AdLib : Sleep well Bito and once again, thanks for everything you do! You are indeed a wizard! Have a great weekend!
AdLib : …all of that madness, that is.
AdLib : Yes, that was amazing and did soften the hard edge of all of that.
bito : G’night!
bito : “a Coalition of the Unwilling!” was close on the debt ceiling vote-until Gabby walked in the room and voted yes. She had an amazing affect on that vote, I watched it turn on C-Span
AdLib : Ok, looks like it’s time to pack up the Vox Populi cooler and umbrella until next Friday night. Thanks to all for making this another remarkable and fun discussion, hope to see ya next week!
AdLib : Exactly, this is both a key point for his presidency and re-election. He can put real policies on the table while ROmney, Bachmann and Perry just sneer. The only adult at the table, indeed!
bito : Yes AdLib I think both his proposals will be strong and serving his his reelection. both will be “put up or show me” what you have. I hope!?!
AdLib : Bito – It is funny but that could happen, a Coalition of the Unwilling!
bito : night,invient
AdLib : Night invient, so glad you joined us! Have a great weekend!
AdLib : He knows that he has an opportunity now to push hard for jobs. No one gives a shit about deficits now and the economic numbers have all made clear, revenues and jobs are all that’s needed right now. He needs to run with this and hard.
bito : Funny that the baggers plus Dems in the house can stop any bill. Is that beg compromise?
invient : Ok guys, its been fun… I am going to bed! Good Night!
AdLib : Bito – Obama is going to be rolling out his proposals for jobs and the debt committee in the next weeks and I think Dems and Progressives who have been upset at him will begin feeling a little better about him.
AdLib : Invient, I am sure hoping that Obama recognizes now that any deal is not a good thing and that he needs to protect entitlements no matter what. Also, knowing that the Baggers will never agree to any compromise, Dem votes will be needed in the House and if Pelosi and the Dems in the House think the bill cuts where it shoudln’t, they can stop it too.
bito : I await both the jobs bill and what he proposes to the joint committee, something he has mentioned he will do soon.
AdLib : Bito – That’s true, my sentence wasn’t well constructed. What I meant to say that if Obama is re-elected, he will have a mandate behind him at the end of 2012, just as the Repubs did in 2010 when he extended the tax cuts, and will be in an even stronger position to negotiate a good deal if one can be made.
invient : I agree, but will the democrats use this situation in their favor? History says probably not… but the entitlement programs are funadmental values, so they have to end up with no plan at the end
AdLib : And, the cuts don’t begin until 2013 under the automatic cuts provision so I say, let it go to that if the Repubs want too much slashing of entitlements and fix it with a new Dem COngress in 2013.
bito : Correction AL, the Bush tax cuts will expire even if Obama is not elected. He will still be in office.
AdLib : No, the funding for the wars is exempted.
AdLib : Bito – I think there are some defense cuts that have to do with the Pentagon and organization that would have to be cut, I don’t know if cuts would affect any substantive programs. I can tell you the military on defense industry sure will be lobbying hard for those cuts not to happen…and for a deal including revenues?
invient : true, it may be best that there is no deal… Would the wars get dropped because of this?
AdLib : Invient – I think that for long term strategy, it’s going to be better not to agree to any serious cuts in entitlements and if that’s all that Repubs will agree to, let there be no deal. There can always be a new negotiation at any time, and Obama would have all the leverage at the end of 2012, if he wins re-election, because the Bush Tax Cuts would expire.
bito : Both Dems and R’s do not want to see a defense cut, it’s a jobs program in almost every district. Tucson depends on some major money from defense/contract s and it’s very purple.
invient : the only congressman I know in that list is Kyl (because of his falsehood)… Baucus because of his original healthcare plan (from a nother gang I belive) and Toomey.
invient : if so, it just is not going to happen… they had a longer amount of time to debate this before the first debt debate, and they barely squeezed that plan out and it just offset the real choices anyway… so my vote is still no plan and catastrophic cutting.
AdLib : I would add though that the price of doing so will be cuts in Medicare and likely SS. Is that a good deal for the Dems, possibly losing the “GOP wants to kill Medicare” issue and having their fingerprints on cuts? But otherwise, all other social programs will be slashed.
AdLib : Yes, if they don’t pass a bill before the deadline, the automatic cuts are triggered to go into law.
bito : Maybe,lol, it depends if Portman will vote for the country or the party. He is not adverse to closing loopholes.
invient : before the deadline?
AdLib : And keep in mind that whatever they come out with, Dems and Repubs will have to vote for in both houses and Obama will have to agree to sign.
invient : IDK, I really think that they just setup a trip wire for the committee to fall into.
AdLib : I think the odds are against a deal but if they don’t make one, automatic cuts to defense that Repubs will have to sit and watch.
AdLib : I didn’t think so before but with the market crashing and polls hammering the Repubs…all we need is one Repub to say yes to killing loopholes. We do have the Bush Tax Cuts expiring as leverage too.
AdLib : …an imbalanced plan or no plan…
invient : no plan
AdLib : We’ll be wrapping up Vox Populi shortly but a quick poll, do you think that the Super Committee will come up with a balanced plan, and imbalanced plan or no plan?
AdLib : Night Cher, thanks for the cool news and please thank him for me!
Chernynkaya : OK, THIS is really goodnight!
Chernynkaya : Bito–you’re bad! Here it is: @Gordonskene
AdLib : Em – Have a great weekend!
invient : night Emerald
AdLib : Cher – Will do. C&L listed us this week in their Blog Roundup too, might be good to mention that to let him know we’re really up on C&L’s support and interest in The Planet.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, sounds like you guys have some business to do, so I’m going to sign off! I wish we could do Vox Pop more often than once weekly! Maybe you could consider it? Good night all!
bito : Cher give me his @ and I will do a search and a follow. Give him a TY and a big wet kiss
Chernynkaya : Em me too on both counts.
Chernynkaya : Night tex!
AdLib : Night Tex, have a great weekend!~
Chernynkaya : OK, AdlIb. He also asked if he can help us in anyway. Maybe email me?
Emerald1943 : Cher, I love the site Crooks & Liars. Never heard of Skene though.
AdLib : And if we could exchange Blogroll listings, that would be great too!
invient : night Tex
texliberal : Night all, supposed to rain in Big-D tomorrow and I want to get up early to see what that looks like. It’s been six weeks since the last sprinkle.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, let’s hope they didn’t learn their lesson and put Rubio on the ticket. He’s kinda’ smarmy to me!
AdLib : Cher – Tell him we’d love to have him join us and write an article!
Chernynkaya : He’s asking nif he can help us.
Chernynkaya : What should I tell him?
Chernynkaya : Ooh! I’m back–that guy on Twitter I mentioned? This is he: Newstalgia CNL The home of Crooks and Liar’s Newstalgia Site. Run by Gordon Skene, 2-time Grammy nominee, writer and history geek.
invient : bito, that sounds like gandalf… now all you need is a large gray robe
AdLib : Night Cher!
AdLib : Em – So true, the simple-minded thinking and chauvinist attitude of the GOP was, “Women will vote for women, we need to put a woman on the ticket!” They also probably bought into all that PUMA crap, thinking Dem eomen who supported Hillary would be so pissed off, they’d vote for any woman including an extremist loon.
bito : Night, @funksands and @Chernyaka
Emerald1943 : Cher, funk…good night! It’s been great! See you tomorrow!
texliberal : E1943, never count that prick out and his pac is sitting on billions
Emerald1943 : tex, eewwww! Rover makes me want to throw up in my mouth!!! I cannot tolerate looking at that bastard! Why is he not in jail…for something???
invient : night cher!
Chernynkaya : I gotta go too– TAke care everyone!
texliberal : night funk
bito : no, I never saw LOTR but I do have a long beard-right now and a long walking stick, does that count?
invient : good night funk!
Chernynkaya : Night, funk!
AdLib : Night Funk!
funksands : Night everyone!
Chernynkaya : tex–I knew but had forgotten that.
AdLib : Bito – Here’s Gandalf, the White Wizard in Lord of the Rings. «link»
Chernynkaya : Em that’s how I remember it too. Such a cynical and lame attempt.
texliberal : Did you know Karl Rove’s stepfather was gay. «link»
Emerald1943 : Cher, according to my son, yes he is. A real d*ck!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I know you are correct about the McCain campaign but I think it was a silly attempt to woo disappointed Hillary voters. They thought putting a woman on the ticket would lure us over from Obama/Biden.
Chernynkaya : Bito– you never saw Lord of the Rings?!
Chernynkaya : Em I heard Flatley was a putz.
invient : he has a beard and a massive cane
AdLib : Bachmann only pulls women who are submissive to their husbands.
Chernynkaya : Bito, I started out selective too. But today the US Fish and Wildlife Service followed me for some ungodly reason, and what? I’m gonna reject them? I’m just a gal who cain’t say no.
bito : Not knowing what Gandalf looks like, does he have a long beard? Then right now that’s me.
