AdLib : Cool Seek! Look forward to seeing more of ya! Night!
SeeknDestroy : Excellent to see all of you as well.I’ll get over here more often.
PatsyT : Nighty night Seek
AdLib : Bob Dole is on the Dole.
AdLib : Night Seek! So good to see you tonight!
PatsyT : I can rest easy now that Bob Dole like this
SeeknDestroy : LOL…Peace…?
AdLib : Bob Dole says what Bob Dole means. Bob Dole!
SeeknDestroy : Bob Dole says Bob Dole likes this place…….?
AdLib : Yep, you should hear their version of “Who Let the Dogs Out”.
PatsyT : Isn’t that a band?
AdLib : Killer Kitten Klowns From Outer Space?
PatsyT : That is a bad image…. now I will have to think of kittens kittens kittens….
AdLib : Sleep well all, don’t let the AssClowns bite.
SeeknDestroy : Peace, Patsy, Ad Lib,Blues Tiger and *viewer*…Peace ….?
Blues Tiger : Okie Doke nite one and all
AdLib : Night HITO! Thank you and everyone else for making it such a fun night!
PatsyT : Yes Good night all have a wonderful evening…
HITO : Good night Adlib, BluesTiger, Patsy and those two viewers who watched all night.
AdLib : Well, shall we call it an AssClowny night at Vox Populi?
AdLib : Night Kes!
HITO : Patsy, would love if you e’d me…. «email»
PatsyT : Nighty night kes
SeeknDestroy : Peace, Kesmarn…
kesmarn : Good night, friends!
SeeknDestroy : Grrrrrrr
Blues Tiger : Nite kes
SeeknDestroy : I still can’t!
HITO : Good night kes. I can’t believe we’ve been on here 5 hours. It’s been an great night that found me laughing more than I have in months. Thanks very much.
PatsyT : Great to see seek in full color
kesmarn : Meant “must” not “much,” that’s how tired I am!
PatsyT : HITO interview and pilot are two different things
kesmarn : Hoo-boy, folks… It’s almost 3 a.m. here and I am once again losing altitude. ‘Fraid I much call it a day. If it wasn’t mentioned earlier: hoo-rah, to b’ito for his re-appearance on the Planet!
SeeknDestroy : Ahem
HITO : I still type “Chainey” over there. And many other words. The nubies make fun of me. They don’t know the dues people paid to give them their “freedoms”. They will…hahahahah a…I’m a fucking deletist!!!!!!!! OK, I’ve calmed down now. Sorry.
SeeknDestroy : LOL…right?
kesmarn : And an ASS BAG!
SeeknDestroy : Dick Cheney is a WHOLE ASS as well…..
kesmarn : HITO, yes. The most fun thing for me was to be able to post: “Dick Cheney is an Asshole” on here without consequences. I felt like a grown up!
AdLib : Think about MSNBC, yes, they have KO and Rachel and sometimes Matthews (who is a bit of a pompous fool sometimes too) but they also have the raging phony populists of Ed, Ratigan and the comic Republican stylings of Morning Joe and Lemming.
Blues Tiger : Isn’t Shuster up for Brown’s slot?
HITO : OH how sad. Thanks Patsy. He went out on a limb for CNN? Bad move. Maybe loose lips sunk his ship. What happened to confidentiality on an interview?
PatsyT : Shuster is on the mend -He did a pilot with CNN but that got him into big trouble with the MSNBC folks
HITO : Kes: You missed it. I posted on here “Faux” instead of Fox. Silly me, old habits die hard.
kesmarn : HITO, that got past the mods? Wow.
HITO : The Rat man … I remember him when I used to watch Morning Joe, Asshole. He’s a posturing tool that just plays against the attendees for getting the most attention. Kinda like that other idiot, Pat Buchanan.
kesmarn : Yes, Patsy, he was smart, feisty, kinda cute. Then I realized he never let anyone finish a sentence and everything was about him. Sigh…
Blues Tiger : Maybe Ed should interview Alvin Green…
AdLib : Ratigan ia a Rat Again. He is a phony, a conservative financial market guy posing as a contrived populist. He is a fraud. I will never forget his ass kissing of that major asshole, T. Boone Pickens.
