Blues Tiger : I will call it a nighht too.. Thanks once again for the great convo
Blues Tiger : nite kes
PatsyT : Night Grandpa
AdLib : Night Kes! Night Patsy! Night BT! Night John Boy!
PatsyT : Good Night All ?-?-
kesmarn : Good night, all! It’s been great fun.
kesmarn : On that “happy” note, I guess I really should say good night.
AdLib : Sorry Kes! It is late! Why don’t we call it a night at the old Vox Populi pub? Thanks to everyone for a fun and thought provoking conversation, once again! Have a great weekend!
kesmarn : We would be truly a third world nation. Somalia would look good in comparison.
AdLib : Kes – Imagine the deficit rocketing up a trillion with new tax cuts and Wall Street free to catch up to where they were before…and jobs still reduced and at lower rates. If McCain had won, the US would probably be lost in recession for decades.
kesmarn : Oh Mercy! Why did I look at the clock. It’s 2 a.m. here!!!
kesmarn : Oh yeah.
PatsyT : Beck – LemonHead
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, a Repub could easily completely undo what it has taken Obama years of painstaking effort to accomplish. Scary.
AdLib : Payamlin.
AdLib : Boehner – Carrot.
kesmarn : “I Yam What I Yam.” That sounds like Palin.
kesmarn : Limbaugh: BigBoy tomato.
PatsyT : Palin – Yam ?
AdLib : kes – If a Repub came in in 2012 and pushed back through more tax cuts and de-regulation, I would bet that within that first term, the economy would explode again.
Blues Tiger : Thats why I said I think both parties underestimate the mood of the people… GOP led Impeachment could quite possibly lead to rioyts in the streets this time around
PatsyT : Best Cold and crunchy
AdLib : A head of Romaine lettuce.
kesmarn : Perfect, Patsy.
PatsyT : Romney – Celery !
AdLib : BT – The Repubs have learned nothing from Monicagate. Persecuting Obama would only destroy support for them and build sympathy for Obama. Let them try, they will be squashed as the Newt generation was.
Blues Tiger : Ken Buck, a Colorado Republican candidate for Senate
PatsyT : Kes you got that right
kesmarn : Or — almost worse — take credit for the turn around that’s on the horizon.
PatsyT : Thanks BT – Dumbasses ! Perfect
AdLib : Kes – I don’t think he would be willing to let a President Romney come in and destroy everything he accomplished.
Blues Tiger : He called them dumbasses
Blues Tiger : I can’t remember his name
Blues Tiger : I posted that in OT PT
kesmarn : I think it’s taking a toll on him, although he’s holding up amazingly well. Sometimes I wonder if he would not be too disappointed at not having a second term.
AdLib : The Rep in Utah? Or someone else?
Blues Tiger : Let alone Bachmann has stated that if they do she will supena all the Dems and force hearings
PatsyT : Hey who was the repub guy that called them morons or idiots ?
AdLib : They also believe the Earth is flat and Sarah Palin wants to have sex with them.
Blues Tiger : A lot of the baggers belive they will take back both houses and Impeach the Prez…
AdLib : Kes – Indeed, Obama is surrounded by political and racial minefields and yet he has to quickly pick his way through it to get done so many enormous and urgent things. No president in our lifetimes has had such huge challenges all at once and though I don’t agree with everything he’s doing, he is doing so much so quickly, it really is astonishing.
kesmarn : What they lack in intelligence, they make up for in persistence, BT.
PatsyT : Ohhh Groan the birthers again !!
Blues Tiger : In his conduct while President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, and to that end, through his subordinates and agents, has: unlawfully engaged in a conspiracy to suppress evidence of the true place of his birth. This obstruction of justice has resulted in a violation of the Constitutional provision that a President of the United States must be a natural born citizen. Unlawfully refused his assent to the Laws of the United States, and exercised false powers of veto that are contrary to Constitution.
kesmarn : Rove I see as Mr. Potato (Head).
Blues Tiger : They never give it up…«link» impeachobamacamp aign.com/article sofimpeachment/
kesmarn : I think we probably minimize the extent to which FDR was vilified, but I’m sure he went through a lot of the same thing. And he’s revered now. But he didn’t have the race thing to contend with.
AdLib : Kes – Definitely, Cheney as Pick(le)! And Bush could be Artie CHoke.
AdLib : Patsy – Berry , you make me laugh!
kesmarn : Cheney can be Pick(le).
PatsyT : Yes Kes the colors !
AdLib : Kes – Obama will be seen as an amazing president in the future and future generations will look back and think, “What kind of idiots were the people back then not to appreciate everything he did?”
kesmarn : I like these plant names; they’ll go well in my church on the stained glass windows and statuary.
PatsyT : Obama can be ?-?- Berry !
kesmarn : There have got to be days when he wonders why he ever wanted this job in the first place.
AdLib : I’ll be “Kumquat”.
PatsyT : Nice Kes, Can I be Eggplant?
kesmarn : I think I’m gonna call myself “Zucchini,” then.
AdLib : The MSM is part of this racist meme, Obama can’t be anything but a “safe” black man and then they’ll criticize him for that…but they would attack him more for showing emotion.
Blues Tiger : she is kinda “peachy”
PatsyT : Kes I don’t know but she his cute
kesmarn : Yes, and if he doesn’t show emotion, then he doesn’t “really care,” as in the Gulf situation.
AdLib : It is to him.
AdLib : And let’s not forget, Obama can’t get too angry or he’s an angry black man and that threatens white people.
kesmarn : Totally superficial, but is Mrs. Melancon’s name really “Peachy”?
AdLib : Internal Dem Poll Has Vitter, Melancon In Dead Heat Brian Beutler | July 22, 2010,
kesmarn : BT, you’ve got it. The Palins are totally “ghetto” in the stereotypical sense. While the Obama’s have to be Ozzie and Harriet.
AdLib : BT – That is the truth. And imagine if Michelle was on tape being part of a separatist movement that opposed the US Government. And if they had been exorcised for demons. The list goes on and on, the double standard is absurd.
kesmarn : Right, AdLib. And yet that’s the kind of corruption that actually is much more damaging. I’m sure we all know that, though…
Blues Tiger : If Michelle had Mcacin’s wifes record for staeling drugs , the man couldn’t even consider office
PatsyT : Melancon is almost even in the polls to Vitter «link»
Blues Tiger : Thee is no way Obama would have been nominated if he appeared on stage with a bunch of kids, a teenage daughter with a baby out of wedlock and his wife holding a handicapped baby…
AdLib : Kes – But that kind of corruption has been normalized, it’s just not as big of a deal politically to take money given by corps, it’s seen more as the way business is done.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, and when Palin’s daughter had the baby out of wedlock, it was not only overlooked. She was celebrated as a saint and martyr because hadn’t opted to abort.
Blues Tiger : I always mentioned that during the Prez campaign AdLib
kesmarn : When you think of the bazillions of dollars that people on the right took from Big Insurance during the health care debate, it makes Rangel’s offenses look like peccadillos.
AdLib : BT – Yep, but the old school corruption just doesn’t slide by today, especially for Dems.
AdLib : Hey, they’re Republicans, Patsy, we all know they’re hypocrites. But Dems! That’s not acceptable from them! Imagine if Obama had an adult daughter who had an out of wedlock birth during the presidential campaign, his campaign would have been over. But Palin? It’s okay, she’s a Republican, we know their full of crap.
Blues Tiger : He is just from the old school AdLib… Not many left…
PatsyT : Where is all the outrage abut Ensign and Vitter !!! ?????
AdLib : Obama doesn’t want an ethics trial over a Dem running up to the Nov election but Rangel isn’t going to give up easily.
Blues Tiger : I see Obama has dropped a hint about it
AdLib : BT – I think Rangle is going down but he is not the type to resign willingly, he’ll push this all the way. His ethical violations are those of a man with a lot of gall.
kesmarn : Patsy, that looks like a fascinating program.
PatsyT : No wonder they (repubs) are against trial Lawyers
kesmarn : BT. I wouldn’t be surprised. He looked a little deflated in the last clip I saw.
