Kalima : SP’s, where did that big “S” come from?
Kalima : Ok, one for the road then. Have to rush, I’ve borrowed SP’S broom.
bito : Just one more, make it a double.
Kalima : Look guys, I hate to mention this, but I’m here to sweep up. If you could all just lift up your feet, I can get my job done. The bar is closed btw.
AdLib : They live in their little bubbles and look down on the people as ants, mindless ants. Time they got an education.
bito : Like you said, AdLib, it’s a slippery slope and they just greased the slide.
AdLib : I have a feeling that this will snowball…and it sure as hell should, right over Comcast and MSNBC.
bito : This was just one: Kameron Devine In an era where the mainstream media is polluted by tea partiers and publicity whores there was always for me a shining light on MSNBC Keith Olbermann a man who echoed my outrage time and time again even at times when it was considered taboo to do so always seemed to have the AMERICAN’S best interest at heart.
AdLib : Man, things move fast in these internet tubes. A Facebook page for boycotting MSNBC: «link»
AdLib : Check out this petition for KO: «link»
kesmarn : This is only the beginning….bwa hahaha….
AdLib : Extortion works.
bito : No more of those nasty letters, OK?
kesmarn : HAHAHAHA! I just checked the Friday music thread and I got my Imelda May tune! Let’s hear it for extortion! OK now I’m really leaving….
AdLib : But seriously, I love it here at The Planet, you’re such a great audience, I mean it!
bito : bada bump
AdLib : Will do, putting the kid out and hugging the cat…whoops!
bito : Hug the kid and put the cat out.
AdLib : Night, Bito! Sleep well, my friend!
bito : To whom it may concern, night.
bito : k’es, nurse Tracy was all over the news tonight. Goodnight , k’es.
AdLib : Night Cher!
Chernynkaya : Night all– thanks for a great conversation.
AdLib : Night Kes and always remember, dlfkjlkj[ubxS.
bito : Sounds good Cher, you have my email and AdLibs
kesmarn : Good night and hanf;urhgb abd va;gnab bv!
AdLib : Google is crawling the site as we chat!
Chernynkaya : Oh, you poor cutie! Go to sleep Kes!
AdLib : Great. It’s late for all so let’s make this the close of tonight’s Vox Populi. Thanks so much for all of your contributions tonight, so glad that this discussion has led us to take action. That’s a night well spent! Thank you all, sleep well!
Chernynkaya : I probably C&P’d it. Did you know ALL your comments are on the Google?
kesmarn : I think I may be leaving, Cher, but I’m too tired to know for sure… So I’d better say goodnight…befo re my head falls forward on the keyboard and all you get is gfjs.gruehb gubhag a vj jfg ur hbdfgbvfs.
Chernynkaya : OK, I’ll write a draft manana.
kesmarn : Truly…this woman was a prophet…
Chernynkaya : Ar eyou leaving us charming people, kes?
AdLib : Cher – That’s disconcertingly prescient.
Chernynkaya : I found this that I posted 3 months ago: MSNBC will soon have a new parent company, Comcast, and that may prove to be awkward for Mr. Olbermann and other TV critics of Fox. As a distributor of cable programming, COMCAST IS IN BUSINESS WITH FOX and its parent company, the News Corporation. «link» mes.com/2010/10 /04/business/m edia/04suit.htm l?_r=1&ref=com cast_corporatio n
AdLib : The best way to do this would be for someone (Cher) to write a first go at it and save as a draft. Then we can all access it and contribute to it. I can set up a petition with whatever wording is chosen, so people can sign it online.
kesmarn : My poor brain is too befuddled to think at 2:10 a.m., but, as Miss Scahlett says: “I’ll think about it tomorrow…” (or later today as is the case here)
Chernynkaya : phil.griffin@n bcuni.com
Chernynkaya : Another email address:
bito : I don’t feel it has to be very long. Mostly we are pissed.
Chernynkaya : Huh? Thanks, bito– Why don’t we both take a crack at it, put our so-called heads together? Tomorrow? And AdLIb– you too, and kes, and anyone.
bito : Do we still have a spot to collaborate, AdLib?
bito : Cher, do you want to write it? Your a much better writer?
kesmarn : Heh…the trick is getting them to follow instead of run, though, I guess!
AdLib : Kes – The old saying is that if everyone was a leader, there’d be no one to follow.
Chernynkaya : And Comcast! And all their cable subdivisions.
AdLib : Cher – I don’t see why we shouldn’t send a copy of whatever document we want to offer people to sign, to the FCC.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, I know people who are terrified that the waiter will yell at them in a restaurant!
Not likely that they’re going to be nominated for union president.
Chernynkaya : Bito– I put them up here on this thread. I’m still searching for more though.
AdLib : That’s exactly why I try not to be judgmental towards those who don’t step up, they may have more to balance in making a decision. And some folks just aren’t emotionally built to take that kind of pressure.
bito : Sure, Cher, has all the addresses. «email»
Chernynkaya : How about writing the FCC?Is that appropriate? I have to look at their website to see if they take that sort of action.
Chernynkaya : Yes, kes, it depends on the stakes. But it’s also sometimes just the way people are made. I hope and pray none of us ever have to make that choice!
AdLib : Bito – Do you want to take a swing at it?
kesmarn : Oops…hit the button…meant to add: I can be gutsy. But if someone threatened my kids, I might just fold like a house of cards. I dunno…
AdLib : Yes, Griffin is the guy that KO has been feuding with and who is likely the key person behind all of this.
kesmarn : I suppose everyone has his/her comfort point, AdLib.
AdLib : Kes – It is at times like that when you are truly tested and in fact, when you are more alive. We live our lives, in the roles we’ve kind of chosen for ourselves, perceiving ourselves to be a certain person. When the opportunity arises for us to step up and fight the good fight, some of us do so with conviction, most however, grow fearful or would rather do something more pleasing. When I’ve been challenged, I am energized. For some, they can’t look away from a challenge fast enough.
kesmarn : With our current governor, though, b’ito, maybe being part of Michigan would have been better. But he’s a Repub, too. The only question is: does he want to drill for gas and oil in the state parks the way ours does?
bito : Who will write the post?
Chernynkaya : MSNBC/NBC 30 Rockefeller Plaza NY,NY 10112 phone: 212-664-4444 fax: 212-664-4426
bito : Those Toledo folks are tuff, they beat the state of Michigan.
Chernynkaya : CONTACT PHIL GRIFFIN: «link» c.msn.com/id/25 707456/ «link» c.msn.com/id/10 285339
Chernynkaya : Is Griffin still at MSNBC?
kesmarn : The famous Auto-Lite strike happened in this town. There was head bashing. People even died. The police were NOT our friends on that one, according to the histories. But good came of it.
AdLib : Cher – Unfortunately, this does seem to be part of the War on Americans. This corporation is trying to reduce the influence of Progressives because those interests conflict with theirs. As I said in my article, if you don’t know you’re in a fight, you’ve already lost.
bito : «email»
bito : GG Paterson had a scar on his forehead fighting for those 10 hour days.
kesmarn : Exactly, AdLib. And it’s not as though you’re guaranteed a stress-free life if you DON’T take the risk to organize. If you ask people at Wal-Mart how it is to work there, they say they HATE it! So if you’re gonna suffer anyway — hey — suffer with some dignity!
Chernynkaya : AL– it’s like your excellent post today. The Repubs want to emulate China.
AdLib : Bito – That’s Rachel’s email and lastword is O’Donnell’s.
AdLib : Kes – So true about the old school Union organizers. That’s the whole point, if you’re not willing to take the risk and lose, you’re not strong enough to win. You have to be willing to lose the battle but eventually win the war. Thanks to those union folks, we have 5 day work weeks and vacation time. But they had to go through hell for a long time to get there. People today are too soft and scare too easily. Folks need to toughen up and be willing to take a punch if they want to fight for something better.
Chernynkaya : I have more, B.
bito : Great Cher!
Chernynkaya : I have those bito, from when he was suspended. I’ll post them later.
bito : lastword@ msnbc.com
kesmarn : I should send KO a note of thanks.
bito : «email»
AdLib : Kes – It is a lonely place but once he processes it all and can appreciate the thousands of people tweeting and emailing and boycotting MSNBC, he’ll realize he’s not alone and he is very appreciated.
bito : I’ll be right behind you. Can I hold your coat?
kesmarn : It’s a lonely place to be, AdLib.
Chernynkaya : Kes, we here have probably ALL been there!