HITO : Must give credit to zendem for the “Big Bowl of Fuck”. Seek and I saw him on a side thread a million years ago and laughed our asses off when he posted that at Bachmann.
SeeknDestroy : LMAO!
PatsyT : kes me too I thought hmmm he comes from that financial world so maybe he can illuminate us all
kesmarn :
HITO : Ed sucks. Hope MoveOn is watching. He’s a big bowl of fuck.
kesmarn : But think of the expense of rescuing the 16 year old when she got lost among the posts.
AdLib : Ed is a pompous ass. I remember one of our members emailed him about his anti-Obama crap and he wrote back a nasty email.
Blues Tiger : Ratigan did sorta go off the deep end for a brief moment or two
HITO : What happened to Shuster? Him I liked.
AdLib : I think this is the latest we’ve ever held VP open, it’s a record. Too bad we didn’t have a 16 year old moderating VP alone so she could get into the Guinness Book of World Records.
kesmarn : I was briefly impressed with Dylan. How embarrassing.
SeeknDestroy : Thanks Kesmarn….schoo ling will no doubt be some part of my future..
PatsyT : Ed is better the Dylan
HITO : BT, better late than never…those women are screamers!
Blues Tiger : Why does MSNBC keep Ed on?
SeeknDestroy : Excellente!
kesmarn : Seek, think “Physical Therapy”!! Better money. Better hours!
AdLib : BT – Polls on Progressive issues would be good, on general issues, the results would be like on the Ed Show where naturally, all the votes skew Progressive and aren’t refelctive of the general public.
HITO : No you don’t silly. We are all from a dysfunctional world!
SeeknDestroy : Crickets on steroids…
PatsyT : I must live near a swamp
HITO : Patsy…hear the crickets…LOL
Blues Tiger : I remember now Kes
AdLib : We could have a vote on AssClowns vs. People Afraid of Black People, etc.!
PatsyT : Tell me who is not dysfunctional these days
kesmarn : Yes, I’ll vouch that we used the polling function for choosing the name “GROW” and voting on Best Posts of the Year, etc.
SeeknDestroy : BT …LOL
HITO : Vote for one: Asshat Assclown Asshole
SeeknDestroy : Maybe I should be a nurse then…..Nurse Seek…hmmmmmm
Blues Tiger : Palin and Bachman… Moaners or Screamers? Can that be a Poll? Heh Heh Heh
AdLib : What kind of poll were you thinking of having, BT?
kesmarn : Patsy, we always joke that only the severely dysfunctional go into nursing. We all come from crazy families!
SeeknDestroy : Doctors would be lost without RN’S
HITO : There is no such thing as a lowly RN. They hold it all together.
AdLib : Yep, folks here can confirm. We used polls on voting for 2009’s top posts, GROW things, changes to the site, etc.
PatsyT : RNs could run the world if needed
Blues Tiger : Really? I didn’t know…
kesmarn : HITO, Questinia is the MD, I think. I are only a lowly RN. But have seen my share of ass bags.
HITO : How is AssTea made? Emphasis on the heating and cooling process.
SeeknDestroy : Britney says, y’all…
AdLib : BT – What do you mean? We have a poll function we’ve used a number of times. What kind of poll?
PatsyT : Poll, do we need a stinkin poll?
SeeknDestroy : LOL
AdLib : A nice tawl glass of sweetened Ass Tea, y’all?
Blues Tiger : This site needs a Poll voting thingy…
HITO : Kes, are you really an MD? Proctologist?
SeeknDestroy : lMAO!
PatsyT : I will pass
AdLib : Ass Tea anyone?
SeeknDestroy : Thanks Ad Lib…
kesmarn : You know what happens when the hour gets late, AdLib.
PatsyT : Ohh new term alert assbaggers
AdLib : Assbaggers!
HITO : Send him your bill, Adlib!
SeeknDestroy : Hi there…(said in a deep, yet soothing voice)
AdLib : Seek – Your Gravatar is back but this chat system won’t reflect it as well, it will appear and go away here but by next VP, all should be cool.
HITO : I never pondered that Adlib. Shit that could get ugly and require mace.
kesmarn : TeaClowns and AssBaggers will emerge.
PatsyT : Seek the mysterious one
SeeknDestroy : ?
SeeknDestroy : LMAO!
