Kalima : I know all about those. As I often say to bito, why aren’t you sleeping yet. Off you go now. Bloody time zones, my bad.
Take care.
AdLib : Heh…I could make a joke about that but I will instead be a good boy and just wish you a lovely call!
Kalima : I will, he will be delighted. Calls MB, your “Morning Thingy.”
AdLib : Say hi for me, Kalima!
Kalima : Not that there is anyone here to read it, but I’m updating MB early today. Hot date on Skype with my father.
kesmarn : Tab soda and vintage popcorn…mmmmm. ..
AdLib : Mmm…vintage popcorn…
Khirad : Just stay clear of that moldy 40 year old popcorn.
kesmarn :
Gives whole new meaning to the term “pepper spray.” And Cheney in a garter belt…nightmare s!!
Chernynkaya : There is something unsavory about wanting so much pepper! I am picturing Cheney in a garter belt (ala Hoover)with shotgun, and Harry dressed as a little quail. Yikes! Shampoo my brain now.
kesmarn : That article could have been summarized in just a few words, Cher. Harry to Dick: “Please, sir, may I have another?”
Chernynkaya : DANG!! «link»
Chernynkaya : OOps– the link about Harry:
Chernynkaya : “Nearly five years on, he’s still waiting for Dick Cheney to say he’s sorry.”
kesmarn : And Harry was such a loyal gooper, he apologized for getting in the way of the pepper…sigh…
Chernynkaya : I STILL laugh at that–when Cheney “peppered” Harry Whittington, and Jon Stewart asked, “PEPPERED?? What, he was seasoning him?!”
kesmarn : ‘Shotmy Dick” sounds like something Cheney-esque and hunting related.
Chernynkaya : That’s fine too, kes!
I think Shotmy Wadhams is actually not as perfect as Dick Wadhams.
kesmarn :
Cher, I must be tired, too, because I initially read your comment to imply the name as “Shotmy Dick” !!
Chernynkaya : AL– That MUST be it!! Love it.
AdLib : Also, there’s always a couple of kernels that pop after the microwave stops.
Chernynkaya : Thanks, AdLib, but just one open. Maybe I am decompressing?
AdLib : If you have more than one window open with The Planet, you may hear a delayed “pop” from another window for the same comment you’ve already seen.
Chernynkaya : I hear pocks, but see no new comments. Is it me??
Chernynkaya : At least they didn’t name him Shotmy!
kesmarn : Richard’s mom must have been either cruel or clueless, dontcha think?
Chernynkaya : My all-time favorite pol’s name is Dick Wadhams. It doesn’t get any better, IMO.
kesmarn : Khirad,
kesmarn : oops..meant to say, he’s almost a lefty!
Khirad : And most of ’em need this to compensate «link»
kesmarn : That name has always cracked me up, AdLib. In today’s GOP, he
AdLib : “Dick Lugar”…could there be any better Freudian description of the typical GOPer (keeping in mind that a Luger is a gun)?
Khirad : That would be a weird campaign – Lugar v. Obama.
Khirad : Converse makes other stuff now though. I called ’em Cons, myself.
AdLib : The 2012 GOP Primary will break new ground in next year’s Golden Globes, nominated as both Best Comedy and Best Episodic Drama. It will be Must See TV.
kesmarn : Word has it Dick Lugar is planning a run in 2012. Why did I totally not see that one coming? I could almost kinda sorta like him, in a wouldn’t-vote-f or-him sorta way…
bito : In 1970, Converse were not known as “Chuck Taylor’s”
Chernynkaya : HEH!
Khirad : You know I can’t resist stoner questions.
Chernynkaya : Got it! And read my post tomorrow too, OK?
Khirad : The shoes. Converse.
Chernynkaya : Tired as you are, who is Chuck Taylor? Is he down thread?
Khirad : I had a Chuck Taylor phase. Oh and ditto on Huckabee. Thought I’d streamline the two topics. And yes, I’m so tired I’m saving AdLib’s MLK article for tomorrow.
Chernynkaya : GAWD! That last comment was written by someone real tired!
Chernynkaya : But if my sleeper candidate is Marco Rubio. If he rans, I’d really be worried. Remember, Obama was a junior senator too.
Chernynkaya : Oops– my two cents is that Huckabee is the real danger. he’s likable while every bit as radical as any of them–maybe more so.
Chernynkaya : I missed Vox Pop but I read the thread–it was excellent!
kesmarn : Should I put my wig hat on my head? I’m pretty sure we’re gonna knock ’em dead.
bito : “put on your high- heeled sneakers, mama, ’cause we’re going out tonight”
kesmarn : Oops…forgot the link «link»
kesmarn : I like those red ones. And then there are these:
bito : OK, k’es, how about PF Flyers?
Khirad : «link»
kesmarn : What are Keds?
bito : You weren’t worried about your wallet in 1970, you were looking for that new pair of Keds.
AdLib : Sorry Khirad, had to pop back in time, forgot my wallet in 1970.
Khirad : Wow, I coulda sworn it just said “last message 41 years ago” and now it’s back to hours.
AdLib : Night my friend!
bito : Well, i think I will close up shop, too. Good night AdLib.
bito : No, he had some hot 17 year old. Everyone knows he is a modern day Mussolni,
kesmarn : You mean the Italian stallion, b’ito? Long overdue! If he’s on the way out, I can say good night and wrap it up on a good note!
bito : Good night, k’es. At least you aren’t driving in the snow and ice tonight.
AdLib : What did they show? Burlisconi is a modern day Mussolini, he is evil.
bito : Bruliscona(?) went after the wrong youngster this time., sorry, just shown on German tv.
AdLib : Gotcha Kes, it’s past 10pm, a good time to end this rousing edition of Vox Populi! Thank you so much Bito and Kes for making it such a great night! And thanks to everyone else!
AdLib : So my theory is that, being The Party of No or of gridlock will primarily hurt the GOP. Yet, that is all they can do! They are in a corner and they don’t even know it! If Obama and the Dems recognize this and look like the reasonable ones in the room, the GOP will get hammered in 2012.
kesmarn : My poor brain seems to have a built-in timer. 1 a.m. rolls around and it produces nothing but typos. I guess I’d better say good night, dear friends.
AdLib : bito – Not surprised. But this is a bigger problem for the Repubs. They were elected out of desperation for change, the mantle of change is on them now and if they don’t deliver, they lose the only thing that gave them support. Obama has plenty of accomplishments, this House could end up with a big goose egg.
kesmarn : I don’t know how the polarization thing is going to get resolved, b’ito. Some hard things have been said and done. As Cher said the other day: “They not only seem wrong; they seem evil.” It’s hard to get past that.
bito : They do that in AZ. too, k’es
AdLib : Kes – That is odd but look at the Log Cabin Repubs and black Repubs who voted against Obama. There is a bit of self-hate out there.
bito : This new congress is the most polarized in my life time. Read a study in the Monkey Cage.
kesmarn : I hope so, AdLib. Weirdly, some Hispanic voters up north here are going Repub. I think partly to distance themselves from their “illegal” brothers…too bad.
bito : I think the biggest problem is the polarization of the parties.
