AdLib : Khirad – That is the narcotic effect of giving people what they crave, they become dependent on it and dependent on the “dealer” who’s giving them their “high”. Many people need to cling to the fantasy that somehow they will be wealthy and happy and have everything they don’t have now…and they will work against the realities of their own interests to desperately reach for something that is in fact only imaginary. With that pleasant thought, take it easy this weekend and recharge, we’ve got an election to win!
Khirad : Oh, Night guys. I didn’t catch that we’re ending this.
Khirad : The you can be anything you want to be dream that makes America great, is also an Achilles’ heal. There comes a point when I would think people would have been told, “no, you will not be the next Kobe.” I cannot believe that 80% poll, and yet, I DO believe it…
AdLib : Well, this would seem like a good time to wrap up tonight’s edition of Vox Populi. Thanks Khirad for your incisive words tonight. Have a great weekend!!!
AdLib : Thanks bito, really enjoyed it. Have a great weekend!
bitohistory : Good Night Patsy, I am going to take my leave also. Good night all and thanks for a wonderful time. peace
AdLib : Night CL! Hope you get some rest this weekend!
Khirad : Night Patsy.
choicelady : ‘Night Patsy AND everyone. I’m also off to slumberland. Busy day tomorrow. Great chatting with one and all.
AdLib : Night Patsy, welcome home and have a great weekend!
Khirad : To add to that – I think it fits in to the ultranationalism USA, USA rah rah thing. It’s one of the only things that makes them ‘special’ – they have little else going for them, and the right wing cultivates it and exploits their inferiority-supe riority complex.
AdLib : Khirad – I think that is a sound proposition. I would also add in the denial factor, that human beings will live in denial for emotional reasons. “Only the shiftless, lazy and weak are poor, not me, I’m not poor because poor people are to be despised and I shouldn’t be despised because I’m not really poor.” I’d add in the other key ingredient, the lie of the American Dream that people are programmed with beginning as a child and neverending. There was a poll several years ago and 80% of college students said they believe that they will become millionaires. Even though only half of one percent ever end up becoming millionaires. So, many out there have the disconnected belief brainwashed into them that one day they will be wealthy so better keep those taxes down now so they won’t be there when they become a millionaire. Convenient how this corporate brainwashing of people with this “American” feel good fantasy works out to make those who are being smashed down economically support those who are stomping on them, eh?
choicelady : Khirad – your innate sense is essential. All the books in the world (especially old ones) won’t help if we cannot SEE what’s going on right now. Your observations keep that critique alive. That’s not a cliche! (Sorry – no accent grave…)
bitohistory : She just said today that it all will be forgotten by election day. BTY, she is not going to do any more debates. She has one song SB1070
PatsyT : Well my friends great to chat with you tonight… I must turn in .. Have a wonderful evening!
Khirad : Yeah, I guess what I said was cliché and no secret, but it just hit me clearer than ever before that day.
choicelady : Khirad – I believe you’re right about that. About 40 years ago some political scientist wrote about that (cannot recall who) phenomenon. The art of mobilizing voters’ self deception is prime in swaying the voters who think they are someone else and getting them to vote against their own self interest.
PatsyT : Khriad, I hear that dog whistle Loud and Clear! They know exactly what they are doing
bitohistory : I’m going to trademark that,Patsy
Khirad : I loved Brewer’s non-explanation of that. Acting like she never said they were on the Arizona side of the border. Do ANY of them realize we now have YouTube and search engines?
PatsyT : Bito, Headless Body Brewer LOLOLOL !
AdLib : CL – Rachel does have fantastic ratings and it does prove that strength and honesty can succeed. KO had bigger ratings though, don’t know where that is now but none of the others come close to them.
bitohistory : Local PBS just rerunning “headless body Brewer”. Her not being able to speak, is not new to her. She has stumbled in pressers before.
AdLib : Jon Stewart has consistently hammered and exposed the propaganda out there in an incredibly consistent way, entertaining and cutting to the truth night after night. He seems far too dismissive of his impact in our democracy but he and those working on the show are indeed making a huge contribution to our democracy. And, as Stewart would say, it’s just a comedy show!
Khirad : Off topic. So, I was talking one day on the how do the GOP convince people that Dems want to steal their wealth when they don’t have any and they don’t stand to LOSE from Dem politics, but gain? Well, a Louisianan author came up in the discussion (can’t remember the name) who said that one of the paradoxes of LA is that they always despised the poor more than blacks – even when they themselves weren’t doing so hot. They just never registered that they were poor themselves – it was always those ‘others’. How to explain the disconnect? So, with that, and the common race-baiting of “inner-city vassals of Big City machine Dem politics meme,” I think I figured it partly out – and I don’t know why it didn’t hit me earlier since it was always in front of me. That whole ‘they’ will steal ‘your’ wealth isn’t really about economics, but it and race are still one and the same… Am I going too overboard on this? I don’t think it’s 100% true, but there’s definitely a dog-whistle quality to it all…
PatsyT : Well after Labor Day I hope some people (Dems) start kicking booty! Regardless of what show they are on
Khirad : Like I said CL, O’Donnell could be really good, or really bad. I’ve seen him fill in, but wonder if he has enough ‘personality’ to pull it off. Not that Jim Lehrer has charisma, but sadly, they do need a bit of a gimmick to make it on cable. By the way, you guys echo my feelings on Matthews. Sometimes I want to strangle him and let them answer, other times he totally NAILS someone and it is awesome. I’m lukewarm on him overall, but when he does good, he does good. We also agree on the others like Keith totally playing up the histrionics for ratings. The special comments had become way too contrived before the mosque one, and he needs to tone down the smug factor. And so on. Even Rachel I sometimes am not pleased with, but as was said by AdLib, she never goes so far that I can’t help but excuse it the next day.
choicelady : EVeryone – how do the ratings compare among the MSNBC folks because if, as I dimly recall, Rachel is in the lead – then all the snivelling cowardice of the others is misplaced. Boldness and decency CAN coexist, and honest interviews with people DO go over well. The others should take a hint – you don’t have to be Ben Nelson to get good ratings.
AdLib : Though, we can’t overlook the one person who has cut through the bullshit and asked the point blank questions with top Repubs and Dems, Jon Stewart.
