AdLib : Night!
PatsyT : Nighty Night All
PatsyT : Kes, you are the Angel they do not recognize
Khirad : Night all.
AdLib : That’s awful, Kes. Get some rest, thanks again everyone for another fantastic chat!
PatsyT : I have the ability to channel odd bagger visions — I choose to reject that because it is depressing
kesmarn : My “voices” are telling me to go to bed, too, Patsy. It’s 2:30 here, and I’m finally unwinding after a week in which one of my patients punched his visiting girlfriend in the face! It’s been a long one! Good night all!
AdLib : Get your rest, talented one! It is late, let’s call it a night for Vox Populi! Despite a rough start tonight, it was another great edition. Thanks all for making it great!
PatsyT : Patsy has to go to bed so she can rest her voice… now you can all behave … yes silly voices are what gets me through the day
kesmarn : Including the ones in the T-Baggers’ heads?
kesmarn : Can you do silly voices, too, Patsy?
AdLib : RING! “Uh…hi…can. ..um…Patsy come out and play?”
PatsyT : OK …. now don’t everyone call my cell
PatsyT : Just call my cell…. total pro
Khirad : Yes yes yes! I remember that.
AdLib : Patsy, deal!
PatsyT : Folks, look no further for your voice talent… I have that covered.
AdLib : Remember this one from the campaign: «link»
Khirad : OMG at the wallet comment!
Khirad : Ah, you’re idea works too, AdLib. Much easier to do that. And effective.
kesmarn : Genuine rattle-snake skin.
AdLib : Jan Brewer’s face would make a great wallet.
Khirad : Yes, TheRarestPatriot .
PatsyT : Jan Brewer has spent way too much time in the sun
AdLib : Patsy – Just thinking that we mash up or edit existing vids and just re-dub with voices of Bagger Candidates, Beck, Rush, etc.
kesmarn : Are you thinking TRP, Khirad? He’s near Nashville.
Khirad : I forget his name right now… out in Tennessee.
PatsyT : Lets go on the vid thing… I am kinda good with make up and other stuff I do have a good voice for radio !
kesmarn : Jan Brewer masks would give small children nightmares for weeks.
AdLib : The Munsters?
kesmarn : Patsy, that’ll be funny, the Zombie family!
AdLib : Khirad – I thought going as a Mexican would be the scariest Halloween costume in AZ.
AdLib : Who is a VO artist here?
Khirad : I read in the paper that going as Gov. Jan is gonna be a trend this year in AZ.
Khirad : Hey, we do have a voice-over artist here at the planet.
PatsyT : My family is going as Zombies this Halloween
AdLib : Patsy – We could make some YouTube video parodies like this and try to spread them around. If they went viral, maybe they’d help a little.
AdLib : The difference between this and the Pelosi ad is that we have actual senses of humor instead of just being nasty. The Daily Show could pull it off, we could.
PatsyT : So how do we help GOTV… with all our abilities !
Khirad : I fear we might get into that anti-Pelosi Wizard of Oz territory and become self-parodying, though.
kesmarn : Nobody can do right wing zombies like Ed Wood.
AdLib : Heh! Love it Kes! Hey, maybe the Baggers can call their “Contract On America”…”Pl an 9 From Outer Space!”
PatsyT : Wooo had to turn the sound down…
kesmarn : heh heh…just figured that out1
kesmarn : «link»
AdLib : Kes – don’t insert the “v”, we can only link in the chat.
PatsyT : Well now what… E Warren is on the job…
kesmarn : Oops. Didn’t do the link right!
kesmarn : This villainess may have out-Disneyed Disney. https://www.yout ube.com/watch?v= KN4ouHefoxE&feat ure=related
kesmarn : Michael Moore’s price is right, too. He’s offered to work for free.
AdLib : Elizabeth Warren?
PatsyT : Michael Moore ?
AdLib : Patsy – Good question, don’t know off hand because Obama wouldn’t like my pick…Howard Dean.
PatsyT : AdLib…. OT …if not… Rahm … Who?
Khirad : Cruella de Vil – shooting wolves from a helicopter.
AdLib : Okay, here’s the scene of the GOP turning into the party of Baggers: «link»
kesmarn : Khirad, apple served with tea, of course.
kesmarn : Same Palinesque villain in Snow White with the evil stepmother. Disney apparently didn’t like middle aged brunettes…?
PatsyT : Kes, she should totally go with that!
Khirad : Yes, with the apple of “liberty” – laced by unregulated pesticides.
AdLib : Hmm, you could go in so many ways with this! What about Snow WHite as the allegory for Baggers being taken in by the deceptive witch?
Khirad : I was trying to think of what the fairy godmother’s could symbolize.
kesmarn : “Touch the spindle” = “Vote for Angle”
PatsyT : Thanks Khriad …. love that sleeping beauty … I have three of them
Khirad : I was thinking re-dub too, AdLib
AdLib : Khirad! That would be hilarious to re-dub! And the witch really does look like Sarah Palin!
kesmarn :
Khirad, you are quick!
kesmarn : And if you’ve ever been photographed in a ridiculous “patriotic” costume, you never get to vote again as long as you live.
AdLib : “I wahnt a prezident I kud hav a beer with! That’s wut I cawl, “kwalifeyed”!