AdLib : Kes – I guess it could be worse, at least they’re a minority well short of ever reaching a majority. Especially with the growing latino vote. One day, the Dems are taking Texas back!
kesmarn : I’ll bet all your corners were perfectly mitered, too, b’ito.
bito : Plus or minus 0.32%
kesmarn : Sigh…a more than a quarter of the country consists of brainwashed automatons…as Patsy says, nightmares!
AdLib : Well done Bito. Only it’s 28.37%.
bito : Hey, I know!
AdLib : Kes – Well, if only about 25% – 30% of American voters will admit to being Republicans, I’d guess it’s a meaningful segment of that. So, maybe 20% – 25% of voters are “religious” GOP members who would never allow their faith in the GOP to be questioned by anyone including themselves. Maybe it’s mroe or less but it’s a meaningful number though not a majority.
kesmarn : That’s a very nice, precise number, b’ito!
bito : 28%
bito : I’ll change my vote from dem, I’ll vote for them and Greens and socialists.
kesmarn : Roughly what percentage of the population do you think these diehards are, AdLib?
AdLib : Night Patsy! Have a nice weekend!
AdLib : Kes – For these lockstep followers of the GOP, they’re existence is dependent on being a Republican, that is part of who they are in the same way that their religion is part of who they are. Most of these types could no more vote Democratic than they could change their religion to Muslim. They are vested in their party being righteous and will hold on no matter what, no matter how the facts are against them to voting Repub.
kesmarn : That’s what Goolsby was saying, b’ito. “The first crisis caused by pure insanity.”
bito : Goo night Patsy, tell Ralph hello. Always good when you are here
kesmarn : Good night, Patsy! Have a great weekend.
bito : If the debt ceiling is not raised, it will be a worldwide depression.
PatsyT : Well my friends… I must call it a night… as always you are all so much fun and enlightening … All the best to you and yours Nighty Night!
bito : That is why i said it is a manufactured hoax.
kesmarn : Good point, AdLib. What’s good for the market is good for the Kochs.
AdLib : Kes – The Kochs don’t want a refusal to raise the debt ceiling because it would send stocks plunging. It’s a hoax. They lied to the TP’s to get them to vote for Repubs but I guarantee, whatever show they put on, they will agree to raising the debt ceiling.
kesmarn : I’m beginning to wonder if some of them vote for exploitative “winners” because they fear so much being labeled “losers.” The most rabid right wing couple I know had to declare bankruptcy, had a car repossessed and are close to losing their house. But they still vote Republicans because they want to identify with being “middle class” or even wealthy.
PatsyT : I will have to think about that for a while … I have been thinking about the folks like the Carnegie and Rockefellers and how power and money shifted back and forth …
bito : And it is propagated by corporate owned media.
AdLib : And while the Tea Partiers and other Repubs revere authority and swallow the lies they’re fed whole, they can also be so easily distracted (“Squirrel!”) by the color of the skin of people who aren’t like them and can be made into communal scapegoats for all their ills and the ills of the nation.
bito : Never did read that book.
bito : My questin is why does Kansas vote against them selves
kesmarn : And what government you can’t weaken or buy off, you gridlock by, say, refusing to raise the debt ceiling. You keep the “rabble” distracted by inciting anger toward immigrants and minorities and, bingo, the keys to the money vault are yours.
bito : No argument here.
AdLib : It really is a simple logical argument. If your goal os to use your existing power and wealth to usurp from a nation, all of its wealth and power for yourself and the only thing standing in the way of it is a democratic government and its laws, then what would you do? Weaken the government, distract the majority who could control that democracy and turn them against each other so they don’t focus on you, buy as much of that government and democracy as you can to remove laws that block your agenda and get new laws in that help it. This is actually kind of straight forward reasoning.
kesmarn : Who ya gonna call? Brain Trusters!
AdLib : Me not Trust Brain!
kesmarn :
bito : Did I leave?
kesmarn : Hey, I just glanced up at the guest list and I think we have a serious Brain Trust in the room!
bito : Tere have not been any adverse comments on it, AdLIb.
AdLib : Patsy – The Kochs no doubt wish they could live in the US as the Saudis do in their country. Control the government, the wealth of the nation and keep the people down and desperate. The Saudis could be the Kochs’ role models.
kesmarn : Patsy, that’s the maddening thing about democracy. It slows down the ruthless efficiency of dictatorial exploitation. No wonder the Kochs think we’d be better off without it.
AdLib : Bito – Thanks pal! After a while, they only update the count occasionally so the real count could be higher but over 300 in one day ain’t too shabby! Hopefully, we’ve reached some Swing Voters who were open to Palin.
bito : Imposing a government always works, AdLib.
PatsyT : I am wondering… Some of these middle east countries have the kind of total rule goverment and they have the oil, as we have become more intwined with these governments notice how there are those in our country that want the same deal?
AdLib : Khirad – It is fascinating to imagine that populism could spread in the Arab world. It would remake the entire region. This was the fucked up dream of the Bushies though, that bringing “democracy” to Iraq by blowing up the nation would cause a domino effect and democracy would spread throughout the Arab nations. What is it with Repubs and their fucked up domino theories? They’re always wrong!
bito : u-Tube has 306 right now.
Khirad : That KSA statement made no sense. Out of respect for their exceptional circumstances of the people, we are taking in their leader? As in, taking him off your hands? Oh god, I don’t know anything about the KSA… it quite frankly depresses me to read about it. Just a horrid country when Jeddah is the most liberal it gets.
AdLib : Khirad – The Saudis will probably adopt him!
AdLib : I think Questinia’s article on spanking and the mentality of following cruel authority figures is an excellent exploration as to where the Repub loyalist mindset comes from. When free thought and critical thinking is punished and attacked, what else do you have but adherence to the words of authority figures you’ve been conditioned to follow.
kesmarn : Maybe an article on Saudi Arabia would be a good complement to the one on Tunisia, Khirad!
Khirad : I must have spaced during that AdLib. Yes, I just read he’s fled their, but I’m not aware if it is temporary or not. Given the last tyrants the Saudis have taken in, they’ll probably keep him.
AdLib : The office of Saudi King Abdullah confirmed early Saturday that ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his family had landed in Saudi Arabia, after several hours of mystery over his whereabouts. “As a result of the Saudi kingdom’s respect for the exceptional circumstances the Tunisian people are going through, and with its wish for peace and security to return to the people of Tunisia, we have welcomed” him, the statement said.
