Chernynkaya : Night AdLib and Sally!
Chernynkaya : OPh, and I call him at least weekly with some pressing issue that he solves by telling me to reboot.
SallyT : Okay, I’ll do that. But, now I will wait for you guys to get back. This typing a line and then looking up and seeing that it didn’t take it is no fun. The computer has been working fine on here earlier. It just started when you openned this. Oh, well. See you guys over there.
Chernynkaya : AL–yes, you’re really a pro. Years ago, by son worked in a Help center. He and his cronies always tell the same stories about how people insist it’s not anything they did. And it really is amusing!
AdLib : Thanks to all for another rousing edition of Vox Populi! Have a great weekend, Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there and see you here next week, same time, same channel!
AdLib : Cher – As you know, I kind of know my way around computers so I get a chuckle out of my mother’s insistence on what the issue is when she’s having a computer problem.
AdLib : Sally – Do you mean the link or being able to comment doesn’t work? I would suggest trying two things, make sure Java is updated on your computer, clear your browser’s cache and next week, try rebooting your computer beforehand. Could be that your computer’s memory is low.
Chernynkaya : AL– OMG! That’s terrible but really funny. I’m not that bad, but because my son is in the computer biz, he probably thinks I am!
AdLib : Cher – My mom is so bewildered by the workings of computers and electronics and in the same age range. The first time she was on a computer, she didn’t know how to turn it off so she deleted everything on the desktop thinking that once everything was gone, the computer would turn off.
SallyT : It doesn’t work, AdLib.
AdLib : Sally – Try going to the Vox Populi page and see if that helps: «link» I post this link in the sidebar announcement each week, you can also find it under Live Events in the top menu.
Chernynkaya : Sally–that’s really strange. Can AdLib help?
Chernynkaya : In looks or in Luddite-ness?
SallyT : No, Cher, it won’t let me on. I can only type in the little box and I have to wait between beeps to get it to take the type,.
AdLib : Cher – She reminds me a bit of my mom.
Chernynkaya : OK– I’ll be on the other state on the Planet now. Thanks for the fish!
AdLib : Sally – It’s like a swimming pool, easiest just to jump on in at Vox Populi and pick up wherever you want.
Chernynkaya : AL–those two are so cute. I can relate.
Chernynkaya : Sally– it’s easy to get on for me. It’s keeping up that’s hard.
AdLib : Cher – Heh! Over a million hits too!
SallyT : For one thing, once you guys get started, trying to get on here is like trying to but into line.
Chernynkaya : I guess I’ll leave with this vid–how I feel tonight: «link»
AdLib : Hey Sally! Then join us here next time!
Chernynkaya : Sally! What have you been up to?
SallyT : Boy, it is no fun being over on the site when you all are on here.
Chernynkaya : And too lOng as well.
AdLib : Heh! I was watching/listeni ng to it too.
Chernynkaya : ‘Night, Abby dear. Well, AdLib, it’s just us. I guess we’re over. I was looking for a YouTube but it took too ling.
Chernynkaya : Good grief, Patsy!
Abbyrose86 : Ok…Adlib and Cher I’m off too…goodnight. ..it was a real pleasure tonight! Thank you all!
AdLib : Abby – What is astounding to me is how Boomers prided themselves on what great parents they were and yet, when it came to doing what it took to give their kids a better life than theirs, they totally ignored that in favor of indulging themselves. I don’t get it.
Abbyrose86 : LOL
Abbyrose86 : Good night
PatsyT : «link»
Abbyrose86 : My generation also, never saw great incomes for their college degreed required jobs.
Chernynkaya : DRAT!!!
AdLib : booze
Abbyrose86 : I came of age in the late 80’s…by the time I got out there….the opportunities were slim. Baby boomers weren’t retiring yet…but held the best jobs. Prices of homes were rising as was the cost of higher education. My siblings could afford higher education without substantial loans…not so for me…My first house was a fixer upper in a iffy area, which I paid 100K for…my sister who bought in the same neighborhood 15 years prior…bought her house for 18K…18,000…a nd sold it for 100K…I on the other had, lost 100k…the values dropped and we couldn’t sell it.
AdLib : Isn’t that always the way? The ooze runs out and everyone heads out at the same time.
Chernynkaya : Speaking of old, did you guys see this:
AdLib : Three handed Hearts?
Chernynkaya : AdLib– how about canasta?
AdLib : Cher – You me and Abby…Gin Rummy anyone?
AdLib : Night KQ, have a wonderful weekend!
Chernynkaya : Well, heck, who’s left?
KQuark : I’m off as well. Good night folks.
Chernynkaya : Have fun, Patsy!
KQuark : Take care Chris.
AdLib : Night Patsy! Happy Father’s day to your hubby!
Abbyrose86 : goodnight Chris!
Chernynkaya : KQ–well, there’s THAT.
PatsyT : OK my kids are playing house music… gotta go dance … Have a great night everyone!
ChrisR266 : ‘Night, Cher. too much finger farting all over the place for me to stay on here. Love you all.
KQuark :
until someone mentions political compromise.
Abbyrose86 : Choice lady, I think you make a great point…yes Gen’x are the sandwich generation..thos e who now are in their mid 30’s to late 40’s. Gen x starts with those born in 1966 and ends with those born up until 1980. The millenials or gen y are the generation born after that…those under 30 now.
AdLib : Night Chris! Have a great weekend!
Chernynkaya :
Bye, Chris.
Chernynkaya : KQ– I’m a Boomer–lots of us in the Planet are, and we play well, don’t we?
AdLib : CL – I completely agree, the Boomers who are in power now, have turned out in general to be so selfish and self-indulgent that they’ve trashed the house before they leave it to the next generation. It will be up to Gen-X and Millennials to try and repair the damage and decrease in the standard of living that Boomers have handed them.
ChrisR266 : ok, gotta stop commenting, the fingers have decided to work no more tonight. have a great weekend all. I am not sharp enough at this late hour to keep the pinky from hitting enter. Enjoy your weekend!
Chernynkaya : Chris, you’re doing what I do–hitting enter.
KQuark : I’m kindo in the tweener generation like Obama CL and I see what you are saying. It’s hard to call myself a boomer because I just didn’t really have my early adult life until the late 70’s. Most of all Boomers never learned to play well with others.
ChrisR266 : if you look at how we
ChrisR266 : Whoops, continuation of comment:
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Indeed, how we work is a big part of the equation. Look at how
Abbyrose86 : And Gen X.,..is just forgotten about?? Seriously….Gen X are those in their mid 30’s to late 40s NOW..that is the generation that really got screwed in all this. Most gen x’ers are the ones who are in low level jobs and can’t get ahead…the Millenials are still young and have a whole life ahead of them….
Chernynkaya : «link»
Chernynkaya : Or this, and then I’ll stop:
AdLib : Cher – Very cool image! CL – check it out!
AdLib : Chris – You’ve got a great point there. If only the US could convert to a more European workplace and lifestyle, all generations would find life far more relaxed and enjoyable. It’s not perfect, there are always issues but US workers spend around 2 months more of the year working than Europeans. And yet, they have healthcare and retirement and most Americans don’t or won’t.
choicelady : AdLib – thanks! Now I feel inspired to go lift weights to get those fine arms! Eat your heart out, Michelle O.!
Chernynkaya : oops– that was a image for CL.
Chernynkaya : «link»
KQuark : I think Milinials are doing a bang up job so far. They are fighting two wars. Accepting less pay with higher student loans. etc etc They more remind me of the beginnings of the greatest generation considering the shit world they inherited.
choicelady : Cher – OH YES – Boadicea!! My heroine!
ChrisR266 : Abby: you are correct: X’ers got the shit end of the stick. No one’s talking about that, either.
choicelady : Abby – Are the GenX between Boomers and Millennials? I think the Boomers (my generation) are THE biggest narcissists ever. I like the younger folks. It’s more about CLASS than about age, IMHO. Boomers who were working class are great. People of any age raised with a sense of the worth of others are fine. So I’m not sure that it’s generational so much as privilege and upbringing.
AdLib : CL – Okay, I’ve taken all the work out of it for you, here’s a link to Rosie you can use at Gravatar: «link»
KQuark : Dunno maybe they went back to privilege.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: The present day workplace is not at all suited to the millenials’ work vision. Nor is it really suited to how the boomers or their elders see themselves working in the latter years of their careers. What we’re experiencing is not a generational problem, but a 21st century work problem.
Chernynkaya : CL– I thought of Mother Jones too–but rejected it for the same reason for you. I like Rosie or maybe Bodacia (sp)??
Abbyrose86 : Adlib…Agreed.. ..:)
AdLib : Abby – But Gen-X did make great music!
Abbyrose86 : KQUARK…I, too, have been plagued by that question…serio usly…HOW did that happen???
choicelady : Cher – I think I am more Rosie the Riverter than Wonder Woman! Actually the person I think I’m most like is Mother Jones, but she was plug ugly, so I will pass on that one.
Abbyrose86 : I think KQUARK makes a good point about the boomers having some explaining to do! I’m not a boomer, I’m a gen X…and as the sandwich generation that I am…we didn’t get the benefits that the boomers or the millennials did…instead we got the shit end of the stick….the bad opportunities, economy and spoiled kids who want designer crap.
AdLib : CL – Okay, maybe you’re right. Perhaps Supergirl?
Chernynkaya : I was thinking more of the Mad Hatter–but the Wabbit is good too!
AdLib : Chris – I have had discussions with a number of people who have had difficulties hiring and getting dedicated work from some in the Millennial generation. Granted, it is anecdotal but I have relatives as well in that generation who reflect the same.
KQuark : I still can’t figure out how flower power turned into greed is good.
choicelady : AdLib – I trust you to pick an avatar that reflects the “real me”. You know me better than anyone else here. But Wonder Woman might be a BIT over the top, doncha think?
Chernynkaya : Chris–no need to apologize! I like the question.
KQuark : Reminds me of an old Richard Pryor joke about a bridge and a pond and two men I won’t repeat here.
