PatsyT : You got that right!
bito : Oh, Patsy! I can’t even imagine, you deserve combat pay. Just remember it will be a fond memory 15 years from now.
PatsyT : They are still here… help I can only listen to so many rap songs
bito : had your hands full
bito : Wow, Ralph! sounds like you hand your hands full tonight. You were missed.
PatsyT : Bito dear, how are you ?
bito : Good night Abby.
Abbyrose86 : Good night all!~
Abbyrose86 : Goodnight Chris
Abbyrose86 : Bito….Sarah would have no idea WHAT any of that means…I shudder to think WHAT she would take that to mean!
Abbyrose86 : Choicelady…goo d night!
bito : My last question? Would S’arah’s eyes glaze over if she was asked about the gini coefficient, and why we are #42?
bito : Looks like this may bring a close to our Friday session of VoxPop. Thanks to everyone for a fun and educating night.
bito : k’es, Ralph is gone, it’s left up to you to to start the silly session-the fun part.
kesmarn : That old song: “It’s a quarter to three. There’s no one in the place. Except you and me. So, set ’em up, Joe. One for my baby and one more for the road…” Time to say good night for me, too!
bito : Night Chris, Thanks.
kesmarn : G’night, Chris. You’re right on the media.
bito : Good night Mrs. Perkins, you are an inspiration!
kesmarn : Good night, Cher. Of course, your last sentence turned out perfectly. Hope things get better.
ChrisR266 : Keep on keeping on, and may the force be with you all.
ChrisR266 : I depart as well, friends.
kesmarn : Good night, c’lady. You do de Lawd’s work, fo’ sho’.
ChrisR266 : Good night, Cher. You’re a righteous dudette.
Chernynkaya : OK–I am so sorry to have to leave but I cannot get my puter to type! Please forgive me and please carry on! Maybe no Daily Planet tomorrow.
ChrisR266 : Good slumber, choice. A pleasure, as always.
bito : C’lady, I asked that because of your Moyers statement. Rural areas depend on NPR abd PBS for news.
kesmarn : Getting all the news from NPR would sure beat getting it all from Limbaugh, which is what squadzillions of people actually do by choice!
choicelady : Floks – (I love it, Cher) I think I’m packing it in as well. I had a hellacious day trying to write a grant for a program I was not sure wasn’t going to be eradicated by the CA budget, and it took the whomp out of me to be that worried. So off I go. Hugs to all! May you have Sweet Dreams!
ChrisR266 : Kes: The communication industry doesn’t learn lessons. They do whatever it takes to make more advertising revenue. Gotta pay those shareholders. Give up any notion you may still harbor that the journalistic imperative drives any of them anymore.
Chernynkaya : No kes, age. got it much less cover.
kesmarn : Cher and Chris, I guess I wasn’t paying attention and I don’t doubt that the media capitalized on it. The same way they did before. Here I was naively hoping they had learned their lesson. I was wrong.
choicelady : bito – yes, and I call it California. I can’t stand any other news! LOL!!! But seriously, for a friend in a remote area, that is ALL she gets. I have problems with them, but they beat almost anything else.
ChrisR266 : I did when It finally did happen about a month ago. Headlines screamed about how the Pastor made good on his threat.
Chernynkaya : Bito!
bito : Gawwd night AD.
ChrisR266 : Bito: I am in Central Ohio. We’re bombarded by everything.
Abbyrose86 : Good night Adonai
Chernynkaya : Kes– the media was focussssed on the ssssnake.
kesmarn : G’Night, AD!
bito : Have any of you lived in a rural area where the only world/US news on the radio is from NPR? I have.
kesmarn : Chris, I hear you. I know the media made a huge deal out of the first threat by this guy. But this one I didn’t know about till it was over. Maybe I just missed the coverage, though.
Chernynkaya : ‘Nigh–AD!t
Abbyrose86 : My gosh you all are so fast! I don’t come to this often on Fridays….but I’m having a hard time keeping up! Hey Patsy
ChrisR266 : May the force be with you, Ad. Go Blue.
ADONAI : Well kids, I gotta git. God night folks. Peace be with you. “I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower
kesmarn : You’re such a good sport, Cher! And much kinder than I am. You overlook my typos. Heaven for you.
ChrisR266 : Kes: And had MSM not grabbed onto it, it would have faded away into oblivion and virtuality. That’s the problem
Chernynkaya : Chris–well said and I agree.
Chernynkaya : Kes–there ya go–made me laugh!
choicelady : Adonai – I TOTALLY agree with you about the role the MSM played in giving the FL preacher a platform and visibility. These days any goon with a radical and antagonistic or titillating schtick gets air time. Wise and thoughtful people? They show up on Bill Moyers at 1 am.
kesmarn : I guess “Pastor” Jones posted the idiotic video of the burning on YouTube, Chris, and did sort of an end run around the press who were trying to ignore this one. Or so I’m told.
Chernynkaya : CL–It’s a virus I’m sure. My son the Computer Expert will be called to duty tomorrow–and what you said is much appreciated!!!
ADONAI : Chris, I get ya.
ChrisR266 : Hey Patsy, good to hear from you.
bito : Patsy, where do we send the Valium?
Chernynkaya : HI PATSY! THANKS!
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Ok. Of course you are correct. But you are missing my point. If the MSM hadn’t descended on this guy like a pack of dogs in heat, it would have gone no where and wouldn’t have served as the ignition for what happened yesterday in Afganistan. Come on. They’re making idiots into gods and devils, with no other reason than to make money. They don’t give a rat’s arse about the implications about that, as long as it makes them more ad revenue. You know what I am talking about, so let’s not get all abstract about it.
ADONAI : hello Patsy! Good luck to you!
kesmarn : Meet the Flokkers!
choicelady : Patsy! You get tonights’ Purple Heart, and tomorrow the Medal of Honor/Croix de Guerre!!!! You are a woman among women! Hail Patsy! Vale!
Chernynkaya : :lol!
kesmarn : Patsy!! No purgatory for you! Straight to heaven! You did your time tonight!
Chernynkaya : AD– I’m not sure it’s not illegal during a war.
ADONAI : bito, i see what you’re doing there
PatsyT : I love Adults
choicelady : Cher – hope it’s nothing serious on the computer! What would we do without you? We all need to send positive, healing energies to Cher’s computer – and Cher. That or money for the Geek Squad. Or both.
kesmarn : I’m still chuckling about “BIOT!” Cher!