AdLib : Take care Sue, great chatting with you tonight! Have a great weekend!
bito : Is that the latest, AdLib, the Sauds took him in?
kesmarn : Good night, Sue!
kesmarn : I think it starts even when they’re in school, Sue. They’re taught to memorize for the test, respond to bells, be intensely sentimental about the flag and “patriotism” and worship any authority figure in a uniform.
AdLib : Khirad – that’s what I was saying, he’s fled to Saudi Arabia.
bito : Night Sue.
PatsyT : So great to see you Sue Take Care!
SueInCa : Well everyone my guy just asked real nice so I am giving up the PC see you all in the AM. I am looking forward to your piece Khirad. Sleep well everyone
Khirad : Saudi Arabia will, who don’t they take in?
AdLib : Sue – That is one reason why stoking racism is good business for the Kochs. If these Tea Partiers can be blinded to everything else by getting them to focus on how intimidated and angry they are at blacks, latinos, gays, etc., tehy will vote on that one issue and ignore all the issues that will actually affect their lives. As I’ve mentioned, consider all those on Unemployment who voted for Repubs…who will stood against and will again, the money these people are living on! How insane, to vote for someone who wants to take away the only money you have to live on. But if it is a vote over stopping that black Kenyan Marxist from destroying our entire country, there you have it.
bito : History?? what dat?
bito : Kalima posted that Khirad. Seems no one will take him in.
PatsyT : Khirad thay had a bit about that on Rachael M tonight
kesmarn : It’s frustrating that people fall for it over and over again, though, isn’t it AdLib? You’d think they would remember, or read just a wee bit of history!
SueInCa : If people were honest they would admit that talking to baggers is like tlking to a chair. They have no thoughts of their own, they only understand propaganda
bito : ‘xactly, AdLib, Look another Squirrel…
Khirad : OMFG, I hadn’t checked and realized it had already happened. The Tunisian president has fled the country and they’re talking of forming a new government.
bito : k’es :lol;
AdLib : Kes – That’s what the GOP has always done. Lie to their own people about commies taking over the country, gays, Muslims, Socialists…not to mention gay Socialist Muslim Communists. Get them angry or fearful over some exploitative but trivial issue and then they can help vote in Repubs who laugh at their stupidity behind their backs.
kesmarn : That’s how you got involved in your presidential run, b’ito!
SueInCa : The m aninvocation of Hitler, Fascism, Marxism is most definitely Koch theme.
bito : My local Union Prez. would do that Krhirad, if you brought it up, you became the person is charge. i never learned to keep my mouth shut. LOL
PatsyT : Well it has taken them how many decades and how much Big Money going to ‘think tanks’ to invent these strategies ?
SueInCa : That too Adlib and the fact they are just plain angry that their white house is being occupied by a black man who is not a republick
kesmarn : And to be able to mobilize the VERY people they’re exploiting to defend them and fight for their interests — kinda evil genius thing going on there!
AdLib : Great Khirad! Thanks so much!
AdLib : Kes – As happened in Nazi Germany, when people are suffering in a disastrous economy, whoever can point fingers best via propaganda to blame one’s own enemies, can be very successful.
bito : Some how they equate mom and pop stores to all goodness and government as evil, and ignore corporate power.
PatsyT : SUE ! LOL
SueInCa : Kes you must remember these people are not deep thinkers. Some are lazy or bored(retirees)a nd many are out of work themselves so they cling to a familiar rote and the Koch and Dick Armey gav it to them
Khirad : Okay, I’ve been given my assignment.
PatsyT : Best Idea of the Week Kes!
AdLib : Bito – You’re right that SS is solvent but as was shown in the tax cut bill, they have now dragged it into being part of how to fix the deficit. It used to be treated as it should, as a separate fund but now, to avoid raising taxes on the wealthy, they want to steal the money from SS.
kesmarn : To unite these threads: couldn’t we send the Koch brothers to Tunisia?
kesmarn : You betcha!
bito : K’es, it makes me wonder, and too also
AdLib : Khirad, your knowledge of the region and culture would give you unique grounding and insight into what’s happening in Tunisia. I think that will prove very valuable. Then, we can do what we can to help circulate links to the article around the web to try and get more awareness on this not-so-covered story.
kesmarn : It amazes me that the Kochs and their astro turf party have been as successful as they have in convincing people that the government is their enemy. The govt is the KOCH’s enemy when it tries to regulate them. But for the common man, the govt. is their only protection against pirates like the Kochs. People don’t get it, though.
bito : The SS fund is solvent, if you did not know. It ha nothing to do with the debt or deficit. You are right AdLIb they want to get their hands on it.
SueInCa : I try real hard not to hate but I hate the Koch brothers
AdLib : Patsy – My guess is that they want a collapse of the social safety net so that money is freed up to go into their pockets. They are mercenary, they don’t care if they collapse an economy or force people to die of neglect and poverty. They are and see themselves only as predators and america as the prey.
bito : A recap would be great, Khirad.
kesmarn : Go for it, Khirad!
Khirad : I’ve been thinking about writing a Tunisia article, but I knew no more than the rest of you about it before a week ago!
I guess I could just give the low down of what’s happening, if not any insight or analysis.
SueInCa : People were watching Al Jazeera and France 24. There was another they mentioned but I cannot remember. Khirad, what about the station you used in the Iran election?
PatsyT : AdLib, what about the throngs of the poor wouldn’t it be easier to let the government take care of that messy business. Then you can just point your finger and blame the government for not fixing them.. as Christ said… The poor ye will have with ye always
AdLib : Sue – Exactly! The Kochs should be thought of as leeches, they attach themselves to a country then try to suck it dry, with no concern that an empty husk is left. After all, by then, they have more than enough money and power to live anywhere in the world or use their wealth to dominate in a hobbled country. These people really do want the destruction of the core of government, they are truly enemies of the people.
Khirad : Well, nevermind, I forgot we’d summoned the Tunisian ambassador, but the point was that this wasn’t about an Obama speech (as in Egypt), or “Freedom promotion” like under Bush, but rather that if you just leave them alone and don’t make it about us, they can focus in on themselves and combust all on their own.
bito : You don’t even have to post photos, Khirad.
SueInCa : Yes, Khirad I would love to hear it from your perspective.
SueInCa : Bingo Adlib and when they had sucked the Soviet Union dry, they walked away
AdLib : Khirad, would you be interested in writing an article on what’s going on in Tunisia?
kesmarn : I saw a very brief mention of Tunisia on the evening news. Not more than 30 seconds.
AdLib : Patsy, like their puppets, the GOP, the Kochs don’t want to administrate the country, they want it dysfunctional actually so it doesn’t work or serve the people. They just want to control policies and legislation so that they can peacefully continue their coup and rob 99% of America of its wealth and power.
bito : The WH blog has Obama on it, Khirad. MSM? no, it’s Palin.