AdLib : Patsy – Very cool, I am going to watch that tomorrow!
kesmarn : AdLib, I am VERY glad to hear that. Oooooh, I hope she wins!
Blues Tiger : Do you guys think Rangle will resign?
AdLib : kes – It is not a defense that will hold water. The preface clearly stated that it was about Sherrod admitting she was racist in how she performed her job in USAG. NOTHING about the NAACP in the preface, his BS excuse will be decimated.
kesmarn : I think I remember that Post case, but any monetary penalty? That’s all Murdoch understands.
PatsyT : Try again «link»
PatsyT : This was rebroadcast last week on our OC PBS channel … It’s two hours long but I though about Fox and wondered if anything could happen to Fox like it did to the LA Times??«link» w.pbs.org/kcet/i nventing-la/watc h_online.html
AdLib : Murdoch apologized for that racist cartoon in the Post, that was a first.
kesmarn : Breitbarf has gall, though, I have to say. He tried to shift ground and say it was really all about the audience reaction to her words. Slippery.
AdLib : Night Bito! So glad to chat with you tonight!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Bito rest well….
Blues Tiger : Be well Bito
kesmarn : Good night, b’ito. Sleep well.
bitohistory : My meds are calling. Thanks everyone. peace
AdLib : WOnder if Fox News will cover its own libel and defamation trial?
kesmarn : She deserves every dime and every bit of vindication she can get. I think Al Gore ought to sue this crazy woman who falsely accused him, too. Hit ’em in the wallet, where it hurts.
AdLib : He succeeded in destroying ACORN with libel and tried it again. This suit isn’t going away, I don’t think. She will take him down hard, I’ll bet.
kesmarn : I’d like to see Murdoch himself apologize and/or be sued. Take it to the top.
AdLib : These RW assholes think there are no rules because they can get away with so much. Is it any coincidence Breitbart has disappeared from the media now? O’Reilly went on Leno to explain why Fox merely made a mistake and he apologized. A corp like Fox NEVER apologizes…unl ess they know they’re in deep trouble.
kesmarn : I’ve seen little bits of her husband’s speeches, b’ito. He is nobody’s fool.
kesmarn : And yet the damage to ACORN stands. And it was such a good organization.
Blues Tiger : The sued him I beleive Kes
kesmarn : That’s a very wise move on her part, then, to keep her options open. She’s remarkable to be able to move past bitterness, after what happened to her father. What a horrible thing, though, to lose your dad and then be attacked later in life by a racist.
PatsyT : Brightbutt edited up the wrong tape
bitohistory : her Father was killed by the Klan and her husband was a founder of Snic, I think she has the stamina to last a major trial
AdLib : kes – I think that one reason she hasn’t accepted the new position is that it would mitigate her damages and she may want justice instead. This is a woman whose father was assinated by a white man who was never held responsible, she may want to finally deliver justice against a racist white assassin.
kesmarn : Was there a suit on that one, BT?
Blues Tiger : He already lost in the Acorn battle…
kesmarn : Bertha Lewis from ACORN would probably be the first contributor to that defense fund!
AdLib : bito – I’d toss in a couple of bucks and I’d bet many others would.
kesmarn : You know, AdLib, if she has the stamina to do it, I say more power to her. I was just wondering if she might not rather be spared the court thing. Would love to see him finally get what’s coming to him, though.
bitohistory : I posted wondering if she would get any donations for a legal fund? Ya think ?
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, it was on Fox Nation, they published libel as well. They will use their money and lawyers to try and wriggle out of it, they may succeed but I’ll bet a settlement is in the cards for them.
AdLib : Kes – Breitbart is in the most trouble, he is the original publisher and he made a libelous statement at the beginning of the video. He is in HUGE trouble and I bet he will try to settle…but if Shirley’s who I think she is, she’s going to drag him through court for a while first to turn the tables on him.
PatsyT : Wasn’t it on the fox site Fox Nation?
bitohistory : Nighty,nite, VB
PatsyT : Nighty Night Vegas Babe…
AdLib : Night VB!!!
Blues Tiger : Nite VB
AdLib : Libel is defined as unjustifiably holding someone up to public scorn. A news org has even more of a responsibility to verify than a jerk like Breitbart.
kesmarn : Good night, VB. It’s been fun.
Blues Tiger : I wonder if his eyes morphed when he said that ?:grin:
VegasBabe : Nite all
VegasBabe : drazil dree, drazil drone, time for this one to go home!
kesmarn : I’m hoping Breitbart is forced to take the lawsuit just seriously enough that there is a large out of court settlement. I think Ms. Sherrod would probably be OK with that, too.
bitohistory : the libel thing may work, they are difficult
AdLib : bito – Libel isn’t protected by 1st Amendment. It is not a cakewalk to win a libel suit but she has a lot of great ammunition to win it.
VegasBabe : ok. now it makes more sense Adlib. thanks for the heads up.
AdLib : BT – No wonder Obama doesn’t have a birth certificate, he was hatched!
bitohistory : First amendment thing, AdLib?
Blues Tiger : OMG President Obama said “reptilian side of our brain” on the view… I gotta go check the World Leaders are Reptilian Aliens” conspricay sites now…
kesmarn : So true, Patsy. That “wide stance” story lacked creativity.
AdLib : bito – they posted libel on their website and Sherrod lost her job over it, that is concrete damages for libel.
bitohistory : A case against Fux, would be tough. IMHO
PatsyT : Kes, yes they have no imagination
kesmarn : Patsy, that tag is for T-Baggers who need instructions.
AdLib : VB – I edited a video of Brietbart so he confessed to taking crack cocaine during the birth of his kids, admitted being a narcissist and a fraud. So pleased Sherrod is suing him, hope she bankrupts him and takes a bundle from Fox.
bitohistory : Good question ,BT
VegasBabe : thanks kes.
kesmarn : VB, that was Breitbart, confessing all his sins.
bitohistory : orly taints patch?
Blues Tiger : Does youtube count views from other sites?
PatsyT : Price Tag. That piece of bear will cost you
bitohistory : path= patch
VegasBabe : Who was the gray haired guy talkin’?
bitohistory : What’s the path on the bear’s behind, patsy? Animal abuse?
AdLib : Here’s the link: «link» I should have added subtitles but read the description…
kesmarn : AdLib, I was one of the 1000. I’ll have to go back and bump up the numbers a bit!
Blues Tiger : I have posted on Soda head a few times and even a link to here, but none of the loons seem to have made the trip
bitohistory : Not bad AdLib
VegasBabe : I haven’t seen it Adlib. May I have the link?
kesmarn : If you can stop laughing long enough…
PatsyT : AdLib !!!!!!! Awesome !
PatsyT : Yes Kes nothing says come and get me like a little red bear
AdLib : BTW, may I share that my Brietbart parody has passed 1,000 views at YouTube?
kesmarn : “background” I meant.
Blues Tiger : your welcome
AdLib : Thanks for the ditty, BT.
kesmarn : Patsy, I can’t stop laughing at that bear in the backgorund!
Blues Tiger : That is an old Bobbt Bare song
Blues Tiger : heh heh heh
PatsyT : Bt We gotta get you off the range
PatsyT : Can’t find good crew for these low budget flicks… Hmfff «link»
Blues Tiger : I beleive it was one a secluded section of old Route 66 Bito
AdLib : Patsy – try the url again, doesn’t work.
bitohistory : Burma Shave, BT!! I don’t remember that one.
PatsyT : Cue the music….http:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=fJFpFOWf v4Q
AdLib : Burma Shave!
kesmarn : BT is doing a series of ’em now.
Blues Tiger : heh heh heh
Blues Tiger : and F**ks a cow
AdLib : Yep, before my time but I know about the Burma Shave signs.
kesmarn :
Blues Tiger : and a feller goes out
Blues Tiger : and a feller starts thinkin’ bout a blonde blue eyed beauty there somehow
kesmarn : Remember Burma Shave road signs? Way before my time, of course.
Blues Tiger : and a feller gets cold
AdLib : Patsy!
Blues Tiger : and a feller grows old
Blues Tiger : And the nights get lon o- o- o-o -o ly
PatsyT : We haven’t even started on Bohner !
