AdLib : Night!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night all.
AdLib : Then that’s a wrap for tonight’s edition of Vox Populi. Thanks so much everyone for another fantastic edition! Sleep well and have a wonderful weekend!
PatsyT : All the best 2CCP nighty night
PatsyT : Hey thats it for me too Hope this week brings us better neews
Chernynkaya : I caught that before I signed off. I won;t post her last photo before bed though!
AdLib : Thanks for joining us 2CCP!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Char
2ndClassCitizenPun : I need to get some work done as well. Lot of things went by the wayside this week.
AdLib : Night Cher! Have a wonderful weekend!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Okay, Cher, have a great night.
AdLib : Cher – Yes, The Eyes of Tammy Faye – Here’s the trailer: «link»
2ndClassCitizenPun : I would like to see an end to referring to certain sectors as “industries” when they do not actually produce anything.
Chernynkaya : Hokay–almost 11 here and time to do some stuff before bed. See you tomorrow!
PatsyT : OK 2CCP I think i get your drift
Chernynkaya : AL– The Eyes of Tammy Faye?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Um. Not what I meant.
PatsyT : fleece is a petro product
2ndClassCitizenPun : There’s a lot of money in fleece. Look at our financial industry [sic].
AdLib : Did you see that documentary on Tammy Faye, it was very well done, honest but sympathetic. Still, she and Jim did fleece all kinds of people (including very poor ones) so there are mixed feelings.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Yeah, Tammy ruined a joke in one of my ficiton projects, where a character referred to her as starting the Temple of Eros in the early 2010’s.
Chernynkaya : DANG! I hope they meet the same end.
PatsyT : Bleach please
Chernynkaya : I saw a photo of Tammy before she died. So pathetic.
PatsyT : Make up by – who did it and ran?
AdLib : NOW I REALLY remember where I’ve seen Michele Bachmann’s eyes before: «link»
2ndClassCitizenPun : Sigh. And far too many drag queens emulate her these days…
2ndClassCitizenPun : Make up by Spackle.
PatsyT : Make up by Sharpie
Chernynkaya : In the old days, there were freak shows. People would pay money to look at them. Now we have repubs. And reality shows.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I liked how Sam Kinnison put it, way back when. She didn’t get her make-up “done”, they just wheeled her into Earl Scheib.
PatsyT : 2CCp Iron Fileing for lashes
Chernynkaya : heh! Sorta.
PatsyT : Whoa Now how am I going to sleep tonight!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Tammy Faye had eyes?
Chernynkaya : 2nd –you win!
Chernynkaya : Tammy Faye! Yes!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Aren’t they the same eyes as on the Amityville house?
AdLib : I knew I saw those Michele Bachmann eyes somewhere else: «link»
PatsyT : Zombachmann !!! LOL
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, I am plagiarizing that one. Sounds better than Bachman Hyperdrive.
Chernynkaya : «link»
Chernynkaya : It’s the eyes:
2ndClassCitizenPun : Except she keeps staying, Cher.
PatsyT : Destroyer of the worlds celery !
2ndClassCitizenPun : I started counting the number of women legislators that co-sponsored HR 3, and got ill. Bachmann was one of the first on the list.
Chernynkaya : She reminds my of that other whack-job, the Runaway Bride of years back.
AdLib : Zombachmann!
PatsyT : Celery she eats the whole plant – it is a fact!
Chernynkaya : OK–like a termite.
Chernynkaya : AL–OOOOH!
2ndClassCitizenPun : You are what you eat.
AdLib : Like a termite.
AdLib : Bachmann is an odd zombie, she goes out of her way NOT to eat brains. Mostly she eats wood.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I was afraid she was a possessed bobble-head. But Sharron says Bachmann isn’t related to her, so…
2ndClassCitizenPun : So all we need to get rid of Bachmann is some blessed hand sanitizer? Yay!
PatsyT : 2CCP zombie
PatsyT : Hey there was a doc on him but I will have to dig further
2ndClassCitizenPun : can someone please identify what gender and species Bachmann is? Please?
AdLib : Patsy – Very cool! Didn’t the creator of Gumby fall on hard times? Tried to bring Gumby back but the networks didn’t want stop motion anymore?
Chernynkaya : I don’t knw those, 2nd. Just South Park!
2ndClassCitizenPun : And in anime, he’s a porn star.
Chernynkaya : AdLib–YIKES! Yep–high pitched voice and all-+-it’s Bachmann.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Cher, Chthulu was an Elder God in the Lovecraft novels.
PatsyT : The guy that made gumby did acid
Chernynkaya : Chthulu!wasn’t that the monster that Butters rode on in South Park? Where all the women were breasts?
PatsyT : Ha AdLib my hubby used to sell that and we have all the old tapes!
AdLib : The perfect Republican candidate: «link»
2ndClassCitizenPun : What we need to do for 2012 is have the DNC endorse each GOP nominee, until the Tea Party runs out of candidates.
AdLib : Aw Patsy! I haven’t seen the Gumby opening for years! Fun!
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, it is sneakier than running Chthulu again… same end result.
Chernynkaya : Patsy–as a kid, Gumby was too surreal for me. I never got it.
AdLib : 2CCP – That sounds unbeatable, “Greasy and Greasier 2012!”.
2ndClassCitizenPun : So does Gingrich.
PatsyT : Gumby is in Iowa with his pony pal Poky too «link»
Chernynkaya : I likes Ho-in.
2ndClassCitizenPun : shoe-in. arg
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, so a Gingrich/Limbaug h ticket is a hoe-in?
Chernynkaya : Okay, I get it now, AL. It all ’bout Boz Hogg!
AdLib : Huckabee – Bacon with legs.
AdLib : Cher – Dems love bacon for the eatin’, Repubs vote for the greasiest thing that’s running for office.
Chernynkaya : I can’t remember who recently called Huckabee meat with eyes.
Chernynkaya : AdLib! HAH! No fair–bacon is for DEMS.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Cher, the “col-bear” thing sounds furrin.
AdLib : In 1985, conservative Republicans in Arkansas elected bacon as their governor.
2ndClassCitizenPun : or Jed Clampett.
PatsyT : or Gumby?
Chernynkaya : The Colbert should run, dammit! And they pronounce it ColberT.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Conservative Republicans would vote for Pogo if he were on the ballot.
AdLib : Night Chase!!!
AdLib : Conservative Republicans Love Stephen Colbert – A Washington Post-ABC News Poll reveals that Conservative Republicans who voted for Senator McCain in 2008 would vote for Stephen Colbert if he were to run for office. «link»
PatsyT : Nighty night Chase
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night Chase
ChrisR266 : Restful slumber, Chase.
Chernynkaya : Nighty night, chase.
PatsyT : Colbert has the preferred hair of republicans
2ndClassCitizenPun : In order to have a sense of humor, you must first have a sense of proportion.
Chernynkaya : 2nd–good point! HAH!
chasethis : You guys are wonderful. This has been taxing fun for a Friday. Sweet dreams.
ChrisR266 : I refuse to see anything as hopeless: Wisconsin, Japan, OH-IO.
2ndClassCitizenPun : How many GOPers thanked Wiener for his kind words?
Chernynkaya : Well, that proves it–NO sense of humor. Case closed.
AdLib : Cher – You wouldn’t believe how many dimbulb Repubs think Colbert is a Repub!
Chernynkaya : 2nd–I’m not so sure. Probably not tho.
2ndClassCitizenPun : If you ask a question of Yahoo Answers, you get what you paid for it. Occasionally.
Chernynkaya : They really think COlbert is a repub. Amazing.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I don’t think of Bob Hope as being Republican, at least not the neo-con type we have now.
ChrisR266 : 2CCP: this week, as well as at its end has been all about dire, seemingly hopeless situations.
PatsyT : Ok I remember someone doing William F Buckley on snl was I imagining this?
Chernynkaya : Exactly, chase. That darting tongue. EW!!!
2ndClassCitizenPun : «link»
AdLib : From Answers at Yahoo.com: “Are there any successful Republican comedians? Haven’t seen any ever on SNL, stand-up, etc. anywhere at all” – 4 years ago **** One response was: “Bob Hope, Dennis Miller, Steven Colbert.. – 4 years ago” So…a man who has been dead for decades, one whose career has been dead for decades and one who parodies Republicans. Ouch.
Chernynkaya : What are train weiners?
chasethis : Cher–If anyone did him, I want to know! His image conjures up ghosts of lizards.
2ndClassCitizenPun : According to Wiki, all German/Swiss/Aus trian wieners are called a variation of “vienna sausage”.
Chernynkaya : (confession) Vienna “sausages” are a drunken guilty pleasure. (But what isn’t?)
ChrisR266 : LMAO,Chase. Probably from Minnesota.
PatsyT : Dan Ackaroyd ooo bad sp
chasethis : When I said “Vienna sausages are from Arkansas” I was making shit up. I have no idea.
2ndClassCitizenPun : How so, Chris?
ChrisR266 : this is one of those rare weekends where I don’t have to apologize for my political persuasion. Karma is a bitch.
Chernynkaya : Chase– who DID him?? Niow THAT’S funny!
PatsyT : Chase snl … maybe chevey chase
chasethis : Patsy==who did Wm F. Buckley? It’s on the tip of my brain.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Next up, Elmer Fudd does Dubya.
PatsyT : Things go better with coke
Chernynkaya : OK–I get it–ridicule! I’m all about that!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Patsy, all of them are better when they are being impersonated.
PatsyT : William F Buckley wasn’t he better when an impersonator was doing him?
chasethis : Cher–Pointing and laughing is different. ;>
Chernynkaya : Wm. F Buckly was witty, I guess. But he would have skewered these cretins.
ChrisR266 : Correct, Patsy. Humorous less in thought and deed.
PatsyT : Watch out some bacon is running around here acting up
chasethis : Patsy, Dennis Miller, ew. Post patio confab with the boy, all we could come up with is Norm McDonald and William F. Buckley.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Sessions would be more believable as a comedian.