PatsyT : Louis Black … very cool ….
AdLib : CL – Wanda would be fun but she’s primarily entertaining an audience as opposed to educating, where Louis Black could hit both bases.
choicelady : Now Louis Black – I could get into his style! And he DOES have substance.
AdLib : bito – Yep, that is a part of their brain that’s working on decision making while I don’t see that with someone like Rachel.
AdLib : Patsy – Love Wanda. Louis Black would be fun too.
choicelady : Patsy – I have to tell you I really DISLIKE her. I don’t think she has substance, and I am not a fan of her style. So I’d not watch her at ALL.
bitohistory : I always feel empty with Matthews and Ed, they keep missing the hard pertinent questions IMHO. Is it because they don’t want to piss them off too much? Won’t come back on the show? No guests, No ratings?
AdLib : CL – I agree about the arrogance of TYT. As for Matthews standing up to people, he does sometimes do it to the right people, other times he harasses legit people as he did virtually calling Alan Grayson full of shit about getting HCR passed…which he did help pass despite Matthews pronouncing it impossible.
PatsyT : How about Wanda Skyes on MSNBC? That would help their ratings!
choicelady : I will have reservations about L. O’Donnell unless and until I see him stand on his own two feet for long duration. He has been a bit too close to Ms. H. at times for me not to worry a tad.
choicelady : AdLib – I never knew that about Chris. But it sure fits, doesn’t it – same head shape and all. Same hyper feather fluffing, too. Still – Tweety the Original is much nicer.
AdLib : Thanks Patsy, I like O’Donnell but he is sometimes leaning a bit too hard on Obama. He’s not a purist and he is a sharp guy.
choicelady : Patsy – I would agree. Chris won my heart before the election by totally swatting down a major anti-abortion person and just telling her to STOP talking about “partial birth abortion” which had NO bearing on the discussion. I’d never seen a mainstream person be so blunt and honest! So he will always have that in his favor. BTW – I hate the Young Turks, too. They are arrogant and uninformed about LOTS of issues.
bitohistory : I think he got that when he was on PBS
AdLib : CL – I can’t take credit for making it up, Matthews was nicknamed Tweety even before I started blogging!
PatsyT : Choice, Rachel and Keith are, IMHO, the better ones but I often have on Chris M and The Ed show in the back ground, again, to observe … Sometimes I think Ed and Chris can really hit a home run and then they can really drop a stinker – Just not as consistent as RM Or KO
AdLib : CL – And what this new era of omniscient Screaming Heads has done is create a polarized viewership where there is no middle. People tune into only the people and shows that validate what they already feel and polarize them more. There is no enlightening, only entrenchment.
choicelady : Tweety – you mean Christ Matthews? THAT’S WHO HE REMINDS ME OF! Thanks, AdLib – that’s been bothering me for months! Only Tweety is nice. They just LOOK alike.
bitohistory : Ratigan has benen a long time schmoozer with the corporate boys «link»
AdLib : Khirad – I agree, Rachel is consistently incisive and even when she goes a little over the top on something, her approach allows her to do so without coming off badly. Whereas, I was a big fan of KO but he now goes way over the top so often, it cuts against his message and impact. Tweety is annoying most of the time to me and bulldog-like in his ignorance. Ed is another poser who tosses out red meat to Dems and RatAgain…well, guess you know what I think of that weasel.
choicelady : Khirad – oh goodie. Just what we need. Another self-righteous solipsist. It’s getting harder and harder to distinguish between and among them all. People who have ALL the answers – religious or secular – are destroying the entire fabric of society because they listen to no one but themselves and their sycophants. Truly disturbing.
PatsyT : I wonder how the new show, Lawrance O’Donnell will turn out ? «link»
choicelady : AdLib – that’s why I never have seen him. We don’t have a TV at the office. Just as well, from the sound of it!
Khirad : Ratigan loves the sound of his own rage, CL.
choicelady : AdLib – Ratigan sounds like something I’ve been trying to write a post on. The Maher type of person. I’ll keep thinking about what is going ON.
Khirad : Nailed it Patsy. I do it so I know what the TP’s and stories are of the day, but other than Rachel, Keith is quite hit and miss, Chris has his moments, and Ed is miraculously back on the cheer Obama wagon after wishing for HCR to fail, etc. Honestly, he’s all over the place from day to day. I am awaiting to see how Lawrence does. It could go either way.
AdLib : CL – Yes, RatAgain has a show at 1:00 pm PDT on MSNBC which is a time I like to grab lunch and watch the news…not anymore.
bitohistory : He is on the telly, but I’m usually listening to NPR.
choicelady : Patsy – I still love Rachel, and MOST of the time Keith. I don’t watch many of the other shows.
AdLib : bito – I didn’t see Forbes on because I can’t watch that Rat anymore but appreciate the validation. He is a plant, he is RatiganFucking the Dem Party and Obama.
choicelady : Well, that’s good news. I think she’d have been a terrible president because at core she’s corporatist and conservative.
bitohistory : CL, I saw she was asked today and she seemed pretty strong on not running. ????
AdLib : Khirad – One sentance probably, in no more than two syllables. “Vote out Dems! They are evil and hate you!”
choicelady : AdLib – GOOD! I don’t like her at all.
PatsyT : On those MSNBC folks… I find I am watching them more to find out what they are up to rather then to learn anything new.
choicelady : OK – I”m confused. Is Ratigan on MSNBC now? I’ve never seen him. But I hate his ad about Harry Truman – there’s something really immature about him. Obviously from your comments, that is not just a misperception on my part.
Khirad : Yeah AdLib, I saw your post on Ratigan over a week ago and wholeheartedly agreed. Plus, he’s just plain grating. Preaching to the choir.
It took me only a week to become completely disgusted with him.
AdLib : CL – I would highly doubt that, there are too many folks like us, over 40% of the electorate so over 50% of Dems who support Obama. If she stepped in like Teddy Kennedy did to Carter, to oppose a sitting president, she would never win and would be seen as destroying the Obama presidency and handing it to Palin or Romney.
bitohistory : AdLib the day day after you wrote your piece on Rataagin he had Fobes on play kissy-face!!