Blues Tiger : The days get long
Blues Tiger : Wellllllllllllll ll
kesmarn : I think BT is just about to go off the deep end, VB!
Blues Tiger : but oh my friends, did you ever spend six months on the range?
VegasBabe : kes…LMAO…sto p it!
Blues Tiger : now you might think that loving a cow is somthin sorta starnge
kesmarn : Palin: “Ah don’ know nothin’ ’bout birthin’ no babies.”
Blues Tiger : is cause he loved a cow
Blues Tiger : the reason they called him stranger
Blues Tiger : I’ll tell his story now
PatsyT : First half of Gone with the Wind ! LOLOL
Blues Tiger : From the West there came a Stranger,
AdLib : Khirad – Now, I would pay to see that. After getting very wasted.
Khirad : Excellent AdLib. How about Rob Schneider in a Birth of the Nation remake?
kesmarn : The doors will be open early. For a small fee we can arrange a handsome indulgence.
VegasBabe : LMAO…poor t’baggers just don’t have a chance roun these parts.
AdLib : Kes – Yep. And “Night of the Living Dead”.
PatsyT : I will need to confess at ST Kes’s in the morning
Blues Tiger : Squellllllllllll l like a pig boy !!!
kesmarn : Perfect! Deliverance?
bitohistory : Yeah, Khirad don;t get ne stated either So much hate on that!
AdLib : TEABAGGER’S FAVORITE MOVIES: Dumb and Dumber, Dumb and Dumber 2, Birth of a Nation, anything with Rob Schneider, the first half of Gone With The Wind, The Jerk.
kesmarn : Patsy! You are on a roll tonight! :lol;
Blues Tiger : Good one PT !!!
PatsyT : Bachman Turn Her Over and Drive
Khirad : There is NO issue!
kesmarn : VB, I think a mosque near the WTC site is a good idea. It should help reassure people that Islam as a religion was not responsible for 9/11. These were fanatics.
Khirad : VB, don’t get me started on that!
VegasBabe : Patsy, on their list? Are you kiddin? It’s in their COLLECTION! LOL
bitohistory : oops, titled: The Meth Capital of America Is Scared of a Mosque
VegasBabe : I hope you have no troubles also kes. May I ask your thoughts on the mosque issue in NYC, near 9/11 I believe?
Khirad : Me too kes. The mood is really frightening, and I’m glad Chris Hayes FINALLY tackled it last night.
bitohistory : Read an article about that area in CA where the demo was titled:
PatsyT : Vegas Babe … LOL so Nalin Palin would be on their list?
AdLib : Kes – Absolutely. I have heard from members at times that what’s going on politically is so heavy and depressing sometimes, lightening people’s moods is a good thing indeed, politics overload can be a real problem.
Khirad : Ones with Larry the Cable Guy and Red Dawn?
VegasBabe : but patsy, EVERYONE knows their strictly porn fans. Sheesh!
kesmarn : We have a beautiful mosque on the outskirts of town. So far there’s been virtually no trouble. I’m praying it stays that way.
PatsyT : What movies do T Baggers prefer ?
VegasBabe : Ok…it’s not that I’m shy Adlib, it’s that I’m ah…let’s see…oh, yeah, SKEERED of being laughed at . But I did submit a joke recently which I thought was cool as did a few others. I am a movie FREAK so I will seek out those sites, and perhaps submit a little sumpin sumpin.
Khirad : I’ve been meaning to do so POV for films, but just never gotten to it. I have a tendency to set the bar too high sometimes. One of us should jump in.
kesmarn : I like the “Some Days It’s Just About A Good Laugh” topic, too. That could easily be a “regular.”
AdLib : Choicelady had mentioned she was possibly going to the mosque protest today, if she did, hope she’ll give us an update.
AdLib : VB – I did set up Movie, Music and Book categories here for reviews but have only had a few done. It is PlanetPOV, accent on the POV so don’t be shy, feel free to jump in on any. Once more people start doing so, others will jump in too. I will try to do one myself soon.
Khirad : No bito, I meant to check on that. I wish some Muslims had shown up with their pet pitbulls.
PatsyT : -Forgive me father for I have sinned but I liked it and will do it again
kesmarn : I haven’t heard, b’ito. I read choicelady’s comments,though, and I’ll be interested to follow up.
VegasBabe : Didn’t hear a thing about it bitohistory.
VegasBabe : Adlib…LOL…on e marxist Obama. Sounds bout right.
bitohistory : Wonder how the demonstration-wi th dogs- went today? Anyone heard?
kesmarn : !
AdLib : “Father, it has been three days from my last cross burning. I must confess…I actually like Will Smith movies, I’m so ashamed!” “That’s okay my son, just say two “Heil Hitlers” and one “Marxist Obama”.
kesmarn : I will read this in the morning and blush, K.
Khirad : Are you writing this stuff down Kes? All this is golden.
VegasBabe : Adlib, I think we could use a book and movie review. What say you? And don’t look at me. Movies maybe but books….if it ain’t Stephen King, John Grisham, James Patterson…your gettin’ my drift, right?…the I ain’ likely to read it .
kesmarn : That they were once “Angle-icans” but now they’ve seen the light.
Khirad : Inception is good. The only problem was that my old crush for Ellen Page was outdone by Marion Cotillard. Wowza!
PatsyT : What will TP’ers confess at Town Hall meetings
AdLib : I’ve seen it, it’s good and original. Does get a little complex storywise but what a relief to see a major studio film with an original story.
kesmarn : VB,haven’t seen it, but I hear good things.
PatsyT : Inception Is great !
VegasBabe : Tooooo funneee tonite. So glad I didn’t forget AGAIN to stop in. OT: Has anyone seen the movie Inception yet? Heard it was fab, going tmw, but recommendations or not would be nice.
kesmarn : They could give “extraordinary renditions” of their sins.
PatsyT : Then they told W that waterboarding was a form of surfing
bitohistory : Now, Now, settle down, we have a guest
AdLib : Confessionals could be held at town hall meetings.
kesmarn : Good one, Patsy!
PatsyT : High and deaf !
AdLib : Drat!
AdLib : VB! You beat me to it!
PatsyT : Gotta support Big Pharma !
AdLib : Or else W thought “enhanced interrogations” was trying to get a confession after taking an Extenze pill.
kesmarn : b’ito, I just ordained you Bishop. You are my idea man!
VegasBabe : LOL patsy. You sure he didn’t think someone was selling him Viagara
bitohistory : Cheney for alter boy? Get someone to molest them?
PatsyT : Some one told W that that “enhanced” just means High Definition !
Khirad : You guys are on such a roll I’m just watching.
AdLib : We can use Hot Water boarding…hey, I was just scooped by Kes!
kesmarn : Waterboard Baptism! Brilliant!
bitohistory : Can we use W’s Enhanced interrogations?
PatsyT : No one Suspects the Spanish Inquisition !
kesmarn : Then we send ’em to the Gulf for anointing with Holy Oil.
kesmarn :
AdLib : One lump or two with your Teabag Baptism? Here, take two, they’re free! WHACK!
kesmarn : This church is shaping up beautifully! We’re all ready for our first Inquisition!
bitohistory : the dunking stool!!! yes!
kesmarn : True. For best flavor, boiling water should be used. And be sure to scald the pot first.
AdLib : I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE BOXER AS MAJORITY LEADER! But Durbin and Schumer have the seniority.
PatsyT : Lets see if they float…
AdLib : Kes – Shouldn’t Teabag Baptisms take place in boiling water?
bitohistory : lemon , nice touch.
PatsyT : Boxer ? for leader?
kesmarn : In hot water, b’ito. It’s the only way for T-bags. Lemon on the side.
AdLib : Bito – Sorry, I misunderstood you, you’re absolutely right, he does need to have a majority of votes to make any of those changes. Maybe if the Dems lose enough seats, the remaining Dems will be a bit more convinced to go along on restricting filibusters…it would just take a simple majority.
bitohistory : Now that is full immersion k’es!
