AdLib : Night Kes!
kesmarn : Oh, and now I realize the last call came and went and the Hotel Vox Bar really is closing! Good night, all!
AdLib : Sorry Kes! G’night!
kesmarn : Sorryb b’ito! I’ve been fighting with my ‘puter for the last 10 minutes. Goodnight!
AdLib : Night!
bito : Night all, night Adlib!
AdLib : G’night John Bito!
bito : I’m not leaving until John-Boy says goodnight!
AdLib : Night Sally!
SallyT : Good night. It’s been fun!
AdLib : Night Patsy! Take care!!!
AdLib : Bito – Thanks for the update. Such a tragedy.
PatsyT : Well Nighty Night … Love to you all….
bito : The count in #oslo in now 87. Sad day My thoughts go out to all. Video of the Gunman terrorists rampage! #oslo tinystat.us/oter ?=mzq0
AdLib : Well, it is 11:00 pm PDT, probably a good time to bring tonight’s edition of Vox Populi to a close. Thanks all for a fantastic evening, lots of laughs and great discussions. Have a great weekend and see you next Friday!
AdLib : What Sally said!
AdLib : Good one Patsy!
SallyT : Night KQ. Rest and dream of 3 terms of Dems in all places.
SallyT : Where’s the bedpan, Kes. KQ has pooped.
PatsyT : Nighty Night KQ Here you go . . . «link»
AdLib : Night KQ, lots of fun having you here tonight, have a great weekend!
AdLib : Bito – I was thinking of the giant rubber ball type things with a handle. My sister had one.
KQuark : OK I’m pooped. Night gang.
AdLib : A little known Aesop’s Fable, “The Boehner Forest”.
bito : POGO Sticks!
AdLib : KQ – Yep, he looks like a Hippity Hop or whatever those toys were called that you’d sit on and bounce around.
KQuark : I smell the start of another great AdLib post.
SallyT : LOL
AdLib : “I stepped back from the tree and looked at the forest…then I got scared because a Cantor Owl hooted at me! I ran and ran until I came to the Tea House. The witches inside tried to boil me alive! I just cried!”
SallyT : I know what I would like to do with that golden mike of his…
bito : Is limbutt even relevant anymore?
PatsyT : A human Turdrito maybe
KQuark :
AdLib I love when thy show his bouncing routine
SallyT : Bean burrito and that explains the gas.
AdLib : Rush looks like a human burrito.
SallyT : Well, sometimes you have to step back from the tree to see the forest or some other crap Boner was saying.
PatsyT : It is sickening that people are starving in the world and this guy is making $$$ to stuff himself to the hilt.
PatsyT : That is the ultimate Ewww Show
AdLib : KQ – Glad it’s been a better week!
KQuark : That’s because this week I could see better. Last week was aweful.
AdLib : KQ – WHo could ask for more? Don’t hesitate to get some rest!
bito : KQ, you have been stellar on VP tonight, brother!
KQuark :
was it a 5lb burrito or something. He actually came to a pizza place about two miles from me for a challenge
PatsyT : For Limbat in the Man vs food battle the food has won
KQuark : 4 hours on VP is my absolute limit
SallyT : KQ, he does!
KQuark : Limbaugh has both.
SallyT : Better to have a bloated ego than to be bloated.
KQuark : Oh my dark lord I just saw the real time. my windows bar stopped ate 11:46
AdLib : Kes – My ego is never affected by the number of bedpans I use.
AdLib : KQ – Yes, the Dems’ problem is that they actually believe in democratic elections. Repubs see them as obstacles that need to be gotten around.
kesmarn : Gee…I feel much more important around here than I do at work. Lotsa bedpans tonight. Hard to have my usual bloated ego lugging those things around.
kesmarn : KQ!
KQuark : Kes!
PatsyT : Heathcliff
kesmarn : b’ito, b’ito, B’ITO!!
KQuark : Our side simply don’t get what Repugs are doing. It’s a war for them. All they care about is winning elections and could care less about governing because governing means taking hard measures.
kesmarn : And Sally by this time in the evening, my mind is pretty well fried. You’ll have to decide what my opinions are on everything.
AdLib : Kes – Yes, she was here.
bito : k’es! k’es K”ES!
kesmarn : Awwwwwwww…
SallyT : Kes, we have talked about a lot but we can talk about anything on your mind.
PatsyT : Anything for you Miss Kes
kesmarn : Hey Patsy, and all. I thought you would have closed up the Hotel Vox Bar by now.
PatsyT : Hey Kes!
bito : That would be a good VP question KQ, “what is it with the purist enablers? Are they that stupid?”
kesmarn : Was she here earlier on Vox?
PatsyT : Can Republicans win elections without stealing it? «link» check this out if you have not seen it
AdLib : Kes – SueInCA was looking for you, I’ll pass along a “hi” from her.
kesmarn : What are we talking about?
AdLib : Hey Kes!
AdLib : KQ – The Purists can cause a lot of trouble and did last year but in 2012,k they will have no power.
kesmarn : Yaaay! You guys are still up! I just got home from work!
AdLib : What Dems should do when they win back Govs and legislatures is pass laws that require 2/3 votes to change any voting regulations. Keep Repub hands off.
bito : AdLib,you missed one, suppression!
KQuark : But you can’t let the purist enablers off the hook AdLib they’ve done as much damage to Dems as Repugs.
AdLib : That’s the only way they can win, lying, cheating and stealing )votes).
KQuark : That’s exactly what the GOP is hoping for bito. Get Obama down to one term and fix the race again.
AdLib : Ruth’s 78 and mentioned retiring in a few years.
KQuark : I know I’m looking too far ahead but if you really want change you have to have years and years of Dems in control.
bito : Only 20% of Obama’a nominees have been approved, and don’t ask me for a link.
SallyT : How old is Ruth? I know her husband is seriously ill.
KQuark : Yup AdLib but it would be almost definite if Dems could string three together.
AdLib : Kennedy’s 74, most Justices retire in their late 70’s or early 80’s so possibly, in Obama’s 2nd term, Kennedy could retire.
KQuark : Agreed Sally but I guess courts wise it’s a special case because you almost have to cover a generation of judges to affect change.
PatsyT : HA the conservs have seen that they can keep Cheney alive for ever so they are going to get all they can out of their Surpreme picks
KQuark : Exactly Bito it really takes term after term after term. That’s how Regan/Bush pushed the country right.
SallyT : KQ, with more in the House and Senate, too.
bito : KQ, that and loading up the Appeals court like the R’s did.
KQuark : Yup Sally and it’s one of those things Romney is trying to look more moderate on. His half rooted principles are amazing
PatsyT : Bito I thought so too, he is not even residing in te US
KQuark : I would really like to see at least three Dem terms in a row that’s what it really takes to make change.
bito : Patsy, that’s what I thought, he had moved to Brazil.
SallyT : Wasn’t that included in one of those pledges that the Repugs/TParty had to sign, Man and Woman only in marriage?
KQuark : Adlib Kennedy is probably the only conservative who would possibly retire but we might need an Obama reelection and another Dem
KQuark : IDK Patsy
KQuark : Now Obama has gone even further and put his backing behind Respect of Marriage Act but it’s crickets from the purists.
PatsyT : Am I wrong… GG, he is not living in the US?
KQuark : You and me both Patsy. He’s your typical purist. When Obama had the DOJ stop defending DOMA it was why should we give him credit when he didn’t do it before. I guess he would prefer a Repug that would defend DOMA.
SallyT : Patsy, even stinkers need a little lovin’.
KQuark : Oh Patsy I hear ya my place in NJ always had skunks around it. If you can believe it we were in the boonnies.
AdLib : Maybe Kennedy would retire. He was supposed to be kind of a swing vote but always votes with the RWs. He doesn’t seem to be hard core though so maybe he’d bail???
PatsyT : Go for it Sally…
PatsyT : So Sick of Greenwald…
SallyT : I was just worried about you, Patsy. I needed you if I came up with a good one liner.
KQuark : But that’s where purists muddy the water. They attacked Kagan as much as the right wing with the likes of Greenwald
AdLib : Thomas is an idiot too. He NEVER asks any questions and always just rubber stamps whatever Scalia writes.
PatsyT : Sorry Sally We had to close all the window .. skunks again!
SallyT : Scalia won’t retire, he won’t even fade away. He thinks he is the only smart one.
PatsyT : Thats what Itell my purist friends … Who do you want to chose the next SC Justice? President Obama or …. ???
AdLib : Kennedy is 74, Scalia is 75. Retire you bastards!
KQuark : Yes that too AdLib he’s clearly a biased jurist how has numerous conflicts of interests.
SallyT : Did Patsy fall asleep?
SallyT : Yes, KQ, he should be!
AdLib : Thomas should be impeached.
KQuark : Clarence Thomas should be disbarred.
AdLib : If only one of the 5 asses on the SCOTUS would need to retire!
KQuark : I hope sally.
AdLib : Bito – I’m sure the Kochs and ALEC are very familiar with such studies. Which is why these laws need to be challenged. The Feds have power in this area in a number of southern states due to previous discrimination. They should be jumping in.
KQuark : That’s another bug up my craw. Progressives told me the court would move right with Sotomayor and Kagan and all they have been being is solid liberal jurists on the court.
SallyT : Correction, when Obama is re-elected.
SallyT : I think she will retire if Obama gets re-elected.
KQuark : And with Ginsberg leaving the court in a few years. Woman’s rights could be history with another Republican nominee.
bito : On a site today said, if you know anyone without a photo ID, take them to get one–soon!