AdLib : Khirad – Ratigan is a RatAgain. He is a total phony, a weak Glenn Beck fraudulent populist who kisses the asses of the wealthy and powerful all the time. He practically sat in T. Boone Pickens lap in each of the frequent times he’s had him on. I despise that Rat.
choicelady : Khirad – it will be TWO pages, but one of them will be pretty pictures.
bitohistory : I knew that was your answer.
You’re right.
Khirad : How many pages will the GOP plan be that they are to present after Labor Day? 1 page or 2?
choicelady : AdLib – undermine “him” meaning Obama.
choicelady : AdLib – I have a question. Are Cenk et al. Hillary’s folks, and is this a calculated effort to undermine him enough to have her ascend in 2012? Beware Hillary though – she’s tight with the C Street “FAMILY” RW Christians!!!!
AdLib : bito – It only works for the party out of power to have no positions. They can simply run on hating the party in power for everything that’s bad. The party in power can’t afford to do that and yet that’s all I’m seeing. Continuing down that path is a recipe for disaster.
Khirad : Yeah, I know about Cenk. I have mixed feelings on him. I just like him better than Ratigan mostly! (which isn’t saying much)
Khirad : I saw Shep Smith tear this guy apart with the oxycodone comparison on FOX one day. The greatest part? The pot advocate was a prosecutor. This was after the firings of people for dirty UAs from prescription cannabis.
AdLib : Khirad – Though I do like some of Cenk’s work, he is a Purist Dem and is adamantly against Obama.
bitohistory : I don’t know AdLib. Not having many positions is working for the R’s. Boner says they will come out with a platform this month. Should they?
AdLib : CL – I have been very vocal along the way that the DLC types are a threat to Obama’s presidency and the Dem party staying in power. THEY are the ones who presided over the worst losses in elections. Meanwhile, when Dean was running things, we had some of the most powerful wins and Dean’s 50 state strategy paved the way for Obama to be elected. I don’t think there could be a President Obama today if there wasn’t a Howard Dean heading up the DNC.
choicelady : Patsy T – and Prop. 19 is written to prevent corporate take over of production and sales. Hah! Rather see people self medicate with pot than oxycontin.
Khirad : A bit of a tangent, but I wish they’d just replace Ratigan with Cenk already. And it’s quotes like that that make me say it. Plus that little ‘Reagan would be drummed out by the Tea Party’ bit today.
choicelady : AdLib – YIKES. What ARE we going to do to change the party and move forward with some real vision? Obama has GOT to stop listening to Rahm. The party has to stop sinking to its most cowardly level!
PatsyT : Choice, That prop 19, if it passes, might cut into their action!
AdLib : Here’s some of what Cenk Uygur wrote about Tim Kaine: “But tactics also matter. Tim Kaine seems to be running the reverse 50 state strategy — we can lose anywhere in the country. So, what’s he doing wrong? He’s gone back to the old days at the DNC, where all you do is raise money and hope that you can win without a message. This is principally the Rahm Emanuel strategy — cave in to lobbyists, collect their money, choke off Republican fundraising efforts by better serving corporate America and win elections by outspending the opposition. The only problem is that it doesn’t work. For this Emanuel strategy to work no one has to find out what you’re doing. This was fairly easy in the old days when the public only got their news from the corporate media. Television news stations almost never mention the idea that politicians might be voting based on corporate donations and not based on actual principles. So, as long as they covered Rahm’s ass, he was fine. But now people get their news online, and we have no incentive to lie to them. So, the American people are on to them.”
choicelady : Why don’t Dems what it where the electorate wanted to go? The cowardice is disgusting. This does not need to be a ‘centrist” nation of no vision. We need bold leaders, not wimps.
Khirad : Well, Kaine had to win in VA. I wish we’d have more leaders from reliably liberal electorates – though Kaine isn’t behooved to them anymore, you get my point. If there’s one thing to learn from the unrepentant racist Jesse Helms it is that you pull the party to where you want it.
choicelady : Patsy T – Oh – I get THAT Ok. I got harangued by some conservative minister yesterday for the fact my organization is YES on Prop. 19 in CA – marijuana legalization. And this is partly why – you can get hooked on all kinds of legal things. Better to regulate and prevent young people getting criminal charges than to pretend marijuana is some huge evil that legal drugs are not.
PatsyT : Choice once they hook ya – It is your God –
choicelady : I don’t even know who Kaine is. That’s how out of touch the party is. I never noticed.
AdLib : What Pharma and Beck need to do is create a hypnotic drug shaped like a wafer that can be given at Communion. Then the circle will be complete.
choicelady : PAtsy – gosh, I never thought Pharma was God. Always thought they were evil incarnate. I’ll have to go read my Bible – if I can find it…
PatsyT : Choice but BIG Pharma is God, isn’t it?
AdLib : And Kaine is a virtual Blue Dog.
choicelady : Patsy – you’ve managed to link God (aka Bob Doles) and Big Pharma. That’s scarey beyond words!
Khirad : So sorry CL. I would say Scott Brown, but he’s been thrown under the bus. Isn’t Miller’s brawny plaid look more Scrawny Man?
AdLib : CL -Tim Kaine
choicelady : AdLib – ignorant question , but who’s the current head of the DNC?
Khirad : Well, that’s the only thing that’s big in that scenario, Patsy.
AdLib : CL – I think we’re seeing what happens when the DLC is in control of the DNC and have one of their own as Chief of Staff. Their philosophy has always been the game of inches, don’t offend anyone, just try to squeak out that 1% to win, don’t challenge the status quo because that’s who they actually are themselves. It is a losing philosophy. You didn’t see this much flailing around when Howard Deam was running the DNC.
choicelady : Khirad – where to the female bagger fit in? You know – the iconic lady with tea bags hanging from her hat? Don’t they have some input here?
bitohistory : o/T how many faces does David Brooks have? Sheesh!! I heard him change positions three times in one day.
PatsyT : Khirad so it all goes back to BIG Pharma
Khirad : oops return. They said she’s hot and that they’d vote for her on that. And there you have it. Old pervs and their viagra are the Tea Party.
choicelady : Holy ghost? Mitch McConnell of course – always knew he was DOA.
PatsyT : So Bob Dole as God ?-? Who is the Holy Ghost ?
Khirad : You know the bagger O’Connell. Troll after troll said: wow, she
choicelady : AdLib – Dole as God on Viagra? Waaay bad visuals…
Khirad : Night Pepe.
choicelady : G’night Pepe!