Khirad : My ad: «link»
PatsyT : Hey lets go for it … those of you that score high on the IQ …. your vote counts for more….
AdLib : How about, you have to provide a triple digit IQ, a sense of humor or prove you can make a decision for your self to be given a ballot?
kesmarn : Ah don’ wanna be led bah enny wun smarter than ah is.
AdLib : No, that would be horrible, who wants smart people making decisions when you can have complete morons?
PatsyT : Poll Tax
kesmarn : Heh. I meant “Glenda,” but “Glanda” works too.
AdLib : There should be an IQ test to vote.
kesmarn : AdLib. That’s good. The baggers are really a bunch of lemmings…espec ially when it comes to Rush and Glanda.
AdLib : This is like the fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty but in reverse. Instead of something sweet, the Dem base needs to be scared awake. And the Baggers are giving us all the tools to do that so let’s do it.
Khirad : Night bito.
kesmarn : Good night, b’ito. Thanks for not putting me in Time Out!
PatsyT : Nighty night Bito … All the best to you
AdLib : Night Bito, sleep well!!!
kesmarn : Patsy, I’ve never heard more comparisons with the No-Nothings than over the last month with the TBags.
bitohistory : I must leave my friends. Good night and peace. bito.
PatsyT : KO and Rachel are the ones I feel like I can trust
AdLib : ‘Whoops…I liked KO’s take on Beck, telling the baggers that this movement is about them and about them having the power again…then he tells them how to act.
AdLib : I liked KO
PatsyT : Be Proud, Be Loud, The No Nothings
bitohistory : That was something KH, Beck: no no more raciest-bigoted -idiotic signs.
Khirad : Over the Vince Foster thing no less.
kesmarn : Patsy, I missed the latest on Voinovich. I know he’s been breaking with the party more lately. Sure wish he’d been doing that all along!
AdLib : Kes – I agree. And the way to make that point sharply could be to make O’Donnell the poster girl for the baggers.
AdLib : Khirad – Absolutely! Make her a symbol for them as intolerant, ignorant, angry and vindictive no nothings. And BTW, she launched a series of outright and vicious lies against Castle to win, including that Castle as a nasty “gay” and voted to impeach Bush! Outright lies from that sweet POS.
kesmarn : AdLib, in the speech to the Hispanic caucus, Obama (at least twice) said: “These are serious times. We need serious leadership.” I think that will begin to dawn on people. These TBag candidates are joke candidates.
PatsyT : Hey Kes how about Sen Voninivich … saying he was not for the messaging
Khirad : Of course, their branding should already be in the gutter, just look at Beck trying to clean them up…
PatsyT : 3 Day in Newark ? I would have tried harder !
Khirad : Make it a branding issue for them. Make her the “face” of the Tea Party.
AdLib : Ebb and flow…
kesmarn : Third, a month in Toledo, b’ito?
AdLib : I mean, look at all the negative press O’Donnell’s winning has generated. I would think the polls next week will show a slump for the Repubs and baggers.
Khirad : Ahhh, reverse psychology, I like.
bitohistory : First place winner: a 3 days in Newark NJ. Second place 2 weeks in Cleveland! YUK, Yuk
AdLib : My proposition is that the lead up to this week’s elections gave the Repubs and Teabaggers the biggest bump they’ll have since there was no Dem news in the MSM. From this point forward, as Baggers taking over looks more possible, I think the Dems will rise in the polls.
kesmarn : I might buy one right after I pay my income Texas, Patsy.
PatsyT : I would like a new jersy
kesmarn : That was a groaner, AdLib, but — hey — I didn’t even get a lunch break tonight!
Khirad : Yup, we really got lucky with Angle. Of course, if Reid can’t pull it out, it could turn out worse.
AdLib : Kes – Ouch!
PatsyT : Ha Ha laugh for now …
AdLib : Beat ya to it, Patsy!
kesmarn : Patsy, how about a New Jersey?
AdLib : Kes – Just shows how disliked Reid is. If another Dem was running, Angle wouldn’t have a prayer. If another Repub was running, Reid wouldn’t have a prayer.
PatsyT : I have nothing to wear to Delaware
Khirad : And just in case you didn’t see my post, NYT’s put this as it’s #10 seat to watch, but look at Murray in WA «link»
kesmarn : AdLib, glad to see Reid’s inching ahead. But — how pathetic! The fact that she could have gotten this far is terrifying!
AdLib : Bito, I can definitely make it to the Cleveland Comedy Cave next week but what shall I Delaware?
bitohistory : There was only one pollster in Delaware close to the elections, PPP. They had O’Donnell winning by 3%. Where was the upset?? only on MSM?
AdLib : Reid’s barely up in NV: «link»
Khirad : Nice to hear it about Coons. That’s what I wanted to hear. Great then. As more and more stuff comes out, a stupid Marxist beard comment can’t compete.
kesmarn : Khirad, you’ve got that right. Their numbers during the Obama/McCain race were ludicrous. Who were they polling?
PatsyT : Hey Bito … What is my day rate? You booking?
AdLib : Coons is a total pro, he’s not going to Coakly his chances. She will be cooked. And I think Reid will pull it out in NV too so the MSM will have to ignore those races when it declares in NOV, “The Tea Party WINS!”
Khirad : How does Rassie and SurveyUSA get away with not having a (R) next to them.
bitohistory : Patsy, Adlib, and k’es together watch the Delaware in my frig jokes roll. Can you guys open in Cleveland next week?