PatsyT : Darn he is not alive
SueInCa : Patsy no, they have a habit of meddling in things and quitting midstrea, when it gets hot, if Stalin were alive you could ask him
Khirad : The success of Tunisia is that we’re not even commenting on it.
kesmarn : Sue, we didn’t understand the Vietnamese, and we REALLY did not understand Islam when Dubya ran the show.
AdLib : Sue – You know how much I think that our central struggle as Americans, the only way to return jobs, fair pay and government to the people is to fight off the Kochs, the corps and that plutocracy which is bent on keeping things as they are…but worse.
SueInCa : Our reaction to that was part of the reason we failed in Vietnam, we did not understand the people and their needs
PatsyT : Do those Koch Bros really want all that responsibility?
kesmarn : Apparently freedom’s value is truly appreciated only when the freedom is gone?
bito : Good one Patsy.
SueInCa : Adlib that is what our true revolutionn should be about
bito : I have seen conflicting reports on that k’es
PatsyT : Is it Hate Talk or…. I Hate Hate Talk?
Khirad : Yup that monk was my first image when I read it.
AdLib : Amazing how other nations are truly fighting for control of their nation while our SCOTUS is busy handing it quietly to the Koch Bros.
PatsyT : Guys can you clarify
kesmarn : Did I see that Afghanistan is dropping opposition to education for girls, too?
SueInCa : Remember when the Monks burned themselves in Vietnam? It caused great unrest.
kesmarn : Or maybe give credit to the internet.
Khirad : Some are calling it the Jasmine Revolution and they fear a domino effect. Algeria, Egypt, all are in similar sitches, but nowhere as near to a regime collapse as Tunisia. I don’t know if it will happen. All I know is that it could.
kesmarn : I know this sounds like I’m joking, but I think the internet has a lot to do with situations like Tunisia. (Blame it on the internet.)
PatsyT : I like squirrls
AdLib : That’s why they sometimes call me ADDLib.
bito : Sue,
AdLib : Kes – This kind of grassroots revolution is virtually unprecedented in the Arab world. The succession of tyrants has been the way in most nations for centuries.
SueInCa : Shit Bito, I looked
bito : i blame it on my ADD, Sue. Look a squirrel
SueInCa : No they are watching this revolution and making comments. I saw it at Mother Jones this evening
AdLib : Sue – Are you saying that you think some unbalanced Tea Partiers may commit a violent act because of the hate talk?
kesmarn : Either A or ADD, Sue.
Khirad : It started with one young man setting himself on fire in protest to a capricious punishment for selling without a permit. Now the whole country is demonstrating.
bito : ” What kind of moron do you think I am?”
SueInCa : Adlib you have alot of A personalities here, we are all over the place.
kesmarn : I nominate Virginia Foxx for Head Moron.
PatsyT : AdLib Perfect..That should be their theme for the next election
kesmarn : Wow, Khirad, there must have been genuine desperation there to get people to have an honest-to-god grassroots revolution. I’ve followed only very remotely so am not as knowledgeable as I should be.
bito : Gommert , AdLib!!
SueInCa : Well I will be watching/ Here too for any crazies to get ideas, that is what frightens me because they don;’t really umderstand the movement
AdLib : The saying could be, “You don’t have to be a complete moron to be a Republican in Congress…but it helps.”
Khirad : I’ll post links on Tunisia again later. Even if it is crushed, it’s implications are too big to ignore.
bito : Sue, I don’t know what will happen. Khirad may now more.
Khirad : That’s the thing Sue, the government of Tunisia has so decimated any political opposition that this is literally spontaneous and grassroots, and there is no real leaders to this. So, we don’t know. But, remarkably, this is not an Islamist movement and Arab countries as far away as Syria are stifling any coverage of it. They are VERY nervous.
SueInCa : I think if the baggers or far right hate groups are watching, it could spark something here. I saw some comments perusing the web tonite that indicared that…..
bito : Read a comment about Gommert and his guns on the floor of the house. “proves you don’t have to be smart to be a Rep.”
AdLib : bito – The MSM needs fireworks and the Tea Party provides them with the eye and ear candy they crave. Reasonable Progressives are way too boring so they don’t get coverage…even though they far outnumber Baggers.
SueInCa : I know bito but will the people let it stand? it seemed they were not happy with that either
PatsyT : Bito the Progressives don’t tote around fire power
AdLib : Khirad, it is amazing that it’s occurred. And of course, where does their deposed tyrant go for sanctuary? Saudi Arabia, where he’s warmly welcomed as brethren.
bito : The Pime Miniser is in charge right now, Sue.
kesmarn : I loved the way Harry Reid just very calmly said: “As the economy improves the Tea Party will just…go away.”
PatsyT : Yes Khirad Good Point
SueInCa : Khirad – who or what faction will head up a new govrmemt there?
bito : The T=bag caucus is no bigger than the Progressive caucus. How much do we hear about them?
Khirad : No Patsy, it’s wonderful (deaths aside).
kesmarn : I’d love to see all the ones who are howling about repealing Obamacare decline their own government coverage.
bito : Obama made me do it!
PatsyT : I’ll be paying much more attention to it Khirad.. it looks horible
bito : Good job Khirad.
Khirad : I keep saying it, people NEED TO BE WATCHING Tunisia!
AdLib : Kes – I predict political theater is a must on the debt ceiling, all of these phonies campaigned on slashing government spending, the deficit and refusing to raise the debt ceiling. they HAVE to pretend that Obama held a gun to their heads. Still, they will quickly violate every promise in 6 months.
bito : Khirad, watching BBC on Tunsia. WOW
Khirad : And I miss Tucson. I wore my UofA shirt to Portland today and on the crosswalk got a raised fist, a nod and a “TUCSON!” Also, a lot of whispers and looks of concern in the bookstore. Hey, I had to represent.
kesmarn : Obama should call their bluff.
bito : Theater, k’es. and the MSM will play it up.
SueInCa : They should loop continously Issa’s comments fro, the last Bill Maher show, shut down loopholes, yes he said it
kesmarn : Do you think they still plan to do political theater on the debt ceiling issue? Or are they somewhat chastened.
Khirad : A hoax it may be, but the baggers have staked themselves on it.
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
PatsyT : Hey Khirad!
bito : Hey Khirad. Tucson misses you
AdLib : I think Obama and the Dems should push immigration reform at the Repubs and force them to oppose it. Also, I’d like to see Obama and Dems move strongly for a revamping of the tax code, eliminating loopholes for the wealthy while bringing down rates…but the true tax rate would go way up on the wealthy without all their loopholes. Force the Repubs in a corner on reducing taxes!
SueInCa : evening Khirad
bito : The debt ceiling is a media and T-party hoax
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad!
PatsyT : Just when you think they have hit a new low Surprise! They come out with even more BS
Khirad : No, my question. Raise the debt ceiling or shutdown? Either way, watching the GOP when that time comes will be fun.
bito : First thing, and C’Lady will back me up on this, Obama will start doing more Exec. orders.
kesmarn : Jobs and foreclosure help would still be on the wish list around here.
