AdLib : Thanks, night all!!!
bitohistory : Night , thanks again. peace.
Khirad : Aye, a good night to all.
bitohistory : Had a discussion to night about how much policy v. politics get talked about on the teevee. Policy be hard.
PatsyT : You kids have a wonderful night!
PatsyT : Bito That is my driving thing but when in the house I tend to put on MSNBC not because I feel like I will be so enlightened but because I want to SEE how they will portray a story
AdLib : It is late, looks like a good time to bring tonight’s edition of Vox Populi to a close. Thank you all for another fantastic and fun conversation tonight! Have a fantastic weekend all and see you here next week, same bat time, same bat channel!
AdLib : And of course, Democracy Now!
AdLib : I love Fresh Air and All Things Considered
bitohistory : I listen to Fresh Air.
AdLib : Patsy – Grayson for RatAgain, got my vote!
PatsyT : And to think I like him when he started!
AdLib : Patsy – He is indeed. He is a worse POS than Fox News people because at least you know what side they are on.
PatsyT : Lets replace Ratagain with Alan Grayson!
AdLib : Bito – You are so right! He is such a fraud but he’s on at 1 pm lunchtime here so I try to catch up on the MSM and his RattyAgain face is on. He is such a transparent fraud, I just keep waiting for him to finally endorse the GOP and drop the guise.
bitohistory : That’s a good description, Patsy.
PatsyT : Is a confuser
bitohistory : Night boomer. stay warm in OH-IO
PatsyT : Rat agains I a confuser
PatsyT : Hey Kes Good Night to you also….
PatsyT : Nighty Night Boomer Ohio Gals are just about the best
bitohistory : AdLib, for your health, please stop watching him!!
Khirad : Night, boomer.
PatsyT : Bito two jobs for everyone sounds like Two Girls for Every Boy! «link»
AdLib : Night Boomer, thanks for staying up! Great work on your article, looking forward to your letter!
AdLib : Night Kes, have a wonderful weekend!
boomer1949 : okay folks, it’s 1:15 Saturday morning and I’m out of here. Lots of work to do this weekend. Will check in later. Hugs to all!
AdLib : Bito – Had the misfortune of seeing some of RatAgain’s show today, he had two guests on to talk about the tax cuts, a RW and a More RW duo who claim….that companies ship jobs to China because the U.S. is not “hospitable” to investment. IOW, our people aren’t willing to work for $5/day yet. I wish I could have walked through my TV and given them a verbal battering.
bitohistory : G’night k’es.
Khirad : Night, kes.
kesmarn : You betcha! Well, kids, I’m gonna have to leave the party, too. Got to bed @ 3 this a.m. and what’s left of my brain knows it by now. Thanks to all for a great Vox this Friday!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Choice Lady
boomer1949 : G’night CL.
boomer1949 : kes, someone will find a way to blame him doncha’ know?
kesmarn : Good night, c’lady! Feel better!
Khirad : Night C-Lady.
AdLib : CL – Have a lovely night’s sleep, you deserve it! See you soon!
kesmarn : boomer, I should put the smily face on that one. I was kidding. It would figure, though, that a forest fire halfway around the world would hafta be his fault, though, wouldn’t it?
boomer1949 : …and it’s Obama’s fault…not.
bitohistory : Night C’Lady! peace
AdLib : Khirad – That’s very cool. I fear that in light of this election and the Repubs taking power, there will be a lot more open hatred and racism, sanctioned by those on the Right through their silence about it.
boomer1949 : Patsy,
bitohistory : If we just lowered our living standards to Mexico’s we would all have jobs, China;s we could have two jobs.
PatsyT : History will be brutal to them AdLib That is why they want to rewrite the History books
choicelady : And to all – I’m fading. I got some bug T’giving night and while much better, I’m growing weary which means I don’t type well. Who was it who typed runes? I’m not THAT good. Have a lovely weekend all. Hope to talk with you next Vox Populi Friday. Sweet dreams!
boomer1949 : not everything is Obama’s fault. What flavor of Kool-Aide did you have with dinner tonight?
boomer1949 : kes,
AdLib : Boomer – There will be a time when people look back on the heartlessness and greed of the GOP and those supporting them to be like this, just as we look back on the Reagan Republicans with disdain. I think, with the racism mixed in, these Repubs are worse.
Khirad : Yeah, I saw that too in Israel. Also, don’t know if you all heard, but at the Corvallis, at the mosque that was set fire too, there was a gathering of 200 people for a candle light vigil and singing We Shall Overcome – I hope to see more of this. I almost cried. God bless Oregon.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m so glad YOU like it, too. It has such positive energy.
boomer1949 : CL-all s well. No longer in that line of work — yet I miss it. A double edged sword…
PatsyT : Boomer Our kids will have to go to India or China for work
AdLib : CL – It keeps me going when the going gets tough too!
boomer1949 : kes, my whole life is possessed.
choicelady : AdLib – that IS the song that runs through my head, that version of Tom Petty’s – all the time when I’m getting edgy and worried! You read me well, my friend!Thank you!
AdLib : bito – Yes, arson, I heard they caught the people who set it.
AdLib : My pleasure CL, and I mean it!
boomer1949 : PBS Newshour had a lengthy piece this evening about college grads in their early twenties unable to find work in their chosen field. A married couple with one child, both college graduates, are on welfare, charity from family, and food stamps. The young husband/father cried on camera. Broke my heart.
choicelady : AdLib – thank you!!
PatsyT : That is perfect for the Choice Lady
kesmarn : Gotta be Obama’s fault.
bitohistory : Huh? Huge forest fire in Israel?
choicelady : Oh boomer – sorry to hear it. There are some people, nice though they may be, whom you do NOT need to have in your life. As one woman said, “Police at your door is NEVER a good thing.” Hope all is well now?
kesmarn : That’s our c’lady!
AdLib : Whoops! Here it is, my theme song for ChoiceLady: «link»
choicelady : I LOVE Rev. Billy! The antithesis of the 3:00 am “Jayzuz will get you a condo in Florida and Mer SAY deez Benz.” And all you have to do is turn over your life savings to meeee. Billy is a bit over the top for my taste, but the anti-materialism part works well. Maybe he can take his schtick to the Hamptons?
PatsyT : Was that the point?
boomer1949 : CL – I’ve been down the “alph soup” road and have a number of friends who have been and still are traveling. I get it.
bitohistory : The URL contained a malformed video ID.
AdLib : This is my theme song for CL: «link»
kesmarn : boomer, you have cards that are “possessed,” too?
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, when mowing your own lawn or doing your own laundry are considered intolerable, how can the unemployed be judged?
PatsyT : I want to join his gospel choir!
boomer1949 : kes – me?
AdLib : Patsy – I’ve seen him before, that’s faith money can’t buy!
AdLib : Kes – So true, how much REAL work does Trump perform each day compared to an unemployed contractor when he works?
kesmarn : Patsy, I had seen Rev. Billy before and love his good humored wit. The faux-seizure when he was casting demons out of credit cards was great! I have a couple of those cards that need an exorcism next time he’s in town.
choicelady : boomer – thanks but it’s not, this time, as scary as it has been. Things have quieted down since we started leaving the porch lite on all night. Wish we’d figured that out before putting in the cameras…The “alph soup” folks SORT of have my back, but there is NO evidence of what has happened. They are far too clever. Different people, no grafitti, no notes, no threats. Makes it hard. We ARE flagged for high response on 911 – so we have to have neighbors call if there is a problem that is important but not serious. Who needs 6 cop cars to break up a drunked fight in front of your house? It’s a weird way to live. But I WILL NOT BACK DOWN. So take THAT you RW phony Christians!
AdLib : Khirad, I would bet that in 6 to 10 years, there will not be a Tea Party. This was an artificially inflated balloon that can’t sustain itself once the dissatisfaction with Dems being in power goes away. They are an endangered and unsustainable species.
bitohistory : Ralph One and Ralph Too, too and also.