HITO : It’s fitting. He’s an enigma so is his av. It’s OK. He knows I love him like crazy.
AdLib : What happens if the Teabaggers have a closed door conference with the AssClowns? Will minors have to leave the room?
HITO : Only kidding…it showed up, but it was back on the thread when we were talking about how great BT’s shoes were.
SeeknDestroy : Shortlived..
SeeknDestroy : Hi PatsyT!
PatsyT : Hi Seek
SeeknDestroy : I’m back,and I’m assy!…..assclo wns..com
HITO : I see his redness!
AdLib : Seek! Your Gravatar is appearing now! Refresh your VP page and you’ll see it (as will everyone else if they refresh…but not necessary right now folks). You’re back, baby!
SeeknDestroy : You’re an ass!…I agree!….Assclo wns.com
Khirad : Will do BT. And AdLib, well, I’ve been there and done that.
HITO : Party of Assclowns…Ther e’s No Butt About It…yeah, needs work.
kesmarn :
Party of But It’s 2:20 a.m. here and I’m so tired I fell apart laughing at that.
SeeknDestroy : Stay Assy!……Asscl owns.com
Blues Tiger : Khirad I posted a video of Micheal Burks on Friday Night Thread, if you haven’t heard the man may I suggest giving him a listen…
AdLib : AssClowns – The Party of But!
SeeknDestroy :
AdLib : Khirad – Because that brain of yours won’t cooperate. Maybe you’re not drinking enough to lull it into a state of passivity?
PatsyT : Seek LOLOLOL
HITO : type slowly…so I can steal your ideas!
SeeknDestroy : Assclowns.com… …get your ASS ON!
HITO : Sorry had to … nevermind. I’m reading.
Blues Tiger : The Assclown Party, “we just say Poo to that”
AdLib : The AssClown Party is the Party of Asses.
PatsyT : can they
Khirad : Is it sad that I have to almost delineate the time I spend on different blogs? It’s like a chore unto itself… Why can’t I just relax, plop on some music and lay back or something?
PatsyT : Canthey be the party of no?
AdLib : HITO – Very kind of you! I think it’s totally cool to split time between blogs, I don’t have as much time to do so anymore but a while back I was on HP and DailyKos.
PatsyT : Hey Khirad !
SeeknDestroy : The Church of Football! Worship all year around!
Khirad : It would make a playoff system more feasible.
Blues Tiger : I heard the NCAA wants all confrences to be 16 teams… Bucking for Obama’s playoff system I bet…
Khirad : I’m wet in the Pacific Northwest as of now. Yup BT, Arizona is screwed – welcome to the Pacific Conference. A shame, without USC, we could’ve had our year.
SeeknDestroy : Pardon…the Mountain West…
AdLib : KQ is very missed, hopefully will be back soon.
kesmarn : HITO, definitely looking forward to the Assclowns article!
SeeknDestroy : College football is crazy lately….Boise State is going to the WAC
Blues Tiger : Jellooooooooooo Khirad… It looks as though the Pac 10 will soon become the Pac 16…
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
HITO : Hi Khirad…haven’ t seen you in a long time too. How’s you?
kesmarn : Hi, Khirad!
SeeknDestroy : Hey Khirad!
Khirad : Me too HITO, on Cher. I’ve missed KQ, as well.
kesmarn : That’s a great analogy, AdLib.
HITO : I’ve seen Cher swoop in and drop a bomb of reality on a thread and blow out twice this week. The BP is buying google search words exposure was awesome. And then she was gone. Hope she’s OK. It’s funny, you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone. But man, you guys can never go. I’m sorry I’ve taken you for granted. I swear (oh shit) on June 29, I will write a “Party of Assclowns” article! (she said defiantly and perhaps a bit insanely despite her unpacking exploits)
AdLib : I’d also propose that as opposed to big fish and little fish, it’s more like going to McDonalds or a nice authentic French restaurant. There, you’re getting a fast food meal that is not necessarily mentally nutritious. Here, there is a passion for what is served, the staff is happy to see you and earnest. Ultimately, it is about the experience of blogging and whether one seeks substance or light entertainment.
SeeknDestroy : Thanks Ad Lib…You rock..
kesmarn : BT, I’ve missed KQ’s comments, too. And hope we’ll see Cher back soon, as well.
