kesmarn : Later, Q~Money!
Questinia : Q~*Money OUT!
Questinia : I see you guys!
kesmarn : Khirad! Glad to hear your flight went well. Everyone is saying that the security thing is not as bad as the media flap made it out to be. It’s good to hear that you didn’t have any problems. Now you can take off the armor-all underwear and relax a bit.
Khirad : Being a a glutton for abuse I was wearing my Arizona t-shirt into Portland, where the Ducks fans are none too humble.
Glad to see I started something tonight. Actually, the security was the smoothest I’ve ever had. Friendliest, too.
AdLib : Night Bito, will do (one of my joys!). Sleep well, my friend!
bitohistory : Night, AdLib. Give the kid an extra hug, guy.
bitohistory : Looks like time to close up shop. Thanks to everyone for yor larning and skooling me. Peace
AdLib : Night Patsy! Sleep well!
bitohistory : Night, Patsy, Go Michigan or ohio!
PatsyT : I will have to say goodnight also… Great to chat with all Have a wonderful evening Bito, AdLib and Kes
bitohistory : Good night Ms. k’es, always a candle lit for you.
PatsyT : Good Night Kes…. I won’t mind a email …all for a good cause
kesmarn : I can feel myself turning into a pumpkin as the clock strikes one…’fraid I may have to say g’nite, kids. Wish I could leave you with a joke one of my patients told me tonight, but it’s a little too naughty for the internets…mayb e in email…? Good night!
bitohistory : AdLib did put up Remapping Debates on the Blogroll. They publish every Tuesday. I like that site!
PatsyT : Thanks Bito… I will dig into that in the morning
bitohistory : Patsy, It is long, but is in segments. «link»
kesmarn : I adore the silent comedians…so amazingly creative! Love Chaplin. Keaton and Stan Laurel are great favorites. (Dick Van Dyke was in that tradition.) Like many women, though, I’m not really a Stooges fan. Jerry Lewis captured some of that silent film magic on occasion, too.
PatsyT : Cool I am looking forward to it.
AdLib : Bito – Looking forward to the article, I think it will intrigue and enlighten.
kesmarn : Patsy, if you get a chance, there’s a link to an interview with a Harvard trained historian named James Loewen (I think in O/T). It’s amazing.
AdLib : Comedy today derives from Vaudeville. All the original comedians of film and stage came from there. Chaplin, Keaton, WC Fields, Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy, Three Stooges, etc. They influenced a huge amount of comedy and comedians.
kesmarn : Really…I did next to nothing! Just a couple paragraphs! b’ito found the original interview!
PatsyT : You guys have me very curious
bitohistory : My co-poster is k’es.
AdLib : I think there’s a lot to discuss and a lot of light bulbs to go off in people’s heads to consider the historical legacy.
kesmarn : Ooops. Sorry, b’ito…got carried away with bacon there. Do you think Monday would be okay?
AdLib : Bito, would be great if you posted the Loewen interview at the beginning of the week!
bitohistory : k’es, AdLib, I asked about if we should do the Neo-Confed post?
kesmarn : So, “popcorn and pickled bacon” would have been the ultimate in Vaudeville funniness…?
AdLib : Club HamWitch.
kesmarn : That’s downright un-‘Merican, b’ito! You must be a commie borscht eater!
PatsyT : Ham Club for Bloggers
AdLib : It’s an old Vaudevillian principle, words like “pickle” and “kumquat” would be deemed funny because of the “k” sound. As were words that started with “p” that could be popped.
bitohistory : I hate to taste Bacon for breakfast, totally
kesmarn : Clams are pretty funny, too. Must be that hard “c” again.
PatsyT : What a Ham…
kesmarn : b’ito, was that one Freudian? Are you indulging in a little “inhaled inspiration” tonight?
AdLib : IOW, please buy my book, “How to be Funny using Pork Products.”
AdLib : Is there a sillier looking food than bacon? And eating fat is so resonant.
kesmarn : You’re right. Just the word “bacon”–it’s funny.
