Kalima : That goes for you too bito. No sleep, no ice cream. Now both of you go to sleep, or do I have to come upstairs?
bito : The Lib ain’t gonna abide if he doesn’t get some sleep! Yes Kalima, I’m just finishing DW-TV from Germany.
Kalima :
I wasn’t criticizing in any way, I just wondered what you can do with a true story to brighten it up, not much I know. And yes, the Lib abides. The Brits will love it is what I should have said. Ok, coffee break over. Lots of reading to do when I come back later. Take care and don’t stay up so late.
AdLib : I know Kalima but you did know what was going to happen from the first scene. I’m just talking about what excites me most about a film, something new or fresh or different, I like to have my expectations challenged. But, that also means there’s a lot of people who enjoy many more films than I do (especially studio films which I’m not crazy about for the most part). But that’s just the Lib’s thing…and the Lib abides.
Kalima : About “The King’s Speech” it is a true story after all, and you can’t really make things up as you go along. The Brits would be furious, they still love their royals, past and present for the most part.
AdLib : Get some sleep. Shutting down Vox Populi now (not for Admins of course). It’s been a big week, rest up my friend!
bito : AdLib, I be tired.
AdLib : Cool, Pluto! Great to have you here! Have a great weekend!
Plutocrats really : Thanks guys, that means a lot.
bito : Don’t ever sell yourself short, pluto, we all stated out with our first post here.
AdLib : Pluto – A number of the articles you read here are from people who have said the same kind of thing when they first got here. One day, a new member will be saying that after reading one of your posts. Just write about somethi8ng that matters to you and the genuine feeling behind it will make it a strong piece.
Plutocrats really : I have several topics in mind for an article but I’m insecure as hell. I am not an educated man.
AdLib : Night Bito!
PatsyT : You are all the best…… Night grandpa
bito : nite all
bito : Pluto, write a post on it
AdLib : Night John Boy (yes, I know I’m repeating my jokes!).
AdLib : Night Patsy!
AdLib : Night Pluto!
PatsyT : All the best to all… fantastic week!
Plutocrats really : Nite all!
AdLib : Pluto – Done deal!!!
bito : Good night C’Lady,
Plutocrats really : AdLib, go for it. Lets predict it. This site rules.
AdLib : Well folks, looks like it’s about time for last call and ending this exciting, fun and record setting edition of Vox Populi. Thanks to all who joined us and a special thanks to all of our new members who took the leap and joined us. It was a lot of fun! Have a great weekend and we’ll do this again next Friday!
AdLib : CL – It was an historic and amazing day! Sounds like you really got to share in the joy in a very special way! The pride of everyone here was on full display all day! Get some sleep (but check your email first)! Night!
bito : oops, that time i did.
choicelady : G/night everyone! Let me know how the Oscar pool comes out!
PatsyT : AdLib So far I will go with True Grit
bito : Now I don’t even get a gray and white avatar?
choicelady : Well everyone, I just dropped in to say howdy after a night of celebration over the liberation of Egypt. Those folks have more fun without liquor than most people do with. It was simply stunning to be with people who’d fought for this for MORE than 30 years. I wanted to tell you all a bit about it – it was pure joy, even reading the names of the people who’d given their lives. I was so honored to be there – and one of my friends made me an “honorary Egyptian” tonight. Could NOT be more proud! They are amazing people – show us a lot about why freedom is priceless.
AdLib : We should do an article here to let folks make predictions. I think it will be Social Network or True Grit as Best Picture. James Franco for Best Actor. Even though she wouldn’t be my choice, Natalie Portman for Black Swan.
choicelady : Patsy – I saw the original years ago with Clifton Webb (? do I have that right) and it just tore me up. I think it’s the saddest, most avoidable tragedy EVER, and I cannot bear watching. So I’ve never seen the latest version – simply cannot stand to watch it.
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
AdLib : Night BDM!!!
PatsyT : BDM All the best to you… Nighty Night
Plutocrats really : Nite BDM
choicelady : Good night Sabreen and BDM. Lovely having you here!
PatsyT : Adlib… kinda like Titanic
Plutocrats really : choicelady, I agree completely, it was lacking coherence.
bito : Good night to you Mom
choicelady : BDM – That is amazing – keeping wartime weekly journals! It’s important. History is NOT made by just generals and leaders. It is shifted and changed and altered by the daily lives of ordinary people. Brits are superb at “micro history” so it’s not surprising they’d ask for such records.
bito : g’night, Sabreen
BigDogMom : Well kiddo’s my eyes are closing, need to see if there is any room left in the bed for me..Good night all, was great to be here with you all…Peace and Prosperity to all.
Plutocrats really : PatsyT, you should definitely see social network. A strong, well executed drama.
PatsyT : Oh Nighty night Sabreen60…
Sabreen60 : Wish I had gotten here earlier. Really enjoyed reading all the comments. But gotta say goodnight – getting sleepy.
choicelady : AdLib and Patsy – I’m thinking True Grit, though I hope some of the acting in King’s Speech gets acknowledged.
PatsyT : ?
PatsyT : Social Network? I have to see that\
choicelady : Pluto – I agree with you about Inception. It was a dream within a dream within a dream about stuff I don’t want to think about awake. I thought the ending was a rip. Bored start to finish – and still think it was just a way to justify blowing up stuff.
PatsyT : AdLib I will take your word on that.. that way I will not have to see it.
AdLib : So, CL and Patsy, do you think King’s Speech or another film will win?
BigDogMom : During the War the Interior Ministy commission hundreds of citizens to write journals that they submitted monthly, many made their way to books, we have it very easy here.
AdLib : Patsy – In 127 Hours, it could have fallen into the same area as King’s Speech, where you know what’s going to happen and especially in that case, you’re in one location for so much of the movie. But the way they go into his mind, his past, his regrets, his fears, all in very visual ways, makes it an amazing film. There is the scene you know is coming and it is not for the squeamish but aside from that, it’s pretty creative and powerful filmmaking.
PatsyT : Pluto… I am sure that is well done .. but yes that queazy factor takes over for us
choicelady : Patsy – I’m with you on that! I read the story. That’s enough, thanks.
Plutocrats really : Inception was..meh. It was hard to follow.
choicelady : BDM – I will look for that! I am fascinated by those sorts of things. Thanks for the reference!
Plutocrats really : PatsyT, I feel ya on that one, a story around cutting yer arm off………..??
choicelady : Oh goodie – Google is crawling and we’re talking movies we like. Where is our trademarked, hard-hitting social analysis when we need it?
AdLib : CL – The end of King’s Speech does have a powerful impact but just for me, the process of getting there was so familiar. I like films that take a few unexpected turns here or there, if a story goes right where it seems it’s going to go, it’s a bit less satisfying. All that said, the film was very well done.
BigDogMom : CL, I have read alot on what the British went through in WWII, there is a little know book called, “Housewife 59” that cronicles what an average persons life was in London during the War. Great reading.
PatsyT : AdLib I have not seen it but … 127 hours? We just can not get to that place call me squeamish
Plutocrats really : Adlib, me too, a good drama, it could have been about anything.
AdLib : Pluto – I agree.
choicelady : Hi Sabreen60 – great avatar!
AdLib : Has anyone seen The Social Network? I wasn’t inclined to like it but it won me over.
Plutocrats really : The social network was a really good movie. I hear a lot of it was fiction but what the hell do I know, I hate farcebook.
choicelady : AdLib – I understand that, but because it’s true, the power of the people moving toward each other to find their common humanity, despite class and rules and obstacles of all kinds, deeply touched me.
AdLib : CL – Your criticism of Incpetion is legit, though I like Nolan’s films, just saw Memento again recently, I don’t see why he had to set up such a complex set of rules that still didn’t make complete sense.
BigDogMom : Thanks CL, we are looking forward to seeing it
choicelady : BDM – I thought The King’s Speech was amazing. It was one of the most fully developed films I’ve ever seen with a grand plot, acting, and point. I was very moved by it and absolutely delighted in it all.
Sabreen60 : Hi CL
PatsyT : My kids love inception
AdLib : CL – The thing about King’s Speech, it’s well made and well acted but it is the same Oscar-seeking kind of story I’ve seen in many films. The unwilling student and the quirky teacher. I know it’s based on a true story but it was so predictable from the first scene onward.
PatsyT : ChoiceLady I loved ‘Kings Speech’ also
BigDogMom : Hoping to see the King’s Speech this weekend
choicelady : Patsy and AdLib – I thought Inception was insipid. Just an excuse to blow things up.
BigDogMom : Loved Inception, but too complicated
PatsyT : AdLib for me from what I have seen … True Grit…
AdLib : Patsy – I liked Inception though the “logic” was a bit labored and the complexity kept you from getting as involved I would have liked. But I like Chris Nolan and so far, all of his films. But I doubt it will win best Picture.
choicelady : Hi bito – hi to all new folks – how nice to have you here!
PatsyT : PP You have been a pleasure … Nighty Night
BigDogMom : Just forward any corrospondence to my legal team Beatem, Screwem and Nailem
choicelady : Oooo AdLib – our first disagreement! I LOVED The King’s Speech!
AdLib : Night PP! Sleep well!
PocketWatch : AdLib, I don’t see current movies that much… I have all the movie channels and wait for them to show up there,,, but I has anyone seen “The Girl in the Cafe”? One of my faves, faitly obscure.
PatsyT : AdLib… How about Inception?
bito : Hello C’Lady
ParadisePlacebo74 : Night, kes. I think I’m done too. Mahalo, everybody!
AdLib : CL! Great to see you!
bito : BDM, you know I copyrighted that squirrel line? You WILL hear from my lawyers.
PatsyT : BDM and yes she needs to straighten him out
Sabreen60 : Nite Kes
choicelady : Hi everyone – ‘night Kes! Sorry to be late – was dancing in the streets with Egyptian Americans!
AdLib : Well, back to films, a few of my favorites up for Oscar: 127 Hours, True Grit, The Fighter, The Social Network (my pick for winning but True Grit may win). Wasn’t crazy about Black Swan or The King’s Speech.
BigDogMom : Patsy, because he’s a “bad boy”
PatsyT : BDM or she takes an Issa
BigDogMom : Night kes, Arianna probably takes drugs to get to sleep…
PatsyT : Kes all the best.. Nighty Night
bito : Good night, Ms k’es.
AdLib : Sleep well Kes, great to see you!
PocketWatch : By THAT much!