PatsyT : I would never have thought of writing an article over there..This is making me pull out things I have long forgotten
SeeknDestroy : Great point Patsy….
HITO : But being here is good for mind and soul. Those that are having issues with hp will come. I need to engage that more guys. I will. Not that anyone reads me, I’m a deletist. Pepe told me it would get weird. I enjoy experiments however. You know I only have 84 out of the 100 required flags. Wonder why they gave it to me early? Brown? I don’t know.
AdLib : Seek – You may be surprised but some of the people you feel that way about have expressed the same thing. I would suggest that after HP, people aren’t accustomed to seeing other people stretch their legs in discussions and it may seem intimidating. But I guarantee, if you simply express yourself honestly and fully, others will feel the same about you as you do about them. Then we can be mutually intimidated by each other!
SeeknDestroy : Agreed, BT…Feast or famine….and they have a lot of writers imported from Politico and other similar sites…
PatsyT : They say you should challenge your brain as you get older (I am not that old) I find this to be a more stimulating challenge
Blues Tiger : By the way is KQ ok?
kesmarn : The silver lining, though, HITO, is that people here will be totally supportive of you through divorces, moves and sundry traumas. People really notice if you’re here or not.
Blues Tiger : I think HP’s selection of articles has gone downhill quite a bit as of late… It’s mostly boring and most of the time there is actually nothing worth commenting on …
SeeknDestroy : Me LOVE HITO
HITO : Kes, MD: Big fish in a little bowl, vs. little fish in a big bowl. Exactly! I like the former myself. Patsy is correct, being on here requires an accountability that because of my current divorce, sale of house and moving my kids and I to an apartment, I don’t have the concentration. It’s easier to go in and shut down a thread, or say “hi” to people and blow out.
AdLib : Me like HITO.
AdLib : Patsy – Excellent point! I was the same way over there, a reactive blogger. Jumping in quickly with a comment or reply before the page turned, not writing too much because most will skip it anyway to read the one liners instead. So, it’s not a bad discussion there but there’s not enough time or format to write too thoughtfully.
kesmarn : Sometimes it almost seems like the difference between a huge metropolis and a smaller community. In a big city, you’re anonymous and can act more impulsively. In a smaller setting, you’re known for who you really are.
SeeknDestroy : I must admit i find posting here a bit intimidating..th e silliness I fall back on is more suited to a quick, sarcastic thread
HITO : How weird is HITO? HITO’s profile includes her following (not fanned back) of all the oldsters she remembers from a better time on HP. Dentuso, Andvoodoo2, all of them…even some crazy cat called Adlib. If I fan someone and they don’t fan me back within a certain time period, I unfan them, so it’s always the “purists” I am following. HITO is nuts.
AdLib : HITO – I’ve seen less activity at HP, DailyKos and at The Planet as well. I think a lot of folks are burnt out from the HCR fight, then the Financial reforms fight, , tea bagger hatred, then the oil spill, the economy, the primaries…some bloggers have told me they are just burnt out on politics right now. It has been an incredibly crazy year and a half since Obama came in.
PatsyT : At huffpo I can only react sometimes successful, sometimes not. Over here I have to think and write and I like it.
kesmarn : I’m not sure why I even bother with the dark side. I hadn’t been there in weeks, and went back just to check on a person who had posted here and vanished. Got sucked into a stupid debate and left feeling icky.
HITO : Seek and I were just talking about the changes in HP the last two weeks. There is no uplifting humor or insight. Everyone is down. No longer are the main posters on one thread for the night. Everyone jumps in and out, flits around and even disappears. Another reason why Seek and I hit a side thread and shut it down. Sock du Jour rocks..you guys know her as the former BeyondGood…nuf f said. She keeps me hopeful there are still intelligent people out there on there. But even she has dropped off and more people are poofing their socks abandoning their former selves.
SeeknDestroy : You get some real loons over there…People think I’m * part of the problem* because of my moniker….my posting style has calmed down quite a bit since the old days…
AdLib : Let alone the cliques and trolls and such.
AdLib : Seek – Exactly. And for me, the realization that what I wrote was so disposable, so quickly, also wasn’t so satisfying. Here, we can write articles which people can read years from now or find on Google. And the discussions in comments are substantive and cogent. What appears on this site is far from disposable, it goes on.