AdLib : Bacon is funny. It is a classic funny word, the hard “c” sound is part of the formula. And, bacon is the great equalizer, none can resist it!
PatsyT : All my life I knew that bacon was so funny until I started reading the Planet!
bitohistory : post not pot
kesmarn : Yeah, Patsy. I know we’ve been doing the bacon thing for while, but I don’t remember…ahhh, while I was typing AdLib took credit!
bitohistory : K’es, Adlib, Should/whenshoul d we pot that Loewen interview?
AdLib : I proudly take credit for starting bacon jokes. Whether I started them or not.
PatsyT : and Why?
kesmarn : How did we all ever get started on the bacon jokes?
kesmarn : Well, actually more than 1, but when I get tired my exclamation points turn into 1’s… maybe time to go to bed?
AdLib : I AM a turkey burrito.
kesmarn : Turkey burritos1
kesmarn : That would be a great way to use this leftover turkey, bito!
PatsyT : Just don’t get tanky
AdLib : I’m full of them! Urp!
PatsyT : AdLib We love all the food jokes!
bitohistory : MMM turkey Burritos
AdLib : Patsy! You still remember my taco joke?
PatsyT : Sometimes Tacoey
kesmarn : Kinda Twinkly?
AdLib : Never Treacly.
kesmarn : Definitely not a Turkey…
AdLib : Though always Talky.
kesmarn : Or tricky…
PatsyT : But never Tacky!
AdLib : I meant tickly!
bitohistory : AdLib, you tecky?
AdLib : Heh! One video could just be music dropped in the background of the Palin clubbing video. Culture Club, “Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?” (and “club” is covered!)
PatsyT : Oh Bito that was a little play acting I am imagining that I am the mighty Sarah
bitohistory : My image of patsy is destroyed! Stomping??
AdLib : Folks, I am a techy type guy but my wife is far from one so I get that too. I can give a brief step-by-step on Xtranormal but for those who’d prefer, just write the dialog and post it and others could just drop it into Xtranormal to create the video.
PatsyT : Stomping and Clubbing and Lying OH MY!
kesmarn : We of the “delicate, weaker sex” must stick together, Patsy.
PatsyT : Thanks Kes You warm my heart
kesmarn : That sounds good, AdLib! Keep it fun and light-hearted. But still with plenty of stomping for Patsy.
kesmarn : It’s math after meth…?
AdLib : Bito – Yep, I sure can, I would make that partof the post. Explaining the simple steps of using Xtranormal, how to download YouTube videos, just writing the script for a tv spot (people can collaborate on turning it into an Xtranormal video too), or just writing a radio or print ad. I think it’s best not to make it a competition but a collection.
PatsyT : Can’t we have a little stomping? Please just a little stomping?
bitohistory : Higher math? Is that after 12X12 ?
kesmarn : I finally got it.
kesmarn : b’ito gave me an inservice on how to get umlauts to show up in posts. It must have felt like he was teaching Special Ed.
kesmarn : This feels a little like my son dragging me kicking and screaming into the Land of Higher Mathematics, Patsy. I’m always glad he did……….aft er it’s over with.
AdLib : Kes – Exactly, or just the text of a radio spot for Palin 2012. Any type of ad, print, video or radio.
PatsyT : Kes I think these boys are going to learn us some new fangled things on the internets!
bitohistory : Let’s push it, AdLib. Canyou do a simple “how-to”?
kesmarn : Even if people were a little intimidated, they could at least post an image with a caption. The braver can use XtraNormal.
AdLib : And the one requirement is to use the word “club” in the video!
AdLib : It’s so easy to make videos there, we could all make one and create a collection?
bitohistory : A Punch and Judy show? Bring out the clubs!
PatsyT : Maybe ” Join any one of her NEW Clubs and you can be part of the action!
AdLib : How about hosting a video collection under a post, not a contest but inviting members to use XtraNormal to make Palin’s first Presidential Campaign commercial?
kesmarn : Sarah, the Queen of Clubs…without a full deck.
bitohistory : Patsy, I like that one!
kesmarn : Mickey to Judy: “I know! Let’s put on a show!”