Khirad : Next two months, attack, attack, attack. I’m getting nervous too CL.
choicelady : Be well, Seek!
AdLib : And I didn’t see HITO head out, have a great weekend HITO!
Khirad : Well, at least the stupid meme about the Tea Party not being about social issues is falling apart. I never bought it. Maybe the original leaders were more libertarian, but not the people that came to their little hate-fests.
choicelady : I am waiting waiting waiting for the Dems to DO something! Obama can’t win this alone. Where is the PARTY pushing back on message and pushing ahead on what amazing things we have gotten in just 18 months! They need to hammer the Social Security Medicare debacle – it’s the seniors who MUST be driven to vote self interest, and people have got to understand how essential it is that we not be put back into the hands of people even MORE extreme than Bush. I never thought Bush would look moderate compared to Angle and some of the old-time Reeps who have capitulated to the teabaggers.
bitohistory : Night Pepe, night seek –peace
AdLib : Night Seek! Have a great weekend!
PatsyT : Peace to you Seek
AdLib : Night Pepe, get some rest! You’ve got a big climb ahead of you!
PatsyT : Nighty night Pepe, give that mountain a run for the $$!
bitohistory : AdLib that is truly sick!
Khirad : Ooh, how soon until Beck reveals that God spoke to him to ordain Prima Noctem temporary marriages with fine young Lebanese-America ns to breed the Muslim out of them?
SeeknDestroy : I must be off….You crazy kids keep up the good work…PEACE….
PepeLepew : OK, sorry, gotta go, gotta put people to bed!
AdLib : Bob Dole as God. But if he’s wearing a white robe and has taken Viagra…that could be a little off putting to kneel to.
SeeknDestroy : yikes.
bitohistory : Not just usually, seek every time but two since Hoover.
choicelady : AdLib – LOL!!!!! I have to agree. He used to be annoying but sort of cute. Now he is totally off his mind. But he never looses sight of the main chance for moolah, does he?
AdLib : Khirad – Thanks but I think we’re of the same mind on this. Such spoiled brats can’t be counted on to come out and do the right thing, The Purists are not and won’t be our allies so we just have to run right over them.
PatsyT : Hey bito I have been away .. After next week I should be around more often
AdLib : CL – I’m right with you! And I don’t think Beck believes anything he says anyway. I think he is purely driven by whatever will make him more famous, more wealthy and more powerful. And if in that pursuit, he had to come out in favor of raping Muslim women so their anchor babies would be part Christian, he’d do it in a second.
choicelady : Pepe – well, there IS that! Seek -I’m not sure he wants to be God so much as he wants to be God’s best salesman (sign on the dotted line for salvation, only $25 processing fee) and Fr. Coughlin of our time.
SeeknDestroy : BTW, mid terms are usually bad for the party in power, sadly
bitohistory : Patsy-O/T- I have been missing you in the mornings.
Khirad : If I knew nothing else about Glenn I would question someone whom converted from Catholicism to the LDS Church (no offense to either). I do wonder how the Elders feel about him practically starting his own revival cult though.
PatsyT : Ding Ding winner Bob Dole! LOLO
SeeknDestroy : Bob Dole!
bitohistory : almost every election I remember the biggest task for Dems has been GOTV and this year we are waaay behind on that count.
PatsyT : And the part of God will be played by……
choicelady : PAtsy T – that ought to be in the commandments – it is a grievous sin to be against social justice!
SeeknDestroy : Glen wants to BE GOD…the end
PepeLepew : Cl, I don’t know if Glenn actually believes in anything other than his $32 million salary.
Khirad : Oh yeah, I forgot. They have to be validated that Obama is a wimp, and we’ll help facilitate the point. I think you answered that question well, AdLib.
choicelady : Pepe – I am NOT a religious person in any sense Glenn would understand, but God – the One, the alpha omega, the conscience and consciousness of us, love, beauty, altruism, sacrifice – all of that is what humans CAN be and do, and it’s all around all of us all the time. Glenn is wrong because he thinks God is a cranky Santa with a checklist. Whatever we do in the name of good and whenever we come together to do it – that is God. Glenn could join in, but he chose NOT to. He is fascinated with superstition, and he is thus not part of the great moment of love and inclusion and truth and beauty. Sad for him – NOT for us!
PepeLepew : Health reform will continue to be neutral … until it actually takes effect.
PatsyT : Thanks Kihrad thats the one… It is a sin to be against Social Justice!
AdLib : Khirad – I think the rest of us need to overwhelm and push back Repubs and Purist Dems. I wouldn’t count on the Purists to come together with the rest of us, they are clearly too self-centered and egocentric to do so. In fact, their ego would probably be more gratified by Repubs winning big so they can say, “See Obama, if you weren’t such a wimp, this wouldn’t have happened! Told you so!”
bitohistory : The Gallup poll has HCR as almost a neutral item for the election but I heard it brought up as a major problem for the dems??? Do polls only count some of the times?
Khirad : Don’t see Amos pulled out that often. «link»
SeeknDestroy : Haha! knocks over an old person…steals their car…..wink
choicelady : Seek – let’s not get carried away!
PepeLepew : Dangit! Choicelady, Seek, etc., let’s face it, God just ain’t on our side. I heard it from D.C. last weekend … right after the “I touched George Washington’s document” speech.
SeeknDestroy : I gots some sinnin’ to do!
choicelady : Seek dear – it’s ok, you can come out. Honestly – life is no more dangerous now than before you read Revelations. It’s just a story, and largely misinterpreted, and it’s entirely false in that interpretation. Life is cool, and we love you.
SeeknDestroy : Ahhhhhhh…Clint Eastwood(R) rides a pale hores…..wink
PepeLepew : Choicelady, Seek, etc., let’
AdLib : bito – Exactly, Reagan was Pres over a far worse time with the Unemployment and inflation situation. But Fox News wasn’t around then and many news organizations weren’t owned by mega corporations,.
Khirad : Revelation is some good fun. Whore of Babylone a star named Wormwood, seven headed beast, seven horsemen, Jesus with a big sword and apocalyptic carnage everywhere. It’s bagger Xtianity to a T. They don’t need the Gospels with St. John of Patmos’ hallucinations.