SallyT : SCOTUS would vote for what Kochs paid for.
AdLib : KQ – I would hope you are right but they seem to have no respect for precedent or the welfare of the public so I’m not 100% sure about that.
SallyT : Like you can’t fake a picture ID. How else did I get into bars before I was 21.
bito : Laws(oops I hit enter) I read a study on the Monkey Cage and how by changing 1-2% of the vote per polling place can change a state/national election dramatically, add the Union GOTV and those laws are devastating.
KQuark : Yup I don’t see event he 5-4 court backing these picture ID laws
SallyT : I was just about to type that, ADLib
AdLib : This SCOTUS would probably approve discrimination AND give corporations the right to vote since they’re people.
SallyT : I don’t trust them!
SallyT : Sorry, KQ, I hit to fast. I was saying our SCOTUS now??
SallyT : KQ, our SC
AdLib : The only problem is that the American Public has amnesia and regularly forgets how bad Repubs are so they feel free to vote out Dems out of frustration without thinking about who they’re putting back in power.
KQuark : I think some of these laws need to go to the SCOTUS. Especially the picture ID laws. I don’t know if any cases are going through the courts. If anything grassroots progressives have failed with most is using litigation to change laws. Conservatives are way ahead now.
bito : AdLib, on the voter suppression
PatsyT : AdLib I hope that actual vote couts will be respected.
AdLib : KQ – Well, as Dems take back WI, FL, OH, etc., they’ll strip these provisions back out…although the DoJ and courts should be striking them down beforehand.
AdLib : KQ – My turn, I second that. Between Morning Blog, Daily Planet and Twitter, I’m really on top of things.
KQuark : Agree AdLib the demographics are certainly against them. I just wonder how much damage they can do before they must change to be relavent.
AdLib : KQ – The GOP is shrinking for three reasons. They have a preponderance of seniors who are dying off, they have purged moderates from their party and minorities are becoming a greater share of the population. No wonder they’re passing all these voting laws, their solution to this is to prevent non-Repubs from voting.
bito : Well now I feel like a begger.
I try to put some good links up.
KQuark : Sally
I was thinking the same thing. I forgot my tweet name.
PatsyT : There is a lot of garbage out therfe in the twitter land and our Bito have a excellent filter for the trash.
SallyT : Bito is the only place I go for a Tweet!
KQuark : Actually I get about 90% of my news from the planet thanks to Kalima, Cher and Bito.
PatsyT : X3 AdLib
KQuark : X2 Adlib
AdLib : I always check out the tweets when I first get to The Planet, you’ve built up quite a great thing, Bito!
SallyT : Well, I would hate to see the dress my husband would pick for me!
SallyT : I know, that doesn’t mean he is not a HeMan but I do think he protest too much.
KQuark : I love the tweets Bito.
PatsyT : Oooo Sally I do sense a bit of envy there .. He wanted those items for himself
KQuark : I do think the biggest story missed in the US is how Europe is moving right though. I find that allot more disconcerting than even the GOP in this country because world progress is coming to a halt with this shift.
bito : KQ, TY for looking at the tweets!
SallyT : Someone has posted a letter Bachmann wrote about her husband going out and buying her a dress for some big bouquet and how wonderful his taste is and he even got a purse and coat to match!
KQuark : AdLib IDK what the future is but they will always appeal to a segment of the US.
PatsyT : KQ We do have great villiage idiots
KQuark : One thing I find amazing about American political blogs is how many people from other countries are interested in our politics. I guess it must be the best show in town or something.
SallyT : I don’t think ssssooo
bito : This may be the #oslo murderers last tweet: AndersBBreivik Anders B. Breivik One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests.
PatsyT : That man is not a He Man?
SallyT : I did, I think, Patsy????
PatsyT : Oooo No you didn’t Sally…
KQuark : Huh I see on our tweet board the Norwegian gunman was inspired by the Tea Party
bito : Good night tex, take the EXTRA BIG pooper scooper!
SallyT : And Bachmann with a closet husband.
AdLib : What is the future of the GOP? With such obvious frauds and hypocrites like Palin and Romney at the top, do they just keep going farther and farther right or do they eventually realize it’s gone too far? They are on the path to being a cult.
PatsyT : Nice Mix Tex … Love Doggies! Nighty Night!
SallyT : Good night Tex. I have a year old Great Dane, 180 and 6’2 on his hind legs. When he’s got to go, you got to go!
KQuark : Walk well tex
AdLib : Cheers Tex!
KQuark : Exactly Sally it’s the hypocrisy that makes it so bad.
texliberal : Well I have a 90 lb Rhodesian Ridgeback Shepard mix and an 70 lb Black Lab that need walking so I’m OFF. Always enjoy Fridays with ya’ll even though most of ya ‘ll are from the LEFT COAST. Until next week unless the debt ceiling falls on us see ya. Thanks
SallyT : I really don’t care that they had sex before marriage. But, because Sarah and Bristol are making money on abstinence, it is really funny.
SallyT : AdLib, I am sure that will be the story.
PatsyT : Guns Amo and Abstinence Oh My!
SallyT : Well, Patsy, they really need to just shut the F up and not try to tell others how they should live when they themselves are not perfect.
texliberal : Got it
KQuark : Kinda like a particular spin on current events or history.
AdLib : She clearly got him drunk and took advantage of him. And he had to be a virgin at the time. Hey, he’s just going into the family business. He’ll be giving speeches and writing books about abstinence very soon.
texliberal : Think I put an R in there sorry
PatsyT : Sally, that family needs a mother, wonder where there they can find one?
texliberal : What’s a ZRITGEISTS?
KQuark : We are now in a world where people can live in their personally created zeitgeists.
SallyT : I guess they didn’t read Bristol’s book.
bito : tex: ditto!
texliberal : GRIFTERS Sally
PatsyT : One of my brothers reads that stuff but he is in Columbus and sleaping.
SallyT : Well, not a topic but did everyone hear that Palin’s son had to get married because the girl is PG? Boy, that family only knows gloves for the hands!
texliberal : Go ahead Sally
KQuark : Alas I can no longer multitask.
texliberal : The world has truly become flat. Modern communications made it that way, for better or WORSE?
AdLib : Yes Sally, please do.
KQuark : Eeek don’t listen to me I read the report wrong it was one guy
AdLib : Aha!
KQuark : Adlib I thought so too but I just found another report
SallyT : AdLib, can I give a lighter topic?
bito : Reading some of twitter, the ones not in Norske, they are comparing him to the OKC bomber.
KQuark : The bomber, Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, was an Iraqi-born Swede who studied in Britain. Read more: «link»
AdLib : KQ – It was the same guy who did both attacks, according to reports.
AdLib : Tex – Every country’s got psychotics and extremists.
KQuark : It just seems so strange two big attacks on on small country the same day.
texliberal : My god a Norwegian terrorists
AdLib : I wonder how many RW potential attacks may have been stopped here in the US over the past two years.
SallyT : AdLib, I agree.
KQuark : Sorry tex now I see they got another guy for the bombing
bito : opps, read Norske
SallyT : Patsy, I know what you mean. Any number is bad but so many is terrible and sicking.
AdLib : KQ – You’re on the cutting edge! That would be fine with me, leave entitlements alone until there’s a Dem majority in 2012 then let the Bush tax cuts expire and use means testing to have the wealthy help everyone else.
bito : Any one read Norse? Alleged Norwegian murderer was pollitically inspired by the Tea Party, Wilders, Gellar and Pipes.. «link» via @menablog #OSLO
texliberal : REALLY
KQuark : It was the same guy tex
KQuark : I saw that AdLib that’s the plan I was talking about on the debt ceiling thread
texliberal : They got the shooter do they know who set the bombs?
KQuark : AdLib that was probably the worst deviation of common sense law enforcement perpetrated by Repugs.
PatsyT : OMG Bito 80!!! How horbile for them. earlier today they were saying 10. Any number is aweful but that really makes me so sick.
AdLib : Just saw this on TPM: “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi acknowledged Friday that Democrats may reluctantly accept a last-minute compromise to avoid a default that involves up to $2.5 trillion in spending cuts — without agreed-upon new tax revenues — if Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are protected from the debt limit brinksmanship. “
texliberal : Sally if it’s in the UK and criminal you’re spot on
texliberal : Yes, but you either charge him criminally or take him to civil court
bito : #oslo from the AP «link»
SallyT : Yes, Tex, and the defense will want a judge, as I said earlier.
SallyT : I am talking about the issues involved in the trial. Corporate law is different from murder.
AdLib : KQ – Remember when the Obama DoJ put out a report about RW extremists being the biggest terroist threat in the US…and Fox and Repubs attacked them. Then that guy flew his plane into the IRS building in TX and another guy shot that guard at the Holocaust museum.
texliberal : Defense Attorneys decide Sally
KQuark : Supposedly is an Islamaphobe as well.
texliberal : Sally, no such thing as corporate trial
SallyT : Yes, Tex, but the attornies decide on jury or judge and they will go for judge.
KQuark : I saw it on Think Progress Adlib. I hope they are not just making a political point
PatsyT : Actors over 50 «link»
texliberal : SALLY criminal is criminal civil is civil
KQuark : That’s one thing people don’t realize in the US there is a rise in right wing extremism in many forms.
AdLib : KQ – Haven’t seen that! It’s verified?
SallyT : Murder and a Corporate Trial are two different things.
texliberal : KQ, yep
AdLib : “Hey Blondie!”