AdLib : Kes – Sounds like we’ve all been there! We’ve stuck our neck out to do the right thing, sometimes perhaps for others who showed no appreciation or loyalty in return. It is a sinking feeling indeed, I can’t imagine how betrayed KO feels about MSNBC tonight and how the lack of support from Rachel and the rest of the MSNBC hosts who owe so much to him is insult to injury.
Chernynkaya : We need a People’s Union organizer. We all need to sand on corners and hold up signs like Norma Rae: UNION!And it doesn’t have to mean labor.
bito : I have done card checks and everyone is behind it until it’s time to sign the card to unionize.
kesmarn : b’ito, been there, too, huh?
kesmarn : AdLib, that’s what I admire about the union organizers of the 1930s. They took phenomenal risks — even family men. But solidarity won the day. That’s what desperation’ll do for ya, I guess…
Chernynkaya : No Problem. Aren’t I cool?
bito : I know that one k’es!
AdLib : Kes – Yes but the reality is, if they stood together with their colleagues, they would have risk but they would also be in a strong position to have a better life for their children. There is always a good reason not to do the right thing. Sometimes, one has to be willing to make an exceptional effort if one wants an exceptional result.
kesmarn : But it’s also aggravating to be the one person who sticks her head up and takes a stand with management, and then you look over your shoulder to see who’s behind you to find… they’re all down the rabbit hole. Even the formerly mouthy ones!
bito : np?
Chernynkaya : NP, AL
bito : She does have a doctorate.
Chernynkaya : I know–especially in this economy, and once your Maddow, what are you going to work at Wal-Mart? but she would be great in academia too. People with her brains, education and talent will land on their feet.
AdLib : Cher – Thank you!
kesmarn : AdLib, I definitely have more sympathy with people who have families dependent upon their incomes. It’s not easy to take major risks when you’re aware that your kids are going to have to bear some of the burden.
AdLib : Cher – You’re not bragging, you are a courageous person who stands by her principles and for people like that, it is hard to watch others be afraid to risk something when courage is called for.
Chernynkaya : You are seriously very wise for your years, AL..er, Grasshopper. I mean it!
Chernynkaya : oops, i meant
AdLib : Kes – I don’t think I’m being cynical but just realistic, there are not so many people out there who are brave. Many have the best of intentions but they lack the strength of courage. This is what I was trying to explain earlier, some people have that strength and have sometimes paid a price for it. They can’t help but show courage when the rubber hits the road. Others are wonderful people but just don’t have that kind of inner strength. Instead of feeling negative about such people, I’ve come to accept that it is just the way many people are.
Chernynkaya : Kes- :mrgreen”
kesmarn : I think it could be of real interest even to a general audience, Cher. The whole whistle-blowing thing… But I won’t be an arm twister…nevert heless…
Chernynkaya : I don’t know kes– it’s really so specific. But thanks!
bito : Not ,brag, Cher, just fact.
Chernynkaya : Thanks AL– I guess this incident sset me off more than I realized.Haven’ t thought about that in years. (And now I’m embarrassed for bragging.)
kesmarn : Cher, I know it’s very personal, but what an amazing article that story would make…with names changed to protect the innocent!
AdLib : Cheers to you, Cher! Well done!
kesmarn : I wish principle and guts were a little more popular. My workplace is afraid to unionize. Instead, ten people called off today. That’s been happening a lot lately. Organize.Get grievances addressed. But don’t stiff the patients and your co-workers!
bito : “raise your hands and spread your legs”
( more onion)
Chernynkaya : Yes kes–sorry, I forgot you weren’t here then. But I was compensated somehwwat– I’m nit that saintly,although I can never work in that industry again. But I got a $200,000 whistleblower settlement. I’d give it up though to have stayed.
kesmarn : Good night, Patsy! I won’t be too far behind you. I’m in serious need of disinfection…
bito : Nighty, nite, Patsy.
AdLib : Night Patsy!
Chernynkaya : Night, Patsy. we’ll miss you.
bito : k’es, I saw that when the bench was empty and jobs were plentiful.
kesmarn : On the other hand, my friend did not have a contract that she could have been sued for violating… Cher, I assume you talked earlier about having left a job on principle. I’m not surprised people’s health took a hit when they stayed!
PatsyT : Oh my… I will have to bid you all farwell… Nighty Night ALL
Chernynkaya : That’s true AL– hadn’t fully considered that aspect.
Chernynkaya : Kes, I am still in touch with some people there– two have Crohn’s disease now.
bito : True, AdLib. They have some smart lawyers that draw up those contracts.
AdLib : No doubt, Rachel is also restrained by her own contract which probably enforces her silence on this. If she spoke out, it could be a breach of contract. Corporations are nasty things.
kesmarn : Cher, I love your principled positions. A friend of mine actually did quit a job solely because her good friend was fired. “If you don’t want him, you don’t get me,” she said, and left. It was brave. Don’t know if I could have done it!
bito : The Onion was a complete satire on Faux.
kesmarn : No rodents here with my hunter kitty!
Chernynkaya : I am harsher, as y’all know. She is paid a fortune, has a job she adores–which she got becasue people trust her as being principles. Yet, I am not completely a cold-hearted bitch. I LIKE her– and want to watch her. But she needs some soul searching. she needs to take some stand even if it’s not suicidal. Maybe we should write it.
bito : Oh, look a rodent! (does that cover it?)
kesmarn : Or maybe that was a squirrel I just fed…
AdLib : ADDLib, to you.
bito : I said ADD, Patsy,
PatsyT : I thought it was a squirrel
kesmarn : Sorry…had to feed yon kitty. I don’t envy Rachel having to make the choices she does at the moment.
Chernynkaya : Jane? where??
bito : ADD! Look a hamster.
Chernynkaya : OT is your baby, bito! you’re entitled.
AdLib : It is quicksand, indeed. Once you get sucked down into compromising loyalty or principles in one case, how can one rationalize against doing it again in another case. And again.
bito : Sorry, OT
bito : The new Onion TV is good.
AdLib : Kes – Yes, that’s my surmise and it’s not unreasonable. By staying on MSNBC and having management happy with her, she can still make meaningful contributions to the Prog agenda. It’s not an easy decision to risk one’s wealth and career thought it would be so refreshing to see someone do so in the name of principle…but Rachel doesn’t need to be that person.
kesmarn : RWers will force a showdown with Rachel sooner or later.
Chernynkaya : Kes–very true! It’ll be a somewhat slow erosion.
kesmarn : Maybe Rachel feels she needs to play it safe in order to have any sort of bully pulpit at all. Although playing it safe rarely ever works out that way in my experience. It always comes down to: ‘Which side are you on?’
AdLib : O’Donnell is fine. However, KO is the one who plowed the ground for O’Donnell and Maddow to have shows there, he can’t be so blithely replaced.
bito : Obama is not just our presidet he hi the prez.
PatsyT : Cher, I am thinking about things
Chernynkaya : OU?
PatsyT : I
Chernynkaya : What do you have in mind, Patsy?
bito : Some R said on Hardball about firing 15% of the federal workforce, “TS, sink or swim. Produce or starve”
PatsyT : Cher, the message needs to be refined and delivered.. It may not be Our President that is the one … How about one of us?
AdLib : Kes – No, no one was suggesting that Rachel should quit in protest, she just was very disingenuous and inexpressive about KO’s firing. Considering that he made her career, not exactly what I would have expected of her.
kesmarn : I feel reassured by AdLib’s take that this is just bluster for the T-Bags, but it sure gives a crystal clear pic of how they would like things to be.
Chernynkaya : Personally, I love him. Which is a separate issue form KO.
Chernynkaya : So, what do we think of Lawrence O’Donnell?
bito : it’s total BS
kesmarn : That was the one. Republican Study Committee.
AdLib : Cher – I’m not surprised that you have. I too have sacrificed things along the way as well, standing on principle. I just don’t find that most people are like that so I don’t expect it from someone like Rachel.
kesmarn : My mom used to have a thing for weeds in the yard; it was called a “Killer Cane,” b’ito.
bito : pdf link «link»
Chernynkaya : Yay Bito!!
kesmarn : Very strange. I imagine more will come out over the next few days.
Chernynkaya : Kes, she was just mostly coy and reserved. Maybe she doesn’t knw the details.
kesmarn : Did Rachel fail to offer KO support, or is the supposition that she should quit in protest?
AdLib : The GOP’s hitlist on the budget will never pass the Senate nor would Obama sign off on it. More red meat to the baggers, that’s all.
Chernynkaya : AL– I honestly have the right to judge Rach on that. I DID give up my career–one I loved– for principles.