SueInCa : Jobs and immigration. The dems will force the GOP into a showdown just in time for 2012. Obama needs to make both efforts
SueInCa : Bito someday I wish you travel to your fav destination for a soothing time. I would recommemd St John
PatsyT : Ha Sue I can do that several times a week!
kesmarn : Sometimes I snore.
PatsyT : That would be fun to travel with you guys
SueInCa : Patsy just me and hubby and i spent 130 this week at the grocery
kesmarn : The colors will probably be wonderful if you’re there in October, Sue. I remember New Hampshire was spectacular.
bito : Sue, I have to stay close to the CC for awile
PatsyT : Bito sometimes I make that trip to the store several times a day
SueInCa : The east coast in Fall
kesmarn : Sue, any special destinations in New England?
SueInCa : B could you travel if you had companions?
kesmarn :
b’ito! You have the same kind of thrilling life I do!
bito : I go to the Grocery store now and then.
SueInCa : you can charter a boat to do that Kes
kesmarn : Or working on the Mediterranean cruise for us, b’ito!
bito : Whoops!
SueInCa : maybe we could get a group rate adlib
bito : AdLib is either reading to the Kido or getting a question ready
AdLib : I guess a PlanetPOV Cruise of the Mediterranean goes on the wish list?
SueInCa : last year, Cabo and Costa Rica. This year we are going to New England
kesmarn : I used to travel more, too, Sue and loved it. Then the recession clipped my wings. Would still love to get to Italy, though. It’s on the bucket list.
bito : I miss traveling.
SueInCa : Kes I cannot imagine not traveling, we go somewhere at least twice a year
kesmarn : My Dad used to teach ballroom dancing. I got NONE of those genes.
SueInCa : my husband is latino and can only do the Ray Romano dance LOL
kesmarn : Poor Laura. No retirement travels abroad. Can’t leave the country with him because she would probably come back by herself after his arrest…on the other hand…
PatsyT : I would spend hours dancing!
SueInCa : so did I patsy and I was lucky they taught me but I was teachble
PatsyT : I was lucky to have gone to a mixed school and we ALL danced!
SueInCa : not you b, me. i c&p a comment from your vid about him being evil but stupid just the same
PatsyT : Gee I wonder if George is keeping up with his dancing
bito : Sue, I was distracted, sorry.
SueInCa : In jr high we used to say you are too white to dance
kesmarn : I’ve been rendered speechless by the hilarity of the Bushman dancing. He is severely Anglo-Saxon, isn’t he?
SueInCa : i am typing too fast bito, my comment got split up
AdLib : Drunken orangutans.
SueInCa : one of the comments on your link bito
AdLib : Why do some white guys like Bush dance like orangutans walk?
SueInCa : Evil takes on many forms. Sometimes evil is stupid.
PatsyT : I know you want more «link»
bito : Dance partner«link» w.youtube.com/wa tch?v=QRhDzpJV2T M&feature=relate d
AdLib : When he tries to dance, Bush looks like a little kid whose trying to do what the grownups are doing and thinks he’s doing great. Wasn’t that his whole presidency?
SueInCa : I swear half the time bush was not wearing his dentures, look at his lips
AdLib : Could Bush look whiter?
PatsyT : «link»
bito : NIGHTMARES!!!
kesmarn : Oh, yeah. And “I Can’t Stop Bombing You”?
PatsyT : «link»
SueInCa : Kes if you have not seen Will Farrell, You’re Welcome America, you gotta see it.
bito : “or something like that”
AdLib : Bush could sing, he did covers of rock songs, remember, “Won’t Get Fooled Again”?
PatsyT : Your Non-Beating Heart …gave out today
bito : They are Incorrigible, Sue.
kesmarn : Patsy, I just saw your comment. Could W dance? I always thought his true calling was stand up comic.
AdLib : Kes – One of my favorites from 2008! “My fellow prisoners”!
SueInCa : mcgrumpy does not know which end is up these days.
SueInCa : you all are cracking ,e up and i have not drank or smoked tonite
kesmarn : I still remember McGrumpy addressing a crowd as “My fellow prisoners…” during the campaign. The RW tried to downplay it, but it was obvious he was in over his head.
AdLib : “Your Cheney Heart…won’t do you no good.”
PatsyT : for Cheny .. Your non-beating heart
SueInCa : perfect adlib
AdLib : “Your Cheatin’ Heart!”
PatsyT : Hey Kes W was a fine dancer
SueInCa : But they are dancing to Hank Williams singing Thriller
kesmarn : Yeeee-haaawww!
SueInCa : But they are dancing to Hank
kesmarn : Except that none of them can dance nearly that well.
SueInCa : Bito he will be crying get of my lawn from the straight talk express and wondering where he should be at any given moment remember Reagan’s “Mommy” for nancy? He was losing it then
AdLib : Here is advance footage of the 2012 Republican Convention: «link»
bito : Maybe McCain will run again.
kesmarn :
SueInCa : sung by Hank Williams lol
AdLib : The Republican Monster’s have no balls.
Just stonings.
SueInCa : Thriller will be their theme dance
bito : k’es,
bito : The Republican Monster’s Ball, wanna buy a ticket?
kesmarn : Maybe Lon Cheney would be a better fit, b’ito.
SueInCa : The pulseless wonder Darth Vader Cheney
AdLib : Cheney is a vampire, not a zombie. It’s all in “The Republican Monsters Handbook”.
kesmarn : “The GOZP-spell According to Reagan”
SueInCa : I will give him that but it was prob more Nancy’s doing she was a diva
PatsyT : GOZP !! LOL
bito : Lynn Cheney!! Will she get in?
kesmarn : …and actor.
PatsyT : He never quit
AdLib : The GOP will officially change its name to the GOZP – Grand Old Zombie Party.
SueInCa : they always go back to reagan. he was a statesman but a lousy governor and president
bito : Corporate Zombies
kesmarn : Surely there would be a place for Cheney in that line-up.
PatsyT : Aren’t they all zombies anyway?
AdLib : Zombie Reagan/Zombie Bachmann 2012!
PatsyT : Oh No Sue bad dreams for me tonight!
bito : I love me some Gabby. They are talking about her solar work on the local PBS.
SueInCa : kes and adlib, she proved that this week. she is weak and not a leader. i posted a comment here to that effect this week comparing her to obama in leadership.
AdLib : Sue – “Reagan” –
kesmarn : Sue
creepy image, but so like them. The Zombie Campaigner.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib. There’s a difference between mean and tough. Mean Palin is, but tough she is not.
AdLib : Sue – Love it. The Planet would happily pay shipping to get the Evil Gidget persona to her tout suite!