KQuark : Anyone see that the perp in Norway is a right wing christian.
texliberal : Sally YEP on both counts
AdLib : Bito – Good question, I was thinking that the Obama Admin has to know that jumping quickly into an FBI investigation might make them a little self-conscious about attacking him with slander.
SallyT : I know, Eli Wallack was in that new Wall Street movie.
KQuark : Wow I just checked Eli Wallack is 95 I thought he was dead. Great actor.
SallyT : The glove was a murder trial.
AdLib : “My…precious. ..”
bito : Q: Will these investigations have any effect on Fox and the 2012 elections? Will they tone it down?
PatsyT : Leave Now and Never Come Back
texliberal : Elli Wallach as Rupert
texliberal : So you say if The glove FITS you cant acquit?
PatsyT : Tex… Thats cool! I like it
KQuark : Richard Dreyfuss would do a great Murdoch. He did a great job as Dick Cheney in W.
AdLib : Maybe Andy Serkis (Gollum) as Rupert?
AdLib : James is going down, he’s testified once and has already lied. He paid legal fees for a one of the hackers and signed off on paying off victims. He’s so cooked!
texliberal : PATSY, Tommy Lee, I was thinking more Johnny Depp with John Goodman as my partner.
PatsyT : Oh Sorry Tex, I am thinking Hollywood, big production value, let’s see you will be played by Tommy Lee Jones and your Partner – The Rock and Murderoch himself … how about hmmm that one is hard
texliberal : I saw Rupert before Parliament. He was three shades to the wind. It’s young Jimmy I’d go after
KQuark : IDK one Faux News viewer is definitions brain washed enough to at least hang a jury.
SallyT : I have been involved in many corporate trials and they never, never, never want a jury.
AdLib : KQ – Yes, saw that. He did everything but ask them when dinner was.
SallyT : They won’t want the gamble on that. They want a Judge that they feel will understand the complicate details.
bito : I’m back to civil trials over criminal
KQuark : You’ll probably see Murdoch walking around in his bathrobe in Queens within the week. Did you see him going to the Vito Gigante card during the hearing?
AdLib : Hey, maybe we can find three crimes on him and get the Three Strikes law to apply. Wonder if that would be covered on Fox Sports?
texliberal : Depends on the jury pool Sally
PatsyT : Today in the stocks you will see mister Murderoch.. Have at it…
texliberal : Patsy, COPS hate VIDEO
SallyT : Tex, Murdock’s attorneys won’t want a jury, the prosecutors would.
AdLib : Tex – You’re right, Murdoch could hire the best juror expert but it still wouldn’t be a slam dunk. Maybe so, maybe he would want a jury. Not sure how it works in the UK but if he can choose one, he might. Hey, even the sight of seeing Rupert perp walked and on trial would be worth a lot.
texliberal : No hoses just a little GENTLE persuasion
KQuark : Murdoch in stocks at Time Square would be a perfect sentence.
PatsyT : Tex – We could make that a pay per view! Major Wow Factor!
bito : Any rubber hoses involved, tex?
KQuark : I wouldn’t want any of that tex
texliberal : AL DA’s have experience but not the resources of defendants like Murdoch for jury selection
AdLib : Tex – I would love to be able to do that! But no shaving cream pies, that’s just lame.
texliberal : AL but I tell ya what give me and my ex 6’02” 290 lbs partner an hour alone with him………
AdLib : Tex – Good point but the prosecution gets to do the same, choosing jurists they like and they’ll have a wider selection than Murdoch will.
SallyT : AL, that was where I was going with that.
texliberal : AL yep
AdLib : Sally – I think you’re right, someone as unpopular as Rupert wouldn’t want a jury of regular people having a shot at him.
texliberal : SALLY, na they now have experts that help defense attorneys select juries and they’re pretty good and EXPENSIVE
KQuark : How would that phone call be admissible though?
PatsyT : KQ you were basing it on solid scientic reasearch
AdLib : Tex – Right with you on that, which is why Regan’s taped phone call with Ailes would be very valuable.
SallyT : Tex, if you are talking about Murdock going to trial, they wouldn’t ask for trial by jury. No way. They would just want a judge ruling.
PatsyT : Limbat (shops at the big and fat) is not a meteorologist
KQuark : True Patsy but I say it last month and was surprised it was still about 90% relavent
PatsyT : KQ we may need an update of that table
KQuark : Speaking of hot what does everyone think of the heatwave that jumbo Limbaugh says is a government conspiracy by Obama.
PatsyT : KQ, LOVE the Perodic Table of Dangerous Elements !!
texliberal : AL, Probable Cause is one thing but Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt is a whole other can of worms. That’s why Voir Dire ( Jury Selection) is probably the most important part of any criminal trial
AdLib : KQ – That remains one of the most popular posts at The Planet!
KQuark : GN AD
KQuark : Reminds me of the Periodic Table of Dangerous Elements Adlib :shamelessplug:
ChrisR266 : Adlib: Now that would be good reality tv. I might even watch.
PatsyT : Nighty (((hot)))) Night ADONAI
bito : I admit that I was surprised that DOJ announced investigations so quickly.
AdLib : Hannity and O’Reilly as cell mates…The Odd Couple.
ChrisR266 : Golden slumbers, Sabreen
PatsyT : I am imagining them in handcuffs
ChrisR266 : Adonai: very few professional school are pursuing curriculum in that realm. It detracts from and competes with their professional school students. We’re doing it, but we have a large public relations constituency who benefits from this knowledgte and skill set
SallyT : Good night Adonai. And, I was pretty hot in my teens, too.
AdLib : Night AD!
AdLib : Can you imagine the wailings of Hannity and O’Reilly if Fox News was prosecuted and convicted???
PatsyT : Opps … All the Best Sabeen Nighty Night …
bito : Night Sabreen!
ADONAI : Well, kids I think I will follow her out the door. good night folks. Enjoy your weekend. Peace be with you.
texliberal : Nite Sabreen
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
PatsyT : All the Beat Sabeen, Nighth Night
SallyT : Can we dream also that it will get to Rush Limbutt and they will find that Rupert has been sharing his drugs with him?
ADONAI : Nite Sabreen!
texliberal : Bito, yep
AdLib : Tex – As that story describes, it’s a direct line to Ailes and false testimony to feds, from Regan.
texliberal : There’s good journalism out there ya just gotta work to find it. And in depth is not something most Americans like
bito : RICO and the Foreign Corruptions act, tex.
Sabreen60 : I’ll all in. Night everyone and take care.
ADONAI : I think the country WANTS to be liberal.
PatsyT : AdLib I will dream about that and hope and wish and pray!
texliberal : The only way you’ll get Fox is with the RICO Statute
bito : tex, Vanguad on Current TV has been quite good.
SallyT : Can’t you see BillO if it gets to Fox?
KQuark : See I believe the country is really center left at the core. I’m probably Center Left Left myself and it seems that none of these big political blogs represent my viewpoint and the viewpoint of most Americans. Save for the Planet of course.
SallyT : AdLib, yes, I can dream.
ADONAI : Al – Highly plausible. They just need one whistle blower to speak up.
SallyT : Yes, Tex, Vanguard has some really got stuff.
PatsyT : Awww thanks Bito .. I only get to twitter a little but I am learning more so look out
texliberal : I’ve been watching a lot of Vanguard on Current TV after KO. GOOD STUFF
AdLib : Can you imagine, if Ailes is arrested and Fox News is implicated in criminal activity? Can we dream?
ADONAI : When is this whole “citizen journalist” thing gonna kick in? i thought that was the next step for “social media”. I;m still just seeing mostly funny cat pictures and dick jokes.
bito : Night funk and #FF for all the retwwets for the Planet, You are the #1
PatsyT : HA very funny funk… Nighty Night
AdLib : Chris – I know what you’re talking about, we NEED real journalists badly right now.
bito : Ha Patsy so that’s who I’ve been retweeting.
ADONAI : Indeed KQ. I believe yo are right.
funksands : AdL, I’ll look. I think so.
KQuark : TC Funk
Sabreen60 : Night Funk.
texliberal : Nite FUNK
ChrisR266 : Happy weekend, Funk.
funksands : Patsy, new stalker!
Adonai careful with that sweet mouth of yours boy.
KQuark : Agreed AD but I think trying to match the right wing hate machine had the unintended consequence of creating a left wing hate machine.
texliberal : I believe the same ETHICS professors from Law Schools are now teaching at Schools of Journalism
ADONAI : peace funk! You asshole!
AdLib : Night Funk! And you got my email reply last week?
ADONAI : KQ, I don’t think right wing hate will ever go away. It’s too easy to get ratings with hate.
AdLib : Here’s the link to the Regan-Ailes story, in March it said he might be indicted: «link»
SallyT : It didnt use to be.
funksands : Gotta go guys. Kiddos heading to bed. Funny story, I had to turn on the heat last night for my wife. Tonight is better though. Later.
PatsyT : OK Bito, @buzzyquipsis
ChrisR266 : AdLib: those folks aren’t journalists, sheesh! They’re newsreaders, groomed to look good and pronounce words correctly in Central North American Dialect. I’m talking about the dying breed: the kids who really want to pursue, research and write news, the kids who really want to be on the front lines for organizations, profit or non-profit.
ADONAI : How come no one ever says “I just never thought I’d be caught.”? Honesty is always the best policy isn’t it?
texliberal : Sally news is about profit now pure and simple
KQuark : Cheers AdLib
bito : From ProPublica on the NI «link»
AdLib : “Last week it was revealed that legendary FOX News boss Roger Ailes allegedly told underling Judith Regan to lie to federal investigators to protect Rudy Giuliani. Regan reportedly has a tape of the telephone call in which Ailes urged her to do this.” «link» essinsider.com/f ox-news-boss-rog er-ailes-to-be-i ndicted-2011-2#i xzz1Stk7chzv
KQuark : AD it could happen if their is a vacuum on the right wing hate machine. I am whole heartily afraid of unintended consequences. I think trying to create left leaning blogs to country right wing blogs has lead to many bad consequences.
