Questinia : ‘nite Kes!
Questinia : I have a lovely cemetery near me. Many are buried there who lived in my house.
Questinia : Where did my messages go?
Questinia : Not near Killingworth!, Near Salisbury. Litchfield Hills.
Questinia : Hi kes, Firefox is beach balling me to death
kesmarn : Bing must have snipped the wires! Well, g’nite!
kesmarn : Whoops, think I lost you there, Q!
kesmarn : CT has the best old cemeteries ever! (Khirad where are you? We share a love of cemeteries.)
kesmarn : I was in Killingworth, CT those 5 years. Anywhere near?
Questinia : Yes, NYC and NW Ct. City and country! Beautiful here and very historic in Ct. Town has a village green from 1734, etc…
kesmarn : Yup. Lake Erie. Do I remember that you’re in NY state?
Questinia : Oh, that’ is a beautiful area. I drove through there. Close to Canada and Michigan. And a Great Lake
kesmarn : I lived in CT for 5 years. It’s pretty but hilly. Always felt as though I were “stubbing my eyes” on those hills. When I got back here, I took long drives just to take in the big fields once more.
kesmarn : Canton is NE, closer to Cleveland. I’m closer to Toledo.
Questinia : I love big sky!
Questinia : Are you near Canton? Or is that NE?
kesmarn : I’m in NW Ohio, Q. The flatlands. I love ’em. Right now the fields are all flat and bare after having been harvested. You can see forever.
kesmarn :
My popcorn sound effects aren’t working tonight. I miss ’em! Might have to pop my finger out of my mouth every now and then…
Questinia : Where are you, kes?
kesmarn : Hmmm. Lemme check. “Faith Matters” A local one. PhD from Notre Dame wrote a book on Consumerism in Religion and he’s talking about it.
Questinia : KNowing, kes, that you are on the other side of that popcorn sound, got me to stop boogying..
Questinia : Because it makes more sense than what is being served in the States. What’s the program called?
kesmarn :
Discussion on PBS right now…Are college kids in to Buddhism because it’s real to them? Or to calm themselves down enough to get an A on their Organic Chem exam?
Questinia : But NOW… I will Boogie!
Questinia : I didn’t dance either. Not even toe-tapping. I was being an academic… all in my head.
kesmarn : Too lazy and American at the moment…toe tapping OK?
Questinia : Did you dance?
kesmarn : Trippy vid, Q!
Questinia : I can go here if I want to, cause I’m FREEE!!!
Khirad : And Mr. Bing Crawling.
Questinia : Hi guests!
AdLib : It should be in the morning paper! Night Khirad!
Khirad : Night, I’ll inquire as to what I was nominated for later.
AdLib : Kes – Deep fried American cheese that is.
AdLib : That makes it time to wrap this edition of Vox Populi! Thanks so much Khirad for “bringin it” once again, have a great weekend!
kesmarn : Make sure you melt some American cheese on that, AdLib! G’nite again!
AdLib : Night Kes! Sleep well!!!
AdLib : Can I get a deep fried set of silverware and a deep fried plate with which to eat a deep fried frier?
kesmarn : Heh! Night, Patsy! And — I know it’s time for me to leave when I type “well” as “wekk”! Woof need not worry about typing skills! Good night, kids!
Khirad : Night, Patsy.
Khirad : I liked the music, Patsy. Happy House when I just clicked. My type of place.
kesmarn : Wekk, dang, Ralph, run fetch that ‘air possum you done drove over in the pickup and have them fry that baby up crisp!
AdLib : Night Patsy! Lots of fun, thanks so much! Have a wonderful weekend!
PatsyT : I must say good night also… All the best
PatsyT : This place will deep fry anything for you you bring it and they will fry it. «link»
kesmarn : Khirad — the dog-eared old Twilight Zone joke: To Serve Man?
AdLib : Night Bito! And cheers to you and Kes for making this a memorable day for Kalima. I know she had to love it!
kesmarn : Good night, b’ito. I think Kalima enjoyed her day…which may have just a little to do with y – o – u!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Bito all the best …
AdLib : Khirad – I have an acquaintance who was in those circles and he hated his life then. Once he moved away from the lifestyle and social circle in LA, he was happy. The peer pressure of keeping up with the other wealthy people is intense.
Khirad : Night, bito.
bitohistory : peace
bitohistory : OH, goodness, kids. i need to say my nighty-nites. Thank you all for your knowledge, intellect and laughs. How did Kalima day go over? Don’t forget the contest tomorrow.
Khirad : Deep-fried Dum-Dums in Coca-Cola batter? Tealicious.
kesmarn : MMmmmm! That sounds heavenly! Better even than a double-down!
PatsyT : Yummy !
AdLib : For company tonight, my wife made two kinds of homemade dips tonight, a creamy sun dried tomato and home-grilled onion dip. Yum!
kesmarn : The problem with RWers, though, is that they have absolutely no concept of the word “enough.” I know that’s a cliche, but it really is true.
PatsyT : That explains the fear of Obama they think he is a witch-doctor cannibal
Khirad : I don’t feel sorry for the ridiculously wealthy, but it would probably mean new “friends” and keeping up with a whole new crowd and those new pressures. I really admire the rich people, who still go around in same old car, jeans and shirt, and who don’t get involved with that crowd. They’re still competitive, but they seem more content.
kesmarn : Nothing left to cook, Patsy? Time to break out the Dum-Dums and cook them?
AdLib : bito – Exactly. Though having millions takes away the stress of paying the bills, it brings other stresses. Yes, you can buy all kinds of things to make yourself happy temporarily, what if the reality is that happiness is at the Golden Mean, right at the point where you have just enough money to cover your needs and a bit more for fun here and there. What if more money can’t bring more happiness than that?
PatsyT : They went through all the recipes
kesmarn : b’ito…right the happiest times usually involve family, nature, the arts, ideas, friends… No wonder RWers don’t get it!
bitohistory : What happened to the food channel? no recipes, just competitions.
PatsyT : That explains a lot!
kesmarn :
Patsy! Yep, they turn them suckers out right quick and fulla high-fructose corn syrup energy!
PatsyT : Kes they have factories for making teabaggers?
Khirad : South Park did a great spoof of the Food Channel this week, FWIW.
bitohistory : I think I have felt happiness a few times. And none had to do anything with money.
kesmarn : My son used to enjoy the Food channel when they actually had chef on it, but now it’s competitive cooking/eating and tours of the Dum-Dum sucker factory…
AdLib : Khirad – Tea Party Heaven!
AdLib : Kes – Indeed.
PatsyT : LOL Khirad
Khirad : If I believed only what the the Travel Channel said, then the only places worth visiting would be World’s Best Beaches, Cruise Ships, Water Parks, and places to get really fat.
kesmarn : In the “golden mean,” I guess, AdLib. All things old are new again?
PatsyT : Khirad you mean they don’t show that in Uganda?