AdLib : Cher – So true. I’m not making excuses for Rachel at all, just describing how the situation looks to me. People do need to start standing up to corporate oppression and quit accepting their domination over our principles. It does carry risk though, as KO found out. Rachel may be many positive things but it does appear that she is not willing to risk her career for her principles.
kesmarn : Yes, b’ito. I think you put up the pdf on that. It was scary. Anything to do with high speed rail or alternative energy — gone. They want us to keep buying gas for guzzlers and shut up and work.
bito : I’ll come armed this time Cher–I’ have my cane!!
bito : That was quite the report, k’es.!!
Chernynkaya : Patsy– I ACHE for a rallying point or person to organize us. I can tell you, it could make the 60’s look quaint.
PatsyT : NPR .. that has to go…
kesmarn : I did notice that in the “Spending Reduction Plan” put out by the Repubs, they want to eliminate funding for PBS, along with eliminating the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities.
PatsyT : We don’t have to be voiceless
bito : Cher, good. like we mention about the R’s HCR from years ago is now socialism. We have gone hard right.
kesmarn : “Little by little, we’re becoming content with too little.” Well put, Cher!
Chernynkaya : Kes– we really don’;t know anything for sure.
kesmarn : I think you’re right, AdLib. And when they manage to pull the plug on PBS, we’re going to be voiceless.
Chernynkaya : AL– she doesn’t have to breathe fire, but some integrity would maintain her cred. It’s a balance–frog in a pot and all too. Little ny little we are becoming content with too little. We really need a game changer. We are at a point where we are accepting a bunch of shit and telling ourselves, “Well, maybe if add add a little salt…”
AdLib : Kes – I don’t think Comcast, a very Republican corporation, wants more liberal voices that stand up to power. This is about muting the voices on the left, IMO.
kesmarn : Which I highly doubt will happen…
kesmarn : The only thing that could make me feel remotely OK with this is if they put on The Alan Grayson Show!
AdLib : This is on TMZ: “Sources connected with the network tell us … Comcast honchos did not like Keith’s defiance and the way he played in the sandbox. Our sources say Keith has around two years left on his contract, and he’ll be paid his salary — around $7 million a year. We don’t know if Comcast will let Keith make a deal with another network as part of an exit agreement, but it’s a good bet he’ll be benched for a minimum of 6 months, and probably longer.”
kesmarn : Hi Cher! And thanks for the link, Patsy. Comcast throw him overboard right off the bat or something?
AdLib : Cher – The tough thing is that the corporations own the game and make the rules. When KO became good for ratings, even though his views opposed GE’s, they went with their greed and supported him. Now that they have ratings, they figure they will keep them when they cut him loose. We have to show them they’re wrong. As for Rachel, the only way she has a platform is to acceed to the wishes of the corporation she works for. This forces her to compromise principles as many do with their employer. Again, is it better for the big picture for her to compromise on supporting KO but keep a show where she can attack inequities? That’s the tough choice.
Chernynkaya : Read that when you posted PAtsy– it’s worth a read–thanks!
bito : No one is talking k’es. Comcast?
kesmarn : I understand, CL…just playin’ But what did KO do?
Chernynkaya : HI KES!
PatsyT : «link»
bito : He was Fired, k’es
choicelady : Heavens, NO kes – I’m just exhausted from a long, long day. Catch you soon though!
Chernynkaya : Take care and get some rest, CL!
kesmarn : Have a great night, CL. And — no — have heard no news at all tonight…what’ s up with KO?
PatsyT : Nighty Night ChoiceLady
bito : Night, CL, Take care. Roe v Wade Day tomorrow.
choicelady : Oh hi kes – I’m just leaving, so glad to get to say howdy to you! Now – good night!
AdLib : Kes – Did you hear about KO?
PatsyT : Hey Kes!!!
kesmarn : CL — was it something I said???
AdLib : Hey Kes!
AdLib : CL – Get some rest, you’ve been working so hard for all of us! Sleep well!
Chernynkaya : AdLIb, I hear you– really. But damn it! Enough! She gets the job and the money to represent something! Covering her ass is understandable, but not helpful. She is a part of the problem then. I am SO TIRED of being so reasonable.
kesmarn : Hey, b’ito and friends. 1 a.m. here but I couldn’t let a Friday Vox go by…
AdLib : CL – First, I don’t think such a boycott would make MSNBC abandon the only thing they have going for them, the few Progressive hosts they have left. Fox viewers aren’t going to move to MSNBC no matter how conservative they get.
choicelady : Oh gosh – it’s getting late, I just got in from an all day meeting in Oakland followed by one of “those” drives – 3 1/2 hours to cover a 90-minute trip. So I’m following SueinCA’s lead and heading to bed. Have to work tomorrow, too. G’night everyone. GREAT to spend quality time with y’all! Cher – we WILL take up the I-word issue!
bito : MS. K’ES!!
Chernynkaya : CL– this is too hard to write on Vox Pop but I’d like to talk about the “illegals” on another thread. I have some thoughts for discussion.
AdLib : Cher – I very much agree with your proposal, urging people to start cutting down on the devices and distractions that are keeping them passive. I’ve cut way down on tv, just by chance I took a break today to see KO leave the air.
kesmarn : A la Monty Python: “I’m not dead yet!”… (even though they made a serious effort to kill me off tonight at work) Hola!
choicelady : AdLib – if you think the boycott is best, I will agree, but I fear that justifies them shutting out all liberal voices, and we have NO other options. I’d really like to see the liberal billionaires ante up and set up a progressive network. Wonder if we could get that done?
AdLib : Cher – So true, she was indeed MIA when it came to covering KO’s back when he was suspended. I do not judge her on any of this, when you’re in her position and a corporation could take it all away from you, it’s not easy for anyone to take that chance. Still, this is not becoming conduct, loyalty or bravery on her part.
choicelady : bito – Yes! Very good analogy! I will mention that to the group; that’s a VERY good comparison!!!
choicelady : I do think KO and Rachel were major game changers in 2008. I don’t want to see them gone. Nobody may own the Nation, but hardly anybody reads it either…
AdLib : Bito – Let’s figure out what and how we want to do this and do it. We could post a letter that folks could sign, pledging a boycott of MSNBC and we could email and fax that to MSNBC. What do you think we should do?
Chernynkaya : Thanks for the link, AL. I’ll g there directly, but she was also mealy-mouthed during his suspension. Said something about contracts and honoring them!
PatsyT : Hey I had to run out so i missed a bit
bito : Like ‘illegitimate’ babies, I remember that term.
AdLib : BTW, here’s a link to video from Rachel on Maher tonight talking about KO and frankly, Rachel comes off very poorly trying to act like she knows nothing about it. Not her finest hour, feigning ignorance. I know she’s under orders and a contract from MSNBC but this should show how even she can be compromised: «link»
choicelady : All – a sidebar issue. I’m working with national groups on a campaign for media: “Drop the I Word” meaning “illegal” as a noun or adjective. When I learn more I’ll let you know, but MSNBC was potentially one of the places we were going to focus to make them give up speaking of “illegals”. Human beings may be undocumented or unauthorized to be someplace, but they are not “illegals”!!!
Chernynkaya : Cl– while I support a boycott, I was thinking bigger than anything about MSNBC. We need to stop even writing angry posts and venting and letting people like KO be outraged FOR us. Maybe the best thing would be to take away all Left programming in MSNBC– and next our iPods and Wii’s.
bito : We need a simple post about firing KO and an appeal to click the email and twitter to get it out. We have gaziillons of visitors to the Planet. We need to get them out.
AdLib : CL – Oh yeah, that’s the only thing they will understand. Lower viewership means lower ad revenues, that’s how to hit them so they’ll feel it.
choicelady : AdLib – I see your point. Are the MSNBC execs smart enough to get that though? You’re giving a lot of credit to some pretty dim bulbs…
choicelady : Oh good, Cher – I came in VERY late, so missed that part of the conversation. Yes – blow the lid off! However it works. Flood not only the network but the sponsors with protests!
AdLib : CL – SO be it, Rachel and O’Donnell will still be higher rated, just overall viewership decreases. I don’t see how an impact can be made on MSNBC by continuing to watch their station.
Chernynkaya : Bito MSNBC sponsors? Mike Huckabee ad about HC repeal! Their sponsors are dreck!
choicelady : bito – I heard the “Drive for 25” slogan from the DCC chair whose work is to reclaim 25 Dem seats (without losing any of course) for taking BACK the House in 2012.