PatsyT : Khirad…. that is a excellent question
kesmarn : HAH! Even Republican Rasmussen couldn’t warp the numbers to give O’Donnell the lead!
Khirad : Just don’t pull a Coakley, Coons.
AdLib : For an upbeat moment in polling, which as we agree in both directions, shouldn’t be taken too seriously this far out, check out the numbers in Delaware’s senate race here: «link»
Khirad : Here’s what I don’t get. Pubs blame everything on Obama. Why can’t we do the same thing? Why can’t we stick it on Jan? Sure, she’s only been in office for over a year and a half, but fair’s fair, right? The state of Arizona is still in the shithole. How come she hasn’t fixed it already?
PatsyT : You can buy that Delaware that is in my veggy drawer for pennies
kesmarn : Sorry — meant “with” not “will”.
kesmarn : Yes, linking Kasich will Wall Street was brilliant because it’s TRUE!
PatsyT : Kes, Strickland ads are so good !!
kesmarn : Somehow I think that too, Patsy. Strickland has done a fine job. The economy is not his fault. I can’t believe there are that many people who are dumb enough to buy the attack appraoch that everything that’s happened since 09/08 is his fault.
AdLib : $119 mil would buy Delaware.
PatsyT : Kes I still can not believe that… the polls have been very unreliable this term …. Anything can happen!
kesmarn : K., you’re not alone on that. A commentator on NPR said the same thing last week.
bitohistory : Kalima posted 119 mill?? That would feed the poor in Delaware.:lol:
Khirad : I think there might be a difference when people stop just cavalierly giving a protest answer to pollsters. Also, when Dems are more motivated to answer pollsters (I know this is technically accounted for, but I can’t help feel it skews polls a little).
kesmarn : Sadly, Strickland is still well behind Kasich in the polls. Something like 37% to 48%, rest undecided.
AdLib : Brown is slightly behind Whitman in recent polls, not bad considering she’s spent more on a statewide race than anyone in history. But he needs to spend big time now and hammer her hard.
PatsyT : Kes you are not alone …
Khirad : Wow, even Rassie and FOX had her up. That did look pretty consistent.
bitohistory : I think we will see the trend lines in the polls moving. Now will the MSM notice?
kesmarn : Patsy, I have a really visceral reaction to her. I totally cannot stand her.
PatsyT : Sorry I will not be polite in my language about Carly F
kesmarn : Ted Strickland, Ohio gov running for re-election, came out swinging this past week. When his opponent said the tired line about “Don’t keep blaming everybody else for the bad economy” Strickland said: “I don’t blame everybody else. I don’t blame Ohioans. I blame YOU. And your Wall Street buddies.” This was in the debate. Was not widely reported though. Glad to see him show a little anger when needed.
PatsyT : Bito that carly crap is CRAP
AdLib : Patsy – Very positive ad by Boxer! Instead of the nasty attack ads by Carlyfornication , very nice to see.
bitohistory : Teddy goes all teary eyed on Carter’s HCR bill in his book. that is when he no longer believed in “purity” He jokingly said he would settle for 80-20%
AdLib : Check out this link at RCP, look at the graph too, I think Boxer will win, she has been ahead, even if it’s by a little, almost the whole time: «link»
PatsyT : new
PatsyT : Boxer has some now ads they are great! «link»
AdLib : This may not be a great argument to press in the media but if people thought, “What if Bush had 4 more years as President instead of Obama, would things be better?” Because the Repubs who want to take over now want to give us the same Bush policies but on steroids.
bitohistory : You guys need to work on the Bbox thing. I like her. The country needs her!
Khirad : How is that Cali senate race going?
kesmarn : I’ve always liked Carter.
kesmarn : Ah…I see why you’re asking what possible relevance this has now. Basically, none.
PatsyT : That was my first vote … for president … Carter/Mondale
AdLib : We do have to slamdunk Whitman and Fiorina out here though!
AdLib : Mainly, Carter claims Teddy blocked Carter’s HCR bill out of vindictiveness and otherwise, we would have had HC for all in the 1970’s. That claim is unproven though since it still would have been a struggle and no guarantee on passage.
bitohistory : How many voter’s remember Carter? What? gaslines? What about Nixon’s Gaslines?
kesmarn : Those Clinton comments were –what?– 15 years ago?
Khirad : That was my read on that Brown thing too, AdLib.
AdLib : Brown messed up and should have just said, “That’s all she’s got? A falsehood that was disproven from years ago and a conflict during an old presidential campaign? That’s old news and false news.” Instead, he tried to make a cutting joke and helped her out.
kesmarn : What’s the word on Carter vs Teddy? (Carter didn’t like Clinton that much, for that matter…!)
kesmarn :
B’ito, Mom read me that article in the paper. She started me in politics early on…
kesmarn : I mean Bush and Reagan are now saints in the Repub Church of Capitalism, but they said bad things about each other in the day. Still, we’re supposed to overlook those conflicts and focus on the past Dem ones?
AdLib : Yep, really relevant today, the MSM all abuzz about Carter v. Teddy.
bitohistory : did youy read that in grade school ,k’es?
bitohistory : What about George Bush senior calling Reagan’s views “Voodoo Economics?”