PatsyT : “Want to get know Sarah Palin better? Join one of her many Clubs…. and you too can get closer to Sarah.
AdLib : I’ve got a barn and Spanky’s got costumes!
kesmarn : There you go, being a filmmaker, b’ito!
bitohistory : PEOPLE!! We need script! We need dialogue!
AdLib :
So may great ones! How about SubCulture Club?
kesmarn : “Fight Club” becomes “Spite Club”
PatsyT : The Halibut for Breakfast Club
kesmarn : And we working class become “Club Bled”?
AdLib : The BabySealKiller’ s Club?
kesmarn : Good one! “I wouldn’t want to join any club that would have me as a member,” could be “I wouldn’t want to join a club that wasn’t into dismemberment.”
PatsyT : Club Red …. and feature plenty of blood
AdLib : Club for Gross? The Mickey Mouse Club?
bitohistory : “Club Meds? Try mine?” says S’arah
PatsyT : Club Dread?
AdLib : Kes – The old Groucho line, “I have a good mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.”
PatsyT : You will need your meds!
bitohistory : Club Meds?
kesmarn : Heh…I beat you to that one, too, AdLib…see below (“Club Med…Club Dead…”)
bitohistory : Not talents, just old. Did I ever tell you about the “talkies?”
AdLib : “Club Dead”?
kesmarn :
Great minds…
PatsyT : I think this sounds like there could be more then one video and more then one kind
AdLib : Kes – you beat me to it, love “Club For Death” and “Join the Club”.
AdLib : You are a man of many talents and mystery, Bito. I use this add-on to Firefox to download YouTube videos: «link» , very quick and easy. Then just edit it and make my additions.
kesmarn : Were you editing your own film, b’ito? If I’m too nosy just …well…club me…?
kesmarn : “The Club for Death.”
bitohistory : Film was my love. It also took a lot of money!!
PatsyT : Kes, I like “The Club” makes me think of the Club for Growth
bitohistory : Coaches get fired over that game.
kesmarn : b’ito…how did you get into film editing? You have had an interesting life!
bitohistory : And I used to edit film.
I know nothing about video.
kesmarn : Got so wrapped up in the Palin ad…I tuned out there. Ohio State/Michigan — people go bananas here because we’re so close to the border that there are lots of UM fans. People nearly come to blows over it.
bitohistory : AdLib, how does one take portions of u-tube clips to make a vid?
kesmarn : Vote for Palin. Join…THE CLUB.
kesmarn : The Rove-ian campaign ad. “My Psychosis Will Fix Everything!”
kesmarn : Right, AdLib. To spin her simple-minded brutality as a good thing. A way to eliminate complexity and get rid of problems — not with solutions, but by whacking the people who cause the problems.
bitohistory : Some nice funeral/ organ music in her first ad?
PatsyT : HA!!! My daughter is going to that game! She has never been to anything like that.
bitohistory : O/T OHIO v MICHIGAN tomorrow!
kesmarn : Extension of unemployment benefits for the 99-ers? “WHACK!”
AdLib : It would be funnier and more of a hook to present it as Palin’s first ad for running for president in 2012.
PatsyT : Gee, so many options with Sarah ….. choices choices
kesmarn : Not Club Med…ominous music…Club Dead…
AdLib : If I do the Palin parody though, I would edit the TLC footage instead, not use Xtranormal and just pop in title cards with the questions, “How will Sarah Palin handle health care for veterans?” then cut to Sarah whacking the halibut.
PatsyT : Clubs r Us
bitohistory : Sarah” Club it
kesmarn : Palin as gangster girl? “We Be Clubbin’!”?
AdLib : Well…we used the Kiddy characters and made a very short and simple movie. In fact, I think we should try another one tomorrow!
kesmarn : So the premise is: an infomercial selling Palin as the consummate problem solver? If it’s a problem — club it?
bitohistory : Larry: S’arah, how would you lower unemployment?
bitohistory : Let’s write the script.
kesmarn : AdLib, did your daughter do that herself? If so, it’s official. I’m old.