SallyT : I hope that the Murdock stuff brings down that type of news and Fox and we go back to news from people like Bill Moyer. He said Fox was the worst thing to happen to the news.
bito : Patsy your twitter account @
PatsyT : AdLib, tell you dog to try Paper Towels
AdLib : KQ – No, I haven’t heard anything about Regan being questioned yet but it’s such an obvious thing to do.
ADONAI : I can’t help but think that destroying FOX News would only allow something more awful to take its place. Like when the Care Bears killed Propaganda Bear only to see him replaced by Genocide Bear….. No? No one saw that episode? I;ll spare you the details. Let’s just say the Care Bear Cousins never had a chance.
PatsyT : Bito? explain what can I do for you?
KQuark : Adlib is Regan definitely testifying or being questioned?
AdLib : Patsy – My dog hacks too but usually after eating a roll of toilet paper.
bito : Patsy I need or @ again, I’ve lost it, please
PatsyT : Ohh attack of the Cat Hack!
AdLib : Chris – When you look at the himbos and bimbos that pass for newscasters today, it is a bit discouraging. They’re just performers, just reading their scripts off of teleprompters.
SallyT : My cat hacks up fur balls.
funksands : ADL, that would be soooooo awesome. Nice thinking.
KQuark : That’s way cool Chris
PatsyT : My dog is a part time hacker… but she loves to hunt foxes
KQuark : IDK that Adlib
ChrisR266 : Adonai: I’m more upset about the moral shithole. I have to teach students who want to graduate from college and be communication professionals and journalists. I have material for decades because of these decrepit psuedo professionals.
AdLib : Regan has the goods on Ailes. The FBI gets her on the record, it’s criminal charges for Ailes.
KQuark : Cheers sally I didn’t want to admit I didn’t know the second.
ADONAI : 2 dead bodies? No way
SallyT : Ok, I know about 1 dead body, who’s the other?
funksands : Don’t hack me bro’! (sorry)
KQuark : AD I think the first is just the means to end the second but great point.
texliberal : I doubt Murdoch or Ailes will ever be charged criminally but they might spend the rest of their days in Civil Court it’s called Vicarious Liability
bito : Reading the many articles on Ailes,to put it politely-he’s whacked
funksands : The latter. Which is surprising.
AdLib : KQ – I’m also hacking your phone!
ADONAI : I got a question. are you more angry at the laws that were broken or the moral shit hole this has all become?
KQuark : Vox Populi stops my computer’s clock. I think Adlib is hacking my computer.
Sabreen60 : Patsy: I couldn’t believe the MSM. They’re talking about his wife and saying she’s becoming some cult figure in China and not a word about the dead bodies or any other criminal activity.
funksands : Did you guys know that Rupert’s mom is still alive?
AdLib : Judith Regan should be deposed by the FBI, confidentiality agreements don’t work in criminal cases.
ChrisR266 : Ailes has got to be shatting his pants. The son knew about it all and encouraged the same thing in their USA holdings. Corporate culture doesn’t adapt from one nation to another.
funksands : From John Fugelsang: Wendi Murdoch went after the pie thrower like a lady who knows her billionaire husband’s revised will isn’t yet finalized.
ADONAI : Too bad he can’t call any of his terrorist backers to “do him a solid”.
bito : C’mon funk it was ‘only’10.75 not 11
AdLib : James will be arrested, he’s so dirty. Rebekah is already arrested. Many more dominoes to follow. In two years, I doubt anyone named Murdoch will be associated with NI.
funksands : I hope Judith Regan is enjoying her 11 mill.
KQuark : Ailes is the real enemy in the US
ChrisR266 : If you folks think the trashed it in Britian, wait until what their folks were doing in the USA starts surfacing. People are going to have coronaries, strokes and spasms over what’s going to surface here in the U.S.
KQuark : Damn AdLib you beat me to it
ADONAI : Indeed funk. That’s the first place I saw it then I Youtubed it and it was AWESOME!
PatsyT : All the news is about his “amazing wife” that saved him from harm … But What About the Two Dead Bodies???
KQuark : Sally agreed I just want his son not to run it and I would love to see Ailes involved so he’s fired
funksands : AD, did you see John Stewarts piece on that? It was great.
AdLib : Bito – Love #nailailes !
ADONAI : But did you see David Cameron at “Question Time”? GOOD LORD! I would love for us to have something like that! THAT’S POLITICS!
AdLib : Funk – Would be great to nail Ailes. I don’t know though that anyone named Murdoch will be able to head up NI. There’s got to be wheels moving to get their name separated from NI by shareholders.
funksands : KQ, that’s the big question isn’t it?
SallyT : Oh, Rupert is too old for them to jail him but I do think he will take more hits and his son will get the sores from them.
funksands : Patsy, that’s good.
ChrisR266 : Funk: We agree. My fingers just couldn’t keep up with my brain,
KQuark : If News Corp really is fount out to have hacked 911 survivors oh boy.
ADONAI : Hmmm, could be some big changes at FOX news then
bito : #nailailes
PatsyT : Two Dead Bodies!!!
funksands : Chris, they may not like them, but their disdain for women, women’s issues, and women’s rights are positively Mongoloid.
ChrisR266 : That’s the truth, K.
KQuark : Chris let’s face it they are against anyone but rich white guys.
PatsyT : Can we just start calling him “Murderdoch”?
AdLib : And wait until people start getting convicted and flipping on their bosses.
funksands : AD, Ailes is gone. Rupe’s daughter is taking over from James apparently and she and her husband HATE Roger Ailes.
AdLib : I mean, could anyone have conceived of News Corp being on the ropes like this? They have broken the law in the UK and bribing police there is also a US crime.
ChrisR266 : Funk: uh, they don’t like the elderly or poor people much, either.
KQuark : Probably the biggest difference funk but you could add most minorities as well.
SallyT : AdLib, I said on here last week or so that more would be coming out on the Murdock matter when people start digging. I don’t think we have reached bottom yet.
ADONAI : Does anyone really see Rupert Murdoch being convicted of anything? Teh man seems almost untouchable. he has an army of flunkies ready to catch the proverbial bullet.
KQuark : No problem AD. We’ll get you to vote yet.
funksands : KQ, one thing separates the Dems and Republicans. The GOP hates women. That is the clearest space between the two parties.
KQuark : I just hope the way the timing works out AdLib is that the US investigations happen when people notice here
ADONAI : O.K. we’ll pick this up later KQ. Good stuff though.
AdLib : AD – You still have to RSVP.
SallyT : Ad, I just hope that the people don’t think the Prez is spoiling the child/Republ. Spare the rod, spoil the child. I think the Prez needs to take a club to them.
KQuark : Huh AD Dems are the only viable party who support LGBT issues.
KQuark : Agreed funk
ADONAI : 2 Parties do represent the whole country. How many people in office are not Democrat or Republican?
KQuark : And AD if you are looking for one party to represent every single view you have it will be a party of one person.
funksands : That apathy. Not cynicism. Cynicism is developed over time. Apathy is just laziness.
ADONAI : Indeed bito. The Republicans are being childish. I feel pretty confident that people are seeing that.
KQuark : Again who said 2 parties represent the whole country? I like the parliamentary system where more people are represented by more parties it’s one of those procedural gaps with the US.
ADONAI : Not supporting Democrats doesn’t mean I don’t support gay marriage. they don;t own the issue.
bito : We raised the debt-ceiling 74 times, 10 of which were in the last ten years. 18 times under Rayguns
texliberal : «link» MY SONG
funksands : Tex, I have a vision of Obama drinking straight from the box tonight, muttering “F&@K It” over and over again….
KQuark : funk I hate to disagree about half the people who can vote and don’t have that attitude.
KQuark : AD ending DOMA and enacting the Respect of Marriage Act is a HUGE deal. Look it up and help Dems fight for it. That’s what we should be doing not minimizing the effect of laws.
Sabreen60 : Night Sue.
ADONAI : My attitude? My beliefs are my own. if they don’t jive with the stated message I don’t care. Underrepresented ? You think 2 Parties represent a country of 300 million people? Nope.
funksands : KQ, I can safely say very few people share Adonai’s attitude which is one of the reasons I like him.
ChrisR266 : Ok, you people are making my brain hurt after such a day. smoke break, back in a few.
texliberal : Na Funk I just say F#$k it a lot. Works for me.
AdLib : Night Sue! Have a great weekend!
bito : Good ‘un funk
funksands : Night Sue!
KQuark : I’m just saying your attitude AD is exactly how the people got so underrepresented in the first place.
bito : Night Miss Sue!
ChrisR266 : Evening, Sue. So good to talk to you tonight.
ADONAI : Nite Sue!
PatsyT : Sue great to see you hope to see more of you soon…
funksands : Tex, that’s the wine talking.
ADONAI : Equality period is a big issue. but not to politicians. It’s a wedge issue. Something to win votes with. If it weren;t all Americans would be free. But it’s another issue the people will have to fight for.
KQuark : Night Sue
funksands : Bito, its too bad her bill to keep the dollar wasn’t taken more seriously.
SueInCa : Ok guys I have to go take my grandson to Coldstone, he is chomping at the bit. Have a good night everyone.