Khirad : Didn’t you hear about the big tiff now? Carter v Teddy. Please…
Khirad : I do wish pols would stop forgetting that we’re in the age of cell phones and YouTube though. On the other hand, then they never go off script and it’s boring and canned.
kesmarn : I mean people say all sorts of things in campaigns…espe cially Repubs.
kesmarn : What about George Bush senior calling Reagan’s views “Voodoo Economics?”
Khirad : I definitely think they overplayed the tiff.
bitohistory : What is this MSM crap about bringing up Clinton & Brown??? I didn’t think it was a big thing then nor do I now!
Khirad : I just watched it too. Awesome. I wasn’t sure going off the cuff about Clinton had been so judicious though.
AdLib : PDT
AdLib : Kes – Closer to 8 pm.
kesmarn : Oh, I just noticed the late start comment. What time did you guys get under way?
AdLib : Patsy, that is a good ad for Brown!
kesmarn : I guess I should figure out what the topic is so I can get on it.
PatsyT : Hey I will be right back …. «link»
kesmarn : Will do, but if I’d known I could have emptied out the narc cabinet at work.
AdLib : Kes, last one in the clubhouse has to buy the next case of Heinekens!
Khirad : He speaks fluent Vietnamese: Manchurian commie babies.
kesmarn : Yo, boss! I didn’t do it and you can’t prove I did!
AdLib : Hey, if Anderson Cooper had babies, couldn’t they too be classified as “anchor babies”?
bitohistory : How do I put k’es into pending on VoxPop boss?
Hey girl!!
Khirad : Welcome.
AdLib : We had a late start due to the site being down at the starting time.
Khirad : Here’s one of them. They had Debbie Riddle featured on Anderson Cooper. In her Texan drawl she tried saying she said “tourism babies,” not “turrism babies.” It was golden. Hiding behind the drawl – love it!
kesmarn : Patsy! AdLib! Khirad! B’ito!
AdLib : Hey Kes!!!
AdLib : We could send that to the DNC and the WH and suggest they use it to promote GOTV.
PatsyT : Hey Kes !!!
kesmarn : Hey! You’re still here! I just got home from work!
AdLib : Khirad – But it would be a rather fascinating document!
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, I’ve heard it stated by Dems but the MSM just rolls over it.
Khirad : I like this idea, AdLib. It’s gonna take all of us to keep up with the pure volume of crazy though! A momentous task indeed!
PatsyT : Say, is anyone asking this question…. If those tax cuts for million billion ares are such job creators …. where are those jobs that they created for the last 10 years (or is it
AdLib : bito – I use Firefox and that doesn’t happen on my system. Don’t know why that’s happening on yours but sounds like a “refresh” issue of some kind.
bitohistory : Azerbaijan: As elections approach, social networking steps in
bitohistory : (why does FireFox make the comment box disappear?) I was thinking that Sister S’arah could be a despot here but I just got this in my email. If she got over there quickly she may be able to shut it down.
AdLib : Why don’t we make that a project here? We could set up a post for everyone to offer the worst Teabagger promises and goals and create a simple, easy to read list and link it around the Internet to hopefully get to Dems who aren’t motivated to vote. We could use a name that is a parody of Contract For America.
PatsyT : Well it is not Nov 4th yet Yes Khirad their own words are often enough to seal the deal
AdLib : Khirad – You nailed it! There is no sense of what the reality will be after the election. If they feel that nothing’s getting done…they vote for gridlock? And that will make things better? It is insane to me.
Khirad : The Dems have plenty of tape to work with. Splice it together, repeat, and play often.
PatsyT : AdLib… No they are clueless.. for the most part
Khirad : That’s what gets me AdLib, it’s just inchoate anger. We should try to impress on them how even angrier they will be with an Angle, for example. This is what I don’t get, it’s like: throw the bums out, invite the more incompetent one right in. It’s like asking the squirelly lookin’ guy in coach with the boxcutter to fly the plane.
AdLib : What if the Dems made this more of a national campaign, put together all of the insane things that all the Baggers have announced and want to do if elected and present it to Dems as the platform of the Repubs if they win. I mean really hammer this day after day without exception. It’s the kind of fear and reality that would seem to be very motivational and effective.
AdLib : Think about all the truly crazy and wholly unqualified people who’ve won GOP primaries and could win…would the people supporting them want anyone else in authority, a doctor operating on them, the pilot of a jet they’re flying on, being an ignorant, raving loon just to get even with the last doctor or pilot they had? I really don’t get it, don’t they realize that they’ll have to live with loons in power for 2 – 6 years after they’re voted in?
PatsyT : I have found a better way to make more money… more then I could ever make as a gov of AK so so long suckers
AdLib : Giverning…mayb e I should send that to Websters?
AdLib : Palin had to quit because she had detractors and it interfered with governing. So, if elected president, for the good of the nation, she will shut down the internet and the MSM.
bitohistory : Kh:
Khirad : No, I think your drawl was right the first time.
AdLib : Governing…
PatsyT : Hey the Palin gal could not take the governing thing for a state like AK
AdLib : Giverning? But how does that raise campaign money?
AdLib : Heh! If Obama captured OBL tomorrow, Hamster and Arianna would probably be whining, “Obama should be focusing on reviving the Public Option instead!”