PatsyT : Hey guys, I can’t stay, I have a house full of 12-13 year olds – 20 + of them _ Just wanted to say hi and help! Hope all is well with you all. Have a great weekend!
bito : Ad, and there hasn’t been any CIA in Libya for the last 30 years until just last week!
Chernynkaya : Kes!!
choicelady : kes and bito – I’d love jug bands. GReat fan of Jim Kweskin. Also bluegrass. Also most of the women of C&W who are doing some cool feminist stuff under cover of love songs. Swingle Singers. Chicago blues. Delta blues. Preservation Hall. I love classical, but it’s not right for Friday nights
ADONAI : Cher, that is true
kesmarn : The “Floks” understand, Cher. But I hope you’ll be able to stick around!
Chernynkaya : AD– don’t you anyway?
ADONAI : bito, Dang it!
Chernynkaya : Floks– that is what my computer is doing. I may have to bail! I try to stay.
ADONAI : Chris, What Jones did wasn’t illegal. The fact he admitted to knowingly inciting violence may be. But the Afghani population SHOULD be pissed. At the men who killed those innocent UN workers who had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this. That’s cowardice. No better or worse than Jones. Both sides hold equal shame. Jones burnt a book. One book. That is not worth 12 lives. No matter how holy it is suppose to be.
ChrisR266 : Bito: Understood. My intent was only to illustrate the agenda being set by MSM. HP is part of that wholly now. The masturbation is complete and orgy like in its consistency. That was all I was implying
Chernynkaya : AD– nt ball game legally.during war is a diffe
kesmarn : b’ito, Friday Night Klezmer Bands for me!!
bito : We don’t supply weapons
, AD
choicelady : Cher – I do know the concept of mitzvah. GOOD word, and everyone should embrace the doing of it!
Chernynkaya : Bito my partial wish list is R&B, world music, and famous movie scenes.
Abbyrose86 : Chris…excellen t point. The corporate influence is SO ingrained and so perverse it’s difficult for many to see they are not a friend..
ChrisR266 : Adonai: you’re being way too kind. Jones is an ignorant and spiteful yet eager for spotlight eff head. The Muslims should be pissed.
ADONAI : bito, can i still conduct clandestine operations to foment unrest?
choicelady : Hey WTS – we see you up there in the Loft – come on down!
Abbyrose86 : Choicelady…Cal ifornia is a perfect example of why states rights it ridiculous. On the one hand California does some fabulous things…but the unwillingness of the Californians to want to pay for the great ideas they have…is a major problem.
Chernynkaya : CL That’s what we call a <i>mitzvah</i>
bito : The Planet is not at war with HP or any other site. WE are PlanetPOV.
ADONAI : Cher, That raises a good question. He admitted to knowingly inciting violence. I think we have laws against that. I dunno if ti applies to inciting unrest in other countries by actions in this one but it could be worth a look. The Afghani authorities will just have to deal with those assholes in their own way.
ChrisR266 : I worry more so than ever that this nation’s electorate will not be able to shake corporate media agendas off its back. If we don’t find a way to co-opt the oppression of its messages, we will never get out from under this…
choicelady : Chris – who won, Boehner or Tricorn Guy?
Chernynkaya : Kes– i read that! Civilized is right. Human.
ChrisR266 : Dare I mention something I saw on HP this week? Main page story that depicted Boehner and a TP advocate (with oxygen tubes in his nose and a three corner hat on his elderly head) illustrating the GOP standoff about budget cuts?
Chernynkaya : Bito– I love Gini.
ADONAI : choice, Couldn’t have said it better myself
Chernynkaya : AD yes both sides LOST! They are exactly the same in my mind. Burning a holy book is not murder–but it is incitement to murder.
bito : AD, done, thanks though
choicelady : bito – dear heart, just so it ain’t Lawrence Welk.
choicelady : Adonai – we push back with acts of kindness and inclusion, and we make the media PAY ATTENTION to them.
Abbyrose86 : Thanks Chris…this is a topic that I’m always bitching about. In todays day and age it doesn’t make sense anymore. I can truly understand why it was necessary back in the day…but today…come on. It puts the US at a serious disadvantage. On the whole, as a nation we have dismal standing in many areas…however, when you look at certain states…there are those who are seriously dragging things down, because those states have antiquated ideals.
ADONAI : bito, 80’s Hair Metal or 60’s Acid rock
bito : no, I have a more pressing question: I am running out of themes for the music threads. What would you suggest?
ADONAI : Do we act to legislate what Jones did out of fear of the violent reaction of a paranoid minority? Or do we condemn both sides in public and accept the very real costs of living in a free society.
choicelady : The Qur’an burner is therefore a traitor. What stopped violence abroad though was the outpouring of events such as the one I attended – interfaith people reading passages from the Qur’an and placing flowers on the Qur’an. One of the Qur’ans was mine, I was a reader, and it was a very proud moment. We had hundreds, good media, and the local Muslim population, deeply moved by our presence, sent the tapes overseas. They offset the FL guy and kept things cool. Cooler anyway.
kesmarn : Corporations in Japan are willingly forgoing tax breaks to help with the recovery. That’s what civilized people do.
ChrisR266 : Cher: damned straight. He was correct.
Chernynkaya : “Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.” Oliver Wendall Holmes
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Judy Collins. I recall she sang a song called “both sides now.” Fits the situation precisely.
choicelady : chris – that is the story of CA in a nutshell: the something for nothing people. We vote our wants and block payment. Then, of course, locking in spending, we blame our legislature for not making enough cuts. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
bito : do we all remember the Gini in the US? «link»
kesmarn : That’s a hot one, Cher!
ADONAI : I saw earlier that Jones went through with that Koran burning. Turns out he said he KNEW it would incite violence overseas and that was what he intended. To show that Muslims are violent reactionaries. Well, both sides won. Or lost. However you look at it.
Chernynkaya : HOW ABOUT A NEW TOPIC? HOW ABOUT THE Koran burning POS?
ChrisR266 : Abby: I agree with you 100% about the state autonomy issue. antiquated and unrealistic.
choicelady : bito – if I get there, I will definitely make time so we can meet and have dinner. It would be SO COOL!!!