PatsyT : Kes you are on to them!
kesmarn : AdLib, was just mentioning that earlier today. The RW says that the unemployed are dishonest and lazy… Again, projecting their own faults. Who is it that really doesn’t like to work?
boomer1949 : bito
PatsyT : That link is a little long but check it out when you have some time
bitohistory : That was good, Patsy. Oh Billie nailed it. Quite the group.
PatsyT : I resemble that remark
boomer1949 : CL, bless you for all you do and have done. I write lots of letters and emails, and make phone calls. But to put myself out there like you do, I am afraid I would pee my pants 2-3-4 times a day. On the other hand, if the “alphabet soup guys” have your back. then it makes me feel much better.
AdLib : There is an old piece of wisdom, always consider that a thief is more likely to accuse you of stealing because that’s what he’d do. These hateful and racist people calling Obama a racist, the wealthy calling any attempt to stop them from taking more from us “class warfare”, the TP saying that other people (non-racist non-whites) want to take their country away…you see it frequently.
PatsyT : Good News Bito … Did anyone see this link I left the other day. Talk about a religion. «link»
kesmarn : b’ito, on the Beck follower’s arrest: Beck will once again tearfully declare how he abhors violence…
bitohistory : We will just call you Ralph Too, boomer.
choicelady : Kes – anyone with that good a sense of humor is a wonderful person to know!
choicelady : boomer – we won’t tell a soul you said that about them. I find them very RW and creepy. Sort of like some of the bloggers on HP.
Khirad : This is great – let’s just make it official what the baggers are: «link»
kesmarn : I’m kinda fond of the lad, c’lady.
choicelady : Kes – your son nailed the deep relationship between pseudo Christianity and money. He’s a natural. Keep an eye on him…
boomer1949 : CL – anyone, any group, any organization that hides behind masks and are unwilling to link themselves to what they say they stand for are not worth, as my father used to say, “a pot to piss in.” Shh, please don’t tell them I just said that.
bitohistory : Making and selling grenades to a white supremacist group
kesmarn : c’lady, when my son heard about the 7 Mountains thing and the planned “transfer of wealth” from the ungodly to the godly he said: (taking the role of Christ) “Hey guys! Gotta great idea for spreading this new religion of mine around. Let’s set up tables in the Temple and exchange money at a profit! I’ll just braid this here whip to drive out the competition.”
bitohistory : Another one of Beck’s followers was arrested the other day.
boomer1949 : Okay AdLib, I read the first paragraph and went no further. Anonymous is equivalent to having no balls.
choicelady : Oh kes – priceless! Snide and Prejudice! BRILLIANT!
Khirad : Actually this is a better link, AdLib – «link»
choicelady : Khirad = my friend Leah Burton’s book will be entirely about Palin’s religious radicalism. “Palin’s America: God, Guns, and Greed” will expose the extent of the New Apostolic Reformation. Boomer – Anonymous is a group, I guess, of unknown people, but they have committed acts of real violence against mostly Scientology but also against mainline churches. I got an email demanding we support their work against Scientology. I had to ask the FBI whether to answer or not. I did not. It was safer because if I’d pissed off Anonymous, I’d have had TWO sets of wackos on my butt. Nothing came of my non-reply. Whew!
Khirad : Yup, Kali, and speaking of, this Supremacist view of religion that people like Palin espouse really needs to be called for what it is: racist.
PatsyT : A true California Glow!
bitohistory : Speaking of Cults, Fox
PatsyT : AdLib Now you can see clearly why the repubs are trying to defund NASA
AdLib : Good one Kes!
kesmarn : We’ll tell Mr. Boner that Mona Lake cocktails give one a healthy tannish glow.
AdLib : Boomer – Here’s a Wikipedia entry on Anonymous: «link»
kesmarn : Fox commentators who thrive on “Snide and Prejudice”?
PatsyT : Kes Mona Lake cocktail? Can we interest Mr Boner in that?
AdLib : Is it true that NASA has discovered Republican leaders that can thrive on bile alone?
choicelady : All – I agree that devolution into these cults is just mind-boggling. Why would you turn over your life to something so palpably UNTRUE? OK – one could indeed ask how you can turn your life over to a cult where the founder was born of a virgin, the father was a all powerful God, the son was tortured to death then rose miraculously to have his followers eat his flesh and drink his blood. I’ll give you all that. Except – that’s only a part of the pool of believers, and I’m of the mind that those are the people who are similar to cult followers. The rest of us follow the TEACHINGS and tend to be, oh, CPAs and schoolteachers with bunions. You know. Ordinary folks.
kesmarn : Khirad, is that Khali? (Do I have the name right?) Yeah, Mary as the Demon Woman?? How do they call themselves Christians if they believe that Jesus was the child of Satan’s “Woman”?
AdLib : CL – That’s actually a process of brainwashing. To brainwash, you need to isolate an individual from those people that anchor their identity. Fear is always useful in this pursuit, whether it is fear of being outcast from the cult by not doing so, fears sewn into people that their friends and family are really their enemies, fear of not going to heaven or going to hell, whatever fear they can use, they do so they can isolate people and condition them.
bitohistory : Mona lake Cocktail!
boomer1949 : Someone explain Anonymous?
kesmarn : I can think of a few politicians and bankers who would benefit from a Mona Lake cocktail.
Khirad : More really needs to be done with Palin’s radical religious views. I have no doubt her circle is anti-Catholic. And Mother Mary as dark goddess? Puh-leaze. «link»
AdLib : Yes, I know about Anonymous and they started as solely an anti-Scientology group which at first, I was glad to see because it’s a dangerous position to be in. Then, they morphed into a cult of their own, turning on other religions in a self-righteous kind of way. Becoming themselves what they originally attacked.
PatsyT : We are on the same science beat Bito!
choicelady : AdLib – I’m so sorry. I cannot wrap my own mind around giving up everything that way, especially people you love. What’s the benefit? Why do people DO that? But once in, the fear and coercion are definitely what keep you. VERY scary.
bitohistory : I do remember them C’L, I think you have the name right.
bitohistory : That was what I was talking about, Patsy.
kesmarn : Religious and political whackies are so…well…whac ky. They’ll swallow the most complex and byzantine conspiracy notions or “billion year old spirit” tales. But a simple notion like evolution is too much for ’em.
choicelady : Patsy – I am not sure of their name. I think it may have been Prophet Sister Claire? but the name of the group eludes me. Only their weird “vision” sticks in my head.
AdLib : CL – Indeed, the Religious Extremists who describe themselves as Christian touch all the bases of a cult and are de facto cults. That makes them dangerous.
PatsyT : Bito they have found a bactieria in Mona lake CA that can live off of arsenic
choicelady : AdLib – Anonymous that went after Scientology went after mainline churches, too. The Scientologists here were truly under assault with death threats etc. and were picketed by Anonymous supporters who all wear MASKS OF Guy Fawkes. Now that is weird – Fawkes was a reactionary Catholic (if he existed at all) so what are these radically anti-religion, homophobic people doing using that image???? I suspect there is more to Anonymous than we know. They may be RW religious freakoids.
AdLib : CL – I lost close friends because, as cults will do, they insist that you not associate with those outside of the circle of believers. Obviously, the real concern is that they will be unbrainwashed.
bitohistory : But what of the arsenic-eating overlords?
PatsyT : CL was that NewSkin?
Khirad : Kes, L Ron is well known to have been an amphetamines addict.
AdLib : It’s such bad 1950’s science fiction…then again, so is the Tea Party platform and belief system and people are following that.
kesmarn : “he’d” not “he’s”
choicelady : All – remember a cult about 20years ago that got yuppies to turn over everything to its woman founder who had tunnels dug under their compound? She “channeled” a billion year old spirit who warned large robots were coming to take over the eart. Now if you pursue a religion that resembles the old “Rocky and Bullwinkle” 6-foot Metal Munching Moon Mice script, I say fine. Whatever floats your boat. But I agree with AdLib – don’t coerce people into being part of it. And leave ME the hell out of it!
kesmarn : Khirad, I bet if a good handwriting expert had a look at that, he’s have the writer nailed in one word: c-r-a-z-y
boomer1949 : I will say I think he took a long walk on a short pier, psychologically speaking as it were.
boomer1949 : CL – okay, I understand nor did I expect you to do anything at all. I just know there was more to him, the situation, and how it ultimately ended than most will ever know.
