AdLib : Night!
PatsyT : Nighty Night …
PatsyT : Phewwww I think Boehner has had enough
Khirad : Night guys!
AdLib : Looks about time to wrap tonight’s session of Vox Populi. Thanks Khirad and Patsy and everyone else for making it a lot of fun and a great conversation tonight! Have a great weekend!
PatsyT : Pay not attention to that mortal wound on my face
PatsyT : It’s deja vu
AdLib : It’s either Rovian or Bizarro Worldian. The perfect allegory. The Republicans take the American public hunting for prosperity, shoot them in the face then they have to apologize for rejecting them two years ago. Makes sense to Cheney and Rove no doubt.
PatsyT : I am so sorry my face got in the way of your gun…
AdLib : And the GOP will have to apologize for being shot in the face!
boomer1949 : Back atcha’!
PatsyT : AdLib, and they can’t aim
AdLib : Boomer, sleep well and have a wonderful weekend!
PatsyT : Boomer Nighty Night to you and Ohio….
AdLib : Patsy – So true. When Purist Dems felt Obama didn’t do as he promised, they whined. When Baggers feel the GOP didn’t do as they promised, they’ll be like 10,000 Cheneys with hunting rifles.
boomer1949 : Sorry all, computer problems and it’s now 1:00a.m. EDT here in the now Red State of Ohio, so I’m bailing for the night. Thanks! G’night!
PatsyT : Ooo that sounds like a winner…
AdLib : Khirad…you are a man of many talents!
PatsyT : Yep that bill would be small gubment
Khirad : We need to send this idea off forthwith!
AdLib : Khirad…that would be a great riff. Present the GOP like an iPhone commercial: “End Social Security? There’s a bill for that. Want to destroy Medicare? There’s a bill for that. Tired of having to serve black people in your establishment? There’s a bill for that!”
Khirad : Patsy Mix: 1/2 oz Brandy, 2 oz pear Cider (Babycham) and Ice.
PatsyT : AdLib when his supporters get disappointed they will be looking for their second amendment remedies
Khirad : Yup. That is true, he’s like Joe the Plumber.
Khirad : Sure, but how many will go after the 14th amendment (knowing these things go nowhere). And how do you think the 17th would fare in the senate?
AdLib : Patsy, my understanding is that Rand Paul is only certified as an optometrist by an organization he himself owns. Seriously!
PatsyT : Pall Mall.. — gin, sweet vermouth, vermouth, and white cream de cacao
AdLib : Okay, realistically Rand Paul won’t propose a bill repealing the Civil Rights Act but won’t he try to get a privitizing/endi ng of SS and Medicare? Won’t the majority of Seniors who voted for Repubs applaud that?
Khirad : Well, he’ll probably introduce a bill for that.
Khirad : And to imagine, there are still more baggers we have yet to ‘better know’.
PatsyT : That is because he really isn’t one
PatsyT : AdLib I don’t know I have never seen him as a doctor
AdLib : How about Rand Paul’s bills? Imagine how insane his will be!
Khirad : Night Kes.
Khirad : Sounds like fun. I’ll put money on Gohmert.
PatsyT : O Kes it is always a pleasure….
AdLib : Nite Kes, sleep well!
AdLib : We should have a contest at The Planet, who can correctly guess the most insane bills that will come out of the GOP House. Any bets on impeachment proceedings?
kesmarn : Well, kids, it’s time for me to read my own book about being kind to the environment. And then to bed…work tomorrow. It’s been fun, as always. G’nite, all!
PatsyT : Satan’s Whiskers — gin, dry vermouth, sweet vermouth, orange juice, orange liqueur, and orange bitters
kesmarn : Ding ding ding! We have a winner, folks! Fox Poison it is!!
PatsyT : I’ll stick to merlot
Khirad : FTW: «link»
PatsyT : Tan Man o War
kesmarn : I just can’t wait for the legislation that restores the right of insurance companies to deny coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. I KNOW that’s what everyone voted for.
Khirad : Or English as official language amendment.
PatsyT : I want to see Boehner tanning records!
Khirad : One will definitely be drafted. I don’t know if they can get it to passage though.
AdLib : Or will we get a House bill outlawing Sharia law in the U.S.?
kesmarn : AdLib:
First Martian Subdivision Naming Rights Sold to Dubai, Pay for Indian Vacation.
AdLib : Seriously, do you think a bill will come out of the House requiring “a president” to show his original birth certificate to Congress if they demand it?
Khirad : I’m fuzzy on that.
PatsyT : Whooo How many navel ships were involved in that and can we name a drink after them?
boomer1949 : Breaking news, Rachel is the deadline on HP
kesmarn : There’s the added bonus of Palin becoming a Russian citizen in the process…
kesmarn : boomer, he wouldn’t be able to get a passport…what with not having a birth certificate and all…
Khirad : As pricey as some saris get, that might work out both ways.
kesmarn : AdLib: “Seward’s Folly Undone to Pay for Michelle’s Wardrobe on India Trip: Alaska Sold to Russia.”
AdLib : Ever had a Blue Hawaiian? I had one…in Hawaii, couldn’t resist!
PatsyT : There is one called …Choking Hazard
boomer1949 : kes, does he need a Pasport?
kesmarn : Patsy…great idea! Just keep the booze a-flowin’ A nice tanning bed would be good, too.
Khirad : Bondages’ No Problem – it’s a drink.
AdLib : Kes – MORE BREAKING NEWS: Obama just sold Louisiana back to France to finance his trip to India!
PatsyT : I love Nancy…
PatsyT : I think we all need to send him a case of fine merlot
kesmarn : Breaking news: God will also be along on the trip to India.
AdLib : Patsy, I really am pleased that Boehner is speaker. They crucified Pelosi for being effective and delivering what the people voted for in 2008, Boehner has an impossible act to follow and is too weak and weepy to make it successfully through this challenge. He will go down in flames and bring the GOP with him. Sometimes, judo is the best defense, use your opponents weight against themselves.
boomer1949 : and…they contribute to political candidates because they have no ETHICS!
PatsyT : Yes they need those dollars to afford all that liquid
kesmarn : And…their “news” people can give unlimited amounts of $$$ to the candidates of their choice.
Khirad : But Boehner will be so easy to lampoon and target. Hey, I’m looking on the bright side.
PatsyT : Cheeky Vimto
AdLib : Remember Dan Rather lost his job for not having proof when he still truthfully represented that Bush didn’t serve as he was supposed to? Now, Fox News can broadcast complete lies and they give their people raises for it.
PatsyT : Sorry folks I just can not get over that the Boehner is speaker
boomer1949 : Patsy, are you looking at your bartending book?
kesmarn : Also the population of New Jersey and the Sistine Chapel will be attending our Prez on his trip.
Khirad : No, here’s the GOP cocktail «link»
PatsyT : Jungle Juice
boomer1949 : A partridge in a pear tree…
PatsyT : Lynchburg Lemonade
AdLib : I hear it is costing $200 trillion billion for Obama to visit India and we have moved 20 aircraft carriers and Edwards Air Force Base off shore.