SueInCa : They will dig up reagan in tht case adlib. prop him on the back of a truck and do parades
bito : I don’t think her using that term was the big problem, her complete ineptness, ignorance and victim shit was worse.
AdLib : Kes – The nastiness of the resentful beauty pageant loser is beneath this facade and is real but the guns and grizzly and folksy crap is as phony as it was with Bush. She can’t run away from it or she’ll lose her only supporters. She’s stuck.
kesmarn : Gabby will be the Wounded Warrior. I wish it hadn’t worked out that way. But she will be powerful.
PatsyT : Someone
PatsyT : Some almost always seems to bail from her camp she goes thru lots of people and some of them will want to write books!
SueInCa : adlib i am going to offer my services and give her the evil gidget persona. that way she can act stupid and think she appears innocent. i will demolish her, I wish i was rebecca mansour for just a few days LOL
AdLib : I mentioned this before, can you imagine, if Gabby recovers within the next year, what a powerful symbol and campaigner she will be for Dems and Obama in 2012?
kesmarn : And I don’t think she really could adopt a new persona, AdLib, because a lot of the belligerent phony one was really her!
SueInCa : Dpn’t worry she will get in there with those senators and change laws LOL
bito : Agree, Sue.
AdLib : What will pour Palin do without her crosshairs on politicians and “Don’t Retreat, Reload”? Her whole phony persona, on which she’s put all of her chips, is now politically incorrect for 75% of the country!
SueInCa : I tell you I did not know that term,but if i saw it as something i was supposed to say i would have clarified it first
kesmarn :
PatsyT : Oh AdLib that Bachman
PatsyT : Kick the boys and make em cry bull
AdLib : Bitch BlankStare Lingo!
kesmarn : Rush and Palin’s motto: “Thump that Bible and Scream Blood Libel.”
PatsyT : Hey they got SOOO defensive right away!
SueInCa : That is death for both of them and their rhetoric
SueInCa : by my Boss 302
AdLib : What Palin and Rush are doing now is trying to keep their arson fire burning while the people are pouring buckets of water on it. They don’t want that fire to go out or they lose everything so they are trying to pour on more gasoline. If the public settles down on the side of civility, that fire will be down to a smoulder.
bito : Patsy!!!
kesmarn :
PatsyT : Does she get run over?
SueInCa : Gidget goes to Nascar
SueInCa : got it thanks adlib
bito : Bleach Blanket Bunko?
AdLib : Sue – You know you can make your screen taller? See the + and – just above the upper right corner of the comment entry box? Click on the + to make the screen taller and – to make it shorter. A new feature from our latest update!
PatsyT : Not Beach Blanket Bingo … Word Salad Lingo
bito : Evil Gidget!
PatsyT : She will just have to wink… a lot!
SueInCa : Evil Gidget will be the theme of the day with Palin
bito : Good point Patsy. What will SP use?
AdLib : Of course Rush is going nuts, if the Dems and Repubs act mature and civil and govern with good will…he’s out of a job (or at least down to just broadcasting beside Sarah Palin at NASCAR races.
SueInCa : I wish this screen was wider, i am having trouble keeping up lol
PatsyT : If they don’t have all of those tools to exploight how can they sell their message?
AdLib : I really can’t call this one confidently. People are unfortunately prone to falling back to their old ways and not retaining enlightenment.
bito : Hmmm, it is hard to change, quickly, and the R’s have been running on fear for many years.
kesmarn : I do know that Limbaugh is in full battle mode right now. He is freaking out. And there are considerable numbers who take their script and marching orders from him. But I don’t know if even he can champion incivility and pull it off.
SueInCa : They really don’t seem to be in the mood still. I think the Dems should continue to make overatures and let them look silly
PatsyT : Oh I love that guy that helped Gabby and stayed with her!
bito : Kes and I were talking about his Chicago speech, he said he was going to govern from the center then.
kesmarn : Well, Sue, I still will be watching every closely when this 2 year window of tax breaks for the rich is up. I hope he fights hard to make ’em pay their fair share then.
SueInCa : mcpain looked downright, “get off my lawn” the whole night
SueInCa : To be honest I have been somewhat disappointed but this week proved his approach to governing is the right approach. I wanted some fire, but that is not the way to go
bito : I would have liked McPain and Kyl to have missed the flight.
kesmarn : Calm and steady wins the day.
PatsyT : I am glad we stuck with our President!
SueInCa : Boehner is a drunk, plain and simple. I don’t think he could manage all that time without a drink
AdLib : Kes – Thanks! I may have been among the first to be seeing this on the horizon but Khirad and many others here including you came to the same conclusions. And we did this LAST year, when HP was sewing doom and gloom and looking for someone to run against Obama in 2012.
PatsyT : Kes that $$ $$ Tan $$ Jack Daniels
SueInCa : I am looking forward to the next two years, it should be interesting
kesmarn : No one can say he doesn’t have his priorities, Sue. Money, money, and money in that order.
bito : His excuse was fucking lame.
SueInCa : not hard enough to miss the memorial for a coctail party, emphisas on, well you know
kesmarn : So hard it maketh him weep.
bito : Guving be hard, Mr boner.
AdLib : Bito – Sorry, that’s strange, I’ve been noticing that in Vox, another glitch! Well, you’re picture perfect in my book.
kesmarn : You can represent “Everyman,” b’ito, with no avatar.
kesmarn : Credit where credit is due, AdLib. Your prognostications have been uncannily accurate. There. Used up my big word quota.
SueInCa : I truly think that is the case Adlib
PatsyT : We can keep a close eye on the cryer this way .. as long as he is on camera crying he can’t get into to much trouble
AdLib : Meanwhile, HP has been pushing for Biden to resign and attacking Obama and rooting for a primary challenger.
bito : How come I don’t have a avatar? So much running for Prez. lol
AdLib : We have been saying this here at The Planet since the middle of last year, the Repubs winning the House may indeed be the best thing to happen to the Dems and Obama’s chances in 2012.
SueInCa : Gingrich told MB Republicans they need to go after Latinos, Blacks and Jewish voting blocks LOL
bito : The economy is improving
kesmarn : The FOX watcher elderly demographic is inevitably shrinking.
bito : Just looked at PPP and they haven’t had a poll since Jan3
AdLib : And, sorry to say, but the elderly folks who won’t be around in 2012 are more heavily Repub (and a bit more troubled by non-white folk on balance).
kesmarn : That’s a good point, Patsy. New voters who will have come of age during this first term.
PatsyT : 4 more years of new youth voters added to the mix and more latino
SueInCa : I hear MJ in the background
AdLib : The youth vote will be back because they will get kicked off their parents’ HC if a Repub is Pres and HCR is repealed.
kesmarn : Well. Its’ true.
SueInCa : I think the youth vote will be back
PatsyT : Kes… LOL !!
kesmarn : It’s Friday night, Sue…
AdLib : This Marist poll shows that people were just being bratty jerks in Nov. Now that they got their protest out of their system and see Obama compared with Repubs, they feel that they can support him again.