PatsyT : Kes She drives you over the edge and
AdLib : Bito, I’m sorry, what did you say, I wasn’t paying attention.
Khirad : South Park did some serious research on that, far from their common reputation as just crude goofballs. Here is part of OT3 in L Rons own handwriting: «link»
PatsyT : Touche AdLib !
kesmarn : Both very edgy, but for entirely different reasons, Patsy!
AdLib : Patsy – They’re both cartoons.
bitohistory : Sorry, I just think economics gets way too ignored. It is what runs policy/politics, yet no one pays any attention to it.
PatsyT : I am glad you guys clarified SP as South Park and not Sarah Palin, I was getting a little confused
kesmarn : The fundies do seem to grow ever creepier. I read a couple of the links that were offered on the “Scared of Palin” article this past week. Was interested to learn that, as a Catholic, I worship a dark “Queen of Heaven” that I think is Mary, but is actually a demonic enemy. Who’d a thought? They seem to know more about me than I do. (Sadly there are some extremely RW Catholics who play along with them pretty well.)
AdLib : Boomer – Yes, but that is L. Ron Hubbard speaking, I believe, affirming it all.
boomer1949 : AdLib — South Park doesn’t count.
choicelady : bito – yes indeed, many other vastly more fair ways to do deficit reductions. So with SB dead, we might get to talk about them.
boomer1949 : AdLib, I was only jerking your chain. You should know not to take me seriously unless I cry like Boehner.
choicelady : boomer – yes, Jones was ordained by Disciples of Christ (one of my denominational members) who are very progressive, but he morphed into an ally of the Assembly of God – and then into God only knows what. Power definitely corrupts, but I suspect he had major psychiatric problems. Someday I will speculate out loud about what I think REALLY happened there. But not tonight.
AdLib : Check out this video on Scientology with clips from South Park: «link»
boomer1949 : I got sucked into all of it for awhile years ago, easy to do, if you’re searching. They do look for the weak, Fortunately I came to my senses and came up for air.
bitohistory : C’L Two groups that had much better plans that i skimmed were the CAP and a group called prosperity not austerity. Way more progressive the the regressive Simpson crap.
boomer1949 : CL – Jim Jones was no accident nor an exception to any rule. I read up on the Dominionists, C Street, TBN, Jim & Tammy Faye…the whole lot of them.
choicelady : AdLib – I also know Scientologists and like them as people. But I know very little about Scientology other than that riff Tom did about psychology which was over-the-top weird.
AdLib : Boomer – Nope, the people I knew who joined Scientology were not quite celebrities. Nice folks but the dogma of that cult takes such a suspension of disbelief…you ‘d have to be able to say you enjoyed watching Travolta in Battlefield Earth.
choicelady : bito – happiest moment of the last several week was the defeat of Simpson Bowles!!!!! I’m over the MOON at that even if it was some of the conservatives who helped kill it.
choicelady : AdLib – I just read a Jeffey Deaver novel, “The Sleeping Doll” in which it was reported that the FBI was shifting some of its work from cults to fundamentalist extremists. That happens to be TRUE. I work with Feds looking at that and who have done so for quite some time. There no longer is much difference between Jim Jones and some of the fundies.
boomer1949 : Patsy, drives me nuts, the hair thing. It’s one thing to have “bed hair” at 7 in the morning, but not at 4 in the afternoon when its time for tea. Jeeze.
AdLib : Khirad – Yes, I really enjoyed SP taking on Scientology though look what happened when they did, “Chef” quit and a well financed and legal campaign by Scientology successfully banned them from replaying the episode. Scientology is a scary and hostile organization though as I’ve said, I know many who follow it and are wonderful people. Always important to differentiate between the organization and the members.
PatsyT : Boomer LOL
boomer1949 : AdLib, so do you hang with Tom & Katie
and poor little Suri? If it were me, I’d hire a new Nanny, whoever it is must not know how to use a comb and brush.
bitohistory : The biggest problem I see now is that the money people are strangling countries withe austerity, something like the Simpson Bowles thing. It takes growth to move out of debt, not more debt to bond hoilders. IMHO
Khirad : Speaking of, the SP episode on Xenu was also seminal. Would EST be Erhard Seminars Training?
AdLib : Khirad – I grew up in L.A. and was introduced to cults early on. Had a close friend get swallowed up by EST when I was young, other friends in other New Age cults and others into Scientology. I learned quite a bit about cults and though I respect the sanctity of everyone to have the beliefs that they do, I do have a lot of anger towards cults that control and manipulate people and wall them off either literally or figuratively from family, friends or the rest of society.
choicelady : bito – how is this different from all the other developed nations in trouble? It’s scary so I’m not paying attention as I should. One feels so powerless!
bitohistory : No! Spain does not have as much government owned securities as Ireland. I have a thing about reading blogs on the economy.
boomer1949 : bito, re Ireland. It was reported here today that the EU loaned Ireland money that the EU didn’t even have. Sound familiar?
AdLib : The loans to Ireland may become a drop in the bucket compared to Spain, from what I hear, which could in turn weaken the Euro more and make Ireland and Greece and Portugal even worse.
Khirad : No doubt AdLib – I, too, grew up in a similar area, so I especially find their lampooning of Mormons hilarious. It’s hits real close to my own personal experiences.
bitohistory :
C’L just a side discussion, I think Ireland is going into a depression. The “loans’ and austerity are going to doom them. The banks and bond holders are getting paid and the citizens are having to pay it back.
boomer1949 : AdLib — God perhaps?
AdLib : Khirad – The SB guys grew up in a very Mormon area in CO so no doubt that inspired their perspective.
Khirad : I’m actually not incredibly worried over Ireland – more about Portugal and Spain. I was more quibbling over the details I’d thought I’d read in the paper a couple days back.
choicelady : AdLib – I will look now, thanks and thanks Patsy
boomer1949 : Okay, what did I miss? CL doesn’t know about the Twilight Zone and Rod Serling? If not, I feel incredibly old.
PatsyT : Thats the ticket AdLib, It seems that they would be staffing up
kesmarn : …And who might that be
choicelady : Khirad and bito – I think we’re sort of ignoring the things your worried about here. Are the loans to Ireland a problem? More than any other problem of course. I’ve not followed this a great deal in the dim hope that it will all work out OK and the world will NOT collapse.
AdLib : CL – Did you skim the article in Patsy’s link to American Bridge? The group looks to be funding media investment, ads of course but what about a liberal radio or web outlet? I could suggest to them someone who likes to make humorous political videos…
Khirad : That classic episode, plus the Mormon lampooning in Orgazmo have long been mainstays of the South Park creators. I too hope it is good. They’ve been building up to an epic LDS ribbing for a while.
choicelady : AdLib – your insight to the TZ is right on. I think my mother once commented that it made her think of fables – modern morality tales with a scary twist. But I don’t think most people appreciated that even as they loved the series. Gave my brother nightmares though….
boomer1949 : AdLib…Hereding the Cats and the other one I just posted popped up, as Patsy indicated, within 48 hours after election. So, it’s not as if the radar isn’t up. Both pages are quite good and appear to be very focused.
bitohistory : At 51/2 %
choicelady : AdLib – organizers understanably have a vested interest in doing their work the way they see fit, but we all have to cooperate more. One thing I’ve learned from the Serenity Prayer is to “accept the things I cannot change”, and that makes it easier to work with people. Gasp -other people have RIGHTS, too!!!
Khirad : Britain, Denmark and Sweden are offering direct bilateral loans.
AdLib : BTW Khirad, thanks for the link to the Mormon Broadway show. The SP episode on Mormonism was a classic and if the musical follows in that direction, it could be hilarious.
kesmarn : I have a Twilight Zone (1962 season) CD from Netflix in my computer right now. Fun! But have only had time to watch one episode….