ChrisR266 : KQ: Agreed. We have to come to grips with what we raised. I have one. she’s going to be 23. I have learned some hard lessons raising one and teaching hundreds of them,
Chernynkaya : I like to think of CL as that WWII poster of a woman saying Yes we can!
AdLib : Cher – “Dear me, I’m late for a very important Tweet!”
Chernynkaya : AdLib– you sounded just like Lewis Carrol there.
Abbyrose86 : Chris, My own experience with many of that generation..espe cially those who were raised in affluent settings is not that positive. While I have met a few who aren’t spoiled, and who really have ideals behind their desire to not be a part of the corporate culture, they are sadly the exception, not the rule. My children are of that generation and many of their peers are simply spoiled..they expect mom and dad to do EVERYTHING for them, including paying all the bills.
choicelady : KQ – LOL!! I know a man who claimed he did not need a fig leaf – he needed a fig TREE. I understand.
ChrisR266 : Ok every body, I can see we’re going to get nowhere( really ) on this one. Sorry I raised it.
AdLib : CL – Hmm…then we should come up with one for you to save you the time. How about Wonder Woman?
KQuark : Totally agree Chris. The book on the millennials is out it’s the baby boomers that got some ‘spaining to do.
AdLib : Chris – It’s just a general thing with me, nothing personal. When guys say, “Why are all women…” I can’t go along with that and when women say, “Why do all guys…” I can’t go along with that either. Generalizations usually lead in the wrong direction…thou gh, as that is a generalization, I can’t say it’s always the case!
ChrisR266 : KQ: Bravo! LMAO.
KQuark : No CL it’s just with men when they self reflect they see the reflection of the Washington Monument in the reflection pond in Washington
ChrisR266 : I must take issue with the millenials feeling entitled. That is a myth propagated by MSM as well. What they don’t want is to get buried by a work structure that leaves them languishing. And for that I cannot blame them,
Chernynkaya : But Chris– I mean most men do not pic their dicks. Most do nit attack their maids or have sex with their housekeepers. But it is true that men sometimes let their little head get the best of their big heads. I guess I just made peace with that. And also with the fact that they can fuck women and have it mean nothing. But I’m old, so it took years to get that.
PatsyT : KQ like I said it’s visual, sorry for the tease, I can’t type it out
choicelady : AdLib – I know I could have another avatar that did not make me look like a chess piece, but that would take thought and work, and who needs that?
KQuark : I see where poor Hugh was left at the alter, BTW
choicelady : Cher – 99% of men DO discern stupid. In other men. Self reflection is NOT a strong suit I fear in either men or women.
AdLib : Patsy – Looking forward to hearing the details.
choicelady : ADLib – LOL!!!!
KQuark : Whoa Patsy Playboy stories back of do tell.
AdLib : CL – You could use an image of something other than yourself for your Avatar though.
Abbyrose86 : Adlib, I do think you make a great point about the generations and specifically the millennials…th ey are a spoiled lot.
ChrisR266 : Cher, see, that’s it! They can discern stupid. Yet it does not deter stupid. I can’t wrap my mind around that.
KQuark : To be honest CL the people I would like to spotlight most on their personal life are the media pundits. We need more tell all books about them.
choicelady : Abby – that story just broke my heart. Her son is gay and had to leave the family, but he did not know his own mother’s story for years. Luckily they were close before she died. But even now some of the family does not – cannot – know the truth.
AdLib : CL – Whoops…don’t check your Twitter account until…now! Okay, you can check it now.
Abbyrose86 : I tend to try and stay away from the picture thing myself…there are very few pics of me out there, only those which I commission and which I feel comfortable with are out there…I am also careful in how I present myself in the online world. It boggles my mind how many are so free with their personal info and photos.
ChrisR266 : Aw, Cher, your work is never done! But you have made my evening, so Cheers!
PatsyT : Cher, AL, remind me to tell you my Playboy stories the next time we meet … it’s visual so I can’t really type it out.
Chernynkaya : Chris– 99% of the men DO discern stupid.
choicelady : AdLib – TMI, my friend. TMI.
AdLib : Chris – I think the juvenilization of generations is not limited to men. It is profound throughout more recent generations, evidenced by the Millennials who have a totally outsized sense of entitlement and self-worth, based primarily on nothing other than they’ve been told how wonderful they are since birth.
Chernynkaya : Chris– Then my work here is done!
choicelady : Abby – it’s why I look like a pawn in a chess game. No photos of me exist anywhere save one spot (not telling)over which I had no control and which has caused me real problems in having a stalker. The idea you put your mug and incredibly personal details “out there” is disgustingly stupid because, never mind my political problems with the religious right, there are very CREEPY people such as Breitbart ready to take advantage and destroy you or others who stalk you. Teens who sext on the internet are going to find they can’t get jobs – employers check that stuff OUT. We are SO stupid!
ChrisR266 : Cher: Ah, great insight. What he did was really stupid. Are men not able to discern stupid?
Chernynkaya : AL–
No, it is not at all, my fiend. Don’t stop!
PatsyT : Yes CL, It is just a little change at a time… Have you seen this film, The Celluloid Closet ? I about cried when I saw it. «link»
Abbyrose86 : Sadly Adlib…I think you are spot on.
Chernynkaya : I actually like a small amount of porn, and am pretty nonjudgmental–b orn and raised in L.A.– but I have to say those pics were so–well, visual. He just looked pretty odd. But he;s NOT. He really isn’t. What he was was really stupid.
ChrisR266 : Ad: LMFAO!
Abbyrose86 : Choicelady…wha t a sad story.
That poor lady…living a lie for so long…sigh
AdLib : Cher – You mean wearing a bear costume and humming “Frere Jacques” while having sex…is “weird”?
ChrisR266 : Have a great weekend, Funk.
Abbyrose86 : good point made about the photo evidence…that does make a difference, I’m sure. Without the photos the scandal is not as bad…no evidence. PEOPLE need to stop taking pictures of everything!
KQuark : And I still think Rachel is being disingenuous because she would not defend a Kent Conrad as vigorously.
choicelady : Patsy – that’s it. Larry Craig. Well, he can protest, and I feel sad for him. The incredible pressure huge parts of our society has put on people about their sexual orientation is heartbreaking. I just found out the mother of a friend lived secretly as a lesbian for 37 years, hiding her relationship after her husband died. She had married, had three kids, then found her true love but had to keep it secret for THIRTY SEVEN YEARS. How horrible!
ChrisR266 : Cher: I read your comment and snorted beer out of my nose, LOL. You are right, I have read the same thing. But it does not make the reality any more palatable. All it says to me is that we raise men to be juveniles for most of their lives and have to put up with their unconscionable lack of socially acceptable behavior.
PatsyT : Cher Vitter in a diaper !! if only !
Abbyrose86 : Ah…Cher, very true. VERY true
Chernynkaya : Practically everyone’s sexuality is “weird”, if we only knew the truth.
AdLib : Abby – Right with you but as long as we have a corporately owned news media and a sex-inundated society, this type of tabloid exploitation will prevail.
KQuark : Exactly Cher visual evidence makes people “relate” to a news story so much better or worse in this matter.
PatsyT : Happy Father’s Day to you Funksands!
choicelady : Abby – SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG. You got that right!
Chernynkaya : ‘Night funk!
choicelady : funk – happy father’s day if it applies to you!
AdLib : Night, Funk! Have a great weekend!
funksands : Go get em Abby. No prisoners!!!!
PatsyT : CL Yes again and that Larry Craig, I think he still claims he is innocent
Abbyrose86 : Take care funk..nice to see you
Chernynkaya : Yes, KQ. And if there had been a pic of Vitter in the diaper, it would have been totally different. Plus, the hooker part was really not that shocking to many–boys will be boys. It was the diaper. If only there had been cell phone pics.
funksands : Gotta go everyone. Happy Father’s day to any dads or dads to be out there. Thankfully Weiner and his wife will have a few years to figure out how to explain all of this to their little zygote.
Abbyrose86 : I agree that Weiner’s issue was a distraction…an d I get the drama mama thing that the media’s got going…but damn I really wish our culture would grow up already! {sigh} When a penis shot and guy jacking off is more important than wars, and 45 million living in poverty…someth ing is SERIOUSLY wrong.
AdLib : KQ – I am disappointed at how quickly the Dems adopted the Repub line but at the same time, I completely disagree with Rachel on it having any ongoing damage. This was a unique situation, the fact that there were photos AND that Weiner lied to the public, Dem leadership and even the Pres also damages his cred badly. For example, if Weiner decried Repubs being dishonest about anything from the floor of the Congress…how effective would that be?
choicelady : Patsy – that’s what brought down whatever his name was – Mr. Wide Stance. Trolling for boys remains the one sexual no-no. At least until you’ve cried in public and begged forgiveness.
KQuark : Great point Cher.
KQuark : I disagree CL if the MSM had acted the same way.
PatsyT : Oh Cl Yes the boys would be a bridge to far
KQuark : I also hate arguments when people use comparisons. Each situation is different like that of Vitter and Weiner. Sure I think Vitter was worse. He actually broke the law but the media reaction was so different. They pretty much just chucked about it.
choicelady : Patsy – if Weiner were Republican, he’d still be there unless he’d sexted boys. But then we’d be howling for his scalp. Funk – I agree the MSM is not paying attention to the debt ceiling, but the parties must, and they would NOT if Weiner were still the issue.
Chernynkaya : KQ It hurts them more if the Dems said nothing. All about the Indies now. Most people wanted it to stop and had little sympathy for Weiner–who mist Americans had never heard of.
PatsyT : Gee if only Winer had a R next to his name….
AdLib : Chris – Yes, I’d have to say that articles explain how men and women both sext. BTW, on Bourbon St during Mardi Gras, you’ll pretty much only see women flashing themselves…jus t for beads.
choicelady : Abby – because theater ALWAYS triumphs over SUBSTANCE. Always. They pay massive lip service to’family values’ and as long as they do, what they DO is brushed off. Rachel showed people headed for a Vitter fund raiser last week – he was running on his record of FAMILY VALUES even though he had hired the DC Madam to powder and diaper him. How the GOP do the brain squeeze needed to reconcile those two thing is beyond MY ken, but they do. Form over substance. Works every time.
funksands : Choice I disagree. They could have hunkered down and rode it out. What the MSM is going to pay LESS attention the debt ceiling fight than they were already?