AdLib : Em – Palin was probably one of the most influential people as a VP, McCain’s campaign was about to nosedive because Obama had the momentum coming off of the convention, he was the “new” politician and McCain had no energy behind him. Palin came in and gave his campaign a great amount of energy though in the end, being as vicious as she is, Palin alienated indie voters while rallying the Repub faithful. Still, it was one of the biggest losses in recent history. In 2012, it won’t be the same case, Romney or Perry will be centerstage and whoever the VP is will be a feature but nowhere near a co-star as Palin was.
Emerald1943 : bito, you really do have to be careful!
You can’t just have ANYBODY following you!
invient : exactly
Chernynkaya : The only womens vote bachmann pulls are the women who don’t even think they should be allowed to vote.
Emerald1943 : Cher, my son used to drive motor coaches for rock bands and such. He drove for Michael Flatley and Lord of the Dance for about six months a few years ago.
funksands : I always thought of Bito as “Pilot” from Farscape. Too obscure.
Chernynkaya : But em, the the Reeps Ms Mooseburger worked and made the race closer.
Chernynkaya : Think I’ll go with Gandalf–much more apt!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, he deserves a raise!
He’s doing a great job! I don’t tweet and guess that I should learn so I can join in. But I always look at it to pick up interesting articles.
bito : Yes, Em I do the twitter feed and I’m a selective SOB but we just broke the 400 followers mark tonight. Many others have 30-50,000 but I’m snobbish.:-)
invient : Emerald, do you think Rep Bachmann pulls the women vote… somehow I think not.
AdLib : Cher – And I imagined him as Gandalf.
Chernynkaya : Oh I just had a funny image of Bito as Micheal Flatly of Lord of the Dance! Love that bito!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, all the complexity makes my head swim! Good point about the thugs alienating latinos. If they tried to put Rubio in the VP spot, it would look like a really pitiful attempt to just get their votes…kinda’ like McCain courting women with Ms. Mooseburger!
AdLib : Em – Yes, Bito is our Lord of the Twitter, he built it up and tweets for the site. He is truly a wizard at it!
invient : I got it book marked along with some other books I am going to read over the next few months… I am looking forward to being enlightened
AdLib : Tex – Good point and exactly why the Repubs have “alienated” the Latino vote for the foreseeable future. To keep their base behind them, they must express hatred towards minorities through policy and sometimes directly. This is not compatible with getting votes from them, I would guess.
Emerald1943 : invient, it’s an incredible book! You should definitely get a copy! It is available on Kindle if you have one.
invient : funk, that sounds useful to read…
Emerald1943 : Adlib, was it bito who does the Twitter feed?
Chernynkaya : AL–indeed! Bito are you here? Did you see that? (or was that you, being sneaky?)
Emerald1943 : funk…YES! Have a copy on my coffee table!
AdLib : Cher – How cool! Thanks for sharing that! An extra prop to Bito for all his great work on building up our Twitter!
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, good nite! See you tomorrow, I hope!
Sleep well!
bito : Night Sabreen!
Chernynkaya : TAke care, Sabreen!
texliberal : AL, lots of big differences in Latino communities. They are not monolithic but will rally around attacks on immigrants.
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
funksands : Anyone read Vincent Bugliosi’s book about Bush? That’ll open your eyes.
Chernynkaya : OT–just got a Twitter message from someone saying they love PlanetPOV and to keep up the good work!
invient : by Sabreen
Emerald1943 : Cher, weren’t we talking about this a couple of days ago? Holder is A HUGE JOKE!! I wonder who is lining his pockets.
Sabreen60 : I really enjoyed reading the comments. I’m not going to speculate or get “down” about 2012. WI did scare me a little. I thought the Dems would win at least 3. Actually, I not so sure they didn’t win 3. It’s not like there’s no history of wrong doing
Anyway, I’m going to call it a night. Everyone take care until the next time.
AdLib : Tex – Another Bush? Just don’t see it happening but after the country voted Repubs back in less than 2 years after destroying the economy, anything’s possible!
invient : Em, yes no sh*T… at least Rumsfield is going to get charges filed against him.
Chernynkaya : I hear you, Funk.
funksands : Cher, I simply can’t go there right now. I get too upset.
texliberal : Cher, guess who else speaks Spanish quite well? Little brother Jeb, but I think they’re saving him for 2016
Emerald1943 : invient, same reason Bush, Cheney, et al. have not been charged with war crimes…NO BALLS! They’re all so corrupt!
AdLib : Tex – Not so clear about Rubio’s benefit, he is also a pro-Ryan-Kill-Me dicare guy, that should equalize him in FL. Across the country, the truth is, people don’t really vote based on the 2nd spot in a ticket so you won’t see a lot of Latinos voting for Rick Perry to declare war on them just to have the satisfaction of voting for a ticket with a Latino on it.
Chernynkaya : I am pretty sure the ACLU is suing about the drug testing. And again, Where is HOLDER?
funksands : Bito I can totally tell.
bito : Working Out!
I wave my cane at the damn kids every day , funk.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I totally forgot about Charlie Crist. I thought he was a pretty good guy! Scott has 29% approval…heh heh! He is such a total scumbag! How much was that fine paid by his insurance company…1.4 BILLION???
invient : Em, why hasnt Clarence Thomas been debenched and disgraced? Its for the same reason, internal governmental agencies are either complacent or failing in their duties.
Chernynkaya : tex yes he’s Cuban, but still it might sit better than anglo to Hispanics, hearing speeches En Espanol.
Emerald1943 : invient, Scott sold his interest in the company that does the drug testing…to his wife! Why is this not illegal??
funksands : Bito, I don’t know what you are referring to. Have you been working out?
AdLib : Em – The 2010 election was about “voting against”, Scott won because they voted against Charlie Crist. Now, they finally realize what that vote meant, just as people in other swing states. Friends don’t let friends vote drunk with anger.
invient : funk, I wish he were still around… that guy just tells it how it is.
Chernynkaya : Em, what was even worse was Scott is making a fortune on Medicare scams! AND i believe he was going to make $$ on the drug testing too.
funksands : My wife is listening to George Carlin in the background. Very distracting.
invient : Em, yeah that is just incredibly wrong… it assumes drug abuse… what kind of person does that, and they have to pay for it upfront and the state reimburses if your negative… what a total @*SUFHOT@*%*@&*& @(….
texliberal : Cher, I think he’s Cuban American and that doesn’t sit well with Mexican Americans. But Rubio could bring Florida or at least the southern part in for the GOP. Lots and lots of scenarios
Chernynkaya : Am I the teacher! Whoopie! Yer all gonna stay after school!
Emerald1943 : invient, the deal about the mandatory drug testing was simply beyond belief! Talking about your over-reach!
bito : funk,teachers pet.
Chernynkaya : What funk said!
Emerald1943 : Cher, oh yes…now I remember. That is atrocious! I can’t believe they can just come in and fire all the elected officials.
AdLib : Tex – Good point about Rubio. Cher’s been keeping an eye on him.
funksands : Rick is going to set that state back 50 years. He is a deeply awful person and scumbag.
invient : Emerald, he spent 80% of his networth getting elected… he bought his own election
AdLib : Thanks Funk, very kind!
Chernynkaya : tex, and Rubio is Hispanic tho just as extreme as perry.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, how in the hell did they elect that crook Rick Scott in the last election?? I don’t understand Florida sometimes.
funksands : Ad: Your logic as always is flawless.
texliberal : Cher, Rubio might be a better fit for Romney than Perry.
Chernynkaya : MI is the state will the city manager–the one who can overrule the voters.
AdLib : Funk – Obama is then ahead in all swing states right now, in his worst weeks as President and without having attacked his opponents yet while being attacked constantly. That speaks well of 2012. Also in FL, though it may show Obama and ROmney tied, once they hear that Romney wants Medicare slashed and privatized, watch that state go for Obama.
Emerald1943 : bito, what?????? I have CRS syndrome!
Chernynkaya : Em–I am certain we’ll see plenty of fire form O.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, well if they don’t get him in January, they’ve got a long, long cold winter in front of them. He’s a bona fide ratfucker!!
funksands : Oh yeah. A spear through the eye just isn’t the same in 2d.
Chernynkaya : AL–I guess you’re right. Before the Iowa debate I got an email from Jim Messina reminding me to watch the debate. And today I saw an ad for Obama saying “miss me yet?” with pics of all the R candidates.
bito : Em, your testing my short term memory, which barely exists on the MI vote.
AdLib : EM – Walker is playing a game now but when people see what DMVs he’s cut and how he’s redistricted to prevent them from voting, they’ll realize even more that if they don’t stop him now, they’ll have a hard time stopping him later.
invient : is it in 3D
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I hope the Obama CAMPAIGN has a little more fire in them than we’ve seen from the Prez although I will give him credit for a good speech yesterday.
funksands : “If you liked George Bush, you’ll love BushII: Final Destination”
Chernynkaya : Ahem. You know who one of the picks for VP is? Rubio on the short list for Mitt.
invient : lol, yes that is a huge factor…. “what bush sonny!”
bito : To many ‘if’s’ and not enough positive possibilities, Cher,
AdLib : Cher – We can’t take any of this as a reason not to fight as hard as we can to get Dems and Obama elected but I said earlier, voters are not going to replay the 2010 elections again, they see right now what voting against Obama got them and they don’t like it. The election will be about what Obama and Perry/Romney want to do with the economy once they’re elected. People are not going to vote this time to flip the bird to Obama to lose Unemployment Insurance, SS and Medicare, etc. That is a personal thing and people WILL vote to keep what they need.
funksands : Oh, and Ohio
Emerald1943 : invient, senility!
invient : Florida, WTF is wrong with you!