Khirad : I know Patsy, I saw it browsing. Seriously, I’ve been goofy just browsing these names.
PatsyT : 3
PatsyT : Trhee Wise Men… it’s a drink
kesmarn : Along with the entire Marine Corp and the Chicago Bulls.
boomer1949 : bito, go to bed and to sleep. We don’t want the Repubs snooping around here. Probably twice the deficit for sure!
Khirad : He’s taking along our Zeppelin too.
PatsyT : More then Rush makes in a day
AdLib : Lots of pictures of fish and ocean creatures, she loves them.
Khirad : Are we talking about balls? «link»
kesmarn : $200000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000
bitohistory : Well, I’ Baaakkk! While shutting down some of my tabs, i do have a question: HOW MUCH IS OBAMA’S TRIP GOING TO COST? G’nite!
PatsyT : I did some bartending…any kind of job <tears>
AdLib : Actually, my daughter picked out a “be kind to the environment” picture book to read.
kesmarn : Patsy!
Perhaps ball-free?
boomer1949 : Patsy, you’re a hoot!
PatsyT : One-Balled Dictator
boomer1949 : AL, are you a martini person? I have a good friend who is an expert at martinis.
AdLib : Something tells me that Boehner prefers whine.
kesmarn : You’re back! Little one read to sleep with a bit of Dr Suits?
AdLib : Pomegranate Martini, anyone?
boomer1949 : Any one been to the Salty Dog in Hilton Head SC?
kesmarn : Maybe Boner’s moved on to Oxycontin Slurpees, like his boss, Rush?
PatsyT : Salty Dog
boomer1949 : sluurpees, heck we’ve moved on to the heavy duty stuff.
PatsyT : Love Big Pharma
PatsyT : Harvey Wallbanger
boomer1949 : Patsy, should we send him the menu?
AdLib : Hey! Who drank my slurpie!
kesmarn : I’m sure Boner would be just as happy with cough syrup mixed with Tang. He wouldn’t know the diff.
Khirad : I’m gonna have to do that candle one when I’m not in such a goofy mood.
PatsyT : Wow our new speaker has some serious drinking to do I hope he can keep up
boomer1949 : khirad, you need to send that to Captain Orange.
kesmarn : Well…now that you’re outta here, the link to the candles worked, b’ito…. Sigh.
PatsyT : LOL Khirad!
PatsyT : Lime Rickey
kesmarn : «link»
boomer1949 : Tequila is evil. It always sneaks up from behind a clobbers me.
Khirad : «link»
kesmarn : Oops…was trying to post a link, but…maybe not!
PatsyT : Paralyzer or Slammer Royale all made with tequila
kesmarn : B’ito, about those candles:
PatsyT : Matador… made with Tequila ????
boomer1949 : Tomorrow bito.
kesmarn : G’nite, bito!
Khirad : Night bito, sleep well, now that our district is safe.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Bito much love and peace to you…
bitohistory : I am going to have to say my goodbyes and good nights. Thanks again for educating and enlightening me. Nite all. peace
PatsyT : Kamikaze…
kesmarn : Khirad: “It tanned me. It’ll “Tanyatoo.”
boomer1949 : narcissism kes, narcissism.Of course there’s always dumb drugs.
Khirad : «link»
PatsyT : Kes great planning
kesmarn : Question of the night: How did America get so dumb?
PatsyT : Maybe the Screwdriver is more to his liking
boomer1949 : Patsy, there isn’t much wiggle room in a tanning bed.
boomer1949 : bito, are we moving to Canada?
PatsyT : I am wondering if our new speaker of the house will enjoy ‘sex on the beach’
bitohistory : What was “The Question” for tonight? :lol;
kesmarn : Safe travels, c’lady. I friended Netroots Nation on Facebook, so try to get into some pictures!
bitohistory : Cl, be safe, and WOW! thanks for all your good works.
PatsyT : Love you ChoiceLady! Travel safe!
boomer1949 : Drive carefully CL. Have a good weekend.
Khirad : Night CL!
choicelady : Well, since I’m off on what can be a 3-hour drive to Netroots Nation-CA, I am bidding all a fond adieu and wishing you a good evening. With or without purple slurpees. Please tell AdLib good night for me. Be well all! You are the BEST!
Khirad : We already did the obvious screwdriver, yes? He’ll screw us all, he loves golf, and, well, the rest is obvious.
kesmarn : Sorry, c’lady…steppe d away for a minute. Yes, seriously, I read an article that said that this was was parents were told when they called to complain about the length of time it took to get services.
PatsyT : Mexico has sent you a Fax Rep Boehner this one is from Agent Orange
choicelady : Boomer – LOL!!! That would be the kind of church that would kick the homeless back into the gutter, slam the door on the needy, and take newborn babies away from unwed mothers to sell to their friends. Those are churches to RUN away from not just walk away.
bitohistory : Kyl is from the “I got mine” religion. He is an ass. every chance he gets he want to repeal the estate tax. Tears for the 0.04% of all the people.
Khirad :
so true re:church boomer! And, not unless it has Drambuie in it.
boomer1949 : Khirad, we have a place here called the Rusty Bucket. Does that count?
Khirad : I hate to say it because it’s a favorite of mine, but it fits Boner well: rusty nail.
boomer1949 : CL, I always had a problem with the hugs and handshakes inside the church, but the very same people would try to run over you in the parking lot after the service.
choicelady : kes – are you SERIOUS about people being told to drop their kids at shelters???????? ??? BTW – when Meg was talking to parents of autistic kids, she was OUTRAGED that they wanted help from the state of CA. “They’re YOUR children!” she thundered.
PatsyT : Boehner just hung up on Long Island Ice Tea
Khirad : No kidding, I thought churches, et al, were already struggling to capacity. Sorta makes it a moot point.
choicelady : bito – the churches expect justice to be worked through the law. The law is the government. Charity only binds the wounds temporarily, but justice which is the chief goal in all parts of the Bible MUST come from righeous changes in the things that cause suffering. And if Kyl does not know that, he ain’t no Christian. BTW – the churches are strained to the max right now. Kyl – get OVER it.
boomer1949 : CL – course you guys had a realtively cool election. Turn it around out there and maybe CA could become its own country. I’d move there as well. I was born in San Diego.
kesmarn : Boner would love that one, b’ito. Also Johnny Walker meets Johnny Boehner would work for him.
Khirad : Bito, did I hear Pearce considering taking away money from the disabled? If so, please do try.
bitohistory : Bromptons Cocktail?
PatsyT : Oh Johny… you have a tweet from a Singapore sling they want an answer on those jobs
kesmarn : b’ito, Kyl would probably approve 100% of the advice given to parents of handicapped kids in IN:
rop em off at the homeless shelter if you need someone to watch them.