ChrisR266 : What I DO mind is the idea that people think that what they want in a city, state or country is something that can’t deliver on that because they are unwilling to pay their fair share. I also am damned pissed that legislators are gambling those shares away for those corporations and interests which think they are above it all, or should be exempt from pitching in their fair share. They use the roads, the police, the governmental protections, they ought to be coughing it up, damnit.
Chernynkaya : Bito–when I say tax reform, that’s certainly most of it.
bito : Oh, C’lady, that would be fantastic!
ADONAI : you nailed it Abby. Globalization. The end of borders. That’s my dream.
Chernynkaya : Kes– that’s OK– it’s almost time to change the topic anyway. Let’s talk about that koran burner.
kesmarn : Go Bernie! We need a more good Socialists in government! The “S” word is not a dirty word.
choicelady : Cher – I don’t think it’s County they fear. It’s Drew. And the stories from there are disgusting. One woman bled to death on the floor while the janitor mopped around her. That’s not hype, and that IS what people fear. I’ve seen it in Buffalo – it’s despicable.
Abbyrose86 : I truly believe our nations revenue generation system is a disgrace. BOTHY on an national level and the state level. I think states have TOO much power and should have less. SORRY to all the states rights advocates, but I personally believe in the year 2011…the 21st century…some of the antiquated ideas that arose at our nations founding and which has evolved over the last 234 years IS not appropriate in todays world. WE have globalization and technology…as well as other situations that the founders NEVER could have foresaw.
kesmarn : c’lady!
Yeah, they’re allergic to love!
bito : Bernie’s top 10 «link»
ChrisR266 : I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t begrudge paying my taxes. I get good roads, schools, decent safety, and a fairly ok country in which to live and thrive.
choicelady : kes – maybe I will buy the jerk preacher’s church and turn it into a place of inclusion and love! Until they burn it to the ground for precisely that reason, of course…
Chernynkaya : CL– 43,000,000 don’t even get that chance. Or go bankrupt. CL–Seriously–I ‘ve been there–County General. And it is not worse than nothing at all. People have to understand that. I’m sorry–I really understand their fear! But we have to get over unreasonable fear or we will never advance. Address those fears if possible, but don’t let them rule the day.
ADONAI : choice, I agree. I would propose a permanent rate of at least 90% on the upper bracket. It’s only fair.
kesmarn : Let’s get GE paying taxes on their foreign-earned profits, starting yesterday!
choicelady : Adonai – the taxes WE pay exceed the taxes billionaires pay, so let’s go back to the graduated tax rates. Progressive rates. People don’t invest out of their profits and net – they deduct that BEFORE taxes are taken. Time to remind everyone how the system works and that “from those to whom much is given, much is required.” Freaking “personal responsibility” .
ADONAI : bito, Most definitely. I would totally address that as President.
ChrisR266 : bito: Subsidies are another version of write offs and exemptions. No taxes for you folks! I grew up in truck cropping country, and the farmers were the richest families in the area. The left land fallow so they could rake in the subsidies to leave the land that way.
ADONAI : Cher, The reason I wanna raise taxes is AFTER we close the deficit. We NEED new revenue. Jobs AND taxes. Just to jump start us.
kesmarn : Actually defending his actions…incred ibly! Now he has his church for sale on Craig’s List. They’re broke. Wonder why?
ADONAI : Chris, I think so too. We pay some of the lowest taxes in the Western world. We have more kinds of taxes than other countries but we still pay less overall. I wanna keep it that way but a small, temporary bump won’t kill us.
bito : Why do we PAY subsidies to “farmers” making over 2 million dollars? the same to oil companies that make 20 billion dollars? We can raise taxes to 99%, but with loopholes and subsides we still end up oweing them money!
ChrisR266 : Kes: seriously? Oh shit.
choicelady : kes- what is the FL idiot preacher up to this time?
Chernynkaya : AD– I think you are mistaken about how much is lost in tax breaks. It would close the deficit in a huge way.
kesmarn : The Qur’an burner.
kesmarn : Totally O/T and I’m sorry, but that FL idiot preacher is on ABC Nightline even as we speak.
choicelady : bito – yes, we must raise taxes on the rich. Someone pointed out that if corporations are “persons” then let them pay personal rates. No double standards!
Chernynkaya : kes and Cl–that’s the disconnect that frustrates me about HC fears.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Agreed. What people have to get over is this rhetoric about how taxes are bad. they are not bad, especially when they’re being paid by people who can most afford to pay them. You get what you pay for. And, community implies necessarily that people pay the share they can fairly afford. It’s not rocket science. It’s just rhetoric. About effin time that someone sets this record straight.
ADONAI : Cher, agreed. A lot of factors are involved here.
kesmarn : Yes, Cher! Otherwise by too much belt tightening, too fast, we risk doing exactly what happened in 1937 when fiscal conservatives pushed the country back into Depression.
choicelady : Cher – the Gulag is the worst because people DIE there from lack of attention. I’ve been in the Gulag as an insured patient with scant attention to me, but I’ve been in there as a Victim Advocate for SA & DV victims. It was HORRIBLE for them. Had it not been for my presence, I do not know what would have happened to those women! The docs were utterly contemptuous of them, mostly on Medicaid, and did as little for them as possible. If I’d not pitched a fit, there would have been NOTHING done for them.
Chernynkaya : Ad– in the LONG run is the operative word. Once the economy rebounds.
ADONAI : bito,we have to raise taxes. All the money we could pull out of the cracks wouldn’t be enough. We have went way WAAYYY overboard the last 30 years. Time to pay the bill.
Chernynkaya : Kes–you’re correct. and let me repeat: Offshore taxes by corps is 2 TRILLION!!!
kesmarn : Cher, yes. You had an awful experience. But at least you got better. No one should have to go through what you did. People talk about the waiting periods in Canada, but as M. Moore said: we had 43,000,000 people who couldn’t even get in line.
ADONAI : Chris, I agree. I no longer include SS or Medicare. It has never contributed to our deficit and never will in the long term future, IF we get our shit together.
bito : Do we need to raise taxes on anyone, or close the loophole where billionaires pay a lower tax rate than a janitor does?
Chernynkaya : Chris– they ARE talking about cutting defense in a meanigful way. NO One hears that. Also, the pentagon recently admitted they can’t even do an audit, their books are so Byzantine.
ADONAI : bito, I did not. how’d that strokefest turn out?