Emerald1943 : bito, I know about Ohio but what’s the referendum in Michigan?
funksands : Obama ahead of every GOP candidate in Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, Nevada, NC, Pennsylvania, Florida (tied with Mitt).
Chernynkaya : OK–{{{cleansing breath}}}
Chernynkaya : AL–Agree! (but it’s “just deserts”–forgi ve me!)
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I hope you are right on that. Walker was on Morning Joke this morning and he has changed his tone a little bit. Wants to “work with the other side” on jobs…suuuure he does. I think he got a good scare!
bito : If Walker get’ recalled and the referendums in Mich and Ohio pass, it will be a huge boost to Dems, Em
funksands : Cher: Breath.
invient : Emerald, I was very surprised that we only won two seats…
Emerald1943 : Cher, low b/p? and you still have blood pressure problems? Boy, these thugs really have you in a bind!
AdLib : Em – The pundits are chatting about how this will diffuse a push to recall Walker but I think it’s BS. Now it becomes MORE important to recall him and winning in Repub districts should empower them. I’ve heard it’s moving forward.
Chernynkaya : OK, But lets say the jobs situation gets worse. And something goes terribly bad in Af/Pak. I still think the country is going crazy. The stock mkt, the Shock Doctrine–more budget battles ahead in September. Lot’s of wild cards. Plus, freakin’ Dems don’t freakin’VOTE enough! See? I’m working myself up already.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, what about Wisconsin? I’m worried about them and the recall on Walker.
AdLib : Sorry Cher, both of mine have been gone for a long time.
funksands : Em, even Perry.
Emerald1943 : funk..I had not seen that!
AdLib : This is what chess is all about. The Repubs could have played their power smartly and gradually but by trying to grab for everything, they’ve turned the public in swing states against them. Like the wealthy do, all they think about is what they can get today and screw the damage that comes tomorrow because of it. In this case, instead of wrecking the economy, their greed looks to have helped assure their losing power in 2012. If that happens, just desserts indeed.
Emerald1943 : Cher, seniors will ALWAYS vote for whoever will save their retirement and Rick Scott has about a 29% approval rating. Buyers’ remorse!
funksands : Em, Obama is ahead of every GOP candidate in NC.
Chernynkaya : Em, with me it’s my blood pressure–and I have low blood pressure.
Emerald1943 : Cher, that’s what did me in last time! My stomach won’t take too much! Good ol’ Maalox!
Chernynkaya : Florida is a funky state. I never know what they’ll do.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, if the Prez will come out strong with his message on saving SS/Medicare in FL, he can take the state.
Chernynkaya : AL–My too! (RIP)
texliberal : AL, teabagger Governors may indeed save Obama
AdLib : Cher – Love your Bubby!
Chernynkaya : I gotta say–I don’t think I can take this long campaign season. My stomach is clenching already. I’m so agitated by the Reeps!
funksands : Ad-exactly. The deck is really stacked against any GOP nominee…
bito : You Go, invient Colorado blue!
AdLib : Funk – With Rick Scott hated, I think Obama will do well in FL. For the same reason, I think he’ll do well in OH, MI and WI. If he wins those states, he wins.
Chernynkaya : AL–I love the way you think! As my Bubby would say: From your mouth to God’s ear.
invient : bito, your right, being a mormon would cause way more IMO to stay home than 1-2%… so that alone is a risk if you are going to be the president on the ticket…. a VP maybe its fine but probably not
funksands : Cher: Exactly. What else can he lose? He’d have to lose Pennsylvania?
Emerald1943 : Cher, a Gallup poll today shows Obama well ahead of a rethug!
AdLib : The only way you get to a Romney/Perry ticket is with Perry losing the nom…I don’t know that he will. Reverse that ticket and it’s far worse. I am rooting for Perry to come in and use his Bush-like manner to sweep up the energy and core Repubs. If he blows it along the way and Romney pulls it out, I think he would definitely want Perry as VP…though by then, they may loathe each other.
invient : I can tell you right now, Colorado is going be democratic in 2012… I am going to see to that!
texliberal : Count nothing out in the 2012 Presidential campaign. It could make the Jefferson. Adams campaign of 1800 look tame by comparison. The money that will be spent will be staggering.
Chernynkaya : Funk–today Obama is ahead of any Rep in Colorado.
funksands : Obama has to lose 90 electoral votes to the GOP candidate. Where is that going to come from? Let’s say Florida, Missouri, Iowa, Colorado and North Carolina flip to the GOP. That is still only 69 electoral votes. Doesn’t look good for the GOP.
bito : Ok, I back to preaching. 1-2% in each district can turn a state/national election- with a Mormon will there be 1-2% not turn out to vote?
Emerald1943 : It’s almost like when he’s asked a question, you’re not sure if he is going to answer or not. Once he gets going, he is OK, but there is always that pause before he starts.
Chernynkaya : IF the Prez has his game on and really challenges RAomney, and doesn’t behave TOO gentlemanly. He has to walk a fine line.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, the Prez would eat him alive!
AdLib : EM – I was imagining Romney at a debate with Obama and I just can’t see him ever coming off as a winner, he is so false and weak.
Chernynkaya : AL–Oh, I’m praying for Perry! He’s a sure loser. But I think a Romney/Perry ticket might help.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, you nailed it!!
Emerald1943 : There is still a long long time until the rethug convention! Lots of time for these guys to shoot themselves in the foot…uh..feet!
AdLib : Cher – I do think that GOP turnout would be lower with Romney as the nom than Perry but many will still turnout strongly because of their hatred of the black president. Indie voters is a whole other thing. Perry is not only way outside their comfort level in his issues but he is a vicious man in campaigns and in the end, indie voters are turned off by people that come across as nasty. I know it sounds superficial but this is part of Obama’s appeal to them. Romney could do better with indies so I’d rather have Perry.
Chernynkaya : Bito–but as inv. says–maybe they hate the black guy so much…?
bito : That’s good Cher! nom Mitt and the RR may stay away!
funksands : I just can’t see a TP darling playing 2nd fiddle to the establishment candidate again. They’ve got their taste.
Chernynkaya : invient–that’s what I think too.
invient : I think the hate they have for Obama will over power their disdain for mormons…. when it gets to the general election they will vote whoever is on the ticket it does not matter
Chernynkaya : Funk–I do. he’s young enough for 2016.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, Romney looks weak next to about anybody there.
funksands : I don’t think Perry would EVER accept a VP spot under Romney.
Chernynkaya : Is there ever any chance the Reep base will finally stay home? If its Mitt?
AdLib : Tex – Yes, I can see a Romney/Perry ticket (as frightening to most Americans) but I think Perry has the edge on energizing the base. There are Baggers who have websites up saying they will run their own candidate if Romney wins. Right now, I think Perry has the most room for growth and Romney runs the risk of looking lame next to Perry.
funksands : Bito:
invient : I all for that one… we can keep the same acronym
Emerald1943 : How about “Marcus is GAY” party???
Chernynkaya : Greedy Old Pricks works for me.
bito : Mitt acts like he hates being a human, or doesn’t understand it.
funksands : Tex, that’s very possible.
invient : Ad, yeah that does seem like how the GOP has operated the last election…. can stop calling the grand old party… we need to give it a more sinister “Your a bunch of A-holes” type of name.
Chernynkaya : If AL is right about there being no more Reep establishment–w e win in a landslide. Really.
texliberal : Funk, they could come up with a Romney/Perry ticket in an attempt to cover all their bases.
funksands : Em, totally. He’s in this because its the next logical step. GHW Bush looked the same way when he campaigned.
invient : Cher, except that recent corporations are people comment, I think you are right… still the mormon thing is deciding it for him and it is the same problem for huntsman
Emerald1943 : funk, now that you mention it, he DOES look like he hates it!
AdLib : invient – I don’t think the Establishment GOP is at the wheel of the party anymore. Incumbents are terrified of being primaried so they will conform to Bagger extremism and business people can’t prevent that because they are still a minority of voters even in the GOP.
funksands : Romney could win, but he’s mormon, more wooden than Gore and looks like he hates what he’s doing.
bito : funk. that would have been great! 100-1 1000-1 !
Chernynkaya : Inv–I think Romney has a good shot too. People like wealthy businessmen–sti ll!
funksands : Hmmmm true.
Emerald1943 : invient, they are caught between the old rock and a hard place. They want somebody to fire up the baggers but still somebody who could win the general. It doesn’t look like they have many good choices.
invient : In reality the only GOP guy that could win the general election would be Huntsman… IMO
AdLib : Funk – The Black Plague plays well with the rats too.
funksands : Bito, I think Brett should have upped the ante. “How about 100-1? A 1000-1? Made them look even crazier.
AdLib : EM – I agree, I would like Perry because he sounds a bit like Bush, is a religious extremist who wanted to secede and thinks entitlements are unconstitutional . That’s my kind of GOP nom!
bito : Correct AdLib, look at the turn down of the 10-1 deal last night, they want to return to 1890!