Khirad : If I lived in Vancouver (well, the “other one”) I might still be able to slip over the border to visit Seattle, etc. I’d love to live in Victoria too, though. Lot’s of suburbs around Vancouver, too.
boomer1949 : bito…selfish bastard. On the other hand, if it weren’t for St. Vincent DePaul, I could have been evicted last month. Bless their hearts, they save my butt.
choicelady : Boomer – then you’d have to move west to Vancouver or some less exalted area where it’s balmier. It does snow at higher elevations, but not too much at sea level. On the other hand, I have an ex pat friend living in Nicaragua, and I’m sure you’d be welcome there. I think it behooves us all to spread out so we can visit one another!
boomer1949 : Patsy, Sam and my daughter are good friends. They met in college.
bitohistory : the senatoor from AZ. Jon Kyl. I would love to slap that MF. (or hit him with my stick)
“The churches can handle the poor, not the government”!!!
Khirad : You mean the cocktail, or from the 18th century?
choicelady : Patsy – and Johnny Walker’s on the other line…
boomer1949 : CL, I am not a lover of cold. It would be a huge adjustment.
PatsyT : and Sam Adams is waiting in the lobby
kesmarn : b’ito, what is Kyl wheezing about now? The election and their “mandate”?
PatsyT : Hey Boehner… you have a call waiting from Rob Roy
choicelady : Boomer – indeed! I’d even go to the less populated areas west of the Niagara River. Cheaper housing, nice area. I’d love Vancouver, but I doubt we can afford it. I love Montreal but my French is awful. Ottawa is nice. But I’ve never BEEN so cold as there!!!! Lived in Cape Breton one summer teaching, and it’s lovely, but I did NOT live through the winter there. Only around Ontario, and that was bad enough.
boomer1949 : I just hope he can stay sober long enough to know what he is supposed to do, figuratively speaking that is.
kesmarn : He (Boner) took a risk when he cried, boomer. The cameras almost caught his mascara running and the tracks going down the orange of his cheeks. That would have been a Halloween moment.
boomer1949 : bito, you lost me.
boomer1949 : I’d move to Montreal or Toronto in a heart beat. I’m tired of this crap.
bitohistory : KYL is on my PBS station. I feel ill.
choicelady : kes – you’re right about that. My one hope is that we’ve been through this before in the Know Nothings, the anti-immigrant 1890s-1920s, etc. so it’s nothing new. It will give way once the folks figure out that Latino voters have money and power – they’ll look VERY tantalizing to even the RW wackos. If Italian Tom Tancredo can now be the voice of anti-immigrant sentiment, then you can see things CAN change!!!!
bitohistory : So true , Khirad!
boomer1949 : kes, it’s not even on the Microsoft color chart.
bitohistory : Give me 1% more profit or I’ll move offshore! Now get to work!
choicelady : Boomer – now I see a problem. I’d head to Canada, cold and all, for the health care and politics. I guess we’re going to have to have several compounds. But we’ll all visit! You come north to our place in the summer, and we’ll head down in the winter. Not for months, but for a good visit and planning for our next generation’s recapturing of sanity.
kesmarn : True, boomer. That orange is — as Barack put it so delightfully — a color not found in nature.
Khirad : I think I had like to great somethings lose limbs working on laying tracks west. That’s about it for that. My grandpa was a house mover during the interstate expansion though. Funny. He worked helluva hard and it still wasn’t enough to be affluent. I get that from my dad. He instilled in me that life isn’t fair and that that GOP fantasy of working hard and making it isn’t always enough. That people who work with their hands are just as respectable as those behind a desk and deserve a living wage at least, with basic benefits at minimum.
boomer1949 : kes, at least it wouldn’t be fake.
kesmarn : We should be careful, boomer, tropics and martinis…we might end up looking like the Tan Man.
choicelady : Patsy – unions DID create the middle class. And it worked well until 1973 when the “irrational exuberance” of the post war rebuilding ended, profits slowed and were smaller, and NO one could accept that the party was over, back to “normal”. Instead we’ve been seeking double digit profts in a single digit world, all on the backs of working people at the expense of middle class income.
boomer1949 : CL – maybe we could pool our money together and buy a tropical island and drink Slurpee martinis all day.
kesmarn : c’lady, you can see the potential for trouble already. Too many “tests” of what a “real” ‘Murrican needs to be.
bitohistory : Well one generation was still speaking svenske.
choicelady : EVeryone – I have to agree. If this nation goes RW in 2012, I think we all need to think about leaving. It won’t be safe here.
kesmarn : Wow. 4 generations. My ancestors were in Europe then. Eating cabbage and trying to figure out how to get here.
bitohistory : I worked for the RR to pay for school. That made me a fourth Generation Union railroader.
boomer1949 : Patsy, why?
Khirad : Yes kes, 40 hour work week and all those socialist things too.
kesmarn : c’lady…yes,th at’s what I meant! Thanks for the correction. (Oh, for an edit feature!)
PatsyT : I feel like the unions created the middle class …
choicelady : kes – you mean they are NOT all that pro union? I would agree – a sense of entitlement.
PatsyT : Kes My husband is the same way!
boomer1949 : yes kes, Palin is on their list too.
kesmarn : boomer, my son said if Palin is elected, he’s outta here! Canada bound, too.
kesmarn : Khirad, I think that’s a reason younger workers are all that pro-union, too. They think things like the 40 hr week, breaks, vacation time, etc are just a given.
PatsyT : CL back in 1923 the workers did not have much leverage Today My Swedish Grandma would have had been well taken care of and I can see that they want to remove that
choicelady : All – it’s amazing and great you all have that background. My forebears were farmers and small store owners for the most part. Only railroad connection was my great grandfather, a Carpetbagger who went to Memphis after the Civil War and was an attorney for the Denver RR. That’s as close as I get. Oh – my Dad commuted on the Northwestern. Does that count? SOMEBODY had to ride them!
boomer1949 : Youth vote…my daughter and son in-law have told me if a Repub is elected in ’12, they’re moving to Canada.
bitohistory : Good point CL, we already discussed the youth vote and lack of. The exit polls showed older women.
Khirad : Also, and this does go to generational issues, I DO think some younger people take rights for granted – don’t know the history of things. Goes for SS, unemployment, as well as later gains like with reproductive rights.
kesmarn : Bachmann, Palin, Brewer, Angle, Coulter and O’Donnell all have those eyes, boomer.
PatsyT : Boomer she has had some major work done on her face
choicelady : Oh Patsy – those are heartbreaking stories, and since this is the world the GOP/TP wants, regulation free and damn the working man (and woman) then we need to keep our forefathers and mothers in plain view. NEVER forget!
boomer1949 : Okay, all together now, “I’ve been working on the railroad…
boomer1949 : Yes, Michelle Bachman reminds me of a SW – it’s in her eyes. Scary!
Khirad : Thinking, not sure what thinging would be.
choicelady : All – I think we have to break out who the women were. If they are post-reproductiv e years, then they abandoned younger women. Not every woman cares about those issues, but to support a woman who thinks a pregnancy from incest can be “lemonade” instead of “lemons” is really sick in her disinterest in others.
kesmarn : Hey….how come we are almost ALL descended from railroaders?
Khirad : The Stepford’s are taking over gradually like zombies eating thinging women’s brains, then.