Chernynkaya : Chris– it’s about how THEY think of themselves–not how we do.
KQuark : So I guess to go back to AdLib’s question does it hurt Dems more to have forced Weiner to resign or go on with the scandal defending him.
ChrisR266 : Wow. Now this has become one interesting disucssion! Be back in a flash.
Chernynkaya : Abby– I think it has something to do with their Christian focus in redemption and forgiveness. For their own.
ChrisR266 : Cher: just read your comment. Hmmm. Middle aged men are the least invisible population I can think of.
KQuark : CL that’s the point too I think Spitzer did handle his problem better.
Abbyrose86 : Personally I wish Weiner HAD done as Choicelady just stated…I think it would have been much different.
AdLib : For example: “Sexting” Shockingly Common Among Teens «link»
choicelady : KQ – the lies might have been the issue. Wonder what would have happened if Weiner said, “Yeah. I sexted. Bite me.” Maybe it would have been different?
Abbyrose86 : So Choicelady, what I don’t get…is WHY the GOP who run on a family values platform are ALLOWED to get away with sexually deviant behavior but not anyone else…it’s f’ed up…
Chernynkaya : It’s NOT the sexting that upset me at all–it was the stupidity if the risk.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: indeed, I agree. But rarely do you see one of these cases come from a situation where the female initiates the interaction. Does the penis always win out? I do mean this seriously, I’m trying to understand.
choicelady : funk – they did what they had to do. It was NOT going away, and they had to disavow his stupid shenanigans. (Good – I worked it in.)
KQuark : I don’t know the man CL but his actions were idiotic. Who knows he could really have some strange personal problems.
choicelady : KQ – I guess I’m with Markos, too. Spitzer was someone I’d met around the murder of the Buffalo doctor, and I liked him SO much – and was really relieved when he stepped down. Gross and puerile behavior are, for DEMS, not Republicans, a MAJOR handicap. We just have to accept that. Look at the S. Carolina governor whose name I will not recall – with C Street behind him, he stayed in office. There IS a double standard. We can’t win this so we need stand up people who don’t do stupidass things.
Abbyrose86 : For me, I just HATE political, manufactured, sex scandals…they really piss me off, as I find them ALL hypocritical.
Chernynkaya : Chris– the simplest explanation I read is one that says it’s about middle-aged men feeling invisible. I also have posted a long article about the psychology today.
KQuark : Funk I think for the party there is no good way to handle this, especially when it’s Weiner that was not forthcoming.
AdLib : Chris – Er…men and women have been sexting for some time, making sex tapes, etc. (Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson for example). People use the web for sex, that’s not unusual. Some folks go pretty far indeed but it’s not reflective of all men or women or Congresspeople doing the same.
funksands : KQ, that I agree with. I am less concerned about the fate of Mr. Weiner than I am with how the party handled this whole mess.
ChrisR266 : LMAO, Funk. Thanks.
ChrisR266 : Me either, Abby. I just can’t seem to get a sensible answer on this one.
Chernynkaya : KQ– And I also agree with Kos. There is plenty of reason for anger about it all. A picture IS worth a thousand words–now more than ever. But I mostly just want the story to end.
Abbyrose86 : Agreed KQuark
funksands : Chris, personally I prefer watercolors.
funksands : Choice you are correct.
choicelady : I think Clinton’s dalliance (sp?) has led the Dems to be quick to shut down anyone who brings sexual issues into the fore. We see them asserting that Dems are purer than Caesar’s wife – and we have Bill Baby to thank for that. The GOP has ALL this disgusting mess including Vitter and his babypowder blues, and yet they swept 2010. We never have that luxury.
Abbyrose86 : Excellent question Chris…I don’t get it
KQuark : Markos On Weiner: ‘The Guy’s An Idiot. No Sympathy.’
ChrisR266 : Ok, and now for the really big question of the evening: Why do you guys have such a difficult time keeping your weenies in your pants? Taking picture of it too? Sheesh, it isn’t even something I want to see in pictures. I just don’t get it.
KQuark : Exactly AdLib the MSM would not let it go. Ask yourself do you really think Repugs would have kept Vitter if the MSM responded like this? No and hell no. In this case the party reaction was a reaction to the MSM.
Abbyrose86 : I seem to have lost some comments as well…I wish I knew what I did wrong!
choicelady : KQ – what did Marcos say? Missed that.
Chernynkaya : Gawd– I can;t tell if I just wrote what everyone else said. I’m real slow tonight.
AdLib : CL – Yes, the MSM really made it impossible for Weiner to stay and the Dems to get any news coverage of important issues. So…what does one do? Ultimately, if Weiner didn’t go, the debt ceiling issue would not have been covered and a real disaster could occur without the public having much notice. Now, the unfair reality is that the imporatnt issues can once again take center stage. It’s messed up. But, the Dems could have pushed back on the hypocrisy far more along the way, instead of quickly leaping to condemnation.
Chernynkaya : CL I say Yes. And also, yes, the dems are spineless and lazy, and yes the media is puerile and yes it’s unfair. But I agree that saving Medicare AND medicaid is much more important than any one person and we have to fight with the hand we are dealt. Eye on the prize at all times is my motto.
choicelady : KQ – I think you’re right. Cuomo should find someone REALLY good – there is a very bright field out there. I’d nominate my friend Sam Hoyt, Assembly Member from Buffalo, but he got caught with an intern, dammit. I know his wife and kids and could SMACK him. Anyway, he’s not from NYC. But there have to be really good people to replace Weiner.
Abbyrose86 : Thanks choicelady…I had a good comment too!
PatsyT : KQ Ithink you have a great point it’s those visuals that pushed him over
ChrisR266 : KQuark: about this you and I agree.
funksands : They don’t have to defend him. They just had to keep saying “He didn’t do anything illegal, let his constituents decide”.
Abbyrose86 : «link»
Abbyrose86 : The media is a big problem with all this…the mainstream media that is…I was just reading an interesting article about how much more influential social media and the internet are in forming public opinion…link
KQuark : I agree with Markos on this one.
choicelady : Abby – don’t hit the “enter”. I keep doing that which is why I have two-part comments!
KQuark : I don’t see where lazy has anything to do with defending bad behavior
ChrisR266 : Weiner did not in any way shape or form comport himself in a manner I could defend him. That’s what pisses me off.
Abbyrose86 : ok…what the heck did I just do…I was writing a response and poof I ended up way back.
funksands : AdLib, the Dems were LAZY. That’s what I can’t stand.
KQuark : I think what Weiner did was more stupid than Clinton. It would be like if Clinton put a video of the BJ online
choicelady : Everyone – do we need our equivalent of Breitbart? Do we have to get into the mud and fling it back?
ChrisR266 : Cher: I really don’t give a rat’s arse about what the media, republican blogosphere or the general public have to say about any politician’s personal conduct. What I do care about is how they comport themselves when they have shown their arse.
KQuark : Again right CL. And it’s not like you can’t find another progressive candidate in NY.
PatsyT : I think he will come back and be awesome.. I just hope he does not wind up becoming the punching bag on fox
choicelady : AdLib – I think the Dems need all their energies for Medicare, and there would have been none to spare over defending Weiner. And yes, the GOP pushes killing Mediare – and it’s making them LOSE. So we need to put our focus there and if that means letting Weiner go, then we must.
KQuark : Exactly CL it’s not necessarily the Repugs but Faux News and right wing media that would play the Weiner distraction soundtrack forever
AdLib : Funk – I agree though the one troublesome factor in all of this is the MSM. They refused to cover anything other than Weiner and were virtually insisting on Dems pushing him out or they would continue tarring them unfairly. It isn’t black and white but they shouldn’t have been so cowardly.
funksands : I don’t mind if he gets tossed by the voters in his district that is their call and it would have been well-deserved.
choicelady : Abby – in principle I agree. Weiner should not have had to resign. But there IS a double standard. If you mouth the pro-family platitudes, you get a pass. Ensign would have stayed IF he’d only diddled his staffer and not money. (You can see where the true values are.) But with Weiner out, the wind is out of the GOP/Bagger sails. As long as there are Breitbarts, we are on the losing end. Larry Flynt has no smoking guns yet for this round. We really are on the losing end of these things.
KQuark : Put it this way would Rachel care if he was a DINO.
Chernynkaya : I am completely conflicted about Weiner. But what’s winning out for now is that the reality is he was a big distraction–the press made him one. As such, I wanted him to go away–and had little sympathy for him, even though I think he is a great legislator. Also, the biggest issue as always was the lying. That made him–rightly or wrongly–unrelia ble to fellow Congresspeople. He had no cred with them and was crippled in COngress.
PatsyT : CL Yes !! and it’s only a matter of time before one of those GOPers makes winner look like play school. They have such a shallow lot.
AdLib : CL – Agreed, the Repubs get piled on for the Kill Medicare proposal and respond by pushing it harder. The Dems get piled on because of the private actions of one guy who happens to be a Dem, and they swiftly jump on the Repub bandwagon and push him out. Is it a clacium deficiency or something else that prevents Dems from having spines?
Abbyrose86 : Agreed funk. That is sort of what I meant by being ‘above’ sex scandals…we need to act like they don’t matter and put them in their proper place….as in not important.
KQuark : It’s not running on family values it’s having a higher standard of behavior. If he did not lie about it as long as he did it would be different
funksands : Let the voters in his district deal with a situation that is embarassing but still legal.
KQuark : I hear ya Chris.
Abbyrose86 : I can imagine Chris, you don’t want to squelch their desire TO change things for the better…it’s a tough one.
KQuark : Pure hyperbole AdLib How is all this suppose to happen?
Abbyrose86 : Adonai, I kind of agree with Rachel, in that I think the Dems, shouldn’t play that game…we don’t run on so called family values or a moral platform, as such, I think that in order for the Dem’s to be true to themselves and the big tent of the party, we have to be above sex scandals.
funksands : AdLib, she is spot on. It’s bullshit. Dems are too lazy and cowardly to answer the same stupid question over and over again for two weeks? Its a fight to the death and we just lost one of our best soldiers to a dicpic.