Chernynkaya : Oh, I agree, AL. But I can’t believe most reeps are that stupid as to give him the nom. I just can’t see it–but I can dream!
Emerald1943 : funk…ah, the Spanish Inquisition! Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
funksands : Sheesh! I’ve got bass on the brain!! What is wrong with me?
invient : Ad, but wouldnt the establishment GOP want to pick a guy that may actually win? If there is such a candidate
funksands : Ad, the Spanish Inquisition plays well with the bass.
AdLib : Cher – You’re looking too far ahead I think. For the Repub primary, the more extreme candidate will likely win. If Perry wants to privatize all entitlements, that will play well with the GOP base.
invient : by foodchain
Chernynkaya : take care FC!
bito : Night Food!
funksands : Night Lord! Night FC!
AdLib : Foodchain, great to have you on Vox!
Emerald1943 : food, good nite! Hope you’ll be back next time!
Chernynkaya : Night, AD!
funksands : The bass ass is the best part of the bass.
AdLib : Night AD! Night Foodchain!
Chernynkaya : Exactly!
invient : by ADONAI
bito : The story on the IN. rep is on TO/OT
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I would rather see Obama run against Perry…lots of juice stuff to dig up there against Perry, especially with these nutbag preachers. I think Perry would have a hard time. Also his jobs record that they brag about is supposedly low-wage jobs. Would ya’ like fried with that??
foodchain : MY first night has been great. Gotta go, my boys are back in town
ADONAI : Well kids, time for me to skedaddle as well. Good night folks. Peace be with you. «link»
AdLib : Too bad that guy is only a state rep though since it’s IN and Daniels is Gov, would have stayed Repub.
Chernynkaya : AL I still think it’ll be Mitt. Did you see that Perry said SS and Medi are unconstitutional ?
invient : somehow I bet the guy does not step down
kesmarn : See y’all tomorrow!
AdLib : Cher – Now THAT is a sex scandal. Not some Weinergate!
funksands : bas-ass?
funksands : Cher: Great story. The kid’s sister sounds like a bas-ass.
bito : Good night Ms K’es, my candle is always glowing for you.
Chernynkaya : Night, kes!
Chernynkaya : it was this guy: Indiana State Rep. Phillip Hinkle arranged a tryst with a young man after reading his ad in the “Casual Encounters” section of the online classifieds site.
funksands : invient: I love that!
AdLib : Night Kes!
AdLib : Enjoy bashing the hypocrites named Bachmann but they are in the end irrelevant. Perry may stumble but he’s a good bet for the nom. Romney is disliked by at least half the party, by the time Bachmann and Ron Paul are out, their votes will go to Perry and Perry would have or be close to a majority. Right now, I am thinking (and hoping) it can be Perry though Romney may pull a McCain and slip in after Perry self-destructs.
Emerald1943 : See you tomorrow Kes?
funksands : Night kes!
invient : stay «link»
ADONAI : nite kes!
invient : by kes
Emerald1943 : Kes, don’t go! We were just getting warmed up!
kesmarn : Just when things are getting spicy, I’m gonna have to depart, kids. Behave yourselves after I leave. And have a great weekend!
Chernynkaya : Lemme check, Em…
Chernynkaya : Dammit, Funk–I followed the link and actually played it.
ADONAI : funk «link»
Emerald1943 : Cher, NO…WHO…WHEN? ??
foodchain : dHI Funk
Emerald1943 : funk, I love these! Thanks!
Chernynkaya : Y’all heard about another anti-gay rep caught wide-stancing, huh?
funksands : Cher: «link»
foodchain : Hey, no Foxxy Boxing!
bito : Marcus can be as gay as any other gay, it’s the total hypocrisy and that runs rampant on many issues of this crop of wanna-be’s
ADONAI : Since it doesn’t really matter who Obama faces, they’re all pwnd, I’d like to see Obama face that funny cat what plays them keyboards for Presidentin’.
Emerald1943 : Instantrimshot.c om Is that it, AD? Hysterical!
AdLib : Whoops, meant he wasn’t originally an opponent of gay marriage…blew that one!
Chernynkaya : Funk! Yes! He get an ass caught around his neck!
AdLib : Marcus Bachmann wasn’t originally a supporter of gay marriage until he found out it only meant gay men weren’t allowed to marry other men.
Chernynkaya : Dang–lost my place there for a minute and had to cactch up.
Emerald1943 : food, I’m glad you can research stuff and still participate on VP…I can’t multi-task that well!
foodchain : Kesmarn, tooooo funny. Tonya Harding and Octomon
ADONAI : Hello funk!
Emerald1943 : funk…LMAO!
AdLib : Hey Funk!
foodchain : What’s the matter with Iowa? I can’t find the chart that shows the revenue takers s the revenue providers but it should be front and center for the elections. Every farm subsidy should be discussed. Deep fried bull
funksands : What was it? Marcus is one ascot away from Rip Taylor?
ADONAI : «link»
ADONAI : D’oh!
ADONAI : instantrimshot.c om
bito : ‘xactly k’es. He doesn’t give a plug about gay or womens rights in the US. but that evil Iran!
invient : lol
ADONAI : Foxxy Boxing? I dunno.
AdLib : Overheard at the Iowa Fair, Michele Bachmann saying to her husband Marcus, “No-no-no, it’s not called, “Ride a Stick of Butter”, it’s called “Fried Butter on a Stick”.
Emerald1943 : Cher, somebody needs to tell Marcus to quit DANCING with his wife, bouncing around all over the stage…it looks just plain ol’ GAY!!
funksands : Sarah Palin IS the Tonya Harding of politics.
ADONAI : EM, She won’ accept VP. I used to think she was running for the one spot but I;m starting to come over to the side that thinks this is a test run for 2016.
kesmarn : Sarah could join Tonya Harding and Octomom on the women’s wrestling circuit…?
texliberal : Running for the Presidential nomination of the GOP has now become a profession. Just like a carny or a grifter.
Chernynkaya : ALO– those are fabulous!
MArcus! Oh, I’m still laughing!
funksands : Nothing but meth and carny side shows in Sarah Palin’s future.
ADONAI : Cause a huge bus with the fucking Constitution spray painted on the side like a unicorn on a van, just screams, “Ignore me”.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, ROTFLMAO
bito : Sister S’arah is all Sister S’arah nothing more.
invient : what is that ladies purpose? Is she going to run, or just money grabbing….
AdLib : Okay Cher, my entry in the labeling of the two photos. For Santorum, “This taste’s good enough to marry!” For Marcus Bachmann, “Haven’t we already met?”
Emerald1943 : AD, do you think she’s teaming up with one of them for the VP spot?
ADONAI : I;m sure she’s explaining to a reporter, any reporter, that she doesn’t want a lot of attention.
Emerald1943 : Anybody heard anything from Sister Sarah at the fair today? God, can she rain on a parade or what???
kesmarn : b’ito, kind of interesting how women and gays have rights in the ME that they don’t seem to “need” here with the Repub POV.
ADONAI : But this is from a guy who will eat anything wrapped in bacon
Chernynkaya : I’d eat fried butter. And all the stuff AD mentioned. But only at the Fair.
invient : atleast it is saturated fat, that has a lower conversion from lipid to LDL… but still it is just grotesque.
Emerald1943 : AD, I agree! I have never seen fried butter…don’t want to either!
ADONAI : Two noble professions tex. I’m sure they’ll do ya proud.
AdLib : Bito – Exactly. The wealthy don’t want a “better” way of paying the unemployed, they want NO way of paying them.
bito : but Santorum was bitching about the way gays are treated in Iran! He dosn’t care about the US, but Iran!
Chernynkaya : I know, right? Candidates–don ‘t eat foot long anythings, OK? And stay away from the brown acid!
ADONAI : I do love Corn Dogs from the fair. Not as much as Funnel Cake but they’re good. And I gotta draw the line at fried butter. I have eaten many fried products. Chicken, beef, pork, Oreoes. Why not just inject the cholesterol directly into my veins?
AdLib : Cher – Those photos are hilarious!
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib and we really should add police and fire protection to the list of things we don’ need no steekin’ gummint to pay for, too.
Chernynkaya : Hey AL!
texliberal : AD, they sought easier pickings, one’s now a firefighter the other followed me to the police dept
Chernynkaya : Kes–true!!
invient : That commercial was great
Emerald1943 : Iowa “cornography” a la Stephen Colbert!
foodchain : I thought I heard about fried butter! Really, counter-dependen t taken too far. If they don’t want to be healthy, fine.
AdLib : Hey Cher!
Chernynkaya : I got it from KagroX,bito.
AdLib : Kes – Out of our declining or non-existent wages, in a GOP America, we pay for our children’s schools, our health insurance, our SS, our unemployment, our street repair, etc. Vote Perry/Pawlenty 2012. For an imploding America!
ADONAI : I don’t doubt it tex. hard work builds character.