KQuark : Real huh? A trillion dollars added to a benefit is not real.
texliberal : Love ya, but MAN some of you folks are REAL pessimists. After 30 years of doing what I did for a living I should be the pessimist. I gotta teach ya how to adapt
PatsyT : Bito
ADONAI : KQ, It certainly is. And we will never see true health care until the people demand it. Stand up and fight for it. If you’re waiting for politicians to deliver it to you, you;re wasting your time.
ChrisR266 : Tex: Bwaaaaaahahaha! Chew it.
Sabreen60 : Quark: It’s big enough that B0ehner wanted the removal of the mandate as part of the deal he “said” he would agree to.
bito : M. Bachmann has not had ONE piece of legislation passed and enacted!
AdLib : Though there are many voters who are easily manipulated, it may not be by a huge margin but as Chris says, I think voters in 2012 will have a clear choice between two Americas and won’t choose the one that is on a fast slide into serfdom.
PatsyT : It needs to be said Over And Over… they do not have the best interest of the country in mind… they do not have they will of the people in mind … they do not have job creation in mind … They only want to destroy this President and the Democratic Party.
ChrisR266 : Sabreen: GN acquired power because he was funneling money from big spenders to those candidates who needed the money and decided to sign their consciences away in order to take the money.
SallyT : When politicans stop thinking about those with money that support their campaigns and start thinking of the people that need their support for laws that help the people as a whole, well, things will get better.
KQuark : Equality in the military is not a big issue?
KQuark : Healthcare is not a big issue?
ADONAI : KQ, Sometimes. But rarely on the big issues.
KQuark : It’s also pretty simplistic to say law makers just sign pieces of paper when the real ones write laws. The problem is we don’t have enough law makers now with the tea bagger trend just politicians who think short term
bito : Patsy tweeted and another H/T
funksands : Oh Chris, I think things are far from broken. Not enough people can see the on-rushing train yet.
ChrisR266 : Sabreen: You and I agree. He is liberal. Look at what we lived with for the past decade and what we had to innoculate ourselves to in order to survive.
SueInCa : AD we are the only thing keeping most of the honest
AdLib : Sabreen – I think Norquist gained power by being ahead of his time as a zealot in a party that used to have moderates. The GOP caught up to his extremism and he’s now embedded in it.
ADONAI : Thanks Sue. I;m just saying WE are change. WE are this country. Not those dicks in suits up in Washington. If we leave it to them they will bury us. Bury us all for one more seat in the House.
ChrisR266 : Funk: I tend to believe that things are utterly broken now. AND no one of us wants to see it broken any worse.
funksands : Did everyone know that 2010 saw the biggest one-year drop in the deficit EVER? That’s what has the GOP panicked. They need debt and deficits. Just like they need Roe v Wade.
KQuark : Who said they were heroes AD? I said they do the will of the people sometimes.
texliberal : It is kinda dark in here Funk but it seems to pour OK. Just gotta strain it through my teeth
SueInCa : AD I see where you are coming from now and you are right all throuhg our history it has been the people to bring it to the forefront but the politicians were the only ones who could actually get the big things done.
Sabreen60 : So how did Norquist acquire so much power? Seems I can’t get this question answered.
ChrisR266 : Bito: I think that has happened. Knee jerk voting based on knee jerk campaigning isn’t going to wash or succeed any more.
AdLib : Patsy – Good quote to share.
KQuark : Nice one Patsy
ADONAI : KQ, signing a piece of paper doesn’t make you a hero. It makes yo a small piece of a larger puzzle.
funksands : Tex, are you drinking it or eating it with a spoon?
PatsyT : Grover Norquist quote : (“We will make it so that a Democrat cannot govern as a Democrat.”) «link»
ADONAI : no thanks tex. Appreciate it though. Not a wine fan.
Sabreen60 : Chris: I agree with you about having a clear choice. I disagree with those who say that President Obama is not liberal. I think really? Compared to whom? I want to know which President has been more liberal in the last 50/60 years.
KQuark : Politicians passed the laws that gave us 40 hour work weeks and OSHA etc. The people can’t enact legislation on their own. I’m not saying people don’t push for things they should but if something really does change like ending DADT that is done by law makers.
texliberal : AD want some of my boxed wine. not too bad?
funksands : Chris, you have more optimism than I do. I think that will only sink in when things utterly break.
SallyT : AD, you are right. It does take the people to stand up and shout to get those in Washington to look our way. It took that in Wis and OH and it will take more of us to get to those in Washington.
AdLib : Cheers, Chris, great observation!
bito : Yes Chris, I hope many have learned from ’10, even if it is but for a short time.
ADONAI : then Huey Long, I drink to you.
AdLib : KQ – True, when Repubs manipulate people to vote for them, get elected and then turn around to apply an agenda they hid from the public, you have the disconnect we have today. Look at all the frauds who got elected Gov of states then turned around and implimented the ALEC/Koch agendas they hid during their campaigns.
texliberal : AD, Huey Long comes to mind
SueInCa : Chris great way to put it. I have been feeling that way but you descrived it to a T
ChrisR266 : Ah, Tex: George was a good man, and good candidate.
ADONAI : KQ, really? go to the graves of all the people who fought and died for unions, fair wages,equal rights and everything else, and tell me how many goddamn politicians you find.
KQuark : AD no politician can speak for all of us when we say different things.
KQuark : Great point Chris
ADONAI : bito, No. But I don’t have a problem with politicians. They do what they do. I merely said they do not speak for all of us.
ChrisR266 : My two cents: I think this is the first time in more than 30 years that the public has seen with certitude that there is a difference in the two parties. Of course some people’s vision is clouded by the squeaking about how for the first time, the President doesn’t look like them, either. The reality of the titanic shift in who’s looking out for who and what is really important in this nation is finally starting to sink in. 2012 ought to be something we’ve never experienced. And, it does not bode well for Those who would deny or advocate regression from the new reality.
KQuark : With respect you are factual wrong AD.
SueInCa : AD yes it matters because the other side was not going to do it
texliberal : Worked for and met the last liberal candidate for President. George McGovern
SueInCa : that is true AD. R’s do it all the time
KQuark : Exactly AdLib reps are suppose to represent their constituency the big problem comes in when a Dem president has to represent a constituency that is constantly fooled into being center right by the GOP.
ADONAI : Sue, does it matter? Easy to do the right thing when others have paid the price.
ADONAI : Al – I never said they had to represent all people. I apologize if that is what you took from it. Was not my intent. I was trying to say that many politicians claim to speak for the American people. All of us. They don’t.
AdLib : Sue – Kes shows up late sometimes, working late.
bito : AD, have you ever worked on a campaign, got to know the candidate, even as small as a town council, schoolboard?
SueInCa : AD who initiated those programs?
ADONAI : KQ, SS and Medicare aren’t here because of Democrats. Civil right aren’t here because of Democrats. They’re here because many, MANY good people had to die before the politicians listened.
SueInCa : hey where is Kes?
AdLib : AD – That’s not what a representative democracy is, no politician is supposed to represent all people, they represent the majority that elected them and owe respect to those who didn’t. Then, you have a variety of pols representing a variety of communities.
ChrisR266 : Agreed, KQ. Let’s look at who’s voting on and for what.
ADONAI : Al – i don’t. And I certainly don’t go on TV claiming to either.
SueInCa : Adlib tht is for sure
KQuark : Your broad brush should be reserved for the party that actually passed a law in one chamber to end Medicare.
AdLib : Sue – Yep, knowledge is found in the details.
texliberal : Patsy, he’s in the soup. His corporate masters expect the debt ceiling raised
ChrisR266 : Agreed, Patsy. What a piece of fat Grover is. A Machiavellian of the worst order.
ADONAI : No Al. I either misstated or you misunderstood. Probably an error on my end. No politician speaks for the American people. No Party does either.
KQuark : AD Dems all the time say people want SS and Medicare which is factually true.
AdLib : AD – How do you know what Americans want?
PatsyT : What irks me is that Grover Norquist world media tour – that dip wad is everywhere
KQuark : In fact the biggest chunk of spending goes directly to entitlements. People seem to forget that the 11th congress added a trillion dollar benefit.
SueInCa : AL that is what gets R’s in trouble every time, absolutes and generalalities
AdLib : AD – That’s odd logic. So only a politician who represents all conflicting views of all Americans at once is legit?
ADONAI : No. My only point is that politicians go on TV everyday claiming to know “what he American people want”. they don’t.
ChrisR266 : I think the TPers came to be to test the intent and resolve of both parties. Guess which party is coming out on top of this test?
bito : Patsy, thats a bumper sticker: Bumper Stickers can’t Govern
AdLib : AD – That
AdLib : AD – Generalities and absolutes? You’ll never find the truth in that forest.
KQuark : AD you act like SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA don’t exist. They all help people tremendously.
ADONAI : Al- find me one politician EVERYONE agrees with.
funksands : Sabreen you got it. They are one blunt instrument.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: it is one of the few pleasures of growing old. There ought to be something just for us. I’ll take the juvenile humor. And great spirits in the form of wine, beer, and good cognac.
PatsyT : Bumper Stickers can’t Govern
AdLib : Just like the last incarnation of the Know Nothings, the Tea Party is doomed to oblivion.
ADONAI : KQ, Every body has an appendix. Doesn’t mean it’s necessary. All Parties represent fringe groups. Most people don’t belong to these parties and most people don;t vote. They do far more harm than they do good. I don;t wanna just get shit done. I wanna get meaningful shit done.