VegasBabe : Agreed khirad. ANYONE that is close to Israel at this point in time I’m leery of. We have yet to put Israel in check and I remain very uncomfortable with the amount of loot we give to her still on a yearly basis.
Blues Tiger : Thats funny Kes
kesmarn : You can be my first member. But you don’t have to be baptised, K.
Khirad : Nice Kes. :lol;
kesmarn : BT, free online ordinations! I like that. I think I’ll start my own non-profit tax-free church. St. Kes Cathedral for the Promotion of Tea-Bag Baptism by Drowning.
Khirad : Right AdLib, and I don’t know about Durbin, but Schumer is too close to Israel for my taste.
bitohistory : Again, he needs the caucus, he doesn’t even have the votes to change the filibuster yet
PatsyT : Khirad Yes lets embrace the inner Socialist !
AdLib : Schumer did get on the wrong side of the issue on financial reform though, supporting Wall Street instead of consumers so I would lean towards Durbin.
Khirad : Hey Patsy, if they’re gonna call us Socialists anyway, why not give ’em Sanders?!
PatsyT : Can he do that ? opps
AdLib : bito – The Senate approves the rules for each session anew, at the beginning of each session. That rule and the filibuster rule could be changed at the start of the next Senate.
PatsyT : Bernie Sanders for leader ! Can he od that?
Blues Tiger : I think Bubba got Ordained here… «link»
Khirad : Schumer would be interesting too, though. I wouldn’t cross that man.
AdLib : I absolutely want Reid to win and Angle to lose but if the reverse was to happen and the Dems keep the Senate, it would probably be Dick Durbin or Chuck Schumer as Senate leader. That would be much more like it…though I prefer Durbin.
bitohistory : Chairmanships are now done in caucus, Adlib, takes away reid’s stick. Can he change that? NO
kesmarn : Oh, you meant for Senate leader, Patsy! Oh yeah, Sherrod would be great for that job!
Khirad : AdLib, I can agree with that. I’d actually rather a leader from a safe seat, like Pelosi, too. To Reid’s small credit, he did put a little of his own seat on the line for the Democrats as a whole.
VegasBabe : Spot on Adlib! We need a confident, bulldozing, kickass rep and that we aint’ got. Wait, NONE of them are like that {{sigh}}
kesmarn : Patsy, Sherrod Brown is a little closer to home for me. That’s a thought.
AdLib : VB – It was a number of years ago in a rented car with some pals. Wouldn’t drive that fast nowadays but it was pretty cool.
Khirad : Stay positive kes.
PatsyT : Sherrod Brown !
kesmarn : Khirad, it says Bill Clinton married them. Maybe I could get that annulled if he’s not a real minister.
Blues Tiger : Oh? I know a couple of GOP S&M Clubs that would glady provide that for ya… Heh Heh Heh
VegasBabe : Dang. Root canal AND a mammogram? LOL
AdLib : I must confess, I have never been a big fan of Reid. What I think would have been better is a Senate Leader who carried a big stick with Dems when we had 60 votes, not afraid to take away chairmanships if they didn’t at least vote to break filibusters…th en they could vote no if they wanted. I do think he was the wrong leader at this time in history. If the tables were turned, the Repubs would’ve cracked the whip and gotten so much passed with 60 votes.
kesmarn : BT, I’d rather have a root canal. Followed by a mammogram.
Khirad : His wife is interesting though, if you get a chance. «link»
VegasBabe : Wow!! You must have been FLYING dude. Remind me to never get in your car or at least drive, k?
PatsyT : AdLib – Hot Rod Linclon !!
Blues Tiger : awwwwwwwwwww No weiner but there is always Boner
bitohistory : Look at the number of filibusters Reid has had. He forces the votes!
Khirad : That’s a pretty respectable drive time.
kesmarn : Khirad, you’ve just broken my heart.
AdLib : VB – BTW, drove this time, usually fly but alternate. My record for the drive from L.A. is under 3 hours.
Khirad : Anthony Weiner is married… to a scary Moooooooslim! Sorry, Kes.
VegasBabe : Your absolutely right Adlib. 115 is just nutz.
Blues Tiger : I read that Reid was willing to take the brunt of the blows for this Administration on the tough votes… That say alot about his real toughness
kesmarn : Haha, b’ito. I’m saving myself for Anthony Weiner.
AdLib : VB – AND $50 casino play. It’s only good during the summer and that’s not my favorite time to be up there, too hot at 115 degrees to lie by the pool. I like fall or spring in Vegas the best.
Khirad : Positively but not passionately seems to describe my feelings for Reid about now.
bitohistory : Get one of those young’us ,k’es!!
VegasBabe : Adlib, that is a GREAT price for the Wynn. I’d save that puppy if your able and use it whenever your there next. Did you drive from LA to Vegas or fly?
kesmarn : $350 for 3 days of luxury? Sounds good. I’m not a gambler, but floating around in the pool with a beverage sounds pretty good right about now.
AdLib : As I mentioned, Reid spoke at Netroots and he was greeted positively but not passionately. He has left many feeling let down, his soft spoken leadership style just seems all wrong for the current day. Still, I am rooting for him to win over that wackjob.
VegasBabe : ah….what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas? But I’m already IN Vegas LOL
Blues Tiger : Isn’t that all there is to tell with a Virgin? Kissing
Khirad : I agree, Bito and Kes, though I get the criticism of him as well.
Khirad : Sorry VB, no kiss and tell.
kesmarn : It’s been a real up-hill battle for Reid. I think his natural soft-spoken demeanor works against him, too.
Khirad : For the Wynn, that is cheap.
Blues Tiger : Khirad I actually learned something from her I had n clue about and that sold me
bitohistory : I am a reid defender. He has some real a =holes in the senate. He a a tough job
VegasBabe : Khirad…you bad boy..do tell?
AdLib : Just got a mailer from the Wynn Encore, a stay in one of their deluxe suites, $350 for 3 days. That’s a huge discount for that hotel.
Khirad : LOL BT, I love this Virgin thing.
Khirad : When I was there, I did see a lot of other 20s and 30s. Even got into a little of the action myself.
Blues Tiger : I even have a big ass Virgin sign in Front yard
VegasBabe : yes Adlib, I know. They spend a fortune at the pools but they aren’t spending at the tables or the slots . Their smarter than they look LOL
AdLib : Khirad – I’ve been going to Vegas for many years and it’s a whole different place now. It went from degenerate gamblers to families and now to 20’s-30’s singles scene.
Blues Tiger : Thats why I have put my support behind a 23 year old Virgin VB
Khirad : You could do MUCH worse!!!
VegasBabe : I think the dem reps we have now are without balls…to chickenshit to disturb the status quo…fearful of losing their piece of the pie. We need Bravehearts in office, and that’s gonna take some time. Reid? Like the preacher said, “Welllllll” . He’s not the shiniest bulb on the tree, but we could do worse.
kesmarn : Have never been to Vegas…and always wanted to see it. Bargain rates now? Or no?
Khirad : I saw that AdLib. The Hard Rock is trying to open more Rehabs.
AdLib : VB – The new trend for hotels to make money in Vegas is clubs and pool scenes. The 20-somethings spend a fortune at the pools and clubs on drinks that I always used to get for free as the blackjack dealers took my wallet.
PatsyT : How long will she be able to keep silent?
kesmarn : I know! If that asinine lemonade comment didn’t do it, what will. Still I gotta wish…
Khirad : Kes, I really thought Angle had already done that… I know what you’re saying, but how stupider CAN she get?
PatsyT : Scareon Angle Cat has her tounge !
VegasBabe : tourism is down, folks are gambling as much anymore and the casinos aren’t paying out like they once did as a result of the economy.
Khirad : LOL AdLib. And all the “99 to Angle” votes?
kesmarn : Please, let Angle say something so breathtakingly stupid even the dimmest will wake up and vote for Reid…
Blues Tiger : Is tourisim down that bad?
AdLib : Kes – They’ll have to build a Stupidity Ramp so Angle can safely get into the Capitol building.
VegasBabe : And worse yet, I honestly don’t believe recovery for Vegas will be seen anytime soon and I’m talking at least a decade.