Chernynkaya : Sorry, CL– didn’t remember when you joined us. And you are so right. but in a way, as we said earlier, maybe even MSNBC, along with posting our anger at HP, is a way to avoid the REAL work. People are furious about Comcast and KO– at least the ones paying attention. It could ignite something, hard as that is, as AdLIb wrote. Suppress the Left–remove the safety valve, and who knows?
choicelady : AdLib – but if we boycott, then Rachel and Lawrence lose ratings justifying their removal. I will, however, boycott the companies that sponsored KO – if I can recall who that was.
bito : Is that our slogan, C’L “drive for 25”?
choicelady : ADLib – I agree we must have someplace on TV for progressive voices! But radio, too – that’s where the Rusher et al. hold sway. I listen to radio more than watch TV since I’m in my car a great deal. I mourn the loss of Air America!
AdLib : CL – That’s why I’m personally boycotting MSNBC and I hope many others are also going to. They need to pay a severe price and know that we are not sheep who will keep following their channel no matter how they corrupt it.
bito : Blacklist is not a fun word, not at all C’L. Bad times!
choicelady : Cher – I KNOW about KO, and I am fearful about who’s next? Comcast has owned MSNBC for 24 hours and this is what happens?
bito : When those TP’s bitch about government employees, 90% of new hires have been in homeland Security. 9/11!
choicelady : Cher – yeah – and I don’t want another Dem Pres. this time with an even wackier Congress. VERY important to “drive for 25” in 2012. We must have both houses back, and this time with representatives who have spines.
AdLib : CL – SO true and I was going to mention earlier, your suggestion of a true Progressive network. However, instead of radio, I think it would need to be tv.
Chernynkaya : CL– tonight was KOs last briadcast.
Chernynkaya : Actually, I am fairly confident about O’s reelection– barring the unforeseen. But the Senate.
AdLib : Here’s a link to a ThinkProgress article on the blogger calling for Giffords to resign (also added by Frum to his site): «link»
choicelady : Speaking of KO – I fear with Comcast holding MSNBC we are about to see the demise of the only progressive voice left in media other than satellite. Where is Soros and even Buffet with their billions to establish a liberal-progress ive voice on both radio AND TV???? We are going to watch the next Blacklist – CBS, NBC, and ABC caved in the 50s, and now Comcast will kill it off in this century.
Chernynkaya : Right, Cl– I heard what son Ron wrote about that in his new book. And Leslie Stahl said he was a vegetable at the end of his presidency.
AdLib : Cher – Bush used 9/11 and terror in his fraudulent re-election (vote fraud and counting was proven in OH that handed the election to Bush). The Repubs and even Giuliani can’t beat that dead horse any more. When it is a real choice between giving to Romney, Huckabee or even Palin, people just won’t do it. Plus, when Obama is back in campaign mode, the public will be even more on his side.
bito : It;s on Frum’s site and elsewhere. TPM?
Chernynkaya : I think it was actually KO who told that despicable story about replacing Giffords.
choicelady : The GOP/TP capacity to wrap venal cynicism in high-toned rhetoric never ceases to leave me whomperjawed. That statement is nothing short of amazing. Simply amazing. I’m with bito – Gabby is HIS representative. He will decide when it’s “time for her to go”. Criminey – they held on to Reagan waaaay past his expiration date…
bito : Those pics just came in.
Chernynkaya : Lovely, bito!
choicelady : AdLib – I have to say Cher makes sense. Since we returned the Reeps over and over in the 90s and Bush twice (well, maybe once actually, and maybe not even then) I do NOT underestimate the capacity of this nation to be dumb.
AdLib : This blog should be shared with as many people as possible, to expose who these creeps are. Here’s some excerpts: “Should constituents allow members to hold onto their seats like political Brett Favres with no concept of when it is time to go? Stepping down from one’s office is nothing to be ashamed of. In actuality, the shame lies in not being honest with one’s own self about the responsibilities that voters have entrusted in one and the expectations they have. “
bito : pics from the local Move-on about gabby «link»
Chernynkaya : AL, I went there before that– ever try croque monsieur?
Chernynkaya : BTW, do you remember when Reagan used to pronouns his VP’s name as Buhsh–rhymes with BUS?
choicelady : AdLib – and more power TO them for NOT serving up stupid food names! We have that history – “liberty cabbage” instead of sauerkraut, that sort of stuff and nonsense. Sheesh!
Chernynkaya : Oh, Al I think your reasoning is sound, but I will never underestimate the stupidity of the public again. TWO Bush terms, and the midterms. I lost the faith.
AdLib : Cher – The only problem is I coulkdn’t find anywhere that served Freedom Fries.
bito : She has missed one vote. She is my Rep, SOB, I’ll decide.
choicelady : Everyone – it would be my assumption that history makes for better politics. Every European and Asian nation has been run over for centuries. Tends to temper the zealots. They’ve SEEN what that can do (1933-45 being a case in point). Our “american exceptionalism” may boil down to stupidity borne of ignorance.
AdLib : CL – That’s why I predict doom for the Repubs, they can’t help themselves from being despicable, no matter the circumstances. Moderates are going to be disgusted with them come 2012.
Chernynkaya : Yes, Al! It was manifique! All of France, frankly (pun) is.
bito : I saw that, AdLib, ask me how pissed I was reading that??
Chernynkaya : Bito– those countries don’t have as many lunatics, or Fux.
AdLib : Cher – Yes, so many storybook towns in the South there, have you been to St. Paul de Vence?
choicelady : AdLib – I can’t believe that someone is demanding Gabby be replaced! Man that is COLD!!!
bito : Saw some of German and Japanese news tonight. Seems they like Mr. Obama more thn our news does.
AdLib : Did you hear about the RW blogger that Frum posted on his site too, calling for Gabby to resign already and for Brewer to replace her.
Chernynkaya : AL, I have to admit, when I was in Eze, I thought it wasn’t real– i thought Disneyland, it was that perfect. Nit that DLand is perfect, b ut you know what i mean.
choicelady : ‘Night Sue – talk to you next week!
Chernynkaya : oh No! Sigh. ‘Night, Sue.
bito : Night Sue, sleep well.
Chernynkaya : AL the photos are great–that’s how I knew I’d been there!
PatsyT : Sue all the Best to You
AdLib : Cher – great! BTW, love Eze village!
AdLib : Night Sue! Have a great weekend!
Chernynkaya : Done, AdLib–it worked, thanks.
SueInCa : Well I must go for the night. Everyone have a good nite
AdLib : Cher – Biot is west of Eze. As for comments, reload the page and all should be well. If not, clear your cache then reload.
Chernynkaya : Hey, when I looked at the link, a BUNCH of comments went poof!
Chernynkaya : AL– is that near Eze?? I’ve BEEN THERE!
bito : Michelle Bachman,R-MN
AdLib : Whoops, try this one Cher, photos of Biot: «link»
SueInCa : oops I mean CL
Chernynkaya : CL– the professional disgruntalists are foaming about the S Korea trade agreement. We need some ammo to counter that. SHIT– we’re surrounded by asshats!
SueInCa : Cher i thought you were the boss LOL. He is totally laid back
bito : The Dems did a good job in the house on the repeal thing
AdLib : Cher – «link»
Chernynkaya : AL– is that true? Or did a fish hook just get lodged in my cheek?
AdLib : CL – Yes, I think the Dems are responding much better now. When they had control of Congress and the Presidency, I don’t know that they knew how to respond to lies and attacks. This new dynamic seems to make much more sense to them.
choicelady : Cher – my boss, Methodist minister, just recommended that series. He’s read it and loves it. Thanks! Two good, reliable sources on it.
SueInCa : Adlib if they say it, it is true. I have never met a more “fit the mold” kind of people in my life. they are brownshirts in that sense for sure
Chernynkaya : Biot– I forget that full number! THAT”S what you should please tweet my “friends!”
choicelady : AdLib – I just heard the Dems to a good job messaging – on rebuilding manufacturing, the theme is “Making it in America” – in BOTH senses of the term. Finally – they’re wising up!
Chernynkaya : Sure, AL.
AdLib : Biot is a wonderful hilltop town in the South of France where they have artisans who specialize in handblown glass.
Chernynkaya : Anyone read the kids’ book series The Golden Compass? The message is stronger than Potter.
bito : I like Biot, 97369
bito : Kyl is a complete jerk. Name me a bill he has ever passed?