AdLib : kes – Part of the American Dream is that one day, we’ll all be happy millionaires. Millionaires may not have the stresses of having to make ends meet but I know that many are more stressed over their greed. So, where does happiness really reside?
Khirad : I too physically feel ill during the Man vs. Food show. It’s an only in America show. It’s more disgusting than Zimmer’s show. The guy is a nice guy and all I guess, but it’s just not the right message…
PatsyT : Why not just put on Man vs Drugs?
bitohistory : They are,k’es.
kesmarn : I coined the word assholery, b’ito, and copyrighted it. Now Sarah has to pay me when she tweets it!
kesmarn : Good question, AdLib. If a person is going to be angry, obsessed with getting money, predatory in behavior and totally lacking in empathy, why not just have done with it and be a gangster?
PatsyT : Bito no but Kes did check with the Palin dictionary
PatsyT : That guy on the Man vs Food Show is going to just explode one of these days… I think he has added about 100 lbs.
bitohistory : Did you spell check that word k’es, assholery?
PatsyT : Khirad me too they both have those fake voice overs
AdLib : I thought having lots of money was supposed to make you happy. WHy does it seem to make so many (not our billionaire anti-tax-cut friends though) angry pricks?
kesmarn : Americans have a very odd relationship with food.
bitohistory : I feel ill watching that gluttony show.
kesmarn : A certain percentage of the uber-wealthy do seem to be in to assholery.
Khirad : I sometimes get the Food and Travel channels mixed up…
bitohistory : 1,000!! I think that about covers a year for me on food!
AdLib : To be clear, anyone who appreciates caviar wouldn’t eat it on a pizza. The only reason to do so is being an asshole.
kesmarn : One of Grayson’s points was that the wealthy could light 2 luxury cigars per day for a year (with their tax cut $$) — with $100 bills!!
PatsyT : Ironic that we have on the Man Vs Food Show almost every night of the week on Travel Channel ?
Khirad : Exactly AdLib!
AdLib : Khirad – Why don’t they just cut to the chase and swallow Krugerrands by the handful yelling, “Fuck the poor!”?
kesmarn : Whew…Marie Antoinnette should have said “Let them eat pizza!”
kesmarn : I’m confused…every thing seems so scrambled…
Khirad : I saw this on a show once. It seriously makes me physically sick that some people are this rich, while others suffer. They honestly thought nothing on dropping this much money for a casual lunch. «link»
AdLib : Hope no one minds if I waffle on the issues now.
kesmarn : Don’t tell us you’re becoming hard boiled!
AdLib : Hmm, flaunting my wealth doesn’t usually go over easy.
kesmarn : Or fresh McConnell earmark pork?
PatsyT : Don’t you need some bacon with that omelet ?
bitohistory : I thought panty hose came in those.
kesmarn : A “toast” to you, sir!
AdLib : An omelet to diamond for!
kesmarn : A real jewel of an omelet…?
AdLib : Bito – After I finish eating my scrambled Faberge eggs. Mmm…so crucnchy!”
bitohistory : Full circle, K’es?
PatsyT : He sold it on Ebay
kesmarn : Not until the TSA changes their policy!
bitohistory : When are you going to give up the Planet’s corporate jet, AdLib?
kesmarn : “After spectacular success of fall fund-raiser…”
kesmarn : Patsy — if only we had as much of the latter and we do the former…
kesmarn : RNs released a document in support of higher taxation on their billions — after inhaling all the nitrous oxide in the hospital..
bitohistory : Charlie Rose is on this very topic (taxes) right now. Veiwers of Fox v Charlie?
PatsyT : Yes that billy kes just does that nursing thing for shits and giggles
kesmarn : Wouldn’t you love to see Sarah’s IRS forms from the past 10 years or so…I’ll bet it’s a horror story of loopholes.
AdLib : The reality of the current day is that there is a 24/7 propaganda machine on tv that will try to dominate every issue. Obama and the Dems in Congress need to accept that and return fire with a constant stream of PR presenting their stands.
kesmarn : We’d have to move up to the billionaires web page, b’ito.
PatsyT : Do you think we will se the Palin name on that list?
bitohistory : k’es. can you get all the RN’s to sign on”
AdLib : These folks need to barnstorm the MSM! They would get the right attention and if paired with the typical RW Repub talking head, would disarm their BS “job creating” claims in a heartbeat.
bitohistory : Is that Bill Gates Sr’s site?
kesmarn : Patsy and Khirad, God bless those people! Now that is being a”real American” (Hear that, Ms Palin?) b’ito , you’d better add your name to that list of millionaires asking to be taxed…
PatsyT : Khirad Yes That is the group and that is their site Fantastic!
Khirad : Sorry Patsy, I was looking for the same thing and didn’t see your link.
Khirad : Anyone seen this? «link»
PatsyT : Nighty Night ChoiceLady
bitohistory : Thank you C’L and all your good work!!!
kesmarn : Good night, c’lady! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, yourself. And we are thankful for YOU!
AdLib : Thanks CL – You and your hubby have a wonderful Thanksgiving too!
choicelady : Dear Friends – I need to go. Things to do, people to see tomorrow, and I need my beauty sleep! Lord knows… This has been a wonderful conversation. Best to all – hope you ALL have a wonderful Thanksgiving and an ingathering with all those whom you love you love you back. ‘Night all!
bitohistory : amicus brief!! That’s what I meant.
not thingy
kesmarn : Yes, otherwise they’re just going to carry this “person” thing to ridiculous extremes and become untouchable. (Which, as you say, c’lady, even we REAL people are not!)
AdLib : Or can we just appeal to aliens to abduct Thomas and Scalia so they can be replaced?
PatsyT : Some Millionaires are organizing … they call themselves Patriotic Millionaires they want the cuts to expire…. «link»
choicelady : AdLib – I agree. We need to challenge the inequality of fictitious persons vs. real people. I’d like to see groups band together to do that. Common Cause, etc. – we’d sign on to an amicus, of that I’m sure.
AdLib : Again, someone should file a lawsuit against a corp or some AG should prosecute a corp as if it was a person and force the SCOTUS to either establish that vulnerability or reverse themselves on the personhood of corps.
kesmarn : On the tax cuts for the wealthy issue: I think Obama would do well to force the issue with the Repubs. After all, they looked really bad this week when they killed the unemployment extension bill.
bitohistory : i hope you are writing a “friend of the court” thingy CL
choicelady : Oooh – when I see “Google is crawling the site” it makes me itch. Creeepy!