Sabreen60 : Funk: But don’t you have to know how something that is complicated works, before you can dismantle it? Unless, you just take a sledge hammer to it.
texliberal : Bito, Gotcha
PatsyT : ADONAI, in a word , yes
SueInCa : I wish I was their waitress at the country club tonite. i would take pleasure in losing my job hehehe
AdLib : Ad – Using absolutes is always an error. No politician speaks for the people? That’s just not the case.
ADONAI : HA! Why is ti the only time you get to enjoy juvenile humor is when you;re an adult?
bito : Tex, I just don’t like throwing everyone in the same pot when one says all politicians, there are and have been some good public servants.
PatsyT : YOu would think they might be getting sick of this screwing the little guy
KQuark : AD every country has political parties and gets things done. The biggest problem with this country is you have one party just so out there it represents a fringe group. The procedural problem has been that every significant piece of legislation needs 60 senators to pass it.
funksands : The Koch’s heads have got to be throbbing after this set-back.
SueInCa : Not a sight I want to see buy yes
PatsyT : Kochs boiling over Bohner pulling out
ADONAI : So… you’re saying those Kochs are ready to explode?
funksands : Its time to start up the Congressional Draft. We couldn’t do any worse could we? Maybe honor hostages?
SueInCa : You would think at this point the Kochs are boiling over
texliberal : HeH
ADONAI : Exactly bito
ChrisR266 : Tex: suck on a tube of neosporin first, then go for it.
SallyT : The TParty remind me of an old uncle of mine. We took our new chevy to show him and he said, “Oh, you got a Ford.” And we said no it was a Chevy. He argued back it was a ford and we couldn’t convince him with the title or a birth certificate.
ADONAI : But that’s the problem with political parties. They’re never going to speak for the people or for the country. Sure, they may do some good from time to time but in between they are divisive and one sided. No politician actually speaks for the people or can claim to know what “the American people want”. No group of politicians can do so either.
texliberal : Ok Funk
SueInCa : not me Tex
texliberal : I missed something Bito, ALL COPS????? What?
funksands : Tex, you won’t die until morning. Drink up.
PatsyT : HA SUE! LOL
texliberal : Out of sour mash, anybody ever die from drinking two month old boxed wine?
ChrisR266 : LOL, Sue.
funksands : Sabreen they also seems to have a lack of interest in learning. That’s not what they are there for. They were sent to dismantle govt. not understand it.
SueInCa : dip shits is more like it
ChrisR266 : Adonai: I do afford politicans some semblance of respect. These people are not politicians.
AdLib : Sabreen – Agreed, these are some of the most ignorant national politicians I’ve seen. They brought their Birther mentality to the economy, they just “feel” that deafault is okay so it’s as valid a view to them as one based on facts. Morons.
PatsyT : Dip Spreaders !
bito : All Lawyers, all cops, all judges, all politicians….
ChrisR266 : Sabreen: exactly. Knives they’re not, more like the little dip spreaders you set out with the cheese and crackers.
KQuark : So true Sabreen
funksands : Sabreen good take.
PatsyT : Oh how about that one that said President Obama is a liar Joe ?
SallyT : Sabreen, they certainly have clogged the drain.
bito : Bingo, Sabreen!
ADONAI : All different shapes and sizes. And they’re still politicians.
Sabreen60 : I think many of the freshmen teabaggers were “joe the plumbers”. They really didn’t know how government worked. They didn’t know process or policy. All they had were talking points – liberty, freedom, no taxes, health care bad, rich good, poor bad. I mean these are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
ChrisR266 : Ok, Adonai, I’m not going to bite. Love you regardless.
ADONAI : GOD I love that movie
funksands : Nice Tex!
bito : I really have to differ. Politicians come in many colors.
AdLib : Sally, The Iced Tea Party? Love it!
SueInCa : AL I would ask if the republican can maybe the tp will take them out they are doing a good job right now. What if the tbers were really the dems concoction?
texliberal : «link» The Colonel knows
ADONAI : Chris, again, that’s a politician.
PatsyT : weak tea
funksands : No, Ad, they won’t survive. Their corporate backers will have moved on to something else by then.
KQuark : You can tell the lesson they took from the Clinton years is that it’s better to blow up government than to work with a Dem who is even willing to compromise in your favor.
PatsyT : Good Line Sally!
ADONAI : The Tea Party will survive but it isn’t going to be the next third party people were looking for it to be.
texliberal : Colonel Kurtz said it best. described GOPTP to a tee.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Most politicians have some sense of strategic thinking. These folks are exhibiting none of that sense.
SallyT : AdLib I think in 2012 they will become Ice Tea.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Nope. Start playing the taps. Done in 2012.
ADONAI : Chris, again, that’s a politician.
AdLib : Can the Tea Party survive after 2012?
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Most politicians have a strategic bone somewhere. These dudes and dudettes just seem to revel in their existence.
ADONAI : Yes, that describes EVERY politician
AdLib : AD – No need to insult them that much!
funksands : They are just minions. Grocery clerks. Doing the bidding of others.
ADONAI : They can’t be anarchists and definitely not nihilists. They’re politicians. The worst one of all.
bito : They aren’t smart enough to be nihilists
AdLib : Hey Sally!
AdLib : Sabreen – Isn’t that typical? As long as Repubs can inflict pain on others for their profit, something’s good. When it inflicts pain on them, they suddenly reverse their so-called principled stands, as the Gov of VA did. As long as the lower 98% were the only ones getting screwed, default was fine.
ChrisR266 : The baggers in the house aren’t even as sophisticated as anarchists. Spawn of gang members seems more appropriate.
KQuark : Yup they have passed the fray of only being nihilists
funksands : AL, are the tea-party neo-prohibitioni sts?
AdLib : KQ – Indeed, the Baggers in the House are anarchists, they want to tear down the government and see default as a goal.
PatsyT : Funk Yes It was on the local news round the clock, I just had my second baby and was taking my oldest to her summer day camp and we just melted going to the car. We were lucky to have a house in the city with a finished basement and lived down there for a least a month. Even with the AC the upstairs was unbearable.
funksands : Barney Frank had a good take on means-testing SS I hadn’t considered. Start taxing benefits once an income threshold reaches a certain point at 90%. You still get back what you put in, but it gets taxed at a higher rate. Interesting.
ADONAI : HA! Hello sally! And that may have been it.
bito : FYI: grain crops quit producing after 86 degrees.
KQuark : «link»
KQuark : here’s a link to the story
texliberal : I was stationed in Northern Bavaria in ’68. It got to 90 once and a local paper was trying to fry eggs on the sidewalk
SallyT : Adonai, you sure you weren’t hot because you were in your teens?
ADONAI : The less we hear from Rove and his Koch dealers, the better
ADONAI : I remember one year during my teens that was so unbelievably hot. Must have been 95
SueInCa : hypocriites all Sabreew
funksands : Patsy, didn’t a bunch of people die that year?
Sabreen60 : AdLib: The Gov of Virginia also changed his tune. Moody’s said that VA would be one of the five states that would have their credit rating lowered. Now, he’s all “lets raise the debt ceiling, NOW. What a difference a few days make – or rather what a difference Moody made.
PatsyT : I remember that summer of 95 – We were living in Chicago and people were dropping left and right!
ADONAI : That is a pretty good one KQ
AdLib : Hey KQ!
KQuark : «link»
KQuark : Sullivan puts it best the Cold Civil war rages on.
funksands : AL, thats the trouble with the Rayndians and other crackpots. They never expect their pet theories to bump into reality. When it does, they always act surprised.
AdLib : Interesting that we don’t hear a lot from the Kochs, Rove and other GOP establishment lately about the deficit ceiling. They know this is a disaster for the GOP if it happens.
ADONAI : Is that degrees or the Heat Index? Cause the Heat Index is a conspiracy hatched by the liberal government.
SueInCa : Patsy I would even take that………
bito : AdLib, I thought he said that was what the R’s wanted. Not him. He has never called for benefit cuts.
PatsyT : Sue don’t be to jealous I am 8 miles to San Onofre Nuke Plant
AdLib : Sabreen – I saw that from Norquist, he’s terrified that the nation’s economy is crashed due to his policy, he gets blamed and his career is over.
SueInCa : Patsy I am jealous
funksands : Ah. Deep red. Nice
texliberal : Yea but wehn ya’ll slide into the Pacific. I have a brother in Hawaii, wave at him on your way by.
ADONAI : That’s a good question bito. Does it really matter though? The debt ceiling is an arbitrary concept anyways. One day, two weeks, 10 years. Raising it only involves raising it. The farce that has lasted the last year is an epic fail by our entire legislature.
PatsyT : I am in San Clemente Ca Orange County!
PatsyT : Wow Tex, I really feel for you guys in that part of the country
AdLib : Bito – Didn’t Obama say $450 billion in cuts to entitlements in his presser tonight?
funksands : Patsy, where are you?
Sabreen60 : AdLib: Norquist made a statement this evening that Repubs should raise debt ceiling and fight about deficits later.
SueInCa : We were at 93 so don’t feel bac Tex
texliberal : It hasn’t been 72 degrees here since April
PatsyT : Oh Hey we had a brief bit of heat at 77 today.
funksands : Light breeze. Real nice if you like room temp.
SueInCa : Why would Obama take the blame?
bito : Define “cuts” to SS and Medicare/caid
ADONAI : Hello Patsy!
texliberal : FUNKSTER STOP
AdLib : Hey Patsy!!!
Sabreen60 : I think it will be a clean bill to raise debt ceiling, which is what the President wanted in the first place.
AdLib : I’m leaning towards a McConnell type deal, where Obama “takes the blame” and Repubs try to use that to act “faithful” to their Norquist pledge.