AdLib : Come on, no one but the mindless lemming Repubs will believe that the economy getting better before the election had anything to do with Repubs.
choicelady : Sue – that IS what the books are about. The Lord of the Darkside is no different from Doug Coe in the Family. It really is a great metaphor for the worship of evil and the small but honorable kids who fight that evil. Might want to save the books for about a decade from now – IF we win this battle ourselves.
Chernynkaya : Bito– sorry I called you BIOT!
Chernynkaya : TY, Sue.
SueInCa : Cher it was Kyl
Chernynkaya : Biot!! GOOD ONE.
Chernynkaya : Love that, AL!!
AdLib : Bito – Even funnier! A bagger indeed!
SueInCa : My point exactly Adlib
Chernynkaya : I can’t remember, bito. Check Think Progress.
choicelady : Oh, AdLib – that is TOO funny!
bito : Bagger!!
SueInCa : I am already creeped out by the religous dominionists, potter would keep me awake at night
AdLib : Who’s the leader of the GOP? I got this picture from an insider: «link»
choicelady : Cher – YES! Apparently, since the economy picked up BEFORE the election, we all channeled their great power. Amazing, innit? Sue – if you read Harry Potter in light of today’s politics, it will be fascinating AND creep you out all in one.
bito : Kyl will say anything, but it’s all BS.
bito : Who said that ,Cher?
SueInCa : Cher it was John Kyl i think
choicelady : Sue – good for YOU! Holding the trolls’ feet to the fire is never wrong.
SueInCa : CL I have never read on of those books or watched the movies….
Chernynkaya : CL, did you hear that a R Congassman said that their election was responsible for the economy improving. Already!
choicelady : Not to be over the top too much, but Harry Potter increasingly looks like reality.
bito : The onion is sending out some “nasty” tweets.
SueInCa : I post it all day at HP just to irritate the trolls Bito
choicelady : bito – that’s a meme worth repeating endlessly. It was their chant, let it be their tombstone.
SueInCa : I always watch pulp fiction when i want to get rid of the anger Cher
Chernynkaya : Sue, I was watching Kill Bill before you came on line and she was making me feel real good!
bito : Meme a day, but where are the jobs??
SueInCa : Who is the true leader there? No one, they are all following each other around
SueInCa : Truth? The R’s don’t know what to do, now they are on to climate change
choicelady : Sue – I agree! Individual smack downs cause less rumpus.
bito : Murkowski is not going to be a given for the R’s, I think.
SueInCa : Cher we will have to get together for a in person smack down, we might get arrested.
bito : Agreed Ad, they are rebelling already on Ryan’s proposals in the house
choicelady : See you’re talking Murkowski – she’s a friend of a friend, and I’m not surprised.
Chernynkaya : CL, I am as angry as ever.
Chernynkaya : I cleaned out my cashe (and my CASH) too and everything went haywire.
choicelady : Who knew the enemy of communication was a bloated cache? and here I was thinking it was Comcast.
SueInCa : well i am in a smack down mood
SueInCa : i think tht happened to Khirad last week CL
choicelady : Hi bito, Cher, Patsy, Sue – how is everyone?
choicelady : Hey back atcha, AdLib! Had a glitch in my postings so had to clear the cache again. Glad to see everybody though! When I first got on, it said the last post was 41 YEARS ago! LOL!!!
SueInCa : Bito i thought she might do that
PatsyT : Hi CL !!!
bito : C’L!!!
Chernynkaya : Hiya, CL!
bito : Murkowski is defying the R’s in the Senate
AdLib : Hey CL!
AdLib : I said this before the Nov elections, the best thing for Obama and the Dems could turn out to be the Repubs winning the House. So far, it has helped Obama’s chances at re-election and as time goes by, I think that will be even more true.
SueInCa : Hi CL
choicelady : Hi everybody – sorry I’m so late!
SueInCa : the young vote will be back. gingrich is taking a shot at getting them and AA and Latino
bito : No I’m far frum dat, Sue
AdLib : Sue – True, we may have a swing back to the Dems in the House though I don’t know that they could take the majority back in one election (maybe in 2014?). Once America sees what Repubs and Tea Party loons in the House is like for two years, they’re not going to be clamoring for an encore.
SueInCa : Gosh bito you are on top of it.
SueInCa : Oh, I just miss reading her comments.
Chernynkaya : She may be taking a hiatus– as I did–for personal reasons having nothing to do with here.
SueInCa : The house will be up for reelection to AL
bito : Dems have 23 seats up in the Senate.
bito : I even emailed her, nada.
AdLib : Bito – You’re right about that, the Senate is a concern. However, if Obama has such strong popularity, his coat tails could be enough to keep the Senate blue.
SueInCa : It is absolutely stunning to me that people like her continue to run their mouths
bito : Nellie seems to have disappeared.
bito : Wonder how many times she will use the words “Kenyan Socialist in her speech?
SueInCa : Is Nellie still around? I never see her anymore
SueInCa : Bito can you imagine word salad for the ignorant.
bito : That is why I’m more worried about the Senate than I am the Prez, AdLib.
AdLib : It is remarkable that with 9.4% unemployment, widespread underemployment, people losing their homes to foreclosure, salaries down and public services declining…that Obama leads all comers right now. Imagine if the economy improves between now and 2012. He could be unstoppable.
bito : Shelly is going to do a rebuttal to the SOTU speech on the net. TeaParty express site.
SueInCa : I wish I had lots of money, I would travel around heckling the rightwing cndidates
AdLib : Headline at Politico: “Poll: President Obama leading all Republican rivals”
AdLib : It will be a competitive race but Bachman will lose, MN is not as conservative and loony as the RW Repubs in her district.
SueInCa : another dominionist bito and a wackadoodle to boot
bito : Michelle Bachchman
bito : Bachman
SueInCa : Who is Shelly Bito?
PatsyT : Sue there are plenty of Smack candidates
SueInCa : gosh i am in a smacking mood tonite.
Chernynkaya : I keep trying to get the kids to emigrate. They ask, “Where to? American is everywhere.” Plus, they say, “Dammit, it’s MY country too.” I’m still working on it–if we lose the Senate.
bito : Shelly may make a run at Amy Klobachar in Minn for Senate. Thought?
PatsyT : You and me both Sue!
SueInCa : i never thought different, i would love to smck him too Patsy
PatsyT : No Cher, I like portraits.
SueInCa : ok AL if it does happen you are going to get it, I will finally come down there. patsy then hairyanna had the nerve to run
Chernynkaya : Patsy– new eyeglasses and I thought you wrote “tossing out Dorian Grey!”
PatsyT : Sue, just so you know, I say no.
bito : That is why I’m worried about the Senate in 2012.
PatsyT : Issa, AH and Maher have been together since tossing out Grey Davis… what a dumb move …
SueInCa : one was a watergate dude
AdLib : Sue – Huckabee won’t win. Obama will win re-election. I guaranteed that Boxer and Brown would win in CA and I’ll double-down on this. The Repubs only had dissatisfaction with Dems to get them elected last year, in 2012, they’re part of the government and either way, they can’t play that card again.
bito : Yep
Chernynkaya : Yes, Sue.
SueInCa : is that the hunts from texas>
bito : I knew a trust fund baby who lost his butt thanks to the Hunts!!
SueInCa : otay Patsy it worked I am laughing
Chernynkaya : Bito–remember the Hunt brothers? Sure, buy SILVER- HAH!
PatsyT : Sue, Issa is close by for tapings, I should know, he stops by here to try to harry ass me every time he drives up the 5
SueInCa : it is not long off AL. I have a terrible foreboding, Patsy make me laugh
AdLib : Maher has loved Issa, Bush during his invasion of Iraq, Ann Coulter, Arianna…need I go on?
Chernynkaya : The military is RIFE with dominionists and fundiess! did y’all read about who was leading the National Prayer Breakfast? A real zealot.
bito : Another one: SurvivalBros Survival Bros «link» Mpy2 Billionaire Carlos Slim Considers Big Move Into Silver
SueInCa : bill maher loves issa, i hate bill now LOL. not really he has serious judgment issues tho
AdLib : Sue – They have some of the military, that’s for sure now. I don’t think they control enough to stage a coup but if we had a President Huckabee who asked troops to do terrible things because God had told him they had to be done?
Chernynkaya : Bito, I bet they think the Rockefellers
are Jews. It’s a cabal, I tells ya!
bito : This is the last tweet I got from you buds, Cher SurvivalBros Survival Bros The Rockefeller Foundation and other giant institutions have taken over the American education system. www.Survivalbros .com
PatsyT : Cher, YES… Man they are SO Dull with their music
SueInCa : AL what else do they need for a coup? they have the military, it is some serious shit, at least to me
AdLib : Issa looks like the model for, “Slime Bodywash”.