PatsyT : Oh yes that pesky governing thing gets in the way hun?
bitohistory : The joke was about Obama walking on water?-?R’s: Yeah, that’s because he couldn’t swim
Khirad : You know, the Obama campaign team was that strategic back in ’08. I sure do hope they have some people on this. How dare they not be in permanent campaign mode and insist on governing.
AdLib : Bush had his October surprises, like the Iraq War vote, is the Obama team strategic enough to have a smart October surprise in mind? Maybe the fight over tax cuts is seen as that, Obama fighting for the middle class and showing the Repubs to be forcing the nation to suffer tax hikes because their rich buddies won’t get tax cuts? That would be huge news, if the GOP blocked tax cuts to 98% of the country, that could change things.
Khirad : They’d be whining he didn’t get a fair trial. I eff thee not.
PatsyT : Hey right about now if Obama brought the head of OBL into the senate chamber the right would have some NEW fit about how Obama has failed
Khirad : Yes, he strayed over the UN radius border to go hiking, that’s the ticket!
AdLib : Khirad – What if he says he was just hiking? Up the Appalachian trail?
AdLib : Patsy – Or something else that’s huge positive news? I mean, the fact that the deficit was slashed by around 13% got no play at all. Obama and the Dems would need something huge because the MSM is burying all the good news stories about Obama and the Dems.
PatsyT : Khirad !! Yes now your talking !
bitohistory : In the House leadership is everything. The Senate will forever be a gridlock now that the R’s have demanded to invoke cloture on bathroom breaks.
Khirad : If not OBL, how about when Ahmadi comes we kidnap him and hold him ransom?
PatsyT : Hey Adlib… I have have those same thoughts about the Bin Laden dude… What if?
AdLib : Well…at least word’s going around that Rahm may be out after the election. That sure can’t hurt.
PatsyT : I should say it is not even OCTOBER !
AdLib : What if Bin Laden is captured next week? Or unemployment takes a big dip? So much can happen in 6 weeks indeed that could change things.
bitohistory : Patsy, so right”Six weeks in an election is forever”, or whatever the saying is. Don’t watch the daily/weekly polls. Watch the Trends
Khirad : Might actually work out for 2012, to put some bright spin on it.
AdLib : Either way, won’t it be gridlock?
Khirad : It’s about a holding pattern until 2012, I fear.
Khirad : Joe Klein brought up a good point. They’re already talking as if a win is a fait accompli. They can still have significant pickups and not take over. When you do the math, and compare to how many were picked up in 2006, for example, it’s not the same. It will be a defeat. I so hope for this, and the real tantrum to start.
AdLib : Here’s a question: If the Dems keep Congress, with small majorities and a Party of No blocking everything, what can be accomplished in the next 2 years of import? On the other hand, if the Repubs took over and nothing got accomplished…a nd they shut down government and went on a lynching party for 2 years against Obama…what would they have to run on in 2012? What I’m asking is, can anything get accomplished in the next 2 years anyway no matter who runs the House?
PatsyT : They – and I am talking about MSNBC- are acting as if the election is over – IT IS NOT EVEN NOVEMBER YET !!!
Khirad : I don’t even want to think it, but it would be fun to throw back the: “but you have the majority” nanny-nanny-boo- boo crap. See how they like dealing with fractious elements.
AdLib : The Baggers will want one of theirs, like DeMint, as House Leader. No way will they want Boehner. I see a civil war there and some angry, vindictive and resentful Repubs in Congress at war.
PatsyT : National expire er
AdLib : If the Repubs win the House, won’t there be a fierce power struggle in the GOP between establishment and Baggers? Will they be able to govern after that with the Dems standing in their way too?
AdLib : The MSM wants the most outrageous story to get the most coverage because it’s good for business. Yes, the Baggers are picking off less extremist Repubs in primaries but as Patsy and others say here, so are Progressives with conservative Dems. This is not reality, it’s tabloid journalism.
bitohistory : The PCC (Progressive Congressional Caucus has 83 members. After the elections, how many will the Tbag caucus have? And will the “party R’s hate them?
PatsyT : the money in ratings
PatsyT : Adlib, they are following the money…
Khirad : That was another poll not being mentioned. The self-identified are little over 20% and only a third of the country has a favorable view of them.
bitohistory : MSM is full of it. Just as Patsy has posted progressives won their primaries, where were the reports on that??
Khirad : Our local fundraising has been succeeding in exceeding goals ahead of schedule. The picture on the mailer? It cuts both ways.
AdLib : The bullshit is, yes, the baggers dominate the Repub primaries…but they’re not a majority in a General Election. Why is the MSM being so misleading and dishonest about this?
AdLib : Bito – They showed her batting average on MSNBC today, she’s averaging 2 for 3 in endorsements…a nd she’s endorsed many who were huge front runners.
PatsyT : Palin is not the magic bullet to election success …. just media coverage
Khirad : Of course not, bito. It is funny too when they don’t mention when she picks an establishment candidate, as in NH with Ayotte.
bitohistory : And another thing-lol- No one mentions that Bailing Pailin’s choice here in CD-8 was defeated!
AdLib : Patsy – I agree with you. I think the ferocity of these Baggers, frothing at the mouth about how they’re going to end SS, Medicare, Dept. of Education, Unemployment extensions, etc., as it becomes a real prospect that all of this could happen, Dems could become very motivated to stop that.