ChrisR266 : KQ: I love him dearly, but if he makes it for 33 more years, I may have to kill myself, LOL!
choicelady : AdLib – new topic. It’s not at all fair, Dems are fearful, and in a few weeks it will blow over. It always does. But the next GOPer who is found with his hands on someone not his wife – we go for the juggular!
PatsyT : Vey
Chernynkaya : Patsy and Choce– Oy.
ChrisR266 : Abby: I think that is the Worst lesson I have to teach to my college seniors. They have to learn timing and savvy and patience. It is a hard lesson to teach, so all of the real life examples I can bring to them the better. But it is hard, because they are so ready to change things.
choicelady : Cher – its the hillbilly polite way of saying “Hell” or “Damnation”.
PatsyT : Ohh Cher you had to ask .. A bagger said It’s one of those black countries in Africa
Chernynkaya : I have only heard Walter Brennan say dagnabbit.
Abbyrose86 : Dagnabbit…nice …like it!
choicelady : funk – I did not make that up. But I LOVE it!
Chernynkaya : What IS tarnation anyway? Is it related to tar and feathers?
AdLib : Dagnabbit!
Abbyrose86 : Chris, it’s a shame that business operates as it does, where experience matters, it’s ignored in favor of youth and degreees yet, where new technological, knowledge is required IT’s ignored in favor of cronyism…sigh
funksands : Choice
PatsyT : Congrats Chris!
ChrisR266 : Evening, Patsy!
choicelady : Reintarnation.
choicelady : ADONAI – What is dying and coming back as a hillbilly:
KQuark : Brilliant Chris go for 33 more.
ChrisR266 : Sleep well, Adonai.
Chernynkaya : I hear that, Chris. That’s pretty much what it takes.
AdLib : And a happy anniversary, Chris. 33 years, well done!!!
ChrisR266 : Thanks, Cher. We’re among the lucky and stubborn, LOL.
Abbyrose86 : correction…she nanigans…yikes …I can’t type.
AdLib : Night AD!
ADONAI : One more thing: Don’t make it about beating the Republicans. Just make it about doing the right thing. Shenanigans!
Abbyrose86 : I like skedaddle, tarnation and shenigans…all good ones!
ChrisR266 : Abby: It is sad, because Chesapeake could save itself a lot of heartache if it would let the young really run the fields in PA OH and NY. They’re bringing up all these older managers from south who don’t know diddly squat about running 21st century natural gas drilling operations.
Chernynkaya : Ad– shenanigans!
PatsyT : Good Night Dr.
Abbyrose86 : Goodnight Adonai!
PatsyT : Hey Chris!
Abbyrose86 : Funk…that’s exactly it…Farley! My gawd you are so right!
Chernynkaya : Funk–perfect! “In a van down by the river eating government cheese!”
funksands : happy anniversary Chris.
KQuark : Oh crap I have to tweet to get my daily fix from Khirad naow
ADONAI : Well kids, time for me to skedaddle. That’s right, Skedaddle. I’m bringing it back. That and “tarnation”. Good night folks! Peace be with you.
Abbyrose86 : Chris, what colors did you end up with? Congrats by the way…on getting the kitchen done and on your anniversary!
AdLib : Thanks Cher! They both deserve the greater visibility they now have, Bito has made our Twitter account a real success and Khirad’s coverage of the ME is invaluable and greatly needed. Cheers to both of them!
Chernynkaya : Major, congrats, Chris!
funksands : Adlib that guy is channeling Matt Foley. Remember the Chris Farley motivational speaker? «link»
ChrisR266 : Yeah, Abby, the Kitchen is done. Beautiful. Husband actually said “why did we wait 17 years to do this?” Tonight’s our 33rd anniversary, so it was a fine evening.
Abbyrose86 : Chris, Feel bad for your friend’s son…it’s not easy for a bright kid to find out what really goes on in corporate America….sigh
Chernynkaya : When I re-did my kitchen it took 6 months. I never want to do that again.
Abbyrose86 : Chris, so the kitchen is done??? yeah…I haven’t started mine yet…looks like it might have to wait until after the election.
Chernynkaya : I keep forgetting to say this! I love the new Twitter feed AND the Khirad Kolumn Highlights! Thanks, AdLib!
Abbyrose86 : I’m with you choicelady, I don’t really care what is in his shorts either.
AdLib : CL – But think of what a great service the MSM did for the nation by running that Weiner story for 2 weeks instead of focusing on the things that are threatening our nation’s future. Yep, this is exactly what the Founders envisioned when they wrote the 1st Amendment.
ChrisR266 : Just came off a dinner party introducing friends to the new kitchen ande the subject of burning h2O came up. The son of our best friends works for Chesapeake and is getting ready to go rogue. He makes a shitload of money and is now feeling confined by the antiquate policies that promote and purport management. It’s sad. He’s a bright and caring kid who after a year in the field is being relegated at a desk. People who know less are making more mess in the fields and he’s absolutely not allowed to go out there and clean the messes up.
Chernynkaya : CL– WIN!!
Abbyrose86 : He’s scaring me…seriously where are the guys with the white jackets??
ADONAI : Well now i gotta see this video
KQuark : Outside of Morning Blog I get ZERO info about what’s actually going on in Libya. Khirad need’s to restart his column.
choicelady : Cher – but he’s also “pants on fire” so…burning the Bagger at both ends?
Abbyrose86 : OK…I’m watching the link that Adlib provided…oh my goodness gracious…the guy is NUTS…loony..ov er the top and utterly (did I say) NUTS! Yikes…
choicelady : AdLib – I really agree that I do NOT wish to know what is in or out of Weiner’s underwear.
KQuark : True Abby
Chernynkaya : He is the personification of hair-on-fire.
AdLib : CL – Heh! You pointed out the same “communication ” bit in the video, it is so funny!
AdLib : KQ – I have heard a bit of what’s going on in Libya but it’s despite the MSM which only would tell me what was going on in Weiner’s underwear. Thank god for freedom of the press!
choicelady : Abby – do NOT emulate the guy AdLib linked us to!!!!!
Chernynkaya : I’m actually laughing right now. He was hilarious and so hopped up.A TRUE BAGGER.
AdLib : Cher – One of my favorite parts of that speech is at the beginning when he screams about his qualifications, “…and a bachelor’s degree IN COMMUNICATION!!! “
Abbyrose86 : Kquark…I would have to disagree with you somewhat…Ameri can lunatic politics is what the MSM talks about…just a small correction.
Chernynkaya : kes left? Dang. I missed that. Sleep well, kes.
choicelady : AdLib – OMG – I had forgotten this guy. OVER the top and down the other side. What IS the matter with these people? And he has a degree in COMMUNICATION??? From what Cracker Jack box???
ADONAI : Remember when people were setting their tap water on fire because there was so much combustible chemicals in it? And no one gave a shit? I man, except for the people whose water was catching on fire.
KQuark : And it is just America. Look at reporting on Libya you get ZERO news on the progress of the rebels in the US. All they talk about in the US is US politics.
Chernynkaya : Oh god, AL–I remember that guy! He’s priceless. And he lost.
AdLib : Night Kes and thanks for your sweet Dad’s Day and B-Day wishes!
Abbyrose86 : OK…Adonai…we won’t mention that one…fortunatel y I have never used those myself so I’m good!
ChrisR266 : Thanks, Ad.
Abbyrose86 : Take care Kes…it was nice to ‘see’ you!
ADONAI : Nite kes!
AdLib : Chris – A few topics right now: 1. The buying up of public property, highways and facilities by Goldman Sachs and foreign corps. 2. NG and the denials that fracking is poisoning groundwater. 3. Abby is running for office!
ChrisR266 : Sleep well, Kes.
Chernynkaya : Dang. I pulled a kes and clicked something and lost y’all there for a minute.
kesmarn : ‘Fraid I may have to bow out, friends. Worked late last night and back at it tomorrow… Happy Dad’s Day to all the dads and a very Happy Birthday to Little Miss Lib!
Abbyrose86 : Indeed Choicelady…Amh erst people LIKE their wine…after all they are from WNY…and WNY’ers LOVE their alcoholic beverages…actu ally IF I didn’t drink, I probably would have a problem!
choicelady : Negativism – a way of life.
choicelady : KQ – negativity, an adjective denoting a type of attitude.
ADONAI : Jesus may have also taken hallucinogenic drugs but best to not mention that one.
AdLib : CL – If you want to see the perfect furious Tea Party candidate make the most unbelievably and hilarious speech, you have to watch this: «link»
ChrisR266 : Choice: Ha! Thanks, not surprising. I’ll start reading back.
ADONAI : Indeed Abby.
choicelady : Chris – if there’s a topic I missed it!
Chernynkaya : KQ– the media is my particular bete noir. I may make it my “mission.”
choicelady : Abby – that’s the line to take about wine. Jesus MADE it at the wedding in Cana, so you’re just following in his footsteps. That may not be a problem in Amherst though – most of the wackos live east of there. Amherst people tend to BE fond of wine and can afford it.
KQuark : lol I made a new word I meant negativity
KQuark : AdLib the other problem is the MSM is vested in negativism. There is a renewable energy revolution going on especially solar and no one is reporting it. More people are making solar panels in this country than steel these days. No one is reporting that people are getting HC insurance under ACA higher than expected. But 90% of the news is about oil discoveries and repealing a healthcare plan that is starting to work.
Abbyrose86 : Ok then Adonai…than wine should be ok..if’s ok for Jesua it should be ok for us all.
Chernynkaya : Take care, tex!
kesmarn : Good night, tex. Hope your dream car’s in the driveway Sunday morning.
ChrisR266 : What’s the topic this evening?
AdLib : Nite Tex, an early Happy Father’s Day to you!
Chernynkaya : CL– the belligerati on the Left wants that too.
ADONAI : Abby – Wine was the preferred drink in Jesus’ time.
choicelady : tex – Happy Father’s Day, especially if you ARE one, and yes, here’s hoping for a good steak if nothing more.