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Social Security is self sustaining, and has been solvent, despite what baggers and others are arguing. It is the one entity that keeps being used as the cover for how bad the deficits really are. Take that out of the equation.
kesmarn : April Fool!
ADONAI : Kes, put it up to a 90% rate. i agree. Permanently. But we will have to tax the middle class for awhile. Not all of them. And I promise it will be the smallest tax increase in history.
Chernynkaya : Kes–that’s my frustration. How is even a gulag worse than bankruptcy or NOTHING! And I have been in that Gulag once, as I mentioned once. It cured me of meningitis.
Abbyrose86 : }
ADONAI : Cher, no doubt. We HAVE money. All over. We’re never broke. But we seriously need to start paying some loans back. That will be good for everyone in the long run.
kesmarn : Nah, Adonai…the rich! I’m talking 90% rate. It would make a huge difference. I think the stats say it would halve the deficit in something like 5 years?
bito : The BASE budget of DoD has increased 75% or the last ten years, they held Senate hearings on it. Did anyone watch them?
Chernynkaya : AD–no one is talkng about zero deficit. But taxes for the corps is in the TRILLIONS offshored. Of course they would set us right.
ADONAI : Kes, not just the rich. Almost everyone.
kesmarn : b’ito, I think we’re about to find out. But regardless of the odds, I’m opting for hope. Rather go down hoping than win through fear.
ADONAI : Chris, cut the defense budget. cut ti down to around 30% of it’s current size. Still only a drop in the bucket.
ChrisR266 : NO ONE is talking about cutting the defense budget! What the hell is wrong with everyone?!?
ADONAI : Fear.
kesmarn : Adonai, the hardest decision, for “them” is the most obvious: TAX THE RICH.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: The defense budget is more of a drain on the national finances than all of the entitlement programs. No one seems to be up to facing that harsh reality.
bito : Which is stronger: Fear or Hope?
kesmarn : c’lady, yes, people feared the HCR “monster” because clinics can be depressing and miserable (for the reasons you mentioned). They didn’t seem to make the connection that their grannies who got care via Medicare weren’t exactly in the Gulag.
ChrisR266 : Oh Cher, you are a kind and lovely one, may the force always be with you.
ADONAI : Here’s the larger problem that neither side is really addressing. Even if we completely ended both wars, ended the Bush tax cuts, and reduced government to half it’s current size(almost impossible) we still wouldn’t be halfway to solving our deficit problems. hard decisions will have to be made eventually. I don’t envy the ones who propose them.
choicelady : Cher – thank you! I really pay attention to people’s fears. The only way around it is a very long way indeed.
Chernynkaya : Chris– I am still waiting for you to stick out your neck.
ChrisR266 : Kes: I think she indeed is soulless–the marker of a shallow one, to be sure.
choicelady : Chris – I have to disagree. Condi, Steel, LCRs – all are fine. They get enough strokes to keep on keepin’ on.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Oh surely I have. But my causes and beliefs have always aligned with pathways to actually achieving those ends. Martyrdom is the province of faith, not of politics.
Chernynkaya : CL– I love that assessment about HCR! You nailed it!
choicelady : Cher – if I’d known you then, we could have had a call and cried together. I still tear up thinking about it. It was DONE, and it was days before the deadline. Obama kept his promise – and the Lefties only whine there are troops left, just as he SAID there will be. But the deaths and the destruction involving US troops – their pain or what they inflicted – is OVER. Iraq has a long way to go, but Obama kept his promise. And nobody but you, Engle, and I (and RAchel – she was the anchor) gave a crap. I hope the families of the soliders were watching – they needed that “piping off”. (OK – that’s NAVY talk for Army people, but I don’t know an Army equivalent. Sorry)
kesmarn : Chris, I think I would feel better if I did think Condi had insomnia. Or is she as soulless as the rest of ’em with no conscience?
Chernynkaya : With the states broke and sevices cut in cities too–the biggest issues for me are fixing the corp tax rate, jobs and Afghanistan. We can’t afford to allow cuts to vital services because we are spending in afghanistan. In fact, we can’t allow it even if we must borrow–which we needn’t if the corps and the rich pain, and if we were out of the war.
ADONAI : Chris, Haven’t you ever had something you really believe in? A “righteous path” you knew was correct no matter what others may say? The authoritarian resolution to see it through despite the costs? I promise you, they sleep very well at night without any aid.
ChrisR266 : Ok, going to stick my neck out there. Have at me after I’m done. What “liberals” have such a difficult time with are people like Condi Rice sucking off the tit of the GOP apparatus. No effing way this woman sleeps well at night. If she does, it is pharamceutically aided and abetted. Like the Log Cabin Republicans. Ugh.
choicelady : Abby – what people fear in health care is the Gulag – the gray clinics where you are a number and are assigned a doctor who is 7′ tall with steel teeth. And a sadist. They fear they will have no choices, and that they will be hurt, denied care, and left to die on dirty gurneys in the hall. Why do they believe it? Too many charity care publicly funded hospitals ARE like that. Not all, but too many. They don’t need the lies. The truth is bad enough. So we come along boppin’ with enthusiasm for “single payer” WTF is that – and they get scared. No use telling the public that public hospitals are as they are because of GOP cutbacks. The facts are there – public hospitals are dirty and nasty and uncaring. End of story.
kesmarn : Far all the “patriotic” blather on the right, they don’t do a very good job of taking care of these soldiers once they get back home. All sentimentalism on FOX, no substance.
Chernynkaya : I saw that CL–Engel was moved and so was I–but it went with a whisper.
ADONAI : Chris, thank you! GO BIG BLUE!!!!
kesmarn : c’lady! YES! For some reason I had a very visceral negative reaction to Condi Rice from day one! I couldn’t stand her. And Rumsfeld was another one.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: I’ll be rooting for KY tomorrow night. Just though you should know…
ADONAI : Cannot agree more choice. Some people really do deserve the absolute scorn heaped on them
choicelady : adonai and kes – it is my understanding that the daily briefing said “Al Qae’da intends to hijack planes and run them into US buildings.” Condi Rice said, “Well it did not specify a DATE.” I probably could not be more furious if she had said she had to ignore the report to buy more shoes as she did during Katrina. There are people that deserve the hate they get.