AdLib : CL – It’s the loopholes that let corps spend unlimited cash, loopholes that real people can’t use. Someone needs to sue based on that and get the SCOTUS to admit that corps are not treated as people if allowed MORE rights than people.
kesmarn : And there should be the equivalent of corporation prison, too, c’lady. Limits to their ability to do business until they come around!
kesmarn : Who was that, b’ito….?
choicelady : AdLib – see I think one of the solutions to corporate power now that the SCOTUS has ridiculously enshrined the fictitious person thing is to rein ’em in to the standards REAL people have to meet. We individuals are limited by law on annual campaign donations. Well, so it AT&T. We have to honor subpoenas. Well then, so must AT&T. We keep acting as if they have bigger power – but if they are fictious persons, let’s demand they have EQUAL rights and responsibilities and limits to our flesh and blood ones.
bitohistory : Didn’t someone do a post on Will on the People”?
Khirad : Yup, AdLib. Dare them to vote down tax cuts for the middle class, and MAKE SURE to pin it on who is to blame. Do NOT let FOX frame this as Dems raising taxes. Rather, make sure people know that the GOP put the top 2% ahead of struggling families… again.
AdLib : Look at the polling, Obama would clearly be on the side of the majority of Americans by standing firm against the Repubs and letting them block tax cuts for the middle class.
kesmarn : I believe it’s records of the company’s own internal investigations they’re going after. If there’s a precedent set here, I gather getting info on toxic spills, radiation leaks, etc, will be much harder. A sort of “trade secrets” defense.
bitohistory : Prior decisions haven’t stopped this court yet.
AdLib : From CNN.com: “Only a third of all Americans think Bush-era tax cuts should be extended for families regardless of how much money they make, according to a new national poll. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday also indicates a vast majority of the public is in favor of allowing openly gay people to serve in the U.S. military. Both issues are high on the agenda for federal lawmakers who have returned to the nation’s capitol this week for the lame duck session of Congress. Forty-nine percent of people questioned in the poll say the tax cuts should be extended for families making less than $250,000 a year, with another 15 percent saying the cuts should not be extended for anyone. That leaves 35 percent who favor an extension of the tax cuts for all Americans regardless of how much money they make.”
choicelady : AdLib – yes Obama should say that flat out. And stand by it.
AdLib : CL – Good point. Even a person must provide information when subpoenaed or required by law.
choicelady : bito – darlin’ – first understand how the GOP defines “people”. It means those precisely like themselves. The rest of us aren’t people. We’re – y’know – the great unwashed. Don’t count.
kesmarn : But they’ve done it before, AdLib…
AdLib : Kes – I wouldn’t put it past them but there is major legal precedent that affirms government’s power to regulate corporations, as well as states. If the SCOTUS finds corporations have a right to privacy, they will have violated all existing law to do so.
choicelady : kes – I do worry on this court, yes. But I will say that AT&T has exactly the same right I do to privacy, and the courts have said if you’re accused of something, you have to turn over the documents. That has not been altered. I as an individual cannot block investigations on the grounds of “hey that’s PRIVATE”.
bitohistory : Khirad, that is what I fail to understand. The r’s say “will of the people” but their agenda dosen’t even come close to ANY poll
kesmarn : Yes!
AdLib : Should Obama state categorically that he will only sign a bill that gives tax cuts to the middle class and dare the Repubs to block it?
kesmarn : c’lady on whether the regulatory process can be stopped: I’m worried about an uncoming Supreme Court case in January, 2011. It involves the FCC vs. AT&T. AT&T is refusing to turn over internal documents on the grounds that, as a corporate “PERSON” (ala Citizens United) it has a right to privacy. If they prevail, regulation will get much harder.
AdLib : The Dems in Congress seem to be standing up now on the tax cuts…but Obama isn’t clear on how firm his stand will be. Will Obama stand firm or agree to giving the Repubs what they want?
choicelady : Boehner keeps up that rant – the rich need tax cuts to create jobs – well, they HAVE it already, so – where’re the jobs? Remember the older woman “Where’s the beef?” That’s what we need! Too bad she died, but I bet we can get someone ELSE to do that!
PatsyT : Grayson needs his own show!
bitohistory : He went off on them about Taxes and energy. Quite good for the senate.
PatsyT : Oooo bito no I missed Dorgan
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, I saw Grayson’s presentation, it was very effective. Of course, most Americans won’t see it but they’ll see Boehner declaring that the “job creators” need to take more of our wealth so they can give it back fractionally one day.
kesmarn : Patsy, I happened to catch Grayson live on C-SPAN. He looked like he was having the time of his life! Great fun and nothing to lose — that’s for sure.
Khirad : I don’t get it, don’t tax cuts for the wealthy still poll unfavorably? Seriously, for people that talk about polls and the American People all the time…
choicelady : kes – no way the GOOPers can stop the regulatory agencies from doing their jobs. Oh yeah – Issa can foment and investigate, but they cannot STOP it since such investigations are legal, in policy, and the obligation of the agency or department. They will look like jerks if they claim, as what’s his face did over BP, that it’s a “shakedown”. EVery time they do that, we need to remind people that government exists to protect us ALL.
bitohistory : Yes, Patsy, but did anyone see Senator Dorgan mocking the R’s on the senate floor? Quite good, for the senate
AdLib : Khirad, you never cease to amaze! Thanks for the great link!
Khirad : I still think a Birkin sounds like a Star Trek creature.
AdLib : CL and Kes – I mean, all the Dems have to do is show the photos of all the people indicted and say, “This is who the GOP think should have $700 billion in tax cuts that our children and grandchildren should pay for.”
PatsyT : Did anyone see Alan Graysons tax cut thing?
Khirad : This site has updates: «link»
choicelady : AdLib – if it doesn’t turn people against tax cuts for the wealthy, we have proof that we’ve been lobotomized.
kesmarn : I hope they rip through as many investigations and prosecutions on Wall Street as they can before the Repubs find a way to squelch the whole thing. On the miners: Argh!! why do these things keep happening? Poor guys! Poor families!
AdLib : Bito – And still, it seems so unrelated to the public that the greed of coal and energy companies is murdering people.
choicelady : bito and AdLib – It’s so heartbreaking to think all those miners died. I was so hoping for a Chilean outcome. That must be the worst job in the world. How brave folks are to do it.
bitohistory : AdLib, 29 missing and still to contaminated to go in–BBC
choicelady : ADLib – fantastic news about prosecuting the demons of Wall Street! Wow – I sure think it’s possible for Obama to do good by unleashing his agencies and using regulatory powers already on the books!!!! Go! Go!! Go!!!!
AdLib : Might this turn the tide against the tax cuts for the wealthy?
PatsyT : Bito the Miners? «link»
AdLib : OT but just saw this in our news widget (looking for the latest on the NZ miners…which as Bito says, is not looking good): “U.S. officials are preparing insider trading charges against a host of financial players, including investment bankers and hedge fund managers, according to The Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter.”
kesmarn : I heard that Sarah was anorexic, too. Another thing for her poor daughters to beat themselves up over. “I’m fatter than Mom…! Waaah!”
choicelady : Khirad – I think Mrs. B would LOVE the Czars!
kesmarn : That’ll make her alleged brain explode, Khirad.