Chernynkaya : We all know it’s hard to eat a corndog gracefully. But the soft serve? C’mon.
kesmarn : Hey, Cher! Mrs. Bachmann doesn’t look too submissive there as she’s smashing that corndog into the Master’s mouth. I think he’s enjoying it though.
bito : Cher, I just saw that on twitter from karoli.
invient : Mr. Bachmann: “No I dont wanna put that oblonged shaped food in my mouth…. [stop thinking those thoughts…ARGGG GG] “
texliberal : I made two of my sons do some roofing in the summer time after their junior year in high school. Their grades improved dramatically their senior year
Emerald1943 : OMG! That picture of Santorum is great! I’ll bet Marcus would really get off on that!
Chernynkaya : Santorum really oughtta know better.
invient : lol
ADONAI : HA! He Santorum’d it.
Chernynkaya : And Perry is about to sit on a keilbasa with any luck.
Emerald1943 : Cher! How was the fried butter?? YUCK!
invient : Oh Santorum… you are not helping your google results with that one
bito : Adlib, I was speaking to a wealthy bidness owner and she was bitching about the UI “tax.” I asked her if they did away with it would you pay the employees more in wages. Her reply was “Hell No.”
ADONAI : Hello Cher! Thank you
Chernynkaya : Just “popping” in for a sec with a couple of pics from the Iowa fair: «link» and «link»
ADONAI : Snakes.
AdLib : Tex – Picking fruit is actually an acquired skill. They tried using prisoners in GA to make up for the immigrants they chased away with oppressive laws and they ruin the fruit and produce far less than those immigrants who have been doing it for years. It is grueling work which many older job seekers could never do and unless you could pick quickly and efficiently like those experienced, you’d be lucky to make $20 in a day. Then your family starves and gets kicked out of its home anyway. Not a solution.
texliberal : AD bears?
Emerald1943 : If people are hungry enough, they will do ANYTHING!
ADONAI : Still sucked.
invient : tex, I think there are jobs that Americans will not do. I am sorry to say that, but damnit if I get a degree I am not going to go pick vegetables.
Emerald1943 : tex, no they don’t. You have to bend over to pick them. Back-breaking work!
kesmarn : Oh yeah, that too, Em.
foodchain : picked quite a few strawberries. Mmmmmmmm Raspberries are tough though
texliberal : AD, not the same. Stawberries don’t grow on bushes
Emerald1943 : Kes, don’t forget to pay your taxes!!!
ADONAI : I used to pick blackberries.
kesmarn : Don’t forget, AdLib… We’re also supposed to pay for our own health care in their little universe (with another “savings account). So — yeah — retirement, unemployment and health all deducted from that $20/day grape picking job.
texliberal : Ya ever pick strawberries?
AdLib : Tex – I can tell you this, when any job listing goes up nowadays, it is swamped with people wanting that job.
ADONAI : No tex. There aren’t. People want to work.
texliberal : Are there jobs Americans won’t do?
Emerald1943 : Kes, bito…how can anybody doubt that the rethugs have a huge national agenda to completely undermine any safety net for the American people??
foodchain : Invient, yeah, I guess what would be better is preventative health care. Oh wait, that might be what the SEC was supposed to do.
AdLib : Get that? “Workers must finance their own unemployment, providing an incentive to avoid job loss and increase the job search effort during unemployment.” The real reason for unemployment is that people just aren’t desperate enough to work picking grapes for $20/day. And think about how much you save each month for retirement…you ‘d have to save at least $1,000 a month more and when it ran out…you starve.
ADONAI : “UISA eliminates the perverse incentives of publicly provided benefits.” he still thinks people WANT to be on unemployment. That we live the fucking high life! as a person who has been on unemployment I can say, We don’t! You can’t live like that. And the few who could aren’t enough to make his argument. It’s asinine.
Emerald1943 : bito, today? I’ll look for it.
kesmarn : Keep ’em poor and keep ’em desperate to please, Mr. Boss Man, Em. It’s the Repub way.
invient : it assumes that there are jobs to be had in the first place… and not just jobs but ones that maximize your human capital to the general economy…
bito : Em, I think I tweeted a link to Mitts wealth and him still collecting his SS check.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that last sentence just set my hair on fire!! “providing an incentive to avoid job loss
AdLib : Karoli at C&L wrote that this ROmney plan really has its roots in a Koch sponsored think tank paper. Here’s a quote from it: “Unemployment insurance is meant to support workers who lose their jobs during downturns. However, public unemployment insurance produces unintended consequences,lea ding to lower prosperity. A more effective approach to providing support for workers is to establish Unemployment Insurance Savings Accounts (UISA).13 These individual savings accounts are funded by a percentage of wages contributed by the employee and employer in lieu of the compulsory contributions currently made by employers to public trust funds. When an individual becomes unemployed, she may access the account. If the individual is never unemployed, she can roll those savings into a retirement account. UISA eliminates the perverse incentives of publicly provided benefits. Workers must finance their own unemployment, providing an incentive to avoid job loss and increase the job search effort during unemployment. “
invient : foodchain, wouldnt that be like a credit default swap (where the insurer pays out if the protfolio does bad?) err I hate CDS’s
Emerald1943 : bito, somebody needs to spread that info about Romney about the interwebs! SS checks so he can pay his country club membership!
ADONAI : Indeed. fuck that dude. I’ve not liked him since that day he said his sons were “serving their country” by helping him get elected President instead of going to Iraq. And this was when eh was REALLY pushing escalation in the Middle East.
Emerald1943 : Kes, that’s great!
foodchain : I’m surprised they haven’t thought about 401K insurance
kesmarn : That Yo-Yo guy is kind of amazing.
kesmarn : Great idea, Em! Hair therapy for “the gay.” Hair STRAIGHTener, if you will.
bito : AdLib, on Mitt and his saving for UI. He was born a millionaire and his report says he is worth 150-200 mill. and he still collects his SS. Excuse me, but Fuck Him!
foodchain : AdLIb, pretty soon they won’t need to say anything. I’m stunned at how the words don’t even fit together in any logical way–beyond the insult and injury they cause. They could truly hold up a gop candidate sign and spew nonsense syllables
AdLib : Emerald – Yes, Romney thinks he’s so clever to come up with a Private Unemployment account concept…which would kill UI so when a recession came like this, it would be sure to become a Depression.
ADONAI : I can honestly say I was just impressed by a person’s yo-yo abilities.
Emerald1943 : Kes, that hair might just inflame Marcus…might cure him of “the gay”!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I cannot believe he could be so completely clueless!
kesmarn : I think the homophobia thing goes back to their ultra-literal take on the Bible, too. And there are condemnations of homosexuality in the Old Testament. But then, there are condemnations of lotsa other things, too. For instance I think Michelle is supposed to keep her hair covered and her mouth shut, too.
AdLib : In fact, since Romney believes insurance for unemployment is a hand out, wouldn’t insurance for one’s health, home and car be handouts? Shouldn’t Romney be asked if he wants to outlaw the business of insurance?
invient : Ad, yes that is more ammo for us to remember… it is ridiculous to ask someone living paycheck to paycheck (which was the state of most families before the crash) to save up for their own unemployment. It is really just inhumane to propose something like that.
ADONAI : Corporate personhood also makes it possible to sue the shit out of a company but there are so many different, better ways we could have handled this.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, WHAT??? Did he REALLY say that???
bito : Diversion: World YoYo Champion «link» #TPC
Emerald1943 : AD, I have a guy who works for me who is gay. He is such a great guy and I love him dearly. He has been through hell with discrimination!
AdLib : Em – Which reminds me, another issue for Dems and Obama to hammer on Romney is what he mentioned last night. Instead of UI, his bright idea is to allow Americans to save up their own money for unemployment. HUH??? You know, in addition to your saving for retirement, just put aside two thousand a month for your own unemployment? As for people who ARE unemployed right now and need UI? They should go back in time and save for 20 years so they can spend all their savings on survival? This guy can be nailed to the wall on so many, the best ones need to be remembered.
Emerald1943 : Oh noooo. my cache runneth over!
ADONAI : And saying you “cure homosexuality” is such a slap in the face to the gay community. Like it were a disease and there were something wrong with them. Such a mean spirited thing to say.
Emerald1943 : AD, you are so right!
ADONAI : it does seem that people so intent on “curing homosexuality” wind up being gay themselves, just using this as a crutch to keep from admitting who they are and finding peace with it.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, but he was setting a good example for unemployed out there…he is networking!
kesmarn : Yes, Em. It is a lower court according to this. I think I “mis-remembered .”
AdLib : And thank goodness, Romney is standing up now as a populist, fighting for the people…who are corporations. That can only endear him to most Americans after joking about being unemployed.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I never heard of that case. That must be something different, but it is not the Supremes ruling. It’s a lower court.\
foodchain : Invient, more how the GOP uses the media and Rupurt. Rather, I would would like to go after Grover, like a little white lie, heh, heh. Just once?
ADONAI : Goddamn Dick Cheney looks evil.
AdLib : Emerald – Oh, there must be a misprint on Marcus’ bio.
bito : “I’m not saying he is gay! i have just heard rumors, not that there’s anything wrong with that “
kesmarn : Em, I’ve been digging away researching a bit (to go back to the Bush/Cheney thing on torture) and this may have been what choicelady was referring to: «link»
invient : errr I am summoned once again!
ADONAI : I just hope him being gay or not doesn’t become an issue. so many other important things. That’s best left to the interwebs.