PatsyT : Silly me I am prefering facebook over hufpoo
kesmarn : I tried posting a reasoned rebuttal to one commenter over there recently, and was called “an abusive hater.” No attempt to deal with any of the issues raised.
SeeknDestroy : Especially on a fast short thread
AdLib : BT – You said what I did in one short and sweet sentence. Damn!
AdLib : HITO – I find the tone over there improved and a bit better ratio of thoughtful comments but it is really formatted more for the quick snark or put down than to thoughtful conversation. When the comments flip to the second page in a minute or two, they’re forgotten as is the discussion. That’s what we focus on more here, having more engaging and substantive discussions which, by format, is quite difficult to have over there.
HITO : Anyone notice I typed “faux”? Yeah, that behavior is that engrained in me.
SeeknDestroy : I love a good sarcastic retort, but there needs to be REAL discussion as well
PatsyT : Not
PatsyT : BT that truly advances us all
Blues Tiger : It would seem intelligent rebutall has been reduced to one liner name calling…
kesmarn : People still seem to be able to get some exceptionally ugly things in over at HP. though. I’ve never seen anything remotely like them on the Planet, thank God.
SeeknDestroy : LOL…Now THAT would be funny…..
HITO : that one was for Kes. Sorry.
HITO : Nope. I’m an oldster. Remember the old days? Shit you founders wrote great stuff! Intelligent, thought provoking stuff that forced re-evaluation or defence of a stance. Was a great time. The arguments there now are lame. Let ’em rip I say. I draw the line on nasty shit thrown at Michelle or his kids. They need to save that for Faux. I’ll see how it goes. I may deletist my own badges.
AdLib : Seek – Is it Jindal giving the response?
PatsyT : Seek -Love it
AdLib : Well, with the blogger-empowere d moderation over there, as many of us suggested repeatedly, that is an improvement. It doesn’t change the anti-Obama tone and hysterical, misleading headlines that appear far too frequently but to be fair, it is an improvement.
SeeknDestroy :
….here all week….no really, I live here……
kesmarn : HAHA! Took me a while to get it, too! Nada!
SeeknDestroy : GOP response to the leak:……….. …
HITO : Oh shit, I must be tired. Seek, I get it. Duh!
AdLib : Heh! It looks like one of the free blog templates I passed on. Looks cheap.
kesmarn : HITO, musta been tempting, though…
kesmarn : H
HITO : Kes, I did NOT however delete the asshat declaring Obama to be Satan. Freedom of speech, you know.
Blues Tiger : The Daily Caller «link»
kesmarn : BT, I checked it out. It’s better than Ambien.
AdLib : BT – What’s Little Tucker’s site called?
SeeknDestroy : What’s it called,BT?
kesmarn : HITO, some truly disturbed folks there, huh? Good thing you flexed your post-zapper powers. It could only have gone downhill from where it was!
HITO : Seek, “Spill” your guts…I’m waiting.
SeeknDestroy : I have the GOP response to the oil leak on the Gulf:
Blues Tiger : Have any of you guys checked out Tucker Carlson’s new HP copycat site yet?
AdLib : Kes – As threatened as they may be over there by The Planet allowing free speech here, they will eventually have to deal with the fact that we are established and growing and we ain’t going anywhere. Actually, I think we had a bit of an impact on the changes that happened over there.
PatsyT : Shouldn’t drudge get busy in the gulf?
HITO : Kes. Yes. I have only used it once over the last 4 days. A strange poster kept posting to me his desire to either rip his eyes out or eat fish eyes. After two polite warnings to have a nice evening…he posted something rude about my mod ability and more eye grossness…so I poofed it to show him my awesome power…LOL.
kesmarn : I’ve seen that Drudge link, Seek
Blues Tiger : Hito I didn’t pay over 35 bucks for any of those shoes… Just catch em on close out…
SeeknDestroy : Drudge is actually linked on the bottom of the Main Page at HP…..Really…
AdLib : BT – Drudge has a Hate Arianna, KO, Rachel, DailyKos, Obama, etc. SITE!