PatsyT : I think it is a fact ~ Republicans are not funny ~ no imagination
ChrisR266 : Face it: Goldwater and Lieberman are both bad. Tough to cut this realization otherwise.
Chernynkaya : Yep–they all are when they STFU too.
2ndClassCitizenPun : OOPS. GONE
2ndClassCitizenPun : Hello Guest, who ever you are!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Lieberman is much more believable when you mute the sound.
Chernynkaya : Patsy– I can’t really find anything funny about them. I know people laugh at their antics, but I am missing that joke.
PatsyT : Chase, the name Goldwater is funny when you think on it
ChrisR266 : Bacon, bacon… bacon!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Arlen was and is old-school Republican, with principles that meant something.
Chernynkaya : And Lieberman does a good Deputy Dawg.
PatsyT : Cher it works both ways
PatsyT : Arlen Spector that used to be republican did stand up
Chernynkaya : I meant UNhumorous fucks.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Lindsay Graham is kind of funny, in a morbid sense.
Chernynkaya : They are all humorous fucks. To be funny, you need to understand humans. You need a grain of truth!
PatsyT : No they are snauages «link»
2ndClassCitizenPun : I like to cook Vienna sausages in BBQ sauce all day, they are almost like meat candy at that point.
chasethis : Patsy–Goldwater was kinda funny. That’s the best I can do on short notice.
ChrisR266 : I think Hormel sticks to Minnesota.
Chernynkaya : Are they really SAUSAGES??
chasethis : Vienna sausages are from Arkansas.
2ndClassCitizenPun : No, Hormel doesn’t have a processing plant in Austria.
Chernynkaya : 2nd–if you were down here, I’d hope you’d enter that in the Invitational!
AdLib : Are Vienna Sausages really from Austria?
ChrisR266 : Weaving bacon is a marvelous thing. Deliciousness to the nth degree.
PatsyT : Ha I worked with that Denis Miller once – he was all hands – eww!
AdLib : Chse –
2ndClassCitizenPun : I like horseradish white cheddar, with sauteed mushrooms and onions, Cher.
Chernynkaya : Yes, Chase–like a little pot holder.
chasethis : Cher–HA! I’ve had wine. I meant Barnie Franks. So the question remains: Weiner vs. Franks.
PatsyT : Chase wait… oh no … she’ll never come back … there are no funny republican comedians
Chernynkaya : 2nd–grilled cheese rocks!
AdLib : Patsy – Republican comedians…you mean intentional ones, right? I think Dennis Miller proved this point. He was fired off MNF and his series can canceled, became hateful and bitter, turned Republican and became painfully unfunny. A real study in what Republicanism appeals to in people and how it wipes all sense of humor.
chasethis : Cher–you WOVE bacon? I’m intrigued.
Chernynkaya : But who’s Barnie Sanders? Barney Frank? Bernie Sanders? My vote is Frank.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Cher, I used to confuse the heck out of my co-workers at Big Boy’s when I would order a custom grilled cheese.
PatsyT : Weiner is a youtube hit … all the fox appearences .. the kids love him!
chasethis : Patsy–I’ve got to go to the patio to think of a funny republican. Be right back.
ChrisR266 : So, what’s the discussion topic tonight? My fingers are working better now. I
Chernynkaya : I once wove bacon and covered grilled cheese with it. My son and his gang run the Grilled Cheese Invitational every=ry year, and I entered that.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I’d say Weiner is snarkier.
chasethis : My son posed an interesting question earlier: Who’s funnier? Barnie Sanders or Anthony Weiner. I went with Sanders. Compare and contrast, friends.
PatsyT : That is the punch line, Chase, they kinda stink!
ChrisR266 : con/t: OMFG, the pretzel rods with the dark chocolate and raspberry is heaven in a foil wrapper. FYI.
AdLib : Cher – Yes, bacon usually wraps things up.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Patsy, those than won the elction are in Congress, the rest are getting ready for the next one.
chasethis : Patsy–What republican comedians? Got a punch line?
Chernynkaya : Meat candy.
PatsyT : Do you smoke that too?
Chernynkaya : It always ends in bacon.
AdLib : BACON??? BACON???
PatsyT : Next up…. Bacon
chasethis : AdLib–Ar, ar, ar.
Chernynkaya : AdLib–{{{groan! }}}. But i liked it.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Chris, sounds like an appetite surge there.
PatsyT : Chase ever wonder where all the republican comedians are?
2ndClassCitizenPun : That was bad.
AdLib : 2CCP – Nope, I went to the Jimmy Dean Clinic for my addiction to smoking meat and I was “cured”.
Chernynkaya : Uh oh. Just refreshed the page and I’m back in the amazon.
ChrisR266 : You can all forget it, no one is getting my chocolate. I JUST pullled some pretzel rods out of the pantry. OMDF
2ndClassCitizenPun : I *Still* don’t know what I did wrong posting those video clips.
chasethis : To all–loved the comedy/music thread this evening. We’re freakin’ geniuses.
AdLib : Thanks Tex! Have a great weekend!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night Tex.
PatsyT : Hey Tex, you have a great night and weekend!
chasethis : Good night, KG.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Chase, ah, thanks. Darn.
ChrisR266 : Golden Slumbers, KT. You are a righteous dude, you know.
PatsyT : Have a great evening KT nighty night
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, do we need to do an intervention?
chasethis : 2CCP–Did AlphaBitch make a reference to CC? I think so. She’s in San Antonio with CC roots, if I recall correctly.
texliberal : Goodnite my friends. AdLib this Friday thing is GREAT. Keep doing it.
AdLib : Night Kilgore, have a great weekend!
Chernynkaya : “Night, Kliigore.
AdLib : My doctor advised me to cut down on smoking brisket, I’m down to a pack a day.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night KT
KillgoreTrout : Well good night Planeteers. May you stay, forever young.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I have a recipe for a dark chocolate cake, with hard dark chocolate coating, filled with reaspberries.
Chernynkaya : Sounds yummy!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Chris. Send now!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Um. Does anyone recall who it was on POV who was in Corpus Christi?
ChrisR266 : And, to top it off, just want you all to know I am eating an amazing piece of 71% dark chocolate with dried raspberry buried throughout the thin but delectable slab. Freaking orgasmic.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I am probably going to be up for hours yet. despite an exhausting week. Have some work to get done.
KillgoreTrout : I will give it my best, dear.
chasethis : Hiya, kids. I’ll try to keep up for a bit. This is like an etude in rapid posting.
Chernynkaya : Howdy, chase!
KillgoreTrout : You owe me a coke, chase.
PatsyT : Hiya Chase!
chasethis : Kilgore, you’re always 2 steps ahead of me. Stop it.
chasethis : Kilgore, you
AdLib : Hey chase!
texliberal : Adlib, I’ve never tried to smoke mesquite, but I could give it a try on your recommendation
chasethis : AdLib, you can smoke a brisket, but they’re hard to keep lit.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, and how do you keep it lit?
AdLib : Night CL, keep an inflatable raft by your bed! Have a safe weekend!
Chernynkaya : AdLib–HAH! is that what they call a stogie?
PatsyT : Choice have a wonderful weekend Nighty night
choicelady : AdLib – bet she sleeps well after the Green Beer. I’m just trundling off, so talk to you soon. ‘Night!
ChrisR266 : 2ccp: we’re private, so we held off until the rest of the stat made the switch for good. OH-IO state won’t switch until 2012, but we’re ready so we’re switching now. State law mandates they switch by 2012, wo we
KillgoreTrout : 2ccp. Burnside ave is a real trip.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Vancouver is not that small, but it keeps a small town feel. I just wish downtown could be revitalized a bit.
Chernynkaya : Stay dry, C’Lady!
PatsyT : Tex, I have that funny feeling that Texas may not be all that red forever as they think it is .
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night choice.
AdLib : Tex – How big a piece of rolling paper do you need to smoke a brisket? Everything IS bigger in Texas!
choicelady : Ok all – I’m wearing out, so I’m following others’ examples and heading to bed. G’night to all. Have a GREAT weekend.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Portland is the first city that I have ever seen that all the weirdos get along. Punks, hippies, bikers, etc… It’s refreshing.
choicelady : 2CCP – I have been in Vancouver WA a couple of times. Lovely small city with great access to Portland. BEST part of that area is the river gorge and the mountains. Perfect setting even WITH moss in the lungs!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Droughts are bad all over. One summer in Michigan, one town banned smoking on the streets.
PatsyT : How is that miniLib?
texliberal : Patsy, White did OK but we are turning purple soon to be blue.
AdLib : I’m back, just put MiniLib to bed.
PatsyT : Choice you can say that again about the drought and then the fires!
AdLib : Night Kes!
2ndClassCitizenPun : We are pretty sure that we can make up about 5 or so baskets with only $20, and still give the kids something nice. Thank WinCo for bulk food sections!
KillgoreTrout : 2ccp, I love Portland. A beautiful city, especially with Mt. Hood looming over it.
texliberal : KES, you’re always welcome at my house in Texas. We’ll smoke some brisket and drink some Shiner Bock. Despite informaton to the contrary, liberalism is alive in TEXAS
choicelady : ‘Night kes Sweet dreams!2CCP – wet has nothing to do with smiling kids, just interested. Forgot you were in WA. But the rains do keep a-coming here on the West Coast, don’t they? Beats drought ANY day of the week!
KillgoreTrout : 2ccp, pretty funny joke.
2ndClassCitizenPun : KT, that’s okay with me. we go over there for time to time to enjoy the metropolitan amenities.
ChrisR266 : Golden slumbers, Kes. I know that. I am trying so hard to make my fingers work right, LOL. Sleep well, dear.
2ndClassCitizenPun : The joke up here is that we don’t need oxygen, because we have moss growing in our lungs.
KillgoreTrout : 2ccp, you know that Vancouver is the unofficial suburb of Portland.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice, Vancouver Washington. And what does wet have to do with smiling kids?
Chernynkaya : Good night, kes. Sleep well.
PatsyT : Kes, you get a great rest, nighty night
2ndClassCitizenPun : Night Kes.