SueInCa : LOL Kes you make me laugh
PatsyT : Hey I think the tweety talked about those number today and he said the speech was not a factor yet
kesmarn : Vote for BITO. Unlike Palin, he DOES know shit-o!
bito : That is a huge change!
kesmarn : Those are some beee-oooo-tiful numbers, AdLib.
AdLib : To quote a famous nitwit, “Bring it on!”
SueInCa : Everyone is voting for Bito ‘Cause he’s got what all the rest lack …and the Chairman will come back and sing for Bito
AdLib : This story is just an hour old: “The McClatchy Newspapers – Marist Poll indicated that President Obama held a 51 – 38 percent lead over former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in a hypothetical match-up. He led former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee 50 – 38 and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin 56 – 30. In a December poll where respondents were posed the same question, President Obama led Mitt Romney by 2 points (46 – 44), Mike Huckabee by four (47 – 43), and Sarah Palin by 12 (52 – 40). «link»
PatsyT : I can see the ads now…. against Palin
bito : I think Mr Obama might have a better chance.
kesmarn : Pot for everyone! From B’ito! Is that what I heard?
SueInCa : The Dems want Palin it would be so easy to run campaign ads, just repeat her own words
bito : I’m not sure if I could everyone at the Planet to vote for me. lol
kesmarn : Does this mean you’re not going to challenge the Prez, b’ito?
AdLib : I think Huckabee is the one that triangulates the best but has so much baggage, I don’t see him having “a prayer” of winning.
SueInCa : And I said Bito
bito : NO< NO!! I meant who should the D’s want to run against?
SueInCa : I am stocking up on the popcorn it is gonna be a gaffe a minute
kesmarn : Yeah, Sue, all you have to say is: “I’ve seen the light and Jesus has forgiven me. If you think you’re better than Jesus, go ahead and judge me….sniff…”
SueInCa : I want Bito too a strong union guy
AdLib : Bito –
AdLib : Newt hasn’t a prayer. Neither does Barbour. Pawlenty and Thune are so unknown and so lacking in charisma, how do they stand out on a stage with Palin, Huckabee and Romney?
bito : Who should the D’s like to see run?
SueInCa : I know Kes but their penchant for forgiving their family values whores is legendary
kesmarn : Talk about a guy with baggage, though, Sue. Gingrich has it.
AdLib : Sue – Agreed, especially in the South, Romney being a Mormon will be an issue and discourage turnout.
SueInCa : Gingrich is insuating himself with the religious right to pander for votes
kesmarn : Is Romney connected to the Amway/Erik Prince/Blackwate r/Xe axis of evil in Mich.?
AdLib : I don’t know that Romney can win the primary with HCR in MA around his neck and the TP against him.
SueInCa : Adlib i don’t hold high hope for Romney, the mormon thing is too hard for hard right to handle
kesmarn : Again, it says, Patsy. So yeah, looks like he plans a run.
SueInCa : It is going to be interesting. It all starts this coming summer!!!!!
AdLib : Sue – True, CO too, could help. But a Mormon and Romney not being a legit Tea Party candidate will depress enthusiasm and turnout elsewhere.
PatsyT : Romney quit the Marriot BoD «link»
bito : All but Romney
AdLib : Mormons could help in NV but AZ and UT would go Repub in any case.
SueInCa : but only in crtain areas bito, NV AZ, ID maybe CO?
kesmarn : How many of the contenders work for FOX?
bito : Morman could help in the west.
AdLib : Sue – props from me too, so concise and on the money in your Vox-Fast analysis.
kesmarn : Ah…gotcha!
SueInCa : kes – mormon
bito : My thought, too, Adlib
SueInCa : Romney will have to answer for Bain Capital
AdLib : They’d take Huckabee too.
kesmarn :
Love that rapid analysis, Sue! What is the magic underwear thingy?
AdLib : The Kochs want Romney badly.
bito : Who do the Koch’s have their money on, that is the question
AdLib : Bachmann would be a vanity run, she has no national constituency that would support her over Palin.
bito : Romney is a good corporate stooge.
SueInCa : romney – magic underwear, thune – batshitcrazy, Bachman – same, Huckabee – Let a cop killer go based on religion, Gingrich – FV issues, Palin – batshitcrazy wazilla hillbilly
AdLib : The GOP has an inescapable problem. Only an extremist can win the primary and only someone who could move to the middle could win the GE. You can’t be a rat and a cat at the same time.
PatsyT : Romney quit some board of directors today … signs of getting ready
kesmarn : Sue, do you think the RRight will vote for a Mormon?
bito : What do you think , Guests?
AdLib : Thune, Newt, Pawlenty and Barbour don’t have a prayer. Palin has an outside shot, Romney will be competitive and could make it. Huckster will be going after Palin’s crowd so they could help Romney.
bito : Good point , Patsy
kesmarn : Meant to be a question mark: Romney?
PatsyT : Do they still have a center?
SueInCa : gingrich had a dinner at 100 a plate in MB, SC and only 85 people showed
bito : Pawlenty?
kesmarn : Romney/
bito : Who can run in the center to win the general?
kesmarn : Oh, Jesus. Bachmann…anoth er Palin, or worse.
SueInCa : Palin Gingrich Romney Thune Huckabee and maybe Bachman
kesmarn : Wouldn’t you know that a Repub would try to cook the books even when they’re virtual and on InTrade, AdLib?
bito : Who is in right now? Thune, Rommney, Gingrich, ….
SueInCa : Everyone but Pawlenty has baggage
AdLib : Kes – I know about InTrade, they got their share of attention in 2008 too but they were behind the curve. There was actually a revelation about a RW millionaire buying up shares in a Repub to slant the odds. It’s not terribly reliable but is an indicator.
PatsyT : Oh Kes sorry Huckabee
kesmarn : The Huckabee Huckster or the Wasilla Huckster or the Gingrich Huckster, Patsy?
bito : Yes, I think she will run. her speaking fees will go up win or lose.
SueInCa : She will run and she will be crushed if not by dirty R tricks then by Obama being half an intellectual
PatsyT : Now I know why the someone in the Whitehouse said that it will be the Huckster running.
AdLib : Bito – So you think she’s doomed but will still run? That’s how I see it. Her ego is too huge to not try to win the nom and she has to be thinking that even a failed campaign will give her greater power in the GOP and celebrity, enhancing her wealth and maybe being a kingmaker in the GOP primary.
bito : The R primaries are set up as winner take all, and the most rabid are the ones that vote. With5-6 in the primary she could win with 20%
PatsyT : She has jumped that shark a few times now. She even has the fonzie jacket to wear
kesmarn : My son recommended a site called “InTrade.” You can buy “stock” in the likelihood of various future events. Sarah’s likely candidacy plummeted 20 points over the last couple days. I’ll try to post the image. Hilarious crash.