Emerald1943 : Adlib…
I think the site is rent a boy.com
AdLib : Bito – That’s true! But now, it might be possible with the leverage of the expiring Bush Tax Cuts.
bito : AdLib, We were talking about the transaction tax on the PlanetPOV since 2009! Damnit! 11 million shares a day have been traded this week last.
invient : lol
ADONAI : That sounds very doable AL. A very good plan.
AdLib : Marcus isn’t gay, that’s just a nasty rumor spread by someone he met on RentBoy.com.
invient : foodchain, not murdoch style? I hope
Emerald1943 : foodchain, that works for me…it works for the rethugs too! Isn’t that the technique they use all the time?
foodchain : Em, let’s just call Marcus gay until he is. We would just be using the modern journalism techniques
AdLib : invient –
Emerald1943 : foodchain, we were talking about that on TO/OT yesterday. I found this website “nationalcorrup tionindex.org” I think it’s called. They had quite a file on Mr. Norquist;
AdLib : AD – This is why I don’t want the Bush Tax Cuts expired, I would rather have tax loopholes and subsidies killed. Then BofA, Exxon, GE, etc. would HAVE to pay taxes in the billions. Just letting the tax cuts expire but leaving in the loopholes and subsidies just means they pay $0 taxes on higher rates.
foodchain : Oh Bito, Grover should have something done to him. Like “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” How anyone can let him be this powerful condemns the whole GOP
ADONAI : HA! I see what you did there invient.
invient : I DO!
Emerald1943 : Who all thinks Marcus Bachmann is gay??
ADONAI : Can we call him Norquist? every time someone says Grover I think, “Near!….. FAR!……Near!. ……FAR!”
invient : AD, I made a comment on that news site that can not be named that really how you elect a gay president is to elect a christian wife he is married and submissive to.
foodchain : I love the idea of all these people giving their hard earned money –or not hard earned–to these candidates only to see them get flushed out. Ha ha
Emerald1943 : I’m back…bito, I like that idea about Grover! I wish somebody would catch him in a really bad uncompromising position or something!
AdLib : Bito – It’s a pleasant thing to imagine, Grover in jail and upset at the terrible food and crowded cells he has to live in because there’s not enough tax money to pay for better.
ADONAI : O.K., submissive wives. Now I get it. Wondered why that word kept coming up. How very Japanese. I don’t think that flies in this country though.
invient : just in case you want sources (it is a blog, but hey that is todays journalism)… «link»
AdLib : The nation knows Bachmann is bats so any “news” org that gives her credibility is wasting its time. And anyway, Perry is going to knock her out of the race in SC. She’ll be out soon after that.
ADONAI : At the top of my list is BofA actually paying taxes. Any. At all. How do you get away with shit like that?
bito : Can we try Grover for treason, AdLib?
invient : bito, the interesting thing is they are being sued by AIG for lying about their loans being “good”… and then they recently pulled the same stunt by selling fredie mae and or fannie (cant remember) 70 billion in morgages, which turned out to then cause that company to ask the treasury for 5 billion more… so we indirectly just gave another bailout to BofA
AdLib : Bito – That tax is at the top of my list, a transaction tax on stocks! It would bring in a fortune and be very Progressive.
kesmarn : Does Bachmann even own a dictionary, you gotta wonder, invient, no? Submissive = respect? Not in MY Webster’s.
bito : I just hope that we don’t have to pick up the tab of B of A again if they do tank. Did I say investment/trans action tax again?
ADONAI : Yo know Romney would say no and then give some half ass answer involving small businesses and “job creators”
invient : Kes, when someone equates submissive to respect… I think a few neurons misfired.
kesmarn : Chocolate cake, Em?
AdLib : If I was advising Obama, I’d tell him to hold on tight to the 10-1 cuts/taxes refusal vote from the debate for a killer attack on the eventual GOP nom. “I would just like to ask Mr. Perry/Mr. Romney, if the economy was on the verge of collapse, if it meant losing SS and Medicare, education and military, would he refuse to raise any taxes?
invient : lol
kesmarn : Yes, b’ito. Tonight even PBS was treating Bachmann as though she had a brain and was a sane individual. How ludicrous.
Emerald1943 : Back in a few…don’t leave anybody!
ADONAI : I think if someone asks President Obama why he hasn’t been “focused on jobs”, he should just calmly cue up a montage of news clips from March – August of this year and say, “remember this BS? I’ve ALWAYS been focused on jobs. I just happen to have this day job where I try to keep the country afloat.”
invient : Em, I do not see the jobs as his fault, I think corps are looking at the European crisis and holding off. Bank of America is trying to sell its share (17%) of the Chinese Construction Bank, and last time I believe a group in India did it with less of a share and the stock plummeted… IMO BofA is going to tank soon
Emerald1943 : Kes, I didn’t see it last week, but it could have been after I left if that helps you.
invient : ha ha, well she did move right down the street… literally like 200 feet.
Emerald1943 : Hi invient! I hope he is coming on stronger now on the jobs issue. I really liked his speech yesterday.
bito : k’es. I think one of the problems of the ‘amnesia’ thing is that MSM has to have ‘both sides’ in a discussion and are afraid to say to one “that’s bleeping flat wrong” Like the “job creators” bs that they spew.
foodchain : Invient,I wish our moves were that quick. Had a good talk about Swedish meatballs.
ADONAI : i saw a clip of the debate where they all refused to accept a deal that would be 10 to 1 spending cuts vs tax hikes. That summed it all up for me.
kesmarn : Em, I’ll have to do some research. Sorry my memory of the situation is so faulty. I might be able to go back to last week’s Vox and find c’lady’s comments on it. It was either last week or the week before…
invient : Ad I am not sure if it is up from here, maybe flat from here, if jobs do not pick up.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that would be PERFECT!:-)
AdLib : FC – Sure, we could make a Vox POPuli Ringtone so phones POP when they get a call!
Emerald1943 : Kes, when did they hear the case??
AdLib : FC – I agree, many of those Dems now upset with Obama will sober up quickly when they consider America under a President Perry and get behind Obama. As I mentioned, this has been the worst two weeks in his presidency, I do think it’s up from here…and considering how bad it was, he’s doing surprisingly well in the polls.
kesmarn : I’m trying to recall the specifics now, Em (tired!). C’lady knows more about this than I do. But I think it was the SCOTUS that said that Rummie and Co. could not be held criminally liable.
foodchain : Didn’t watch the debate but saw a fun clip hwere Romney is talking about how corps get money and then they create jobs-+-trickle down garbage. Many good sneers came his way
Emerald1943 : Kes, nice way to treat anybody! NOT!!!
invient : I am back
kesmarn : I think I remember reading about that, Em. Nice way for Rummie to treat U.S. citizens, I must say.
Emerald1943 : Kes, if a civil case is successful against Rummy, then possibly cases could be brought against Bush and Cheney. I don’t see why criminal cases would be ruled out. Ruled out by whom???
AdLib : Emerald, thanks for that post, yes, I saw it. So far, courts are saying that when Rumsfeld orders the US government to torture people for whistle blowing, that’s not just part of the job description.
ADONAI : At Romey’s booth in Iowa this guy asks him point blank “how are you gonna do what yo intend to do with Medicare ans SS without cutting any of our benefits?” And Romney just looks at him and says, “I’m not gonna raise your taxes. That’s how.” How was that an answer?
foodchain : AL, no, I meant could I get my phone to Pop?
kesmarn : I wish more people could get over their amnesia and remember how we got to this state of affairs, food.
Emerald1943 : Two US citizens who worked for contractors in Iraq were arrested and tortured for whistle-blowing on corruption there. The Circuit Court ruled that Rumsfeld has no personal immunity and can stand trial. It would be civil but that is a crack in the armor!
foodchain : Any case against Rumsfeld put the Bush admin back into the light and that’s also a direct hit on how everything happened to bring us to this state of affairs
kesmarn : Ah…so THAT’s the route they’ll be able to take, Em. Choicelady was wondering about this issue. She thought that the criminal option was already ruled out.
ADONAI : I’d love to see that old bastard go to trial.
AdLib : FC – If I made it a ringer instead, people would be waking up to check their toaster and be upset to find there’s no Pop Tart there.
Emerald1943 : I think Posted it in TOOT late this afternoon eastern time.
Emerald1943 : Kes, YES!!! It came in an email to me this afternoon late. It would be a civil case, but any case against that bastard is great!!!
kesmarn : Oh, Em! Yay! I’ve been away much of the day for several days now. That is good news.
ADONAI : Donald Rumsfeld stand trial for torture? Is that even possible?
foodchain : AL (may I?) Don’t you think some of these polls are angry dems that, after 11/11 will come back? God I hope they learned something from MI’s martial law, and OH and WI union busting.
Emerald1943 : Did anybody see my post about Donald Rumsfeld and the Court of Appeals ruling that he can stand trial for torture???
AdLib : Bito – Walker forces people to get IDs at DMVs then closes DMVs. That’s a clear pattern of voter disenfranchiseme nt and could be pursued by Holder.
ADONAI : Don;t do what? Point out that Eric Holder under orders from Obama spent time in court making sure they could still do those things? Defended wiretapping and abduction people from airports? Not just at “Bush levels” but beyond? Am I wrong? Is every story I’ve read on it just misinformed?