PatsyT : Bito and Boomer, My Grandfather on my moms side (the Irish) worked for the RR and died in a tragic accident just before my mom was bor in 1923
boomer1949 : because and Stepford
bitohistory : Khirad, I saw that in the exit polls. WTF?? what were the women thinking?
boomer1949 : khirad, necause they’re Stepfor wives or Sister wives, or, or…fil in the blank here.
choicelady : bito – wonderful! Good people!
kesmarn : Both of my grandfathers were railroaders, b’ito. One worked for Nickel Plate and the other was a roundhouse foreman for the Wabash.
choicelady : correction “I’m scared of them.” Hit the enter button before finishing.
Khirad : Speaking of demos, women have some explaining to do (well not any here). How on earth could they vote for a slate of candidates not ONLY pro life, but even in cases of incest, rape and some even saying in the case of the health of the mother? WTF?! I just don’t get it.
boomer1949 : kes, then the answer is NOT.
choicelady : boomer – I think it will be a clash of the Titans. I think the Old White Guys will win due to the money which is tied to them, not the teabaggers. But it will be bloody. And with too many of the militas, white supremacists, etc. linked to the Tea Party in sympathy if not actual presence, it could get VERY ugly. I’m not fond of Second Amendment remedies. I’m scared of the
PatsyT : A Moms or Dads work is never done
kesmarn : boomer, Goog and Bing actually announce their crawls up top there, where the guests are.
boomer1949 : Pennsylvania RR to be specific.
boomer1949 : bito, my grandfater was a railroader.
boomer1949 : kes, I’m clueless. How can you tell if Google and Bing are crawling the site?
bitohistory : CL. BLF&E now the UTU . United Transportation Union He was a railroader.
kesmarn : You were s’posed to save me some Ceezlts, boomer! What happened?
choicelady : AdLib – I think one of the guests took the purple slurpee, too. Sorry.
boomer1949 : CL, what do you think will happen between the good ole rich white guys and the Tea Party?
kesmarn : c’lady, why in the world did LGBT vote Reep? I don’t get it. Also — are you worried about these law enforcement groups that swear they’ll defy “unconstitution al” laws from the federal government?
boomer1949 : darn, they ate the CeezIts.
choicelady : Oh wow bito – which union? I’m a strong union supporter. Used to teach corporate power to union folks in upstate NY. They were and are the best folks ever.
AdLib : BTW, we had 6 guests earlier…thus, no Cheez-its left in the bowl.
kesmarn : Awwww. You’re a good dad, AdLib.
Khirad : Reminds me of the “friendly visits” of a totalitarian regime. Mad Men, which takes place in this era, had an episode like that. I also once knew a guy whose father actually was a real communist during that era. Oh the fun stories he had!
kesmarn : Have Google and Bing crawled the site yet, boomer? I always look forward to that.
choicelady : One thing – and I know I harp on this – remember that ALL of the teaparty people in office are Dominionist Christians who intend to set up a theocracy. Too many regular GOP people – all of the OK delegation, plus the folks at the C Street House – are also Dominionists. Since this is a tiny portion of “Christianity” it is terrifying that they have ascended to so much power. Keep your eyes open – their agenda is MORE Muslim bashing, MORE war, MORE abolition of science and education, MORE intrusions of theology into all our governmental institutions. And don’t even think about ending DADT and DOMA unless we do it before Christmas and the end of this Congress! Did you know that there were huge numbers of LGBT people who voted Reep? Talk about cutting off your nose…
AdLib : Have to put the little one to bed, will be back in just a bit. Keep my purple Slurpie martini cold!
bitohistory : CL, The thing is my Dad went on to become a state organizer for his Union. Proud of him!
boomer1949 : oh, I just noticed we have a Guest. Hi guest **waves**
kesmarn : Chilling, b’ito. That was nothing to sneeze at. Lives were ruined, careers lost… Well, I’m not saying anything you don’t already know…
bitohistory : My father told me later that he had to “change his underware”. He was scared also. They left with a “stay in touch and IF you here anything…”
kesmarn : Khirad, I think a lot of us have that same deep connection to history that you do. We love to study the presidents, the cultures, the events of the years before we were born, too.
choicelady : bito – I’m sorry you had to live through that. It was a horrid time, and I hope we NEVER go through that again.
AdLib : CL – Yep, Army-McCarthy was before my time but I am an avid student of that period, the blacklist and the tyrannical oppression of Americans through instilling fear. History repeats itself and the Bush regime bore a lot in common with that period. “You’re either with us or against us.” “People better watch what they say.” The mass detention of Muslims. The loss of jobs of those brave enough to speak out against Bush. We can’t return to those days in 2012 and we won’t.
choicelady : AdLib – I do think you are entirely correct in this assessment. the pact with the Divvil will come back on you. This is their millstone, the TP. I do want you to know that I cannot read “TP” and think ‘tea party”. I think “toilet paper” and I will lay odds you did not do that accidentally. As silly as it can be – and where is Molly Ivins for us now? – these are dangerous people, and a little laughter goes a LONG way to keeping perspective. Thanks for a chuckle!
kesmarn : c’lady…unfort unately I do love me some lunch, as well.
Khirad : I don’t have to have been born to know exactly what the Michele Bachmann’s and Sharon Angle’s are. McCarthyite Bircher’s redux. Unfortunately, a lack of history/memory is not only an affliction of my generation – though civics and geography is an embarrassment, granted.
kesmarn : b’ito , that must have been terrifying. Did they stay a long time? What was your Dad’s reaction to it?
boomer1949 : kes, sometimes I have to retrace my steps to remembr what I was going to another room for.
PatsyT : «link»
choicelady : kes – you have your priorities straight. Floor, not lunch.
PatsyT : Khirad I love the music you post … I was always on the edge of the scene until… I had THREE kids so I have a gap then it was… well Barney and this stuff not bad but not as much fun as Marilyn Manson
Khirad : Agreed completely AdLib.
kesmarn : I can lean over and put the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees, c’lady. But I can’t always remember what I had for lunch….
boomer1949 : Facebook…
bitohistory : K’es yes, mother hushed us and pushed into the kitchen. i was WTF and scared.
choicelady : Oh bito – I’m SO sorry! My parents friends were all liberal and progressive, and while it happened to some distant relatives, it was something that we all feared. I’m terribly sorry it happened to your father.
boomer1949 : CL, I’m kinda cute too. Fnd me on Facebiik. And that darn 1949 thingy…
AdLib : Khirad – Pressed by the TPs, the GOP in the House won’t be able to hold back from abusing their leadership to demand birth certificates or propose the repeal of parts of the Constitution or get rid of SS and Medicare. Here’s the problem for the Repubs, most people voted for them to punish Dems…even though most voters support the true positions of Dems (not the BS descriptions of them that some have been convinced of). In order to get elected, the GOP made a deal with The Devil (The TP) and they are now beholden to their agenda which most Americans oppose (do most Americans want the Civil Rights Act repealed?). There is no way out of this corner they’ve painted themselves into. They will HAVE to betray the TP to be leaders in the Congress. And the revolt will tear apart the GOP. Or else, they hew to the TP and the moderate Swing Voters will be repulsed and move back to the Dems.
choicelady : Boomer dear – we’ve known forever how old you are. But I really DO know that “60 is the new 40” because we are the product of a healthier standard of life than our parents. I look ages younger than my mother did at my age (which is none of anyone’s beeswax) and can still stoop, sit cross legged on the floor and get up, no hands. I think it’s part of what keeps us active politically that we are healthier and mentally more acute than previous generations at the same stage.
kesmarn : b’ito were you home when they showed up? I mean did they come to the house?