SeeknDestroy : LOL
choicelady : Seek – Revelations was never an original part of scripture but somewhere along the line some perfect idiot thought it would quell the masses. Come out from under the bed. It ain’t true, and it’s NOT the End Times, and it’s all a lie.
PatsyT : Who was on the Ed show today talking about the Bible & the book of Amos?
AdLib : CL – I LOVE that the Church Lady swears! We need more of you! And why do people vote against their own interests? Because too many people are different animals than many of us, they don’t even think about their best interests, they vote purely on feelings and emotions. Right now, people are frustrated and angry so they vote against the Dems because they’re the ones in charge right now. That simple and that simple minded.
SeeknDestroy : It’s ahrd to type in a prone position
Khirad : Oh boy, can you wait for 99 to Angle?
SeeknDestroy : I read Revelations…I still hide under my bed
choicelady : Pepe = I guess. If you thought Jesus was a perfect materialist.
SeeknDestroy : Oh, I dislike Harry….I’d vote for him 1,000,000 times before I’d EVER vote for a loon like Angle
PepeLepew : Geez, you never read the New Testament?
PepeLepew : Choicelady … because Reagan was the second coming of Jesus?
Khirad : Yes or no. Will the Puritans be able to unite for the next two months and save it until after the election. And follow up. Will any of them have any remorse when we indeed see the greater of two evils remind us how evil they can be? Sorry to beat a dead horse, but like AdLib, I can not STAND the Republicrat meme. I hate to call someone a traitor for not towing the party line, but when you’re not realistic or constructive, I come to reason that you’re a fifth column. Argh. I’m venting… sorry.
AdLib : To those getting “SPAM” when trying to post – clear your browser’s cache and the issue will go away. Meanwhile, I just tried an adjustment on the software that should help prevent this from reoccurring. Sorry about that!
choicelady : bito – Reagans’ unemployment was over 10% into 1982. Why do the RW get a pass, and the liberals get shit? We have never recovered from Carter – who was NOT a Dem by any stretch of the imagination save in name only.
PepeLepew : Jesus, it’s the apocalypse. I’m not a fan of Harry Reid, but at least he ain’t batshit crasy.
SeeknDestroy : Ok, she can’t win……….may be….
SeeknDestroy : they are neck and neck….too close to call
PepeLepew : Angle can’t actually win, can she? Tell me she can’t win.
choicelady : Pepe = go to the edge of the screen and start in there. You can write there until you clear your cache. AdLib taught me well about the latter. For some reason you can write in the small right hand screen when you get “I hate spam” on this one.
SeeknDestroy : brains?
SeeknDestroy : Thew shit has more braons?
PatsyT : Go for it ChoiceChurchLady !
AdLib : Pepe – You need to clear your cache and all should be cool!
SeeknDestroy : Excellent question…Angle has NO ANSWERS….she won’t even talk to the press.
Khirad : If there was any clearer use for none of the above, you think it would be for Angle…
AdLib : The only problem with a flaming bag of poo on Glenn’s doorstep is, how do we tell the difference between the two of them?
bitohistory : CL, hello, and Reagan’s Unemployment numbers were still over 8% with over 5% inflation? What’s inflation now? barely 1%.
choicelady : Seek – WHY?????????? Why would people vote for someone they hate whose policies will kill them. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH AMERICANS???? (Yes, the churchlady swears…)
SeeknDestroy : SPAM!
SeeknDestroy : Basically none of the above gets thrown out…..a waste of time, if you ask me…
AdLib : Khirad – Yes, this was a basis for my anger at the Purist Dems. Their absolutist, spoiled-children approach to Obama and the Dems, pulling their support and dissing them for not being Santa Claus, has fed the disillusionment and lack of enthusiasm. It could indeed depress turnout, they could literally have paved a clearer path for Repubs to win they they should ever have had.
PepeLepew : Ok, everything I post is being called “spam.” I am confused.
choicelady : AdLib – my friend is a “she”, just to be clear.She’s already published stuff on Palin, and she’s brilliant.
SeeknDestroy : 2/3’s of the GOP in NV polled said they hate Angle, but would vote for her anyway….*eye roll*
choicelady : Khirad – I agree about the self fulfilling prophecy. The narrative just got more weird with Obama at 50% approval. What is WRONG with the media – including MSNBC – that they don’t see how strong that is. It’s waaaay ahead of Reagan at his mid term.
SeeknDestroy : People can actually vote none of the above….but I don’t recall it ever being enough to topple one of the real politicians
Khirad : I joked today that Beck is running for Supreme Leader of ‘Merica. By the way, anyone have a list of those Olbermann puns on his name? Those crack me up.
choicelady : AdLib – indeed I will write it!!!
AdLib : CL – But the wealthy Repubs don’t want what the Dominionist Christian Repubs want, they want to live forever as kings. At what point do their divergent goals become a point of conflict?
AdLib : CL – Wow! I would definitely like to feature an article about his book here at The Planet when it comes out. Don’t suppose you might be interested in writing it?
SeeknDestroy : Like I said…flame optional….-)
Khirad : Hey Seek, how will that none of the above option play in Nevada? I don’t fully understand how that works.
choicelady : Seek – the only problem with a flaming bag of poo on Glenn’s porch is that it would make him a martyr, and honest to God – I just cannot stand anymore tears from that man!
SeeknDestroy : I know, AdLib. There were still some people involved who were sent to jail.
Khirad : You hit upon one of my worries, AdLib. On one hand, there’s no reason to put our heads in the sand, on the other, I think the ’94 wave redux narrative is being driven too far. I worry that MSNBC among others are constructing a self-fulfilling prophecy. In ironies upon ironies, I saw someone link a firedog lake article warning that the third party is those libs that stay at home and warning them to get out there and vote. Well, after ratfucking for the past year you figure it out now?
AdLib : Seek – ACORN wasn’t really doing anything wrong…it came out after the cowardly Dems in Congress went along with destroying them, it was all an edited and faked video. ACORN was totally cleared.
bitohistory : Kirad I did see one poll and it is too close, Tucson has to get out the vote for her!!!