PatsyT : Hey She should go live there…
Khirad : I’d like to ask them that too. At least Ed is coming around on this. I mean, I have my own feelings on him from the past, but at least he’s coming through on this. Suck it up Dems.
Khirad : Sorry, but my favorite O’Donnell quote: she liked the Middle East ’cause there wasn’t smut everywhere. Finally the Tea Party is losing that fake “libertarian” veneer. Who believed their ranks weren’t filled with the hardcore social voters disappointed by Bush?
AdLib : I’d like to ask Cenk, Hamster and Arianna, “Are you going to vote in Nov? For Dems? Are you going to encourage others to?”
PatsyT : I will say it again – The message should be – In this election – Anything could happen – So go out there and work toward what you want to happen! Voter Reges Calling banks etc….
AdLib : People, other than the Baggers, are only now starting to get engaged. When the barrage of commercials and tv coverage build up over the next month and a half, might not those currently counted as “Unlikely Voters” become “Likely Voters”?
AdLib : There really is a “silent majority” or at least an “apathetic majority” out there that could turn all the so-called common wisdom about Baggers winning on its head…if they vote which, even if people tell pollsters they won’t, they still might.
bitohistory : Break–
PatsyT : No one loves a quitter
Khirad : Not only in AK, have you seen the most recent polls on Palin in the Lower 48? I’ll have to dig them up. They were really revealing. But of course, they’re even less gung-ho on her up there after she left them for the “outside.”
AdLib : I mean, it just follows. If you put deranged loons in power, what will they turn government into? Lunacy. In their government, Unemployment insurance is only paying people to be lazy, tax breaks for billionaires is compassion for those who have been hit the hardest, shutting down the government will stop it from hurting everyone who depends on it…up is down and black is Nigerian socialist Hitler.
PatsyT : Hey Khirad I don’t know if the Palin Robo calls will have much effect up there … that quitter is way down in the polls up there
bitohistory : Would some one ask these “stop spending -balanced budget to come up with 1.7 trill in cuts for next year???
AdLib : The Baggers are talking about a government shutdown. In the middle of a recession where maybe 50% of people are getting government payments and many of those employed are on government payrolls. It’s insane and yet the mindless just want to vote out Dems cause they’re angry. Wait till their hungry and broke and have to wait two years.
Khirad : “53 percent of those surveyed said they had no opinion of McAdams, 52 percent said they had a negative opinion of Miller.” All Murkowsky needs to do is siphon off enough if Adams can keep it close enough.
PatsyT : I will not make my remarks on him pretty
PatsyT : Demented Sucks
PatsyT : Bito and Khirad … I hope the both of you can help her… You are both a mighty force!
AdLib : Did you see that Jim DeMint who is one of the somehow establishment leaders of the anti-establishme nt Baggers, said that he thinks shutting down the government and refusing to pass budgets makes sense as the first step in “fixing” and shrinking government once they get in (IF they get in)?
Khirad : Exactly bito, my point exactly.
bitohistory : Khirad, What would we have if the purists had their way here in CD-8? They want Kelly over “blue Dog” Gabby??
AdLib : Khirad – 9 out of ten qualifies as at least one, si?
PatsyT : Khirad…is she going to do it ?
Khirad : At least ONE?
PatsyT : I hope someone is studying the effect of this bogus info being pushed on the public
AdLib : Khirad – I just might get you started. Day after day on HP, there’s at least one headline supporting the “Obama Sucks!” meme.
Khirad : I was gonna bring up Murkowski. I wish her write-in campaign success! Yay for the GOP civil war in AK!
PatsyT : How about Murkowski in AK ?
AdLib : Khirad – I think that if the Tea Party candidate had won, it would have been in play, Their candidate now has a big advantage.
Khirad : Don’t get me started on the systematically depress the Dem vote site AKA HP…
PatsyT : Let it out Bito
AdLib : Hey, no goddam cussing on this fucking site!
Khirad : I really don’t know much about the New Hampshire race except that it’s seen as potentially in play, but not likely.
bitohistory : What the fu*k is with Kos, Cenk, FDL, HP?? Fuck them!! They piss me off mnore than Demint most days. ( They got me GD fuckin cussing in print?-?)
AdLib : When the MSM meme gets so absolute, it is often so wrong. For example, wasn’t the 2008 Presidential election supposed to be Clinton v. Giuliani because they were so far ahead in the polls and had too much going for them? BTW, who won?
PatsyT : Khirad.. That is what I saying … all this talk about the nut jobs that can say tparty .. but Ann Kuster in New Hamshire … no word on that !!!
Khirad : Biden nailed it with his Almighty/alterna tive comment. Not only do Dems suck less, they suck a whole lot less. As an Arizonan, I get a little sick of purists preach about this thing. The differences are still substantial. Especially when the alternative is crazy.
AdLib : Khirad – Yes, I think the unions helped on that Dem winning too, right?
AdLib : I think the Dems will lose seats but the fear factor from what Dems are seeing on their tvs, having O’Donnell and Angle and Rand Paul controlling Congress…that could be a real motivator for GOTV.
PatsyT : That Hammy gal is posion
Khirad : Didn’t a progressive win in New Hampshire? Why no word on that?