SueInCa : unitl 12
funksands : Tex, another scorcher here. 72 today.
ADONAI : Chris, But if you know it’ all bullshit, why get angry? It’s just bullshit. best to laugh.
PatsyT : Hi Tex
bito : Everyone saying the ceiling will be raised: Till when? 6 weeks, 6 months or until ’12
texliberal : Hey Funk
texliberal : Hello Patsy
funksands : Hi Patsy / Tex / Sabreen
PatsyT : Hey Sue!
ADONAI : I predict some cuts in SS and medicare but probably nothing substantial. They do want to be re-elected. The tax increases, “revenue increases” is such a silly term when we all know what it is, will mostly be on the poor and lower middle class. if you think the rich are getting taxed I got abridge o sell you. Then some fluff, and the cap increase. The usual stuff. things get fucked up, the poor foot the bill.
SueInCa : hey patsy
PatsyT : Hi Everyone I hope you are all doing well.
Sabreen60 : Hi AdLib, et al. Oh yea. No more “spam” comments. I thought today’s presser by POTUS was great. I knew Boehner and Repubs couldn’t accept deal with revenues.
funksands : McConnell wouldn’t put out a plan that he didn’t know he had the votes for. Now they just need to squeeze a few House reps.
ChrisR266 : Smoke break, back in a few.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: clean deal. Debt limit raised with no attachments. What the President wanted in the first place.
AdLib : Sabreen – Were you having an issue posting here tonight?
bito : I’m going with KQ, small cuts-1.2- and small revenue changes.
texliberal : hey sabreen
SueInCa : hey sabreen
ChrisR266 : Hi Sabreen.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
texliberal : AD ever notice how his eyes sparkle whenever he talks to his bimbetts?
ChrisR266 : Adonai: I cannot laugh at that dude considering the obscene amount of money he makes for spewing chit from his orfices. It’s the principle, you know.
Sabreen60 : Hi Everyone – I’ll try to post one more time. Otherwise, I’ll be content with reading all the great comments.
funksands : McConnell’s plan.
SueInCa : debt ceiling only
AdLib : Predictions wanted, what kind of deal do you think will be struck on the deficit? Will it include big cuts to SS and Medicare? Real revenue increases on corps and the wealthy? Or just a raise of the debt ceiling?
ADONAI : Why would it make me angry Chris? dude is hilarious.
SueInCa : geez ad don’t ever tell me billo is in my tv, i will get rid of all fo them
ChrisR266 : Adonai: I call crap on that. No way you do that to lower your BP.
ADONAI : also on TV
SueInCa : good so did mine when I saw the “man” in the wh briefing room
ADONAI : When I wanna relax I watch the O’reilly factor. Funniest show in TV.
ChrisR266 : Funk: Oh, got it. Three glasses of wine has slowed the neurons. I’m with ya now.
funksands : Howdy y’all. My blood pressure seems to have dropped into tolerable levels.
ADONAI : Just sayin
AdLib : Hey Funk!
SueInCa : AL that sounds like a blast. Can yo imagine the Mayan leader showing up at your party?
funksands : 12/21 that is Chris.
bito : Apples and footballs Adoni
ADONAI : Hello funk!
funksands : That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
ChrisR266 : Hi Funk, my dude. Happy birthday to your wife. Yay!
funksands : Sue, that is my wife’s birthday. We are having an end of the world party
ChrisR266 : Well, AdLib, what did you want to discuss this evening? I’m curious.
ADONAI : Culture wars don’t trump survival. Here’s my take. If the only way we could avoid defaulting as to pass a bill that also legalized gay marriage nationwide, we’d all be homeless in a few weeks.
SueInCa : Oh noes, I was waiting to see who the Mayans had as their leader
AdLib : Sue – Didn’t you hear, they calculated the date wrong.
SueInCa : that is what was reported priot to funny man hiding it in this years budget
ChrisR266 : holy shit, 50 billion? wow.
SueInCa : If there is anything to come back to, remember 12.21.12
AdLib : Chris – Sue said $50 billion, that sounds closer to what I heard, $40 billion a while ago.
ChrisR266 : Culture Wars issues never trump survival.
ADONAI : In 2012 yes. But they’ll be back. And it’s the culture war that will lead them. Just as it has many times before.
SueInCa : AD they do not trump survival
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Culture always loses to jobs, income and food.
SueInCa : Figures Perry running out after he decimates the state, typical rethuglican
AdLib : AD – I agree with Sue, campaigning against gay marriage or pro-life when people need jobs and are losing their homes just won’t play. The Repubs are going down in 2012.
ADONAI : I dunno sue. I think the country is A LOT more culturally conservative than people wanna admit.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I read something about a plus $20 million deficit in 2012. Correct?
SueInCa : Tex is sitting on a 52bilion deficit
AdLib : Tex – The Rainy Day fund is fully committed and empty. No state income tax. Big oil royalties have expired. And TX already rates very low in spending on education, health and social programs. AND…there will be a big deficit next year (they used smoke and mirrors to push this year’s deficit onto next year. TX is in trouble.
SueInCa : I will look it up Chris.
ChrisR266 : Sue, I think you are right. Screw the culture wars.
ADONAI : I just can’t believe republicans really did it. Mr. Carlin always said that one day they were coming for your retirement money to give it to their rich friends. And apparently he was right. I just never thought they would be so blatant about it. Could they not see the backlash coming? I mean, the bill was worded so anyone could get “they’re taking away social services” from it. The arrogance of it all.
ChrisR266 : Sue: Never before has any organization gathered over a million signatures to place a piece of legislation on the ballot in Ohio.
SueInCa : Adonai i think the american people are all through with culture wars, we don’t have the patience for it anymore
SueInCa : what is it chris?
texliberal : AL, it will be a Texas Miracle if this state survives a few more years of GOPTP administration
ChrisR266 : This is serious shit, folks
AdLib : Tex – That’s just the tip of the iceberg on Perry. The Baggers are already attacking him!
SueInCa : Bito is that the one I gave you? I just bookmarked it again
ChrisR266 : SB 5, Ohio 995,000+ verified signatures for referendum.
ADONAI : Republicans don’t need real issues though. They have fake ones like their culture war. Defeat them on the economy and they’ll ride DOMA back into office.
AdLib : In 2010, they ran on fixing the economy, jobs and how the ACA was going to turn America into a socialist Death Panel nation. Now what have they got to run on in 2012?
bito : Sue, you were the one that turned me on to Muckety years ago. Handy and a real ‘time bandit’!
ChrisR266 : Average, everyday people are not blind, nor are they stupid.
texliberal : Mentioned this last week, Rick Perry was a Democrat and ran Gore’s primary campaign in Texas in ’88
ChrisR266 : The blogging trolls are in a full bore panic over the last two days, leading me to believe that Adonai is right about what is about to happen to the GOP in 2012.
SueInCa : there is no reason to vote for them Adlib, they proved this week how bankrupt they are
AdLib : Tex – I posted the results of a TX Legislative study this year, showing how low TX is ranked on so many issues from poverty to uninsured to pollution, when people see how Perry and Repubs have devastated TX, he won’t have a chance.
SueInCa : hey bito
ADONAI : Al – I think you’re right. I don’t put much stock in polls but recent ones are pretty overwhelming and they point to a big republican defeat.
ChrisR266 : Hi bito, evening to you.
bito : Hello all!
ADONAI : Hey bito! Jack Abramoff. That seems pretty obvious.
texliberal : CHRIS there are no gentlemen POLITICIANS. They’re ALL LAND SHARKS
AdLib : Hey Bito!
AdLib : In the end, I don’t see how a majority of indie voters will see any reason to vote for Repubs in 2012. Boehner, Norquist, Cantor and the Baggers have all shown the intellectual bankruptcy of their agenda. Why go another 2 years like this?
bito : FYI here is Grover’s Muckety Map «link»
ADONAI : I would have liked to have gone out drinking with Andre the Giant. There’s a well known, story, verified by tons of people, that he drank 112 beers in one sitting and walked home just fine.
texliberal : SUE, wait until people really get to know Perry
ChrisR266 : Bwaaahaha, Tex. I would do that with you, for sure. I do think Boehner is a gentleman who is wholly out of his ilk with these infantile GOPTP newbies. You just can’t change the diapers fast enough.
SueInCa : Tex you are saying Mormon and Evangelical quacks? No effing way
ADONAI : Impeached? No. They haven’t done anything worth impeaching them over. Like it or not, this is our system. But, the good thing is, if you don;t like it you can change it.
texliberal : I don’t know AD I’m getting long in the tooth but still have my moments
SueInCa : Adonai boehner could drink an elephant under the table lots of practice the old drunk
AdLib : Tex – Very possible.
texliberal : AL, a Romney/Perry ticket?
ChrisR266 : Boehner and the rest of them are trying to duck and hide from Mephistopheles, as he is on his way to collect their souls.
ADONAI : Boehner would drink you under the table.
SueInCa : The republican party signed an oath with Norquist over their congressional oaths, they should all be impeached. I certainly do not agree with it and that carpetbagger McClintock is my rep
texliberal : Chris lets you and I go bar hopping with Boehner, HE BUYS
AdLib : Sue – It sure seemed that way to me, running away from negotiations AGAIN…and he calls Obama “not serious”? The only thing he didn’t do was threaten to tell his mom on Obama.
ChrisR266 : Bwaaaaahaha, Sue!
ADONAI : Boehner is wrong on the economy overall but he knows a deal HAS to be struck. I could just say “yo made the bed now lay in it.”