PatsyT : That is adorable AdLib… that apple did not fall far from the tree!
AdLib : Yes, you write the dialog and choose the characters, you can leave it at that or add movements, sounds and camera angles if you feel adventurous. Otherwise, it automatically changes camera angles. Very, very easy to do!
PatsyT : Ha Kes! I am not the techie one at all but I am always willing to learn….
bitohistory : AdLib, don’t you just have to write the script and pick the actors? I don’t mean “just”
AdLib : Anyone can use Xtranormal, my daughter even made a video (aww!). Check it out here and you’ll see: «link»
kesmarn : b’ito, Patsy’s the techie one. I’m a klutz when it comes to doing vids!
bitohistory : K’es-Patsy, you need to try one of those vids AdLib does.
AdLib : The MSM didn’t want to alter the narrative for the election, it was way to profitable and favorable to the wealthy controlling them that Repubs win.
PatsyT : “Shame Wow!” LOL Shame on you Wow!
bitohistory : Rachel and KO are the only ones you have done much (and Think Progress) but hey are all commies!
kesmarn : Right, Patsy, the Palin infomercial. If only we could get that shady looking “ShamWow” guy to do it. We could call it “Shame Wow!”
PatsyT : Reminds of how quiet there were at the beginning of the Iraq war.
kesmarn : There’s nearly zero media exposure of all this shady funding behind the TP. Not suprising.
PatsyT : Good question Bito
kesmarn : If the Forbeses and the Kochs and their ilk would just distribute all that money they’re funneling to the T-Potty to the working class directly, they wouldn’t need to be so devious.
bitohistory : Why did the NYT do a story on Dick Army AFTER the elections and his ties to the T-peeres
PatsyT : “If you order with in the next 15 minutes we will include for your pleasure….”
bitohistory : Yes, k’es, Forbes is behind the T-Potty.
kesmarn : AdLib, that would hilarious! “Whack!” “Stomp!” “Blam!” Problems disappear with THE PALINATOR! “But wait…there’s more…”
bitohistory : Great Idea, AdLib! How would she answer policy questions.
kesmarn : She’s thinking: “When I’m Prez I’m going to make it legal to shoot unemployed people from helicopters…”
bitohistory : There used to be a fellow that wore leathers and rode a bicycle around town. Is that Palin? she thinks she’s a Hell’s angel, and is riding a tricycle.
AdLib : Kes – Maybe after the holiday weekend, I’ll do that for a laugh.
PatsyT : Love It AdLib!
AdLib : Looking forward to the episode where she shoots wolves from a helicopter and pulls the wings off of flies.
kesmarn : b’ito, Forbes is funding T-Potty stuff, too?
PatsyT : The stomping, the clubbing oooo whats next?
kesmarn : Patsy, for all her attempts to appeal to the pro-life crowd, she certainly does enjoy making animals die. I mean REALLY enjoy it. Creeeeeepy!
AdLib : I could make a repetitive video, asking a question in white font against a black background then showing that clip again and again. “How will Sarah Palin deal with the unemployed?” “How will Sarah Palin deal with SS?” “How will Sarah Palin deal with Iran?” “How will Sarah Palin deal with Muslims?”
PatsyT : “Would you be able to beat President Obama?” I think so and I can really beat a fish!
bitohistory : Let’ not forget the Forbes Family. They have been behind the T-Potty
kesmarn : Typically, she’s over-confident, too. “Would you be able to beat President Obama?” “I believe so!” Not many other people do!
PatsyT : «link»
bitohistory : I wanna be your prez! I can club defenseless halibuts in the bottom of a boat!