HITO : Two Americas X 2. Philosophically and economically.
choicelady : AdLib – I have a friend who is writing THE definitive book about Dominionist Christians and showing how the intersection between their belief the End Times is near and their devotion to eradicating ALL Muslims ties into foreign policy with the Reeps. It’s coming out in Feb. (I think) and will blow the LID off these people. BTW – they are all freaking in my town tonight through Sunday – “The Call” with Lou Engle and Ron Cantrell, the latter calling himself the West Coast Ambassador of the Christian Embassy. Virulent anti-Muslim person. On the other hand this Christian Zionist got thrown OUT of Israel for trying to convert Jews. Lovely people!
SeeknDestroy : I say we catapult 100 pounds of dog shit onto Glen Beck’s front porch. Flame, optional
PatsyT : Two Americas
AdLib : Seek – But the goal of creating a bigger divide between rich and poor can also turn into A Tale of Two Cities.
AdLib : CL – You are always doing something meaningful, thanks!
Khirad : Do you think Kelly beating Paton was a blessing in disguise, or are you still worried, bito? I’m hoping for another Randy Graf outcome, and Gabby playing against the boycott is some great maneuvering.
SeeknDestroy : We need another ACORN-like org. to do what ACORN was doing, minus the tomfoolery
PatsyT : Ah Seek we are going beck to the feudal system… Welcome to Medieval Life!
bitohistory : On the MSM today RE: the jobs numbers, ONE time I saw them mention that when bush was in his last month we lost 750,000 jobs!! 1 friggen month!
AdLib : Seek – Remember, “Bomb-bomb-bomb , bomb-bomb Iran”? And Palin talked about wanting to go to war there too!
choicelady : HiAdLib and Seek – YES! ACORN is essential to giving the poor a voice. Why else the great lies and smear campaign?
HITO : Good evening Choice. And to Khirad and Bito as well. I did not want to interrupt before.
AdLib : Hey Choicelady!!!
SeeknDestroy : ACORN, anyone? Hi CL!
AdLib : bito – If Bush had succeeded in using his “political capital” after his re-election, that is exactly where we would have been as a nation in 2008. And despite it being crystal clear now that this way lies total destruction, plenty of morons out there support the Repubs call for privatizing SS!
choicelady : Hi Patsy!
choicelady : Hi Seek – poor, hungry people may NOT be easier to control if they organize, but unorganized, they are easier to starve to death.
PatsyT : Hi ChoiceLady!
SeeknDestroy : ANOTHER right wing goal…increase the divide between the rich and the poor….poor hungry people are easier to control
choicelady : Good evening all – sorry to be SO late. Dealing with my neighbors who have been victims of hate crimes. I damn well KNOW there is a difference with the Dems in office – they don’t turn away at these issues!
AdLib : HITO – Let’s add in that a huge part of the problem is the narrative that the MSM forces down everyone’s throats. They have two incentives to push the “people are angry and will vote Repub in a landslide” narrative. First, their parent corporations want the tax cuts for the wealthy the Repubs want to give them. Second, it’s much better for ratings to have a lunatic screaming that the president is a marxist enemy of America than to cover a reasoned explanation about how much Obama has accomplished.
bitohistory : He won and he beat a teabagger –too liberal.
SeeknDestroy : AdLib, don’t forget the mushroom clouds over N.Korea nad the Gulf
bitohistory : I want to ask the guy in my district “with ss in the stock market, when it crashes how much will the bail out be for seniors? or will they just starve and go homeless.
AdLib : Patsy – I think we do need the Grass Roots to step up more and louder, not to attack Obama but to speak out on what needs to be done and why.
AdLib : Khirad – Indeed, that is one of the most destructive misapprehensions out there, that there is no difference between the Dems and Repubs. Right, HCR and the Stimulus would never have been passed, we’d probably be at war in Iran, unemployed people would be denied benefits, the wealthy would grab more of our wealth and Joe Barton would be french kissing BP and pleading with them to drill baby drill more and deeper. WHat a bullshit meme.
bitohistory : Kihrad I don’t know, You have to look quick at the end for AFP
HITO : Adlib, yes they have let them slip away. All the Repubs are getting the publicity, negative or not, they are the ones grabbing headlines.
SeeknDestroy : Yikes
PatsyT : Sounds
SeeknDestroy : 41-2 Arizona? Is Toledo 2A?
PatsyT : AdLib, Sound like they need help writing the ads… How about ads that lay open the connection to the money and who benefits from that? Since this is somewhat new territory.
Khirad : Aw, after all, there are mines to dig in SE Arizona, too. I just thought the message was odd. They weren’t saying throw Gabby out, they were acting as if she would win again and telling her to stand up to Pelosi. It was just odd I tell you. Or are the Koch bros behind the more direct Jesse Kelly ads?
bitohistory : No Seek, we are down below the Gila river. not part of greater Phoenix.
AdLib : I have to say, as of today and this can change, it feels like the Dems and Obama are just allowing the election this year to slip away. Where is the aggressive strategy? Where is the defining of “Do you want gridlock and impeachment for the next two years or help getting a job?”
Khirad : Also, a lot of young people, even me are skeptical of it still being there. Of course, it will always pay out, just not as much, and that should get out more. Remember when Al Gore was mocked for the Lock Box? And yes, it backfired on the class of ’94, too when they tore into Clinton. It still wouldn’t be pretty, and if you still think there’s no difference in the parties get ready for the shit to hit the fan, oh ye of selective amnesia.
bitohistory : The anti Gabby ads are by the Koch backed group American For Prosperity, the new John Birchers.
AdLib : Khirad – The probelem I think is that young people never really accept that they will be old and be living off of SS one day. As for subpoena power, as I wrote in my article, it would likely be more devastating to the GOP and bring more support to Obama for the public which is in desperate need of help, seeing the GOP spend all its time and energy on lynching Obama.
Khirad : Boo Sun Devils! (Guess Again)
Khirad : What is up with the ad against gabby saying that she shouldn’t listen to Pelosi? Who on earth is behind that one? By the way Gabby’s one on his stance on SS is nice. I saw the first one the day after he won the primary. I’ve been pleased that Gabby’s been going strong with the ads for a couple months now. And she and the DCCC should, she was on the target list, after all.
SeeknDestroy : Me too, bito
bitohistory : Hey all, was semi watching here and a progam on the telly.