Blues Tiger : Wouldn’t it be hoot to see Bachman, Palin and Angle on Jeapordy at the same time? you should do a parody vid of that Adlib
bitohistory : Local pol, Patsy, makes the Teabaggers look lokk loke leftys and he lies!!
VegasBabe : Yep Blues Tiger it’s true. some neighborhoods and communities are devastated with empty homes going to rot. People are unable to find jobs and when they lost the ones they had, they walked, as well they should. It’s bad in Vegas right now.
AdLib : From RCP: RCP Average Reid 45.3 – Angle 43.7 Reid +1.6
kesmarn : God forbid she should win. She will undoubtedly be the dumbest person in the history of the Senate and that’s saying something.
Khirad : We’ll have to let the rest of them in on Cap’n Al some other time, Bito.
VegasBabe : Voting angry is not very smart tis true, but voting angry is JUST what folks do. It is what it is.
PatsyT : Bito, Explain Cap’n Al….please
Khirad : Yeah, it’s even BT, but he lost a modest lead. He should be 10 points ahead of that crazy harpy.
bitohistory : Cap’n Al and I have had words, What a dunce!
AdLib : VB – SO angry that they’d rather get even then get ahead. ALl they’re thinking about is hurting Reid and the Dems…meanwhile , the gridlock and insanity a Sharron Angle would help create in the Senate would doom any progress that would help them with what they’re upset about. Voting angry is not very smart.
Blues Tiger : I heard it was about even steven
Khirad : Yes, and I saw that too. I understand people are pissed… but… ANGLE???
VegasBabe : It’s not even so much anymore to me of minorities and poor whites doing the dirty work, it’s the haves and have nots. A class war was started in this nation 30 somee years ago, back when Reagan entered the picture and folks, I’ve got bad news. We lost.
bitohistory : What poll has Reid down?
Blues Tiger : VB I just read that Nevada and Vegas leads the Country in forclosers and there are actually going up in numbers
kesmarn : So true, AdLib. They declare the war. And then it’s the job of minorities and poor whites to fight ’em.
VegasBabe : Hi bluestiger
VegasBabe : LOL khirad. Vegas is a little more hmmmm…complica ted than one would think. PLUS, there is so much unemployment here and disdain as a result of more foreclosures than you can shake a stick at, people are PISSED.
AdLib : Kes – No, the type that votes carelessly to kill others’ children for political gratification is an elitist, they know that war would never harm their family, they are superior, everyone else is a worker bee. Take that safety away from them and they’ll soon whistle another tune.
kesmarn : Has Reid really lost his lead? Say it ain’t so…
Blues Tiger : helloooooooooooo VB
PatsyT : AdLib That should be the Law of the Land !!
bitohistory : Hayworth makes McCain look smart
VegasBabe : Indeed Adlib. for that matter, if we re-instituted the draft, we’d see wars being eliminated PDQ.
kesmarn : Actually, they’re so cold, they might be OK with their kids going. We should make THEM go. No matter what the age.
Khirad : Me and Bito wanna see Cap’n Al too. This guy has an Elmer Fudd complex.
kesmarn : You betcha, Patsy! And Brewer.
AdLib : VB – The whole point is that Congress would never vote for war if their kids had to go first.
VegasBabe : Hey kesmarn.
PatsyT : Kes… I want to see that Can we put Hayworth there too?
Khirad : Hey Vegas babe, unfrigginbelieva ble that Reid lost his lead. Seriously, how fucked up are voters in Nevada? I mean, Reid ain’t no dream, but… sheesh.
kesmarn : AdLib, yes, any elected official who voted for the war would see his kids go first…
VegasBabe : Hey Patsy! Good idea Adlib! I could almost support that notion if I wern’t totally against war of any kind
AdLib : VegasBabe!!! How are you? Nope, back in L.A., sorry to have missed ya.
kesmarn : Hey, VB!
PatsyT : Hi Vegas Babe !!
bitohistory : Hey the Draft sure as hell motivated me to fight against the Nam war!
AdLib : It would be cool to pass a law that required the children of elected officials to enlist first if any military action is approved to be taken against another country.
VegasBabe : Hi Folks! How’s everyone tonite? Adlib, you still in Vegas?
kesmarn : That sounds like a great plan, AdLib. Only I’d put Sheriff Joe in a tent, wearing pink underwear. And he’s have to peddle a bike to generate electricity for his cell phone to talk to his lawyer.
AdLib : WHoops…I meant, they’d reclaim AZ and deport Sheriff Joe.
PatsyT : BT Maybe that is the way to wake up folks?
Blues Tiger : They would take all 3 of my children at same time under his proposal
AdLib : Kes – If Newt armed the illegal Mexicans, s they’d take over Arizona and make
kesmarn : I think Levi is out to “increase and multiply” as the Bible told him to.
Khirad : LOL Patsy.
Blues Tiger : No way Bito
PatsyT : Levi claims it won’t fit
bitohistory : I like Rangel’s bill. Insane? yes! Put up or shut up? Hell yes! Draft all those youngsters.
kesmarn : AdLib, maybe Newtie envisions a huge army of illegals fighting our battles for us… Kinda like the Roman Empire had right before it fell…?
Khirad : What was that kes, is that for real? Can’t Levi put on a rubber?
AdLib : Well, Levi and Bristol have been wanting a tv series, how about a new version of “Three’s Company”?
PatsyT : Make is a reality show and they will come
Khirad : I think of it like the UK. Have a parliament for each area in Iraq. That leaves the problem of federal leadership though… Maybe a confessional system, like Lebanon, which they almost have already.
kesmarn : And Levi’s other girlfriend, who is now preggers…
Blues Tiger : It was everyone in US from 18-42 in this Bill
AdLib : Imagine how big of an army we would need to build to do as the MIC wants and keep fighting these wars and start new ones? I’m sure the Bush twins will enlist along with all the Romney boys and of course, Bristol and Levi.
kesmarn : b’ito, maybe we want something a little happier than what Newtie is smoking…
bitohistory : I want some lol newt!
Khirad : Well, to their credit, Iraqi Kurdistan is a de facto nation of its own already. The need to further federalize it between majority Sunni and Shi’a areas.
kesmarn : Lucky for him they modified the penalties this week on crack.
Blues Tiger : Maybe they are counting on Rangles insane every person serve 2 years Bill to get passed this time
PatsyT : Crack
kesmarn : Gingrich must be smoking something.
AdLib : ANd how will we have enough troops to go to war against Iran and North Korea if we keep fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. I mean, come on!
AdLib : Khirad – Didn’t know that about Durand but it doesn’t seem so surprising. What would the actual villages and lives of “those” people have mattered?
kesmarn : Khirad, I had heard that. They just sat down and drew lines on a map. The arrogance!
bitohistory : Agreed khirad. What is so wrong with a federal system there, something like the US or what the EU is trying?
kesmarn : It is a huge drain. And the troops are getting exhausted. Suicide rates are up.
Khirad : Did you know Durand hadn’t even visited the area? That he actually drew the line through villages?
AdLib : And imagine what it would mean to the problems our country is facing if the lives and billions being wasted in the ME suddenly stopped.
kesmarn : Yes, Khirad. Too bad the actual players in the Middle East weren’t consulted when all the dividing up was done after WWII.
Blues Tiger : Bito you would think that the Pentagon Papers would still be effictive on our Phyche today, but we all got suckered into the you may not support the war but you have to support the troops bullshit and that is why we all sit silent
AdLib : More deaths of US soldiers this month in Afghanistan than any other month. Wikileaks exposed the futility of their deaths… what is the point in continuing except financing the MIC and saving political face?
PatsyT : BT What else can replace them with ? Aren’t most of the folks in the Military mighty gun ho for the big spending?
Khirad : If I could go back in time, I’d have stopped Durand, and created Pashtunistan (yes, this has been proposed). It’s the problem of this land divided between Afghanistan and Pakistan that has been creating all this nightmare. A Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek nation would be tenable without the Pashtuns who deserve their own nation as much as the Kurds do.
bitohistory : Hasn’t the MIC been interbreeding since WWII, BT?