AdLib : Palin is a Human Poison Pill. WTS is right on the money. She was just lucky, she ran for VP just when the traditional GOP had cut its own throat. The Repubs are not liked better than Dems, this was an anti-in-power election and they are deluded, thinking the country actually likes them and their agenda. So, it has empowered Palin which is great for the Dems because no matter what the economy is like, if Palin gets the nom, Dems will be very energized to vote Obama a second term. And all those Talking Asses who keep mentioning polls on Obama as of today are total fools and full of BS.
kesmarn : Judas Goats they are, AdLib…like the Koch brothers. But they’ll never be thrown off the transplant list or have a home foreclosed like some of their “followers.”
PatsyT : Yes Kes! I am sure there must be a clip somewhere…
kesmarn : Oh God, did she really club a fish? I thought you were kidding!
kesmarn : b’ito, they could mop up in the ratings if they could combine the two: “How to Deep Fry a Governor”?
PatsyT : Kes I refused to watch… but I saw the clip of her clubbing the fish!
bitohistory : Patsy, Here is what got me. They reported it was the highest rated TLC show. So what was the second? How to deep fry turkeys?
AdLib : There is a small fraction of Corporatists in the Tea Party Repubs. They are riding the ignorant masses of Baggers, cheering on their calls for taking back their country and fiscal responsibility, all the time herding them into the slaughter house. As I’ve mentioned before, they are the Judas goats and these poor sheep have no idea, they think they’re leading themselves.
kesmarn : Patsy, I saw that Palin’s ratings tanked. I’m sure it’s not her fault, though. Conspiracy, no doubt. Have you seen the show? I haven’t.
kesmarn : He did a nice job of demonstrating how self absorbed people tend to self-destruct and take others down with them.
PatsyT : The ratings on her ‘reality show’ went down. Booo Hooo
AdLib : Kes, I’m saving WTS’ article for tomorrow! I did skim it and am anxious to read it fully.
kesmarn : That perverse combination of religious right fanaticism, corporate greed and racism is a deadly witch’s brew…
PatsyT : Twitter diplomacy will replace shuttle diplomacy
AdLib : The Repub audiences don’t care about content, truth or respect, they just care about striking out at others with the simplistic exercise of Evangelistic right and wrong. We are righteous, they are evil and whatever our “preachers” say, we will remain faithful in them leading us to The Promised Land against the heathens.
bitohistory : Does she think that “if” she gets elected she can just twitter to world leaders? 150 word treaty?
kesmarn : AdLib, I think WTS would totally agree with you. That was an interesting article he wrote on people who are consumed by hubris. There was a clip of Kanye West’s rambling pity-me speech and the audience cheered loudly in support. Baffling.
PatsyT : And she is badly out of tune
PatsyT : AdLib thats it! She is a player piano.
kesmarn : Yes, b’ito. Can you imagine the reaction if Obama ever tried that? The victim thing?
AdLib : Kes, with all respect, anyone can look like a maestro in front of a player piano. Sharron Angle did to. How challenging is it to just be plain ignorant and nasty in front of a crowd who responds to that. I reject the assessment of Palin as anything other than a shallow hack playing to a rigged audience.
kesmarn : That was it, AdLib! I knew he had come to a bad end, but couldn’t recall how.
bitohistory : You are right k’es. If she gets a question beyond her limited brain, it’s Gotcha!
AdLib : Ralph Reed ran for Congress but his involvement with Jack Abramoff ruined him. The fraud.
kesmarn : To give the devil(ette) her due, people who’ve watched her speak say she is brilliant with a live crowd. Can read and play their emotions like a fiddle.
AdLib : The MSM love her because she makes great ratings from those who love her and hate her, so no matter how offensive she is, how racist, how dishonest, how ignorant, they know that piping everything that comes out of her mouth through a loudspeaker will bring them more money.
kesmarn : It is Moral Majority resurrected, AdLib. Whatever happened to old Ralph Reed (was that his name), the baby-faced schemer?
bitohistory : Her “senior adviser” worked with Lee Atwater.
kesmarn : Right, b’ito, and even when the rare policy question is asked and she blunders, she frames it as “Gotcha! Journalism” and plays the victim card.