PatsyT : AdLib that is only his genital hair
AdLib : Sue – Yes, I read that article. I’ve seen Hersch in person at a speaking engagement, he is someone whose words I take very seriously. It is frightening to think that the RW has…literal armies! U.S. armies!
Chernynkaya : Patsy–still on hold??
SueInCa : She told me the story when we had lunch, scary as shit alright.
PatsyT : Well Sue, Don’t put anything past Issa
Chernynkaya : Sue, ask Bito what happened when I wrote a piece here about money and somehow became the darling of some loonies.
Seriously though, I am not worried, but I do see the possibility. You should read a comment by C’Lady about a town in the CA wilderness! Scary as shit.
bito : Cleveland!!
SueInCa : AL, he looks like a gangster out of the Bronx
AdLib : Is it true that Issa’s hair naturally emits a combustible oil?
SueInCa : You are wild Patsy.
AdLib : Thanks for the link to the Issa article, Bito!
PatsyT : Oh Yes, I can Hold… Oh Hi you are back … yes I want this creep arrested… his name is I S S A ,, he is staring into my house as we speak
SueInCa : regarding the dominionists in the armed forces, it got me on a trawl and I found Weinstein
AdLib : Cher – I agree, take the distractions away and people can have more time and energy to act in a concrete way on their feelings instead of doing so by proxy. The idea at The Planet is to energize each other into doing more and we certainly do have a high percentage of “doers” here. My issue with HP is that the back and forth with trolls, etc. can come to feel like doing something when it’s really just a distraction.
Chernynkaya : The New Yorker piece was great.
SueInCa : you are a doll Bito thanks
Chernynkaya : No Sue– I’ll check it out.
bito : «link»
SueInCa : Did anyone see Seymour hersch’s remarks in Qatar?
PatsyT : OK I am calling the F B I right now …. Hello, yes, hi, I have a creepy congressman stalking me and my facebook page
SueInCa : We did that with our grandson and lo and behold he likes playing outsite, wonders never cease
Chernynkaya : Exactly, AL. But for those political junkies who watch KO– isn’t that akin to taking away some distraction? Sites like HP– where you can get off writing angry comments is another fun game– I play it too! But you know, since the shooting, they are on lockdown–anothe r toy removed. I want HP to moderate even FURTHER. And the, there is no need to shut off the electricity–jus t take away the games.
SueInCa : now for sure i will read it patsy
AdLib : Patsy – Have Issa arrested for stalking you! Then we can have a Congressional Investigation into him!
PatsyT : That was a great bit of info Bito, all about where I grew up.
SueInCa : bito i did not get to it yet either. republican gomorrah covers him
AdLib : Sue – Excellent and timely topic! Considering, yesterday was the one year anniversary of Citizens United…a ruling intended to take away more power from the people over their democracy.
bito : Lot of questions about auto thefts and “where DID he get his start-up money.
PatsyT : He is stalking me
SueInCa : adlib i am going to write a piece about losing power and failing infrastructure
AdLib : bito – Didn’t get to it yet. What are the highlights?
PatsyT : Hey want to know something really creepy.. Issa went to my High School In Cleveland Hts.!!! He is older then me or my sisters but major creepy
bito : Did you guys read the New Yorker article on Issa?
AdLib : Cher – My thought is that the tinderbox situation only works when people have been pushed to their limit into a corner. Even with all that has and continues to occur, people disappear into their Wii or DVD or iPhone and are comforted. Now, take away electricity to power all of these comforting devices and there will be protests in every city. BTW, I’m not calling for that, just giving an example of what I think might rouse people…take away their comfort to which they have become so addicted and they’ll snap out of their apathy right quick.
SueInCa : that is where i read it from bito.
PatsyT : But yes Sue, Issa is a pig
SueInCa : oh dear patsy, i could come down and fumigate for you
bito : They are in Tucson, Cher. Once a week.
PatsyT : Sue, Issa is my next door neighbor… district wise
SueInCa : I just might
Chernynkaya : Sue– do it! HAve you heard of Women in Black? Just women who wear black, say nothing and protest the war. It’s slowly growing.
bito : I put that picture up on twitter.
PatsyT : Oh and Bito, I am referring to that pic of AH and Issa
SueInCa : Patsy say it, Issa is a pig
SueInCa : You never know what the spark will be, maybe a crazy lady like me standing on the corner? i am almost crazy enough to do it
PatsyT : Bito mostly AH but that Issa is every bit as creepy
AdLib : Sue – That’s the big problem. Americans are generally so apathetic about investing themselves in their own democracy, think about how few even vote! Less than 60%! And they only have to do that every two years!
bito : Patsy are you talking about AH’s eyes or Shelly’s?
SueInCa : Cher you are right. Even when there is help it does not come in the form of Northern CA (LOL Adlib)
Chernynkaya : Yes AL– it’s a bad comparison. But sometimes, things aggregate, rage builds. Sometimes it can be a tinderbox, waiting for the smallest spark, no? Have I read too many novels?
SueInCa : Patsy, I want to smack her, truly and I am not a violent person
bito : Good point , Cher.
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, that’s the type of thing that would make sense. Still, the hurdle is moving people from nodding their heads to “Pride of Citizenship” to actually taking responsibility.
SueInCa : problem is when it is the “big one” i fear it will be too late
PatsyT : Sue, how about those creepy glow in the dark eyes… just like those Ghost Hunter Shows… they are always in… ‘night vision’
Chernynkaya : The problem for us is,we are anti-corporate, so we are not gonna get corp. sponsors like the TP. Is there no obscenely rich patriot, other than Soros?
bito : Citizenship
AdLib : Cher – Look what it took in Tunisia, a self-immolation. We are so desensitized and cushioned in the U.S., I’m afraid it would take something far bigger than that to affect millions of people so much they’d get active and protest. I mean, consider how few people protested after Wall Street destroyed our economy, our retirement savings and our jobs! It has to be bigger than that!
bito : Print out that civics test in OT and hand bill, just a thought. Citinship.
SueInCa : see the pic of A and Issa? That makes me want to hurl
PatsyT : AdLib I have been thinking about a ………. ……. ‘Pride Of Ownership’ movement… or ‘Pride of Votership”…. or ‘Pride of Citizenship’ Instead of trashing the Government… get involved and make it better.
SueInCa : Someone had to start the ball rolling in Berkeley all those years ago…
Chernynkaya : I hate when I hit ENTER!
SueInCa : I hope so too Cher. I guess I could go out on my street with my sign
Chernynkaya : oops– reaat of comment:
Chernynkaya : Yes, AL–I know that all too well. But. They did it in Tunesia (not too many distractions there tho.)
bito : Cool, boss, thanks.
AdLib : Organizing and getting people to take action is challenging, so many distractions, entertainments and comforts blocking our way to the front door.
Chernynkaya : Abby Hoffman came on the stage because we called him to–the time was ripe. I hopw we are ripening and not rotting.
SueInCa : and the reception was weak
AdLib : Bito, try pasting your URL here and pasting the tinyurl here: «link»
SueInCa : only 85 people showed up bito
bito : What about this, Sue? You calling him weak?«link» s.ajc.com/politi cal-insider-jim- galloway/2011/01 /21/a-newt-gingr ich-presidential -campaign-out-of -buckhead/
Chernynkaya : Bito–they have to field a weak candidate! But the Senate… I still think they will not get the majority as of now.
SueInCa : i don’t know cher. it seems no one wants to make the first move we need a abby hoffman
AdLib : Look at HP and all the anti-Obama rhetoric from AH and her toadies over there. Now MSNBC slanting rightward. KO was the first major broadcaster to challenge Bush. He was a steady supporter of Obama even when much of the alleged Progressives in the MSM were attacking Obama. Lawrence O’Donnell is fine but I don’t see him as filling those shoes.
Chernynkaya : Sue, do you think that the more they take away our voices, the more impetus for action?
SueInCa : they only have weak candidates bito.
bito : Will the R’s field a week candidate for Prez and concentrate on taking the Senate in 2012?
Chernynkaya : Patsy, I just posted about getting off our asses at HP–my earlier comment about dispelled anger. I already got 7 positive responses.
SueInCa : I am doing my part at least for the CA Council of Churches lol, but I agree Patsy
PatsyT : Imagine if everyone that got on a blog put in at least an hour a week into community organizing and voter regs.