Khirad : Still here. I already knew that about you guys.
bitohistory : My Father Had an FBI “visit” during the McCarthy/HUAC era. Not funny!
kesmarn : He’s finding us a fabulous link. One of the things he does best.
boomer1949 : Uh oh, Khirad hasn’t said anything lately. Wonder if we scared him away? Old enough to be his parents?
kesmarn : Reagan himself was the essence of haziness. A human soporific.
boomer1949 : kes, Senior Moment…
kesmarn : boomer,
bitohistory : there are many “old souls” here. Does that mean we read and pay attention? maybe even think, no matter what age.
choicelady : Khirad – everyone has only vague hazy memories of Reagan. It was the nature of the man. Vague. Hazy. An empty suit with a grin. Sort of the Cheshire Cat of presidents.
PatsyT : We need many perspectives from the eras to put this Planet together
kesmarn : Khirad, you’re sweet to be willing to hang out with us old farts.
boomer1949 : kes,
I forgot about that until I hit ENTER!
choicelady : OK AdLib – I remember the Army McCarthy hearings also from a young age. I think those of us who DO remember those sorts of things are the ones who remain activists today.
boomer1949 : oh c’mon AL. Fess up.
PatsyT : CL you are a too sweet …
kesmarn : boomer, if you hadn’t ‘fessed we would never have known! Well, except for that screen name thingy…
boomer1949 : oh, Khirad you’re a mere child.
AdLib : CL – I was, very young then but the nightly news was always on and I remember that S.I. Hayakawa from back then and becoming a horrible Senator.
Khirad : Would I really make y’all feel old if I confessed I only have vague, hazy memories of Reagan?
boomer1949 : Okay, I confess. I was born in 49.
choicelady : PAtsy dear – you’re a young’un.
PatsyT : I like my age
kesmarn : AdLib, I wondered if that was why (subconsciously why) Boner was weeping. He knows it’s only a matter of time before the public sees behind the curtain. There is no wizard. There is no plan.
choicelady : Oh kes – is that intonated as “Yoo hoo, Mrs.GOLDberg!”? ?? One of my favorite shows! But I sure don’t want Michelle hanging out the window haranguing me!
Khirad : Yup, one of the ironies is that people in exit polls said they cared about the economy and jobs. In a catch-22 if they spend too much time in the fruitless endeavor to repeal parts of HCR and the New Black Panthers and reinvestigating ACORN (not kidding, Issa said so) and a possible impeachment hunt à la Clinton, it will backfire.
boomer1949 : yea bito. old farts we are aren’t we?
PatsyT : I am a major fan of your work
bitohistory : Hell, I got “on the list” at my local as a rabble rouser, I can take on Shelly!
PatsyT : CL I was born in 59
choicelady : AdLib – you cannot remember that! You’re too young!!!! Were you even BORN in 1968?????
choicelady : AdLib – Oh! Oh! let’s all get stock in white sheets!!!!
kesmarn : b’ito…in that case: “Yoooohoooo! Ms Bachmann, two words: ‘kesmarn’ and ‘socialist'” Neeener-neeener!
AdLib : Khirad – And add to that all the time and energy Issa and Bachmann will spend on witch hunts to lynch Obama, McConnell sounds like he’ll be donning the white sheet along with them. How will the public see them for pouring all that focus on politics of destruction when they need jobs?
choicelady : bito and kes – it has been an interesting life, and I’d not be at ALL surprised to see Michelle nailing a subpoena to our office door. BTW – to to work to find someone had jammed our lock. In a moment of real funny – the locksmith gave me a discount “for the Lord’s work”. I decided it was not wise to say we probably disagreed strongly about what that was…He was very sweet, and I refuse to feel guilty about taking the discount under false pretenses.
AdLib : CL – I am very impressed!!! Props and hello to your husband! I do remember that!
bitohistory : Bachman is gonna be after you, CL, she is going to stat the HUAC hearings
choicelady : Boomer – you’re one of the “keepers” from those times, salt of the earth, a person with integrity that persists. And I’m about the same age as you, so I’m a Boomer, too!
kesmarn : Whoa, c’lady! Instant street cred! Girlfriend, you have GOT to write a book. You have lived enough adventures for 10 lives.
Khirad : And to add to that AdLib, you don’t think they’ll be back to their own shady dealin’ ways? I wonder or not if we’ll hear deafening silence from the baggers, or the long knives will come out.
choicelady : kes – the editor was named Greg deGiere, and he did 60 days in the slammer for his resistance. He’s my husband.
boomer1949 : CL, I resemble the Boomer remark!
kesmarn : I give up, c’lady. Tell! tell!
choicelady : kes – no Hayden was SDS and basically national.
bitohistory : That is so much BS, k’es. Everybody wants Obama to do for them and them alone. No one seems to have a sense of the county as a whole anymore.
AdLib : Here’s the reason I’m feeling so bullish right now (that’s “bullISH”). The Repubs have no answers, they have deceived Americans with simple and vague answers to get elected but now they’ll have actual policy to deal with. As has been mentioned, the first big problem for them will be raising the debt ceiling. They campaigned against adding any more debt yet they will HAVE to do this or the country shuts down and the global financial market goes into turmoil. Once they raise the debt ceiling, they have betrayed voters. And the betrayals will continue from there. They campaigned that they’d repeal HCR…they can’t! They only control The House. Another betrayal. You think Dems were pissed off at Obama for underdelivering, the Tea Partiers will go mental over the betrayals. The GOP is in for hell!
boomer1949 : I’m back – couldn’t find the Slurpee machine.
kesmarn : Would that have been Tom Hayden, c’lady?
Khirad : I actually looked it up and found the youth voted declined steadily from enactment of the 26th amendment until 1992. That was beaten in 2004, and then in 2008. Midterms are not the best indicator here, I think. And yes, where were youth issues in the midterm campaign? You want the youth vote, campaign for it.
choicelady : AdLib – will refer to the Planet, don’t worry. You have your hands full. I will see K. and get the stuff again to her.
choicelady : kes – oh indeed! Those are the folks who survive as the eternal hunters of truth and seekers of justice. In the current fight between the religious and atheist folks over which gives real morality the same issues persist: no generation, no idea, no tenet in and of itself will create either change or morality. Religous and scientific people can suck. Torquemada and Edward Teller for the first two. The Boomers were a varied lot – hippies, politicos, counter culture activists, Vietnam vets, and just ordinary working people. But what creeped me then and now was the high level of ego and self satisfaction that permeated the movement. I’m going to “out” myself again. First a question – does anyone here remember the outspoken editor of the student paper at SF State who would NOT shut down during the 1968 demonstrations – stood up to President Hayakawa?
bitohistory : Wild Week? I didn’t know it was Friday. I need some one to email me and tell me what day it is.
kesmarn : sorry “put” the onus, not “but”
kesmarn : Khirad, when Moore cited the statistic on young (former) Dem supporters who didn’t vote this time around, though, he didn’t blame them. He — rightly or not — but the onus on Obama for failing to stay in touch with them.