BigDogMom : Pluto..you just missed it!
kesmarn : Well, friends, getting to bed at 4 a.m. is starting to catch up with me. Arianna would be sad to know how little sleep I’ve had (not). So I’ll say good night. Thanks to all our new members and have fun!
Plutocrats really : Dammit, I suck at this blog thing. I meant to say to BigDogMom , Squirrel? Where?
AdLib : Arianna’s New Book, “Poor RichMe’s Almanac”.
BigDogMom : Pluto, you can call me BDM if it’s easier…
Plutocrats really : BigDogMom, sorry I meant to say,
BigDogMom : How to screw ’em”
AdLib : Pluto – Maher is a fraud, he is as much an opportunist as Arianna is, he only has one conviction, make pot legal. He supported Bush’s invasion of Iraq and happily jumped on the bash Obama train.
BigDogMom : Arianna’s new book..”Trust me, I know…”
Plutocrats really : BigDogMom,
AdLib : Patsy – Or “Dumb, Dumber and Wearing A Giant Teanag Costume”.
PocketWatch : Welcome to “Idiocracy,” coming to a country near you!
Plutocrats really : AdLib, Maher is a self identified Libertarian. I don’t care really but he is not offended by cash at all.
bito : BDM, made me look
PatsyT : Am I Stupid the next big hit from the right
AdLib : BDM – Where? Where?
ParadisePlacebo74 : BDM – HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
AdLib : Pluto – You said it! It boggles my mind how, when she claimed to be a Progressive, she could censor people so severely and not be called on being a hypocrite.
bito : Speaking of “Teabaggers Dunked”, I liked the point k’es made that no one turns down Medicare paying their bills at her hospital.
BigDogMom : “SQUIRREL”
kesmarn : Sabreen, issues pertaining to the poor not right or left to AH? Has she noticed that only one of those groups gives a damn about the poor? Sigh…
PocketWatch : “Left side of road, ok. Right side of road, ok. Middle of road, sooner or later get squashed!”
Plutocrats really : Free speech is a wonderful thing I think.
PatsyT : They go way back
AdLib : Best Teabagger film – Dumb and Dumber.
PocketWatch : What didi Mr. Miaggi say?
AdLib : Maher has a lot in common with Arianna.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Adlib – That would be the only way I’d pay money to see it!
AdLib : I use a sock just for occasionally trying to say hi to and invite people to The Planet but I haven’t made a substabtial post, and definitely not as AdLib, since February of 2009.
Sabreen60 : Kes – Yes he did. She also said that issues pertaining to the poor, infrastructure, etc are not a left or right issue. Maher didn’t say anything.
PatsyT : Hey my account is still there but just like my purchases for the home I don’t like to support evil causes
kesmarn : Favorite RW movie of all time. I nominate “Birth of a Nation.”
AdLib : PP – Wasn’t that renamed “Teabaggers Dunked”?
BigDogMom : Almost picked up the new bio on Rand..couldn’t make myself pick it up, literally
kesmarn : b’ito, you should give it a shot and see what happens.
Plutocrats really : The last time I was on HP I made a single comment and BAM, deleted. I made the unholy mistake of mentioning AOL. Blasphemy.
PocketWatch : Oooops! Recommending “The Girl in the Cafe” starring Bill Nighy and Kelly McDonald.
PatsyT : Not Me
bito : My last posted comment at HP was in Oct 09, think my account is still active?
ParadisePlacebo74 : So, who’s excited about seeing part 1 the new “Atlas Shrugged” trilogy?
BigDogMom : Now I’m going to have to watch Maher’s show..
PocketWatch : Great movie -+—> The Girl in the Cafe… starring Bill Nighy and Kelly McDonald.
PatsyT : Ooooo my favorite topic… What films do conservatives like to watch?
kesmarn : Sorry I vanished into the ether there. I suffered from a total, but temporary loss of power due to cat cord pulling. Happens a lot around here.
AdLib : Sabreen – What a piece of work! And he just swallowed that whole?
Sabreen60 : AH told Maher that only 5% of HP articles are political.
AdLib : Okay, someone earlier said they wanted to talk about movies. Does that float anyone’s boat? Or bent whale?
bito : k’es, something weird about you, you caught my question.
PatsyT : AdLib lets all move to Egypt
PocketWatch : Ahhhh…..! MUCH betterer!
AdLib : Guess HP will soon have their own AOL chat room…you’ll just have to wait 20 minutes to see if your comment made it out of moderation.
PatsyT : PW any thing to go against AOL
BigDogMom : PW, change is hard, but even at our age we can do it
PocketWatch : Maybe… let me play a bit… I know AOL chat rooms scroll the other way from this…. most recent post at the bottom… maybe it’s just ne having to adjust.
AdLib : Thanks Kes!
AdLib : PW – So sorry, forgot to mention a feature! Damn! Look down at the bottom right corner of the comment display box, you’ll see a “+” and a “-“, click on those to resize the comment display box so it fits how you’d like it. Sorry, meant to mention this at the beginning!
kesmarn : PW — you can shrink the size of the chat box with those little plus/minus signs as the lower right. Would that help?
BigDogMom : That I wouldn’t mind, need to learn Arabic though…
ParadisePlacebo74 : kes – MST3K would have had a field day. I miss that show.
AdLib : BDM – I think you’ll have a better chance at being the next President of Egypt.
PocketWatch : I have a technical question for Vox… can you make the posts scroll from the bottom rather than the top? The data entry box is at the bottom, and I have to reduce the screen to 85% to see the whole thing…
kesmarn : PP, thumbs down on that one, huh? Sounds like material for Joel and the Bots.
BigDogMom : Trying, play every week…odds are 931,255,193,476 to 1
AdLib : BDM – You’re the best! Now win the lottery, willya?!
kesmarn : b’ito
PatsyT : PP that is very funny LOL
bito : AdLib, you bring that to a circumcision, don’tcha
ParadisePlacebo74 : I accidently watched part of a movie about an alien that took over Ron Jeremy’s cock and went around murdering people. I can’t recomend it.
PatsyT : AdLib and Kes they are interchangeable
kesmarn : Or, in this case, a knife-swinging Mexican cock.
AdLib : Kes – or vice versa?
BigDogMom : Pluto, I’d give some of it to the Planet to build this site up and then to ACE, NPR and any other Community Organizer’s that are left leaning just to piss off the right
PatsyT : AdLib … an hun and just try to say that you are not gay at that point.
kesmarn : Patsy, I got a laugh out of the last line: “Never bring a knife to a cock fight.”
AdLib : Patsy – Well that would be a real drag when you got up to heaven. “So what’d you die from?” “Uh, I was killed by a cock.”
PatsyT : Nighty Night ADONAI
PocketWatch : LOL It’s absolutlely the LAST thing I ever thought I’d be doing… I’m a retreaded hippie, originally a music major, artist, and free thinker… business??!??!?! ?! Sheesh! But I like to teach, and I’m good at it.
BigDogMom : Patsy…OMG
Plutocrats really : How would you spend $315 million?
AdLib : Night ADONAI! Have a great weekend!
ADONAI : Thanx BDM. nite all.
BigDogMom : Hey man, it’s all about the bottom line, you know…
PatsyT : «link»
AdLib : Night Cher, take care and feel better. Glad to have you here tonight!
AdLib : PW – That’s another reason I’m glad you’re here!
kesmarn : Good night, Adonai!
BigDogMom : Nite Adonai, good seeing you here
PatsyT : Nighty night Cher … Chicken Soup for you
kesmarn : ‘Night, Cher. Feel better soon. Please?
BigDogMom : Nite Cher, take care
ADONAI : Well kids, I believe I’ll make my exit as well. It has been a real treat folks. Good night. Peace be with you.
PocketWatch : AdLib…. hey, I’m all about business… LOL
PatsyT : OK I have to give HP SOME credit they did not go here…. MAN murdered by COCK ..«link» ench.nbcsports.c om/2011/02/08/ma n-killed-by-roos ter-during-cockf ight/
AdLib : Kes – If I put NE stories mixed in with HP stories, no one could tell the difference.
BigDogMom : Will there be one on how the little green men inpregnated Sarah?
Chernynkaya : Friends, I’m feeling weak again. Like the Victorian Lady I am, I must take to my bed. It’s been great to have so many new voices here. Y’all don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!
kesmarn : Like National Enquirer stories used to be. You couldn’t out-parody the real thing.
AdLib : PW – I love that idea!
AdLib : I hear that the bent whale just tells chicks, “Don’t worry about it, it’s all about the motion of the ocean”.
PocketWatch : AdLib… If you do that, the winner gets to buy a PPOV coffee mug!
Chernynkaya : You can;t write this stuff, AL.
PocketWatch : Oh, I love it! Shades of … Wait, Wait, DOn’t Tell Me on PBS radio!
AdLib : Cher – It’s a challenge to parody the stories on HP.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Bent whale – end result of the worlds most fucked-up circumcision? I didn’t even know whales were Jewish.
PatsyT : Oh AdLib I am troubled .. What did Lindsay lose this time?
BigDogMom : Gee I was hoping to see the photo spread of Bristol’s new house
ADONAI : Adlib: Perfect!
kesmarn : Jennifer just needs to get more sleep.
AdLib : Actually, I should do a “Guess which of these stories ISN’T a real story on HP.
Chernynkaya : AdLib– and that’s not even you being satirical!
AdLib : ADONAI – See how tough the competition is, Jennifer Aniston lost out to a bent whale.
PatsyT : What no Charlie Sheen ????
ADONAI : AdLib: You forgot “Jennifer Aniston: How I keep my metabolism up at 42”
AdLib : #5 that is.
kesmarn : Patsy,
AdLib : Whoops…as $5 I only meant to post the rat on the plane story.
PocketWatch : I’m fascianted by the bent whale. What, a pervert whale?
kesmarn : Exactly, BDM and Cher!
PatsyT : Hey Sabreen !!
BigDogMom : See, gotta have a Lohan story…
Chernynkaya : Patsy!!!!
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! Welcome to Vox Populi!
AdLib : Stories on HP right now: 1. Strange Bent Whale Spotted 2. Nude Kelly Brook.. Lohan Loses It.. How Heidi Blew $2M.. Fatal Plastic Surgery 3. ‘Alien’ Book Dated, Language Remains A Mystery 4. Skinny’ Can, Fat Controversy 5. religion Will Romney And Huntsman Be Good For Mormon Church? religion Towey Named President Of Catholic Ave Maria University politics CPAC 2011: Potential GOP Presidential Hopefuls In Campaign Mode At Conservative Event denver Rat On Plane Delays Alaska Airlines Flight From Seattle To Denver WHich would you vote for?