ChrisR266 : Food was amazing, as ususal. An Ahi tuna that would blow your mind. Of course I opted for cognac for dessert, and things degenerated from there, LOL.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Tex, I was offered a promotion at a past job, in San Antonio. Turned it down, told the boss Rick Perry had told gay veterans they were not welcome, so I wasn’t allowed in Texas.
kesmarn : Whoa, almost 1 a.m. here (I guess you already knew that Chris), and I think I’ll have to say good night, friends. Have a wonderful weekend!
PatsyT : Tex I feel for you and your fellow state mates … Did Bill White come close in the last election?
choicelady : 2CCP – where are you that you are both wet and making Easter baskets? If you’re in No. CA, then we’re both growing mildew at the same rate!
texliberal : To all of my friends, TEXAS IS A LOST CAUSE. I’d move but all of my children and grandchildren live here so my wife is goin nowhere
2ndClassCitizenPun : That’s interesting, Chris. When I was in college, all the colleges in Michigan were switching to quarters.
ChrisR266 : we’re still on quarters and am in the midst of grading this week. The last year of that for us, this coming August we turn to semesters.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Tex, I thought it was “almost summer, summer, still summer, and deer season”
choicelady : tex – I SAW you guys were having some real drought problems. That’s what happens when you rip out the shelter belt trees. I AM serious – every place that stripped out the WPA trees is now facing drought. Where they replanted or left them? No problem. Trees help create rain. Iowa planted huge numbers of windbreak trees along I-80 in the 1990s. Texas needs to restore them or perish from the dryness.
texliberal : I envy ya’ll. In Texas we have two seasons. Winter, kind of, and summer ALL of the time. But that’s just been lately. Ya know that none existent climate change
KillgoreTrout : 2ccp, You have a beautiful summer to look forward to. I miss the mountains. I used to be able to see Mt. St Helens from my bedroom window.
PatsyT : Food is a nice topic
ChrisR266 : re \
2ndClassCitizenPun : Wow, Choice, that sounds great. We will be going to the dollar store in a couple weeks, and making Easter baskets for the kids here.
kesmarn : C’lady, you have a gift for making the lions lie down with the lambs!
ChrisR266 : been immersed in grading all week. we
2ndClassCitizenPun : Okay, while AdLib is gone, let’s change the subject!
choicelady : kes – this is a nice block with good people. We had a Christmas party in the park for our homeless neighbors a year ago. It was so much fun! We fed about 50 people. Some batshit crazy person called the cops on us – and once they verified we were doing everything OK, they joined us! What a wonderful day that was!
PatsyT : Sounds fun Chris was it delicious
2ndClassCitizenPun : Haven’t seen you around much Chris.
kesmarn : Ahhh the smell of burning leaves, and pumpkin pie (not burning pumpkin pie)…
KillgoreTrout : choice, New Englan atums are very beautiful. Especially in NH and Maine and Vermont.
ChrisR266 : had a little seafood and a lot of cognac. Hope you are all well.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I am not minding the rain, although the damp is starting to bother my partner a bit.
choicelady : Hi Chris!
choicelady : Oh kes – I think you’d said that! Yes, I hated midwest summers. LOVED autumn in Illinois though the most gorgeous are in New England, of course, AND, oddly, Tennessee. The town I lived in there was SO old fashioned and small you could still burn leaves. Mmmmmmm. I’m much happier in sweaters than in sundresses.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Tex, we can’t. Perry won’t let us.
KillgoreTrout : 2ccp That part of the country is absolutely beautiful. (when it’s not raining)
2ndClassCitizenPun : Hey Chris!
texliberal : Dear Northern California, send some rain to North Texas. Otherwise we won’t be able to fill our swimming pools.
PatsyT : Hi Chris!
KillgoreTrout : Just when you think I wasn’t looking!
PatsyT : Wow choice it has been mighty dry in the OC but I just we are up for some of that rain
2ndClassCitizenPun : M’Lady Choice, make sure to charge state legislators. A LOT.
kesmarn : Hey, Chris!
choicelady : ADLIb – she’s finished her green beer and Bugs? Tell her we all said “Good night!”
kesmarn : Hey, KT! You slipped in here!
Chernynkaya : Hiya, Chris!
kesmarn : Awwwww! c’lady, that’s sweet that you’ve actually planned out How To Save Sacramento! Good on ya!
2ndClassCitizenPun : KT, I just moved here from Palm Springs. I know. I am so glad to see real green again!
KillgoreTrout : kes, autumn in Ohio is very pretty.
ChrisR266 : Hi all: hope everyone is well.
choicelady : 2CCP – I have darker curtains and the water thingy – just not the same…
choicelady : kes – presuming the property itself was not afloat, our entire neighborhood could handle thousands. The problem is that it has rained so much the ground is already soggy, so even camping is pretty awful. But here in my small yard I could handle about 6 tents, have a guest room and room for about four more inside plus a whole lot of space in the garage. My neighbors would do the same. We’ve all had this conversation and are ready to help however we can. When YOU are high ground, you need to be prepared!
2ndClassCitizenPun : No, Cher, those are tourist attractions. Ask the Convention Bureau.
KillgoreTrout : 2ccp. pretty funny. It was either brown or green. And most of the lawns were sprayed with green something or other.
kesmarn : c’lady, I have the Reverse SAD syndrome, too. I can’t deal with long, bright sunny days. Love it when autumn comes to Ohio!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Good night Mini-Lib!
Chernynkaya : 2nd–we have the Santa Ana Fire season and the mudslide season too.
kesmarn : Give her a hug from us, DadLib!
AdLib : Have to put the little one to bed, BRB!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Southern California does have 4 seasons. Morning, noon, afternoon, and chilly nights.
AdLib : There’s a part of me that wants to pound a huge mallet on the heads of all those shills out there denying climate change. Throughout each year, record rains and droughts, record snows and heat, the evidence couldn’t be more extreme and yet…sorry to repeat myself…the MSM provides their side as if it’s a legitimate view.
texliberal : Kesmarn. I always change my own vehicle oil and recycle it, but I’ve been trying to dump it in George’s front yard but can’t get past the Secret Service.
Chernynkaya : CL– I never heard of Sunny Affective Disorder. Only you!
But I’m OK on So Cal.
KillgoreTrout : choice, I moved to Southern Cal, from Boston, Ma. I really missed the 4 seasons.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice get darker curtains and a sound machine for rain storms.
kesmarn : Heh…tex,I hope you realize I mean DUBYA would be the one dragging down YOUR property values. Not the other way around.
choicelady : AdLib – thank you for your concern. So far, so good. We ARE paying attention!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Tex, you can always make extra money selling maps to his house on the side of the road.
KillgoreTrout : As Al Pacino said in his great speech at the end of Devil’s Advocate, “I’m a fan of man!”
choicelady : Cher – get a light. It’s worked wonders for MANY people! It’s not all that expensive (it CAN be) to take away that winter depression. I’ve got the opposite – endless sunny days get me down. Makes me crazy living here in the summer with NO clouds or rain. Can’t fix that so easily. No “dark and drizzle” lamps for that!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Knowing some of the people that I knew in that area, I think she’d be better off just taking in their cats.
kesmarn : Oh, tex! You’re only 13 miles from Dubya? There go the property values…
kesmarn : c’lady, how much of the population of Sacramento do you think you can house and feed…if they each bring a cat?
KillgoreTrout : Hey adlib!
choicelady : ADLib – I don’t know if the kitties have life vests. They DO have carriers, and I will keep their heads above water no matter what! But I’m safe here. So long as I STAY here!
texliberal : Hey kesmarn, Dubya sold his ranch long ago. That was always a Karl Rove prop. He lives 13 miles from me in North Dallas
2ndClassCitizenPun : I really wish the Army Corps had been allowed to go back and maintain those systems.
Chernynkaya : CL–kind, yes–but likely smart too!
AdLib : Hey Kilgore!
AdLib : CL – I do know that the levees up there are in terrible shape. Don’t take any chances!
PatsyT : Tex… Yes on the squirels!
2ndClassCitizenPun : KT, it’s a bizarre story of how I cam eto leave here, 6 years ago.
choicelady : Adonai – I have (had) a friend whose wife prayed for Satan. She also prayed for religious extremists, for hate mongers, for those who committed hate crimes. It was the most generous act I’ve ever seen in an otherwise pretty conventional person of faith. She was SO kind!
Chernynkaya : Oy. Just what we need now–levees breaking!
2ndClassCitizenPun : A friend swears by natural UV light bulbs.
KillgoreTrout : 2ccp, I lived there for about a year. It’s a pretty bizarre story of how I cam to be there.
Chernynkaya : I love Vancouver! But I am susceptible to SAD.
AdLib : CL – Do they make little life vests for kitties?
choicelady : kes – I AM higher ground!!!! I had no idea when I took this place how much more safe it is than almost any other part of Sacramento! We have flood advisories, but it’s the levees that are worrisome, and that would affect everyone BUT this neighborhood. Who knew the choicelady/churc hlady might become a sanctuary?????
2ndClassCitizenPun : Yet, I mean
2ndClassCitizenPun : Yes, KT. Loving it. Not really feeling the SAD yes.
texliberal : Soon to be a new word in the American lexicon. Potassiusm Iodide overdose. We are a nation of squirrels.
kesmarn : G’night, ADONAI. Don’t worry Satan will be fine. He’s comfy there in Crawford, Texas.
KillgoreTrout : 2ccp, Are you in Vancouver WA? I used to live there.
PatsyT : Nighty night ADONAI love that quote
AdLib : Night AD!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, have a good night.
Chernynkaya : ‘Night, AD.
ADONAI : Well kids, I’m out. Goodnight folks. Peace be with you. “But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?” ~~Mark Twain
choicelady : 2CCP – THAT is just perfect! We’ve defunded everything else!
choicelady : AdLib – lucky for me my house is on high ground. I have enough food and water AND cat food (essential) for two weeks. But I keep wondering what to do if I’m not here if they go. What then? Maybe I need to retire and stay home, never leave in the rainy season? Got Kindle. Home free.
