a job interview, and waiting to get in. Sad!
choicelady : Em – I know you’re right that a catchy title is important. But that “recapture the American Dream” has been the title of THREE different groups I’ve met, none of which has gone beyond a single meeting. Well, of course, they MAY be going on without me! LOL!!! I’m the cranky lady in the corner, so they might not want me around.
choicelady : Em – I like Maxine a lot. But people are now spouting off without thinking. That HAS to stop.
Emerald1943 : CL, I do hope that’s what the President will do. Put the plan out there and dare them to vote it down! THAT will get him re-elected in spite of the rest of the economy numbers. People want to know that he is willing to go toe-to-toe with the thugs.
choicelady : AdLib – I think AH and FDL are actually fifth columnists. That has to be called out. But yes – too many progressives are actually woefully ignorant of how democracy works. The guy in my Tuesday meeting hollered that Obama had his nerve telling us to call our Congressional reps – “that’s HIS job”. Wow – how much Imperial Presidency does he want??? It’s lazy, ignorant, and dead wrong.
Emerald1943 : CL, I’m not defending Maxine, but she really did catch a lot of flack and was on the hot seat right then.
choicelady : Em – I think Waters echoes a lot of people, but it might have helped if she’d talked to the Pres before ranting? I think he’s going to come out of the gates with a HUGE plan and set it before the Rethugs and say – pass it or explain why you hate the American people.
Emerald1943 : CL, I see your point, but how much MSM coverage can we expect without some organization? You can see how the tea party has made out with that. Now if ten people show up, they get media coverage.
AdLib : CL – I think there are a variety of reasons why the Purists/Firebagg ers are doing what they are. First, they had unrealistic expectations, thinking that Obama would come in and turn the government upside-down to liberal heaven…then like spoiled children, have been throwing tantrums ever since. Add to that the PTSD from 8 years of Bush, the Operation Chaos of the Ariannas and Hamshers cheering everyone on to hate on Obama for not walking on water and a childish “getting even” from having so much hatred showered on them from the RW, misdirected at Obama. Many more elements too.
choicelady : Everyone – the thing I fear is another “movement”. Even one I LIKE! I think it’s confusing all right. Could we just DO it and not have to build another freaking infrastructure? Empire building creeps me out – even Van Jones.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, Maxine took a lot of heat at a town hall meeting, calling for the Pres. to take a firmer stand on some issues like jobs, etc. I think that’s why she came out so strongly.
Emerald1943 : CL, I am still a little confused. This is the American Dream Movement, but the name of the website if Don’t Kill the Dream. Either Would work but it is confusing.
Sabreen60 : CL, I agree. And what was the whole Maxine Water’s rant about? I heard the folks didn’t appreciate her bashing the President. Of course the MSM gave her a seat at every table. The truth is that many Reps have been in Congress for decades and are just discovering that poor people exist in this nation and blacks have worst numbers????
Emerald1943 : CL, Van Jones spoke for about 10-15 minutes on the need for us to coordinate under ONE banner..MoveOn, Planned Parenthood and others to join forces to promote OUR agenda. It was most inspiring!
Emerald1943 : CL, I believe that Kes was on. We had over 15,000 people with some qood questions. There were a couple who asked about my pet peeve, controlling the message!
Emerald1943 : CL, BRAVA! I completely agree!
choicelady : Em – no I missed the Town Hall and forgot all about it!
AdLib : EM – I was out all day and missed it! Has anyone heard anything about how the Van Jones teleconference went?
choicelady : Em – you ID’d the exact issue that mystifies me. Why are so many PL folks fighting Obama when the real threat is so clear? Progressives in Congress = 14.9% of all Congress. This is NOT a good place to stand and declare your supremacy. Baggers are not a lot more, but the GOP is far more unified, far more disciplines, and far easier to terrorize. Liberals (from TPV today) are still about 78% in favor of Obama. So the extreme know=nothings in our midst who OUGHT to know a lot are very few in number and loud of opinion without substance. What’s scary is how much damage the faux left – Hamsher et al. – might do with their constant drumbeat. The Nation opinion today was the same – no facts, no policy, just “he shoulda”. Still harping on the 14th Amendment which enough Constitutional scholars/lawyers have assured us would have been very risky however much hope we had for that. I’m SICK of magical thinking on the part of the LEFT. Fer crying out loud – if you’re gonna be atheist stop thinking like dominionists and expecting miracles outta the sky!