ADONAI : I have one for Obama. He needs to address how this country has become so fucked up that we refer to state teachers, not private tutors or tenured professors, as moneyed elite and look at the rich industrialist as the put upon man just trying to scratch together a living. That is SERIOUSLY messed up!
Chernynkaya : CL– I meant Iraq–sorry!
kesmarn : Abby, so many folks are finally “getting” it regarding unions, now that their lifestyle and security are on the line.
Abbyrose86 : sadly Cher people ARE afraid…and I don’t understand why they are afraid of things that will help them…instead they prefer to believe the lies {sighs
choicelady : Cher – I think it’s a lot fewer than 50,000 troops, and they are NOT engaged in combat. That said, of course there is occasional fighting, but they are training and support troops and it IS different. And “piping them home” should have freaking MEANT something to us all – the Right, the Left – NOBODY care. Except Richard Engle. It was raw and powerful and amazing to watch. The last troop truck across the border – wow.
Abbyrose86 : Thank you everyone…the reason I mentioned it, is the fact that she and her family were able to deal with this horrible situation because they had the financial ability to do so….that was provided through that union job and with all the talk lately of further destroying unions…I thought it appropriate to mention the good that unions do for their members.
ADONAI : kes, Most likely. From everything I’ve read, he had more than enough info to put 2 and 2 together. But, as Bush said even before the attacks, he doesn’t really read the briefings.
kesmarn : Iraq was a mistake from day one. No doubt on that one. And probably moved a lot of guys into a more extreme position.
choicelady : Cher – I think the Libyans I know support our brief presence in securing the No Fly Zone as do many on the ground,and I think it’s simply a mixed reception that forced us to ask what our values were. We KNEW there would be a massacre without what we did. Whether it was an historical game changer? Who the hell knows.
Chernynkaya : Abby–sorry to hear that and YES! we all should have health care. But this country is apparently too scared of it.
ChrisR266 : Cher: your number is close enough for jazz. I read today 45,000.
kesmarn : Abby, so sorry to hear of your loss. As you say, at least the family had the consolations you mentioned.
Chernynkaya : CL– that is so true about Iraq. What I hear from the Left is, we still have what, 50,000 troops there?
ADONAI : Abby, I am sorry for the loss. I hope she was at peace when she passed. And you are so very right. It’s the least we could do. And it would make such a difference.
ChrisR266 : We’re a damned safe country. We have suffered horrible indignities and erosion of rights because of what we’ve been scared into believing.
choicelady : Oh Abby – I am SO sorry. You have sustained more than your fair share of losses. I am so relieved that they had the support of decent health care coverage AND the ability to make the time to be with her. Thank you for reminding us how essential basic rights are – and how critical unions are in securing them. That said, I am so sorry for your loss.
kesmarn : Adonai, I gather Dubya had all the info needed to deal with that threat, he was just more focused on drilling in Alaska at that point.
ChrisR266 : Kes: I think one of the things I mean is that the 8 years of GWB scared the nation shitless about what could happen to them, so much so that we lost our wits about what was likely to happen.
Chernynkaya : kes– I think out presence could bring an attack too. It’s a risk. Anyway, the right will say we never did enough unless we were in every Arab country.I think we are endangered by being there.
choicelady : Bito – we both have, even in our dotage. Still cannot find the damned hat. We will have to postpone our meeting. BTW – likely to be in Chicago in very early November if you’re still there? Depends on whether we get a particular grant or not.
ADONAI : kes,If there is an attack on U.S. soil, no one was “soft”. Just lazy and irresponsible. 9/11 didn’t happen because Bush was soft. Just very very lazy. And that is a goddamn shame.
ChrisR266 : Abby: you are all in my thoughts and meditations. And, I am with you 100% on this one.
kesmarn : Chris, do you mean that you feel we’re better prepared to thwart another attack on the U.S. now than we were under Dubya? Probably true!
Abbyrose86 : Thanks Cher!
Abbyrose86 : Today, we received some bad news…my nephew in laws mom passed after a 11 year battle with cancer. SHE fought long and hard…but was VERY fortunate that she her husband has a union job, with great benefits and wonderful healthcare. This courageous and wonderful lady had the opportunity to fight her disease. For that her family and friends are eternally grateful. EVERYONE in this nation should have the same opportunity. EVERYONE in this nation should have access to adequate healthcare…and EVERYONE should have the benefits that this family had, from their employer. The father had the ability to take time off to care for his wife, with pay.
choicelady : Adonai – I think I was one of three people who watched Richard Engle “pipe out” the troops leaving Iraq. It was in tears because Obama kept his promise – they left EARLY – and Richard was the ONLY REPORTER keeping the faith with them and seeing them safely across the border. Nobody fucking CARED except MSNBC and Richard. It was so moving – and it meant nothing. The troops, Engle, the end of combat forces in Iraq – and the MSM and liberals DID. NOT. CARE.
ChrisR266 : Kes: I say bring it on. Let ’em try.
bito : Goodness C’L you have been fighting the good fight daily, Francis.
kesmarn : What happens though if Islamic extremists regroup in Afghanistan and there’s another attack on U.S. soil? Will people say the Dems are soft on terrorism?
ADONAI : Cher, I think so too. The joy of bringing those brave men and women home will convince a lot of people he is at least trying to do the right thing. And that’s more than we’ve deserved for a long time now.
choicelady : hey bito – you’re right on! People, not the President, take to the hustings. MAKE me do it – LBJ said it to Rev. MLK on civil rights, too. But we’re too freaking lazy (well, OK – not YOU, bito) to DO any damn thing.
ChrisR266 : All: I think if he could polish the balls to actually bring all the troops home, he’d lock it up for the next 20 years. It is the single biggest drain on our budget and psyche as a nation.
Chernynkaya : Kes– yup.
kesmarn : Hi Abby!
Chernynkaya : Hi Abby–O’s campaign and how best to run.
choicelady : Chris – you are part of my generation, more or less. What I remember from the early 70s is how many liberals and anti-war people were just as freaking lazy then as now. Whining was their best thing. Class snottiness the second. Racial messianic delustion the third. I hated the 60s and 70s for the embedded elitism and racial superiority masquerading as “brotherhood”. Disgusting then – alive and well now.