PatsyT : Choice may the dryness be with you
2ndClassCitizenPun : Nice thing about Vancouver. It’s virtually built on a cliff, and I am waaay up the hill.
kesmarn : C’lady are you really in danger there??? Maybe it’s time to seek higher ground?
Chernynkaya : Serously, CL? WOW. Good thoughts! And we’re scehduled for rain too. We’ll miss Suoer Moon!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice, not to worry. Sacramento is defunding the weather.
AdLib : CL – Take care up there!!!
kesmarn : Oh..yeah…
2ndClassCitizenPun : Not to mention, last I looked, the Bulls use a red-colored bull.
choicelady : Everyone – MY end time might come more quickly than we’d like. It’s freaking POURING outside! And me with no water wings! Send best energies to Sacramento’s levee system. Army Corps says we’re the second most ‘at risk’ city next to N’Orleans…
Chernynkaya : CL–there ya go! How sweet!
kesmarn : Oh no, that’s college hoops…shows how much I know…
PatsyT : Thanks 2CCP … Ahh lets see that means … someone knocked over a shelve at the Chinese gift shop on Del Mar.
texliberal : Someone once wrote, man is the only animal that knows and knows that he knows. That’s why we’ve always made up dieties to make us feel better
Chernynkaya : Oh, good! The interpretation is: Bibbity Bobbity Boo!
kesmarn : The Bulls are gonna win in hoops?
choicelady : Cher and Adonai – it completely undermines “He with the most toys wins”. Amazon people have NOTHING material worth discussing in Western eyes – and are best suited for a life “without”. Second best – Amish.
ADONAI : 2ccp – Duke isn’t winning the Final Four on a tip in. Fuck that shit!
2ndClassCitizenPun : No. Just waiting for the interpretations.
Chernynkaya : You leaving, 2nd?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Have fun kids.
2ndClassCitizenPun : During the Final Four in the year of the Golden Monkey, the red goat will aim true and miss the mark, yet the ordained will salvage the honor of the ebon bull.
choicelady : AdLib – I SO agree with you! We could do that with solar and wind, and the inefficiencies of long-line transmission seriously undermine those renewables. It would be lovely to put the utilities OUT of business! It’s why I’m NOT a fan of the electric car – just a rationalization for more nukes. Bloom Box? Way to GO!
Chernynkaya : I just had a great image of Adonai’s end and then about 200 Amazonians looking around and saying, “WINNERS!”
ADONAI : Hooray!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Here, let me make a prophecy, and then you can all interpret it. I’ll send something to the person who wins.
PatsyT : Yes Kes no matter how good the drugs are
kesmarn : Patsy, right! The mortality rate for humans is 100%.
AdLib : Patsy – Bloom Energy is privately held so right now we can’t invest in it but if it goes public, I’m getting in line right with you and others here to invest in them. Green, renewable energy that is on-site, at your home. The grid loses 80% of the electricity it carries, can you imagine what it would do to our economy and future to have a wealth of inexpensive power?
Chernynkaya : PAtsy–then I change my vote!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Patsy,thanks for the reference to my Nuclear article.
ADONAI : Cher – I hear ya. I just don’t know if we’d last very long. Whether or not our numbers would just keep shrinking or if we’d finally plateau out.
choicelady : Patsy – you’re hedging your bet! I would have to agree with you! LOL!!! Yup – we’re ALL going to die, just not all at once.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Oh, the way we are going, there will be some natural disaster, man-made disaster, or combination at some point. But souls being jerked out of the body on a wide scale? Nope. don’t think it is possible.
PatsyT : Are we that full of ego that we have to have everyone go when we go?
PatsyT : I vote that yes the bible is right everyone one will have an end….. just not all at once
ADONAI : choice, Very true. Conspiracy theorists are a dime a dozen.
Chernynkaya : Not me, ADLib.
Chernynkaya : AD– I am not saying we won’t see Mad MAx. I am saying a number will survive. Ergo–not The End.
choicelady : AdLib – I vote NO on prophecy.
kesmarn : AdLib, the only Biblical end times statement I believe is the one that goes “you know neither the day nor the hour.”
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, it’s more like I hope it is true, so I can get some peace and quiet afterwards. And quality TV programming.
choicelady : Adonai – that is ONE version, yes. They already have the five red heifers through genetic modification. They who deny its utility in medicine don’t seem averse to monkeying around to fulfill prophecy. It’s like Hitler and Nostradamus – Hitler’s REAL name was Schickelgruber but he and his father took a different part of the family’s name, and Hitler though HE was “Hissler” predicted by Nostradamus to found the 1000 year Reich. So he gave us 13 years of sheer hell and died, no Reich. My advice to people who believe in prophecy? Don’t mix in.
ADONAI : 2ccp – HA! primaries. So true.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, there are still plenty of people who know at least a little about surviving without electrical contrivances.
PatsyT : AdLib not to sound too $$$ minded but when can a person invest in the Bloom Box? We have been talking about them for some time now.
AdLib : An informal poll: How many here believe in The Bible’s prophecy of End Times?
Chernynkaya : AD–Correct. But that why the RR is so cozy w/Israel. But I really believe the Israelis know that. Still–disgustin g alliance.
ADONAI : AdLib – Awesome. My scenario is if it happened tomorrow. We are working on defending ourselves against such an attack. We just need more time.
kesmarn : ADONAI the people in Japan lost everything and didn’t turn into animals.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, they will figure a way aroudn the Temple. They also need an Anti-Christ, and the primaries haven’t even started yet
ADONAI : Cher- We’re not a primitive tribe in the Amazon. You think if everything was taken away tomorrow people would say, “o.k. let’s do this.”? No. Society is a thin veil hiding what we really are. Animals.
AdLib : AD – Nature abhors a vacuum. Heard of the Bloom Box? Fuel cell technology that puts energy generation right at your business or home. Like owning your own water heater. This is the future and any disruption of the grid would simply make it come faster. Check out Bloom energy here: «link»
PatsyT : Hey Choice I read all about those bush tax cuts in the bible
Chernynkaya : Kes–the PROJECTION done by the Right is amazing!
kesmarn : I think Dubya was much more fundie-influence d than anybody realizes!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice, I disagree. Dubyah went to Iraq to prove that he had bigger cojones than his dad.
choicelady : Cher – now THAT I can buy! Fisbeetarianism. Good call, George.
kesmarn : It is very odd the way the RW fundies can flip things. The family fundie said last week that as a Catholic I “come from a place of hate and fear.” HUH? I think I would have noticed something like that… No, they on the other hand…
ADONAI : The Rapture can’t happen until the Temple is rebuilt in Israel and that isn’t happening anytime soon.
Chernynkaya : AD–tell that to primitive tribes in the Amazon.
choicelady : 2CCP – I really fear a lot of these people. The ENTIRE reason we went into Iraq was Bush’s pre-millennial belief he was ridding the world of Babylon, a prequisite for the Rapture. The murders of GLBT, Muslims, feminists, abortion providers is ALL about fulfilling prophecy. Oh – and changing the tax laws to protect the rich. That’s VERY important (snark).
ADONAI : Mankind has become too reliant on his machines. Take them away and they will crumble.
Chernynkaya : AD–even so, it is just the end as we know it–not of humanity.
PatsyT : Cher LOL!
AdLib : As CL can explain at length, the concept of End Times drives some people to extremes, trying to bring them to fruition and others to become apathetic because they feel they have no power. People have been carrying “The End is Near” signs for thousands of years and no matter how convinced such people are, we’re still here.
Chernynkaya : CL–what CAN they do? BTW–I just remembered this: Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck. ~~George Carlin
ADONAI : 2ccp – i still don’t understand how we get it up. Machines are run on electricity. It’s gone. Systems are run by computers. They’re gone. I’ve read the scenarios. it does not end well. We would be starting over. Provided we don’t defend into chaos which is my guess.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Exactly, Choice.
choicelady : Cher – the “rationalizatio n” is precisely what scared me. The Pre-dispensation alist millennarians think the world has to be rid of, well, all of us. If they think Jesus did NOT Rapture them because we interfered with our sinful ways…then what will they do to all of us?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Cher, their prophecies preclude human error, since the dates are provided by supernatural agencies. I can think of a few instances where the leader decided that the sins of others “forced” them to take extreme actions. Jim Jones for one.
kesmarn : Cher, Camping has already been wrong at least once, but he keeps on re-crunching the numbers and his people keep buying it.
texliberal : Yep, the first Christians were Jews, but there was great deal of friction. Especially between James the Just, Jesus’ brother, and Paul
2ndClassCitizenPun : Even if we never had electricty again, it would not be the end of the world. Despite the opinions of Gates and others.
Chernynkaya : Honestly, I think they find a rationalization for WHY it didn;t end. I think they are so invested in it being the truth that they figure they made a human error. However, if they had the wherewithal, I wouldn’t put it past them to do something.
PatsyT : Speaking of end times and all … How many time did Nostradomus predict the end ?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Long process, admittedly, but it is not the end of the world.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, the power grid was built with a long process that began with one device. Once you get one device up, you use it to make more.
ADONAI : The first Christians were Jews.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Considering how many Christians believe that they have a “responsibility ” to force others to believe as they do.
kesmarn : Chatter-box Barack, eh? And then I’m sure Michelle had to say hello to Ralph and all…
texliberal : “What a pitty Noah and company didn’t miss the boat.”
ADONAI : 2ccp – Yeah but that wouldn’t really help a lot now that the entire power grid is gone.
2ndClassCitizenPun : But to get back to topic, yes, what the Enders do when their fantasies don’t come true is a huge concern.
PatsyT : Well yes Kes, when he calls it is tough to get him off the phone.
Chernynkaya : Oh. Got it now, 2nd. I missed the JW reference.
kesmarn : No kidding, c’lady!? I didn’t know Brother Camping was loaded. He’s just been a sort of household joke around here…!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Cher, the man known as Jesus would have been known as “Yeshua”. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe he struck people dead during his life.