Abbyrose86 : Goodnight tex! Rest well….and Happy Father’s day.
ChrisR266 : Evening, Choice. Hope you are well. Hi Ad.
AdLib : Hi Chris!
ADONAI : Nite tex and Amen
choicelady : Hey Chris!
ChrisR266 : Well, I’ll always take can’t complain.
Abbyrose86 : Hey,…wait a minute…on second thought…didn’ t Jesus turn water into wine and didn’t HE drink wine? Shouldn’t wine be ok?
AdLib : Kes – Yes, Ridge sounds like such a liar in that interview “Yes, it’s naturally occurring to have tap water set on fire.” Sounds exactly like the tobacco execs proclaiming nicotine isn’t addictive and cigarettes don’t cause cancer, it’s just naturally occurring.
choicelady : AL – forgive me, but have you seen the unblinking wild-eyed Baggers? They want candidates who mainline Red Bull! Stupid, yes, but full of the FIRE of REVOLUTION! Wired and full of piss and vinegar!
ADONAI : Can’t complain chris. But I still do
texliberal : Goodnite all and happy fathers day to all of you other dads. I’m hoping for a new Boss 302 Mustang. But I’ll settle for a nice 16 ounce porterhouse steak.
ChrisR266 : Hi Abby
ChrisR266 : Hi Adonai, Kes and Cher. Hope you are all well
Abbyrose86 : Hi Chris.
kesmarn : Hey, Chris
Chernynkaya : Hey, Chris!
ADONAI : Hello chris!
ChrisR266 : Evening, all!
kesmarn : tex, yes, bean-counters in administration. Always good for a million laughs.
ADONAI : I know that during my campaign every interview would start with “we have pictures…”
Abbyrose86 : Adlib…LOL…pr obably right!
AdLib : CL – Actually, the groggier Abby is, the more she’ll appeal to the Baggers.
Abbyrose86 : I probably better not let them catch me drinking wine either…I’m thinking that could be used against me.
choicelady : yeah, Abby – all those vices you have!
kesmarn : Ah…fracking has nothing to do with inflammable water…riiiiigh t…(I’m listening to the Ridge interview.)
ADONAI : Or the greedy simps on Main Street who wanted more shit while paying fewer taxes and putting it all on credit cards they never intended to pay off. I think “fuck the future!” Is a truly American creed shared by people from all walks of life.
Chernynkaya : Got it AL– Done!
Abbyrose86 : Choicelady you are right…mums the word on that sleep thing. Next thing you know, I’ll get in trouble for eating and breathing.
AdLib : Cher – Adding FAIR and encouraging folks to protest the buying of public resources and infrastructure by corps/Goldman Sachs.
texliberal : KES, you’ve dealt with non-medical hospital administrators as my wife has. Kinda like a non-scientist like Ridge espousing the saftey of ground fracking
Abbyrose86 : Agreed Adonai
Abbyrose86 : Exactly Ad lib…it so pisses me off.
ADONAI : Remember Abby. You’re in the game now. Don’t take shit from anyone.
choicelady : Abby – you need sleep? Better not let that get around. The Tea Party will insist it makes you unqualified.
AdLib : Abby – There seems to be no difference between the greed-based sociopathy of Wall Street destroying the economy to get richer and the oil companies physically destroying America and its water supply to get richer. It all comes from one mindset, “Fuck the future, gimmie all I can get now.
Abbyrose86 : I missed the Colbert episode, I’m looking at it now…I’ve been so busy lately…this is my first night off in over a week. I’m working full time, running for office and finishing school….I barely have time to sleep…hence why I haven’t been around.
Chernynkaya : Add FAIR, you mean AL? Sure!
ADONAI : You know who will really put up a good fight on Medicare? Anthony Weiner. He will take the floor and put the republicans in their-….. Oh yeah. They threw him out of Congress for doing absolutely nothing. Never mind.
AdLib : Cher – Good action plan. Might we add that to the next DP?
texliberal : Abbey, you see Tom Ridge on Colbert? Said he’s not a lobbyist for the NG industry he wanted to simply get out how SAFE fracking for gas was.
kesmarn : How in the world did Ridge get booked for Colbert’s show?
AdLib : CL – Thank goodness greed and corruption go hand in hand!
AdLib : If you missed it, here’s NG shill Tom Ridge on Colbert this month and Colbert just destroys him and NG: «link»
Abbyrose86 : Adlib, it boggles my mind how so many are vested in ignoring the environmental dangers of many capitalistic pursuits, especially those looking for cheap power sources. SIGH
Chernynkaya : AL– and yet there is zero ZERO coverage! Write FAIR, can we all please? Also, the FCC just came out with a huge report on the dearth of local reporting. Yesterday’s DP, I think. I forget.
choicelady : AdLib – the one good thing about those contracts: time after time we have found major malfeasance. That makes them breakable. Capitalism GAVE us executory contracts, so if you don’t do what you promise, out ya go. Lucky for us – they ususally screw up.
funksands : Australian and Spanish conglomerate signed a 99 year lease on a stretch of Chicago Skyway. 1.8 bill.
kesmarn : The fingies feel better now.
Abbyrose86 : Cher, I know the feeling…I am the worst typist!
Abbyrose86 : Thanks Choice lady!
Chernynkaya : Kes and CL– You’re right– it’s the damn keys! (Sorry fingies!)
kesmarn : See you later, Patsy.
ADONAI : later patsy
texliberal : CL if they want a fight down the road it will be about WATER
PatsyT : Be back in a few….
AdLib : Cher – Theses states and cities are signing 100 year leases on their highways, utilities, airports, etc. Folks can vote out the people responsible but they and their kids and grandkids will be living in a corporately owned state for 100 years.
choicelady : Cher – don’t blame your fingers. Blame the keys.
Chernynkaya : CL– there you go. That’s what I mean about privatizing.
kesmarn : Cher, you’re making your fingers feel bad. Fingers have feelings too.
texliberal : They use BENZENE AL, unbelievable
ADONAI : Cher – Private entities are beholden to our laws though. We just don’t enforce them. That makes them accountable to the public. That is what is missing.
choicelady : Abby – That means you will be working with the Amherst PD – I think it’s the same building – where I have old friends. I will put in a good word for ya!
Chernynkaya : I can’t type. I just can’t. So frustrating! Damn you, fingers.
AdLib : Tex – The MSM is again complicit with a dangerous fraud (see: Iraq) in not simply affirming what science has proven, that fracking is destroying groundwater and the Earth itself. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if what they are doing is forcing cracks in the Earth, to release NG, cancerous fracking fluid can leak through the same cracks.
choicelady : ‘The Water Front” is a documentary about earlier privatization in Highland Park, MI, a predominantly Black community. It was despicable action – they cut off water service over bills that had not been adjudicated. They paid the CEO $250K while the service people worked SEVEN days a week because the system was so fragile and there were no employees other than the 3. One died shortly after the film came out – she was worked to death.
Abbyrose86 : Thanks Kesmarn, it’s definitely turned around here…we are no longer red around here, it’s purple now and getting to be a bluish purple at that!
Chernynkaya : Ad– I see what you mean. The only problem I have is that prvate isn’t accountabloe ti the public in the same way. We can;t throw themout.
Abbyrose86 : Cher…small world!
kesmarn : Good luck, Abby! Things seem to be heading in a better direction in that district.
Abbyrose86 : Thanks Patsy.
ADONAI : The Wall Street vs. Main Street; Public vs. Private debate is a false debate. Everything about America was designed by both. Our schools, our roads, our infrastructure. we shouldn’t be pitting the two against each other but looking for ways to grow together with both like we have for 200 years. I know that’s easier said than done but I think the emphasis is on the wrong place. we should demonize certain private practices but not the basic concept itself.
Abbyrose86 : Choicelady, yes all of Amherst, including Williamsville.
Chernynkaya : Awesome, Abby! I have relatives in Amherst.
Abbyrose86 : Thanks Choicelady…wil l do!
texliberal : AdLib they are presently fracking for NG in Ft Worth. A few months back in caused several minor earthquakes
Abbyrose86 : Cher, I am running for Amherst NY town clerk….Amherst is the largest town in district 26. This is usually considered a stepping stone position for local politicians. Most who have held this position have gone on to bigger seats locally.
AdLib : Thanks for the link, Funk!
PatsyT : Abby All the Best!! I hope I can help you from So Cal
AdLib : Pickens is a slimy snake, as you say Tex, his game was about fooling TX and other states nearby to give him land for wind farms…when he really wanted the water rights. Now, that he hasn’t gotten what he wanted, he has totally abandoned his alleged commitment to wind power and is just promoting…you guessed it, natural fracking gas…of which he owns a huge share of the market.
Chernynkaya : Kes– it’s truly an outrage. Among many others.
choicelady : Abby – I’m DELIGHTED you are running there. Does it take in Williamsville and Amherst? I know a number of people there.
kesmarn : c’lady I saw the article about Pontiac MI and the “emergency manager” who turned over the city water system to a private company that had citations for bad water quality issues. Voters have no say either!
choicelady : Abby – I’ll send you my info via AdLib, and you can say hi to Jimmy for me!
Chernynkaya : Abby, what are you running for?
funksands : Try this: «link»
KQuark : Damn pigs are wearing helmets now
PatsyT : CL Yes It’s hard to shock the MSM with truth and logic..
choicelady : tex – it’s alreayd happening with water. You are absolutely correct. MI has several cities privatizing their water companies. HUGE scandal about that a few years ago yet they’re baaaaack.
AdLib : Abby – Nice! That’s good advertising!
KQuark : It all depends. Voters don’t blame Obama for the past recession but if there is another one he’ll be blamed.
choicelady : Patsy – it’s not size but shock value that makes news. When marriage equality became briefly legal, ONE Ukranian church picketed outside county hall but dozens of us from mainline communities of faith were FOR the people getting married. We got ZIP. The RW church – one SMALL church – got huge press coverage because they were so vile.
AdLib : Funk – can you try the url again? Try this link to tinyurl to convert it: «link»
KillgoreTrout : People are beginning to realize just hoe radical the TP is.
kesmarn : Sorry — I pushed some random buttons and “fell out” for a while there. But on the issue of foreign ownership: Toledo continues to sell off prime parcels of riverfront real estate to the Chinese.