AdLib : CL – First, I am so glad you’re going to Netroots tomorrow! And you’ll find that you’re not the oldest person there, people of all ages were at Netroots in Vegas. BTW, meant to get you some info to take with you but for the time being, you can refer folks to The Planet. Sorry, has been a wild week!
choicelady : Khirad – I agree – the Boomers elected Reagan when they got bored with life. With the war over, no draft, and now a need to work, too many did a 180 and decided it was cool to wear 3-piece suits and drink, well, Merlot.
kesmarn : c’lady, at least in the 60’s there was Peace Corp altruism and anti-war activism and the beginnings of the environmental movement.
bitohistory : Bravo, CL!!!
Khirad : What’s the historical trend of young voters, though? Over the years? Seriously, I have boomers to thank for Reagan before we get all agey here.
kesmarn : I’m feelin’ kinda mavericky and Palinglishy, b’ito, and also, too.
choicelady : I was a cranky 60s person – the blatant narcissism of our generation has gotten only worse in the young we spawned. The sense of entitlement and impatience with working for real change are dangerous. I’m off to Netroots Nation-CA tomorrow, undoubtedly the oldest person in the room, and I will confront some of this. Change takes time, and the failure to UNDERSTAND that is a real threat to progress.
AdLib : The market surged for two reasons, first, the Fed dumped $700 billion in their laps and second, gridlock is what they want most, it gives them confidence that no more big reforms can be passed so they will be free to rob and steal without threat for at least 2 more years.
bitohistory : I am gettig worried about you k’es. Those “icky” words seem to come pretty easy to you.
kesmarn : c’lady, I think you nailed it. The few young non-voters I talked to actually said it. “We voted for him and things didn’t get better.’
choicelady : Khirad – I really DO think it’s the Fed, not the GOOPers.
AdLib : BTW all, I mentioned how CA became even more strongly liberal not to boast but to assure folks that there is no shift to the right. The East Coast and West Coast weathered this election solidly liberal which is saying a lot. Conditions were worse than 1994 when the Repubs were more successful and took over both houses!
Khirad : Lies! It surged because their boys are gonna be back in charge. – there’s prolly truth to that, alas.
choicelady : Back a step – those 14 million young non-voters? The one reason I don’t think the GenX or Millennials will actually change much. They want instant gratification or they pout.
PatsyT : The market surged because Angle and O’Donnell lost
bitohistory : Something that should have been done before the election.
kesmarn : b’ito, now you’re getting all logicky on us!
bitohistory : The market surged becuse of the Fed buying 600 bill of securities.
AdLib : Bito – Yes, the latino vote has been cemented on the left and all those kids who turned out in 2008 will be back in 2012 when it’s life or death against a President Palin or Huckabee!
Khirad : You and I were, and are, on the same page AdLib. Everything you’ve said I was thinking along with you.
It might sound disingenuous, but it really might be better for 2012.
kesmarn : The stock market surged on the mere power of Boner’s tears. (The Fed had nothing to do with it.)
choicelady : bito – you are the first to trumpet the successes of the GOP! Except – those were last week’s figures…oh, well, the economy improved on the PREDICTION of Republicans. See? We can justify anything. Grand Old Pretenders.
Khirad : I thought the same bito, I’m surprised they didn’t actually say it. Some of them are pointing to the market and claiming as much, though. Ah, that word “uncertainty” royally pisses me off.
AdLib : Khirad, right with ya brother! Though it may not seem sincere to Repubs, I thought that a narrow majority for Dems in the House would ultimately be disastrous. The Congress would still be deadlocked as it will be now but the Dems would take all the blame and 2012 could have given us a nightmare scenario, Palin or Huckabee as President and a Repub Congress! The next 2 years will suck but in 2012, the Dems will get a reboot and Obama a re-election and mandate.
kesmarn : Every day in every way, things are getting better and better.
bitohistory : Hey Employment numbers improved today, see the R’s are doing somthing
choicelady : bito – my one concern with “moderates” is that they honestly do not have a clear understanding of issues. The Guv here in CA declared that anyone advocating for those in need was a ‘special interest’ which of course includes people of faith. Hardy har! We’ve arrived! But the meme that creeps me out is that the ONLY “citizen” who seems to matter is someone with NO loyalties outside of self. Doesn’t belong to a group of any kind, won’t ally with others, and simply exists for him or herself day to day. Then with the repudiation of intellect, the disinterested voter who knows very little becomes the common denominator. That all is a recipe for both mediocre policy AND take over by unscrupulous thugs with sweet messages. Scary.
kesmarn : Headless Brewer and Bonus-Boy Kasich…there’ s a love match.
Khirad : Speak for yourself boomer. We have headless Jan who wants to foreclose the nation.
kesmarn : ‘K, boomer!
boomer1949 : brb all
Khirad : You and I were ahead of the pack on this AdLib. I saw the silver lining in them taking the House like you, far before anyone else. They bear some responsibility now, and will still have no answers. They can’t run on what they aren’t anymore, and will bear part of the blame.
kesmarn : c’lady — probably that and fewer Goldline customers all the time. Food? Gold? Hmmmm Tough decision!
AdLib : CL – Progressives have a huge problem in coalescing over media because they are more independently minded. Like trying to herd cats vs. Repubs having to herd lemmings. As you know so well, consider how divisive all the different Progressive groups are!
boomer1949 : bito, the Repubs also have the Tea Party to contend with.
bitohistory : AdLib, I read an article from the number crunchers at Monkey cage saying that the R’s keep moving further to the right, while the “independents want moderates.” Harm will come to the R’s. Not to mention the Hispanic vote.
boomer1949 : Our West Coast friends are quite fortunate. kes and I are stuck with a former Lehman Bros Gov.elect.
kesmarn : Michael Moore said that 14,000,000 young people who voted for Obama sat this one out. What happened?
choicelady : Kes – I don’t watch Beck, but is he hyperventillatin g because he sees his beloved teabaggers now at risk of becoming both laughingstocks AND victims of the GOP machine?