SueInCa : Cher they are taking away all progressive voices I know what I think is happening
Chernynkaya : It’s finny what cpuld finally get us off our asses. In the grand scheme of things, this seems minor, but who knows? I keep hoping.
Chernynkaya : Oh, THAT bread. I’ll take fruitcake.
AdLib : I admit, I had gotten a bit off of KO when he was pressing guests to agree with him that the AZ shooting was due to RW rhetoric. But, I was watching him tonight and was caught by such surprise and resentment that his show was being canceled. He will resurface elsewhere eventually but this is ultimately an attack on the Progressives out there.
SueInCa : I had stopped for the most part, now all will cease
AdLib : American Idol, sponsored by Krispy Kreme!
bito : Back to NPR for me.
SueInCa : I know Adlib, it makes me angry. i try not to be but maybe i should let it rip….
AdLib : Once again, a boycott is indeed in order. This is a very easy thing people can do to take action. Stop watching MSNBC, that will hit them hardest.
Chernynkaya : Ok then. American Idol will serve as the circus– where’s the bread??
bito : AH did win all the awards at her show last night! Must say something.
AdLib : Sue and Cher – The revolution will not be televised because it’s been canceled but a special edition of American Idol will appear in its place.
Chernynkaya : Saw that bito– so amazing!
bito : O/T Gabby Giffords smiles, tears up as AZ salutes her in route to airport. Houston rehab specialists: “She looks spectacular.”
SueInCa : Funny i just posted a comment at achpee, nd Americans continue to sit in their homes…….
Chernynkaya : LOT’s of folks are onto Ariana there. LOTS. I’ve done my part!
AdLib : Sue – Yes, this action by Comcast/NBC is something all Progressives should take very seriously as a call to action. The silencing of the Progressive views in the MSM is certainly desired by such RW corps as Comcast.
PatsyT : Cher, Is that common knowledge over there, or are some still under a veil?
Chernynkaya : Nothing Sue– just saying that posting and watching TV depletes our energy for REAL activism.
Chernynkaya : Patsy– only if she were who she pretends to be.
SueInCa : what are you organizing Cher?
SueInCa : talking about msnbc? i am about through with them too
Chernynkaya : AdLib, I agree about Rachel.
PatsyT : Cher, Gee you would think that the Queen Bee might want to help organize that.
Chernynkaya : Hiya, Sue!
AdLib : Hey Sue!
Chernynkaya : Patsy, I htink a good percentage might.
bito : Hey Sue!
PatsyT : Hey Sue!
Chernynkaya : Yes, bito-939? They’ll know.
SueInCa : Popping in for a few, evening all
bito : Cher, is there anything you want me to tweet to your buds out here in the woods?
AdLib : Thanks for that Bito. When he was saying goodbye at the very end, he was choked up. What a disrespectful way for them to have him leave the air, after all he did to make MSNBC what it is today. Corporate bastards.
PatsyT : Cher, would folks at HP get more involved in community org., voter regs., and GOTV if inspired?
Khirad : They are saying that portended something. Speculation is that was when he first knew something was amiss, or maybe a clue, as he couldn’t spill the beans yet.
bito : This is KO’s last tweet: KeithOlbermann Keith Olbermann ShowPlugSuppleme ntal: We will have a slight change in the Thurber selection tonight
AdLib : Cher – I’m not saying that there are any new “guidelines” in place now, though there may be. She is incredibly clever and would likely artfully work around them as best she could if they were in place. It still would be a compromise for her but I would never judge her on such a difficult decision.
Chernynkaya : AL– it depends on how muzzled she will be–if at all. I mean, she certainly won’t move Right. Besides, she is more reasoned than all but O’Donnell. (I don’t count Tweety.)
AdLib : Bito – Such contracts should be illegal. A person should never be legally prevented from making a living at their chosen career.
AdLib : As principled as Rachel is, I think it would be a very difficult decision for her to risk losing her show and having her career put on hold for years, maybe never really coming back. As I said, she’d have to balance that with staying on the air and helping in many other ways. As strong and principled as anyone is, we can all be put in situations where we may feel we can’t choose principle over accomodation, for the greater good. Kind of like Obama signing off on tax cuts for the wealthy.
Khirad : I was more in it for the cutesy rhyme than making any point.
bito : I don’t know exactly how it works, just saying they can be overturned.
Chernynkaya : Conan hasn’t suffered that much–was it 2 years??
Khirad : They did a real no-no to Coco.
AdLib : Bito – Look at Conan, he couldn’t get around his and had to wait the entire contractual period to start his new show.
Chernynkaya : Patsy–Had the same trhought! All the watching and posting comments on HP dispels the angry energy. People think they have DONE something instead of really going something. In a way, since MSNBC never served to organize us anyway, maybe tha best thing would be for them to go Right.
Khirad : He is pretty short on the charisma. He’s best left where he is. He has the personality for YouTube.
bito : Those non- compete things aren’t cut and dried. There are ways around them. They have been overturned by some appeal courts.
AdLib : Patsy – YOU ARE SO ON THE MONEY!!! Watching MSNBC is not equivalent to taking action.
Khirad : I think it’d be funny if Rachel started playing cute and making coded jabs. She’s clever enough, but also too classy, unfortunately – in this case.
Chernynkaya : Rachel LOVES her job, so who knows. But I think CNN would hire her in a heartbeat. So, for 2 years she write columns. Could she do that?
AdLib : They have been trying to groom Cenk but he just doesn’t have charisma. And his being a Purist Dem (after being a Republican) has alienated many Progs from him.
PatsyT : It is time for folks that want to stand up for social justice in this country to turn off the TV and get out there and involve themselves in voter registration, education, community organization, GOTV
Khirad : I’ll say but this about Cenk: he’s better than RatAgain.
AdLib : Patsy – Rachel is the only one I could imagine trying to stand her ground but consider, if they have a non-compete clause and if she left, as may be the case with KO, she couldn’t go elsewhere to compete against MSNBC for one or two years, she still would have to consider if it would permanently damage her career and silence her voice for some time. Might she consider all the good she could do by staying and hewing to her conservative bosses’ guidelines?
bito : He can be such a purest.
Chernynkaya : Bito– I don’t think Rach will accept that.
Khirad : Cenk is a possibility. I feel they’ve been grooming him.
bito : Will they push Rachel?
bito : That’s a chilling thought, AdLib.
Chernynkaya : Cenk is anothe Trojan Horse. Instead of overtly moving R, they will just bash Obama from the Left.
Khirad : Way cool bito.
PatsyT : AdLib, I can’t see RM doing that, can you?
AdLib : Bito – That is extremely cool!
AdLib : The bottom line is that the scales at MSNBC just moved to the right. And Comcast just came on board. This will no doubt send a chill across the network to all the hosts, “Don’t stand up to us or our agenda or what happened to KO will happen to you! See, we don’t care if you have great ratings or not, we’ll still fire you.”
bito : Soory for the OT
PatsyT : Bito, That is great news!
bito : They just had my nurse on the telly again, what a sweetheart she is. Gabby was lucky she got her!
AdLib : Tweety annoys me but sometimes he’s okay. But he’s not a reason for me to continue watching MSNBC.
Chernynkaya : Sounds about right, AL.
Chernynkaya : Totally bogus, Bito.
AdLib : Cher – I think the real story may be a combo of MSNBC being pissed at him for wielding his power after his suspension and clearing the decks as Comcast would approve. They may have intentionally started pushing KO a bit, hoping he’d get fed up and agree to leave. All of this is speculation but I think the reality is somewhere in there.
bito : CNN said from “a senior exec-no name” that they have been trying to get rid of him since his suspension in November? Sounds bogus to me.
Chernynkaya : Hubby hates Tweety–calls his show Soft Balls, but I see him as a weird Uncle–maddening but OK.
PatsyT : And then Tweety asked … Is Bachman moderating her position?
AdLib : Morning Joe, Ratigan, that Ken Doll they have pushing a rightward slant on news midday, Ed’s BS Purist “outrage”, Cenk’s Purist views…Matthews , Rachel and O’Donnell only offering 3 hours out of 24 at MSNBC for more genuine Progressive views.
PatsyT : Tweety can really ask the best question … SOMETIMES… I wish he did this all the time .. someone was saying Obama has moderated his position somewhat
Chernynkaya : I won’t watch now AT ALL. Not worth it and ther are otehr sources on line aside from MSNBC. What I MIGHT do is read Rachel and Lawrences blogs.
Chernynkaya : I don’t think that’s why KO left–or if it is, it’s becasue HE thought it was going Right. If they fired him, it was maybe to kiss up to their new bosses, but Comcast didn’t do it, I bet. Too soon.