Khirad : I’m not sure how Mrs. B will feel about white when I tell her it’s the color of the Czars.
bitohistory :
choicelady : Patsy – Sara is aiming for Size Zero. I hear she’s anorexic so she thinks we all should be. Of course she’s not one to limit her CASH intake…
AdLib : Bito – What’s the latest?
bitohistory : O/T No good news from New Zealand.
kesmarn : Patsy, the T-baggers at the town hall meetings a while back couldn’t fit in size zero if you put a 2 in front of it.
AdLib : Patsy – I hearTPs can fit on size zero hats.
choicelady : kes – Cleveland Ohio and the folks at Kent State are the hub of worker ownership and management efforts. Makes sense the company would be there. I know a lot of those people. Good work is coming out of the OH Center for Employee Ownership. Gar Alperovitz at U of MD is another – his book, “America Beyond Capitalism” is beyond wonderful
AdLib : CL – Absolutely, power corrupts in every direction, there need to be safeguards no matter who holds power.
AdLib : Kes – You nailed it!
Khirad : Mrs. B really hates the black in Anarcho-Syndical ism. And, in other things I imagine…
PatsyT : I get so frustrated with that small gubment crap… How can you fit such a huge country into a small goverment… Lets see those baggers try on size zero Pants
kesmarn : Khirad, I’m sure White is at the top of Mrs. B’s good list of colors…
choicelady : AdLib – bingo. I totally agree. I think though that there is a huge authoritarian streak in America that manifests itself now in the private sector but could do so in the public. I just say – watch out for small minded petty control freaks!
AdLib : Khirad – Maybe Mrs. B. can rank all the colors for us so we know which ones to hate most-toleast.
choicelady : kes – yes, communitarian or (this curls people’s hair) SOCIAL anarchist. Meaning – people who bond together making decisions for themselves, with respect for others around them, but uncoerced. NOT I hasten to say anything like libertarians!!!! ! I think those are sick puppies.
kesmarn : c’lady this window company is in Ohio. They’re making it on their own, without assistance, as far as I know. Really take pride in their work, of course.
AdLib : CL – All applications of political theories are unique. The USSR was not really adhering to what communism is, as it’s defined. Our nation is not really adhering to what democracy is, as it’s defined. Americans would never flip into being 100% socialists but they are happy with SS and Medicare so taking things a bit more in that direction, having a more equal melding of socialism and democracy, as many nations around the world have, would solve a lot of issues with the inequity in our society.
Khirad : Only thing worse than a Red is a Green Mrs. B told me.
choicelady : kes – is that the Chicago company that stood its ground against Bank of America and won when they shut them down? I heard they might take it over. I do think there is a very cool balance we can make among individual efforts, employee ownership efforts, and government assistance, and it’s essential that the supports such as single payer health etc. be in place, but I truly do value creative work at the local and regional levels of individuals in cooperation over some gray bureaucrat in the Gulag. BALANCE. That’s what we need – BALANCE.
kesmarn : Are you taking more notes for Ms Bachmann, Khirad?
Khirad : Sounds like Green politics to me.
kesmarn : c’lady, I think you would fit the definition of a “Communitarian ” then, more than a Socialist?
AdLib : CL – Yes, I saw that and I think that show is in violation of the law. I would love to see CA Labor come down on them like a ton of bricks and enforce the union vote. I mean, what year are we living in?
choicelady : AdLib – I have some real reservations about socialism since it’s another version of top down corporatism. Social welfare – YUP. But the more direct control working people and communities have, the better. Not to say we don’t need some coordination and planning, but we do need to activate and respect local decision making I think. It will vastly improve our democracy when we do that.
bitohistory : Are Obama’s candidates for the NLRB, still on hold in the Senate, CL?
kesmarn : c’lady, there’s a storm window company here that is doing well. Their motto: “Employee Owned. Employee Proud.”
AdLib : If you think about how things could evolve, how the pendulum swings back and forth. Once the plutocracy gets most of what it wants in this nation and the middle class is gone, most people are in a lower class and have little, might they not rise up politically or elsewise and a more socialist government come into power?
kesmarn : Khirad, I think I saw Ms Palin strut into that cartoon, as well…the chick with the cleavage. Good one!
choicelady : AdLib – that is absolutely true about unions, but the meme today is we HAVE that, so we don’t NEED unions. Never were we more wrong. BTW – the crew on “Biggest Loser” just voted 100% to unionize, and the show refuses to honor the vote and has scabs. So the CA Labor Fed is entering a suit and bringing in the NLRB. We need to watch this. The outcome, not necessarily the show…
bitohistory : Profit sharing. :lol
PatsyT : Khirad That is Precious!
Khirad : Yes, I almost forgot about those polls. A lot of it still reflects them using Cold War rhetoric, which younger people don’t reflexively recoil to.
AdLib : Khirad – Very funny!
AdLib : Well…since the Repubs have been attacking Obama as a socialists, the younger generation has been checking it out and socialism now is getting higher and higher polling among them. So who knows where we’ll be in ten years!
choicelady : kes – they supply jobs with the lowest wages possible. They are rarely as efficient or productive as employee owned AND manged concerns. Statistics bear that out. And we’re NOT talking artisanal bakeries alone (those are cool) but Southwest Airlines. And management HAS to be part of it or you just get perpetual exploitation and dribble down “profit sharing” which is usually NOT shared.
PatsyT : Oppps Yes It has reached her inner brain!
Khirad : McConnell’s cartoon double: «link»
PatsyT : I think that botox will be sinking in any minute for Michelle….
kesmarn : Not Michelle, Khirad!! She might become…irascib le!
bitohistory : Look Out, Ralph!!
AdLib : CL and Bito – It is pretty common knowledge that it was Unions of people who work with their hands that gave America. including all white collar workers, a middle class, 5 day work weeks, sick days, etc. To be condescending to anyone because of their chosen profession is low.
Khirad : This is sounding like workers owning the means of production talk. I’m reporting you all to Michele Bachmann.
kesmarn : c’lady, your advocacy of employee-owned business is so wonderful, and the perfect answer to the RW blather about “only the wealthy” being able to supply jobs.
choicelady : kes – LOL!!! You’re on the Planet – of COURSE you know what irascible means! It’s our way of life! What a thick prick that dimwit must be! I’m sorry anyone EVER put you down!
kesmarn :
choicelady : Patsy – love you RIGHT BACK!
choicelady : bito – the brains of a business lie under the workman’s cap (and work woman’s too). I never met an auto worker, steel workers, foundryman, or any other person who did not know waaaay more about efficient and cost saving production than any supervisor. C. 1977 most companies stopped promoting from within and started putting bean counters as CEOs, and they knew NOTHING about the companies they managed or the people on the floor. We’ve sailed downhill ever since. Only worker owned and managed companies thrive these days. My hat’s off to you, bito – you are who built this nation.