Chernynkaya : Excatly kes– totally inspiring. I wonder if the fact that they don;t have a lot of x-boxes helped too.
ADONAI : Indeed BDM.Classic HP.
Sabreen60 : Speaking of HP, Ms. AH was on Bill Maher
PatsyT : Cher … any star on a inversion table
BigDogMom : kes, people power, that is what the right and the corps are scared about..they fear us more than anything, they fear we will find them out and turn on them
PocketWatch : Hi Sabreen60!
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen60!
Sabreen60 : Hi Ya’ll,
BigDogMom : Adonai-or the headline never matched the content, that was always a good one
Chernynkaya : Patsy– I give up– who??
ParadisePlacebo74 : Right now on HP: “‘Skinny’ Can, Fat Controversy”. Do I win?
PatsyT : the guess is … AH
kesmarn : Cher, the thing that amazed me about Egypt — no $$$, no guns. And yet — success!
PocketWatch : Maybe throw darts?
BigDogMom : Adlib, there is no way you could narrow it down, there are too many
PocketWatch : AdLib… now we are talking about executive decisions of the powers that be… way above my pay grade… LOL Hard to tell… just pick ’em, I suppose.
Chernynkaya : AdLib–a s I said–one cell phone at a time. You’re right!
kesmarn :
ADONAI : My favorite thing on HP was when they had the big dramatic BOLD red headline screaming about some terrible thing but then you read the article and they have an update at the bottom explaining that the big scary thing actually wasn’t going to happen. Fantastic journalism.
PatsyT : <*> <*> look familiar ?
Chernynkaya : Well see if ti does, BDM.
Plutocrats really : “Wet bags of sand”
kesmarn : Bring it!!
AdLib : PW – How would we narrow it down?
PatsyT : OK Kes you ask for it
PocketWatch : AdLib… a Top Ten!
BigDogMom : We must have one on Lindsey Lohen or it won’t be complete, Adlib
AdLib : Guess Patsy!
kesmarn : Patsy, (.) (.)
AdLib : I was thinking of having a special feature of the most asinine stories on HP. It was an idea to do as a weekly series but you could do it as an hourly post!
Chernynkaya : Patsy– just tonight my husband want me to ask y’all when we are protesting something again! He’s 8 yrs younger and missed the 70’s!
PocketWatch : I, personally, have no problem with fluff pieces on the website. If that’s what floats a boat or for a little break from the heavier material, so what?
PatsyT : Hey we always play guess the nipples here and you would not believe who is best at it
ParadisePlacebo74 : I love nipples as much as the next guy, but they shouldn’t count as “news”.
AdLib : Cher – Money will naturally be attracted to other money on the RW. We have to use people power. We have to come together and build something ourselves because if we wait for billioaires to come to our aid, we’ll be lost.
Plutocrats really : AdLib-celebrity nipples make the world go round. Or maybe make implants round.
BigDogMom : Cher, isn’t that what the new left big money PAC is supposed to attract?
texliberal : HP the magazine soon coming to a Wal-mart check out lane near you
BigDogMom : Adonai, I can picture her in her king size bed with those black silk eye shades on…yelling at her maid not to open the drapes
ADONAI : AdLib: Loved the articles on half naked teen starlets
kesmarn : Yes, Adonai, nice of her to tell single moms working 3 jobs that they need more sleep.
PocketWatch : ADONAI – and the personal masseuse is entirely irrelevent.
Chernynkaya : I honestly think that unless there is someone with big money on the Left, the media will automatically become the province of the Right. Corps never want to put the Left’s voices out there. we need another 20 Soros, or frankly, we have to do it like the Egytptians did–one cell phone at a time.
AdLib : Let’s not forget all the articles about celebrity nipples.
ADONAI : I always found her articles on women and sleep and money to all be incredibly condescending. Really?! Is that what you and Minnie Driver do to get sleep?! Wow! And I;m sure the GIANT mansion on a hill away from all distractions doesn’t have anything to do with it.
AdLib : Kes – Well, HP is a sham too.
PatsyT : Sham Bow Wow
ParadisePlacebo74 : kesmarn – They made a product that started with “sham”, and it made them lots and lots of money. Enough to make you puke.
kesmarn : I think that would be “SHAME Wow,” AdLib.
BigDogMom : kes, dries it right up!
kesmarn : BDM, and no doggie drool then, I imagine!
AdLib : Sham Wow…isn’t that AOL’s new name for HP?
bito : The MSM isn’t the whole problem, the last Pew poll showed 52% knew nothing about Egypt. poll was taken 2-5/7-11
PatsyT : AdLib… YES Lets go and protest or something…. !!!
BigDogMom : “Sham Wow’s” are good for drying your boat after it rains…the dog like to run around with it in his mouth too!
PocketWatch : kes… it DOESN’T? Sheesh… BRB… I have to cancel the order!
AdLib : Patsy – Did you see at HP they are advertising that Arianna is going to speak at the new performance center in Northridge? I was tempted to show up and ask an “interesting” question as a rep of PlanetPOV. But I would have to put money into her pocket to do so…
PatsyT : Cher what are they watching … how can they be reached?
ParadisePlacebo74 : PW – Disgusting, but true.
BigDogMom : Cher, local news here in the lower So East CT is starting to become a Right Wing talking machine..everyon e of the smaller stations are being bought up by Fox
kesmarn : PW, you mean “Sham-Wow” doesn’t really hold 15 gallons of water?
PocketWatch : AdLib…. dunno…old habots die hard, and generationally, people still believe that if someone – anyone – says it on the tv machine, it HAS to be true…
kesmarn : Adonai, otherwise known as “BRA”?
PatsyT : AdLib we have to work on the messaging
Chernynkaya : AdLib– the majrity watched No news at all.
BigDogMom : Adlib-These fucking idiots are coming out of the woodwork, soon I hope
AdLib : Cher
ADONAI : I listened to Arianna’s Left, Right,and Center podcast a few times. It should have been called Boring, Redundant, and Artificial.
Plutocrats really : Adonai-Ha! You’re funny as hell!
AdLib : At what point does the majority out there just start turning off the MSM and corporate internet, finally accepting it’s all BS?
PatsyT : Ok
Chernynkaya : BDM, My husband always says, “This is why men die young.” But he’s usually talking about me.
BigDogMom : Don’t get me started on the Palins
PatsyT : BDM only when Palins are on
Chernynkaya : Plutocrats–
AdLib : Pluto – I’m relieved I don’t have to watch her on the panel (for research) but I can already see her smarmy smile as she plays the role of being above right and left and sooo modest.
BigDogMom : Pluto, this is when my husband say, “this is why so many people shoot their TV’s”
ParadisePlacebo74 : Night, Zoot
Plutocrats really : nite zoot
PocketWatch : BDM… bad girlfriend… I’m glad she’s an -ex…
Chernynkaya : Take care zoot!
Chernynkaya : A+ Adonai!
PatsyT : Nighty night Zoot…
BigDogMom : Nite Zoot, sleep well
Plutocrats really : Adlib, she was the first interview guest, she wasn’t on the panel. I had to lock up the spoons because I and the wife would have gouged our eyes out.
ADONAI : nite zoot!
AdLib : ADONAI –
kesmarn : G’night, zoot. Have a great weekend!
Chernynkaya : I forgot to look in those categories!
AdLib : Seeya Zoot, great having you on Vox tonight!
BigDogMom : It is sad that a person like Arianna made such a successful site where progs could gather, all the while knowing that she really wasn’t that into us..
ADONAI : New Rule: Don’t paint yourself as a counter right, anti-sellout, trooper then blog on your friend’s wholly corporate owned,politicall y subsidized website.
zootliberal : Hate to do it, but must go, twas a truly great day, God willing Egypt will thrive, plus the friday music thread has me dancing. talk soon. falling in love with you people, you know that right, be gentle.
AdLib : Cool Cher!
Chernynkaya : Sleep well, WHTS
AdLib : In fact, if you want to read our many articles exposing Arianna, click on our HP category under News and Politics – The Media. Here’s the direct link: «link»
Plutocrats really : ADONAI, I’ll do it later. I don’t want to throw anyones groove off.
Chernynkaya : OK, Thanks AL I think I’m back in sync.
PatsyT : I should have typed Mahar
ParadisePlacebo74 : Night, WTS
BigDogMom : Nite WTS
AdLib : Bye WTS!!!
PatsyT : wts… all the best to you.. Nighty night
ADONAI : peace WTS!
AdLib : Pluto! You’re killin’ me! DO I really want to watch it?
zootliberal : bb wts
kesmarn : See you later, WTS!
Plutocrats really : Adlib, I wont say, I don’t want to spoil it.
PatsyT : Guys look up Marions stuff on this site and get some insight on Marah and Issa etc
AdLib : Cher – Don’t refresh, click on the VP link/title at the top of the page and it will do a full reload. Refreshing just puts you back where you are now.
zootliberal : np friends – go ahead if you want, not that big a deal
PocketWatch : AdLib… bingo! Keep to what you know, do it well, and plan for the future. Always good advice.
AdLib : Pluto – My Tivo recorded Maher but I am cringing at watching it. Was she called on her sell out or did Bill kiss her ass as I would suspect?
Chernynkaya : UH OH– Help– I just lost a big chink of VP– and I refreshed myself too!
whatsthatsound : off I go, just wanted to check in with some Ohio sports updates.
Plutocrats really : Ok zoot
ParadisePlacebo74 : I think we should just comment repeatedly and randomly using 0 fan socks “EARN OUR TRUST” over and over.
ADONAI : Sorry zoot. never mind Pluto.
PatsyT : Pluto heard that from downstairs…. dribble dribble
BigDogMom : Soon AH will be on the motivational speaking circuit, she will be the next one to speak at the Elk’s Club in east bum fuck…following Sister Sarah
zootliberal : I want to be surprised when i throw up
AdLib : PW – Last year, when HP wrote a vicious hit piece on Obama, we had a lot of people join (though not this many!). We learned from that a couple things and one is that we have to keep doing what we’re doing, being a citizen’s think tank on all kinds of issues, while addressing HP too.
ADONAI : Pluto: I don’t watch Maher so you have to fill me in.
PocketWatch : Pluto… I saw that… may watch iot tomorrow… they repeat all week.
zootliberal : plut – don’t tell us – some will see later tonight.
PatsyT : wts.. they are major Buckeye Fans
Plutocrats really : Ok, did anyone see the new Bill Maher yet? Her highness was on. Oh boy.