Chernynkaya : Hey, Patsy!
choicelady : kes – I tend to agree about Camping, but I just don’t know. He’s got a shitload of money though. That often breeds the kind of zealotry that can lead to violence. If he was just some old guy over a garage with 20 followers, I’d not worry.
Chernynkaya : 2nd–do you mean 1st century Jews? Cuz Jews don’t believe in Jesus.
kesmarn : I assumed you were on a conference call to the White House all that time Patsy. What else could keep you from Vox?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, I do believe batteries, not ahving a full circuit, would be affected by EMP. And batteries or other sources constructed after the EMP would still work anyway.
PatsyT : Kes am I allowed to ask Barack ?
ADONAI : 2ccp- With what power?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice, JWs also believe that Yeshua also struck peopel dead for lying to him.
kesmarn : c’lady, it’s hard to get a fix on how wild-eyed Brother Camping’s people are. I sense that he’s basically a harmless, deluded old gent. But I really know nothing about the people who’ve bought into this…numbers?. ..armed?…I dunno.
choicelady : AdLib – the number is 144,000 – but that’s what the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe. Not everyone does.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Not permanently, Adonai. Newly-constructe d items or unpowered items could be powered up later.
choicelady : kes – I’m seriously worried that if Brother Camping does not get Raptured – what the HELL will his followers and he DO to assure the END by October 21???? Adonai – I had a book on the End that had a lovely chapter: If you’re reading this after the Rapture – don’t worry. I know ALL about the Tribulation, but Camping says it’s already come as of May 21, 1983. So your ‘way out’ which is what I know about, doesn’t seem open to him.
ADONAI : AdLib – yes. a number that escapes me at the moment but there certainly is.
ADONAI : AdLib – I would have thought hat too but we don’t need nuclear war anymore. Theoretically, one good sized nuke detonated in the upper atmosphere above North America will fry the entire country’s electronics. Everything will be shut down. Permanently. It ends in darkness. Not fire.
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, according to some denominations, yes. And also according to certain heresies that were stomped out before the 1700’s.
Chernynkaya : There is no end times with “Yahweh.”
Chernynkaya : To quote Carlin: “But He LOVES you!”
AdLib : AD – Isn’t there a specific number of people described who would be taken up in The Rapture?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice, August 2, 2019, is the day the world ends in one of my novels. But it’s okay, it gets better, for some people.
kesmarn : Patsy! Did you tell Barack what we need?
PatsyT : Hey folks .. that was a long call
Chernynkaya : Nothing, 2nd. I said “decent.”
2ndClassCitizenPun : I’ll pass, Adonai. Yahweh does not want to piss off my Goddess.
choicelady : 2CCP – I’ve not heard of Aug. 2, 2019. I’ve heard 2030, 2024 and 2035. Now folks the Dec. 2012 date is from the Mayan calendar cycle end, which the Mayans had the good sense not to see as cataclysmic, just the end of a cycle. But the CHRISTIANS would not embrace that date at ALL – pagan, y’know…
AdLib : AD – Since the invention of the atomic bomb, we’ve had the power to destroy ourselves. But we haven’t, even though we might have come close. The thing about having plutocracies across the world is that they would never support destroying the world, it would really hammer that quarter’s earnings.
Chernynkaya : Actaull CL– Don’t feel sorry for them. I wrote about Miller. He went on to found the 7th Day’s and he was wrong twice!
ADONAI : You know, the Rapture isn’t your only shot. It just saves you from the terrible shit that is about to go down. If you reject the Beast and martyr yourself fro Christ, you’ll still get in. So don’t worry. It’ll be the worst thing that has ever happened to you but the payoff will still be good.
kesmarn : Lots of really long skirts, Cher, and modest blouses…?
texliberal : I know rapture was another hallucination just like the Joseph Smith LDS con job. But think of the upside. I’ve got my fingers crossed.
kesmarn :
I hadn’t thought of that, c’lady. Presumably Brother Camping would have been beamed up on the 21st…
2ndClassCitizenPun : And WHAT is wrong with country western?
Chernynkaya : kes–I bet we left behind will find some decent country music cds. and GM cars.
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, I’ve been saying it was miscalculated from the get go.
choicelady : kes – I LOVE the neener neener party idea! But I’m still worried what “god’s little helpers” will do to aid the end. Though we must remember May 21 is the Rapture – the actual END is not until Oct. 21. I’d like to know what the guy in Oakland is planning to do when HE is still here on the 22nd of May? At some level this is very, very sad.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Cher, but is it stuff you would want?
AdLib : Heh, they’ve come out since to explain that the Mayan 2012 end of the world…er…was calculated wrong, 2012 won’t be the end. Feel sorry for all those who have put deposits down on party locations.
Chernynkaya : Oh, well. At least I’ll get all the stuff from the Raptured.
ADONAI : AdLib – Don’t get me wrong. I have hope for us. It’s just looking less and less promising. After we reached the point where we could literally destroy the world, the clock has just been ticking.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I have AUgust 2, 2019 marked as the end of the world.
2ndClassCitizenPun : But if you ask them what is Just and Equitable, that displaces the viewpoint to those around them.
kesmarn : So we’ll celebrate the 22d, then?
Chernynkaya : 2nd–I htink that’s right about fairness v justice/equality .
kesmarn : Cher, the world is scheduled to end on May 21. «link»
ADONAI : 2ccp – True. i can’t argue that.
choicelady : To all who live in deeply RED states – just remember that US Uncut started in MISSISSIPPI!!!!! ! Life has many surprises.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, what I am saying is that when you ask most people what is “fair” they think in terms of themselves.
choicelady : AdLib – precisely. We’ve more or less stood by for 40 years as the New Deal was dismantled brick by brick, law by law. We will NOT change it overnight – but watching the folks in the heart of the country ACT and articulate the issues of fairness once again – that is AMAZING. We may not see massive change soon, but we WILL see it. 2CCP – I totally agree about justice and equality – and those issues are back BIG TIME in much of the issues and advocacy of working families, progressive people of faith, and social service providers.
Chernynkaya : kes–if you’re correct, I’ll have a week to kill.
AdLib : AD – Though it seems antithetical, the fact that humans have survived despite all the horrible things the few do to the many, it does seem to be a testament to how people will ultimately continue and prevail…though enter into the cycle once again because of complacency. So, I don’t think the end is near, people have been saying that since the birth of civilization.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Heh. Kes, on NYE 1999, I was confronted by a friend who said the world was going to end. I told him “Good, when the Christians, Muslims, and Jews are gone the rest of us can finally clean up the mess and live in peace.” he didn’t appreciate it, and appreciated it even less at 12:01
kesmarn : I’ll have to check Harold Camping’s website, Cher! I wouldn’t want to miss the date! BRB.
Chernynkaya : Kes–oops I thought it was ending on the 12th!
ADONAI : 2ccp – I think fair is equality for every human being on earth. Human society is unfair.
kesmarn : Well, I’m still planning a “Neener-neener ” Party for May 22, 2011, when it’s obvious that the world hasn’t ended.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice, that vote is over and done with. We’ll see how we got screwed by it when the debt ceiling question comes up for a vote.
choicelady : 2CCP – depending on your own conduct (only you know) that hang up from Boxer’s office is disgusting. WRITE to them and FAX your letter saying how outrageous that was!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice, I called Boxer’s office directly. I saw the biggest flaws in the tax cut extension right away. The aide got pissed when I brought it up.
ADONAI : AdLib – Exactly! It is easier to destroy. Easier to divide. Human history is one long string of the stronger culture wiping out the weaker one for worshiping a different GOD, looking different, or for just being in the way. We’re not long for this world.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I said the street, Cher. I heard so much Fox echoes on the street that it was insane. My partner made me go home early.
choicelady : 2CCP – did you write your OWN letter or just sign on to Change.org? If the latter, you’re lucky you heard at all – the staff see it as spam. Write your own – FAX it (otherwise it takes weeks to get vetted for anthrax) and you will get a much better response and a more personal letter. If all you’ve done is “click and send” the reply is just about as personal. Not. Start building a relationship with district office people. Meet them, visit, keep the conversation going. Go with others, set your policy mandates for them to know. It’s not a click and send world despite MoveOn etc.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, everyone has their own version of “fair”, usually congruent with their own desires. But talk Justice and Equality, and they are forced to think in terms of “other people” instead.
Chernynkaya : 2nd– PS?? I know lots of guys there and they are very liberal.
AdLib : AD – That’s because destroying is easy, creating takes time and resources. 19 men changed the course of America by destroying four planes and two buildings, just using box cutters. Destroying is easy, building is hard.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Cher, take a trip to Palm Springs, and listen to conversations on the street. Yes, very backwards.
ADONAI : 2ccp, that’s a teenager. Who cares what he thinks? But you want justice an equality in a system that is unfair. That will be hard to do.
Chernynkaya : tex–I’ve learned that living as I do in a blue state I have no idea how backwards the nation is.
choicelady : AdLib – total agreement there. We no longer have a balance. I never though Walter Cronkite was a liberal (he WAS but who knew?) so much as he was a trustworthy voice. I don’t see that now. I heard a guy from Cato Institute on NPR (the irony) talking about the ‘separation of journalism and state’ to justify defunding NPR. No – it’s to stifle any liberal voice. ANY.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I was hung up on by one of Boxer’s aides, in her Riverside office.
kesmarn : In my area, when the RW finally started to go after teachers, municipal workers, cops and firefighters, people started to get mobilized. They have overplayed their hand.
Chernynkaya : 2nd–it depends. Boxer writes back in a couple of days.
texliberal : Since I’ve retired I’ve become more active in Democratic politics in a county north of Dallas that is about 90% GOP and has a church on every corner. When I debate the GOPers a common refrain is, it’s god’s will or that could never happen to me. One of those refrains can be eliminated with one tragic illness, accident or job loss. The other would takes years of intense deprogramming.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, “fair” these days is just code for “getting *my* way”. Next time you hear a teenager whine “it’s not fair” substitute “I’m not getting my way” and see if it sounds more truthful.