AdLib : Bito – You know me so well!
kesmarn : Underneath the Repub surface bravado, I think I sense…what…d epression? (Boehner) panic? (Beck) desperation? (McConnell) opportunism? (Palin)
choicelady : I am already aghast at the blatant disregard of the Swing Voters and teaparty. I can’t stand them, but the GOP have already made it clear they are too good to let these newbies have any voice at all, esp. the teabaggers. I think they are going to destroy one another. And maybe eat their young…
AdLib : Kes – Here in CA we kicked the butts of The $140 Million Dollar Meg, Carlyfornication , the Chamber of Commerce, etc. We elected Boxer and very liberal Jerry Brown is our Governor! This was not a sea change election, it was a knee jerk by jerks to “get even” with the party in power for not having magical powers. Liberalism is alive and well and growing, if apathetic a bit this year.
boomer1949 : Oh AdLib…the Party of No thinks they’ve backed the Prez into a corner so he will be damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.
choicelady : Hi all – back to progressive radio. there is still Green 960, and some of the voices are still there. I looked up Thom Harmann, and he is on the air apparently syndicated with Mike Malloy on Green960 and Sirius. I’ll look up others later. The Interfaith Alliance has “State of Belief” which is a GREAT show (I was on it once) about faith as it REALLY should be. I have not got a clue how or where they broadcast, but I will find out. However – we DO need a liberal/progress ive push back to the right. What IS the matter with the Limousine Liberals anyway?
AdLib : Personally, I am discouraged by the moron Swing Voters out there but I am not discouraged by the election. Dems still control the Senate and the Presidency, the Repubs have no de facto power over Dems! I am fired up and glad that at least the Repubs can’t be the Party of No any longer without paying a big price in 2012. Also, the road ahead for them with Tea Party wignuts pulling them to lunatic positions will be very damaging. 2012 is looking brighter now that the Repubs can’t hide behind being “helpless” anymore.
kesmarn : I think we are all becoming serious candle people here at the Planet. We have done some impressive stuff with our candle power.
boomer1949 : kes — I just wine a lot.
Khirad : Don’t know if anyone is in Connecticut, but the Democrat won that governor’s race, too, after a tight one.
bitohistory : AdLib is missing. Which means he is cooking up a question!
choicelady : Merlot Slurpee – now I think we’re on to something. Patsy – you and everyone helped move health care reform. It’s transformative and will begin making real change you can believe in!
boomer1949 : thank God…it pays to light candles kes.
Khirad : Yes, bito. Represents Glenn Beck’s hometown, in fact.
kesmarn : boomer, I believe your name was mentioned as a central Ohio rabble-rouser which gets you a nomination for sainthood with the Mercies.
bitohistory : Is he the one in Wash. Khirad?
boomer1949 : Merlot Slurpie. We might be on to something here.
Khirad : OT – I watched Colbert Wednesday when he bid farewell to members of congress he had ‘better known’. Among them one confused me. Apparently I wasn’t the only one. Rep Rick Larsen is still alive in ballot counting. «link»
kesmarn : You and I were mentioned as commie-pinko sympathizers with the poor, b’ito.
boomer1949 : bito…I’m first, no fair. kes, did my name come up?
PatsyT : I want a Slurpie Merlot
boomer1949 : kes, do they sell Merlot Slupees at the UDF or 7Eleven?
bitohistory : “Solidarity With the Poor.” Did my name come up?
kesmarn : I’ll have a Merlot Slurpee and a chocolate-covere d pretzel, please.
PatsyT : CL you are one of the people responsible for that… I wrote Nancy Pelosi a note and told her to be proud of making our future posible…
bitohistory : That is great, Patsy.
kesmarn : Hi all! Moderate amounts of wine and the topic of the evening was “Solidarity With the Poor.”
AdLib : Hey Kes! We’ve got purple Slurpie martinis and Merlot.
boomer1949 : …Union Rep…
choicelady : Hi kes – indeed. And we’re NOT having Merlot. We’re leaving that to Boehner. So come on down!
bitohistory : How much wine, k’es?
boomer1949 : kes, grievance committee. AdLib is the Union whatever…
Khirad : All I know of left is Pacifica radio.
choicelady : Oh wow Patsy – that is the BEST NEWS EVER. I’m so glad for you!!! I understand there are millions who now have care coverage and that makes my heart sing! I AM SO GLAD FOR YOU!!!!
boomer1949 : hey kes!!
kesmarn : Is this the post-election support group meeting room….?
boomer1949 : AL – I wrote to Gwen Ifill tongiht. Posted it on OT.
AdLib : CL – You are a hero to me for all the great work you do, ESPECIALLY all of your hard work on HCR! Thank you!
choicelady : Someone is trying to hit up venture capitalists for my organization, and I’m trying to stop some of it. There is not a VC alive who won’t try to buy us if we take their money. They are the biggest tightwads EVER. And control freaks to boot.
Khirad : In response to the slurpy summit, Boehner said he’d prefer Merlot. If this portends missteps to come, I can’t wait! I don’t think the Tea Party has too many wine tastings.
PatsyT : OK just to be blunt… the health care reform that passed has given my daughter and myself with a preexisting condition the ability to PAY for and get care.. that hamster freak can stuff it!
AdLib : Boomer – I fully agree. A moderate black man as President is a threat to the status quo…and that is definitely inclusive of the MSM.
bitohistory : Radio: We need some lib to come up with the bucks to buy some stations.
choicelady : AdLib – isn’t there somewhere Randi Rhodes et al. landed though? Aren’t Thom Hartman etc. still on the air? If so – where?
boomer1949 : bito – neither, but who is?
boomer1949 : Khirad, I own stock in Merlot…the nerve of Crispy Critter to try and invade my territory…:lol :
Khirad : If anyone hasn’t read The Case for Obama yet, they should. In other words, a big no. I wouldn’t trade anything.
choicelady : Khirad – I forget what Boner said about Merlot. All I can remember is his crying because he had a lot of bad jobs. Bet he never cleaned people’s toilets. I did. Move over Boner – I feel a tear welling up…
AdLib : CL – Air America went bankrupt and is gone. The Progressives aren’t an AM Radio demographic. We do have NPR, Pacifica and other Progressive stations for thought Progressive discussions and explorations but I just don’t think Progressives are the narrow, binary minds that Repubs have for AM Radio listenership.
boomer1949 : AdLib – O’Donnell told Greenwald that he (O’Donnell) was far, far, far left.
choicelady : bito – no. I was one of the people in the CA forefront fighting for health care reform. I’m proud of that. It’s a good start. I think much of what has happened is really substantive, and I’d not give an inch on the past 18 months worth of accomplishment. In two years the voters BETTER see that these greedy souls they elected are just that. Their leadership ALREADY is repudiating lowering the national debt!!! Twenty four hours, and the tea party is already being snubbed!
bitohistory : Greenwald and O’donnell are full of them selves. Who is the Most Pure?
boomer1949 : Khirad – all I saw was him waving his arms, must’ve misinterpreted. It was kind of hard to hear him over the two yelling at each other.
Khirad : McConnell reminds me. I think we saw some fun to come with that Merlot comment from Boehner, actually.
Khirad : Pompous and obnoxious would describe O’Donnell perfectly in this.
boomer1949 : AL – MSM has missed the boat for at least 2 maybe 3 years? I am absolutely adamant about the ethnicity of our President; it’s been a bone of contention from the get go. Mitch McConnell let it slip when he spoke to the American Heritage whatever.