AdLib : Kes – You should have said, “Thank you! I learned something else yesterday too! Did you know that “ignorant” doesn’t appear in Webster’s dictionary?”
PatsyT : Donit meen sumthing that you cin erase?
kesmarn : b’ito and c’lady, I get the same thing. I work with my hands, my back, so I must be a bit dim witted. The other day someone patronizingly explained to me what the word “irascible” meant. Sure that I could never possibly know that. Why not ask me?
AdLib : Kes – It is The Obama Admin’s job to promote itself because the MSM no longer reports news, only hype. If you just send out press releases instead of talking heads to every network and hold PR events, it doesn’t get publicized.
PatsyT : CL I Love you!
choicelady : I strongly support reviving our manufacturing base – capital goods and significant durable consumer stuff, but doing it “greened” (quite possible to accomplish) AND employee owned and managed. The latter cuts the outflow to indolent stock owners who did nothing to build the company, and it thus keeps us competitive with low wage producers. You can stop costs at the bottom OR the top – we’ve tried the race to the bottom on wages, now we should try to end the outflow to unproductive capital owners.
PatsyT : Hey why is that guy so greasy ?
kesmarn : This is the question, AdLib. Where are the people who get the word out. As Biden said: “This is a big fuckin’ deal.”
PatsyT : Porkey Pig?
bitohistory : Agreed!!!CL. I got looked down upon many atime because i “worked with my hands” while they were in the ir office thinking.
PatsyT : Mitch is an insult to all the ducks & turtles in the world
AdLib : Kes – And, Obama is way too modest. Had Bush been in his place, there would be wall to wall PR on all the news stations about how Bush saved 2 million jobs and made a profit for taxpayers. Where is Obama’s communications people? WTF is their problem in loudly promoting his accomplishments?
kesmarn : c’lady, you’re right. My apologies to Daffy. At the moment i can’t even think of a cartoon character I dislike enough to pin on McConnell.
choicelady : kes – isn’t that an insult to Daffy?
AdLib : CL – Right on the money! The only GOP plan for jobs is give the wealthy more money. That worked so well under Bush, it led to negative job growth and a further class warfare, robbing more of the 98% to increase the wealth of the top 2%. Sure, let’s do it again!
choicelady : Patsy – I agree – Bob the Builder and Thomas Tank. Those once were valued. Now? Not at all. But I also blame dimwit and elitist progressives who sneered at blue collar people. I lived and worked with union folks and with academics etc., and the snottiness of the latter toward the former was disgusting.
kesmarn : Right, AdLib. “Government Motors” worked out pretty well — even for the Wall Street boys. No credit given to Obama, as usual.
AdLib : CL – Right on the money!
Khirad : That was funny cute, Patsy.
choicelady : AdLib – the GOP is the “jobs party” so long as they are finance capital jobs, jobs for people living behind locked gates with country clubs. They don’t want blue collar jobs, union jobs, or jobs that require independent thought.
AdLib : We could have lost an additional 2 million jobs if the GOP had their way and yet idjits out there voted for them thinking they’d make more jobs.
kesmarn : Instead we have Daffy Duck McConnell, Patsy.
Khirad : They’re not stuck in any century, they’re in bizarro world.
AdLib : And don’t forget, the GOP wanted GM and Ford to go under. And yet, they’re the jobs party?
choicelady : Khirad – the problem is they are NOT stuck in the last century or they’d value manufacturing! We do seem to have a couple of rail mills present and expandable. Now that’s a good place for stimulus money to go!
PatsyT : We need Bob the Builder to get going on Thomas the Tank Engine!
AdLib : CL – Yes, as Khirad said, our government has invested heavily in the theater that because we use technology, we are more protected. Terrorism is about terrorists not technology. Human-to-human interviews would be far more effective but not as theatrical.
kesmarn : All those years wasted under Bush, b’ito. A trillion dollars blown to smoke in Iraq when we could have been moving into the 21st century. Ah well, no point in over-indulging in regrets.
Khirad : It really does make me mad. We have the plants that can make rails, etc., but some (GOP) are still stuck in the last century (or more).
choicelady : I think the core of security lies in our ending exploitation of other nations. I know that sounds simplistic, but they don’t hate our “freedoms”. They hate our imperialism and destruction of their freedoms.
AdLib : Khirad – I think we’ve got a while until it’s possible to get out of the current delusionary cycle into a more realistic one. People right now want to believe in magic pixie dust that Repubs can sprinkle over the nation to make jobs and industry. Cut taxes and provide more to Americans. These people need to have their bubble burst first before we can have an adult conversation about our nation and economy.
bitohistory : Wind and solar in the US to China was 8 to 1 3 years ago. It is now 1 to 8 . DUH
choicelady : CA has passed high speed rail, but until I know the rails are made here and NOT in China, I won’t ride it. I have some knowledge of steelmaking in both nations – I don’t want made in China rails, thanks. They shatter.
Khirad : I know I have a better chance of being struck by lightning. Even right after 9/11, I know it may be odd, but while I was emotionally affected by the tragedy, I never overreacted or felt in a constant sense of doom.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m not thrilled about any of it especially now I know there is a US company that makes a better, non radioactive product that is superior in detecting stuff without seeing your “junk”. It’s all over-reaction and not at all what Americans thought they wanted. I find the hollering interesting since it’s US and not “THEM” who are being frisked.
kesmarn : And rail security would be way easier to handle. Along with many other benefits.
PatsyT : Amen Khirad!
AdLib : Kes – Bingo! That’s where Europe and the Middle East are way ahead of us. Americans are easily duped into thinking there’s a way to stop terrorism instead of it being an ongoing battle that we will sometimes lose.
Khirad : A bunch have said when they come back to America from Europe it feels like a third world country without the modern rail. And look at China. They’re investing in their infrastructure. How about stop being proud about some vision of rustic America and being ashamed of being left behind in the world.
kesmarn : I think the 800 pound gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about is that we are never, ever gonna feel truly safe again. No reason to give up on security entirely, but still a fact.
AdLib : How many here have any issue with the enhanced security at airports, having to go either through a body scanner that shows the contours of your naked body or having pat downs where your breasts and genitals would be touched?
choicelady : Hi kes, Patsy, Khirad – all this discussion of “junk” makes me want to ask whether it would all work better if we got to pick who frisked us. I wonder if it will affect Sacramento and other smaller airports or just the larger ones? My reaction to the one time I was lightly patted down was – I’m never seeing this person again, so who cares?
bitohistory : Speaking of smart an logical, hey C’L
PatsyT : Good Evening ChoiceLady!
kesmarn : If ever there were an argument for high-speed rail, this is it. Too bad Ohio’s new governor doesn’t get it. And Hi, C’lady!!
AdLib : Hey CL! Welcome!
AdLib : Thanks Khirad for the figures. Yes, right on the money, theater again and again. How sad that the focus is all about making people feel safe instead of be safe. But that’s what happens when politics infects everything.
choicelady : Hi everyone! Just dropped in to read about people running around with their hair on fire. Thanks for the GREAT image, AdLib!