Chernynkaya : AL– That’s right. And what these protests tell me is that DESPITE these odds, people all over the country are getting the message that they are being screwed by the Right.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice, when I sign a petition on Change.org and other sites, it takes two months for a response. Last week, I got a response from Diane Fienstein {spit} about my objections to the tax break extension.
ADONAI : 2ccp – In a world created by man, what is the difference?
AdLib : CL – You know I’m right with you, I think now there are many coming together to fight back against these destructive forces. What I’m upset about is all the tools they have, the MSM and billions to fight the majority. It’s like Gaddafi using air strikes and munitions against the rebels who represent the majority.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I’m not looking for “fair”. I’m looking for “just and equitable”.
choicelady : 2CCP – and I know first hand as an advocate how much letters and calls mean in conjunction with showing up!
Chernynkaya : 2nd–no argument about that.
ADONAI : 2ccp, A 1,000 good men could work for a hundred years and never make any progress. One evil man can change the world in a single day. Life isn’t fair.
Chernynkaya : AD–I love that. But one quibble–scienti sts are finding that altruism is hard wired.
choicelady : 2CCP – that is ALWAYS true! Those on the streets are the tip of the iceberg. In the General Strike of 1934, it was hardly the whole population or even the majority. In Egypt the same, against Vietnam the same. It’s the energies OF the people directed in MANY ways that matter. And it’s been a remarkable resurgence of activism.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice, Cher, it is not enough to agree or send letters. People need to show up. I know first hand how calls and letters can be ignored.
AdLib : AD – Very well said!
Chernynkaya : 2nd–100k is a huge number in a pretty rural state. And you always figure for everyone who went, there were 100 who didn’t but agreed.
choicelady : 2CCP – the largest demo was over 100,000 – outnumbered any Madison anti-war march. Overall no one can say because the people themselves changed in each event and all that’s STILL going on. Almost no one I know has been in a march or rally, but they ARE starting a huge roar from the sidelines in letters and emails and phone calls to legislators and opinion makers. People are more active than I’ve EVER seen them since Vietnam.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, I see people every day to whom “empathy” is a foreign concept, perhaps unachievable. yet those people make decisions every day that affect my life.
AdLib : I do think there are MANY people who want economic justice and democracy returned to the people. However, all of the media around us, many of the politicians, the power of the wealthy and the corporations to enforce their will on the majority is outrageous but hardly called out in a general way because they own all the outlets. Except The Planet and other internet sites, that is.
ADONAI : We’re human. We are cursed with knowing we are mortal and that we only have a short time to live. And that drives everything a person does consciously or subconsciously. Everyone is selfish to a degree. Everyone is self absorbed to a degree. But many of us can get pas that and help others. Be altruistic when every natural impulse is telling us not to. Materialism and greed isn’t an American invention. it has always existed. It’s just who we are. Some people just don’t have empathy.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Compared to a state population over 5 million. Where was the majority?
Chernynkaya : 2CCP 100.000+
choicelady : kes – I think people are prepared to sacrifice for different things. That is itself a huge leap forward when the very IDEA of sacrifice was considered passe. (SP?)
2ndClassCitizenPun : M’Lady Choice, how many protestors, in all, showed up in Wisconsin?
Chernynkaya : Tex– that’s a possibility. We Jews don’t really have a concept of the devil–he is merely called something like the Advocate–as in a lawyer for the prosecution.
kesmarn : 2CCP, you may have nailed it!
choicelady : 2CCP – I do. I think they don’t quite know WHAT to do, but I think the majority (not the freaking ‘baggers) WANT THEIR COUNTRY BACK. I think they want fair wages, a reliable future, and they see now that the corporate world FAILED even after all the tax breaks, etc. They are finding their way, but they DO want it.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Kes, Facebook, cable TV, Internet, and Mcdonald’s.
kesmarn : What are the causes for which 21st century Americans are willing to pledge “their fortunes, their lives and their sacred honor?”
texliberal : There’s a some phrases in the Dead Sea Scrolls where the Great Usurper was mentioned. Many scholars think the Jewish community meant Saul of Tarsus, Paul
2ndClassCitizenPun : M’Lady Choice, I agre, except for the word “ready”. I don’t think the majority is ready yet.
choicelady : Adonai – sure!
choicelady : AdLib – I’m not sure that greed et al. ARE the fundaments of our society but of a particular class and vision. Not to say there are not a lot of “running dogs”, but that over the past decades most people just lost track of this until it finally became SO OBVIOUS that we in the majority are being exploited. I think Americans WANT a good society with kindness and fairness and finally are ready to FIGHT for it.
ADONAI : kes,It’s always about winning
ADONAI : choice, I’d like to continue this conversation another time if you don’t mind.
kesmarn : AdLib, I hope people can take a look at the altruism of some of the ME protesters, and the people in Japan and say: “We can do better than what we have been.”
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, the true nature of our nation does not change due to a few transitory policies and attitudes. People still want us to be true to our nature, they just can’t see a way to do so.
Chernynkaya : Great CL–Thanks!
choicelady : Hello dear Cher! How are you?
Chernynkaya : Hey AL!
ADONAI : AdLib – They’re working on ways to solve that. I just say, be patient. The very fact it’s possible means we can do it. I know it. We can already transport little bits of information. We just gotta keep at it.
AdLib : To get back on topic, what is the true nature of our nation when greed and worship of everything the wealthy want and say has overtaken every aspect of our society?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, think how our current computer software models work. Yes, it would stop world hunger, if all you ate was rice.
kesmarn : ADONAI, it sounds like it’s all about WINNING.
choicelady : Adonia – you have to read the New Testament with an eye to the massive changes Jesus underwent. He was one of several prophets at the time – he changed radically and ended the “smite thee” mentality as he matured. The fig tree and other such stories, the demand that his apostles leave their families – all that changes over the years and for this radical new vision of universal love and inclusion. THAT is why he was killed. Otherwise he’d never have gained anyone’s particular attention.
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, it would involve huge power input, yes. Star Trek is based on energy provided from another dimension that is a pure hyper-energy state.
kesmarn : Sorry, 2CCP. Star Trek. That’s twice you’ve had to fix that!
Chernynkaya : Allo, 2ccp.
ADONAI : 2ccp – The concept would be far beyond anyone’s ability to control. it would end world hunger. Poverty. Money. It will change the world and I believe something like that cannot be held down. It will find a way. It is so much more revolutionary than the internet. It’s almost inconceivable.
AdLib : Hey Cher!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Hello Ma Cherie Cher!
AdLib : AD – I have read scientific writings that explain how things such as warp speed, transporters and replicators are so far outside of what we can create. And all would require massive amounts of energy that dwarf what we can generate now. Futurists actually say that the first step to the next step for humanity is creating a massive power source. And with oil corporations calling the shots on energy, that won’t happen.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Star Trek
Chernynkaya : Yes, I see kes! Makes sense.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Or imagine having to buy separate units for different food groups.
kesmarn : Hey, Cher! We’re talking Star Wars, Jesus and Republicans.
choicelady : 2CCP – no, they got the voting stockholders to vote OUT the right to sue. Since they usually hold the “straws” or accounts in brokerages that are not voted by beneficial owners, they get the majority of votes and vote their own interests, NOT that of the company, the other shareholders, or the world.
Chernynkaya : Hello!
kesmarn : “Your replicator request is important to us. Please stay on the line for the next available…”
ADONAI : Jesus said that you must love no one more than GOD. If your family comes between you and him then you leave them. Jesus did not come to bring peace but a sword. He came to divide. To cut away the chaff.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Imagine that device being made. Now imagine being told “that recipe is not available in your area” or “That item is only available for an additional charge”.
choicelady : 2CCP – I agree with you on Paul! His version of Christianity – he who had nothing to do with Christ – is appalling! Better he should have just gotten back on his horse outside Damascus…I detest his influence!
kesmarn : Thanks for the update, c’lady. Yes, there are times when suing the CEO is a GOOD thing! Or the Board, or both!
2ndClassCitizenPun : M’Lady Choice, corporations can have different kinds of stock. I believe that non-voting stock stockholders do not have the right to sue, but voting stock stockholders would.
ADONAI : I;m pretty high so my typing will be sloppy
AdLib : ADONAI – The technology in Star Trek has a scientific basis but anyone who says it can be created is pulling your leg.
ADONAI : 2ccp, Io have no idea why I put Star Wars. Thank you for correcting that.
choicelady : kes – you’re right up to a point – many corporations have removed the right of stockholder to SUE them, but it’s so they can have these outrageous compensation packages, NOT so they can do good. Obama has restored the right of shareholders to challenge managers on compensation. One step of restoration of sanity.
ADONAI : tes, yep. He made it pretty clear when eh said, “you will see me coming on a cloud at the right hand of power” but he never outright said it I believe.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Pardon, I meant I would not change my mind.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Adonai, yes I would (and it was Star Trek). Because imagine the anti-net-neutral ity folks applied to a replicator.
kesmarn : I don’t get it either, AdLib. I wish that history were better taught, because we’re about to relive some stuff that should have been learned the first time around.
ADONAI : You know those replicators in Star Wars? The ones that make food and drinks and just about everything else they ask for? What if I told you there would be a working prototype by the end of the century? Would that change your opinion on a future run by greedy corporations?
2ndClassCitizenPun : Christianity would not be so bad if Paul had gotten hit by a bolt of lightning.
texliberal : Adonai, he once asked, “who is it they say I am” that’s as close as it came.
choicelady : tex – he does refer to “my father” but said that was universal. I know the uptight literalists hate when people such as you make ’em think!
2ndClassCitizenPun : Yes, Kes, they can.
AdLib : Kes – What a sad state of affairs, that out of laziness and passivity so many people who would shout how much they love their kids, who pay so much to educate them, won’t step up and protest against the forces that are trying to ensure a terrible standard of living for them. I don’t get it, how can you love your kids but sit on your couch and watch American Idol while their future is stolen from them?
kesmarn : c’lady, I gather CEOs and board can be sued by stockholders if they don’t make choices that result in the highest profits for the corporation.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Personally, I think the guys back in Ann Arbor who were doing their own silk-screening and selling t-shirts on the streets were richer.
choicelady : 2CCP – anyone can ‘decode’ the Bible yes. They are nothing but grifters using religion to gain power over us all and keep all the money!