Good thing Netflix doesn’t charge late fees…
PatsyT : A better link to info on American Bridge «link»
PatsyT : Thank you for not Smoking
boomer1949 : CL, Herding the Cats is actually quite good. There’s also another called «link»
AdLib : CL – The Twilight Zone was a modern day Aesop’s Fables (modern at the time), taught so much about human nature, philosophy and most of all, opening one’s mind up to even the most absurd possibilities. One hell of a great primer.
kesmarn : Just their money. Not their agenda, that is.
bitohistory : the EU central bank. one can be a member to the EU and not tie in to the ERRO
kesmarn : Can we get the Koch brothers to organize our organization?
AdLib : Patsy, I don’t smoke, I only stand next to people who do and inhale. SO, I can honestly say, I don’t smoke if ever asked.
AdLib : CL can share a lot on this, organizing people is hard enough, organizing organizers is real tough.
Khirad : bito, from what I read, wasn’t it was non-Euro countries at the forefront of bailing out Ireland? – Britain, Denmark…
PatsyT : AdLib please tell me you do not smoke
boomer1949 : “Dear President Obama…Here is this brick wall…where do you think it came from and is its significance to your presidency and reelection come 2012…?
choicelady : AdLib – I doubt you could have done better. He had a wonderful mind, and he was a very kind person. Used to know someone who worked with eons ago, and she thought the world of him.
PatsyT : CL I see what you mean with the ISSUES … We have plenty and ours make actual sense!
AdLib : He! Thanks CL, I majored in Serling in college.
bitohistory : OH, no!! the IMF/EU seems to be bailing out the banks in Ireland. The citizens are getting screwed.
choicelady : boomer – Yup. Control issues are huge in churches (all kinds) and non-profits. Seems the smaller the prize, the harder the fight.
kesmarn : Maybe it would be better for Bill to be your Veep, then AdLib.
boomer1949 : Be prepared for a collective letter to the President on Monday.
choicelady : AdLib – perfect! You are SO good at that “writin’ thing”! Poor Hillary – I used to like her a lot, but she’s ruthless and talk about coopted…
AdLib : Boomer – Thanks for the link to Herding Cats, just “Like”d them via our PlanetPOV Facebook page!
boomer1949 : OT — All,
Khirad : Should have parked it in the Irish Sea, instead – Isle of Man.
PatsyT : AdLib That is a great kick off ! It will work!
boomer1949 : cl, funny how no one wants to “give up” control. I have a story from years ago that would make your head spin. All volunteer organization (church group actually). Pretty much soured my enthusiasm until I grew up and got over it.
kesmarn :
b’ito! Google parked money in Ireland? I can’t imagine that’s not gone with the wind, the brooks and the tumbling rills…!
choicelady : Oooh Patsy how cool. Now one thing the groups MUST do is start funding NON political players in the non profit world who can push ISSUES. That is what set the foundation for the RW take over. None of the original RW funding was political but did raise issues over and over again, and those groups developed the mindset. We need to counterbalance that – and to get decent messaging. WE have no ability to say things well – we deliver 40-page position papers instead of pithy value statements.
AdLib : Rod Serling: “The year is 2016. A year of hope and promise for one Hillary Clinton. Little did she know that when she threw her hat in the ring, there would be someone there to catch it and put it on. His name was Ad Lib and he was in mid-stride running for The White House…from The Twilight Zone.”
PatsyT : Bito … the end of the Rainbow?
bitohistory : Man, i read a thing about google evading taxes by parking money in Ireland.
PatsyT : Boomer I saw that on pop up the day after the election
boomer1949 : «link»
boomer1949 : s a group on Facebook called “Herding the Cats.” Have you seen their FB Page?
Khirad : Crawl in with some dough!
kesmarn : Google is crawling the site. Let’s ask them for money. They have lots.
boomer1949 : There
boomer1949 : AdLib,
choicelady : AdLib – well, we will just tell Hillary her time has passed, and she needs to move on and yield to the new faces and voices (rod Serling?) of the future. I’m sure she’ll understand and be gracious…
boomer1949 : CL, I contributed $4.00 to ActBlue today and I had to give them everything but my first born. Amazing how some play by the rules and others literally get away with murder, and no I’m not kidding.
AdLib : Bito – The thing is, the Netroots folks are mostly very strong-minded, laser-focused folks who have their area they want to concentrate on and it’s hard to get them to step back and organize with each other, they’re used to organizing to bring people to their cause. SO, I think what’s needed is for some folks to take the initiative, as we have with GROW and TIPA, to create projects and initiatives, package them up into viable campaigns THEN solicit such groups to sign on.
kesmarn : That’s what I though, c’lady. That there’s a huge amount of rule-breaking in the RW churches, while the Progressives are trying to play by the rules. A few of them need to have IRS investigations and lose their tax-exempt status to wake ’em up!
choicelady : AdLib – I think you’re right, and the thinktank idea would work if you could get past egos. We may not have as much money as the RW, but boy have we got EGOS. I am excited about TIPA and GROW – it just might galvanize some things that are lying dormant now.
PatsyT : «link»
PatsyT : Kathleen Kennedy Townsend Is on the Job as we speak Not a lot of press on this yet But she was on C Matthews before Thanksgiving…. ……………. …«link» sm.com/rssItem.a sp?feedid=112&it emid=29604700
choicelady : kes – we walk a very straight and narrow line. We have a c-4 which is NOT tax deductible and use that exclusively for political advocacy on ISSUES, never partisan candidates. To watch the RW sail on using their c-3 tax deductible money for partisan work JUST MAKES ME FURIOUS. It’s very hard to raise non-deductible money, and to have them flout the law makes me nuts. Our congregations also are very careful never to exceed the 5% rule which means if they spent $4.98 on xeroxing, they’d probably be in trouble. But the Mormons have no such worry or the Catholics or megachurch evangelicals. They have more money than God, so what is 5% for them would keep me in business for years. Grrrrr.
boomer1949 : AdLib, I will as long as I can be your running mate.
kesmarn : Hillary can be your Veep.
bitohistory : That should be a NetRoots topic, Adlib.
AdLib : Thanks Boomer and CL! I accept your nomination to be the PlanetPOV candidate for the 2016 presidential election. Now which of you is going to tell Hillary?
AdLib : CL – I think it is exactly what the Progressive movement needs, organizing the disparate groups so they can bring their similar focuses together. As you know, it is so hard to herd those cats. I do believe though that a specific project or goal is what can make that happen. So, you know that’s why I think GROW and TIPA can be a catalyst for that with the anti-Citizens United groups out there. The same should be done for groups with different focuses. We need to have a thinktank to come up with initiatives that could unite many Progressive groups that have the same agenda. This could help big time!
choicelady : bito – damned good thing I’ve not got a clue where you live or you’d have gotten one from me! We are ALL desperate. We have a good track record on fund raising because it’s one letter, period. No overkill. But I promise NOT to send anything via the Planet. Should be a No Soliciting Zone.
boomer1949 : ***edit*** indie, not Indie. I feel so self-conscience.
kesmarn : c’lady, besides having all that corporate funding and FUX, the RW also has all those tax-exempt churches to get their message out at no expense!
PatsyT : Khirad That is perfect! Can it be a musical?
choicelady : Oh Khirad – that is just wonderful!!! I agree – gotta have a film version!
bitohistory : CL, I have thought of that many times. I get 1000 solicitations a week, all from progressive sites, wanting the same thing.
boomer1949 : Have my vote Big Guy!
kesmarn : Khirad!
choicelady : AdLib dear heart – you have my vote. Quite seriously!
boomer1949 : AL — I heard Indie and thought of you.
Khirad : AdLib: Or, “have you heard there’s another testament of Jesus Christ? Let me tell you about it!” BTW, I totally want to see this adapted to film: «link»
PatsyT : Bito I think there must be a lot more of that in the international press or at least more coming
bitohistory : That link from Pravda on Palin was great, Patsy
choicelady : AdLib – I think it’s critical that we work to find funding for progressive media. I’m not interested in fair and balanced but in having an outlet. The second thing is that the internal competition among progressive groups, egos aside,comes from the weirdness of having major strings on money. The Right throws it at their groups, we fill out 12 page forms in triplicate. I propose groups with common missions form cooperatives – umbrella organizations = that become the funnel for money, and then it operates like a business incubator – common fund raisers, common media people, common bookkeeping, etc. That way we can maximize the work rather than drown our programs under overhead. Do you think this would work?
boomer1949 : Then he got hooked up with the Lehman clan. Man, did that ever his ability to think clearly. Amazing how $$$$$$$$$ tends to influence.