AdLib : Bito’s usually hanging out and jumping in along the way.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, amen! I’m pretty fed up with all that. We need to turn our collective attention to defeating the rethugs! Did anyone here participate in Van Jones’ town hall last night?
AdLib : EM and Sabreen – Agreed, Deaniac does a great job and the article hammering the Firebaggers, which got all the attention this week, was right on the money! Deaniac was making the same point I have been supporting here, when mentioning that fighting over Hillary vs. Obama wouldn’t be allowed, is that we have to move on from the prejudices and resentments of the past between fellow Dems and fight together against the true enemy.
Emerald1943 : Where’s bito tonight?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, whew! That’s good news! I’m glad she’s OK. Pretty bad to have to get used to earthquakes!
AdLib : Em – Yes, Kalima’s checked in today, she’s unfortunately become accustomed to these massive aftershocks.
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I really like The Peoples View, also. Deaniac is a very good writer, IMO. The comments to the articles are sane. I like the tone on that site.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, the articles I have read at TPV have been, for the most part, excellent and well written. I don’t like to get into the spats either. I’d rather spend my energy fighting the thugs in Congress!
choicelady : Sabreen – the Benecol should not be used more than 1T a day – can give you the runs – but there are NO side effects. It’s bland but OK – I put it on eggs. You can use it for cooking (not baking)too. Everyone I’ve mentioned it to have benefitted from it. It has plant sterol esters that take cholesterol OUT of your system. It can be used alone if it works or with lower doses of cholesterol drugs. There are some that work via the digestive system rather than the liver. Have your doc look – waaaay fewer side effects.
AdLib : CL – So glad you came to The Planet as well!!! Along with Sabreen and Emerald and Patsy and all the truly cool and remarkable people here!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, has Kalima checked in? I’m sure they are OK, but I was wondering if you have heard anything?
AdLib : Em – I like The People’s View a great deal and even more since this dust up with KO and HP. I did find it interesting that deaniac, who is great, declared at their site that no more discussion would be allowed about division between Dems who supported Hillary over Obama in 2008. I respect their choice on that, we’re just a little different when it comes to things like that. We prefer to let people toss out their oppositions but constructively confront it. Again, not a criticism of TPV or saying one way is better than the other, just different.
choicelady : Em – small ones are kinda fun. Interesting experience. Problem is – if it’s small for you it can be big for someone else not too far away. They overall are scary.
Emerald1943 : CL, I heard this late morning east coast time. It was a 6.8 off the coast.
Sabreen60 : Cl, Thanks, I’ll try it. I have pretty much given up bread, but if I use the Benecol on a slice of bread it will lower it. I have muscle weakness with the other statins.
choicelady : Em – no I’d not heard ANOTHER in Japan. How awful for them!
Emerald1943 : CL, I’ve never experienced one. Has anyone heard from Kalima today? They had another big one that I heard about today as I was traveling.
choicelady : AdLib – I like The People’s View and all that, but there is nothing like the Planet. This is solid information, good – GREAT- interchanges, and this live chat which is superb. I don’t know anything better. Glad I came here!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, “The People’s View” is a good one with some smart people there too. But I do really like Planet the best.
AdLib : CL – That’s how the Northridge quake was down here, violent vertical quake, like a giant had picked up our house and was slamming it repeatedly on the ground.
choicelady : Em – I lived in upstate NY and had THREE quakes while there. None since I came back to CA. I’ve worried I brought them with me…
AdLib : Em – That’s music to my ears. There are other sites I like but the variety and minds at The Planet are quite singular.
Emerald1943 : CL, never mind. We east coast people don’t get the lingo sometimes. I was worried about Kalima after the one in Japan. Hope they are OK over there.
choicelady : Yeah – house shook then exploded upward. No damage here. Yikes! Now to worry about the Bay area…
AdLib : CL – Didn’t feel anything here in LA – you ok?