AdLib : I mentioned this in our Live Chat election night, I usually like O’Donnell but on Election Night, he was a bit pompous and obnoxious.
choicelady : Everyone – I assume Air America is still around, though we lost it in Sacramento some time ago. REally bad management. What I want to know is when the liberal/progress ive money people are going to follow the RW course and fund airwaves, organizations, etc. by just giving money and not demanding pounds of flesh in return. The RW is the sneaky distrustful lot – but they shovel out money hand over fist to groups to get the job done. The left dribbles it out and makes you fill out kajillions of forms for a lousy $5000 grant. It’s disgusting and counter productive. WE need alternative AIR media!
Khirad : Actually, Boomer, Joe was shouting at the control room NOT to go to break. He was loving the lib on lib catfight too much.
bitohistory : Question: Would you give up all of the accomplishments since Obama was elected for a better election?
AdLib : Has the MSM News discredited itself enough to destroy a reasonable reliance on it for truth?
boomer1949 : Okay, bottom line. Glenn was an invited guest to MJ. Lawrence O’Donnell was there with an axe to grind because Glenn criticized his election night analysis. It was pretty pathetic. Although it was fun to watch Joe and Mika totally speechless — they had absolutely no control. Even wanted to go to a break but it was too early.
Khirad : It’s on AP too, Bito. Kelly thanked his Savior Jesus Christ and his warriors. Giffords did just fine considering.
choicelady : Where’d Kalima go?
bitohistory : No, I missed it. YAAAAHHHHHOOOOO! !!
AdLib : What does everyone think, has the MSM News officially jumped the shark this year? With everything at Fox and their donations to the GOP? This move by MSNBC? The implosion at CNN? The Citizens United ruling financing pundits on MSM News shows?
Khirad : Basically, O’Donnell went after Greenwald on Morning Joe, and it got testy.
Khirad : Bito, you didn’t see my link I just posted? «link»
Khirad : Ooh, I dunno Boomer, it’s kinda a must see thing. I’m not sure I can break it down adequately.
bitohistory : Khirad, I didn’t get an Update from Gabby tonight. Which worries me.
choicelady : OK – I will go look at OT later. Thanks!
PatsyT : This in from my face book page where I had left a link to the Comcast connection.. Solja Itstrue “The joint venture between Comcast and GE has not yet received regulatory approval. Comcast is not in any way involved with decisions made currently by NBC News.” However, once Comcast gains final approval from federal regulators to move forward, Comcast COO Steve Burke, a Bush fundraiser, will be placed at the helm of MSNBC and other NBC companies. Our original post inaccurately asserted that Comcast’s Burke was involved in the decision to fire Olbermann. We apologize for the error.” Talking Points Memo
AdLib : Great to hear, Khirad. AZ needs all the sane voices in government it can get, especially nowadays!
boomer1949 : CL – neither do I, but Khirad posted a link on OT, I think? Khirad help!
choicelady : yes please boomer – I don’t watch TV in the morning.
bitohistory : And there is no use comparing them to FUX, they have ZERO rules about political donations or facts
boomer1949 : Khirad can ‘splain it better than I…
Khirad : We have Keith in part to thank.
AdLib : Boomer – Fill me in on it, missed it.
choicelady : Oh wow Khirad – amazing and yes, GOOD news!
boomer1949 : What did everyone think about the Glenn Greenwald/Lawren ce O’Donnell fiasco on Morning Joe?
AdLib : Schuster?! Who they suspended for doing a pilot for CNN!
bitohistory : I guess, CL, that is what Rachel said. That is all I know.
Khirad : I love coming home to good news. «link»
PatsyT : AdLib It was that Roberts guy
choicelady : So MSNBC does, NBC does, but CNBC does not? They’re the market channel, so to speak. Is it just presumed anyone there will donate to Republicans?
AdLib : Who filled in for KO tonight?
PatsyT : And David Schuster……. «link»
boomer1949 : Thanks!
AdLib : Hey Boomer! Nice to see ya!
bitohistory : CL, Rachel said they worked for CNBC, and they don’t have that rule. WTF?
choicelady : Hi boomer – great to have you here.
AdLib : What did Rachel say about KO?
boomer1949 : Hola folks – a day late and a dollar short. It isn’t payday!
choicelady : bito – does that mean the other two got “permission” to donate? If that’s really true, then OK, but I have heard they did not even ask but got no trouble for their donations.
AdLib : Hey Bito! Welcome!
bitohistory : Yes, Patsy. She said it was temporary. He did break “the rules”
PatsyT : Bito you are loved all the way around
AdLib : We’ll wait a few more minutes to see if we have any more folks joining us…in the meantime, more bad jokes!
choicelady : Everyone – what in the hell is wrong with MSNBC since the two who donated to Republicans got no flak. This is disgusting.
choicelady : bito – Welcome! Sorry it’s NOT Thursday since I could use another day this week.
PatsyT : I recorded Rachel she did mention Keith…
bitohistory : First, Hello. Second, sorry about the music thread, I really did think that today was Thursday!! Hectic week.
PatsyT : Double Ouch!
choicelady : AdLib – OUCH!
AdLib : Heh! I can do much worse.
choicelady : AdLib – Ooooohhhhhh very very bad! I have no higher praise.
AdLib : Why are the Democrats swearing off of Cialis? Because they had a painful election lasting more than four hours.
choicelady : AdLib – I don’t think O’Donnell meant that as hyperbole.
AdLib : Christine O’Donnell apparently no longer claims to be a virgin. She claims that it wasn’t her fault she lost, it’s because she was screwed by everyone.
PatsyT : Hey Guests this is a contact sport join in ….
PatsyT : CL Yes we do!
PatsyT : Christine O’Donnell doesn’t know either
choicelady : AdLib – not quite sure how to take that…
choicelady : PAtsy – oooo egg salad is my FAVE! We have to meet and share some.
AdLib : Stimulus will come after we hold our caucus.
PatsyT : Or maybe the egg salad.. I can’t decide
choicelady : PAtsy – yes. I’ll have what SHE’s having!!!
PatsyT : Ahh YES YES YES I want to have it all ala ………. «link»
choicelady : AdLib – they voted for a human being with a mouse’s brain.
AdLib : 40% of people in DE voted for an avowed witch who doesn’t believe in evolution and thinks scientists are making mice with human brains.
choicelady : Patsy – I think you can have both. This IS America.
choicelady : AdLib – if adult diapers did not trouble the voters, I can’t think money would.
PatsyT : Oooo choices choices
AdLib : Didn’t David Vitter get into trouble for Stimulus Spending?
choicelady : Patsy – $$$ or excitement? Or both?
PatsyT : I need stimulus
choicelady : Patsy – you’re in search of constant exhilaration? Well, I can see how this week would be dull.
choicelady : AdLib! Did you check out your donation before you gave??? After all, you did give to a Dem. Oh. Wait. That’s OK with us…
AdLib : Hey CL! Great to see you!
choicelady : Hi everybody! Great to “see” everyone.
AdLib : The only thing is, I’m hoping The Planet doesn’t suspend me for contributing to Barbara Boxer.
AdLib : Hey Patsy! Yep, will be hard trying to come up with a discussion topic tonight.
PatsyT : Holy Toledo What a boring week!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Hii!” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our real time live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00 PDT! Hope to see you then!
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