AdLib : CL – That’s why I think I’ll do a fine job as President in 2016, I like turning the tables on those who step over the line.
PatsyT : Did they do Inception ?
kesmarn : “Allow me to demo this chicken rotisserie…but wait…there’s more! Here’s Wasilla’s Guide to BarBQued Moose Meat!
PatsyT : Bito YES I knew she had help
AdLib : Nolan and Aronofsky were in the same league at the time, edgy, clever directors in the indie world. I like both and either would probably have done great in each other’s shoes.
boomer1949 : Oh AdLib, the John “Mr. Lehman Brothers” Kasich thing is wonderful. I must admit, the man was my Congressman for many years, and he was an all encompassing guy. Married late in life, lived in a cute little house less than a mile from me, and everyone loved him.
Khirad : Cool fact about Batman, but that might’ve sunk Aronofsky’s Indie appeal working on such a franchise – no matter how I like what Nolan did with it.
AdLib : Kes – “You look like you’re balding, I have this spray, wait right there, it’s only 19.95!”
bitohistory : Manson does S’arah’s twitters
kesmarn :
AdLib, or…”Say, didya know I sell Amway products?”
AdLib : Kes – So sorry about Kasich winning, a huge disappointment!
choicelady : AdLib – oh, that’s priceless! Turn the tables on solicitors and see if you can get them to listen to your conversion rap. TOO funny!
boomer1949 : I got stranded in cyberspace. Must be AdLib’s reference to the Twilight Zone. Whew! Glad to be back.
AdLib : Kes – If it happens again, interrupt the solicitor and ask them if they’re familiar with Jehovah’s Witnesses and that you’d like to talk with them for the next two hours about it if they have the time.
bitohistory : It will be delayed till well after the next elections, and Fox will continue doing it.
PatsyT : Bito Maybe it’s Manson calling
choicelady : AdLib – it is my understanding that re: Nigeria, it’s an Interpol warrant that we’re obliged to honor. I HOPE!!! With respect to FOX’s political shenanigans – now how do they claim they’re “Fair and Balanced” when they’re in the doghouse from this?
kesmarn : Oh, AdLib, I hope FUX gets such a huge fine for that contribution! Because now we’re stuck with Wall Street Kasich as governor. They ruined everything!
Khirad : Actually, my thoughts on the Star of David are that the Iranian authorities really ARE that clueless – it’s very metaphorical of their regime. I’m still working on the translation of kvetch, though.
bitohistory : NO HABLO!!!
PatsyT : I hear ya kes
bitohistory : Hey live on the border, I get calls all the time from Mexico.
kesmarn : Some of them are people I love, Patsy… I don’t want them to think I love my computer more than I love them…HOWEVER.. ..:lol:
AdLib : Changing the topic, first it was Cheney being chased by Nigeria, now, “The Fox News network has solicited the services of a prominent D.C. law firm and an equally prominent campaign finance lawyer to ward off a suit alleging that it made illegal in-kind contributions to a Republican gubernatorial candidate. The conservative-lea ning network has hired Larry Noble, a well-known attorney at the firm Skadden Arps, to defend itself against a suit filed during the height of the 2010 campaign by the Democratic Governor’s Association. In early August, the Democratic campaign arm accused Fox of illegally helping to raise money on behalf of incoming Ohio Governor John Kasich (R-Ohio) by running a chyron featuring his website at the same time that he was soliciting donations during an interview on Bill O’Reilly’s show. Filed shortly after it was reported that Fox’s parent company, NewsCorp. had made a million dollar donation to the Republican Governor’s Association, the DGA’s complaint seemed politically-moti vated.
choicelady : kes – not exactly, but my weird dependent neighbors used to call around midnight until one night in a fit of absolute fury at being slammed awake I screamed at the older one – DON’T YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS???????? To which he answered, “No.” But he was on a CELL PHONE. So I set a rule – no calls after 9 pm unless there’s blood flowing…
kesmarn : Oy! b’ito, you don’t know… WHY??
PatsyT : Kes tell them you are on untill 11. Then you can have a break. Don’t they understand the live of a stand up?
AdLib : Thanks Boomer – Will listen to or read it later, I have liked all of his films. Did you know, at one point, Aronofsky was going to direct the Batman Begins movie before Chris Nolan?
kesmarn :
c’lady, somehow the idea of kvetching about a Star of David! Too funny!
bitohistory : Not again, k’es? :lol;
boomer1949 : AdLib, the link I posted is an interview with Darren Can’t Recall the Last Name and The Black Swan. After the Wrestler he thought it would be a shoe in to get backers. Not. Very interesting.
kesmarn : Does anyone else have the situation of suddenly having every long lost friend/relative or Tupperware salesperson wanting to contact you on Friday nights after 10 p.m.? (And NO other time?) I am going nuts here.
choicelady : Khirad – ya know, if you have something on your roof you don’t want, you CAN remove it. I don’t think that would be very hard. I think they’ve left it there just so they can kvetch. So to speak. Don’t know the Iranian equivalent word…
boomer1949 : AL…the link was for you,. Sorry, I’m not quite as good at this as most of you. The time difference wreaks havoc on my DNA.
AdLib : Khirad – Saw that Star of David image, hilarious!
choicelady : boomer, I’m not much of a movie goer, and that one-dimensionali ty has a lot to do with it. People are amazingly complex, and maybe the reason so many people vote so stupidly or react so stupidly about those for whom they voted is that they expect a 2-hour resolution and cannot deal with complexity. I’ve noticed more and more young people seem to live a very superficial life, more so than even MY generation which honed narcissism to an art!
boomer1949 : khirad, my boss actually paid to take his wife to see the O’Reilly/Beck tour. He told me she loves Beck; I asked why? Really weird we too are at the opposite ends of the political spectrum, but we don’t let that get in the way.
AdLib : Khirad – Black Swan looks and has the buzz of being a real winner.
AdLib : CL – Absolutely, didn’t mean to say the iffy folks should not be given attention, just that we should also rally those who are strongly supportive of Progressive issues.
Questinia : khirad
boomer1949 : khirad,
Khirad : Speaking of Twilight Zone, this gave me a chuckle: «link»
choicelady : AdLib – can hardly wait to hear it!
Khirad : π is still one of my favorite films, and I love Natalie Portman – beauty and brains.
choicelady : AdLib – indeed, but there is a great responsibility in trying to keep the wobbly center aligned. My folks down in Loretta Sanchez’s district and a couple of others are keeping the pressure up and on. The rest of the districts are sort of watch and wait – and pounce if one must.
AdLib : CL – Big fan of Rod, he was a brilliant man. I do a great impression of him too.
boomer1949 : «link»
boomer1949 : You might find this interesting…
choicelady : Oh, AdLib – you are GOOD. Perfect beginning! Rod would have been proud. Talked to him once – he was a very nice man. You’re a worthy successor should you care to take up the mantle.
boomer1949 : AdLib,
AdLib : CL – But what we can do with those we’re aligned with is help to rally and energize and focus people on a task at hand.
Khirad : My uncle just cares about hiking Mt. Rainier and stuff. He’s not really political. When asked what she was reading, though, she said Beck’s new book, because of “these times we’re in” – suddenly her past statements fell into place and my suspicions were validated. We all tried not to flinch when she said that. Honestly, I’d just prefer not to bring up politics in that setting, especially with someone who will be a struggle to reason with.
bitohistory : «link»
PatsyT : Calling is good too… I do LOTS of that.
choicelady : boomer – thank you! The more we keep pressing, the more OUR voice change the balance. Honestly I’m not a fan of “click and send” letters, but at times such as these it’s WEIGHT that matters. Too bad most of CA Dems are not that Blue of Blue Dogs – I have no real influence when the folks are MOSTLY on our side.
PatsyT : ADLib That is the Bomb!