Chernynkaya : AD– yes- as I said, O needs to address the fury about unfairness. and many times–more than one speech. He needs to own that issue and he should start soon. He can win on that alone.I also want us out of Afghanistan.
kesmarn : I’m quickly trying to take in all the answers — because there seems to be a lot of collective wisdom here. Summing up: too little, too late for some, racism and elitism for others, lots to work on there.
ADONAI : hello bito! good contribution
ChrisR266 : Hi AbbyRose
bito : Obama is the President of the United States. He is not the President of the left or progressives. Like what is going on with UnCut and in the mid west- to use FDR’s phrase ” then make me do it!
choicelady : Hi Abby!
ChrisR266 : Kes: I’m one of those bleeding heart liberals from the 70s. I have waited through Reagan, Clinton, and Bush x2 for Health care to come to reality. I have learned to wait and take victories as they come. Some of the more 80s and 90s progressives are not nearly so patient.
ADONAI : hello abby!
choicelady : kes – yes, people want the rich to pay their fair share. Chris – you are entirely correct: no orgasm. We wanted revenge, but we also did not want to lift a finger to accomplish anything. We wanted Big Daddy to do it for us. We are lazy freaks, we lefties. We are far better at pontificating than actual work.
Abbyrose86 : Hello everyone…what is the topic de jour?
ADONAI : Cher, If Obama wants to seriously tackle corporate greed he needs to end the wars first. BoA and GE and all those others are bad but the corporate arms in the defense industry(of which GE is a part) are the worst. They get THE royal blowjobs. Attacking these other greedy soulless industries and no that one will seem hypocritical.
ChrisR266 : Kes: I
choicelady : kes – absolutely the Left is racist. I was at an event last night to celebrate the career change of the most wonderful, truth-telling woman I know. She works for a racial equity organization one of the best such organizations I know. And oh, yeahhhhh, we can tell great tales about Leftie racism! And classism. We both sympathized with a brilliant white woman who heads a group for women getting off welfare who is NOT welcome in the rarified policy circles in Sacramento – because she IS one of the people, is brilliant, tells the truth, and is NOT dispassionate. So race, class, gender – the Left can screw us all over any part of that. White elitism, male AND female, is alive and well on the Left.
Chernynkaya : Kes-I really don’t think so. But I do think that race played this role: The left expected a black man to be a radical Leftie. because he is black.
ChrisR266 : Hi Kes: My sense is that at least for the left, it is 30 plus years of pent up waiting for something to happen, and then the orgasm doesn’t come to the climax they were hoping for.
kesmarn : I think working people want the rich to pay their fair share.
Chernynkaya : I think O need to make the Afghan drawdown date in July a big event–and meaningful. I think he needs to step in to the budget talks viably too. I think he has to make several speeches about corporate tax rate.
ADONAI : The working people want lower taxes and more stuff. How do you explain that this is retarded?
kesmarn : Chris — and all — do you have a feeling or a sense of the level of hostility toward Obama that comes from the left and is also motivated by race is? I honestly don’t have a clue. It’s not something people admit to.
choicelady : Adonai – NO – we don’t have to lie. We just have to stop thinking we have all the answers. Take single payer – we never EVER made it clear what that is or why it’s good. People are terrified of the Gulag. We’ve done NOTHING to alleviate that fear. People don’t want you wading in when they get frustrated and pop their toddler on their tookas once – we call CPS instead of empathizing with the parent’s frustration. We, the progressives, think we have all the answers when we don’t even know the questions most of these folks have. Obama does not need to lie. Truth telling IS the route, but we need to listen to working families about what truth is for them.
ADONAI : Whatever the simple minds of the American public perceive to be wrong, blame it. Then ride it to election. From there, do whatever you want. it’s what the Right does and they whip your ass with ti all the time.
Chernynkaya : Chris– very interesting point!
kesmarn : Hey, Adonai!
ADONAI : Hello kes!
ADONAI : choice, I’m not saying the Left should stop helping people, just lie. Say whatever the Right says but say it better. Once you are elected START helping people. Pull a reverse Scott Walker. Promise “scary things won’t happen and also low taxes” then do the right fucking thing.
ChrisR266 : He was never going to be able to please, edify or connect with those people who will never accept that a black man can run this country well, let alone with grace and wisdom. The campaign for 2012 began much too soon in his administration.
Chernynkaya : CL– I for one am not saying they are wrong in what they want–I think they are GETTING what they want and aren’t paying attention. That frustrates me to no end!
kesmarn : Better late than never? Hey, everyone!
choicelady : Adonai – Obama needs to say – I have your back. I will bring back good jobs, manufacturing, honor your personal choices, support your families, look for tax fairness that doesn’t shift the burden onto you, give you a say over your own work and life and future. THAT is what needs to be said.
ChrisR266 : Ok, StaPuft Marshmallow man is toast. Back to this issue. I think what I see is a disconnect between Obama’s ability to inspire and motivate an electorate desirous of change, yet for some reason incapable or unwilling to carry the rhetorical thread through the first year of his Presidency.
choicelady : Adonai – I think the left has to really listen to where Americans are and want to be. Even if it is not our sense of the ‘best practices- can we be that arrogant NOT to hear where they are? Especially if they are working people who put one foot in front of the other. If they are people, mostly women, trying to get out of abuse and off welfare? They don’t want esoteric BS from us – they want meat and potatoes. Who are we to insist they are WRONG?
ADONAI : Seriously, Obama needs to just walk to the mic and say: “Chill tha fuck out! I got this!”
Chernynkaya :
I KNEW you were gonna say something like that!
Chernynkaya : That was an example of what’s happening when I type.
Chernynkaya : OOPs– yeah–I put both mies together!ov
ADONAI : Cher, Onyl ocassionall7y and mot ly af0ter smoking ganja.
ChrisR266 : Cher: Uh, no, the GB’s decide to “cross the streams.” Very different effect! LOL
Chernynkaya : OK I hope this virus stays at the level it is–what happens is, when I type, the sentences get chopped up and make no sense.Anyone sever have that happen?t
ADONAI : Cher, I believe you are combining Ghostbusters I and II into one event that never happened
ADONAI : maybe it’s just where I reloaded the page.
Chernynkaya : Chris, the Statue of Liberty kicks the Marshmallow guys butt.
ADONAI : Chris, understood. Awesome movie.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Back at you in 45 seconds; I’m watching the end of ghostbusters!
Chernynkaya : AD–I’m seeing the same old god.