PatsyT : Where did all those t baggers go? Were they that old ?
Chernynkaya : Oh, I see your point AL. Scary indeed!
Abbyrose86 : Thanks Ad lib…I’ve got 3 lines on the ticket, my competition only has 2.
Abbyrose86 : I got the UAW endorsement as well.
Chernynkaya : Patsy, I am beginning to think the media focus on the TP is good. More and more folks dislike them and if they think they are powerful, it may serve to move them to the Dems.
Abbyrose86 : Choicelady…yep same party!
texliberal : Het CL ya know why T Boone wanted to build all of those wind turbines in sparsely populated West Texas? WATER RIGHTS. The next big scam. FRESH WATER
AdLib : Way to go Abby!!! We’re behind you too!
choicelady : Abby – I helped found the Working Families Party along with Jimmy Duncan from the UAW who I think is still doing that now full time. Same party?
funksands : It’s a federal government website. Sigh
Abbyrose86 : Patsy, yeah…what is up with that??? Not from what I am hearing!
funksands : AdLib, There’s a website detailing how states can change their constitutions and laws, to enable selling off their public infrastructure to private organizations. «link» .dot.gov/ipd/p3 /index.htm
AdLib : Cher – It’s different, the Japanese were buying private property as were the Arabs before them. Now…it is the very highways we drive that corporations can control and refuse your freedom of travel across the country unless you pay them whatever they ask. That is really scary stuff.
Abbyrose86 : Choice Lady, I think you are right.
PatsyT : And yet Abby they still report on the Tparty as if it HUGE and so important to the next election
choicelady : Adonai – I think they WILL lose Congress in 2012. Their “win” in 2010 was very broad and VERY shallow. Lots of people who voted for them are not, and lots who did not vote at ALL have seen what that does. I think the bloom is off the Tea Rose.
Abbyrose86 : Yes Choice lady I am. I got the Working Parties nomination and the Independents. I just found out the Independents are backing me, yesterday.
KillgoreTrout : Perry would have the Mexicans build it, then deport them when it’s finished. He stikes me as that sort of weisel.
Abbyrose86 : Good question Adonai….I’ll tell you, I was SHOCKED by the level of disgust I heard amongst people…not just today, but the day of the election as well. PEOPLE are not amused with the GOP or the Media.
Chernynkaya : AL, I worry about that too, but I remember when the scare applied ti the Japanese in the 80’s-90’s.
ADONAI : If we constantly refuse tax hikes to pay for things we use to pay for, the only choice is to hand it over to private entities.
AdLib : Abby – That is cool stuff to hear!
choicelady : Hey Abby – are you running?
texliberal : Wish you hadn’t said that FUNK, he’s pitching for my fantasy team tonite and I’m 30 pts down.
choicelady : Hi Patsy!
AdLib : Though he annoys me for a number of reasons, Ratigan is focusing on Goldman Sachs heading up the buying out of public facilities and roads. It is becoming pretty scary that corps, including foreign corps are owning and trying to buy our public highways, airports, etc.
Chernynkaya : Very cool, Abby!!!!
ADONAI : Abby – I wonder if Republicans have a chance of losing Congress in 2012 as well?
choicelady : tex – NO! You can’t MEAN it! Perry selling out anti-immigrant hate for – GASP – MONEY??????????? ? OI
PatsyT : HI Choice!
Chernynkaya : But CL– that’s only surprising if you think their ideology trumps cheap labor.
texliberal : CL, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$
choicelady : Hi Abby and Sabreen and Adonai and KT and anyone else I’ve missed. Nice to be with you all.
Abbyrose86 : So, as some of you may remember, I live in the infamous district 26…and I was out today, talking to constituents and getting petitions signed for the November elections…the people aren’t HAPPY with the GOP locally AT ALL…oh my goodness…if what I heard today is any indication…I don’t think district 26 is red anymore.
funksands : Pineda no-hitter against the Phillies thru 5
choicelady : tex – I thought that superhighway deal was anathema to ALL Republicans. Would bring (cue the dramatic music) “THEM” into our country. I’m shocked Perry would be for this.
Chernynkaya : This thread is moving faster than shit from a goose–if you excuse the expression!
Chernynkaya : Sabreen is here? HI!
Abbyrose86 : Hi Choicelady!
texliberal : CL, he wants to steal millions of acres for a commercial super tollway from Mexico north
choicelady : Hey back atcha Cher, AdLib and all!
kesmarn : And Sabreen!
kesmarn : Hey, c’lady!
KillgoreTrout : hey choice, and Sabreen.
choicelady : tex – what did Perry do about eminent domain that peeves the libertarians?
AdLib : Hey Choicelady!
KillgoreTrout : cher, my nose hurts everytime I see that scene. OUCH!
texliberal : FUNK he’s meeting a lot of resistance. Mostly from the libertarian far right. It’s that eminent domain thing
Chernynkaya : Choice–HI!
ADONAI : Hello choice!
choicelady : Evenin’ everyone! Good to “see” you!
Chernynkaya : KT– “You know what happens to curious pussies, Jake?”
ADONAI : Perry needs to wait. He’s got the arrogant, idiotic relatively unknown Texan politician thing down. But he needs to wait for an open field on both sides. Bush would have never beaten Clinton and Perry won’t beat Obama.
KillgoreTrout : Good one cher. Great film noir.
Chernynkaya : Opps, I meant re Perry as GOV!
funksands : Tex, is he still building the “mega-nafta highway”?
Chernynkaya : Since we’re quoting old movies– re Perry as President, “It’s Chinatown, Jake.”
texliberal : Perry has set Northern Texas awash in tollways. Hard to travel east and west without traveling on one
KQuark : It’s a very British type comedy. No punchlines just funny situations.
PatsyT : Perry and Bachman are former Dems. HA!
AdLib : Funk – Perry is such a blatant fraud and liar. How he continues as Gov is bewildering.
ADONAI : AL – I tried Workaholics but couldn’t get into it. I found one character irritating so that just ruined it for me.
KQuark : LOL AdLib Workaholics is brilliant
Chernynkaya : AL– I’ll check that out!
KillgoreTrout : cher, I would love to read your take on that show.
ADONAI : But Mr. Show with Bob and David is the best series ever. I doubt Game of Thrones comes close.
AdLib : A guilty pleasure of mine is Workaholics on Comedy Central.
funksands : I loved the story of Perry sneaking into DC in the middle of the night during the budget negotiations to lobby Congress for 30 mil in emergency education money that he used to fill his budget gap. What a turd.
Chernynkaya : I started writing a long post about Breaking Bad. Git the new laptop and I now can’t open any of my old documents.
KillgoreTrout : cher, Breaking Bad is great. What a bizzare show.
kesmarn : No HBO here either. What is Game of Thrones about?
ADONAI : “The Walking Dead” is my favorite show right now.
PatsyT : KQ for reals? if you like I’ll check it out.. I do like the wardrobe
Chernynkaya : I can’t watch it–no HBO. But I think Breaking BAd is the best.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, man, that is a dangerous thing.
funksands : KQuark, not best, but very enjoyable.
texliberal : Where do these people hear that things are going so well in TX. 25% of our population has no healthcare and our public healthcare system is one of the worst in the country
ADONAI : Haven’t seen it
KQuark : OK more importantly who thinks Game of Thrones is one of the best series ever?
AdLib : KT – I think they just privatized it, it’s now a toll road to the death chamber.
Chernynkaya : No, aI can’t funk.
funksands : Texas = Ireland. Lean-spending, lean-social programs, low taxes, and in big trouble.
Chernynkaya : So crazy she’s a republican. Best I can do. Reeps are the definition of crazy for me.
ADONAI : Wasn’t Texas suppose to secede?
KillgoreTrout : TX also has an express lane to the death chamber.
AdLib : Tex – That’s what I thought. The TX economy is a timebomb, about to explode so no wonder Perry might be looking to jump overboard before the hammer comes down.
funksands : But Cher, you can’t deny that your yacht tax credit has come in handy. Can you?
PatsyT : How about TX air quality ?
ADONAI : O.K. I got one. She’s so crazy she accepts donations from Scrooge McDuck. Not great. I admit that. And you gotta be a fan of Ducktales to really appreciate it.
Chernynkaya : Also, TX has among the lowest minimum wage and income is zero growth past 10 years.
funksands : Jinx
KillgoreTrout : cher, me too. And nabob. I love that word.
funksands : #1 minimum wage job creator in the nation: Texas.
KQuark : Yup TX is now King of the minimum wage jobs
Chernynkaya : KT– good one! I love that line.
kesmarn : Why thank you, funk!
AdLib : Tex – The looming deficit in TX and the sunset on oil fees to the state are going to hammer TX even more, aside from Perry slashing education already.
texliberal : AdLib pointed out the flaws and lies about both Perry and Texas. Low wages, no growth and one of the largest budget deficits.
Chernynkaya : Rachel debunked that Texas is doing great economically.
ADONAI : Bachmann is so crazy. “How crazy is she?!” O.K. well that kinda put me on the spot. I don’t really have a follow up…..
funksands : Kes, I think you win the CNN contest. Good one.
kesmarn : tex, how does Perry stand on the issue of secession these days?
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, as Colonel Kurtz would have called them “grocery clerks.”
funksands : Corporate News Nitwits?
Chernynkaya : Tex– I did and god bless her for thast.
Abbyrose86 : Kesmarn…I like that one.
kesmarn : Hi, tex. I didn’t see Rachel tonight.
AdLib : Hey Tex! No, what did Rachel say about Perry?
Chernynkaya : Funk–great! I want all their extreme views out there.
AdLib : CNN = Corrupt Nabobs of Negativity
kesmarn : KT he really does have a sharp sense of humor.
texliberal : Good evening, anyone see Maddow’s segment tonite on Rick Perry and the state of the State of Texas?
Chernynkaya : KT– I totally agree.
funksands : Bachmann is calling for the teaching of the rhythm method in school by now.