PatsyT : Hey we could all make a powerful tell all about the HP…
whatsthatsound : hey Patsy, I hope he’s cheering on the Buckeyes. 24-0 and ranked #1 (actually, they could probably beat the Cavaliers….)
zootliberal : AdLib – you’re right, we shouldn’t be an anti-HP site any more than a anti USA today site.
AdLib : Pluto – You’re doing fine. Our final topic of the night is how AOL’s purchase of HP will affect HP and how it and Arianna are seen.
PocketWatch : AdLib… the wounds are fresh. I had the same thought… the revulsion will fade and we will move on…
PatsyT : Voice of -+- Where is my payout?
Chernynkaya : I have to say, I am also seeing minor changes at MSNBC too. Now, all hosts promote other NBC shows. And the content has gotten mushy. Not Right–just fluffy. Silly. I’m not liking the changes.
BigDogMom : Being anti-HP is being Pro-Progressive as far as I’m concerned
ADONAI : I can’t remember if it was 2008 or maybe late 2007 but Huffington Post got into the news when a bunch of “abusive comments” posted on their site about Cheney started making the rounds. The right began going off on it and Arianna made the rounds apologizing. Nto defending free speech. Apologizing. I remember not too long after that the fully modded topics started showing up. It all just spiraled down after that.
AdLib : We don’t want our rep to be the “anti-HP” site, just the Pro-Progressive site so though I had an amusing article in mind about HP, didn’t want to overdo it this week. May write it next week though.
PatsyT : wts my brother is in Columbus ! Nice town
BigDogMom : PW, LOL!
whatsthatsound : pluto – just make up stuff!
PocketWatch : The voice of EuroTrash?
ParadisePlacebo74 : PatsyT – That’s marvelous, darling!!
BigDogMom : Hey pluto, HP/AH and the AOL fuck up
zootliberal : plut – movies with big harird women
kesmarn : Patsy — or the “Voice of Opportunistic Trend-Surfers”
Plutocrats really : I’m sure I’m doing this wrong. What is the topic?
BigDogMom : kes, yes, because that is where her creds started, she will convince them in time that “it’s not about being left or right” daaaling
zootliberal : Hi Plut
PatsyT : How about the voice of … people with acccents
whatsthatsound : Glad to hear it, Patsy. I’m from Columbus and that city too, has held up quite well. Grown and changed a lot since I left.
PocketWatch : kes… bet yer ass they will, and she will go right with it!
zootliberal : AdLib, GROW – great!
ADONAI : sup Pluto!
kesmarn : Hey, Plutocrats!
AdLib : Plutocrats – Welcome!
PatsyT : Pluto Hey!
kesmarn : I wonder if the cable talk shows are still going to present her as the “voice of the left”?
Chernynkaya : Great idea AL!
ParadisePlacebo74 : icles
zootliberal : AdLib – yes, I tried to deny it, I couldn’t believe it, I am just too naive sometimes, starry eyed fucking liberal that I am.
AdLib : Zoot – I will add you to the GROW email list! We have something kinda big in the works right now and more actions with that same coalition down the line.
PatsyT : wts Cleveland is hanging in there.. I am in So California now.. but have great ties and memories of Cleveland
Plutocrats really : Test
ADONAI : It was always a great site. I loved it. I was really into political discussion and the site was like a godsend. I always preferred arguing with liberals because they are far more open minded. But boy the moderation got heavy around 2008. Especially after the election. And it got worse. And worse. And worse. Silly words that you could no longer use. Posts disappearing for no obvious reason. It just got realboring adn real tedious real fuckign quick
PocketWatch : Oprah… one show about Manolo Blanik shoes and how everyone should get them, the next show about how bad credit card debt is… LOL Oh, yeah! Now THERE’s a role model!
whatsthatsound : Cleveland and Detroit: two cities the last fifty years have not been kind to.
AdLib : KQ – So true! We were writing exposes here at The planet for over a year about her corporate ties and her phony veil of Progressiveness but it was hard for folks to believe she was so opportunistic and dishonest. As you say now, very few true Progs would doubt it now.
BigDogMom : And she needs to get a neck job
BigDogMom : This is not about left or right politics, this is all about her…
ParadisePlacebo74 : BDM – nailed it!
Chernynkaya : Zoot–:mrgreen:
kesmarn : Or the Rupert Murdoch of the MSM, BM?
KQuark : Exactly BDM
zootliberal : AdLib/patsy re; GROW, i am in.
PatsyT : Seriously if you grow up in Cleveland you should get extra something or other shouldn’t you?
BigDogMom : AH wants to be the Oprah of the MSM
Chernynkaya : Al– well that’s the answer. You can’t fight for prog values and be corporate at the same time, it’s obvious. You cannot serve 2 masters.
AdLib : Cher – Excellent! I think I’ll make a GROW posting shortly to invite especially our new members into being part of our action group. FYI folks, GROW co-organized with Common Cause, Courage Campaign, True Majority, MoveOn.org, etc, the Uncloaking the Kochs rally in Palm Springs and it was a huge success. There are several posts here on it you can check out. Everyone at The Planet is welcome to join GROW which is just an informal email list of people who want to do something.
zootliberal : ADONAI – then that’s a badge of honor, seriously
PatsyT : ADONAI go on
kesmarn : Hey, WTS! Cleveland!
whatsthatsound : Woo hoo, Patsy!
PatsyT : ATS I am very Happy to hear that being a Cleveland Gal myself
ADONAI : I was with HP from the first week it opened. I’ve been banned many many times.
zootliberal : Cher, I just wish you wouldn’t hold back.
KQuark : That’s the silver lining in the AOL merger Adlib. They hid their corporate roots before very well but can’t any more.
BigDogMom : kes, she truly believe we all love her, this must be crushing her as she counts her 315 million
PocketWatch : kes… I don’t think she cares. She now has access to millions of AOL subscribers.
PatsyT : Fifth Column !! Perfect!
ParadisePlacebo74 : KQuark – Agreed, post right/left is a bs meme.
whatsthatsound : The Cavs won! The longest losing streak in NBA history is now officially over! It took all the way into overtime to do it, but the Cleveland Cavaliers finally have that monkey off their back!
zootliberal : adlib, nailed it, 2007 for me as well, and for all the same reasons. it was so much better back then
PocketWatch : BDM…. bland news is comfortable and comforting… besides, 90% of all media is in the hands of 5 mega-corps… no raving socialists there!
AdLib : Night Khirad!
Chernynkaya : Yes zoot– the Beyond L & R is such a ploy for Ariana to find her niche . but it’s NOT centrist. She is a fucking fifth column.
kesmarn : Do you think Arianna was blindsided by the mass exodus of quality posters? (BTS
AdLib : Zoot and Cher – I joined HP in 2007, seeking the kind of discussions and camaraderie we’ve got here at The Planet. I don’t know that many other people as into politics as I am, so I checked out the bigger blogs and decided on HP. At that time, it was very much like The Planet is today. Trolls were squashed quickly, there was a cool community, people made friends and all against a truly Progressive backdrop. Oh, and there was no moderation to speak of. Then the hedge funds like Oak Investments bought in, to join the other hedge funds who financed HP and the corporate influence and degradation of the site began.
KQuark : The beyond left right meme assumes the right and left agree on many issues which is totally bogus. You can’t agree on 2% of the issues and claim we are moving beyond right left politics.
BigDogMom : How much more bland vanilla news are the people going to stand for?
PatsyT : Nighty Night Khirad
Chernynkaya : Have you seen HP today? May be three hard news stories on the main. Only a few hundred comments about Egypt. ALL RW comments. No replies to comments. Plus, for weeks they haven’t put up many new stories. I had to see it for myself– it really seems like a different place. And yes– more RW bloggers already.
PatsyT : AdLib Zoot would like the GROW thingy OK I am not being dirty
ParadisePlacebo74 : Night, Kirad
zootliberal : Nite Khirad – power to the people bro!
BigDogMom : Nite Khirad
zootliberal : Patsy, i hear you – I am ready and willing.
PocketWatch : PP74… I *** thought *** something tasted funny!
kesmarn : Night, Khirad! Enjoy the meal. And thanks for the last word. We needed directions on your second sentence.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Adlib – Where else do we concentrate boots on the ground?
KQuark : Night K it’s a great day!!!
PatsyT : AdLib and Zoot … This is not out of reach… JUST look at what these Egyptians just did.
PocketWatch : KQ, that doubles the clicks, y’know… if you have no r/l, you get both sides and lots of growling across the divide.
zootliberal : KQ is right, the whole beyond left and right is bogus, we are not beyond left and right, we are smack dab in the middle of it
Khirad : Nite all, back to the kitchen for me. Oh, and fuck all those Islamophobic, racist, democracy-hating Republicans. And make sure it’s where it hurts. Assholes.
BigDogMom : Hey Adlib, forgot to tell you guys, your little foray made our local paper…we had protesters here too!
ParadisePlacebo74 : PW – Those aren’t raisins!!
KQuark : Watch for many more columns written by right wingers also Adlib. That’s the whole purpose she pursued this no right left meme.
AdLib : Patsy – I am so with you. We can do this! Look what we did with so little time against the Kochs in Palm Springs. Progs and all kinds of decent people are out there to take action. We just have to convince them that it’s better to do so now while they have some comfort than wait until they’re desperate.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Mahalo, Funk
BigDogMom : Chern, if the change hasn’t happened yet, I don’t think it will, unless they slowly move the progs out, then they will have no viewership
PocketWatch : In a business sense, the HP/AOL merger makes sense. Gives AOL some cache in the “news” arena, and gives HP some entre into the mindless masses of the USA Today crowd. Nothing too heavy, no raisins in the oatmeal, looks good, tasts bland.
zootliberal : Cher has a point, it is why we were there in the first place.
AuntieChrist : HuffingtonPost: the NASCAR of political discourse.
zootliberal : Patsy – I am ready, let’s do it
BigDogMom : PP – No need to think, easier that way
AdLib : Night Funk!
Chernynkaya : See ya Funk.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Mr Funksands
AuntieChrist : nite Funk
AdLib : KW – The Walmart description of HP seems right on the money. It will become a generic site for all those RW loons already on AOL and with moderation permanently on high alert, the level of discourse will be so smothered, it will be a place to watch mudfights only. How could any decent conversation take place with trolls all over throwing poo?