Chernynkaya : Exactly! We need to effin WIN!
ADONAI : My avatar is changing sporadically.
ADONAI : I just don’t know how the Left can consistently capture that “middle vote” without resorting to the cheap trickery and pandering of the Right. Because it does all seem so unfair. One lie. One misrepresentatio n can ruin everything you have spent a lifetime building. Does the Left want to keep “fighting the good fight” or do they want to win?
Chernynkaya : GUys–my computer has a bad bug suddenly and it’s taking be forever to type–sorry!
Chernynkaya : I guess you’re right, AD. But each time a rightie is elected, we take several steps back and it takes a much longer time, and during the Left complains at how long it takes.
ADONAI : Chris, the thing I hate about Obama “capturing the passion” is that Howard Dean did that too. probably better. And him embracing that energy is what lost him the election. Funny how much has changed in a decade.
ChrisR266 : The millennials are a passionate lot. They may appear to be scattered and even aloof, but they care deeply about things and need a funnel for their passions. That was why his campaign was so successful in harnessing their energy in 2008. He doesn’t display that energy now. It is bothersome.
ADONAI : it very much could spell doom. Gravely irresponsible legislation has almost doomed this country on more than one occasion. But this country has never been as open and diverse as it is right now. look at Wisconsin. They got fooled and I hope it is a lesson learned. But they are taking the steps to solve that. As our many nationwide. I just still have faith in the people. We have the will. We just need a reason. And if you’re right, and a bagger wins, we will soon have one coming.
Chernynkaya : I honestly believe–and I know we differ on this AD–but I believe that any Bagger in the presidency spells doom.
ADONAI : if scaring them works, I guess so. I’m not scared so much as tired fo any progress we might make halted simply because the next President is of another Party. Obama is doing well. He deserves a second term to do even better.
Chernynkaya : Heck–I”M pretty divided about Libya.
Chernynkaya : Matbe those who didn’t vote are now seeing what that means, and get the shit scared outta them–as they should.
Chernynkaya : AD– I so agree! I think people often choose style over substance though.
ADONAI : Cher, They are pretty divided on Libya but still more than ready to support Obama in near full force.
Chernynkaya : Chris– as a Leftie myself, I want that too. But I also want the middle to vote and think they like his even-tempered bipartisanship– which turns us off. And sadly, I think he has lost the far Left permanently. I hope I’m very wrong.
ADONAI : Chris, I think you hit on a fair point here. he has been much more measured and deliberate than I think many had envisioned. I think,as long as he gets shit done, it shouldn’t be a big issue. Just a style preference.
Chernynkaya : Glad to hear that, AD– Have you been yonder lately? What’s the Left saying?
ChrisR266 : People have expressed often that they want Obama to get “pissed,” they want to see some umbrage or something of that sort. I think that they have a valid point. Obama suffers from over-handling. He dropped the campaign rhetoric after the election, thus his rhetoric suffered from a lack of coherence and passion. Still he seems too careful and measured. He needs to whip it up. For the Left, and for the millennials. My two cents.
ADONAI : I’m not. I plan to vote for Obama next time around. Romney isn’t going to ruin the country but he’ll halt Obama’s progress and I don’t want that at all.
Chernynkaya : AD-HAH! Dang
Chernynkaya : How about OUR base–are they gonna stay home again and let the Reeps win?
ADONAI : And this better not be a fart joke
Chernynkaya : Chris, what say you?
ADONAI : Cher, i totally agree about Romney
ChrisR266 : Ok. I’m ready to throw something out there. I’ve read the thread, am caught up.
Chernynkaya : Adonai–I don’t think Romney is a loony, and I don’t beleive he is even that far Right–although he panders. But He’s won’t rile the reep base at all.
ADONAI : Expect Bachmann and Palin and every other “Tea Party candidate” to be cut loose by the end of the year. Especially Bachmann. The Republicnas won’t have them ruining their glorious moment.
Chernynkaya : On the bright side–assuming the public is sane again–candidate s like Huck and Bachman move ALL the Party hard Right, and that can’t help them.
ADONAI : There is hardly anything Romney can claim to “bring to Washington” that Obama hasn’t already done. And better! Expand our war against “the tyranny of religious fanatics”? Done. Offer a balanced health care solution that mirrors the one he put into his own state? Done(kinda). Lower unemployment AND lower taxes on corporations? Done. And dozens of other things. Btu I agree. we do elect a lot of idiots.
Chernynkaya : AD– After the midterms–even thought I’m beginning to understand what happened, I’ shell shocked and wouldn’t pu ti past this country to vote idiots in again.
ChrisR266 : Oh, interesting. I’ll catch up by just reading for a minute or two. Thanks Cher.
Chernynkaya : Chris–we’re talking about how Obama should campaign in the upcoming elections.
ChrisR266 : Hi Cher.
ADONAI : Hey chris! and Talk to you later choice, enjoy!
Chernynkaya : Hi there Chris! See ya, CL! Enjoy your dinner.
ADONAI : Cher, That’s so very true. And that is EXACTLY what I’m talking about. Romney is the only one who hasn’t said something so incredibly stupid but he will fold at the debates when Obama picks him apart.
choicelady : OK – off to eat, back in a trice. Keep the conversation rolling, folks! Just occasionally send a clue what the topic is? I had a long, hard day… Bye for now!
ChrisR266 : Evening, everyone.
Chernynkaya : That’s the problem with liberals–they don;t seem to have the passion of teh Right.
choicelady : Adonai – yes. I totally believe that America is really neither left nor right but hard center. But that said, there IS room for a progressive voice if the Left were not so freaking CHEAP. They count pennies while the Right tosses dollars at everyone and everything they think will help.
Chernynkaya : AD–speaking of bad candidates– I put up a video showing HUck speaking at a fundie event saying we should all be forced at gunpoint to be Christians!! That’ll haunt him.
javaz : Here in Arizona, we have Honeywell, and they are hiring but when it comes to Arizona, well, it sucks big time.
choicelady : Cher – but Soros plus Buffet plus a lot of Silicon Valley folks COULD do it. They all claim to be liberal – let’s see the money, honey.
ADONAI : choice, that’s the problem with ideology. It forces you down a narrow road.
Chernynkaya : CL–that’s my complaint too–Soros can’t do this alone, and no corp is going to back progressive causes.
choicelady : I know a number of writers at The Nation and though I love them as people, they CAN be so DIM!