AdLib : Rod Serling: “Witness one Sarah Palin. Using her Twittering as a safe and secure home from which she tosses sociological grenades. The thing about homes locked tight with 140 characters in them, is only one gets out alive. And they do so, through…The Twilight Zone.”
Khirad : CLady, ain’t that really the maddening question? The polls on issues just don’t add up to the policies the party they voted for represent.
choicelady : Oh, Khirad – we’re all so sorry! Does your uncle CARE about her weirdnesses?
boomer1949 : CL, I sent last night’s CBS poll to the Three Musketeers today.
PatsyT : CL LOL !
boomer1949 : oh khirad, trapped in a hospital room, your grandmother not with standing. I’m so sorry.
choicelady : Patsy – that’s easy, a rerun of “To Serve Man”. She’s a cannibal, she is.
choicelady : If we all know from polls that the vast number of Americans want UIC to continue, want to end tax cuts for the uber rich, and want a number of other good things – why did they vote for the people who will try to take it away?
Khirad : Boomer, in my grandma’s hospital room. My uncle’s girlfriend.
PatsyT : What name would you give the Twilight Zone episode that featured Palin?
bitohistory : The AZ round table.
boomer1949 : khirad, where the heck did you come within 50 feet of a zombie Beckzoid?
Khirad : Who’s saying that bito? Not that they’re wrong, that’s who really is the new Governor, but it’d be interesting.
AdLib : Isn’t it disgusting that the U.S. paid out billions to AIG to cover their insurance but their puppets, the GOP attacks the paying out of Unemployment Insurance, which they paid for, as “handouts”?
boomer1949 : CL – it’s also a Psychology thing. It’s amazing what people will do and/or believe in a given situation.
bitohistory : Khirad, they are calling Peirce the de facto Gov. OMG!
PatsyT : His speech was great I thought I was going to cry
kesmarn : Such a lovely guy…I think I prefer tux to bomber jacket, though. Glad to see The Face is un-marred after the 12 stitches.
choicelady : AdLib – Could we SciFi Sarah into getting caught in a Tweet and NEVER finding her way out?
PatsyT : He was hawt!
boomer1949 : UIC is Unemployment Insurance Compensation, fuck we all pay into it. It’s not taxpayer money and I don’t understand how the Yahoos get away with promoting it.
choicelady : boomer – been there, done that. Unemployment is second to only widowhood or another major human life loss in terms of stress. And when you do the very best you can and you HAVE been successful before, to lose out at every turn is soul destroying.
PatsyT : Palin the Pirate
Khirad : By the way, what did y’all think of Obama’s bomber jacket at Bagram?
PatsyT : With Palin the humor is a bottomless pit
kesmarn : The Palin family is 140 characters — all of them bad.
AdLib : Argh, me Patsy!
AdLib : CL – 140 characters
! Hmm…THAT would be a funny Palin 2012 parody, instead of “127 Hours”, Palin trapped in ignorance in “140 Characters”.
choicelady : kes – I imagine you’re right. I’m sure leaving the Capitol early he now sees as “earned” and a perk he “deserves”.
boomer1949 : cl & kes, I’ve been there and it’s a bitch. No one calls, no one acknowleges your letters, eventually you begin to think it’s you, but it really isn’t. Took awhile for the lightbulb to go off, but it finally did. Otherwise, I may have driven into a median barrier on the freeway.
PatsyT : Thanks Bito
Khirad : Boomer: God, I had to listen to some Beckzoid tell us how we can’t trust Reid because of what he said about Hispanics not voting Republican. Honey, I wanted to say, the GOP ceded that vote with their racism. Simple as that. What’s more? She’s Filipina.
PatsyT : AdLib I thought you were going a pirate on us there
kesmarn : c’lady, Boehner regards work as having to walk that extra block to get his happy hour started at 1 p.m.
choicelady : AdLib – I know the term from film and theater, but it never occurred to me to apply it to political life. I think it’s true – maybe we have to blame Hollywood? People too often seem to think everything can be resolved in two hours. Sarah, of course, thinks it’s in 140 characters…
bitohistory : Patsy, AFL-CIO link «link»
boomer1949 : bito, the afl-cio video hit me too. I did post it on my Facebook page.
AdLib : Boomer – Right with ya!
AdLib : r – Right with ya!
boomer1949 : AdLib, thus the poignant point and urgency of “the letter.”
Khirad : I want this moment from Obama – it’s actually quite chilling how little has changed. «link»
boomer1949 : I heard an interview on All Things Considered on the drive home today…with a Latino Conservative.
choicelady : kes – when you’re unemployed, looking for work is a full time job. We all KNOW that, but these goons never had to – it was handed to them, Boehner’s whining notwithstanding. When he talks about “rotten jobs” does he mean JUNIOR VP? I doubt he’s worked a day in his life.
PatsyT : Bito do you have a link?
AdLib : CL – It’s a phrase used for how audiences accept what they watch in a movie or tv show as real even though it couldn’t be. The way entertainment has so blended with politics now, a willing Suspension of Disbelief has made the same crossover. And maybe these Purist Dems suffered from it too, thinking that their every wish really could come true if Obama was elected.
bitohistory : That AFL-CIO vid tore my heart out!
PatsyT : Kes Which Yacht?
kesmarn : If I hear one time that giving people unemployment benefits makes them lazy, I will scream.
PatsyT : Khirad I wish we could see them tear up the Ronnie ideal
boomer1949 : AdLib, only because the MSM is corporately;y owned and have undoubtedly made BIG — HUGE contributions to the GOP.The wealthy and elitists stick together.
AdLib : Boomer – I agree. I think Obama has one path to be successful, he has to become a fighter and stand tough! Hell, JFK played brinkmanship with nuclear war in the balance, Obama should be able to do so with tax cuts!
choicelady : kes – we could also sail to Alaska…Hah!
Khirad : Actually, I’d love to see the rich live out of their Porsche Caymans – let’s see them sleep in those bucket seats!
choicelady : AdLib – that’s brilliant insight, the Suspension of Disbelief! I think you’re on to something critical in the American view. I for one lost my “virginity” on 9/11 – I have known all my life how lucky I am that I did not go through the Depression and WW II. So many people must think that it is just WHO is in charge that makes their lives miserable. CA has indulged in this magical thinking since Prop. 13.
AdLib : The MSM is perpetuating the Repub BS. Giving them a huge megaphone to claim that the “bad” people are the unemployed, those in foreclosure, minorities (especially blacks and latinos), liberals and Dems, etc. The good guys are the same Wall Streeters and wealthy who stole all our jobs and 401ks from us.
kesmarn : I know! Let’s move to the yacht. Cayman Islands here we come!
boomer1949 : CL, not unless it’s the little Hum3
Khirad : Great Patsy. I also like the line of touting taking taxes back to Reagan tax rates and have the Repubs tear up St. Raygun.
bitohistory : Where are the union halls? where is the mobilization for the unemployed?
choicelady : PAtsy – if you have to live in the Hummer, dear, at least there’s lots of room…
boomer1949 : AdLib, which is exactly why I do not want the Prez to cae on this. If he does, we’re doomed; he must stand the ground of his powerful office.
bitohistory : Why did they get 100,000 people out in the streets in Ireland this week, and nothing here?
PatsyT : Will Millionaires need to live in their car if they do not get their tax cuts? Or should I say cars.. ..Honey which car should sleep in tonight the Benz the Porshe or the Range Rover?
choicelady : boomer – we have survivors’ guilt. My husband and I are fine – and we are glad because it lets us help others. And yeah, to answer the RW on helping the homeless, we HAVE taken people in. And fed them and know their names, and we will do a community Christmas in the park with us feeding homeless neighbors – that’s who they are – neighbors.
AdLib : Bito – I will be around to check it out if it happens!
boomer1949 : kes, it was all he could do to keep a straight face, but he was speakin’ the truth.