Khirad : Running in circles and theater.
AdLib : Khirad – Consider the many overreactions to 9/11. Spying on all American’s emails and phone calls, the temporary or long term holding of people merely because they were Middle Eastern. And remember the TIPS program, where phone company, repairmen, real estate agents, etc. would be recruited to spy in everyone’s house to make sure they weren’t terrorists? There is nothing rational about America’s efforts to avoid being hit again, it’s all about running in circles with one’s hair on fire.
PatsyT : Hazard Pay AdLib for handing Junk
Khirad : TSA Screener: $23,400 to $35,000.
kesmarn : Seriously, wouldn’t that be the most depressing job in the world? I’d rather work at Taco Bell.
PatsyT : Amurica wants it cheep and easy drive thru will do
kesmarn : But the perks are great, AdLib…for those who are a little twisted…
kesmarn :
B’ito, you are all of the above!
bitohistory : This place is too damn smart, thoughtful and logical for me!
AdLib : My bet is that most TSA employees don’t make more than $40k a year.
AdLib : The pay scale for TSA begins at $17k a year but can go as high as $155 for top execs. How much do you think those having to grab junk are paid?
kesmarn : Oops, finger hit the wrong button! That “yellow = speed up” was the rule here, too, until the cameras. They made a difference.
Khirad : I know AdLib, and that’s the whole absurdity of it all, but who does the money go to? Unions and normal folk, or the companies making these scanners? We have our priorities, after all.
kesmarn : Khirad, that “yellow
kesmarn : Right, Khirad. Isn’t there a way we can outsource security to some people who are brilliant but want to work for $.50/hr.?
AdLib : Khirad – Imagine how much the TSA paid to buy all those body scanners alone. If they spent those many millions on training TSA or airline personnel on how to interview and assess people instead, we could have more effective security and not violate the 4th Amendment.
Khirad : Kes, you’ve heard of a California stop? Well, an Arizona stop translates to: yellow? Speed up!
bitohistory : Good point , Khirad. The debt!!
kesmarn : True, Patsy. Guys have their “options” as well. Maybe just fewer of them…?
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, it’s disheartening to hear the RW in alignment with Al Qaeda in their hostility toward this Prez.
Khirad : We can’t do what Isael does, not just because we have more airports, but because we want security on the cheap. We care about terrorism… but not really that much. You know, to train people and pay them decently… it’s really not THAT important to us.
PatsyT : Bito ewwww who wants it after that?
bitohistory : Patsy, Coke was smuggled into Florida a bunch that way
kesmarn : Same here, b’ito. The red light company made a percentage and the city got a percentage. But the way people were driving…it was ridiculous and you couldn’t have a cop on every corner. To me, it was different. It was a public place and it didn’t strike me as an invasion of privacy.
AdLib : Kes – Yep and unlike when Bush was president, the Repubs and Tea Party won’t come together if it occurs, they will turn and attack Obama and tear this nation apart when it most needs unity. I sure hope there isn’t an attack during his presidency, the GOP could end up being the ideal accomplices for Al Qaeda if it did.
PatsyT : Don’t men smuggle things in their hiding places… I remember hearing about a guy that had cocaine and the ‘bag’ burst and he go so high he didn’t need the plane at all!
bitohistory : The problem in Tucson was it was just a monymaker. k’es. For the company that put up and monitored the cameras. They got a cut out of each ticket.
kesmarn : And we know one thing for sure, AdLib, if/when an attack occurs, it will be Obama’s fault.
AdLib : Kes – Exactly. It is indeed like Wack-a-mole though America plays Wack-a-mole like this, “Hey, the mole popped out of that hole! Forget all the other holes, this is the one he came out of last, let’s put all our focus on this one!” It’s crazy.
kesmarn : Not good enough for us ladies, Patsy! We’re still dangerous!
PatsyT : Fly Nude!
kesmarn : Ban Girl Scout cookies!
kesmarn : Call me a fascist, but I’m pretty glad they put up red light cameras here. People were running lights right ‘n’ left until they did.
AdLib : One guy tries to light a bomb in his shoes, now millions of people have to take off their shoes with no end in sight. Yet, in the rest of the world, they don’t make you take off your shoes and though Al Qaeda wants to strike in other countries, no airliner has been blown up by a shoe bomber. Isn’t it lacking in vision to take security steps that would only prevent the repeat of a specific attack? And what is the likelihood that terrorists would attempt the identical method again? History actually proves the reverse. Boxcutters then shoes then underwear then printer cartridges. This is thinking backwards, we need to be thinking forwards and stop the next attack, not try to stop the previous one after its happened.
PatsyT : Hey Khirad!
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad!
Khirad : In Arizona, red light cameras are “entrapment” and an affront to “liberty”.
kesmarn : It really gets to be a game of whack-a-mole…f irst it’s shoes…then, no…it’s underwear!…no, printer cartridges…Whe n the inevitable happens it’ll be none of the above. It’ll be something like a package of Girl Scout cookies that gets past screening…
AdLib : bito – That’s true, there will likely be another terrorist attack in our lifetime. WHat kind of country do we become if after each attack, we take away more of our rights to “feel” safer from an exact repeat of that attack?
PatsyT : AZ is crazy
kesmarn : Pretty soon it’ll be easier to make a list of what’s LEGAL in AZ, b’ito.
PatsyT : bito for reals?
AdLib : bito – so are transplants too!
bitohistory : Pace makers are illegal in AZ!
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, I noticed that. This Repub is scum for trying to capitalize on people’s upset over the loss of their rights to privacy by trying to foist privatization into this…when he’s taken lots of contributions from private security companies wanting that sweet tax money. AND…it wouldn’t change anything, it would still be body scan or groping.
kesmarn : “Touch my pacemaker and I’ll have you arrested…”
bitohistory : And speed limits don’ stop speeding.
AdLib : bito – If it’s a lie, so what? TSA is supposed to be trained in spotting things like one-way tickets paid in cash, suspicious routing and suspicious behavior. Groping a grandmother’s breasts has never been proven to stop anything but their hearts for a beat.
PatsyT : AdLib someone sells those x ray machines and they have a congressman and they live in FLA
kesmarn : And I’m just the gal to record it on my cell phone…
PatsyT : Boehner needs a pat down!
bitohistory : And the first person that get’s ” put in the room” for questioning, will yell profiling.