Chernynkaya : What I don’t see is an outcry the way there was when Comcast took over NBC. This is potentially just as great a loss of a voice on the Left. I mean, forget that it wasn;t REALLY a prog site– it wasn’t an outright Rightie site. Now we have lost the potential voice for the Left.
KQuark : gn funk
PatsyT : OK what are we up against… a few decades of think tanks … billions of dollars… Hey what were the Egyptian people up against? So much Worse!! We can Do This !
BigDogMom : Nite Funk
kesmarn : ‘Night, funksands!
BigDogMom : KQ – definately a Sunday political talk show
zootliberal : nighty nite mr. funk!!
ParadisePlacebo74 : BDM – Their machine runs on ignorance, and ignorance is easier than everything else.
AuntieChrist : HP is dead to me. No longer in my bookmarks – though I do have to return to delete my account… wonder if I should make another image in photoshop before I finally depart…
kesmarn : Surely AH will find a way to charge HP users to supply her with material?
zootliberal : BDM – you’re dream is becoming a reality, right here, right now
funksands : I’ve got kids to put to bed and people locked in my basement to feed. Goodnight everyone. It’s been real. But then again, isn’t it always?
PocketWatch : I think HP will be AOL-heavy… or at least be touted that way. Just like CNN is supposed to be so neutral, which it is not. No rocking the corporate boat, seemingly serious, but no real digging.
KQuark : But her ultimate goal will be a TV network and she might get it with AOL now.
zootliberal : patsy, i am ready to revolt
BigDogMom : The Planet and other progressive sites will get stronger, the voices louder…this is my dream
KQuark : Coming soon will be the lockdown of every comment session.
bito : Good one. Patsy!
BigDogMom : Billo is a fucking idiot
funksands : What a douchebag…
zootliberal : HP may thrive but it won’t be the same, and definitely not what I would waste my time reading.
PatsyT : Lets make HP the Mubarak of the internet!
AdLib : Cruise on back if you can ADONAI!
KQuark : Oh HP will thrive like Walmart does. But it’s already starting to be a joke within the progressive movement.
PocketWatch : BDM… our fung fu is strong as well! We must continue to fight!
ADONAI : patsyT: Don’t worry. I shall return. I like the new topic.
funksands : Bill O’Reilly descibing the scene in Cairo as “Delirium”.
BigDogMom : HP will become like AOL, vanilla news that the right will manipulate, Her Highness will walk away
AuntieChrist : Cher, regarding pernicious troll attacks: it’s all that the RW has. Honestly, look at Karl Rove, Frank Lutz, Glenn Beck, Sean Hanitty, etc ad naseum… these people look AND act as if they were born in a Tolkien fantasy somewhere under a mountain… and they would scare anyone who would listen to them to follow them to destruction.
Chernynkaya : AMong real progs, she has lost all cred–but it galls me that she ever had any to begin with.
funksands : She would have to give a shit. Which she doesn’t.
BigDogMom : How do we stop this insanity from the right, their meme machine is so strong
PatsyT : ADONAI by all means come back after that
zootliberal : okay so that explains a few things
PocketWatch : Out Damn-ed typo demon!!!!
KQuark : TC AD
zootliberal : funksands, just saw that – funny
ADONAI : HA! Not yet zoot. Not yet my friend
PatsyT : Cher … I just got that …. LOLOL
BigDogMom : Nite Adonai
kesmarn : Later, Adonai!
PocketWatch : ADONAI…. nothing like a stoned deity! Lobe it!
zootliberal : adonai – what? we weren’t supposed to be stoned?
Chernynkaya : See ya arounf, Adonai.
BigDogMom : KQ, I’m with you on that, I used to post that all the time over yonder…got crickets in response
ParadisePlacebo74 : Mahalo, Sue
kesmarn : b’ito
ADONAI : I think I will take a small break to get stoned. Carry on people. Carry on. I’m gonna go read some posts I haven’t go to yet.
PocketWatch : KQ, that’s becasue they don’t like union dues. Crazy!
zootliberal : night Sue. your’e a good grandma
Chernynkaya : “night, Sue
KQuark : tc gn Sue
kesmarn : Good night, Sue!
bito : k’es, Just getting warmed up? Right! /snark
BigDogMom : Nite Sue, give him a hug for me…
Chernynkaya : FUNK–Oh no you dint!
PatsyT : Nighty night Sue….
AdLib : Night Sue!
funksands : gnight Sue
Chernynkaya : Zoot– hehe!
KQuark : Today every worker lives with the huge benefits unions gave us and you will see these same people decry about their evils.
zootliberal : KQuark is right about GOP nominated Romney, the TPeers will come unhinged – and I will ove watching that
SueInCa : Ok all I cannot keep up and my grandson wants to use the PC so have a good night everyone.
AdLib : PW – That was what allowed Bush to steal the election, the meme that there was really no difference between having Bush or Gore as president. Jesus…can you imagine what world we would be living in today if Gore was President instead of Bush (as he was rightly elected to be)? Damn, he shouldn’t have given up and should have rallied the people.
funksands : Zoot, just switch hands….
ADONAI : I refreshed it.
Chernynkaya : Pw that “no difference” meme is a pernicious troll tactic. IMO.
PatsyT : Take a break zoot if you need … we will still be here
KQuark : Just like people got fooled into thinking unions were bad. unfortunately BDM
kesmarn : Just gettin’ warmed up, zoot!
zootliberal : how long does this last I need sme air
BigDogMom : Adlib-the right is going after all “community organizers”, that’s Fox’s new meme
Chernynkaya : exactly KQ– and untrue.
PocketWatch : AdLib… kewl beans. I am thinking about memes…. like “it makes no difference who you vote for” takinghold.
kesmarn : AdLib, good to hear that about ACORN.
zootliberal : adlib, ACE, this is good news
Chernynkaya : Adonai. Yes. and banal.
funksands : PP74: *ding*
zootliberal : Cher is right, there is an evil undertone to repubs actions, I have no doubt
AdLib : PW – Right you are. Voter suppression is one of their main election tools…along with fraudulent vote counts and using fear. However, some good news, I’ve heard from Choicelady that ACORN has been reformed and strengthening as ACE. It was a travesty how Dems in Congress stabbed them in the back and could have doomed Dem chances by killing their org. Now, I’m feeling a lot better.
Chernynkaya : Adonai– refresh the page.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Here in America, it should be “the lesser of too many evils”.
AuntieChrist : It’s hard to keep up with you quick-fingered peeps. Hi, PatsyT
KQuark : To me that is an intellectually lazy narrative Cher.
ADONAI : The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
zootliberal : kes is right GB and Mubarak have about the same amount of cash
funksands : Manny Mota…Mota…Mo ta…Curse whoever put that movie into my head…
ADONAI : Chernynkaya: Evil can be benign. Passive.
Khirad : Hey bito, did you ever see the #whymubarakislat e hashtag? It was started when his speech was late, and people had the funniest reasons!
KQuark : If the Repub establishment nominates Romney it’s on full scale war in the GOP.
AuntieChrist : Hi, zootliberal. Thanx whatever I can do to offend.
Chernynkaya : I have a problem with the “lesser of 2 evils” expression. One side is evil. The dems are sometimes inept and sometimes just wrong and always frustrating. but THE RIGHT IS REAL EVIL.
kesmarn : Khirad, Beck is racist. But also the sight of millions of angry people separating a crazy man from his money and power frightens him. Wonder why?
PatsyT : Hey Auntie!
ADONAI : Did anyone else just go back in time?
BigDogMom : I bet they come up with a “Tea Party” party
PocketWatch : AdLib, it’s all about fringe numbers… a few % points here and there with the right message… it’s the reality of our elections. The right does everything to sduppress voting, knowing that if the left comes out in numbers, it’a lla over.
AdLib : Funk – I think, for some swing voters, that coulf be a winner of a campaign motto!
zootliberal : Khirad, i would pay BIG money to you do that.
KQuark : I love reading the titles of the seminars they give at CPAC if voters especially older voters ever read what Republicans were all about they would never vote for them.
AuntieChrist : Why are the the people who most often talk about church SO for having someone like a ruthless Pharaoh in charge of Egypt? Fond and fuzzy memories from Sunday school?
SueInCa : Actually CPAC had some drama this year, Cheney ad Rummy booed and Donald the Pimp telling off the Ron Paul supporters.
AdLib : Kes – That’s the kind of thing I’m talking about. Repubs always overreach. Remember Bush thinking, “I’ve got political capital and I’m gonna use it. Heh-heh-heh!”
PatsyT : I get majorly pissed off whenon any of the news outlet … they call her Governor Palin .. Can We all just calll her QUITER PALIN ?
zootliberal : what adlib said.
funksands : Obama 2012! The “BETTER EVIL” LOL
ParadisePlacebo74 : I’ll bet a nickel that bat-shit-Bachman will run as an Indie if she doesn’t get on the ticket.
Khirad : Hey all, still kinda operating on Cairo time and fixin’ some Persian stew right now. Just thought I’d take this little break to stop in and say hi. Oh, and Glenn Beck’s just racist. That’s how I explain his visceral hatred and smearing towards the Egyptian PEOPLE. There’s NO other explanation for that amount of outrage. I want to PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE.
AdLib : I just don’t agree with “common wisdom” very often. Barack Obama getting elected wasn’t common wisdom. I don’t think it will be all about the economy in 2012. They will have 2 years to remind them of how miserable the Repubs are and how little they accomplish for the people, I think that will trump the economy. Even if for some, it is the better of two evils.
kesmarn : Hey, AuntieChrist!
zootliberal : funksands – on the floor here
zootliberal : Hi AC, did I tell you how much I love your user name? well I do.
KQuark : funk that’s why the GOP uses code words you’re right.
funksands : Does anyone here like movies about gladiators?
bito : #Egypt was basically ignored at CPAC.
kesmarn : AdLib, Repub Ohio governor is going after teachers, police, fire and government workers unions — to bust ’em. That’s gonna cost him a lot of votes.
Chernynkaya : KQ– that says it all when CPAC too moderate.
BigDogMom : Hey AuntieChrist, I was being nice…how’s she’s a fucking idiot, does that work?
AuntieChrist : Hey Adlib! Everyone.
PatsyT : BDM so he is not the stud we all imagine
KQuark : That’s what I mean CPAC is somewhat establishment.
AdLib : Hey! Khirad! And AC! Great to see ya!
BigDogMom : Patsy-that’s all he can handle, what with tanning and all
funksands : Independents react very poorly to fringe culture war issues.