ADONAI : tex, That’s a trick question.
2ndClassCitizenPun : So it is with corporate jobs. They are viewed as “better” because they were hard to get at one time.
choicelady : 2CCP – REad the story of Malden Mills in Malden MA. It was privately owned by Aaron Feurstein. When it burned to the ground, he used his insurance money to rebuild AND kept every person on the payroll during the years of reconstruction. He is not the only person of wealth who uses it well and who GOT it well. He is a model. But he privately owned the company – you are forbidden by federal corporate law today from doing ANYTHING but making the highest profit you can. Those laws need revision back to days when you could provide real help to your employees and communities.
2ndClassCitizenPun : And that “store-bought” bread was always white bread, because wheat bread is harder to mass-produce.
2ndClassCitizenPun : It’s the same as the perception that white bread is better for you. When bread first began to be mass-produced and sold in stores, only those perceived to be well-off could afford it.
kesmarn : AdLib, and their children and grandchildren will have to do something like what’s going on in Libya or what happened in Tahrir Square to get liberated again… sad.
texliberal : Ya wanna drive a Christian crazy? Ask them if Jesus of Nazareth ever said he was the son of god.
ADONAI : Patsy, tell themI said “hi!”
PatsyT : Guys I got phone call…. I’ll be right back
2ndClassCitizenPun : AdLib, it’s because we all need “real jobs”.
AdLib : Kes – Absolutely, this is the goal of the wealthy, a Czar/serf society. There are many who are pushing back but many who are just sitting back and allowing their children and/or grandchildren to live out a future in virtual servitude.
2ndClassCitizenPun : I could “decode” the Bible to say whatever I wanted it to say.
kesmarn : On second thought, I do remember Jesus recommending a wealth shift. “Go, sell all that you have and give it to the poor.”
choicelady : Patsy – that all would be accurate! The End Times folks believe there’s a “code” in the Bible terminating ALL that Jesus taught now that the Rapture and End Times are near. How bloody freaking convenient…
2ndClassCitizenPun : They have the pictures to proveit, M’lady Choice.
texliberal : I’ve seen something about (I Am) Patsy. Believe it was a Desmond Tutu clip. I always listen when he speaks.
choicelady : 2CCP – oh, right, Sure. Uh-huh. A Jew from Bethlehem, and he’s blonde. Um-hmmm.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Choice, I do not think I have met anyone like that. And I knew quite a few “poor rich folks” in Palm Springs.
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady. My fundie family members are all about infiltrating the business world and doing a “wealth shift” to Christianity. I don’t remember Jesus recommending wealth shifts…
2ndClassCitizenPun : And his beard was always neatly trimmed, by Norelco.
choicelady : Adonai – some people of wealth acquired it quite honorably and USE it honorably. But they are not the ones we read about. They are quiet and responsible, not loud and gaudy.
PatsyT : I love telling RW’s Jesus was a flaming liberal!
ADONAI : I’m pretty sure Jesus was a 9 foot tall robot from the planet Beth El Ehem
2ndClassCitizenPun : Don’t forget, Jesus was white, blue-eyed and blonde!
kesmarn : Never heard of “I am,” Patsy. (Other than Will I Am) Looks interesting.
choicelady : kes – that’s indeed what is their goal! Double up for the Dominionist Christian CEO/TP/GOP types – they think Jesus was a CEO and the apostles were “businessmen” and the rest of us – serfs or peasants or even slaves.
2ndClassCitizenPun : However, I would say that the “tradition” of the incumbent not being challenged within his own party needs to go.
PatsyT : Sorry about that… Tom Shadyac and the film is “I am” «link» Have you heard of this one?
ADONAI : choice, I agree.
texliberal : I agree 2class
kesmarn : AdLib and C’lady, I think the RW would be tickled pink with czars/serfs. It’s their wet dream.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Tex, not as long as “progressive” means something bad, no.
choicelady : kes – “real” people misspeak. CEOs reveal their inner troll!
AdLib : Kes – Exactly. A sociopathic pathology that is being presented as “the way successful people need to think to be successful”. Then what happens when society collapses, they rule as czars and the people are serfs?
ADONAI : There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be rich. If you like material possessions, so be it. Whatever makes you happy. I just question the way many weak men and women go about obtaining their wealth.
texliberal : Read where Bernie Sanders thought maybe Obama should have a primary challenger. Probably not a good idea. I don’t see a real progressive ever being elected POTUS. Does anyone else?
kesmarn : You are very good at puns, 2CCP.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Well, back at {{spit}} I was questioning why there were ads for luxury goods on pages talking about the economy, and a lot of people didn’t get it.
choicelady : Adonai – I would not disagree, but when we had real Dem strenght, even the past two years, moves were made to re-regulate. The Blue Dogs got squeamish, but overall the Dems are more than willing. Now? We shall see. Watch the GOP – you will see them fight to protect every damn loophole. Clinton though – he caved. MAN did he cave!
PatsyT : AdLib, I heard about this film today
kesmarn : Oh, I get what you meant now, c’lady. That under pressure he says what he really thinks! I was thinking you meant he accidentally misspoke.
AdLib : AD – Yes, the financial rules disappeared under Clinton and Bush. Still, it is the toxic greed that CNBC, FOX, CNN and yes MSNBC shower the national mentality with that is disgusting.
2ndClassCitizenPun : The way my username is being abbreviated is a giggle, ain’t it?
kesmarn : AdLib, to me it really seems like a pathology. The RW’s fixation on wealth.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Just now, Adonai.
choicelady : kes – that’s what I mean. Ordinary people do mis-speak. People such as he have innate values that emerge under pressure! He’s revealing his true self!
ADONAI : Hello 2ccp! I did not see you pop in.
ADONAI : choice, those laws have been disappearing under both Parties.
AdLib : Hey 2CCP!
ADONAI : choice, My bad. I got some inaccurate information apparently. I retract my previous example.
choicelady : Adonai – “we” did not remove the rules. The GOP and their lobbyist buddies did. And the reason we had them was because they were just like that. Now – they’re baaaaack.
kesmarn : Hey, 2CCP!
kesmarn : c’lady, you’re kind to chalk it up to pressure. I suspect he’s hardwired to think dollars before humans. Disgusting!
ADONAI : AdLib – I stopped being mad at “business interests” years ago. I expect it. If we don’t set any rules why shouldn’t they do what they want? Apparently most people would.
AdLib : Kes – Yes, Kudlow was who I was referring to at the end of my comment. But that smug loud asshole today, sneering at reports of radiation and spitting on anyone who said differently, acting as if what he made up was reality. Just like the other Dick Cheneys out there. Disgusting.
2ndClassCitizenPun : Hey all. Apologies for being late. Dealing with a lot of carp here.
choicelady : kes – I’d chalk it up to pressure, but I think you’re correct that it reflects the “inner CEO” in him.
kesmarn : He said: “It’s obvious the damage to people is greater than the financial damage. AND WE CAN BE GRATEFUL FOR THAT.” Talk about a Freudian slip.
texliberal : Yep, but I have to wait on some statutes of limitations to run out.
choicelady : Adonai – he was NOT on the beach but on a seawall. The surge was twice as high as predicted and swept what was supposed to be safe ground.
PatsyT : them
PatsyT : Aren’t most of the idiots?
ADONAI : tex, My bother makes scrambled eggs in the microwave all the time. But huffing does make you very stupid.
choicelady : AdLib – OMG!!!! That’s purely disgusting! First it’s not true, there IS significant radiation danger, and second – the idea of parlaying one’s wealth on the backs of those people and their grief and loss is revolting. Did you get who the idiot CEO was?
PatsyT : Tex, you could write a book!
kesmarn : AdLib, did you see the vid of Larry Kudlow’s remark on FOX?
texliberal : Adonai, I had a guy on my beat who used to love huffing 93 octane. Got a call on him once, he was trying to make scrambled eggs in a 7-11 microwave.
ADONAI : choice, I question safe when you’re on a beach knowing what is coming. I question judgment too
AdLib : Okay, have to get this off my chest. I was in an office today where CNBC was playing. Some absolute asshole CEO/Talking head stated that people shouldn’t worry about radiation in Japan, they should buy more stock there and here “There is no radiation! Don’t listen to those trying to scare you!” Are others here as infuriated as I am at the financial world’s callous, greedy bullshit heaped upon this tragedy? Playing everything down because it’s good for their wealth? Saying that it’s a good thing that the destruction was more to people than business?
choicelady : Adonai – where he was had been deemed “safe” by the police. Everyone thought tsunamis were Hollywood variety – huge waves. They are NOT. They are surges as if someone dropped a bowling ball into a pool. They don’t crest and it produces a false sense of security.
kesmarn : Right, c’lady. Meth users look and seem to feel miserable. I feel for ’em. It seems to be a tough one to kick.
ADONAI : I huffed gas when I was young…. I did a lot of things when I was young. But it seemed silly. I don’t think we should limit natural selection. When I heard about that guy in California begin swept away by the waves kicked up from the tsunami near Japan, because he went right down on the fucking beach! To take pictures! I’m sorry to his family for his loss but it’s natural selection. You DON’T DO THAT.
choicelady : kes – I agree. England uses heroin for terminal cancer patients because it leaves the mind clear. Our Victorian Values are ridiculous. But meth – NO good comes from that!
kesmarn : Some of the stuff has something like a therapeutic use. For meth? Can’t think what that would be.
choicelady : AdLib – it DID make me appreciate people for whom that is the ONLY way of life. I don’t overlook them or make assumptions they are stupid. It’s a lousy job, but they keep us all tidy.