PatsyT : I think the message should be …. in this election anything is possible ! even Dems Gaining Seats …
AdLib : Cenk is soul mates with fellow Purist, Hamster.
bitohistory : the economy is down, unemployment is high,the party in power usually loses. What only twice has a party n power not lost house/ senate seats?
AdLib : Patsy – Yes! Jane Hamsher looks like a cartoon squirrel and is nuts so it kind of works out.
Khirad : Hamster creeps me out in a way. Can’t explain it. And then she starts with the sour grapes…
AdLib : The pundits have been wrong frequently lately, especially about races like Castle and going back to Dem primary challenges as with Specter. Is it possible that seeing all these insane Baggers getting coverage and pronouncing what they would do if elected just might result in unexpected strong turnout by scared Dems?
PatsyT : Shat-again? Cenk may be funky but that FDL gal on Ed today Ugh !
Khirad : Site went down just as I was publishing. Thankfully, it went through. Hi!
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
Khirad : I remember driving through New Castle county Delaware. I almost blinked.
bitohistory : The cards are stacked for this mid term. all most text book.
AdLib : I saw Cenk today on RatAgain’s show (he’s not on a number of days lately). Cenk is a Purist and was nastily attacking Obama…for appointing Warren instead of having the Senate confirm her or appointing her in that position instead of an advisor to the Pres. I just don’t get it, how crazy are the Purists that they would aid the takeover of the Senate by TeaBaggers because Obama didn’t do everything exactly as they wanted? How do they think they’ll be happier or life will be better when their bitching helps TeaBaggers grab the reigns of power. We have to roll over the Purists too to keep the Congress Dem.
PatsyT : Khriad, very funny … Waynes world fits
PatsyT : Bito you are forever young … from here on out.. got it?
PatsyT : They have become the party of total contradictions ….
Khirad : Delaware reminds me of Idaho’s Mini-Me.
bitohistory : Patsy, From this ole fart: GOTV has been the Dems main problem for many years. FDR Dems must have had it easy.
AdLib : Patsy – Idaho, Alaska.
AdLib : GOTV has to be all about, “The Tea Party has taken over the Repubs and the Repubs could control Congress. Do you want the lunatics running the Senate and making decisions over your life?!!!
PatsyT : What would Delaware?
Khirad : «link»
AdLib : I once found a Delaware in the back pocket of an old pair of jeans but they had been through the washer and it was all wadded up.
PatsyT : I have an old Delaware in the back of my vegetable drawer … time to get rid of that science experiment
bitohistory : That graph that Miss P. posted !!! What more does one need to see before they vote??
PatsyT : So how else do we help with GOTV?
AdLib : bito – I’ve got a Delaware in my garage.
PatsyT : I think we could fit a few in Orange County….
AdLib : When the 70% of rational folks out there are motivated to vote, such lunatics and con artists would never stand a chance.
bitohistory : How many Delawares would fit into SoCal?? 53?
PatsyT : That works for me
AdLib : This may be a long cycle but the Tea Party taking over the GOP only works right now because of bad economic times. With the GOP so extremist in reasonable times, the GOP will be crushed and decline quickly.
PatsyT : Seriously, as a woman… I must say I smell a rat with that one… more so then Palin
AdLib : And how about the con that though the Tea Party is all about responsible spending, mentioning that O’Donnell cheated on her taxes and misappropriating campaign funds for personal use is an outrageous personal attacl?
bitohistory : Faux throwing Rove under the bus??? They have gone off the edge. I did hear alot of Beep-Beep-beeps from everyone there today though.
PatsyT : And just why isn’t she married? What is there something wrong with marriage? …. She has a boyfriend
PatsyT : It is going to take a really BIG BIG gov to follow her views
AdLib : Bito – Yes! Can’t they just get it over and declare the Tea Party as the New Know Nothings!
PatsyT : Oh Bito They have only just begun with her stuff ….. i can see fraud all over that little missy
bitohistory : Did you guys notice the fun Kalima and I had on Chrissy and her calling herself a pundit(expert) when talking about doing the nasty in private? We thought it was quite ironic .
PatsyT : I can’t believe I agree with K Rove –
PatsyT : That new princess they have is pretty pleased with herself – the one from Delaware
AdLib : Bito – Just saw parts live on MSNBC and on some of their shows. The Media is wasting no time in simultaneously dissing O’Donnell and hyping her up as the new Sarah Palin. Just like with the Quran burner, the MSM is creating news and political figures that shouldn’t be created just because they’re sensationalistic . The MSM is damaging our society and democracy with its quest for ratings.
PatsyT : Lead Paints of the world unite
AdLib : Yep, if Values Voters returned their Brains and Ethics to China, I imagine the complaint from China would be, “You poisoned all our lead paint!”
bitohistory : How much has any one seen of that “V-V” confab? Hey at least they were shopping , AdLib.
AdLib : Bito – You are so right! Hey, I wish I had a Summer like she had this year when I was a kid! Man! She’s not spoiled but kids have nothing to compare their experiences to because they’ve had relatively few. But it was a great Summer for all of us.
PatsyT : Actually that is an insult to China…
PatsyT : Oh more crap from China !!
AdLib : Values Voters…they call them that because they shopped for brains and ethics at the 99 Cents store.
AdLib : Bito – Thanks! I enjoyed it and I do keep in mind that sensibility. I would make the concerted effort to put down work and spend time with her and I am glad I did but I am so buried in work now!
bitohistory : When you no longer able to be with an offspring, will they remember the new refrigerator that you worked to buy or the time you rolled in the grass with them on a spring day??