AuntieChrist : SP is an idiot? …that *has* to qualify as the understatement of the ages.
zootliberal : Poutraged, just got it, then i am slow – best new word.
ADONAI : KQuark: Is it that or did CPAC not want Palin there?
Chernynkaya : Zoot–:lol:
PatsyT : He only has two?
AdLib : The Repubs are fumbling around now. On Egypt, in control in The House and when the public sees the list of cuts they’re going to make to satisfy the baggers, I think that will be a counterbalance to wanting them in power even if the economy is still sluggish.
PatsyT : LOL Zoot and ADONAI
KQuark : In some ways CPAC is getting too moderate for teabaggers.
BigDogMom : Hey, did anyone here that the National Equirer is looking into Orangemans two girlfriends?
bito : Large H/T to Khirad:!:
kesmarn : Cher, C very similar histrionic nutty personality.
ADONAI : zootliberal: I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.
zootliberal : Khirad – howdy hi!
BigDogMom : Zoot, with you on that
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad!
zootliberal : I think 2 mor years of gridlock will be their undoing.
BigDogMom : Khirad!!
PocketWatch : AdLib… maybe. But we have been conditioned to boom times. Anything less may be unacceptable.
Chernynkaya : Kes–I was thinking of Father C.
PatsyT : Hey Khirad!
BigDogMom : SP is an idiot
KQuark : I think if they push here the wrong way it could be a possibility but if they pay her off somehow no.
Khirad : Poutraged: loves it!
bito : SP, didn’t even show up a C-PAC!
ADONAI : I need to work more on my their/they’re
BigDogMom : PP they are looking for jobs, economy and working together, not social issues, when they see that nothing gets done, that will swing them back to the Dems
AdLib : PW – The majority of them are more optimistic now, unemployment is down, job growth every month but still slow and lagging. That could make the economy less of a force in 2012.
zootliberal : Picked a wrong night to give up adderal.
Chernynkaya : I never underestimate the stupidity of the voters, but I think the Tbaggers are dying out–last gasp. I think sanity will return mostly in 2012. but we can’t be complacent. we need to FIGHT! AND we need to stop alienating the real Dem base–and by that I don;t mean the poutraged Left. They are already too alienated.
kesmarn : KQ, do you think Palin might run Tea-bag 3rd party?
zootliberal : AdLib – I need something stronger than that.
ADONAI : They want to run Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin. Fantastic! They’re Party is being run by zealots like Beck and Coulter. Their taking a look at Newt Gingrich for Christ’s sake! Obama should not be worried.
kesmarn : PP, totally agree with your take on swing voters.
zootliberal : I predict their choice for pres in 2012 will doom the victories elsewhere as the dems will come back out and vote .
PocketWatch : Not sure about the new subject… I think swing voters are goingto be all about the economy, and none of that impacts the economy. These guys were voted in on jobs, and have made the typical right turn to God/.Guns?gays wedge agenda for their base.
KQuark : Ironically Dems are use to disorganization and rebound but we could end up with a third party teabagger running for office
AdLib : Zoot – The first time on Vox for some of us was like drinking a Big Gulp of Red Bull.
ParadisePlacebo74 : “Swing” voters (a.k.a. “can’t be bothered to pay attention” voters) wouldn’t know a special rule if punched them in the face, much less understand it.
SueInCa : They just keep shooting themselvess in the foot.
PatsyT : ADONAI … they have been busy
kesmarn : Cher, Coughlin in the 30’s used a relatively new medium — radio — to hate-monger. It eventually blew up in his face.
BigDogMom : Excuse my typing please
KQuark : It really depends on how much Repubs are split during the nomination process.
zootliberal : I think the repubs are imploding and and walking into a disaster in 2012 (but then i thought Bush had no chance in 2004)
BigDogMom : Adlib, I think the middle is watching the Repubs closely, they liked what happened in the lame duck session, that’s waht they want, action, dealing with the problems
ADONAI : Honestly, I think that Republicans make Obama’s job in 2012 easier every single week.
zootliberal : can’t we talk about our favorite movies, my head is spinning.. jk
ADONAI : As though the Saudi Royals would give up there power
Chernynkaya : Beck is part of a long line of assholes who try to subvert all we hold dear. They’ve always been around, but NEVER with 24/7 cable and internet and such reach. THAT’s the problem.
ADONAI : I don’t think Beck realizes what a Caliphate is. I don’t see democracy spreading across the ME anytime soon but certainly not a Caliphate either.
SueInCa : KQurk they also say that Hitlers movement was a gay movement.
kesmarn :
BDM, I almost felt like half of “Jes”us there for a minute!
BigDogMom : KQ, yes, I know
PocketWatch : How is Hitler a Socialist? Just ‘cuz his party was named that doesn’t make it so… he was a Fascist fer Allah’s sake!
KQuark : Yeah BDM one of the biggest lies on the right is that Hitler and Stalin were both leftist.
zootliberal : Has Beck ever made a true statement or valid observation?
funksands : What I like about Glenn is how he decries Community Organizing, while being a member of a religion that is nothing BUT community organizing. Hell, the LDS even have welfare!!!
BigDogMom : Oops that would be “kes”
ADONAI : zoot: Amen brother. The sound of his voice drives me up the goddamn wall.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Beck is just plain dangerous — regardless of his sanity.
Chernynkaya : KK take care–get rest!
zootliberal : bye kk
BigDogMom : Jes-all three on the verge of a collaps
BigDogMom : Tonight he said that Russia/Commie and Hitler/Sociolist were in cahoots together, he failed to read the part about how much Hitler hated the commies, more than the Jews and broke the pact/invaded them
ADONAI : peace KK. My best to your wife. Remind her that the worst is over
kesmarn : Good night, KK. Hope she feels all better soon. Get some rest.
zootliberal : ADONAI – I agree GB is worse than Limpaw, and that’s saying something. I literally cannot watch more than 5 sec of that vile man.
PatsyT : KK all the best to you and speedy recovery to your wife
kesmarn : It hard to figure out if he’s a snake oil salesman, psychotic or both — Beck, that is.
zootliberal : Cher – just read your elections bitt – brilliant
KarateKid : I’ve been up since 5am. It’s been a looong day, so I must call it a night. Good night, my good friends. See you tomorrow in between taking care of my wife.
ADONAI : I hate Glenn Beck so much. He’s like every other crackpot conspiracy theorist we end to shun yet he has his own TV show. Never asked to prove his assertions. As though he could.
PatsyT : Jesus wore it best!
funksands : Maybe if we export some change we can shrink our trade deficit.
BigDogMom : Ah yes, the one world take over….that commie/socialist /brotherhood of Islam thing
ParadisePlacebo74 : Chernynkaya – Nailed it! We should have our elections on October 31st…
AdLib : Patsy –
I actually just saw it again this week!
jdmn17 : tion
BigDogMom : PW-they have that new thing that shines your head, just for 19.95, you get two if you just call now
kesmarn : funksands
AdLib : That was Beck’s rant in that video, about Obama exporting change to make the world into a One World, WW III future.
PocketWatch : Chern… AMEN!
kesmarn : AdLib, I’m confident we’ll beat Namibia on the GINI any day now.
zootliberal : brb
Chernynkaya : I want to scream at the Repubs; Yeah, in a democracy they might elect Hamas, or Hitler. Hell, here voters elected YOU! Don’t have to tell me the dangers of free elections!
PatsyT : I just have too «link»
funksands : And change means scary brown people stealing your stuff and leering at your daughters….
PocketWatch : BDM, I’m BALD! What di I get? Waaaaah!
ADONAI : Indeed Pocket. Indeed. We should have told people that we’re the ones who put the “mean ol’ Taliban” in Afghanistan to begin with.
SueInCa : PW – Perhaps oil is not the best thing that ever happened to the ME?
AdLib : Bito – So maybe in ten years or so, when we’re in the Top Ten on that list, we can protest to have a democracy in the U.S.?
BigDogMom : Funk-the right fears change, because change means the unknown….
funksands : You should have seen Dacca Bangledesh before the British got ahold of it.
PocketWatch : AdLib, I know… they are searching for somthing that sticks, once again. Sheesh!
kesmarn : At least The Donald admitted that Dubya was one of the worst in history. Small consolation.
PocketWatch : ADONAI, I saw a documentary on somthing called Afghan Star, the equivalent of American Idol. Pre-Soviet Afghanistan looked like England… mini skirts, discos, blue jeans… that country got totally hosed over the last 30 years.
funksands : Democracy is messy. That’s most GOP’ers have secret nation-crush on China.
ADONAI : KQuark: I agree. A clear ideological split there among Republicans.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Mubarak could be International Douchebag of the Year – He win’s the douchebag World Cup.
zootliberal : bito – wow US is 42 with a bullet
kesmarn : b’ito, thanks for posting the GINI. We’re #42!! Whoo-hoo!
AdLib : PW – But they have competing memes, one is that Iraq and Afghanistan, neither of which have real democracies, “inspired all of this. The other is that the New World Order is behind all of this to take over or that the Muslim Brotherhood will now be put in power and it’s all Obama’s fault. They don’t know what to do, the dictator-loving freaks.
PatsyT : BDM he fears regulation on his HAIR!
KQuark : I think it more showed the chasm in their party between the establishment republicans, neocons and total nihilists.
SueInCa : zoot – I know they are useless
BigDogMom : Mr. “Look at my hair” was just about booed off the stage…he want, OMG, regulations!
KarateKid : Rosie O’Donnell’s mocking of Trump by shifting her hair is priceless.
jdmn17 : If the Donald runs ot
KQuark : I hate to stick up for Republicans here but a good portion of them did want Mubarak out including McCain of all people.
ParadisePlacebo74 : Adonai – You’re right, Afganistan is the poster child for the failure of military intervention.
funksands : PW, you described it perfectly
SueInCa : BDM Donald the Pimp? Yeah I heard it, it was funny
bito : «link»
zootliberal : sueinca – they prefer bills
ADONAI : ADLIB: I’d love for them to just admit that. To say that is easier dealing with tyrants
kesmarn : BDM, apparently “The Donald” is planning a run for Prez himself.
Chernynkaya : KQ I think they are really splitting. and I would point out to my Left compatriots– see what happens when you get ideological purity, and how that translates into an emotionally satisfying but electorally disastrous situation.
AdLib : BDM – The Donald thinks he could be elected. Yeah, “Douche of the Year” maybe.
BigDogMom : Ad-I think the right wants a dictator here
bito : Gini coefficient by country
PocketWatch : AdLib, the meme is that this democracy thingy is the result of Bush spreading democracy in the ME…. what a crock of steaming crap!