AdLib : Bito – You misunderstand. Body scanning and groping has never resulted in stopping anyone from carrying a bomb on a plane. The security screening I am supporting has been very successful in doing so in Israel. Why are we trying to re-invent a wheel, and doing so badly?
kesmarn : For the first time I would hope to be on a flight with Boehner…
PatsyT : How about if the passengers pick who gets screened? Imagine the possibilities
AdLib : bito – Well, how about this? When you arrive at your gate, the TSA-trained airline person checks your ticket and asks you a few questions? Those who appear questionable are suttled to the security area. That would entail less TSA employees but more time and money training ariline employees. A fair trade off I think.
bitohistory : OK, AdLib, pres. for the day. You stop the screening a plane blows up over Chicago.
kesmarn : Maybe not practical, but I wonder if there could be a 2 tiered system: ultra-high security flights and regular. Pat-downs for all on ultra-high. Less invasive for others. Let passengers decide?
AdLib : What if the Times Square bomber was successful, would everyone visiting Times Square need to be body scanned or groped? This is an illusion of security, just like the military that were at the airports after 9/11. How many attacks did that stop?
bitohistory : AdLib, how many people would it take to do what Israel does?
kesmarn : Better than ShamWOW, Patsy!
AdLib : bito – That is not a legit argument. There can be another 9/11 tomorrow because unscreened cargo blows up like the printer cartridge from Yemen. This is all BS, a phony sense of security.
PatsyT : Kes … TamPOW
kesmarn : Patsy “BombTex”?
kesmarn : Maybe they could combine HCR and TSA and offer Pap tests while they’ve got you there…Prostate exams, too..
bitohistory : And when another 9/11 happens in LA, what will people be screming?
AdLib : bito – Israel has 10 times the enemies though who want to attack it.
PatsyT : Kes I can see some new names for feminine hygiene products
AdLib : Kes – This is the thing. The scanners CAN NOT see into orifices, a terrorist man or woman could go through these scanners with weapons or explosives and no one would know. With big lapses like that, it makes this system worthless.
bitohistory : That doesn’t sound comfy, k’es.
AdLib : However, there are ACLU and other lawsuits which are going to legally challenge this as unconstitutional search. A NY city councilperson is putting up a bill to ban the groping searches as illegal.
bitohistory : Israel has 1 tenth of the US air traffic.
kesmarn : Whoa…I think I just chased a couple of people away with that one…
AdLib : The terrorists have won. America, as usual, overreacts and the first choice is always infringing on rights instead of using smarts.
kesmarn : The bizarre thing is — forgive me if I go into nurse talk — most women would be able to conceal explosives easily. And unless you’re going to put every woman up in stirrups, it would be undetectable.
AdLib : KO had a man on his show who was head of Israeli sirport security who called this outrageous and a tragedy. Do you know that Israel doesn’t do this? What do they do? They take a few minutes to interview passengers and based on that, only put suspicious types through security screening. That works very well as we’ve seen, how many plane attacks has Israel suffered?
bitohistory : You get more radiation from flying, AdLib.
AdLib : So, we get a choice. Subject young children to unnecessary x-rays or have them officially molested. Nice choice.
PatsyT : I like trains
bitohistory : What exactly is your solution then , AdLib?
PatsyT : «link»
AdLib : Patsy – Well, that jerk Repub in FL is trying to use the uproar as an excuse to privatize but that wouldn’t change a thing.
kesmarn : No…I have yet to see a hot one. I nearly didn’t get to board a plane a while back because I forgot I had packed an apple and a plastic knife to cut it with for one of the kids. It was dumb. But I don’t really look too terroristic, I don’t think…
bitohistory : k’es. screening, brat, or lost her teddy bear?
AdLib : Kes – Yes, I’ve seen that video of the three year old being molested. Okay, can someone explain how if a stranger who is not in an airport runs their hands around my daughter’s body, that’s molestation but if they’re wearing a TSA badge, it’s not?
PatsyT : Isn’t this all a move to “Privitize” the security at the airports?
bitohistory : That is what I was wondering in O/T. What percentage of the populace really worries about the screening?
AdLib : This is the kind of “stripping” away of liberty and privacy that I would have expected from the Bush Admin, not Obama. We have no right to privacy of our bodies according to the federal government, they may view our bodies or touch them as they see fit. And the none of the TSA employees are ever hot!
kesmarn : AdLib, tonight j’avaz posted some video of a 3 year old being examined by TSA personnel. The little one was not happy.
AdLib : Kes – I was going to bring it up as a topic tonight. I am very troubled by what is going on with the TSA. Did you know that until this week, all children were felt up by TSA no matter how young unless parents agreed to subject them to the x-rays of the body scanner? That is so messed up.
kesmarn : b’ito, I thought all the Anderson Cooper types flew on the private corporate jet… No?
bitohistory : Patsy, Or maybe it was the girls that called it junk?
kesmarn : Patsy, i first heard the term in reference to women. A woman with an ample backside was said to have a “lotta junk in her trunk.” How it came to be applied to guy’s stuff, I don’t know.
bitohistory : k’es, my thought is many of the talkers have to go though the screening. Others? not so much.
PatsyT : Or maybe it was the girls that called it junk? I dunno know
kesmarn : And…we’d still love to see pix of the rest of your summer trip, Khirad!
PatsyT : and why?
PatsyT : When did guys start calling their junk junk?
bitohistory : Morning chatter usually has a funny link every day. Hear that, Khirad?
kesmarn : The media are in a total frenzy about this, AdLib. Any thoughts on why they’re making so much noise about it?
PatsyT : Hey Kes .. yes that was fun and I wonder the very same thing… where does he find these things?
AdLib : We did have a lot of fun with the TSA grope down. More than the guy in the picture, I think.
kesmarn : Patsy, if you haven’t seen the vid that Khirad posted on the Guten Morgen thread, try to check it out. It’s hilarious.
PatsyT : Feature
PatsyT : Kes AdLib is right that would make a great regular
kesmarn : So THAT’s why union membership has declined…!
AdLib : Maybe he can raise money for my third party presidential candidacy! And my garage really needs to be organized. Thanks Khirad!
bitohistory : That was a trick at my Unions meetings. Bring up a suggestion– and you were the chairman.
kesmarn : I heard that he’d love to go door to door collecting signatures for various helpful Propositions in CA, too.
AdLib : Hey, maybe Khirad could also summarize the bills before Congress that are coming up each week! Thanks Khirad!
kesmarn : Nothing like volunteering the guy who’s late to the meeting to be committee chairman… Sorry, Khirad…
AdLib : Just callin’ ’em as I see ’em, ma’am!
kesmarn : Aw shucks…
AdLib : Kes, that is a brilliant idea!
bitohistory : Maybe a weekly fun feature?
PatsyT : Thanks for those links AdLib
kesmarn : Maybe Khirad should do a regular Caption this Pic feature?
AdLib : Hey Kes, gobble tidings to you!
kesmarn : Hi all, happy pre-Thanksgiving Friday night.
AdLib : Did everyone see Khirad’s “Caption This Picture” comment yesterday? Many funny responses!
AdLib : Can’t tell you how much self-discipline it takes to stay on VP instead of being surrounded by prison inmates.
bitohistory : Must be time for VoxPop, Lockup is on!