Blues Tiger : Bito as far as I can tell they all know we ca no longer afford War Diplomact, but no one seems to be willing to make the major changes we need in our thinking
kesmarn : I haven’t heard of anyone with a workable plan, b’ito.
AdLib : Khirad – Maybe part of the reason we aren’t getting news of the region instead of just Iraq then just Afghanistan is that the corps in the MSM choosing what to broadcast don’t want to present the big picture because then it would become obvious that it is all beyond our ability to change.
bitohistory : Has anyone heard of a policy for the wars that is both good policy and good politics? Any statesmen?
Blues Tiger : As long as he keeps Bush appointees that are connected to Reagan in his administration when it comes to these Wars Obama will be doing the conventional war bidding of the MIC
kesmarn : Does Europe have any responsibility to do something about Muslim fundamentalist extremism in the ME?
AdLib : Good points here, Khirad. Iraq has failed to date as has the fraudulent Afghan government. And again, the politics of admitting the truth keep Obama from doing the right thing.
Khirad : Why is it the news finds it so hard to give attention to two wars at one? Why is it Afghanistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq instead of Afghanistan AND Iraq?
kesmarn : Nailed it, AdLib! This is fundamentally a tribal/war lord society and neither we nor anyone else is gonna change that unless we’re willing to be there for 1000 years.
AdLib : The key problem with Obama’s strategy…there is no national government in Afghanistan. How can you hand over a thousand towns to a thousand leaders?
PatsyT : Khirad, Is anyone listening to Biden ?
kesmarn : Khirad, you’re right. Iraq is totally out of the news now.
kesmarn : AdLib, and of course the Afghans will never step up because they know that occupiers come and occupiers go, but the Taliban is there forever and they remember…forev er.
AdLib : Nera Sing rich
Blues Tiger : Bito it is sad to say we will never beat our swords into plowshares
Khirad : The situation in Iraq is being overlooked. This could collapse, and may have already, without us there. Biden was right. He was laughed at, but right. Carve that country up.
PatsyT : AdLib that sounds nasty !
AdLib : Nalin? Pewt?
kesmarn : Patsy, that would explain it.
PatsyT : Kes ADD ?
Blues Tiger : Newt and Palin are just riding the Gravy Train IMO… Theres big bucks in that thar war talk
AdLib : I do support Obama but not on Afghanistan. Can anyone here tell me what he’s said represents the “victory” we need in Afghanistan to leave? Aside from the vague, “When the Afghans can step up.”
kesmarn : Khirad: on Iraq. I hear their parliament meets for like 15 minutes at a time and then adjourns. Over and over.
bitohistory : Right BT, now get MIC and congress to change JOBS, MIC makes jobs in their district.
kesmarn : I think he’s lost what little mind he had.
AdLib : Kes – Newt’s just trying to steal headlines from the teabaggers, he doesn’t believe anything he says, he just wants to be president…fat chance!
kesmarn : Georgie Wrecks the World. That should have been the title of his memoir.
bitohistory : Thanks W. How about those mushroom clouds over Cleveland? What a problem he created!!
kesmarn : Right, AdLib! Good question. And whose funding. Mr. Fiscal Conservative wants to fight a couple more “off the books,” apparently.
Blues Tiger : We are being suckered much like the British in our Revolution, Fighting an unconventional war with old tire conventional methods…
AdLib : Kes – Newt wants us to attack Iran and North Korea? With whose army?
kesmarn : There’s something to be said for that, AdLib!
AdLib : I like the theory floated by some talking heads a while back. Pull out, let Al Qaeda and/or the Taliban think they’ve won then gather in areas over time…then we’ll know where they are and it would be a lot easier to go after them if they plotted to come after us again.
kesmarn : That’s what’s so frustrating, BT. Terrible to stay. Terrible to leave. Bush opened a can of worms.
Khirad : Iraq still doesn’t have a new government. They voted March 7th. Where is this story?
kesmarn : You said it, Patsy!
Blues Tiger : Thats what the protect the women is all about… It falls under the condintion on the ground umbrella… If that one fails there will be a new one soon… Anything to make someone look bad who doesn’t support the war
bitohistory : Kritoff asked why funding for iraq is going up While we are “winding down” Good quetion.
Khirad : Well, apart from the Durand line, modern Afghanistan actually goes back to the Durrani empire, founded in the 18th century. For that matter, Pakistan isn’t a real country, either. Nobody would like one of my solutions, which is to give the Persianized cities, like Herat, to Iran.
PatsyT : Newt, you go first….
kesmarn : And now Gingrich is saying we should attack Iran and North Korea…?
AdLib : THE MIC is more untouchable and powerful than ever in this nation’s history. We would need a far more aggressive president to wrench power away from them.
kesmarn : And the thing is, the conditions on the ground will never be such that we can “safely” leave. Grrr. Frustrating,
Blues Tiger : Weren’t most of them to be out of Iraq by the end of this month? The conditions on the ground excuse keeps us funding these wars
AdLib : Khirad – And Afghanistan isn’t really a nation that can be conquered. It’s not even a real country, it was fabricated as one.
kesmarn : Bush made no effort whatsoever to understand ME cultures before he blundered in there. These are ancient, complex cultures that would take years to come to terms with. Too bad he was such a dunce.
bitohistory : Do/ can we wait to see if Troops are pulled out according to the Obama plan next year?
Khirad : As an aside, someone posted a long list of empires that couldn’t conquer Afghanistan. I’m almost really sick of this stuff. There were many historical problems, none the least, that a few of those Empires were actually Afghan. Seriously, guys… *sigh* Just stick with British, Russian and US for now – that is true enough. People getting way over their heads.
AdLib : There will be another terrorist attack in the U.S., it may be while Obama is president or someone else but we can count on the Repubs to turn traitorous on this nation if a Dem is in office when the inevitable happens.
PatsyT : Snookie ? in the slammer? Hey she can room with Lindsay Lohan!
kesmarn : Snookie? Did I miss something?
bitohistory : Patsy, Guess she is in jail. Convict!! lol
AdLib : But the dynamics are that Obama can’t afford to look weak on defense so he has gone this politically safer route which is a dead end. Politics is often the enemy of solutions.
kesmarn : Patsy, I like that: “fauxtriotism. “
bitohistory : I post them when i find them. Graphs are good for this slow reader.
PatsyT : Bito Great Question via BT How about Snookie? Can we export that?
Blues Tiger : It’s kinda like what Bito asked me OT, can’t we find something else to export other than war an weapons?
PatsyT : Kes and Bito I love that stuff too and Maps !
AdLib : bito – Yes, that’s what I was referring to, appreciated your providing that info! It made the case I’ve felt was always the best way to go. People are more likely to come together and cooperate with a nation that brings schools, electricity and running water than one that keeps accidentally killing members of your family.
PatsyT : Fauxtriotism !
kesmarn : b’ito, I love stats, graphs and polls!
kesmarn : AdLib, you’re absolutely right. In spite of their faux-patriotism, they would gleefully attack Obama in the event of another mainland strike.
bitohistory : Adlib, Kistoff had an excellent (with stats)article on that subject this week, I posted the link
AdLib : Kes – My proposition was that instead of spreading out around that vast rock quary, have the US Army focus on building up secure areas where civilized people can live.
Khirad : I forget who it was that proposed boosting the US aid budget, though it is already greater than other countries. It costs a fraction of war, and when they see US on their food and medicine and schools, it builds them up, and helps are national security far more in the long run. It’s not a bleeding heart liberal thing to do. It’s the smart thing to do.
kesmarn : It’s such a complex issue. I’m a pacifist, but, if you build schools and the Taliban throw acid on the girls who attend them, what do you do? Can we have soldiers guarding the schools we build indefinitely?
AdLib : Kes – If another 9/11 happened today, we know that instead of rallying around the president as even some of the most liberal Dems did with Bush, it would be a vicious, giving-aid-to-th e-enemy attack on Obama and the Dems as “allowing” it to happen. Forgetting of course that Bush did allow 9/11 to happen after getting the PDB about Obama attacking the US with planes.