SueInCa : Oh Adlib, of course she will run. she is not on the same plane as the rest of us. she is incapable of analyzing herself honestly
bito : Yes and Yes Adlib.
SueInCa : bito, yes and he is going though the series pretty steady, another investigator in the family?
AdLib : Why don’t we start? As long as we and most of the MSM was talking about Palin in light of her response to the AZ tragedy (not to mention the Palin video and articles posted at The Planet today), do you think she has really jumped the shark? Will she still run in the GOP primary for President? Could the Tea Party deliver the nom to her? Is there any possibility in your mind that she could find a way to win the election if nominated?
PatsyT : about the fish food
kesmarn : Yes, Hardy Boys seem to be making a come-back, Sue.
SueInCa : patsy i was right
bito : They still have the Hardy boys?
SueInCa : my gson is the Hrdy Boys
kesmarn : I saw that, b’ito. For kids who aren’t into reading? The Fave has her favorites — currently “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.”
bito : I want to know about the fish food
SueInCa : ice cream with little chocolate phish bites and I think some marshmallow i have not had in a long time
PatsyT : Oh Bito, Thanks so much I will check it out.
PatsyT : Whats in that? My girls love it.
bito : Patsy, I left you and kes a reading list in OT
SueInCa : Patsy I love phish food
PatsyT : Lets tell Ben & Jerry
kesmarn : The original Nutcracker Sweeeeet.
PatsyT : There is one called fish food
PatsyT : She does like to bust em
AdLib : Don’t forget Cookie Puss and Fudgie the Whale!
bito : Anything from Schawns
kesmarn : Something with nuts for Ms. Palin.
AdLib : Fudge brownie ice cream?
kesmarn : Mmmmmmmmm….
bito : Chocolate- peanut butter cup.
AdLib : In honor of the next two years for Pres. Obama (rocky road).
AdLib : Rocky road!
PatsyT : cookie dough!
kesmarn : Chocolate almond!
AdLib : Hey, get me some Tutti Fruiti!
bito : Too many initials, Sue, help.
kesmarn : For looking like such a doof, Beck is kind of a genius at separating people from their dollars.
PatsyT : Ice Cream!
SueInCa : gotta get ice cream for the smurf, be bck
AdLib : Gold is a huge bubble. Thank goodness so many RW Repubs and Baggers are leveraged so deep into it, when it bursts, they’ll learn the hard way how they’ve been played by Beck and the others.
SueInCa : CFTC gave 16 letters to GS and their kind to trade in commodities, bad news
kesmarn : If only the rich would ever figure out that a stable, prosperous democracy benefits THEM, too.
SueInCa : Bito – look toward GS
AdLib : A stable, prosperous democracy empowers the people. An unstable, desperate democracy creates disruption among the people and dilutes their power.
bito : Gold is in a bubble right now.
kesmarn : I don’t think I can handle one more bubble…
SueInCa : The new bubble, commodities
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
AdLib : Sue – As I mentioned previously, the wealthy want instability. It weakens a democracy by distracting the people and dividing them…putting them at each other’s throats instead of banding together and taking back the power in their democracy.
SueInCa : Patsy!
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy!
PatsyT : Good Evening everyone I hope you all are well!
SueInCa : of course Kes, good to see ll of you
bito : Sistah, will clear things up, Bomb the hell out of them.
kesmarn : Morning Blog, Sue. Hey, good to see you!
SueInCa : ok mb? my mind is blank
SueInCa : Scary situations both, is that what R’s want for us?
kesmarn : Sorry I missed you, Kalima! This PHONE!!!! Nobody calls me except on Friday night!
AdLib : Thanks to MB, TOOT and many posts by many people here, I know a hell of a lot more than I did.
Kalima : Hi kes, I’m logging off now. Have fun and see you later.
bito : Thanks to MB, I have some knowledge.
AdLib : We can chat for a little bit more before starting, a few more folks may join us.
kesmarn : Is it too late to say hi and bye to Kalima?
SueInCa : Bito don’;t know much about tunisia but it seems to have fallen quickly
Kalima : Yes bito, a dear friend of minr lives there. I can’t get her on the phone, I hope she has gone to Europe for a few weeks.
AdLib : Or Good Afternoon, Kalima!
SueInCa : Nite Kalima, I envy you with a Dyson to spend the day with. I wamted one until I put wood in
bito : Good night Kalima
Kalima : Good night my friends. Be safe.
SueInCa : LOL I have wood floors
Kalima : With out it Sue, we would all end up looking like Bigfoot, the humans here I mean
bito : Looks like Tunisia and Lebanon are in quite a turmoil.
SueInCa : Lucky Kalima a Dyson all her own
Kalima : Just popping back out. My Dyson awaits!
SueInCa : LOL it is pretty incredible the eyes have great expression
AdLib : Hey Kalima! Always lovely to have you pop in!
AdLib : Sue – I will keep my true to life eyes peeled for his work!
Kalima : Have a wonderful chat. Off to clean now. See you later.
SueInCa : Hi Kalima good to be here too
Kalima : Hi Sue, great to see you.
SueInCa : monet schmonet smdy you will hear of an anthony emmanuel
SueInCa : He is a very good artist. his people have true to life eyes
bito : I can’t do any of these things!
SueInCa : I think I wnt my car to last a bit longer, thank you very much
AdLib : Paint a copy of a Monet?
AdLib : Bito –
bito : Build a Bloom Box!
AdLib : Can’t do that on a computer!
AdLib : I know, ask him to rebuild your transmission!
SueInCa : Bito, that is exactly what he told me when I asked him if he knew it
AdLib : Bito – Yes, but Sue is on the computer so he’d have to figure it himself.
SueInCa : LOl he is playing a vid game right now but he will get bored
bito : AdLib, you can get that answer on-line.
AdLib : Let me think…maybe a DVD?
SueInCa : AL his cousin already pulled that on him, he is a wise 10 year old
SueInCa : Bito he is 10 and he already read for an hour today, i am afraid that is his limit
AdLib : Ask him to figure out Pi to the 1,000th decimal. It’s helpful for you, educational for him.
bito : Give him a book
, Sue.
AdLib : Sue, I’m sure grandkids would never take your focus away from something.
SueInCa : I am going to try and join if my grandson does not try to kick me off the puter
Chernynkaya : kes– hehe!
kesmarn : That’s an irresistable MMM, Cher. You’ll be missed; but have fun. I notice you’re leaving the subject of “dessert” to our imaginations….
Chernynkaya : I would like to join you all, but we have movies, macaroni and cheese and martinis! How can I pass that up? But I’ll be reading y’all tomorrow, so watch whatcha say.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our weekly live chat on the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PST. Should be a lot to chat about tonight! Hope to see you then!
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