PatsyT : With Ratigan and the feed they go over during the day I wonder about their purpose
AdLib : Will folks here stop watching MSNBC, just watch Rachel? Will you change your viewing habits with regards to MSNBC?
PatsyT : AdLib I think they already are …
AdLib : Cher, that’s very cool indeed!
AdLib : Granted we won’t know details until someone leaks them but what is your initial impression, will MSNBC be pulling over to the Right now that they’re owned by Republican Comcast?
Chernynkaya : we’re back in sync, Ad.
Chernynkaya : Heh! She just sliced up Oren-Ishii!
AdLib : Cher – You knew where I was going with this! Heh!
AdLib : Kiddos can work for us, the ban on child labor is unconstitutional , or so a Repub told me.
PatsyT : No Shit, AdLib, I am in my Burgundy Gown!
Chernynkaya : AL– Michelle copycat! CHINESE REd.
Chernynkaya : I have the movie Kill Bill on in the background and I want Kiddo to work for us.
PatsyT : Well.. It is the WAY they say it.. I feel the disrespect
AdLib : Red evening gown and matching purse and shoes over here.
PatsyT : Are you guys wearing the same outfit also ?
AdLib : Khirad – Gotya!
Khirad : Jinx, AdLib
Khirad : Repubs don’t have to Patsy, the MSM and even so-called “liberals” have used Obamacare™ Why, I saw it on the MSNBC crawl once.
AdLib : Patsy – I’m more annoyed by how all the MSNBC folks call it Obamacare along with the rest of the MSM. With KO’s departure, prepare for more RW propaganda being spread more “liberally”.
Chernynkaya : I have decided that Obamacare is a good name– one day, it will become like Roosevelt Security
PatsyT : WaytogoKid!
AdLib : StatusQuoKid.
PatsyT : Are you having more?
AdLib : AdKid?
Chernynkaya : HEH– I accidentally called you AdKIB! Sorry!
PatsyT : If I hear one more RePub say Obamacare I’m going to go out and put cross-hairs on them..
Chernynkaya : AdLIb– I don’t think U R unkind, I just wanted to say I had the same thought until I remembered.
AdLib : Patsy – Non-disclosure agreement probably makes that necessary.
PatsyT : Wow they are moving off of the “Keith” subject fast…
AdLib : Cher – You’re probably right and it was unkind of me to make fun of her appearance. As for her politics, I think she’s been chastened by being on the wrong end of the Purist fence, with Obama’s ratings climbing, she and Arianna and Ed and a number of others have coincidentally softened their words about Obama.
Chernynkaya : Patsy– pls try to keep us informed– I don’t get HBO.
PatsyT : Racheal is talking about Keith on Bill Mahar
AdLib : The majority of those that listen to talk radio are conservative, Air America failed for many reasons but one reason is that their audience spends more time on their computers and TVs, just the way the demographics are. However, in film and TV, liberals excel at comedy, drama, all kinds of entertainment.
Chernynkaya : AdKib– saw her on O’donnell last night and she is a TEENY bit more moderate. About the cheeks– she is a cancer survivor and I always thought those cheeks were from meds. Like steroids– but I could be wrong.
PatsyT : AdLib, about Jane, it is the coming austerity measures she is getting tuned up.
AdLib : Radio is the wrong medium for liberals. TV is almost all liberal, Fox News aside.
bito : Ed Shultz sang that song about buying radio station to broadcast liberal radio. Sice he is on MSNBC, I haven’t head that song, nor has he bought any stations with his new found millions.
AdLib : Have you seen Jane Hamsher lately, she’s suddenly gone from having big round cheeks to a drawn, gaunt face. Maybe she just stopped holding her breath and throwing tantrums?
Chernynkaya : AdLib, that figures! He is an ass.
AdLib : Cenk used to be a Republican.
bito : Not to worry, we always have this: Another Ratings Record for ‘Jersey Shore’ The latest episode of the hit reality show “Jersey Shore” attracted 8.9 million viewers on Thursday, a new record for any series ever on MTV.
AdLib : Choicelady had floated that liberals needed a network of their own…maybe…no w more than ever?
Chernynkaya : I can’t STAND Urgyr!
Chernynkaya : “Also starting Monday, Cenk Uygur, MSNBC contributor and host of the popular web show “The Young Turks,” will be filling in as host of the 6 p.m ET hour.
AdLib : Yep, guess Rupert does own that share. Then Dish Network?
Khirad : It’s the capitalist model in work! Huge conglomerate offers no realistic competition and starts pulling voices of dissent to their corporate goals. Ex-ce-llent, Smithers. It’s all going to plan.
bito : Here’s some more breaking news: BREAKING: Detroit judge rules white teen girl will be tried as a black adult in murder case. More on ONN tonight.
bito : Can’t go to rabbit ears where I live because of the mountains.
Khirad : Does Rupert still own 34% of it or not?
bito : Verizon has direct, no?
AdLib : Directv or Dish?
Khirad : Not as long as we want cable, bito, and Direct? Guess who own huge shares of that?
bito : Comcast is my provider, not much choice.
AdLib : “Pay no attention to the merger behind the curtain, it’s unimportant.”
AdLib : Boycott NBC, MSNBC, Comcast and Universal. Whatever the reasoning, it is a betrayal of the people who built MSNBC into what it is today and the “war” on Americans by corporations requires a response by us.
Khirad : Riiiight. Interesting they would feel a need to address the merger. Defensive much?
bito : “A spokesman said Phil Griffin, MSNBC’s president, would not comment on Olbermann’s exit. Spokesman Jeremy Gaines would say only that the acquisition of NBC Universal by Comcast, which received regulatory approval this week, had nothing to do with the decision.”
Khirad : No doubt they signed a non-disclosure agrement, but from the Breitbart thing, Maher has probably agreed not to go there as well. I mean, why not at least get it out there? We’ll see. Otherwise, it’s like the 600 pound gorilla in the room.
PatsyT : It’s the Friday night news dump
PatsyT : Anderson Cooper says.. Comcast came in… Jeff Zucker left.. Olberman fired
bito : It was probably taped before this announcement, don’t you think ,Khirad?
AdLib : Khirad – As I mentioned, there is no doubt a non-disclosure agreement in place, neither Rachel nor Keith will probably be free to discuss this. Another win for the 1st Amendment!
bito : Just posed another statement in OT
Khirad : Rachel is on Maher tonight… Bill’s sure not to broach it, unfortunately.
AdLib : Nope but a boycott of MSNBC is required in any case. Sorry Rachel but principle is principle.
bito : Oh, no, not the Dyson!
Khirad : Still nothing but the lame MSNBC statement.
AdLib : Titter = giggle.
Kalima : Birds twitter and I’m a cat, and if someone called me a twit, I’d floor them where they stood, or suck them up with my Dyson
Kalima : Well I do believe I have a head start.
bito : K,
Kalima : Sign me up, I’d rather Titter than Twitter any day.
bito :
AdLib : I will start a site called Titter now, for people who would rather titter than twitter.
bito :
AdLib : We know as much as anyone (we scooped HP though). There is no doubt an agreement he’s signed that will force him to keep what’s going on secret. Someone at MSNBC needs to leak.
bito : It wasn’t even leaked.
bito : It’s all over titter, but no details.
AdLib : His contract went through 2012. No details anywhere on the internet that I can find right now.
bito : Didn’t he just sign a new contract last year?
bito : Agreed, AdLib!
AdLib : CNN?
AdLib : Good question though, where does KO go?
bito : KO goes to Faux!!
AdLib : There needs to be a detailed explanation, the public deserves that after this Comcast merger.
bito : I have a feeling this had to do with Comcast.
Khirad : «link»
AdLib : WTF?!!!
bito : I got a tweet a few minutes ago saying just this:BreakingNew s Breaking News MSNBC says it’s ending contract with Keith Olbermann; last broadcast of ‘Countdown’ tonight
AdLib : Bito – I just saw him announce that! KO was canceled!!! Last Show!!!
bito : KO is going off MSNBC?!?!
bito : some use tapioca as the thickener.
bito : They used to sell it a the Swedish Market. Dried fruits using sago as the thickener. AKA- fruit soup.
Moist Robot : Sago soupa. Never had it. Is it good?
bito : sago soppa?
bito : sago sopa?
bito : Q, sago soupa?
AdLib : Will do. You bring the dried fruit!
Moist Robot : Only if you bring the hookah!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our weekly live chat on the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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