Emerald1943 : Yep, Adlib! When you’re down, the only place to go is UP! Let’
Sabreen60 : Hi Emerald,
AdLib : According to Gallup, Latino support for Obama is right now at 51%, well above the overall of all voters at 42%. And this is a low for him across the board in possibly his worst weeks ever. I think it can only go up from here and there just is no way that Latinos are going to vote for being harassed and deported by Repubs.
kesmarn : ‘Zactly, Em! Most of us saw none…
foodchain : Say, can we make the POP a ringer sound?
Emerald1943 : Kes! What merits???
bito : Then don’t do it.
Emerald1943 : Hi food! That little pop is a good wake-up call! I need to put that on my phone!
kesmarn : Em, we’re assessing the “merits” of that scintillating bunch of Repubs we saw last night.
foodchain : That’s funny Em, I do too. I’m sitting in an uncomfy chair though tonight
ADONAI : Then ignore it.
Emerald1943 : Are we still on those nutcases?
bito : Hey Em!
bito : AD, “Just yanking the chain” and I tire of that.
Emerald1943 : Hi AD! What are we talking about? I fell asleep with my computer on my lap…only the popping of Vox POp woke me up!
AdLib : Hi Emerald!
foodchain : And a good howdy to you Em
kesmarn : Hi, Em!
ADONAI : Hello Em!
kesmarn : That could be part of it, foodchain. It’s a mystery to me, especially when you look at states like AZ and how ther’re treated there. The ties to Catholicism are not all that strong up here, either, though. More are going to the fundie churches. That may be a bigger factor.
Emerald1943 : Well howdy howdy@@
ADONAI : I get ya bito. Just yanking the chain.
ADONAI : FC, Catholicism seems to be a big influence in many Latino communities. So many social issues can hinge on that for them.
AdLib : Kes – The majority of Latinos will vote for Dems because Repubs express hatred for them. Some Latinos vote Repub because they’re very religious and their churches proselytize for the GOP and tell them that it is a sin to vote for someone who is pro-choice or pro-gay-marriage . But most Latinos know that the anti-immigrant laws and other racism aimed at them comes from the Repubs.
bito : As Cher pointed out, some of those laws are close to the edge of what has been decided by the SCOTUS as OK. Holder has to uphold laws, not make them.
foodchain : Big cities as democratic help the Senate runs while rural rule helps the House.
ADONAI : And I don’t know that it is a given that most Latinos will vote Dem. Republicans can get some here and there on social issues but I think Dems have the right answers on immigration and civil rights issues so that greatly affects them too
foodchain : Latinos-some-vot e GOP because of abortion. IT might have some racial undertones but I’m not sure.
ADONAI : Eric Holder is busy making sure we can still wiretap and abduct people from airports.
texliberal : AL, EXACTLY
AdLib : Bito – I am hoping the DoJ will get off its ass and block all of these unConstitutional and racist anti-voter laws. Where the hell is Eric Holder???
kesmarn : Is it a given that Latinos will vote Dem, though? You’d be amazed how many up here vote Repub! I have no idea why…
texliberal : bito, oasis in a sea of red. Big cities are blue, but suburbs and outlying areas are as red as they can be.
ADONAI : Remember Glenn Beck? I seem to remember that name.
AdLib : Tex – Got it! SO true, unfortunately, we do have to just give up on the Religiously Right, those to whom voting Repub is a religion they would never abandon. One day, in a couple of decades perhaps, enough Latinos will push the balance of power to the Dems in TX and other southern/western states but not for a while.
bito : Actually, tex there are many purple areas in the south. Including Texas.
kesmarn : Yes, foodchain. My mathematician son discovered Nate Silver very early on. He’s terrific, no?
kesmarn : AL, the reaction Romney got when he tried to defend the wealthy was very encouraging. People are getting pissed about their continuing refusal to give up anything.
AdLib : The wealthy are so greedy, they don’t care if the nation goes into a 20 year depression with Baggers in power as long as they get wealthier. But I would imagine some of the wealthy might not want to risk a crashing stock market with Baggers in power. SO I wonder if as many will be supporting the Repubs this time?
bito : GOTV is and has always been the the big thing for DEMS and with all the voter suppression laws an Union busting this year it will be paramount for every able dem to knock on doors till their knuckles bleed next election.
texliberal : AL, voters in the south are a entrenched bunch. They are a mixture of theocracy and what they think is some sort of Ron Paulish individuality. Ask people down here why unions are bad and they’ll tell you their daddy or pastor told them they were communists. They also have never forgotten Pickett’s charge.
foodchain : About time Nate had something to do. I like him
AdLib : Kes – It’s still early. Wait until the GE starts and the real choice is put before people. Give the Baggers the WH and Congress and abandon all hope for recovery or give the Dems power and allow them to tax the wealthy to save the economy.
kesmarn : Yes, Al. Medicare/SS and the selfishness of the rich are the two main points to stress. Obama’s done brilliantly in holding on to the good favor of many independents.
AdLib : Tex – What do you mean?
foodchain : Adonai, true. I wish we could have heard the tycoons talking to the GOP about the debt ceiling. That would have been fun. Tycoons and teabags!
ADONAI : Indeed AL. I think Republicans went big early, they lost, and now they’re gloating about almost costing us tens of millions of jobs, trillions of dollars, and a whole lot of any international goodwill we have left.
AdLib : Kes – I think the momentum is clearly behind Dems and Obama, the Baggers have exposed themselves and America doesn’t like what it sees. Imagine, over a year of more terrorism by the GOP? That’s going to attract indie voters? I think there will be another Dem sweep as long as Obama and the Dems hammer on the Medicare and taxing the rich bandwagon.
kesmarn : If I’m not mistaken, I think Nate Silver predicts a possible Dem victory in taking over the House.
ADONAI : But here’s what I figure too. Republicans may be fine with the total collapse of the economy but retailers and the mutlicorps that own them are not. Not hiring people makes them money. Losing a gigantic chunk of their business does not. I think it’s one of the few reasons they actually still contribute to Democratic campaigns. For influence of course, but also insurance. When the Republicans start becoming “bad for business”. But that’s assuming a lot of things.
AdLib : AD – With Elizabeth Warren running in MA for Senate, that may clinch prospects for the Dems keeping the Senate. And I think we’ll see the Baggers ripped apart, with Dems taking the House back.
foodchain : We’ll have the Scott Walker election coming in Jan and Ohio before that (?) so the pressure is on.
texliberal : AL, you don’t live in TEXAS or the south
AdLib : Tex – Turnout is definitely important but in a Presidential race, with everything that will be at stake, I think turnout on both sides will be strong. Who we need to get are the indies and they are by nature, moderates. I don’t see them leaning towards an extremist like Perry or a fraud like Romney and losing Medicare and SS.
foodchain : Agreed AdLib, I don’t think even the media can mess this up. The GOP field will be so much fun for them that it will help us.
kesmarn : I hope you’re right, AL. This past week, $6 million came from the Feds to the public schools here (Race to the Top $) and Chrysler announced 1100 more jobs to be created. Problem is, we have a Tea Bag mayor. Will HE get the credit for what Obama has actually accomplished? Are people that dumb?
ADONAI : I’m with ya AL. I don;t think Republicans are gonna hold the House. Democrats may not make big gains int eh Senate but I believe they will have, on paper, control of the 2 branches after 2012.
texliberal : AL, the 20% far loon right will vote GOP no matter. What ya have to concern yourself with is getting the 10% loon left enthused again
AdLib : Kes – Good point, I agree, the Dow and markets have become irrelevant to the economy for 98% of Americans. The markets are about the wealth of corporations, that has no reflection on the well being of those who don’t own those corporations.
ADONAI : Very Grizzly Adams
kesmarn : AD, that will look amazing on you with your flowing white beard.
AdLib : Here’s my curve ball on the 2012 election, I say the current state of the economy won’t be as important to voters as the future. I don’t think voters will make the same mistake they made in 2010, they now know Repubs make things worse. I think what will be most decisive are the platforms on the economy Obama and the Repub have. It will be killing Medicare and more tax and budget cuts vs. taxing the wealthy and saving Medicare. People won’t vote to kill their Medicare just to stick their tongues out at Obama, not after learning their lesson in 2010.
kesmarn : We need to tax every single one of those stock trades.
ADONAI : kes, Yes. Yes it will.
bito : I agree about the stock sales Tex and trades are made in nanos on millions of shares for pennies a share of profit. over 11 million shares a day have been traded.
foodchain : Kesmarn, the GOP lies are carved to fit exactly what the base needs. We don’t have that even with money
ADONAI : Fluctuations in the stock market are caused by someone saying “Hey, if yo did this or this, you’d make an extra 2%” and then the other person saying, “do it.” And then another person saying, “that’s illegal guys!” And the first person saying, “Grow some balls you bitch. You wanna make money?”
kesmarn : We can even ask whether the Dow and/or Nasdaq have any real meaning as a measure of the health of the economy any more.
texliberal : KES yes, and the traders took advantage. No one really knows what stocks are worth anymore
foodchain : Bito, the two IFs could be managed if the dem leadership talked up the facts. Even without their help, people are beginning to blame GOP for our problems in DC «link»
kesmarn : Will it be a ‘coon skin with the tail still attached, AD?