ChrisR266 : Grover caved deliberately, and then balked. He knew exactly what he was saying.
AdLib : Tex – Yep, looks pretty probable Rick Perry is getting in the race around the time of his religious shindig.
SueInCa : chris don’t let it get to you he got what he deservec
ChrisR266 : I cannot believe I’m saying this (as you all know where I’m from) but I actually feel for Boehner.
AdLib : Hey Sue, we’re talking about Obama and Boehner’s walking out on debt ceiling talks.
texliberal : Grover kinda caved today but then kinda retracted. Just goes to prove even he has corporate and banking masters
ChrisR266 : Sue: I’m the same Chrisr266 I’ve been everywhere else,
SueInCa : Boehner screwed the pooch today lol
AdLib : One has to consider the motivations that are exposed by the behavior of the players in this. Obama’s motivation to do what’s best for the nation can’t logically be questioned, his willingness to compromise and seeking a deal displays this. The Bagger House, threatening to destroy the economy if they aren’t allowed to destroy the economy (circular logic) exposes them. I can’t understand how any reasoning person in the lower 98% could vote Republican. It’s like voting for a killer asteroid.
SueInCa : Hi Chris you look =familiar…
texliberal : AL, Rick Perry??
ChrisR266 : Sue: Agreed. Obama has held all the cards throughout this whole ordeal. Boehner is effed.
SueInCa : Hey Adonai
SueInCa : Hey there Tex
ADONAI : Hello Sue!
texliberal : Hello Sue
SueInCa : I think Obama has Boehner just where he needs him
ADONAI : It still goes back to Congress. rick Perry or not. A President can only be as good or bad as Congress allows him to be. And to a lesser extent vice versa.
ChrisR266 : Evening, Sue.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: That’s why I think to some extent, we saw some theatre between Obama and Boehner today. Boehner is up against the wall with the intransigents in the House, and Obama knows that.
texliberal : Chris it will be interesting to see what his second term will be like
ADONAI : It’d be easier if people realized that Obama is President. he is THE politician. he has to be a politician. That means compromise and tons of unpopular decisions. And it wouldn’t matter who was president. No one was pulling this polirtical mess together any better
SueInCa : Hey /chris what is the topic?
ChrisR266 : I think we got as much Harry Truman as we can expect from this President. It was more than I expected to get, ‘eh?
AdLib : Hey Sue!
AdLib : Now consider President Rick Perry in the same situations…
SueInCa : good evening. coming off another week with doctors…
texliberal : YEP
ChrisR266 : Did you see him tonight, tex?
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Allen West. Talk about vile. The guy has a thin skin and a history that does not support a take on him as a gentleman, let alone a reasonable human.
AdLib : AD – A deal has to be in the works this weekend or the market tanks on Monday, the start of the economic dominoes falling.
texliberal : Chris I like him too but I would like too see a little more Harry Truman
AdLib : Chris – I’m certainly subjective about this but I completely agree. This was a big day for Obama, he impressed who he is in different ways today in a way none of the Repub candidates could…can you imagine any of them carrying today off as Obama did? I can’t.
ADONAI : A deal will be made. I think it will wait til the last day so they can milk the drama for all it’s worth.
ADONAI : So what’s up with that guy who berated Wasserman-Schult z? What a prick.
ChrisR266 : Today was the first day in a long while that I think the nation saw the President at his best. He was warm, firm and accessible at the Town Hall; Firm, emotional and clear headed at the press conference. He laid it out for the citizenry in a way that Boehner could not refute in his 7:15 statement.
AdLib : So…do you think there will be a deal crafted this weekend?
AdLib : Adlib – Was he talking to you?
ADONAI : Did you just post a message to yourself?
AdLib : AL – What I’d like is for Dems to step back from being Purists. Purism is messed up, that deserves to be criticized. But once Dems choose to step back from absolutism, they’re not Purists and the criticism doesn’t address them.
ADONAI : Al- Most definitely. Treatment and prevention have proven to be more effective time and time again. The prison system just wants the money.
texliberal : heh
ADONAI : Interesting off topic: Recently I tried to get through an entire day starting every sentence with “so I was watching these two chics make out…”. I think I did well. I’m not gonna hang a Mission Accomplished banner or anything but I think we met most of our benchmarks for victory.
AdLib : AD – Yes and that is a pertinent issue to the budget as well. If the billions we’ve been spending on the drug war, on trials and prison were addressed, that could pay for a lot of Medicare benefits.
texliberal : AL understand, but we’re still gonna need them in 2012
AdLib : Tex – I’m so tired of extremists, on the right or the left. They care primarily about their personal feelings over the welfare of the nation. Look at the Baggers in the House. And those Purists who aided their election by urging Dems not to vote last November, they all have a responsibility in where we are today though the Baggers more so.
ADONAI : Indeed Al. I loved the thought he put into the question about the “drug war”. It wasn’t your usual “drugs are bad Mkay” type answer.
texliberal : Chris, I’ve been to Denmark and Norway it was 40 years ago things must have really changed
AdLib : AD – Yes, and as I posted, it was enlightening to see the different issues people brought up. Real people aren’t like the MSM which portrays an America where there are only 3-4 stories to discuss repeatedly.
texliberal : AL why such a hard on for our purist brothers and sisters?
ADONAI : It just seemed like Obama was talking to them like adults who live in the real world. A refreshing change of pace
AdLib : Haven’t heard a figure that high, Tex. Apparently, it was coordinated with the bombing, the killer used that as an excuse for entering the camp.
ADONAI : The officials in Norway are being very tight lipped about it. I did read that a well know extremist group in the area may have took credit for it.
AdLib : No doubt the Purist Dems were disappointed at Obama’s strong performance. It’s tough to have to hold back self-righteous anger.
ChrisR266 : Tex: I can’t seem to find anything solid about what happened in Norway. Especially at the youth camp.
ADONAI : I’ve been trying ot find out more about it myself tex
ChrisR266 : I thought the town hall was very well done.
texliberal : Someone said as many as 80 people may have been shot at the youth camp in Norway, Anyone else hear that?
ADONAI : I liked that town hall too. It didn’t feel staged like the previous administration.
ChrisR266 : evening, Adonai
AdLib : Hey AD!
ADONAI : Hello
AdLib : Not sure what else was up today.
texliberal : HEH
AdLib : Hey Tex! Actually, today was quite busy at the Beard Growing Competition in Nebraska.
texliberal : Hey Chris, AD
ChrisR266 : Evening, Tex.
texliberal : WOW slow news day huh?
AdLib : The Baggers may retrench to wanting this as an issue in 2012 but how do they win the argument on cutting entitlements, killing Medicare as we know it and protecting the wealthy, as a popular platform?
AdLib : I do think Boehner understands and is capable of compromise. But being Speaker with his big gavel means more to him and Cantor is grabbing for it.
AdLib : I wouldn’t go so far as to say this was orchestrated, I believe that Boehner had his leash yanked again by Cantor and the Baggers. Can’t see Boehner choosing to team with Obama in a scheme.
ChrisR266 : He finally got pissed! He demonstrated a viscerality to his job that people have been waiting to see for 18 months. He chalked up major ethos points this evening.
ChrisR266 : That is why his performance at the 5:30 news conference was so masterful.
AdLib : I think Obama always projects authenticity. Today, we saw justified emotion and resolve that made him look even stronger. This is high stakes but he’s handling it incredibly. My point is that the public needs the BS sliced through, they need to understand that the only choices the Repubs are offering is destruction of our economy and standard of living for the lower 98%.
ChrisR266 : The sad thing is that I think Boehner is really of the breed of compromise in Congress; yet he has no chance to prove so because he is bent over by the GOPTP. I actually feel bad for the guy, and I’m from Ohio, so no love lost here.
ChrisR266 : I posited on another blog last evening that Boehner and the President probably talked about what they would do when it became clear to Boehner that he could not corral any GOPTP members of the House. Today’s events are pretty well in line with what I suggested.
AdLib : Yes, his pledge is now center stage and if the public and Repubs see it as a disaster, game over Grover.
ChrisR266 : Hmmmm. I thought he handled the Town Hall masterfully, and honestly. He was spewing genuineness.
ChrisR266 : I think that is exactly what he is worried about. He is also worried that his open wallet will dry up like the Sahara by Tuesday.
AdLib : Obama did a great job today but one thing I wish he would have said is that the Repubs, through their bill and no-tax ultimatum on raising the debt ceiling, are offering a choice of shooting the economy in the head today or slowly strangling it in the next few years.
AdLib : Norquist may be worried that if the economy tanks because of his pledge, his relevance is over and demonized.
ChrisR266 : What struck me a few times over the last 48 hours is how inept some new players at crafting messages that pass the smell test once presented. Norquist in particular failed miserably yesterday. What a mess.
AdLib : The idea that Grover Norquist and Baggers, a small minority of this nation, have so much power, enough to destroy our entire economy, is a bit sobering.
ChrisR266 : I was off all day, so I was viewer to it all, from the town hall to the press conferences at the end of the day. It was remarkable, to say the least.
AdLib : A remarkable day and yet a bit scary at what our government has turned into.
ChrisR266 : Hi AdLib, very well tonight! It’s been a great day in politics!
AdLib : Hey Chris! How are you this evening?
ChrisR266 : Hi y’all!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Great Emerald, glad you joined the party and enjoyed it. Should be lively tonight!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I had so much fun last week that I would not miss it! Thanks for the reminder!
AdLib : Vox Populi begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. So much to chat about, hope to see you then!Vox Populi –
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