PatsyT : BDM his hair has gotten to his head
KarateKid : Is this the popping sound I hear?
SueInCa : Adlib – the right does not accept any change easily.
funksands : The GOP is deathly afraid of imaginary things or things that might happen. They are curiously UNafraid of real things or events.
AdLib : KK – Glad to hear she’s ok.
zootliberal : BDM – you’re right I heard France fell to the caliphate tonight, tomorrow the UK
BigDogMom : Did anyone see “The Donald” tell the audiance at CPac that Ron Paul can not be elected…
kesmarn : Hopefully she has scripts for good drugs, KK.
SueInCa : Glad to hear it KK
AdLib : Hey KK! Great to see ya!
ADONAI : Good to hear KK. Hope the recovery is a quick one.
KarateKid : Thanks to all of you who helped out last night
PatsyT : Good to hear KK
AdLib : What about Republicans who supported Bush going to war in Iraq to unsuccessfully bomb them into democracy, now terribly afraid of Egypt and the ME peacefully taking democracy. All the suspicion and demagoguery , (the evil Muslim Brotherhood will take over!), at what point do they just come out and say they prefer dictators in the Presidency and ones installed by the US in other countries?
KarateKid : I just brought her home. She’s in pain but seemingly ok. thanks for asking
ParadisePlacebo74 : certainly doesn’t hurt the situation.
BigDogMom : Well according to Gleen, we are all going to be reciting the Quran
ADONAI : What about Afghanistan? Afghanistan was a free republic before Russia invaded. A democratically elected leader. Full rights for women and minorities.
SueInCa : KK how did the wife do?
zootliberal : PW, I hear you, there may be a few steps between dictator and democracy
KarateKid : Oh. lol
KQuark : Cher at least the right are eating their own now which will lead a bigger disaster within their party.
kesmarn : KK –So sorry,O/T, but how is your wife doing?
BigDogMom : Hey kk, long time no see
ParadisePlacebo74 : Funksands – I don’t think Turkey is considered Arab, but it certainly doesn
kesmarn : KK You iz heer!
zootliberal : funny KK
bito : Ms. k’es, it is pretty bloody close (our Gini)
PatsyT : Hey KK you are here
zootliberal : patsy, i’ll give it away
kesmarn : The Mercy wild wimmen just sprung me from the meeting. Beer tonight, too.
KarateKid : How does one get to Vox Populi?
PatsyT : AdLib We need the Bloom Box !!
BigDogMom : Cher-they are twisting into pretzels on how to spin this
SueInCa : Hey Kes
Chernynkaya : KES! Hooray!
funksands : A better example is Iran, which had a secular democracy in the 50’s before Churchill got pissy about nationalizing BP and asked us to overthrow them.
PocketWatch : My point is that we in America may not call whatever comes out as a PURE democracy, but it may work for them,.
zootliberal : hi kes
ADONAI : Hooray!!!
DawgBone : Evening, kesmarn
PatsyT : Hey Kes!
AdLib : Hey Kes, when did you sneak in???
BigDogMom : Hey kes!
ADONAI : ADLIB: I agree with you. Comfort and satisfaction. Comfort breeds complacency. Satisfaction is the death of desire.
funksands : Democracy CAN spread in the ME. Look at Turkey (sort of).
Chernynkaya : KQ it was a disgrace. The Right has gone completely off the cliff, and I can only pray that Americans find them ultimately as repugnant and radical as any wahabi.
kesmarn : Oh, and Hello, everyone!
zootliberal : ablib, good point nothing like going cold turkey to make us hurry with alternate sources
KQuark : I agree PW. It’s much more an organic movement in that way when it happens.
kesmarn : b’ito, I believe our GINI co-efficient is already worse than Egypt’s.
AdLib : ADONAI – Try not to use characters other than letters.
funksands : 90% of the money used to build radical madrassa around the world comes from kuwait and SA
BigDogMom : Ad-I think we need to fall in order to get up and away from oil
DawgBone : Good point, AdLib
ADONAI : A posting irregularity.
PatsyT : Zoot you could sell that
bito : will the gini coefficient in the US become the same as it is in Egypt before we realize about our own 98%/2% split?
AdLib : Funk and Zoot – Indeed, a revolution in SA could be a disaster in the short term…but without the suffering that would cause here, would we ever rush to get on green energy? Maybe we need our oil taken away to push us into moving away from it.
KQuark : Cher it was great watching the right twist into a pretzel on this issue.
PocketWatch : No doubt, KQ. Just saying that injecting it by force or even through teams of jusrists do not make the populace understand what democracy really is or how it functions. Foreign concepts to many…
BigDogMom : Wahabism is the most brutal of them all
funksands : The Wahabbis LET the Sauds run the country, keep the oil flowing. In return, the Sauds turn a blind eye to their spreading radicalism around the world.
SueInCa : And the Saudi king is worried, he called Mubarak last night
zootliberal : cool, I just figured out how to make my cha window longer
ADONAI : ADLIB -+— Exactly. Comfort breeds complacency. Satisfaction is the death of desire.
jdmn17 : Is wahi strong because of Mecca?
Chernynkaya : Wahabism is THE worst of Islam.
zootliberal : funksands has a point, an overthrow in SA could mean big trouble
funksands : Oddly enough, the biggest danger many of the Gulf emerites face is from the gigantic immigrant labor pool they’ve imported.
BigDogMom : Economic will outway ideology…
PatsyT : Here here Cher !!!
AdLib : ADONAI – It’s been my opinion for some time that people in general, especially Americans, won’t stand up and fight for their rights until they are suffering intensely. People are too comfortable to have even protested when the economy crashed and so many lost their homes and jobs. Where were the protests of those millions?
KQuark : I still think outside effects have something to do with countries adopting democracy PW. No doubt the French Revolution was influenced by the American Revolution even though most of the ideals of the French Revolution were created internally.
ADONAI : Frustrating as Hell, Pocket.But we;re dealing with a country full of people living off a legacy they didn’t have anything to do with.It’s hard to move the complacent. The “trust fund” babies among us.
ParadisePlacebo74 : I think Gaddafi will be next, but that raises the question of how hard the British government will fight for him to keep from being humiliated.
BigDogMom : A the Wahhabis that strong funk?
zootliberal : AdLib – I though it more ideological than economic for al quaeda –
Chernynkaya : I find it facinating that the right is so anti-democracy in Egypt. I think some smart pol should make hay of that, and point out that they also hate democracy HERE.
BigDogMom : All these countries have very high un-employment, views are oppressed, religion isn’t cutting it for the young anymore
funksands : If there is a revolt in Saudi Arabia, it will be the Wahhabis overthrowing the Sauds and installing something truly monstrous.
PocketWatch : ADONAI, you are probably right, but the waste and bad stuff in the meantime is frustrating!
zootliberal : but when you shut off the interent you also harm business transactions, which is why egypt turned it on again so soon
jdmn17 : We have such a distorted image of SA
KillgoreTrout : Was thrilled to see that Mubarak actually stepped down. Not as thrilled as the Egyptian people, I imagine.
AdLib : Zoot – There is a lot of poverty and oppression in Saudi, look at where the 9/11 bombers came from.
BigDogMom : bit, I’m with you, this is waking a lot of people up
DawgBone : Cher, that’s interesting. The internet is definitely the enemy of totalitarianism.
funksands : Yemen is a possibility.
ADONAI : 3.America will be fine. We’ll reach the brink like we always do, then pull ourselves back.
PocketWatch : Patsy, not giving up, just saying it’s a fight.
bito : Maybe not “democracy as we know it” but I am hopeful that human rights will become rampant.
zootliberal : They don’t have the same economic problems in Saudi, so that one will be awhile in the making still
AdLib : funk – good point. In more diverse countries, like Iraq, it would be hard to see a functional democracy happening in the same way.
Chernynkaya : I heard Iran closed off internet access today.
SueInCa : Zoot Jordan or Yemin
BigDogMom : Adlib-they will try, but I don’t think it will happen, they see it has worked with just the people
funksands : We will only revolt against the plutocracy once everything is irretreivably broken. Which it is not.
jdmn17 : Yemen?
PocketWatch : As for democracy spreading, there is no historical and societal model. It needs to come from witin, not grafted on, or it doesn’t work.
zootliberal : Jordan prob next
PatsyT : PW I hear that but we should not give up
SueInCa : HS Adlib – ok first question I think it is making alot of kings a little antsy. There was call from Saudi King to Mubarak last night telling him to stick to his guns…..SA king would support him
DawgBone : The question is how do we wake up our fellow Americans.
KQuark : Where’s Kihrad so will will know where next?
AdLib : Will the corporate powers that be try to head this off however they can? Maybe through the G-40?
funksands : No. It may spread to a few other countries, but will stall at some point. One the reasons Egypt went so “smoothly” is that 99% of the population was of one homongenous race and religion.
zootliberal : the genie is out of the bottle
ADONAI : 2.In 5 years I think the ME will be about where it is now. Under out thumb.
jdmn17 : we order Clark bars and chocolate necco’s from VT country store
Chernynkaya : I think the democracy movement is a natural evolution in the ME and will start to gain speed. Then, I hope Africa. It seems so passe–tyrants. However, plutocracy definitley seems to be the next iteration of tyranny.
BigDogMom : Damn that Twitter
zootliberal : already the regimes in the ME are making changes tow ard it off, but it’s too late…
ADONAI : 1.No I don’t believe democracy will continue to spread.
PocketWatch : I don’t think Americans are inspired by anything other than America and American Idol. Sorry, but I have a very dim view of the average American these days. Too busy working and worrying.
AdLib : KQ – That is sure what it is seeming like, as was written at The Planet, it’s like the Iron Curtain crumbling.
DawgBone : AdLib, I’m thinking it might spread. I think there is change in the air.
BigDogMom : Adlib-yes, much to the chagrin of the right, those darn kids
zootliberal : The rev will spread, there’s no doubt.
BigDogMom : Chocolate’s the best
KQuark : I think it’s the only true domino principle in any region and will spread like it did in Eastern Europe
AdLib : Will the revolution spread and will the ME be reshaped into a democratic region?
zootliberal : cher, ah necco wafers, that takes me back.
DawgBone : Evening, PW1
PatsyT : JINX
BigDogMom : Char-I buy Necco’s at Rite Aide, right next to the check out
ADONAI : Where to begin
funksands : That’s ONE Topic? Holy shit.
PatsyT : HEY PW
AdLib : Hey PW!