Chernynkaya : Today, The Nation had a piece about how Obama isn’t running his campaign right!! What campaign–it hasn’t started yet!
ADONAI : I think he’ll win easily anyways. The Presidential race is so much different from every single other political race. Including the national Congress. There is NO ONE right now on the Right who can win a general election. No surprise Bushes. They are all mostly well known. he will crush them.
choicelady : Hi Adonai!
choicelady : Cher – about this “owning a media empire” – where is the progressive moolah for that? We had Air America with Christine Craft until the station owner, who was totally stupid about biz, could not seel ads not because there was no interest but she was so stupid. So she fired the on-air people who were the HIGHEST rated in their time slots, and went Gospel. Sheeeet. Air America has now tanked – so where is the commitment from the Left for at least ONE progressive outlet?????
javaz : Yup, and Chrysler and Ford are bringing the manufacturing jobs back, as is Boeing, and Boeing is paying a price, so it’s a lesson learned for the corporations.
Chernynkaya : Yes– the unemployment is down–love that! If this keep up I really think he’ll win easily.
ADONAI : Hello choice!
ADONAI : javaz, In spirit I;m right there with you but, “who cares about polls?” Most Americans. Polls show that to be true
choicelady : javaz – the manufacturing jobs are CRITICAL to this nation’s recovery, so that is fantastic news.
Chernynkaya : CL– I don’t know whatmore he can do. I hear about all the good stuff, but until we own a media empire, I guess it won’t be widely reported?
javaz : Hiyah CL!
javaz : Look at the AP poll, and really, who gives a shit about polla, but did you not see that unemployment dropped to 8.8%, and manufacturing jobs are coming back.
choicelady : Hello dear Cher – made it til the asparagus is done. Then I eat. Then I come back. javaz – no, dear you are NOT alone – I love Obama, too.
ADONAI : Cher, that’s true. I was goign by the various straw polls Republicans have been conducting among their perceived front runners. Mittens, Huck, MILF, and a lazy, sorry excuse for a human being(newt)
Chernynkaya : Hey CL! Glad you made it!
Chernynkaya : I just reported on a poll–why would you think I don’t love him–or that Adonai doesn’t?
choicelady : Good evening all – just dropped by, but no dinner yet so I will dash and come back when it’s ready. What Obama needs? BETTER PR fer cryin’ out loud! I still hear pundits and whiny progressives say he’s done nothing, and he needs to get the message OUT about what he’s done which is HUGE. That’s my analysis as someone who is a policy wonk and absolutely whomperjawed at his achievements.
javaz : Sheesh, am I the only one who loves me Obama?
Chernynkaya : I think it’s crazy to predict what his opponents are polling so early. We don’t even know for sure who they are. The Gallup poll had him EVEN with Huckabee and Romney!
ADONAI : javez, he may have high numbers with young people but when you average everything together he does have a pretty mediocre overall approval rating right now which I just can’t understand.
ADONAI : 48% isn’t fantastic but he still consistently polls higher than his possible Republican opponents. Especially among young voters. Which I don’ think is surprising. I think a lot of his next strategy should be giving the Republican majority in the House enough rope to hang itself.
Chernynkaya : I think thet’re calling the younger voters “millenials.” WTH?
javaz : No, he’s at 53% in the AP poll
Chernynkaya : Yes, I read that poll of the younger voters, but overall, he’s down.
javaz : The topic is politics? No shit Sherlock – oh, oh and that;s not true, he’s polling at 53 % and higher for younger voters
Chernynkaya : Hang on–I gotta alert the masses of VP.
Chernynkaya : Yeah, AD a Legionnaire training video!
ADONAI : Good question… hmm…
ADONAI : Gotta be some great video of Romans slipping cobras into Spaniard’s tents.
ADONAI : Youtube 1911 is cool but I wanna see Youtube 11.
javaz : So, what is the topic tonight?
Chernynkaya : That video got me at the point where the demonstrator licked the stamp.
Chernynkaya : OK, cool, javaz.
javaz : I’m very good at doing three things at once
Chernynkaya : Yeah AD–1911.
javaz : LMAO
ADONAI : Cher, that’s one of the stupidest(and funniest) things I’ve ever seen. And if you aren’t paying attention to the date I could very easily see how it would fool someone.
Chernynkaya : It’s HARD! I can barely do VP!
javaz : I’m up for it
javaz : why not?
Chernynkaya : Javaz, I don’t think that’s gonna last long!
javaz : we just got Hi_speed and my husband is sitting here playing guitar and asking me to play songs from youtube, so I am doing 2 things at once!
Chernynkaya : «link»
Chernynkaya : here it is for later:
Chernynkaya : Anyway, the training vid starts out looking official and says you can now use motions for email instead of the mouse. And then they demonstrate all these ridiculous movements yo have to make!
ADONAI : training video?
ADONAI : javaz, That is always a concern
Chernynkaya : Google TOTALLY punked me! I went to the Google and saw somehting announcing a new feature for email. I clicked, excited, so I watched their training video:
ADONAI : Cher, I did not see that. What has Google done this time?
Chernynkaya : AD– yu’re still thinking about that plastic wrap!
javaz : Hiya, oh look, behind you, your pants are ripped and your underpants are showing! HAH April Fools
Chernynkaya : Did you see how Google punked us today?
ADONAI : HA! pooped
Chernynkaya : Hiya, AD!
ADONAI : Cher, yeah. But it pooped into my head for some reason.
ADONAI : Hello all!
Chernynkaya : AD– oooh– I heard that one about 30 years ago!
javaz : Hey Adonai!
Chernynkaya : Yep–they love us little people!
ADONAI : So I went to my doctor and I tell her, “Doc, it hurts every time I bend my elbow. What’s your advice?” And she says, “don’t to that anymore.”
javaz : Did you hear that the GOP was sane?
javaz : Did you hear that the GOP was working on saving unions, Medicare and Social Security?
javaz : April Fools!
Chernynkaya : Yeah, I saw that joke.
javaz : Did you hear that the Republicants were sane?
Chernynkaya : Hi there javaz!
javaz : Hiya! April Fools!
Chernynkaya : OK– I found this part of VP, but not the sidebar
Chernynkaya : Yes –at 7PM–VoxPop!
AdLib : Vox Populi begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT!
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