PatsyT : Ohhh how about that Valueless voters summit … they had breakout sessions… with titles
PatsyT : Bags R us!
AdLib : It’s like watching a nature film, where the Venus Fly Trap is open nice and pretty and the fly happily lands on it before being devoured…we see what’s going on but Teabagger Q. Public happily lands on that trap.
PatsyT : Bito you are so right
bitohistory : AdLib, you and spending time with you child. What is that old saw ” I wish I would have spent more time at work” on a grave stone? It’s great that you spend time with your kid.
PatsyT : You had to see it just before she began to talk
PatsyT : Hey did anyone see that Palin mini me during her acceptance speech? She pulled the black guy close to her before she began to talk
AdLib : Patsy, it’s been a bit nonstop for you too this summer!
PatsyT : I think we have to have a breather next week
PatsyT : Bito we love the guys and they love working here the weather is the best in the so cal region
AdLib : How far along are you?
PatsyT : Window trim and then on to painting…
AdLib : Patsy – Yipe…what kind of work are you having done to your home?
bitohistory : Patsy, be kind to the carps (only if they have a paid up union dues card
AdLib : You’re right Patsy, that’s why I accepted the trade off. Summer vacation at 7 year’s old…I did enjoy having her around.
PatsyT : Bito … Yes graphs and Maps my fave ! I can go into a trance looking at the stuff
PatsyT : We have been busy with the house stuff contractor in and out … Arrgghh !
bitohistory : Patsy, A fellow graph lover, you have been great on local election news. Covering many CD’s!!
PatsyT : Ahhh but you will always remember that time with your daughter… the work can wait.. a bit
AdLib : Doing okay, still trying to dig out from under a mountain of work that spending much of the summer with my daughter at home led to. How are you doing?
AdLib : And the site was down for a half hour at the beginning so we lost some folks.
PatsyT : How is everyone?
PatsyT : Hey I was lost in Spam world!
AdLib : Missed ya!
AdLib : Patsy!!!
PatsyT : Hi Guys
PatsyT : Testing
AdLib : The blandness of their flag is as universal as their language.
bitohistory : Speak Esperanto? No, but they do have a very mundane flag. Blah!
Kalima : They will be back and so will I much later. Duty calls. Be good!
AdLib : Bito – That’s a great policy. I have had signature gatherers start to tell me some spin on the petition they want me to sign then when I read it, it’s not exactly what they were saying.
Kalima : That is the question.
bitohistory : Khirad the other day brought up a good point about referendums and amendments. One has to be careful. I go by the rule if i don’t understand, I vote NO.
AdLib : Khirad and Patsy were here but then the site went down.
AdLib : To vacuum or to VP?
Kalima : See you later. Hope someone comes soon.
AdLib : On your mark, get set…
Kalima : Ok you guys, we have 2 guests and I really have to make a start.
AdLib : You do speak Esperanto?
AdLib : Kiu koni?
Kalima : Bito, you bad boy!
Kalima : I wondered what that sharp pain was. Thanks for filling me in.
bitohistory : What is the perfect number of horse hairs for a perfect violin bow used on a perfect violin?
Kalima : They are, but once in a while, you know……..
AdLib : And Palin, Beck and the latest clone, O’Donnell have their heads up Uranus.
AdLib : I thought the space cases are on the other side of the fence.
Kalima : Welcome back bito, I was afraid that you had taken a wrong turn at Mercury.
Kalima : Hey Houston, we have a problem!!
AdLib : Ground Control to Major Bito…
Kalima : Bush, no thanks.
AdLib : No, the site’s back up now!
bitohistory : I like that thingy that says who is on line. I got scared, NO PLANET!!
Kalima : Do you think that everyone else is lost in space?
AdLib : Push?
AdLib : Hush?
AdLib : Bush?
Kalima : Did we cover them all?
Kalima : Maybe that’s why everyone decided to get a quick beer.
AdLib : Not to mention his twin brother, Tush.
Kalima : His mother Lush is right beside the cat lit box throwing up.
AdLib : Yes, we were down for a half hour, right around when VP starts.
Kalima : Oh btw, bito couldn’t get back to the Planet, there was aserver prob, I saw it too.
AdLib : And his Papa Mush.
Kalima : Yep, and his sister Flush.
AdLib : Is that a Rush Dyson?
Kalima : Full of h-air!
AdLib : How are those Dysons?
AdLib : Ah, what a wonderful surprise, Kalima!
Kalima : I can’t stay, but you both sounded so lonely I just wanted to say hi before I plug in my Dyson.
AdLib : Hey, the site was just down for a half hour, sorry about that. I’ve got the tech people looking into this.
AdLib : Has been a very quiet day. Hey, was there a party and we weren’t invited?
AdLib : Absolutely!
bitohistory : Can I do that?
bitohistory : It has been quiet Planet today. Now that I am the official floor moper at The Planet Icommand everyone to join VoxPop,
AdLib : Sounds great, seeya then and looking forward to reading it!
Khirad : Hey, I’ll be back sometime, I’m finishing up a post right now.
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our real-time live chat about the week’s events, begins right here tonight at 7:00 pm PDT. All members are welcome to participate, hope to see you then!
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