AdLib : I think we are among many who recognize that there is a temporary Suspension of Disbelief for many desperate and upset people out there, who think lead can be turned into gold because Repubs said so. Once the Repubs expose themselves as frauds, those people will snap out of it and be pissed off at the Repubs, turning back to Dems.
boomer1949 : CL-I spent $50 for a new pair of shoes last week and felt guilty.
kesmarn : I saw that, boomer! Grayson, pointing to big pic of Bush: “And now….we have the big cheese…”
choicelady : Patsy – there is a new weirdness in the land that somehow reducing the numbers of Dolce * Gabana outfits or $2000 pairs of shoes you can own is a DISASTER. Even middle Americans point fingers at people on food stamps. I don’t get it.
bitohistory : AdLib, should we post a “cot watch” for the vote tomorrow? or is everyone going shopping?
boomer1949 : Did anyone watch Grayson on the house floor with his pictures and tax cut info?
PatsyT : Or Will Millionaires need food stamps if they don’t get their tax cuts?
AdLib : Boxer Roxers!
bitohistory : Good work, CL, guess we all find out tomorrow.
boomer1949 : Wolves in sheep’s clothing.
PatsyT : Millionaires will not need food stamps if they do not get their tax cuts.
kesmarn : “That surgeon who amputated the wrong leg? I want him to do my carpal tunnel operation!!”
AdLib : Foxes in the chicken coops!
AdLib : I want arsonists in the fire department!
choicelady : bito – looked up the tax bill, but nothing is posted, and Boxer has no amendments publicly on file yet. There is a time lag on amendments being posted on Thomas and on Open Congress. Sorry – can’t find it. I do recall what you were saying though – wonder if she’s tackling the filibuster somehow, though that kind of moxie is not Boxer’s strong suit. Boxer is no Nancy Pelosi!
AdLib : Boomer – Bingo! I do like that Obama’s and the Dem leaders’ responses had Boehner and Co. whining, “They’re not listening to the election and letting us do everything we want!”
kesmarn : “Let’s get back in the car with the same drunk driver who nearly killed us all 2 years ago!! Wheee!”
boomer1949 : Ah, President Palin…ewwwwww!
bitohistory : Boxer has an amendment tomorrow. I don’t know wat it is AdLib
boomer1949 : bito, did you skip your meds this evening?
AdLib : Kes – Even more so, we need to keep reminding Dems and Indies about just two years ago, what Repubs in power did!
bitohistory : I quit!! I want the R’s to take over again! We need a depression, not a wimpy recession!!
boomer1949 : AdLib, I don’t think the Rupubs expected the sudden blow back from their authoritarian, we’re in charge now, attitude. See, they forgot they’re not in charge until January. Go figure.
kesmarn : Have to keep reminding the weak-kneed and purists of the genuinely scary alternatives to the Dems, Patsy. How ’bout: “Imagine President Palin…”
PatsyT : Kes we need to come up with a strategy to combat that. I am think of putting it in the form of questions.. Because they can be rather dug in with their opinions so what question can we ask to help undo that?
AdLib : What’s the scoop on Boxer?
AdLib : Maybe the Repubs taking over the House in Jan will slap some sense into the Dem Purists and the weak-kneed in the Senate, step up or be counted out.
boomer1949 : bito, HC was different. Now we’re talking unemployment and taxes — thorns in the sides of everyone. They’re using it against him. Boehner, McConnell, and Cantor are not the Three Musketeers, but the Three Pricks.
bitohistory : CL, don’t worry, Reid just mentioned it when he brought up the votes for tomorrow.
kesmarn : I was blindsided by this one, b’ito. She was a supporter until recently. Are there more people out there throwing in the towel?
AdLib : Boomer – You are so right! Now is exactly the time to speak up. The whole reason the TP gained so much influence is that they shouted about everything. We have to raise our voices too and influence our pols.
bitohistory : Didn’t every one quit Obama during HC?
kesmarn : Kim Jong Il to Wed FemBot in Iran?
choicelady : bito – I’m embarrassed to say I don’t KNOW about Boxer’s amendment. Let me duck out and see if I can find it.
PatsyT : Hey Kes!
boomer1949 : AdLib, don’t mess with her head. kes, he is pulling your chain!
boomer1949 : hey kes!!!
bitohistory : Hey, k’es
AdLib : Hey Kes! The top headline you missed, “Sarah Palin Exposed As a Fembot! Osama Bin Laden Found Holding The Remote!”
PatsyT : Ha AdLib I see lots of tears
boomer1949 : AdLib, which is the crux of all my faxing, emails, and White House “contact us” correspondence the last couple of days. It’s self-defeating if someone doesn’t say something. Of course, keeping silent is what the tan man is hoping for.
kesmarn : Hola, Q and friends! Talked to a friend today who has suddenly and completely given up on Obama….
AdLib : Hey, if the Dems are STILL having such trouble strategizing against the Repubs now…what’s it going to be like in January when Repubs rule the House?
Questinia : Hi kes!
kesmarn : I’m slipping in the side door here to listen for a while. I am a fountain of ignorance, having missed all the news for 2 days…hi, all!
AdLib : Boomer – Straight up! The only way to deal with a belligerent party is to out maneuver them, not begin with compromise.
boomer1949 : Patsy, anything to take down Rove? I’m in. the little Weeble.
AdLib : Boomer – Very cool! Set the letter up as a draft and I can format it so others can sign it if they wish.
boomer1949 : AdLib, I don’t like being held hostage.
PatsyT : They are calling it – American Bridge It will be set up to rivil the Rove American Crossroads
boomer1949 : AdLib, you call their proverbial ass bluff.
AdLib : CL – You’re right about compromise but how do you negotiate when the other party says, “My way or the highway?”
boomer1949 : Patsy – what is it? I’m clueless.
PatsyT : How about the new org that Bobby Kennedys Daughter is starting?
choicelady : Patsy – whatever boomer unleashes in the letter – let it rip!
bitohistory : CL, what is the amendment from BBoxer?
boomer1949 : Patsy, my boss is in Hawaii. Said something about seeing Santa Claus. Won’t be back ’til the 14th.
AdLib : CL – What astounds me is how the Dems and Obama have had no real strategies, no tricks planned to be up their sleeves or clever maneuvers. It’s all checkers and no chess.
choicelady : AdLib – compromise IS politics. As a lobbyist I know that well. If that’s what they can get short term to get other things, then fine. But back to your point – is this about the GOP or Blue Dogs? I’d bet the latter.
PatsyT : Now you be careful Boomer
boomer1949 : AdLib…I’m going to have that letter ready by Monday, you can count on it.
AdLib : Boomer – Then again, maybe the Dems would hire you!
choicelady : bito – the way Harry Reid said his bit about tomorrow’s vote made me think he had something planned – cots, mattresses – something.
AdLib : Thanks Patsy!
boomer1949 : If my company knew how much political stuff I’ve been doing on the clock the last few days, I’d be out of a job, with no UIC.
PatsyT : LOL AdLib
AdLib : Hey CL! I am solidly with Obama but I do think the House vote was not reflective of what Obama envisions being the final bill. He is a compromiser.
choicelady : boomer – I think the US is bound to uphold Interpol warrants. This is getting interesting!
bitohistory : I agree CL, If he was caving, why the Senate vote on Sat.?
boomer1949 : …warrant…
boomer1949 : Hey, Cheyney has a warrent out for his arrest!
choicelady : OK Patsy – but I’d think both versions could work for Bristol.
AdLib : Armageddon Aspect II – Hell Freezes Over and Becomes the 49th State!
boomer1949 : Q, but we’ll be able to see Russia!
PatsyT : Wanna Be’s as in Bristol
choicelady : Hi boomer!
Questinia : Run on the tundra!
choicelady : Patsy – is that Dancing with the White Boys? Just asking…
boomer1949 : Hi CL!
bitohistory : boomer, that was the quip I just heard.
boomer1949 : Q- she’ll send us all to Alaska.
choicelady : Evening all – I’m trying to catch up here. Last I read – belief is that Obama is caving, but I don’t think so or the House would NOT have passed the middle class only cut.
PatsyT : Or in Bristols case DWTWB’s
boomer1949 : DWTS – and here I thought it was a political reference. I don’t watch “reality chicken crap”
Questinia : we will all be nomads under palin’s rule.
AdLib : What do you all think about the Deficit Commission’s recommendations?
Questinia : bito,
boomer1949 : bito, but I like bananas.