AdLib : Tex – We need to work this 2012 election as if it will indeed be neck and neck, no matter how ridiculous the GOP nominee looks, they’ll have the hundreds of millions of Wall Street money behind them with propaganda pouring over our airwaves to convince us that we’ll all be happier without Medicare and SS. It will be a tough fight.
ADONAI : If it gets better, I’m buying a new hat.
texliberal : If the economy gets better Romney/Perry odds go done to 40/60
kesmarn : But those fluctuations were triggered by the S&P downgrade which was triggered by T-Bag assholery, tex.
texliberal : Kes, fluctuations are caused by high speed computers that can trade thousands of shares in a second to make a penny a share.
bito : tex, ‘IF the economy gets worse’ and IF it gets better? Then what?
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
AdLib : FC – That was my take-away from the debate last night, NONE of these people are honest or serious enough to stand side-by-side with Obama in a debate and look good. They all poured lies and evasions out during the debate, the Fox guys did surprisingly well in following up but Obama would be far more formidable against any of them.
foodchain : Hey Sabreen
ADONAI : Hello sabreen!
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen.
Sabreen60 : Good Evening Everyone.
kesmarn : The crazy stock market gyrations might have given some people the incentive to take a second look at the consequences of T-Baggery, too.
texliberal : I didn’t say they would, just spit balling. But ya know if the economy gets worse a Romney/Perry ticket has a 50/50 chance and that should scare the hell out of us
bito : AdLib, any talk of a primary is divisive and talk of emoprogs.
foodchain : I guess after McCain and Palin anything is possible but all GOP contenders seem a stretch.
AdLib : Obama is making his turn back to jobs over the next weeks and Progressives will hear a lot of what they want reflected by him. His negatives will decline and approval will rise.
bito : Yes, tex?
ADONAI : I’m running the new McCain/Simpson campaign. We plan on highlighting their effectiveness in keeping people off that lawn and getting rid of those damn skateboarders at the courthouse.
AdLib : I believe that those who want to imagine a primary have every right to do so…since it is imaginary.
kesmarn : I think Perry/Pawlenty is entirely possible.
texliberal : bito,bito,bito
kesmarn : Nobody sane is going to primary the Prez.
AdLib : Nope, no way would Palin take the 2nd place VP nom and give up millions for it. A first guess might be Perry/Bachmann but Perry’s people will well know that they’ll need a moderate as VP to balance out some of his craziness. Why do you think Pawlenty was so complimentary of him. Perry/Pawlenty?
bito : Feingold is NOT going to primary and either is Dean, they are smarter than that.
foodchain : damn double clicks
kesmarn : Nemesis of the Evil Dr. Doofenschmertz.
kesmarn : Then there is Perry the Platypus, known only to a select audience, though.
ADONAI : Perry Palin is actually the name of the Constable of Essex in Shropingsford.
foodchain : Is Perry/Palin a move you would use in a sword fight or a duel?
AdLib : Tex – Not at all, I like Dean and Feingold a lot.
foodchain : Is Perry//Palin a move you would use in a sword fight?
ADONAI : It’s like she just rolls in to shit on Mitt Romney and then she leaves.
kesmarn : b’ito, that would be terribly RW fundie, wouldn’t it? Double whammy of craziness…
texliberal : AL, you’re gonna hate me for this but… Dean/Feingold 2012 I know ain’t gonna happen but………….
AdLib : The GOP should do a fake out on Palin, say they’re having an early primary in MI then once she drives her bus there, laugh at her, “Tricked ya!”
ADONAI : LOVE Howard Dean. And yes, that will teach him to ever get excited about anything ever.
bito : I heard tonight Parry/Palin, k’es!
AdLib : Tex – Man, a guy shows enthusiasm and is buried in the press for it. The lesson of course, hide everything from the public.
ADONAI : very true bito
kesmarn : Even the lamestream media are starting to make fun of Palin’s inevitable pop-up appearance anywhere there are three or more cameras gathered together.
bito : Everyone is both very inclusive and exclusive when used as everyone believes….
ADONAI : Bachmann is a strong contender in Republican straw polls but dead weight as a national candidate. I wonder if republican voters realize that.
foodchain : Bachmann is strategic, smart and limited. Palin is a stage presence with attitude and limited.
AdLib : Je suis Adlib.
AdLib : Jeu Bito!
foodchain : Hmmm Bito!
AdLib : Bachmann doesn’t bother me the way Palin does, she is so straight ahead intolerant and extremist, she seems clear that she only represents those people. Palin’s ego stinks up every word she speaks.
texliberal : «link»
texliberal : Me too AD
foodchain : pondering intolerance and respect–I know there’s a good line in there
ADONAI : A drive by hmmm-ing?
kesmarn : Heymmmmm b’ito!
bito : Everyone, hmmm.
ADONAI : That’s pretty good tex. And probably not far from the truth. Always liked Ross too. I guess I got an affinity for crazy people.
AdLib : Submissive is to respect as intolerance is to…respect?
AdLib : Tex – Yep but as you noticed, AD expressed that he supports some policies of Paul but is not an absolutist. So, he’s not being referred to as something he isn’t.
kesmarn : Those Repub women are so adept at wearing two faces. They have a tribe of chillun but then leave the raising of them to the nanny.
texliberal : AD, you’re gonna hate me for this, but if George Wallace and Ross Perot could mate, out would pop Ron Paul
ADONAI : Everyone is a blind follower to something.
foodchain : AdLIb, anyone who can turn “submissive” into respect is pretty quick on her feet.
ADONAI : Hey tex!
texliberal : Good evening, and AL, blind followers? Believe we had a lively discussion about that a couple of nights ago.
kesmarn : Thanks, FC. That’s sweet. A little later in Aug. I have a bit of down time. I hope.
ADONAI : The Ron Paul Army.got ya
foodchain : Kesmarn, sounds like rest will be hard to find. I’m sorry
AdLib : AD – I’m talking about his blind followers. They cheer anything he says.
ADONAI : Not completely kes. I guess he just has a few issues that I would implement into my own platform. We are far apart on other issues
foodchain : We actually will be visiting our relatives from northern Sweden tomorrow. They call the Ick ee ah phonetically.
ADONAI : HA! classic
kesmarn : Hi AD, are you a Paulitarian?
AdLib : Hi AD – My ba-a-a-a-d.
ADONAI : and Hello
ADONAI : We’re not all sheep
AdLib : Pawlenty got his clock cleaned by Michele “I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Facts” Bachmann.
AdLib : Kes – What’s funny to me is that Ron Paul followers are such sheep, he could say “Death to the GOP!” and they would cheer.
AdLib : …that’s comfort food.
AdLib : FC – Mmm…that
kesmarn : Any evening when Ron Paul makes more sense than anyone else is truly a bizarre event.
foodchain : AdLIb, my mother in law always used Campbells mushroom soup and dill to make gravy. Go figure
kesmarn : Ah…foodchain.. .if only I were looking forward to a weekend. Worky, worky, worky…
AdLib : SO what di you think of the debate last night?
AdLib : Wish I had said that.
foodchain : Hey Kesmarn that’s what weekends are for
AdLib : Or gravyless meatballs!
foodchain : Hey Kesmarn that’s what weekends are for
AdLib : FC – No More Hex Keys!
kesmarn : I have a whole tower of it here.
AdLib : Babble is always welcome.
foodchain : A strike line against Swedes?
AdLib : Hey Kes, Happy Friday!
kesmarn : Happy Friday, kids. May not be able to stay too long tonight. Running on almost no sleep, which tends to produce lotsa typing that is babbly-er than usual.
AdLib : You can always set up a strike line?
invient : … next time she wont ask me to help… goal somewhat achieved
AdLib : Heh – cya in a few invient!
invient : brb, gotta help my sister put some stuff in her apartment from IKEA… which I’ll thoroughly grill her about its anti union behavior and low wage salaries.
AdLib : Invient – Maybe The Chairs is a musical group? And who’s offering fried butter on a stick?
AdLib : Foodchain – Good to hear. The recalls were a success too, winning in Repub districts, just fell short of highest expectations.
invient : Ad, lol yeah but dont forget about AC that comes before chairs, AND the musical guest!
foodchain : Been a good week here–weather, WI feels better now than it did a few days ago. Dems are ahead in congressional polls.
AdLib : Invient – Oh, forgot, have the Ames straw poll on saturday. Not running, just can’t resist Michele Bahcmann’s petting zoo.
AdLib : Hey Foodchain!
AdLib : Cool.
foodchain : Well Hi!
invient : student… eventually teacher (I hope)
AdLib : Teacher or student?
invient : yeah, this will probably my last one…. classes start next week.
AdLib : I’m fine, looking forward to a no-commitment weekend…for once!
invient : ah
AdLib : DOn’t know why, the chat system does that once in a while. A very elusive bug. Sorry about that!
invient : Im good, you?
AdLib : Hey Invient! How are you this evening?
invient : why is my gravatar not showing up
invient : HI
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events egins at 7:00pm PDT Tonight right here! Hope to see you then!

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