PatsyT : AdLib that would be a great Idea Set it up and defend the daylights out of it
Khirad : Someone was trying to say we needed to stay in Afghanistan to protect against terrorism, and then mentioned the Christmas Bomber as evidence. D’oh. That only proves the folly of your thinking.
PatsyT : Khirad I think that was Weiner ! Love that !
AdLib : I had proposed a long time ago that the US focus on building infrastructure and security in the most viable areas and though it would be a hardship, provide a sanctuary for families and women to live where they would have a right not to be so terribly abused. As we discussed here this week, it would cost a fraction of the money for fighting the war to build schools and generators and running water. And start removing the reasons for joining the Taliban.
kesmarn : My new hero. Along with Grayson.
Khirad : Yes.
kesmarn : Is that from Weiner, Khirad?
Khirad : We may have gotten to this already, but my favorite new quote: Democrats need to stop bringing books to a knife fight.
kesmarn : And, of course, if there’s another attack on the U.S. mainland after we withdraw, the Repubs will say “They cut and ran, and now look.” Not that you make policy on what “they” will say, but… they will.
Khirad : Thanks guys.
AdLib : Same here, Khirad. enjoying your journey vicariously!
PatsyT : Hi Khirad ! Love the pics !
AdLib : Hey Khirad!!!
kesmarn : I wish we could airlift all the women out of Afghanistan for their protection. Maybe a life without women would change a few minds. Pipe dream, I know.
Blues Tiger : I have an excellent link to the acid mutations of women in that area, I will look it up and post it in OT soon
AdLib : The pic is awful, such horrible things are going on there. But so is the killing of innocent women and children by U.S. bombing. I guarantee that Time won’t show on its cover the horribly destroyed body of a child killed by US bombing.
Khirad : Whether we are there for ten years or a hundred, this will have to be tackled through NGOs and is not helped by an occupation, which make them “collaborators. ” Hi all!
kesmarn : Hi Khirad!
Blues Tiger : helloooooooooooo Khirad
Blues Tiger : This mutation of women is something we simply can’t prevent or change… It is culturaly religious based
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, the fact that they don’t have a realistic job-creation plan isn’t going to be too impressive with voters, I think.
Khirad : Yes BT, and I had someone passing off a RAWA link, even though they are for getting the US out. The myth, shown in Rethinking Afghanistan part 5, is that women’s lot has been improved. RAWA says that it’s actually gotten worse.
kesmarn : The pic is horrifying. And it does remind you of the awful plight of women there.
AdLib : Kes – I don’t think the “jobs” issue will continue to be so decisive for the Repubs the more it becomes obvious that the only Repub solution is more Bush tax cuts and Bush economics, putting more money in the pockets of the wealth, the oil corps, banks, etc. It is up to us and the Dems to push this line, expose what they really will bring if elected and how it will only hurt the recovery.
Blues Tiger : Isn’t thatthe new talking point propoganda to drum up support for the War kes? We have to be there to save the women
PatsyT : Kes, Ughhhh that is horible
kesmarn : I see TIME mag put a graphic photo of an Afghan woman whose nose and ears had been cut off by the Taliban on their cover this week.
Blues Tiger : I hope so AdLib
AdLib : BT – I think a majority of Dems are on board with ending the war in Afghanistan. Over 100 votes against continued funding, that’s almost half the Dems in the House. The writing is on the wall.
Blues Tiger : all of the GOP Reps from Oklahoma voted nay, Boren who is a Blue Dog actually voted yea which surpised me
kesmarn : The Repubs have only a couple of issues that might resonate: the phony whipped-up hostility toward Islam, and the jobs issue–as in “why haven’t the Dems created more?”
AdLib : Just to put the icing on the cake, the Dems should put up a bill tomorrow to help Widows and Orphans, the handicapped, the elderly and nuns and let the Repubs vote against that too. Seriously, voting against helping the 9/11 emergency workers is more obscene than that. They are anti-American and should be held responsible for harming real heroes.
bitohistory : I think the R’s are playing the economy all wrong. Do people care about long term debt or a secure job/future?
Blues Tiger : AdLib I agree, but I have to side on Kucunich on ending the wars and taking a new direction and the majority of Dems don’t seem to be on board
kesmarn : BT all the options on that poll are equally wonderful.
AdLib : BT – I don’t think the Dems are underestimating, they’re scared. The Repubs though, they think the public is stupid enough to overlook their trying to harm the economy and the nation just to vote against the incumbents…I think they’re way underestimating how badly people want things done.
kesmarn : The RW spin on the Healthcare for Heroes thing is that the bill included health care for illegals. Good Lord! If they were helping at ground zero, haven’t they EARNED health care?
Blues Tiger : Pt here is link to a Sodahead poll I put up over the heroes vote that you might like… «link»
bitohistory : You maybe right BT, but the R’s are polling worse than the dems. All right NIO more polls
kesmarn : Weiner’s speech even made it to the Canadian news. I get the CBC from Windsor and they had a story on it.
AdLib : I think the Brietbart ad, being so blatantly dishonest and racist and embraced by the whole right wing has exposed them all and left a bad taste in the mouth of the public. Add that to apologizing to BP, attacking and withholding money from the unemployed while fighting for the wealthy to get more…there has to be a breaking point.
Blues Tiger : AdLib I am of the opinion both party’s are underestimating the mood of the people
PatsyT : AdLib this vote today and Anthony Wieners reaction Says so much ! I hope they run that into the ground! Heartless Party of NO HELP FOR HEROS !
kesmarn : I’d love to sit down with the daughter for an hour!
Blues Tiger : He is in a runoff in acouple of weeks now
kesmarn : The Repub just may have misunderestimate d the mood of the people.
Blues Tiger : So the Ad may have done some damage
bitohistory : What, you guys takeing spin lessons form Luntz?
AdLib : Patsy – I really do think I’m feeling the backlash starting, the Repubs have played their hand so smugly and transparently, I think the weight of all of that is starting to come down on them. Thank you Breitbart!
Blues Tiger : It was for District Judge
kesmarn : He’s so busy representing your interests, he neglects his family!!
AdLib : “Vote Bad Dad! If he’s tough on his kids, imagine how tough he’ll be on deficits!”
Blues Tiger : It sucks because I was not allowed a vote for my US Congressman
bitohistory : OMG A bad dem?
PatsyT : AdLib… How can so much info pile up against the Repubs and not have an effect!
Blues Tiger : it was primaries and we don’t have open primaries
kesmarn : Uh-oh.
Blues Tiger : No he is Dem
kesmarn : Is the Bad Dad a Repub?
AdLib : Great lesson for pols, being a bad father may seem like a natural first step for running as a Repub but it can backfire.
bitohistory : PT, polls are good for trends, not the daaily weeklies.
kesmarn : Well, that could have been an accident, BT.
Blues Tiger : Kes he did giver chocalates woth worms in them
PatsyT : Good for you BT I saw that story and I would have done the same
kesmarn : Was that in your district? She said: “He was a lousy father and grandfather, etc…” Revenge of the wounded child!
Blues Tiger : Guess what ? I dodn’t vote for him !!! heh heh heh
AdLib : Who here thinks, based on where things are now, that the Repubs will have a typical win in Nov, big win or the Dems will have a better than expected showing. And why?
PatsyT : Bito – You are hot on the polls !
Blues Tiger : We did have the daughter who ran a full page ad stating “Don’t Vote For My Daddy” in my district
bitohistory : The poll have younger people, 75/25 for dems! Will they vote like last time?
kesmarn : b’ito, you are gonna be voting for Sasha and Malia when they run!
Blues Tiger : Sorta
PatsyT : BT you have some interesting races going on there in OK
AdLib : Patsy – Exactly, we know who’s passing away each year. More tea bags for everyone else.
kesmarn : Whew. I was worried there, Patsy!
PatsyT : I am thinking it is mostly the repubs
Blues Tiger : PT that is what is happening in this state as the old time Dems pass on they are replaced by young GOP
bitohistory : PT,Hey. let’s not talk obout old libs leaving us.
kesmarn : Patsy, I’m curious. More libs or righties going to the great polling place in the sky?
kesmarn : Or else you forgot that bag o’ popcorn in the microwave, b’ito…
bitohistory : Man I am getting pops!! I must have about 8 ppov sites open.