AdLib : Dancing With The Stars.
boomer1949 : AdLib dear, it’s Friday and late here. DWTS? ‘splain please.
Questinia : Armageddon Aspect~ The movie.
bitohistory : I’m getting sick of Simpson and him making his “funnies”
AdLib : I will take all bets. Palin will NEVER win a General Election. Absolutely impossible.
PatsyT : David Stockman has been everywhere saying – Let ALL the Tax cuts expire … «link»
boomer1949 : My daughter and son in-law have already told me if Sister Sarah is elected — whenever — they are moving to Canada. Damn, now I’ll really have to renew my Passport@
bitohistory : You got a real estate interest in Israel,Q?
AdLib : Palin IS the Armageddon Aspect.
Questinia : Obama is a mystery.
AdLib : Bito – I know but it’s beginning to all seem like posturing to give a nod to Progressives while they all seem to accept they will compromise.
Questinia : I’ll vote for Palin just for the Armageddon aspect.
AdLib : Boomer – Palin on DWTS in 2012.
boomer1949 : …oops Palingo…
boomer1949 : AdLib, he said he would, and there a millions of people who are going to hold him to it. If he caves, we’re looking at Paling in ’12.
AdLib : And the irony is, if the Dems were to find themselves back in the minority in both houses again, as under Bush, they would have nowhere near the power the Repubs have as a minority. WTF?
bitohistory : I don’t know AdLib, Reid did go to the floor. The Prez was in on it,
boomer1949 : Patsy, you forgot the streaming tan stuff… :lol
AdLib : I don’t think there’s any doubt, Obama has thrown Geithner and all into negotiations, Obama is not going to stand up against taxcuts for the wealthy, IMHO.
PatsyT : Boomer they sure do and then they cry!
boomer1949 : Patsy – look at Boehner’s eyes. They scream “don’t trust me!”
PatsyT : Phil O Buster!
AdLib : The Dems are so damn easily scared! If they had held this vote BEFORE the election, they would have either passed it or had a great issue to hammer Repubs. Those Blue Dogs and conservative Dems are saboteurs to the Dems ever having the gumption and unity of Repubs.
PatsyT : AdLib I think they have to get some insurance if they did that, I don’t trust them.
boomer1949 : IMHO – the Prez set the bar and he shouldn’t cave. At this point in time it’s all or nothing. If he caves now, he’ll be on a leash for the next two years.
bitohistory : Patsy, yes!! Bring out the cots!
Khirad : I think the 500k would be a fair compromise.
AdLib : Khirad – I too would accept a 2 year temporary extension if that meant all the other bills get passed. At a minimum, UI has to be part of the package and START though if they don’t pass DADT I will be pissed!
bitohistory : Politically, hold the R’s feet to the fire, make them vote! Policy, he will have to compromise. the Unemply benefits have to get paid.
boomer1949 : sent three more faxes today to the Three Musketeers, quoting the latest CBS News Poll regarding the tax cut issue.
PatsyT : What if they went to $500. or higher I would go for that.
Khirad : And since they’ll never compromise, I agree, make them filibuster tax cuts for the Middle Class and beat them over the head with it. Go on the media offensive.
AdLib : Boomer – And succeeding!
boomer1949 : AL, I’m not being critical, just annoying.
PatsyT : For once I would love to see the Dems make the repubs fillobuster
AdLib : Because their both negatives!
boomer1949 : Q, I know about whatsie.
AdLib : Boomer – I was subtracting 20 from 32 and it didn’t come out right!
Khirad : I think the symbolic stand the House made was great. But, even though it would piss off the purists, if they got a TEMPORARY extension for those things, I would go for it. Of course, are we assuming the GOP is capable of compromise?
Questinia : whatsie is very old in the soul, though.
boomer1949 : Yea Q — me too! I’ve been saying the same thing for months & months.
bitohistory : Don’t test the boss, boomer, he has been tested the last few days.
Questinia : I think it’s all about racism
AdLib : The renewed criticism of Obama by Dems has started up at high gear. Many say he should not compromise on tax cuts for the wealthy. Others think doing so for a limited time to pass other things such as unemployment benefits, START, DADT, etc., is an acceptable trade off. What do you think and what kind of deal would be acceptable to you?
boomer1949 : Q, Whatsie is many moons my junior.
Questinia : What about this wiki-leaks thing?
boomer1949 : bito, it was an AdLib test…he had to Google.
bitohistory : AdLib, and Upton is “toooo Librul”
boomer1949 : Yes, Whatsie is from here. His sister gradiated from the same high school as me.
Questinia : wts told me all about Columbus.
AdLib : Well, let’s begin!
boomer1949 : Just as tall as ever Q. Getting ready to light it up for the holidays. How the heck do you know about the LeVeque bldg.?
Questinia : Hi patsy!
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
boomer1949 : Hey Patsy!
Questinia : That’s wts town. how’s the Leveque bldg?
bitohistory : boomer, handy site for conversions. «link»
PatsyT : Hi Everybody!
boomer1949 : AdLib, go figure.
AdLib : Isn’t it great that the two Repubs competingto head up the energy committee don’t believe in Climate Change?
boomer1949 : Columbus, Q.
Questinia : Where in ohio are you boomer
boomer1949 : 29 degrees here…
Questinia : It’s 28 degrees here.
boomer1949 : All, please be prepared to listen to me whine about the weather until at least April Fool’s day. I hate Winter.
AdLib : I added wrong and it didn’t sound right, yep, I googled!
Questinia : Oh that’s right Celsius and fahrenheit converge at minus 40.
boomer1949 : Took you a minute, eh AdLib. Did you Google?
bitohistory : Yahoo weather says 58 in Tucson.
boomer1949 : Q — chilly to say the least.
AdLib : -4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Questinia : That’s roughly minus 20 F.
boomer1949 : Give me a break you Easties & Westies…
bitohistory : Efing cold, boomer
Khirad : It’s about 45° here. I took a walk about two hours ago. I miss this weather, actually.
Questinia : It’s beautiful in the NE, 50’s.
boomer1949 : convert please adlib…
AdLib : A friend of mine is in Berlin, it’s 20 below Centigrade there.
boomer1949 : Yes, 1-3 inches of snow tomorrow.
boomer1949 : So, let’s get this show on the road before I fall asleep.
AdLib : Is it cold out there where you are? Was a pretty mild day in LA today.
Questinia : A snail with lichen.
AdLib : Kissinger: “Oh…it IS a snail!”
boomer1949 : Bito, and I’m from Venus. Don’t believe a word of it either.
AdLib : Kissinger: “Vat a cute little snail! Voops, shouldn’t have lifted dat fold.”
Questinia : “Gimme some dewlap love” said like Christopher Walken.
bitohistory : And I’m from Mars.
boomer1949 : ‘course M decided to secede today.
boomer1949 : Yes, M is in the UK.
Questinia : Isn’t Marion in England?
AdLib : We’re bad…we’re nationwide. (and worldwide!)
boomer1949 : Oh, I forgot K, but not on porpose…
Questinia : I need dewlap. Gimme some dewlap love.
AdLib : “Vat abowt dis jowl, Q? Is it me?”
Questinia : And K and wts in the Far East.
boomer1949 : So, we have Q in the East, me in the MW and AdLib in the West. How wierd is that?
Questinia : Hank lives near me. UGH!
AdLib : Looks more like I’ll have to throw our webhosts out the window. No problem though.
Questinia : LOL!!!
boomer1949 : And here I was ready to throw the PC out the window.
AdLib : I make Henry Kissinger look like a teenager right now!
boomer1949 : Bags under the eyes and everything…
AdLib : MadLib or HadLib?
Questinia : You look so tired, I hardly recognized you.
AdLib : Sorry about the outage today, been having a day long headache with our webhost!
Questinia : Adlib, is that you?
boomer1949 : Yah? You rang?
AdLib : Hey folks!!!
boomer1949 : Thanks…it’s an Urban thingy Q.
Questinia : that was SO cute boomer!
boomer1949 : I be here!
Questinia : I’M RARING TO GO!!!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live weekly chat about the latest news and events, begins shortly at 7:00 pm PST right here! Hope to see you then!
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