AdLib : Here it is, the article is titled, “Unnatural Gas” and the film is called “Gasland”: «link»
bitohistory : It should be on PBS, Patsy. Try a search there.
AdLib : Hang on, will be back with the link…
PatsyT : Not bad… hey I need to find the link to the film and post you did on fracking … A friend of mine back east has that looming in his county
bitohistory : What? Vox starts at 5:00 now?
AdLib : Good evening Patsy! How are you on this pre-Thanksgiving weekend?
PatsyT : Hey good evening!
AdLib : Hi all, Vox Populi “officially” begins shortly (enjoyed our pre-VP session velow!). Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
boomer1949 : Bye dear…feathers or furries aside, my life is so much better because of you.
boomer1949 : AL — what a guy! ‘course I first wondered why he is picking his daughter up at school at 8:45 on a Friday night…then remebered the time diff.
Kalima : Oh, and for those of you that don’t already know, MB is open 24/7.
boomer1949 : I…will recuse myself from the mug thingy.
kesmarn : B’Bye! I may pop over and listen to some of the music thread tunes for a while!
Kalima : Kes, the photo and question will be up all day, so don’t rush. Bye4 now.
kesmarn : Naaaah. You do mean Moscow, Indiana, don’t you?
AdLib : Okay, heading out now, see u soon!
AdLib : Being born in Moscow won’t be a drawback, will it?
kesmarn : See you later, Ms. Kalima! I think, as a late riser, I might be out of the running on the quiz!
Kalima : Boomer, my fluffy feather dusters are all dead from cats attacks, and I’ll have to make a start because I can’t keep up. See you later, and good luck in the morning. Ja ne.
kesmarn : Birth certificate?
AdLib : Tis me. President Dadlib!
kesmarn : See you later, Good Dad!
boomer1949 : I do k, I do. Bought it myself. So, for anyone who doesn’t they can jump ahead and I won’t attempt to answer the quiz q’s.
Questinia : Dadlib!!
AdLib : Everyone, please continue, I have to pick up my daughter from school. Will be back shortly!
Questinia : OK K
kesmarn : Or throwing small bits of food under the beds so the kitties will chase after them and dust under there.
Kalima : Q where ave you been? I’m asking a three part question in the morning on MB. Take a peek-a-boo to see if you can win a MB mug.
boomer1949 : Q, not as much as I…
Questinia : Adlib, it makes me want to cry.
boomer1949 : k, fluffy feather dusters will work in a pinch.
AdLib : Never hit the pits (mosh) but that era was so full of that kind of energy. Today, it’s all superficial, corporate music everywhere you turn with little soul. Even rap has sold out.
Questinia : Boomer, I’m ALWAYS disqualified
Kalima : I thought you already had a mug boomer?
boomer1949 : Q, if you missed the advo, you’re disqualified.
Questinia : I didn’t like mosh pits. I’d get panic attacks… at least in the beginning
kesmarn : Relax and let us do that for you!
Kalima : Hate to disappoint you kes, but it’s my cleaning day.
boomer1949 : K…oh puleeze. We love you dear, we love you!
AdLib : True Q, the Grunge period was kind of a rebirth of the Woodstock days but a bit more worldly.
Questinia : What quiz?
boomer1949 : I’m sure I won’t be able to answer the quiz, but I still want a mug!
kesmarn : You deserve all kudos and more!
Questinia : Hi OG!
Kalima : I was really shocked and humbled.
kesmarn : Kalima, have you got two parties going on? Real and virtual today?
boomer1949 : kes, Novahistine DH?
AdLib : Kalima, you are so welcome! Hope you were surprised!
Questinia : Not until Nirvana…
Questinia : I missed the time it all went down. The 80’s SUCKED!!
kesmarn : All good drink selections. But tonight I may go with a perennial fave — cough syrup.
boomer1949 : Oh kes, I’m empty…
Kalima : Thank you ALL so very much for your kind words. It’s so great to have another family, even though we’ve never met. I appreciate All of you. xxx KK
boomer1949 : Q, absolutely girl, absolutely!!!
Questinia : Kes… Ballantine ale or Schlitz.
kesmarn : Hey, Q! Groooooovy! What’s Woodstock?
AdLib : Kes – Tequila!
kesmarn : Woof, that reminds me– maybe time to check the cupboard for vino! What goes with turkey tacos?
Questinia : Hay ALL!
AdLib : Hey Kes!
AdLib : Hey Boomer and Q!
Questinia : Am I with the Woodstock generation?!
boomer1949 : MW, I was going to ask you how did you know? But, then I think you’re the one who told me ’49 gave me away…
Mightywoof : i’ll try kes but i had some vino with supper and that usually leaves me snoring on the sofa
AdLib : Waht aer yuo taklign abuot?
Mightywoof : mmmmmmmm AL
AdLib : MW – Maybe Kalima could email you a cup of Morning Blog French Roast?
Mightywoof : noooobody compared to fearless leader
kesmarn : Woof, if you’re still here, do stick around for at least the beginning of Vox! We are ALL terrible typists and the typos make it even funnier. AdLib is hands down the fastest typist of the bunch, though!
Mightywoof : i’m est as well boomer but i;m 2 yrs older than you
boomer1949 : @AL – ha, ha…
boomer1949 : MW, I’m slower than molasses and EST isn’t much better. 3 hours from the West Coast and I’m a gonner.
AdLib : We were just making popcorn!
boomer1949 : So, I’m sitting here listening to the BeeGee’s and then out of nowhere comes these litle “pops.” No fair starting the party without me.
AdLib :
Mightywoof :
AdLib : That would be great, we’d all be so pleased to see you at VP…though, everyone will read this exchange so in a way, you will be a part of VP tonight!
Mightywoof : Maybe I’ll join in one of these days when I’m on my desktop not my laptop – i hate this keyboard
AdLib : Join the crowd! Spelling takes a backseat on VP.
AdLib : My policy is, not to worry about reading everything, pick whatever comment you want to reply to and go for it.
Mightywoof : arrrrgggg – my typing sucks
Mightywoof : *sigh* – that fast noit ast
Mightywoof : wouldn’t miss is – but I have to read ast to keep up with you all!
AdLib : You’re always a guest…even if it’s not announced!
AdLib : Would love to have you join the fun sometime, we have slow and fast typers. But so pleased to know you catch up on it!
Mightywoof : Sorry AL – I’m just messing around = I’ll stop now
Mightywoof : Aha – now I’m no longer a guest – my name’s up there ^^^^^^^^^
Mightywoof : I don’t join Vox ‘cos a) I don’t type fast enough and b) it’s by bed time up here. But I do enjoy reading y’all on Saturday morning! Have fun – CU later
AdLib : Hey MW! Nice to see ya!
Mightywoof : Tap, tap …. ahem ….. is this turned on?
AdLib : Vox Populi, our weekly live chat on the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00 PST, hope to see you then!
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