SeeknDestroy : Arizona Sun Devil fan, Khirad? Hello, BTW.
AdLib : HITO – Yes, it would help which was the idea behind the post on writing a speech for Obama. Not that he would literally use the exact speech but it would give us a chance to say, “This is the kind of thing WE need to hear and so does all of America!”
bitohistory : Khirad. have you senn any ads for Kelly? nope Have youseen any ads against Gabby by the AFP? YEP
SeeknDestroy : Almost
SeeknDestroy : It’s frightening, alright. I might ALMOST feel sorry for whoever would have to attempt to corral those hard core morons.
Khirad : Hey bito, 34-2.
PatsyT : Hey Bito!
Khirad : I’ll never forget the epic shredding Stewart or Colbert (okay, I guess I do forget!) gave to the use of the question mark.
AdLib : Hey Bito!!!
AdLib : Seek – A potential of 6% of the Senate could be provably insane. How does that help the nation, aside from getting them off our streets and onto the streets of DC?
bitohistory : labor day is the traditional time to begin the politiking , have the Dems been waiting? Too late?
PatsyT : Well Dems have to step out of the shadows and quit going around like they have something to be ashamed of. If there is any thing to learn about this is that you can sell anything to these Big Glup drinkers!
AdLib : Khirad – Fox repeates all the BS (as they did with Breitbart) under the dishonest context of, “Is this true?” Then, they quote themselves as a source that is questioning some trumped up charge against Obama. It is a scam that is tearing apart our democracy and the same saps who buy what their emails or tv or commercials tell them, are happily helping tear it apart.
Khirad : Did anyone see that Joe Miller questioning from John King of all people about his parent’s SS? How he said he would stop it for future generations only? This should get out to the disillusioned young Obama voters. This guy is an ass, but at least he’s one of the few that aren’t running away from the media. They may have found their Ivy League spokesman. And, I do wish people would start questioning what it is they suggest to do and they plan on going about it. Also, the subpoena power and purse string power scares the hell out me.
HITO : Adlib, but wouldn’t it help the dem candidates if O started getting more vocal about the Repub obstructionist machine at play? I just want him to step up to the plate again.
bitohistory : Remember the dems have 18 seats up the r’s 9 in the senate
SeeknDestroy : Why do people vote AGAINST their own self interests?
SeeknDestroy : There are 6 potential tea baggers up for Senate seats.
AdLib : HITO – I’m with you but once again, the conservative side of Obama and his conservative advisers have pushed him into a less powerful, less relevant corner of trying not to rock the boat as we lead up to the Nov. elections.
Khirad : Why do people trust an e-mail that says Obama is a secret Muslim Kenyan anymore than that a Nigerian Prince has money to send you? But yes, it does cut both ways — especially as long as Net Neutrality isn’t further compromised by the already rampant search engine seeding. I would say that FOX only suggests stuff sometimes, whereas those conspiracy sites come right out and say it. Of course, they both work hand-in-hand and FOX just needs to give a wink and a nod to them.
SeeknDestroy : I can’t believe anyone of SS and Medicare age, or close, would vote for these fools.
AdLib : Seek – Imagine Angle, Rand Paul, the loon up in Alaska and a number still out there, comprising 5% or more of the Senate! This nation is bordering on a death wish.
AdLib : Khirad – That’s a potent question. I do think it’s a sword that cuts both ways. If not for this series of tubes, many lies would never have been widely exposed either. The lockstep followers would believe the BS anyway…and when you consider that there is now an official propaganda arm of the GOP on tv now, stopping the BS on the internet and emails would hardly stop the disinformation.
PatsyT : Sometimes I wonder if this ‘reporting’ on the polls and the ‘anger out there’ is a set up for elections to be rigged? Diabold?
HITO : Patsy, he announced the increase of 67K jobs, and nicely asked the Repubs to stop blocking the small biz financing. I wished he had point his fingers, and said something strong to the Repubs…let the blame rest where it needs to be laid.
SeeknDestroy : Can you imagine a Congress where Steve King and Michelle Bachmann are moderates?
AdLib : Seek – You’re right and so many of these…sorry to say it but…fools who are supporting them, depend on their SS and Medicare and others are needy of good paying jobs…yet they’re voting for the people who will do all they can to take all that away. It is insane.
Khirad : How about that Newt? He is only arguably crazy (like an opportunistic fox) ideologically – but he sure is playing to the stupid. As to the tabloid nature, I would ask my own question. How much of this is related to forwarded e-mails and a complete bypassing of the already compromised infotainment “news” media? Have we opened the floodgates, and crossed the cultural Rubicon? Is there any turning back or correcting crazy, anonymous forwarded e-mails? Can we trust people to eventually wise up?
AdLib : HITO – It is a possibility and having a crop of, as Khirad says, one term loonies in the Senate can only damage this country more profoundly.
PatsyT : Hey Khirad! I wonder the same thing and how is it that they celebrate the stupid? Is that really an American Value?
AdLib : Khirad – I think the aggressive approach of the parties to register people is how some of these under-informed types became registered. And as to the general ignorance of the American Public, though it provably true, what is asinine is how people on both sides of the fence get Politically Correct and claim it’s elitist to announce that the Emperors have no clothes.
SeeknDestroy : And it seems the ultimate right wing goal is to get right of SS, Medicare and HCR.
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
HITO : I cannot believe that Angle the fool will possibly win over Reid. It is a dark day indeed that these idiots have gotten as far as they have based on the ridiculous things they say. Joe Miller…what a tool.
AdLib : Well, next week I will put together all the comments on the Obama Speech post and put up a draft of what we could ask Obama to say about the state of reality.
Khirad : I heard the guy from UVA describe this as the class of ’80. That they will be one-termers. The thing is, that is six years for senators. I can’t wait for the buyer’s remorse to set in. Of course, in two-three more election cycles they’ll have forgotten again. You know what I think a problem is? Earlier, like 16% of Americans could name Kagen as the SCOTUS nominee, and today I saw that out of four choices, only 23 or 26% identified John Roberts as Chief Justice. Folks, I know we like to get lost in our own wonkiness, but there is a whole wide uninformed America out there. Not even the electorate is immune, but for god’s sake, I still haven’t figured out how they learned how to or found the time to register in the first place. That shall always be a mystery to me. Why do they even bother? Just inchoate anger?