PatsyT : Corporate News Ninjas
KillgoreTrout : I really loved Obama showing a video from the Lion King as proof of his birth. Especially after, when he said ” it’sjust a joke.” Too funny. Obama is the coolest pres we’ve ever had.
AdLib : Any truth to the rumor that Bachmann’s makeup was applied using MN infrastructure funding for road paving?
kesmarn : Completely Nauseating Nonsense?
Chernynkaya : I would say Romney actually. He always does. And T-Paw made his performance worse by apologizing. But again, Iowa makes them all appear absurd–that’s good, because they start out having to backtrack.
AdLib : Hey John King, “Crappy News Network or Corporate News Nutjobs?”
kesmarn : Bachmann’s headlights are misaligned,
funksands : Herman Cain looked lost in AA. Can’t hit the breaking stuff.
PatsyT : AD Bachman win that hands down
kesmarn : I’ll never forget the look on the Prez’s face when he presented the “proper” birth certificate. Utter disgust as he said: “We don’t have time for sill stuff…”
ADONAI : Who had the biggest “deer in headlights” look during the debate?
KillgoreTrout : funk, zombies are winning the pop entertainment field of monsters. Vamps are so passe now.
Chernynkaya : I was glad to see how many pudnuts commented on King’s inanity.
ADONAI : AL – i believe Obama would say something just like that.
Chernynkaya : Later, K.
funksands : Next CNN debate there will be a zombie crossover of some kind.
AdLib : Khirad – Did you see King jumping up and down like a five year old getting a lollypop, “Right now we’re trending on Twitter.”
ADONAI : peace Khirad
ADONAI : Before Twilight I would have said vampires. Now it’s zombies.
Chernynkaya : I just saw ratings that showed that 77% of online traffic to news sites is from people who only spend a few minutes once a month.
ADONAI : funk – I can’t argue that my friend.
PatsyT : Zombies or Vampires?
Khirad : BBL – have fun
ADONAI : CNN is in last place. They are desperately trying to do something, ANYTHING to bring those ratings back up. The problem is that it IS a room full of middle aged men trying to be hip.
AdLib : Hope that if such a question was posed to Obama in the General Election (“Cheddar or American cheese?”), he’d respond with, “Come on, times are too urgent for such a question.”
funksands : CNN should be sued for false advertising.
kesmarn : Most 20 and 30 somethings don’t watch cable at all for news.
Abbyrose86 : Exactlt Khirad!
funksands : Adonai, tell me Bachmann wouldn’t have looked right at home in any Rob Zombie flick.
KillgoreTrout : This or that, what a scientific way of determining one’s true character.
Chernynkaya : Khirad–nailed it.
Khirad : Seriously, what is with CNN and the whole social media thing. They are so desperate to be trendy and hip it’s really creepy. Kind of like a 40 year old really into Justin Bieber.
Chernynkaya : Funk–yes and thanks!
ADONAI : HA! Waking up in a bathtub full of ice without a kidney.
kesmarn : AdLib, I would have admired the person who could have told ’em to stuff the “this or that” questions.
KillgoreTrout : HAHA, Adonai. Very true.
Chernynkaya : AD– I agree. It would have been a game changer.
funksands : Cher, just long enough to harvest their organs…
AdLib : Patsy – 2nded on CNN!
ADONAI : KT – That’s really all you can fit on a twitter feed.
Chernynkaya : Funk, some of those fosters were only with her for a few days too.
KillgoreTrout : What was up with that whole “this or that,” bullshit?
AdLib : Cher – Only an intelligent candidate would have rebuffed those questions and said, “Times are too serious for wasting time on that.” Man, that would have elevated a candidate hugely!
funksands : Cher, feeling better?
ADONAI : CNN – News?
kesmarn : Patsy!
Abbyrose86 : PAtsy…that pretty much fits it to a tee.
funksands : Aren’t Bachmann’s 56 Foster children covered by Medicaid? How awkward for her.
PatsyT : CNN – Crap Not News
Chernynkaya : Hey, fiunk!
Khirad : Don’t get me started on Cain and Newt. I have to say good for Romney on Muslims. But, that’s obviously ’cause Mormons know.
ADONAI : hola funk!
Chernynkaya : AD– HAH!
funksands : Howdy Howdy Howdy
PatsyT : Kes …. that works
Abbyrose86 : I am NOT a CNN fan myself….
ADONAI : CNN’s logo should just be a life alert bracelet.
kesmarn : Hey, Funk!
KillgoreTrout : Kes, that’s funny. I can see Bachman saying to her kids, hey biological #2, stop hitting foster #5 with your toy.
Chernynkaya : AdLib, I thought any decent candidate would be insulted by those stupid questions. I know I was and I bet plenty R voters were too.
AdLib : Hey Funk!
kesmarn : Patsy, perhaps a hijab for Paul? Pull in the female Muslim vote and cover the bad hair too?
funksands : CNN sucks
AdLib : And let’s face it, CNN is the worst network for debates. John King and “Deep dish or thin crust?”…was he describing the difference between NPR and CNN?
PatsyT : Kes… but his hair is not to hot… too bad for him
Khirad : By the way, if you missed the debate, here’s a great rundown: “Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire – as it happened” «link»
kesmarn : Yes, Patsy. Bachmann set the bar high with 5 biologicals and 23 fosters. But Paul kicked butt with 4000.
Chernynkaya : I think the Iowa primaries are losing their power. It’s so clearly the loony caucus.
ADONAI : Khirad – Indeed. I think people were completely uninterested in him.
KQuark : Repugs just need to live up to a much lower standard. I remember 2008 everyone was asking for the Dems plans to fix the 100 things that were wrong. With Repugs now one question about plans
KillgoreTrout : Abby, I had to put on my hip waders, it was so deep.
PatsyT : Kes but he won the most babies prize!
AdLib : Overall, the debate seemed to give us a variety of flavors of vanilla ice cream, from Nasty Vanilla to Nastier Vanilla.
Abbyrose86 : I’ve come to the conclusion that when dealing with the GOP….think of most words they use, and look up the antonym…that is what they REALLY mean.
kesmarn : I think in the process of delivering 4000 babies, he may have inhaled a little too much nitrous oxide.
Khirad : Ron Paul is more boring than anything. It’s an act that’s gotten real stale. I saw a whole lot of yawning myself.
Abbyrose86 : I missed the debate, only got to read some clips from it….I’m almost grateful I missed it…I think I might have had a stroke, listening to all their bs.
AdLib : The question for a GOP candidate to corner the primary voters is not, “Are you too dumb to be elected?” but “Are you dumb enough?”
ADONAI : Admittedly I did goon Youtube and watch the Ron Paul portions of the debate purely for the audience reaction. A mix of “why is he in this Party?” and “Wait, what?”
kesmarn : Especially an idiot, it seems. Idiocy seems to be an advantage at the moment.
KillgoreTrout : abby, not really. But the debate was such a pot of BS, it’s fun talking about it.
PatsyT : Only in America
Khirad : Cain was cool with the Palestinian Right of Return after saying Obama had “thrown Israel under the bus”. I’ll tell you what, Cain is on the shortest of buses himself. Goes to show that even an idiot can become a successful self-made millionaire.
Chernynkaya : Oh, never mind–you mean Pepe Le Moko!
Abbyrose86 : So KT, nothing all that new, I see.
ADONAI : kes – I know! That’s why it’s so weird! I just keep seeing a fiddle.
Chernynkaya : Khirad– I live to torture you. You mean Zietgeist?
kesmarn : If Anderson played it, it would be a violin, AD. Not a fiddle.
KillgoreTrout : The GOP liar’s fest of last week.
Khirad : Great, now Cher is trying to add to my Netflix queue.
Abbyrose86 : So what are we talking about tonight?
kesmarn : Yes, KT. Just because large chunks of the govt are corporate owned doesn’t mean it works like a pizza empire.
KillgoreTrout : And Cain has no foreign policy experience at all.
ADONAI : Every time I think of Anderson Cooper I picture him riding shirtless on the beach atop a white horse playing a fiddle for some reason.
KQuark : I just think if you go by voting patterns apathetic Repugs vote more than apathetic Dems.
KillgoreTrout : kes, neither do I. He thinks the government is one big business.
Khirad : I just finished watching AC 360° and he’s doing a decent job too, for all I knock them, I should give credit where credit’s due. Nice to see any of it getting coverage now that the dangling weiner isn’t poking itself into every air minute.
AdLib : KQ – In the end, I do think the Baggers will support Romney for the reason you say, he’s not the black man in the white house. But the enthusiasm won’t be there like they need it to be.
kesmarn : KT,I don’t think Cain has a chance.
ADONAI : We all know women aren’t allowed to drive. It’s silly to even think about it.
PatsyT : Aren’t they all doing this to just sell books?
KQuark : agreed Khirad. He’s more moderate than Romney.
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, that be him.
kesmarn : Hi Abby!
Khirad : Huntsman has more problems than being Mormon. He’s praised Obama.
AdLib : Abby! Nice to see ya!
KQuark : You mean Uncle Rukus KT
ADONAI : Hello Abby!
Chernynkaya : Khirad– I was kidding. I know–I read your Casbah Column! Here’s some trivia to go with that– I’m gonna start calling you Pepe Le Moko.
PatsyT : Hi Abby!
ADONAI : Wassup Khirad
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad. They did a story on the drivin’ wimmen tonight on Spitzer’s show.
Abbyrose86 : Hi everyone!
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
AdLib : The only way Palin runs is remotely, not investing much money but using all the free coverage to increase her value and power. She would drop out shortly after the first primaries in such a case. But, even to do that, she’d have to give up her Fox paycheck and other media paychecks…she ‘s too greedy, don’t think she will.
ADONAI : You know what, after the way the media fawned all over her this last month, maybe she won’t run. Why not wait til 2016 and keep milking the boatloads of free advertising?
PatsyT : Hey Khirad!
KillgoreTrout : What about the “Godfather” of pizza?
Khirad : Cher, yes Saudi women want to drive, and I have videos. Even a prince or two stands with his sisters.
KQuark : They’ll get in line because they’ll all say to themselves. “He’s white so he must be much better than Obama”
kesmarn : I’m still wondering about 3rd party for Palin. How else is she going to keep her money-making project rolling?