PatsyT : First jobs! Hat check girl
texliberal : Legalize MJ, but that other stuff, especially meth, I don’t know
choicelady : AdLib – having done that work is part of what makes you so grounded. Think if that had been your ONLY option! I used to clean houses. A clarifying experience indeed – that was NOT a future for me, thanks!
kesmarn : ‘Zactly, Patsy.
PatsyT : Huffing a Ton
kesmarn : Maybe the Huffing Ton Post really is pretty aptly named…
AdLib : Tex – Thanks, it was a while ago but as you say, not the safest job.
ADONAI : choice, I think if they were all legal there would be more restriction on them and, like you said, crime. After prohibition was repealed, what did the mob jump into next? Drugs.
choicelady : Adonai – I know thundersnow and Green Lightening.
PatsyT : There are a few house we keep our eye on near our neighborhood…. and day now.
choicelady : Adonai – “house racing season” is a Southern CA sport when the rains come and houses race down the sides of over-wet mountains.
PatsyT : Ohh Thundersnow!
ADONAI : I dunno Patsy, we get thundersnow here.
AdLib : AD – Right with you, drugs should be decriminalized. Somehow, all the reasons for drugs being illegal don’t apply to alcohol. Wonder why…
choicelady : Adonai – I’m not sure I’d like to see meth legal. But that said, I’m sure it would do ONE thing – take the criminal gangs out of the middle. The numbers of deaths from selling, not using, is just beyond belief.
PatsyT : Choice I think we have the most variety in weather of any of the states
ADONAI : House racing?
texliberal : AdLib, late night convenience stores jobs are the most dangerous, glad you survived.
kesmarn : Hah! The huffing part, c’lady! She was in the rebellion phase and I think she was a little tempted by that stuff, but after seeing those two semi-brain dead guys, she was freaked out.
kesmarn : “House racing season”!
choicelady : kes – “that form of entertainment” – the “huffing” or watching TV documentaries?
kesmarn : When my daughter was a teen we saw a documentary that depicted “huffing” and these drooly, incontinent people that had done it for years. Scared the hell out of her on that form of entertainment!
choicelady : AdLib – gives “sixpack” a whole new meaning. Glad you’re back!
ADONAI : I am the only one who thinks you either make all drugs legal or all drugs illegal cause it’s kinda silly to categorize them since the legal ones kill more people than the illegal ones?
choicelady : kes – yes, I saw that. It was in Big Sur. All over the place we have mud slides and road closures. Driving anywhere is a challenge with hydroplaning. Best part about the slide though is that, unlike Southern CA, no houses come down. We don’t get “house racing season” up here much.
PatsyT : and then….?
AdLib : One of my early jobs was working at a convenience store, this one ragged looking guy would come in with red watery eyes and say, “I’d like to buy six glues.” I was new, sold them the first time but the next time refused to.
kesmarn : Patsy, looks like you’re in charge of the classroom again.
kesmarn : Oh, yes. And there was a pic in our local paper about a washout on Highway 1 due to all the rain. Huge gap in the road.
ADONAI : The Libcave?
choicelady : Hey – where’d AdLib go?
ADONAI : Patsy, being normal all day everyday is boring.
choicelady : kes – Sacramento. Colder than SF in the winter. And it’s still winter.
kesmarn : California, I know, but where?
PatsyT : Hey ADONAI… better living thru chemistry
choicelady : Adonai – there’s a TOPIC???
kesmarn : C’lady, I forget where you are again…
ADONAI : HOORAY!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
texliberal : DRUGS
choicelady : kes – it’s 70 there!??? Wow. It’s really cold and wet here. They say if we get rain 9 days in a row, the levees might breech. It’s predicted for 10. I’ve got the Ark going…
ADONAI : Hello all. What is the topic?
kesmarn : I’d be surprised if Glenn Beck not not on something. He has a lot of classic symptoms.
kesmarn : And there’s always Wite-Out, too, Patsy.
choicelady : tex – geeze – that’s AWFUL. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Both the accident and the withdrawal!
PatsyT : Wow I will stick to airplane glue
kesmarn : Getting off some of that stuff can cause seizures. Have to withdraw very gradually.
texliberal : Lortab is basically low dose oxycontin.
texliberal : I spend 16 months in the hospital once after a car ran me over. Took lortab for much of that time and the withdrawl symtoms were a killer. Makes you extremely manic- depressive
kesmarn : Hey, AdLib. Whatta week, huh? And Patsy, yes! 70 degrees and sunny yesterday!
PatsyT : Hey Kes! I hear Ohio has nice weather today
AdLib : Hey Kes!
AdLib : Oxycontin – The Official Drug of CPAC.
kesmarn : Are you talking about Bishop Sheen, c’lady?
And top o’ the evening, friends!
PatsyT : What is a lortab?
PatsyT : Hey Tex! Oxycotin? I thought that stuff made you kinda comatose
choicelady : tex – I don’t do drugs and don’t hang with those who do, so I have no idea what the effects are. He does have a certain nervous energy that rivals Rush though, doesn’t he?
texliberal : Howdy
AdLib : Hey Tex!
texliberal : Hey C-lady, my bet on Charlie’s addiction would be lortab or oxycontin.
choicelady : Patsy – never said even bombed out of his mind that Charlies wasn’t brighter than Sarah. Slam dunk.
PatsyT : Choice I have no idea what Sheen is doing … it is very sad, but hey he can beat Sarah Palin in a primary
choicelady : AdLib – I can attest to the accuracy of your observations! Sacramento T=baggers were not pretty.
AdLib : Toothless with sores? Well, at least it would make going undercover at Teabagger rallies a snap.
choicelady : Howdy tex – see you in the headlines. Your name is up in lights!
choicelady : Patsy – isn’t that what Charlie does? Guess that’s far less risky, AND you get to keep your teeth. AdLIb is a very handsome guy. It would dwindle some with him toothless and covered with sores.
choicelady : Your Goddesses are right, but we’re not demanding this of you. I think FAKING Charlie would probably suffice – he’s so wacked out who KNOWS what he’d write? Keep yourself healthy for your Goddesses!
PatsyT : Choice you know I am being silly with the meth … cocaine would be much better
AdLib : Just doing my job. That’s what my Goddesses tell me.
choicelady : AdLib – LOL!!!! I wonder what in the world happened to him? Sad really. His family is worried he’s on the verge of death from his erratic use which makes his body MORE vulnerable than steady use.
AdLib : Charlie Sheen’s blood is classified as a controlled substance.
choicelady : AdLib – the sacrifices you are willing to make…
PatsyT : AdLib some people get mighty high just standing next to him.
AdLib : Actually, mushrooms or licking a toad may be all one needs to be in a Charlie Sheen state of mind.
choicelady : AdLib – I think you’re onto something. But it wouldn’t be permanent would it? Could not bear to lose the REAL you and get Charlie. Eeeuuuuw!
AdLib : CL – I’ve got it all figured out, I’ll just get a small blood transfusion from Charlie and once the contents in his system hit mine, I’ll be so out of it, I could do impressions.
choicelady : I would NEVER load up our beloved AdLib on METH! Though I guess it WOULD get the desired nuttiness…not worth it, not even to get rid of the Queen.
choicelady : AdLib – “journalism”?? ?? That’s what they call it?
AdLib : When and where did she learn about journalism?
PatsyT : Choice we could load up AdLib with Meth and stuff and then….
choicelady : AdLib – I’m not dissing your writing but praising your good mental health!
AdLib : I would take great pleasure in firing AH! I saw that she and the CEO of AOL did a cynical PR bit, going to a classroom and “teaching” kids about journalism.
choicelady : WAit, wait. Just saw drawback. You’re coherent. Charlies is not. I know you’re a great writer, but can you fake that kind of zowie mental breakdown screed well enough?
PatsyT : What kind of brain will we need to read the Charlie Sheen parenting guide?
PatsyT : AdLib great idea !!
choicelady : Just so long as you fire AH!!!! That would justify almost anything. I’m sure Adonai has a moral category that would fit.
AdLib : CL – Should I try to ghostwrite it for him? I could make enough to buy HP from AOL.
choicelady : ADLib – you know, in America, that WOULD become a best seller.
PatsyT : I can see it now Charlie Sheen staring at me from the book store shelf.
AdLib : “WINNING! – The Sheen Guide to Parenting”
choicelady : AdLib – drawback to the Charlie Sheen model: your daughter LIKES you. Don’t mess with a winning proposition!
PatsyT : Hey don’t give him any ideas
choicelady : AL – uhhhhhhhhhhhh… .
AdLib : CL – Yes, I am using the Charlie Sheen Parenting guide.
choicelady : I LIKE Bugs Beery!
AdLib : Bugs Beery!
choicelady : AdLib – I happen to know she’s under reasonably responsible adult supervision. I am not worried. Is this the new advanced kids’ story though? Green beer and Ham?
PatsyT : Bugs
PatsyT : Bug Bunny Beer?
AdLib : She’s also drinking green beer.
choicelady : AdLib – ahhh the Classics!
PatsyT : Yes Choice… turns out kids like beer …
AdLib : My daughter’s on the couch watching Bugs Bunny.
choicelady : Patsy – got the kids pacified?
AdLib : Those mint people try to stick it in everything.
PatsyT : Hey Choice
choicelady : Pea green. Oy.
AdLib : Hey CL!
choicelady : We used to have green donuts back in Buffalo. Tasted just like everything else. One time they tried mint flavor. Trust me on this – it is NOT an option.
AdLib : I’m told that drinking green beer is where the term, “pea green” comes from.
AdLib : I knew I should have put out green donuts!
choicelady : PAtsy – are they from Chicago? Watch out for the bathwater! It’s a bitch to get that green ring around the tub out!
PatsyT : Thats it … Hey kids put down that green beer!
choicelady : Evening AdLib and Patsy! I’m usually so late I thought this was not working! Great to see you both here!
AdLib : A lot of post-St. Patricks Day parties tonight!
AdLib : Hey Patsy! See you in a bit!
PatsyT : Hi folks I am just finishing up kid stuff … I’ll be back in a minute
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi begins tonight at 7:00 PDT, hope to see you then!
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