Emerald1943 : CL, where?
choicelady : OMG – earthquake in Sacto! Big single shock. Everyone else OK? Felt as if we’d been punched in the backside.
AdLib : Sabreen – That’s a difficult position to be in, the other drugs do seem to have a notable effect but what’s the trade off?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I’ve been looking at other blogs, just to try to get a feel on what the rest of the progressives are doing/saying. I have to tell you that there is no other that compares with PPOV IMO. We simply have the best!
choicelady : SAbreen – try Benecol. It’s expensive – $6 for 8 oz. but it’s a margerine substitute. I brought my levels down SIXTY points in three months. It’s in the margerine section, a tablespoon a day. I don’t use statins because of it.
Sabreen60 : Hi CL glad you’re here tonight.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, I’m sorry to hear that. I know it must worry you. The drugs are so lousy to take, especially if you have never taken much medicine before.
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I take a mild statin drug, Lescol. I cannot take the heavy duty ones, e.g. Crestor, Lipitor, etc. Even with exercise and eating right I can’t get my cholesterol down low enough. I have blood drawn every 3 months and it’s awful. I have small, deep veins that roll.
AdLib : Thanks CL and EM for the well wishes! Our little Planet is growing up!
Emerald1943 : CL, I’ve been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis…ouch ! Taking some pretty toxic meds that make me feel pretty crappy, but I’m still looking at the right side of the grass!
choicelady : Hey AL! Happy Big Two! Congrats to KQ, Kalima, and you for making this happen for all of us. Thank you!
AdLib : Hey Choicelady!!!
choicelady : Em – hit the wrong key – hope you’re OK?
AdLib : Sabreen – Yep, that’s about all they have. Their candidates may threaten the lives of Fed Chairmen or express concern over a Soviet Union that doesn’t exist but Obama misspoke ONCE when terribly exhausted in the midst of a heated campaign, 3 years ago. They lie, they justify, we all see the game but they don’t care, it’s not being played to manipulate us, it’s the ignorant Indie voters.
choicelady : Em – I’m fine. How are you? What’s the gallon of blood about? Hope you
Emerald1943 : And a big Happy Birthday to PPOV…and Elvis!! LMAO
choicelady : Em – I did not hear the Matthews interview. What did RP say?
Emerald1943 : CL!! Good to see you! I hope all is well with you and yours!
choicelady : Hi everyone! Happy Second Anniversary to all – even those of us who weren’t here the full time. GREAT celebration!
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, I heard that putz! He sets my hair on fire! Did you hear the interview with Chris Matthews tonight?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I was not going to implicate him for teaching me the naughty stuff!
AdLib : Em – KQ is quite good on the web lingo! I learn from him too!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I had to have a gallon of blood drawn just for that purpose yesterday..just to make sure I still had liver function for starters.
Sabreen60 : I heard Reince (RNC Chairman) defend Bachmann saying it was just a gaffe like President Obama saying 57 states. Do you believe they still mention 57 states after 3 years. That’s all they’ve got. And they don’t know he was including territories. But even if was a straight out gaffe they need to at least find another one.
AdLib : Sabreen – I always worry about liver or kidney damage with ANY pharma drug I take, so many are brutal to them.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, exactly! PMSL (I learned that today from one of our naughty members!)
AdLib : Em – That’s probably because other people aren’t as humble and objective as us!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, yep…the trouble is that too few people are smart enough to see it! Except for us, of course!
AdLib : Em – Yes, BofA lost 25% or so of stock value last week!
AdLib : Emerald – Candidates reflect the people in a party. Bachmann and Perry and even Trump represent the Ignorance Party. Obama represents the Intelligence party.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, hasn’t BoA stock taken a nose dive lately too?
Emerald1943 : Bito, I see you!! Come out, come out wherever you are!
AdLib : BofA is evil but they are getting their ass kicked due to their fraudulent loans during the bubble, even AIG is suing them along with others and they’re selling off divisions and cutting employees.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, how can they run anybody that damned stupid?? Does she just thump her bible harder than anyone else?