PatsyT : Cher that makes even more badass
KQuark : I think Huntsman has as many problems as Romney with the base. He’s even Mormon
AdLib : KQ – Bachmann may not be needed but they HATE Romney, even threatening to run a 2rd party candidate if he wins the nom.
Chernynkaya : Patsy, it’s not even a motorcycle–it’ s a dirt bike thingy.
ADONAI : I think she will run.
PatsyT : Whoa come to think of it … Huntsman is the only one to put a real dig into Palin by actually riding a motor bike ALONE!
KillgoreTrout : I don’t think she will, but with that ego of her’s maybe she just won’t be able to sit on the sidelines.
KQuark : Anyway mainstream Repugs are so ideological a Bachmann isn’t needed
Chernynkaya : Kes–so glad you clarified that! I read it as Huntman’s Patsy. See the ad?
AdLib : AD – You do or don’t think Palin is going to run?
kesmarn : Cher, put yourself down as a for-sure voter in the next election. Then Nick will be committed,
ADONAI : I do. She can’t be THIS stupid
AdLib : Is there anyone who still thinks Palin will run?
Chernynkaya : AD== HEH! I make cookies every week. We good.
AdLib : I too hope Perry jumps in, he is indeed Bush on steroids, dumber, meaner, Christier!
KQuark : And I’m talking about the Republican primary voters
PatsyT : Kes, YES and he RIDES a motercycle all by himself!!!
ADONAI : I gotta disqualify myself from this question. I didn’t watch the debate. I will choose Cher as my proxy for this discussion. Whatever she says, put me down for it too. Unless it is anti-cookie. I can’t go for that.
KQuark : Nationally AdLib baggers are sorely overrated
KillgoreTrout : The other day, Rick Perry said he was a “prophet.” Pretty funny.
Chernynkaya : Patsy– Perry would be fabulous! How better to resurrect memories of Dubya>
AdLib : Cher – I think Romney is the best bet, I’ve been predicting him for some time, though you never know who might catch fire. Could Bachmann rally Baggers enough to upend Romney? I don’t think so but if they try, I will enjoy watching it all.
kesmarn : Have you seen Huntsman’s Patsy! It’s impressive. His hair I mean.
PatsyT : mighty
PatsyT : Rick Perry has might fine hair.
Chernynkaya : Al–I think many there are doing the same as you would have.
KQuark : I’m with you on that Cher
KillgoreTrout : kes, I don’t think so.
ADONAI : HA! Good mashup AL
Chernynkaya : It’ll be Romney for sure and he could possible, maybe, win. Because he’s not insane and the economy.
AdLib : Hey ADONICK!
kesmarn : KT, was that the festival that’s connected with Mark Twain and the “Celebrated Frog”?
AdLib : Cher – I couldn’t make Netroots this year (without missing my daughter’s birthday) but I would not have been shy about having debates with the Firebaggers there. They are embarrassing themselves at this point.
ADONAI : We’ve spent too much time together in the same virtual space?
kesmarn : Why did I know that?
ADONAI : kes – yes. yes I am.
KQuark : I just read the accounts but c’mon Pawlenty is done.
Chernynkaya : Hi Dr.Nick because it amuses me!
ADONAI : Hooray!!!
kesmarn : Are you hi, Dr. Nick??
PatsyT : Hi Dr Nick .. hey that is easier to spell
KillgoreTrout : The debat was like a yearly festival in SoCal, where people compete to see who can tell the tallest tale.
Chernynkaya : The Left also grilled O of A’s Pfeiffer about the 2012 message, which I think was valid.
ADONAI : From now on, when I enter Vox Populi, I will say “Hi Everybody!” and then you will say “Hi Dr. Nick!”. Why? Because it amuses me. Hi Everybody!
PatsyT : Kes maybe it was makeup by Sharpie
KillgoreTrout : The debate was a hoot. It was like a liar’s contest.
kesmarn : Patsy, what happened to her eyebrows, though? Someone forgot the Crayola to draw them on with.
KQuark : Cher what’s your thing with Netroots?
Chernynkaya : OK– all I havfe seen about NN11 is the usual Firebaggers and what I do like tho, is that so many of the left journalists are furious about that. I think 2010 was a reality check and many realize the Left will had the election to the Reeps.
PatsyT : Kes she had the best hair.
kesmarn : And the pudnuts (h/t b’ito) were all saying how well Bachmann did. Were we watching the same debate?
PatsyT : KQ but, but, but, some of them have really great hair
KQuark : I don’t get how they get off have no new policies.
kesmarn : Oops, meant “watch” not “what”
AdLib : Kes – Mmm…bacon-scen ted Windex…glahhhh !
Chernynkaya : Sorry–phone rang. Gimme a sec.
PatsyT : Cher Do Tell…
kesmarn : I did what the Repug love-fest, KQ.
KillgoreTrout : cher, did you the link about Congress trying to outlaw the sharing of music videos?
AdLib : Cher – Go ahead and let loose on NN.
PatsyT : KQ.. you mean the Koch Bros audition?
kesmarn : Do you mind if I clean the windows with this leftover bacon, AdLib?
KillgoreTrout : I just love to be around a person with an unpolluted mind.
kesmarn : It wouldn’t be Fri nite without bacon, Patsy.
AdLib : Kes – Don’t forget the windows, guest.
Chernynkaya : BTW–can I vent about Netroots NAtion?
KQuark : So did anyone actually watch the Repug debate?
kesmarn : My Fave is in love with polka-dotted sting rays.
Chernynkaya : KT–she really is in her own world–and she’s great!
PatsyT : BACON !
KQuark : Cheers Cher it is a pretty interesting phenomenon to follow.
kesmarn : Bummer, Cher. I was looking forward to the Planet bacon quiche.
KillgoreTrout : cher, I would too, probably. How many people do you hear say they’d like to be a jellyfish?
PatsyT : No Kes sit right down I had the kids do the dishes… well I told them.. I’ll look late
Chernynkaya : Kes, and make your own meals.
Chernynkaya : KT–you’re right and also thinks they’re beautiful. but we like to tease her.
kesmarn : Hey, AdLib! And all. I dunno why I was a “guest” for a while there. I was logged in. Now I suppose I’ll have to do the dishes, since I’m not a guest any more.
Chernynkaya : Thanks! But i still have to use the scroll button to see the top comment after I type. But it’s better.
PatsyT : Hey Kes!
KillgoreTrout : cher, maybe she likes the sensation of floating? Jellyfish seem to float in air, but the air is water.
AdLib : It’s…Kes! Hey!
kesmarn : Cher, the + and – sign at the lower right of the dialogue box will change it’s size. And “howdy!”
Chernynkaya : And Hiya, KQ!! Thanks for your insight on Zeitgeist.
AdLib : Cher – Look to the bottom right hand corner of the display box – you’ll see a “+” and a “-“, you can click on them to resize the chat window.
KQuark : Really Cher though anyway to get through to people these days
KillgoreTrout : Hey AdLib
Chernynkaya : KT– she’s 14!!
Chernynkaya : AL– well, there’s that.
AdLib : Hey Killgore!
KillgoreTrout : Good to see you Patsy.
AdLib : Cher – At least she didn’t say “plankton”.
Chernynkaya : BTW, how can I make the dialogue window shorter here?
PatsyT : Hi KT!
Chernynkaya : Hi KT!
KillgoreTrout : cher, how old is your stepdaughter?
KQuark : lol that would be great. Adlib. I think you hit on the new political ad technique
Chernynkaya : Seriously– I LOVE THAT IDEA!!!
KillgoreTrout : Good evening folks!
AdLib : Cher –
AdLib : Patsy – That is brilliant! We should make that a real game, “Angry Bags”! You launch Baggers at the Constitution, schools, urban neighborhoods… I see millions!
Chernynkaya : Patsy–thanks–t here are more on the DP.
PatsyT : I hope that bird isn’t into tweeting
KQuark : I think they came from a pond near Fukushima AL
Chernynkaya : My step daughter recently said she’d like to be a jellyfish. We asked if she couldn;t think of something higher on the food chain???
PatsyT : HA HA Cher! nice pecs on that bird!
Chernynkaya : «link»
AdLib : CHer – When my sister was 3, my mom asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she said, “A bird.” No wonder she’s angry.
PatsyT : The RW has a new version of that game.. Angry Baggers
Chernynkaya : Wouldn’t you be pissed if you were a bird?
AdLib : Hey KQ! Can someone tell me why those birds are so pissed off? I mean they’re the ones busting everything up.
PatsyT : What popping sound? I don’t hear any popping sound
Chernynkaya : Oh–yeah–the ice rink is Chtsworth as I recall.
AdLib : Thanks Cher and Patsy! Cher – in Northridge.
Chernynkaya : And AL–it it in Chatworth too?
KQuark : I was just gonna kill some pigs with angry birds and I heard that popping sound again.
PatsyT : Who Hoo ! Happy Bday to the the darling!
Chernynkaya : Oh, AdLIb– that’s so much fun! We did that when our son turned 8 too!!!
AdLib : My daughter turns 8 tomorrow, roller birthday party.
PatsyT : Ha Cher! Heavens No but.. Chamber Music Camp, Dance Camp and Volleyball, yes.
AdLib : Patsy, I imagine it’s been a fun time though!
Chernynkaya : What uppity bitches!
AdLib : CHer – Glad to hear it, I had quite a hangover of a cough from my last flu, I know what you mean. As for those Saudi wmen, next thing you’ll know, they’ll want to be able to get a divorce!
Chernynkaya : Patsy–are you sending them to T-bagger camp this summer?
PatsyT : Very well, thank you. I have been super busy with the kids.
Chernynkaya : I am feeling much better–thanks! Just a little tired still. And of course the endless cough. I hear Saudi women want to drive?!
AdLib : Cher – Feeling better?
AdLib : Heh! Hi Cher!!!
Chernynkaya : Hi when you arrive!
AdLib : Hey Patsy! How are you this evening?
PatsyT : Hi There AdLib!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT. Come on by and chat a spell!
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