PatsyT : I missed that speech also, what is he up to?
SeeknDestroy : Cheeser….:-)
AdLib : Hey Seek!
AdLib : HITO – I missed his speech but I’m not surprised. I think Obama is probably trying to stay moderate through the Nov election. Only after the election will we see if he will step up boldly or allow himself to be dragged down and down.
PatsyT : Hiya Seek!
SeeknDestroy : Hello fellow Libs….-)
PatsyT : I wonder if people that respond to these ‘Polls’ are just trying on that crazy outfit just to see how it looks, but when they see themselves in the mirror they may have a change of mind and isn’t still a little early to call it over?
SeeknDestroy : I sure the GOP will get the chance to finish ruining the American economy, as it seems that is their goal.
AdLib : Is there a tipping point on the dishonest, mercenary, anti-intellectua l politician theme or is it here to stay as a potential winning formula?
HITO : Today, I have no optimism, sadly. I was disappointed with Obama’s weak Rose Garden speak.
PatsyT : HITO, That is a crack up! Our doc’s here don’t seem to mind me in the room
HITO : Patsy, have you gotten the head’s up yet from her doctors? My dentist’s hygenist recently told me that she can no longer discuss my daughter’s teeth with me because she’s 18. I told her in that case she should discuss the arrangements of the bill she was about to give me with my daughter as well.
PatsyT : Pepe take pictures please.
AdLib : HITO – I am trying to drink it in as much as I can. You do take it for granted quite a bit because they’re so much about Mom and Dad at this age but I have many friends with grown kids so I know what happens down the road.
PatsyT : ATM & Chauffer Dad ! perfect !
PatsyT : HITO, That will be wonderful, mine is home in 8 weeks!
AdLib : Patsy – Maybe it’s married to The Grand Tetons?
HITO : Adlib, enjoy it while you can. I’ve been told she’ll “come back” in the relationship when she’s 22. Sigh.
AdLib : Pepe – That sounds like a fantastic trip! And so valuable in many ways.
PepeLepew : Patsy T — To America, dammit!
PatsyT : Pepe, Glacier’s 100th Aniversary? Who is the Glacier married to?
AdLib : HITO – I’m preparing for my daughter getting to that point, this summer she’s had time off and though she loves playing with her friends, still loves playing with Mom and Dad. We have a few more years of that and I try to savor it…before becoming an ATM and chauffeur.
PepeLepew : Um, I’m actually hoping three days of sun will melt some of that ice. The approach I’m contemplating will be less exhausting I think. The one I attempted took me two hours to go less than a mile.
PepeLepew : I am taking my 10-year-old to Glacier next week. Being a GATE kid, she doesn’t actually have to be in class. Bwahahahahaha! But, she does have to do reports. She is doing a report on Glacier’s 100th anniversary and another report on a place called Triple Divide Pass, where rivers flow to the Arctic, the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico. That is one of the places we are going.
HITO : Mine comes home on Sunday for one week, they’re closed due to holidays. She’s already got social things planned. I’ll play cook and laundress no doubt.
AdLib : Pepe – So there’s an approach where you won’t have to deal with snow and ice? Is that side facing the sun more?
PatsyT : HITO, we had so many scheduled things, it kept our minds busy. So we got lucky! Still, that last good bye was very very hard on us all. Where did 18 years go?
AdLib : Pepe – Nice! We went to Six Flags Magic Mountain earlier in the week, taking our 7 year old. She loves roller coasters, we counted and went on 21 roller coaster and water rides including multiple times on the same ride. I’m fine with having no big plans this weekend!
PepeLepew : It’s a 12-hour mountain. I shall take a different route upward, away and underneath a boulder fell field. Too exhausting with the snow and ice. By the time I got a chute to the top, I was done in.
AdLib : Amazing, Pepe! Making a second assault on Trapper Peak, how long do you figure it will take and what will you do differently?
PepeLepew : Tomorrow the entire family is going up St. Mary. Got box lunches ready.
PepeLepew : I am hoping to make a second assault on Trapper Peak.
PepeLepew : AdLib, you’d be amazed at where cellphones work now. I saw a cell phone working deep in the Bob Marshall wilderness. As long as you’re on a summit, a signal will find you.
HITO : Patsy, how’d it go? Did you use a small or large box of kleenex with the drop off?
AdLib : What’s everyone up to this holiday weekend?
PepeLepew : PatsyT, alternately cold and snowy and hot. I went on a hot day after a snowy day. Too much snow, still.
AdLib : Pepe, does your cell phone work at those altitudes?
HITO : Cherry Dr. Peppering.
PatsyT : Hiya HITO!
PatsyT : Good to know Pepe!
AdLib : Hey HITO! How are you?!
AdLib : That’s funny, I eat danger but it gives me Silent But Deadlies.
HITO : Evening kids.
PepeLepew : Yes, and a cell phone.
PatsyT : Pepe I hope you carry one of those GPS finder thingys!
PepeLepew : I eat danger and crap attitude, BTW.
PepeLepew : Mebbe!
AdLib : Isn’t it dangerous to solo?
AdLib : That’s damn good!
AdLib : Nope, hitting return sends the comment.
PepeLepew : 10,700 feet. I am not kidding. I was soloing on a 40-degree slope and couldn’t make it to the top.
AdLib : 11,000 is quite high! How far did you get?
PatsyT : Hi Pepe, good luck on the next try. How has the weather been on the mountains?
PepeLepew : Had three inches of snow on top. Hey, I guess you can’t hit return!
PepeLepew : Trapper Peak, Montana.
AdLib : Wow…where was this, Pepe?
AdLib : Don’t push yourself too hard, Pepe!
AdLib : Bon!
PepeLepew : Maybe Monday, a second attempt.
PepeLepew : I am still here!
AdLib : Er…bonsoir!
AdLib : Ah! Bonjour mon ami! Comment ca va?
PepeLepew : I failed to climb an 11,000 foot mountain yesterday.
PepeLepew : Bonjour?
AdLib : Congratulations! But what about surviving the tuition?
PatsyT : Hey, it went very well. We survived the heat the tears and the schedule
AdLib : Patsy! How was your trip and “handoff”?
PatsyT : Hi There!
AdLib : Please say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
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