PatsyT : Such as Sarah
AdLib : We all know what the Palin thing is all about. Primarily, it is the Moral Majority crowd under new management. It’s the old, religious extremists who are prejudiced against those not like them, blacks, Muslims, educated, reasoned, etc. And they have a new mask to put over their operating under faith in their fears.
kesmarn : I’d love to hold a candle to Ms Palin, Patsy!
PatsyT : Kes she can’t hold a candle to Michelle Obama!
bitohistory : She may be right about one thing, The Lame Stream Media. No one asks policy questions on the tube.
kesmarn : Patsy, Miss South Carolina!
«link» Such as!
kesmarn : “And when I walk through an airport and see our military people there protecting all our freedoms it just makes me proud to be an American unlike our first lady….” That’s a deep policy analysis for Sistah Sold Ya.
PatsyT : Hey remember Miss South Carolina?
bitohistory : WTS’s post was so right. When S’arah is brought up, it;s like a gossip/people mag. Where does she stand on policy? “we need more jobs” ” Food is good”
kesmarn : Then just kinda lock the door on our side and walk away…?
kesmarn : Seems a shame to shut it down, doesn’t it, b’ito. Couldn’t we send Jan Brewer down there to inspect it first?
bitohistory : That was my thought k’es. They knew how to build a tunnel. I think it was MSA approved!
kesmarn : Doesn’t do much for my peace of mind knowing that she would probably drop bombs on South Korea if the phone rang at 3 a.m…
PatsyT : Always on the cutting edge here in SoCal.
bitohistory : Let’s talk S’arah for a sec. Can she even make a mistake on policy? Hard to talk about something, when she knows nothing on it,
kesmarn : I saw that, bito! Pretty sophisticated little system there. We should get those guys as consultants for mine safety. They know how to do tunnel construction!
bitohistory : Quite the tunnel for “stuffed” turkeys they had in SoCal!
kesmarn : They need those critters at airports.
PatsyT : You know those dogs they will sniff anything
kesmarn : Dogs on crack. I never thought about that… hmmm…
PatsyT : Mostly I avoid ironing
kesmarn : I love that line, AdLib!
PatsyT : No Kes the kids and dogs had to get their kicks the old fashioned way
bitohistory : Back on the coke?
AdLib : One of my favorite lines is from Airplane 2, “Sometimes irony can be pretty ironic.”
kesmarn : Awwww. Patsy, no crack or meth in the turkey stuffing? Prevents that after dinner drowsiness!
bitohistory : Shirley, it was and quick day. If you just ignored! k’es
PatsyT : We did watch the Dog Show
PatsyT : Kes, neh I had to lay off the crack and meth.
kesmarn : Patsy, you gave up WINE??
kesmarn : I missed everything, b’ito. Had to go in to take care of the post-feast coronaries.
PatsyT : I picked a bad week to give up ……
bitohistory : Airplane was on AMC today. Anyone catch it?
kesmarn : “Always mit the disruptors! Disrupting this! Disrupting that! Where are your manners? Were you raised to disrupt?”
AdLib : ROMULAN: “We will destroy you with our disruptors!” MAMA KIRK: “Feh!
kesmarn : A good bagel is as good as…other things that make marriages work. We’ll leave it at that.
AdLib : Kes, it’s in my marriage agreement that I must remain within 10 miles of good bagels.
kesmarn : Enough with the fighting already! I work my fingers to the bone, and you wanna give me a heart attack! Jewish mamma to the Romulans.
PatsyT : Why is there a good witch and a bad witch?
PatsyT : Kes, close enough to twitter…. that will work
bitohistory : Why are there 2 Koreas?
AdLib : Kes, I like that idea. In the midst of an attack by the Romulans, she could be serving lunch, “You’re nothing but skin and bones, eat!”
kesmarn : She would probably eat raw tribbles.
PatsyT : No hunting in space either… sorry Sarah Palin….. no fish to club.
kesmarn : Freeze dried bagels? Pretty much what we already hafta eat here in Ohio. Hard to find real ones.