AdLib : Emerald – Yes, I saw that and was surprised that Bachmann didn’t also express concern about the Ottoman Empire.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I figured that out when I was in nursing school a long time ago.
AdLib : Emerald – That’s the trap. There’s actually an incentive for Pharma to have drugs that cause other issues…then sell drugs that address them.
Sabreen60 : AdLib, You’re right. All meds have side effects. Some people react others don’t. My husband has hypertension and it took the docs several attempts to find the right combination that controlled his blood pressure without side effects.
Emerald1943 : I think Perry is definitely going to self-destruct. He can’t keep his mouth shut!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, they are all rotten to the core! Lying b*stards!
AdLib : Sabreen – Yes and the guy who told Perry that is the head of their PAC. BofA put out a lie about it earlier, that he was just a BofA exec saying they support his growing jobs…but they were exposed. Liars.
Emerald1943 : Did you guys hear that Michelle Bachmann is worried about the rise of China, the rise of India, and the rise of THE SOVIET UNION??? LMAO
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that’s great….too bad it’s true! Now I have to take something to make me feel better from the pills I took to make me feel better!
AdLib : Patsy – Great! See you shortly!
Sabreen60 : I got a shove in the right direction today. I knew I needed to kick Bank of America to the curb, but today I read where Perry receive over $100,000 for his gubernatorial races and a BoA official was overheard telling Perry that BoA will be there for him. Yuk!
PatsyT : See you in a few
PatsyT : Family .. Yes all is well and Busy!
Emerald1943 : PatsyT!! Hi there!
AdLib : Hey Patsy! All well with the family?
PatsyT : I’ll be back in about an hour
AdLib : Emerald – I wrote a joke about that once, a commercial for a drug company, “We’re the ones who make the drugs that solve the problems our other drugs cause!”
PatsyT : Hey guys I hope all is well with you.
Emerald1943 : Enough of my belly-aching…d id you hear the latest from Bachmann?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, sometimes it’s like which is worse…the disease or the cure?
AdLib : It is a great age that we have so many medications for so many conditions but they can still take quite a toll on you.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, I’ve been on meds for about two months. Got another appointment with the doc in ten days. We may need to change one or two. Methotrexate is the culprit.
Sabreen60 : Em, Have you been on the meds for a while. Sometimes the body has to adjust and sometimes meds may need to be changed.
AdLib : Emerald – Good thing we’re not doing our rapid fire Jeopardy edition of VP tonight!
Emerald1943 : Sabreen and Adlib, sorry I typed wrong. Yes, it’s the meds that are making me feel so droopy.
AdLib : Emerald – Very sorry to hear that! Are you taking any medication?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, does she have rheumatoid?
Sabreen60 : Em, I so sorry to hear about your illness. Stay strong and fight. I’ve got a cousin is doing really great, but she’s a fighter.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that’s great!! I hope we continue to grow! I think we will!
AdLib : Emerald – The donation drive is going well, thanks to the kind generosity of our members!
Emerald1943 : Hi Sabreen! Hope you are well!
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! No worries, it should be fun.
Emerald1943 : Not really. I’ve got rheumatoid arthritis, just diagnosed, and I’m not feeling really well right now. It’s a bitch!
Sabreen60 : Hi folks. Hope everyone is doing ok. I have almost overdosed on politics this week. But I’m going to try and stick around for a while. I know I’ll get great info.
AdLib : Any fun plans for the weekend?
Emerald1943 : I hope so! How’s the contribution drive going?
AdLib : It always starts with two and then, like any good thing, more folks join in!
Emerald1943 : Good to see you too! I may not hang out too long tonight. Had a rough day.
AdLib : Sorry, I was just finishing a comment on O’Donnell and Pawlenty in TOOT! Nice to see you!
Emerald1943 : It’s just we two!
AdLib : Hey Emerald!
Emerald1943 : Hi!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
Emerald1943 : Hi Adlib! Are we ready?
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins at 7:00pm PDT tonight. Hope to see you then!
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