BigDogMom : Hubby watched Glenn tonight just to see what he would say on Egypt, we are doomed, thought I let y’all know
ADONAI : Hey PocketWatch!
Chernynkaya : Zoot–they have Necco wafers still.
zootliberal : PW!!
ADONAI : funksands: With a little hutzvah maybe?
funksands : BDM really? It’s that easy? Thank you. Got one of those a couple blocks away…
PocketWatch : Hey all!
BigDogMom : Funk, you go to a kosher deili…
zootliberal : They stopped making them simply because the machine that packaged them broke, and they couldn’t get spare parts!
BigDogMom : Not used to typing this fast again
funksands : WTF? How do I find “kosher” valentines candy this weekend?
ADONAI : zoot: Never had that one. My favorite as a kid was WHATCHAMACALLIT
KQuark : use to be Hewlett Packerd or something
funksands : My son came home with a note from his teacher about their valentines candy on Monday. “Please make sure that they are nut free (okay) and kosher.”
PatsyT : Nancy commie? I knew it !!
BigDogMom : Oops *whats*
bito : Khirad, if you’re looking in, everything must be cool in #Egypt, “Lockup-Raw” is on MSNBC!
zootliberal : AdLib, that’s funny I guess we were a little too naive to think of that
SueInCa : Zoot we got them at the movies, now I remember
BigDogMom : KQ-Waht’s HP?
Chernynkaya : It’s called Galco’s
ParadisePlacebo74 : I think Nancy Reagan always wore red cause she was a secret Commie!! (and I’m not real smart.)
zootliberal : Flicks: a round chocolate candy tha came in foil wrapped tube.
AdLib : Zoot – Yes, as kids we used to scratch the label between the “L” and “I” to make it “Fucks”.
KQuark : Good to see the news in Egypt squash most of the CPAC coverage save if you are tuning into HP
DawgBone : Reagan was dead even before he was dead
PatsyT : I believe I believe
funksands : I do confess a serious weakness for Mike and Ikes
BigDogMom : funk, I like your thinking…they think he will rise again as the second coming
zootliberal : ADLIB, please write that article, good topic
ADONAI : zootliberal: What’s a flicks?
funksands : Reagan is only dead for those that don’t believe…..
KQuark : yeah Adlib Boehner’s been lucky in that regard
DawgBone : funk, Ha!
zootliberal : speaking of candy of the past, has anybody had flicks?
ADONAI : Those crazy Egyptians and their twitters
Chernynkaya : Zoot- in Highland Park– I’ll look it up.
PatsyT : funksands I will check it out
funksands : Dawg, do you want the PG or (Whoa!) version?
AdLib : Funk – I thought Reagan was dead?
BigDogMom : We order old time penny candy online, not bad, but not a penny anymore
zootliberal : but it’s hard to be greeen
AdLib : KQ – I was going to write an article about the Repubs messing up and being undermined in The House but those damn Egyptians had their revolution without even giving me a tweet!
ADONAI : PatsyT: Guy was just too arrogant forme.
ADONAI : PatsyT:
zootliberal : thanks BDM, I try
funksands : Anybody watch the Reagan doc on HBO? I did last night. Very interesting.
DawgBone : funk, you can describe it to us …
SueInCa : BDM i know and Willie Mac is not happy
ADONAI : Chernynkaya: I WISH I had a place like that here. Candy just sucks now a days.
BigDogMom : Zoot you look as handsom as ever
funksands : My av must be to risque for the server….
zootliberal : where is that Cher? (old candy)
PatsyT : ADNONAI I hear that loud and clear !!
KQuark : BTW anyone notice this week Boehner’s had more falures with his GOP House than the prez has in two years.
AdLib : Sorry Sue, I don’t know. Same thing happens with Bito. I will contact the programmer who is a very nice guy (in France) to ask how we could fix the AV thing.
zootliberal : testing avatar
BigDogMom : Sue you’ve changed
Chernynkaya : Adonai and AL– We go to a place in the LA area where we buy old time candy bars and soda pop.
ADONAI : Don’t worry. I quit watching Maher a LONG time ago.Never regretted it.
SueInCa : What happened to my avatar? Stretch is not liking this
funksands : I KNEW it!!!
PatsyT : No Problem no spoilers here
BigDogMom : I wish billy would
AdLib : Funksands! A winner! Here’s your cigar!
PatsyT : and yes Paradise she said testicles
funksands : Please no Maher spoilers, I’m not watching it for a couple more hours.
zootliberal : i wonder if bill has the guts to rack her over the coals
BigDogMom : Had to reboot, clear my cache, turn around twice this time to get on
ADONAI : AdLib-+- I agree. There is no love in them anymore. no effort.
bito : Hey BDM!
AdLib : PP74 – That took balls!
ADONAI : Hello BigDogMom!
PatsyT : Sorry for this but EWWW AH is on Bill Mahar my hubby has it on downstairs !!! UGGG
AdLib : Hey BDM!
funksands : I’m for taking prop bets on AdLib’s first subject of the night. I predict something about Bulgaria….
Chernynkaya : Hey, BDM!
ParadisePlacebo74 : Testicles…
AdLib : ADONAI – Candy bars are so cheap tasting today. When they turned the half peanuts into crushed peanuts in Mr. Goodbar, they lost a longtime customer.
zootliberal : of course you are Cher!
PatsyT : Ralph kicked total butt in Egypt!
BigDogMom : Hi y’all
KQuark : I’ll take a Harvey Wallbanger Adlib.
zootliberal : me too dawg, though it takes energy to stay with it.
ADONAI : I get night terrors. Lot’s of whimpering and hand waving.
Chernynkaya : Zoot== I am a lucid dreamer.
PatsyT : ADONAI I am with you on the candy bar thing
funksands : Last time I had a good candy bar was when I was eight.
jdmn17 : I’m having a blast here
DawgBone : I lucid dream, Zoot.
bito : Oh, Ms, Patsy, everything all right with Ralph in Egypt?
PocketWatch : Testing… 1…2…3 Um, are there cookies?
zootliberal : that said, are there any lucid dreamers here?
jdmn17 : O
AdLib : FYI – We usually wait a little while to let everyone wander into the bar. When it’s time to start our topic, I’ll type IN ALL CAPS.
ADONAI : Personally I’d be fine if they outlawed candy bars. When was the last time you had a good candy bar?
zootliberal : fly jdmn17, fly
PatsyT : Let us know how that dream goes jdmn
jdmn17 : triple choc cake with fudge revel?
zootliberal : it’s a friggin lucid dream then!
DawgBone : Evening, God. Glad you could make it.
AdLib : Hay ADONAI!
Chernynkaya : jdmn17 we may be in the saem dream!
AdLib : jdmn – You’re dreaming. You can eat anything you want right now, scre calories its only a dream.
ADONAI : Hello.
zootliberal : dreaming js, goback to sleep
PatsyT : Hi Bito I am just giving AdLib the business
AdLib : Hey Zoot! Howdy Sue! KQuark, great to see ya!
jdmn17 : am i here or just dreaming?
zootliberal : so are we going to dance or something, what happens here? (and does it stay here?)
bito : No this is not new, dawg, we have been doing this every friday for quite some time. Welcome.
DawgBone : This joint is rocking!
funksands : I think we should call it “Cage Rage”. Takers?
PatsyT : Hi Cher Hi Sue Hey Dawg Hey AdLib- slacker
funksands : Greetings Patsy
zootliberal : dawg, funksands, cher, patsyt whoa
AdLib : Funksands – We do this every Friday night at 7 PM PST, another Planet special feature. We just take it down during the week then put it up.
Chernynkaya : Zoot–you’re here.
PatsyT : Hi Zoot and funksands Hi KQ nice to see that avi!
SueInCa : Hey Dawg
funksands : Zooooot
KQuark : Hey Dudes and Dudettes.
Chernynkaya : Funk– it’s every Friday.
zootliberal : Im in, I think
DawgBone : Evening, Sue
AdLib : FYI, I have slowed down the time for posting to take it easy on the server tonight, not knowing how things will go, may actually be a good thing with more comments to read!
SueInCa : Welcome everyone
bito : Hello, Cher!
DawgBone : Hi Cher!
funksands : Hi! Is this a new feature?
SueInCa : Hey everyone.
Chernynkaya : Hi Dawg!
AdLib : Welcome funksands! And welcome DawgBone!
PatsyT : Kalima farewell for now…
AdLib : Thanks bito! What he said, please say hi when you arrive!
DawgBone : Evening folks!
Chernynkaya : Am I here?
funksands : Boing!!
Kalima : Bito, I’m off to eat, then clean. Take care.
AdLib : Howdy Cher!
bito : Please remember to say hello when you join in the conversation.
Chernynkaya : Howdy!
Kalima : Hi Patsy, and goodbye Patsy, have to go.
bito : Ah, you have to have your miso. We need to keep you healthy, we need you!
AdLib : Yep, just been washing my socks all week. Damn, they get dirty!
PatsyT : Dull week hun ??
AdLib : Vox Populi is now open! If you are on a page with VP, click the link again to that page and the text entry box will appear!
Kalima : Ok, but I haven’t had breakfast yet.
bito : Lunch time, Kalima, I’ll take a BLT and some tomato soup, just a cup will do.
Kalima : That was the idea bito.
bito : Oh cool, I can say Hello to everyone, both old and new!
Kalima : Thanks! See you later then. Ja ne.
AdLib : Thanks Kalima! FYI, if you’re wondering folks, only Admin can use Vox Populi until 7:00 pm when we begin. Almost time!
Kalima : Have a great time tonight everyone, I’ll be off soon. See you alter or in your morning. AdLib, all the best.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live weekly chat about the week’s events begins right here at 7:00 pm PST. You can participate in the sidebar widget or go to the full Vox Populi page by clicking here: «link» Until the chat opens at 7:00 pm, you will see the message below “You must be logged in to particpate”, that just means it’s not 7pm PST yet…or it’s past 7 and you’re not logged in! We expect to have a number of new members joining us so just a few pointers. As the moderator of the discussion, I will present discussion topics IN ALL CAPS. This isn’t yelling, it’s just to differentiate. Please try to stay on topic and change topics when a new one is presented, otherwise it can be quite hard to follow any conversation. Also, keep in mind that people are typing fast and in real time so please don’t jump to conclusions about other members comments. You will need to refresh your screen after 7:00 to see the text entry box so please don’t forget to refresh. Hope to see you then!
Vox Populi – 2-11-2011
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