PatsyT : It might sound morbid but while we have new voters every year – We also have some dying off, and guess who most of those are?
AdLib : Bito – That is the thing, we do get a lot of readers and as the political season grows, we’ll get more. SO having a registration tool here and encouraging folks at HP, DailyKos, etc. to go to RTV to add to their site or register would be a meaningful campaign.
Blues Tiger : HellooooooooooPT
Blues Tiger : Hey Bito! AZ
PatsyT : Hi Blues Tiger !
bitohistory : Hey BT. OK!
AdLib : Patsy – Great minds think alike. And so do we! Promoting their online registration is a great way to be activist and help the cause from your computer.
bitohistory : Good idea AdLib! We get a lot of guests!
kesmarn : I’ll have to put that link on my FB page, too. Thanks for the idea.
Blues Tiger : helloooooo AdLib!
AdLib : Hey BT!
Blues Tiger : helloooooooo kes!
PatsyT : Kes, Yes! I post links to the Rockthevote site and tell them to get their own voter drive going on! «link» and I gets lots of ‘likes’ I hope people are doing this on Huff po and things like that
AdLib : Rock The Vote has an online registration tool which they promoted at Netroots, which we can put on this and any other site. I will be doing so.
kesmarn : Hey BT!
bitohistory : We sould put a page of reasons for dems/Against R’s up to vote. Can we keep to the top 10?
Blues Tiger : helloooooooooooo ooooooo everyone
kesmarn : It seems that their “base” should be dwindling to wealthy white males…logicall y speaking. But people don’t seem to be thinking logically lately.
bitohistory : Great patsy!!
AdLib : It really is such a fraud, so obvious that the GOP only cares about winning in Nov by finding excuses for trying to extend the recession. Will those still supporting them in protest figure it out before Nov?
kesmarn : Patsy, that’s great.Are you getting responses?
bitohistory : From your lips… AdLib.
AdLib : GOTV is everything. That’s another plus to having the TeaBaggers in and out of gov’t on tv all the time, they are driving Dems out of their disappointment in the Congress and Obama into confronting them.
PatsyT : I keep posting -Voter Drive- all over facebook pages !
kesmarn : It’s so hard to get a fix on that. We know for sure the T-bags will be at the polls.
bitohistory : Hate to sound like a broken record, but the GOTV is important this year. People my be for the Dems, but will they vote?
kesmarn : And, of course, Hispanic voters are none to happy with ’em.
AdLib : For once, does it look like the Repubs will grab defeat from the jaws of victory?
AdLib : Kes – I think you’re right, and demonizing the unemployed as lazy and good-for-nothing s couldn’t have helped with indie voters.
kesmarn : The Breitbarf mess has made the right look bad, too.
kesmarn : Voting down the unemployment extension hurt ’em, I think.
AdLib : What does everyone think, has the GOP overplayed their hand? Their hypocrisy on saying no to protect deficit spending went out the window with their vote for Afghanistan funding and support of the Bush Tax cuts. And the excuses for saying no to everything are getting threadbare.
kesmarn : I missed that on the food stamps, b’ito.
PatsyT : Bito they are reluctantly reporting that on the MSNBC – Chuck Todd saying Is this because of it’s summer and everyone is away?
bitohistory : Can’t believe that in order to pass a bill in the Senate, they cut food stamps.Effing R’s
kesmarn : There’ve been some helpful event. Judge’s ruling on the SB1070. Gore’s vindication. Obama on Detroit renewal. Weiner in the House.
AdLib : Bito – I think that your point about Bachman and the other Baggers being out front may be chickens for doctors coming home to roost.
kesmarn : If only he’d had a rolled up newspaper in his hand.
bitohistory : Gallup has the dems gaining the last 3 weeks. Trend or too early for polls?
kesmarn : A dog trainer couldn’t have said it better!
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, I saw Weiner and rooted along with him, calling these frauds on their BS.
kesmarn : Yes. Weiner was utterly glorious. A breath of fresh air. Magnificent.
AdLib : Greetings and salutations, Bito!
PatsyT : Hi Bito !
bitohistory : Oh i forgot to say my Greetings
PatsyT : Did you all catch Anthony Wiener today?
AdLib : Hey Bito!!! I think it’s a good thing, after Nov, voters will have to stop voting against the Dems and consider who they’re voting for in 2012 and between Bachman, Rand Paul, Sharron Angle and Palin, I think the Dems will look moch better.
kesmarn : Hi b’ito! I think it can only help us.
bitohistory : Is it good or bad for the dems that Batsh*t Bachman is ont he Trelly a lot?
AdLib : Alan Grayson was at Netroots, I would have liked to see Bachman drop by and walk into that lion’s den at NN.
kesmarn : Anthony Weiner in a lion suit would have worked pretty well.
AdLib : I would have paid money to light the cannon.
kesmarn : I have to confess I would have paid money to see that.
AdLib : Bachman was the entertainment for the night. They shot her out of a cannon into the mouth of a lion…and the lion spit her out and complained about animal cruelty.
kesmarn : Hahahaha. Michelle Bachman. Well, they could remove the nuts from the buffet table. Not needed any more.
AdLib : Drinking Liberally has been doing the meetup thing for a while, HP just “borrowed” their idea.
AdLib : Yes, that’s about right, more than 2,000. Meanwhile “Right On Line”, the RW lame answer to it had a hundred or so…including Michelle Bachman.
kesmarn : I didn’t see the HP meetup thing. They are such imitators!
kesmarn : Were there about 3000 there AdLib? I thought I saw that figure.
AdLib : Did you see that HP is trying to start up HP Thursdays as meetups?
AdLib : Since DailyKos is the main sponsor, it may not be terribly surprising. Many DailyKos users, didn’t run into many HP users.
AdLib : It’s not a Progressive motto…it’s a cookbook!
kesmarn : No kidding? No HP. That had to be relaxing!
kesmarn : Twilight Zone!!!
PatsyT : If you smell Garlic – Get out of the Pool – This sign says ….To Serve Man!
AdLib : I didn’t see Arianna there, HP did not have a notable presence there at all.
kesmarn : Land O’ Lake emollient.
AdLib : “Here, it’s creamery sun tan lotion.”
kesmarn : I was just gonna ask if you saw/spoke to any celebs. Was Arianna there?
kesmarn : They probably got suspicious when they saw those buckets of melted butter next to the jacuzzi.
AdLib : I did trade smiles and “hello”s with Elizabeth Warren in the hallway.
AdLib : The people in the pool thought they were in a jacuzzi and the people in the hot tub thought they were lobsters being prepared for the buffet.
kesmarn : Wow. You could have boiled shrimp without leaving the pool area.
PatsyT : YOu mean Hot Tub?
AdLib : It was 112 in Vegas last week. And that was in the pool.
PatsyT : Awww Schucks I think everyone made it a success
kesmarn : Not to mention a walking miracle.
AdLib : Bito is amazing, indeed!
kesmarn : He is amazing. He must be a speed reader because he posts links to a bazillion great articles a day. Oh and yes, cooler now in Ohio! YAY!
AdLib : Hey Patsy! Thanks so much for heading up VP last week (and the week before)! You did a wonderful job!
PatsyT : Kes Is it any cooler in Ohio?
AdLib : Bito was great, providing the link to the streams! Wish I had done so ahead of time.
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy! You can relax and not play hostess this week!
PatsyT : Hi Guys !
kesmarn : I caught some of the streaming stuff, thanks to b’ito. I loved the Franken speech!
AdLib : Still recuperating from Netroots last week, was very cool but running from event to event.
kesmarn : Doing well, AdLib. How about yourself?
AdLib : Hey kesmarn! How are you?
kesmarn : Happy Friday night, once more!
AdLib : Please say hi when you arrive!
AdLib : Happy Friday! Vox Populi, our live chat on the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT! You can join in in the sidebar on any page or on the Vox Populi page here: «link» Hope to see you then!
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