PatsyT : I understand all the food in space is freeze dried.
kesmarn : They should have had a good Jewish mamma to cook on the Enterprise. But getting into one of those Uhura costumes might have been a challenge.
bitohistory : Seriously, I can’t remember the last time I had bacon.
AdLib : You can’t get good pastrami in space.
PatsyT : Bito no good Chinese or Italian!
kesmarn : Er, simulator?
kesmarn : But you could make a Reuben in one of those synthesizer things they had, I think, Patsy.
bitohistory : Hard to get take out in space, Patsy?
AdLib : We made our silverware out of bacon, bacon forks, knives and plates. However, the bacon napkins didn’t work out so well.
PatsyT : Trouble is -no go Deli in space!
kesmarn : Twinkies and bacon for dessert?
PatsyT : Kes Everything is better with bacon!
kesmarn : Mensches in outer space!
AdLib : Yep, a Spamurkey with Cheez Whiz glaze and Wonder Bread dressing!
PatsyT : William Shatner is Jewish so is Spock
kesmarn : Kosher bacon.
kesmarn : Patsy, that would be even better with bacon.
AdLib : You had a Kosher ham for Thanksgiving, Bito? Is William Shatner Jewish?
PatsyT : I bet they can batter dip and deep fry cheez wiz
kesmarn : Did you have melted cheez whiz on the deep fried Spamurkey?
PatsyT : AdLib and you didn’t catch the house on fire with the fryer?
PatsyT : bito Kosher Ham?
AdLib : We had a deep fried turkey-shaped spamurkey. Mmm!
PatsyT : I think I stood in the kitchen for over 9 hours! All the food turned out great
AdLib : Clear caches and restart browsers if you get the “I Hate Spam” thing.
kesmarn : Did you feed ’em bits of turkey under the table, Patsy? I can’t resist giving the critters people food.
bitohistory : No turkey for me, kosher ham!
PatsyT : Hey Kes, We had four dogs! It was a bit of a circus but the dogs had a great time!
PatsyT : Left over Spam?
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy! It’s Friday night and dammit, I’m ready to chat. Enough with the turkey! How was your Thanksgiving?
bitohistory : Hey, Patsy!
kesmarn : I can see your test message, b’ito!
PatsyT : Hi there fellow Americans
bitohistory : Test
kesmarn : Oh dear, now I’m getting that “I hate spam” message, even after I cleared my cache! Where have I gone wrong. I’m usually the lucky one on Fri night!
AdLib : I have food poisoning down to an art. Actually, it was very relaxing and enjoyable. First T-Day I can remember where we didn’t travel to see family, nice, quiet and cozy.
kesmarn : It was one of the best, AdLib! And fewer than usual cases of food poisoning with my cooking this year! How about yours?
AdLib : Cool! And that opinionated self of yours is very appreciated! Did you have a nice Thanksgiving?
kesmarn : Oops, hi, AdLib, I as so busy being my usual opinionated self over there on posts, I hope your question hasn’t been hanging here too long… Yes, it was only in chat that comments were vanishing. I rebooted and everything seems better now. Thanks!
AdLib : Kes – I assume you’re talking about issues with the comments in this chat function? Clearing your cache and restarting your browser should solve that issue. Please let me know if you’re having an issue with comments under posts, I just optimized our database and want to make sure all is well around the site!
AdLib : Same here, Khirad, safe travels. And wear a cup going through airport security. Keep us updated!
kesmarn : Safe travels, Khirad!
Khirad : Okay, gotta get a snack to eat before flight to Portland. Will fill y’all in later.
kesmarn : I seem to be having the problem with vanishing comments that other folks have reported. I’ll reboot.
kesmarn : Fill us in when you get a chance, Khirad! See you later…!
kesmarn : Oh dear…was it something I said?
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad! How is honorable grandmother?
Khirad : ¡Hola from Vegas!
AdLib : Happy Thanksgiving to all from The Planet! Vox Populi is officially on hiatus tonight for Thanksgiving but it will be open tonight and over the holiday weekend for members to chat whenever they’d like so please feel free to use it. All the best to you from all of us at The Planet!
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