HITO : BT, your shoes are wonderful. I used to have expensive shoes from Saks, Bloomies…BC (before children). Now, LandsEnd. But I did pick up an awesome pair of blue leather CalvinKlein pumps to visit my boyfriend in January.
kesmarn : They seem truly threatened by the Planet at HP.
Blues Tiger : Does Drudge have a Hate Arryina page?
PatsyT : AdLib great point that will have to be a post
AdLib : Well, what’s against the rules with referring people to other websites? They allow drudgereport.com , but The Planet is a problem?
Blues Tiger : I will put in a plug over at Prison Planet maybe Alex will pop in…
kesmarn : HITO, can you single-handedly make posts disappear? I am (supposedly) a Level 1.
PatsyT : Oooo HITO that sound dangerous
SeeknDestroy : It’s HITO!…Run!…w ink…
HITO : Disclosure: I am now a mod2…a deletist.
AdLib : Thanks so much!
SeeknDestroy : So will I, Ad Lib
PatsyT : Aren’t some of the mods some of the badge holders now?
Blues Tiger : Nope but I will
AdLib : BT – Have you tried typing it this way: planet pov dot com.?
kesmarn : Good point on the visits to the dark side, AdLib, and the opportunities to plug the Planet there.
Blues Tiger : The have been moderating that too over at HP AdLib… No matter how I try to sneak it in
AdLib : BT – Those are some rockin’ shoes!
SeeknDestroy : Cool
SeeknDestroy : Ryan Stiles would LOVE you, BT!
PatsyT : Oh BT do not tease me with those shoes
AdLib : Just a note though, to those who frequent the other place, whenever you can suggest a visit to The Planet, it would be appreciated. You can’t use our URL since it’s on their moderation list but you can break it up with a space and tell them to delete the space.
SeeknDestroy :
Blues Tiger : Here ya go Seek «link»
AdLib : Patsy, I’m not surprised at all. Our members are the best on The Planet!
HITO : You go girl!
Blues Tiger : Check it out and speard the link maybe she can raise more cash that way «link»
PatsyT : I have been trollin facebook the boys seem to like me I look friendly to them –
SeeknDestroy : Nope….Bring it on!
AdLib : BT – I saw that article. Hope they get to have an inperson debate, the expression on Kern’s face throughout will be priceless.
kesmarn : Seek, did you ever see BT’s shoe collection?
SeeknDestroy : Is that what the Neil Diamond clothes link was for , or just a coincidence?
AdLib : Patsy – Joey wrote a great article! Very pleased to have him aboard, thanks for inviting him here!!!
HITO : Patsy, it’s a method of madness that’s works. Shhhhhhhh! Hope Rob’s not watching tonight. People actually think Seek and I have the hots for each other. We do, but we put it to good use.
kesmarn : BT, Oklahoma is a never-ending source of amazement to me lately!
Blues Tiger : Hey have you guys heard that we have a Transgender Candidate running against crazy gaybasher Sally Kern here in Okla?
AdLib : HITO – Really means a lot to me to hear that! The Planet is something meaningful and worthwhile to me but a pat on the back is always inspiring. And looking forward to seeing more of you around here!
PatsyT : hiyo whoops i mean HITO
kesmarn : Joey’s article was great, Patsy! So we have you to thank for that!
PatsyT : HIYO that is so great…
HITO : Kes: love the collective. I’m a socialist, fgs.
PatsyT : New member Joey is from facebook he is cool huh?
HITO : Serious shit kids. Seek and I go into a thread filled with assclowns and start talking dirty to each other and POOF, they leave. Works every time. And we always post “Our work here is done…good night”
AdLib : Patsy – Thank you so much!!! We have had a few more than usual members signing up recently, I think that your support and Kes’ and everyone else’s is having a concrete influence. I’m very grateful!
kesmarn : Oops. Meant collection, not collective. My Marxism is showing.
kesmarn : HITO — truly a public service to shut down some (many?) of those threads. We should take up a collective for you guys!
AdLib : HITO – Heh! But do you need any stinkin’ badges over there? I will still check it out, I don’t like computers doing things they ain’t supposed to do.
HITO : Adlib, we really appreciate how much work you put into PP. Don’t ever let it go and once my world calms down in 12 days, I’ll be here more. Promise.
PatsyT : I have been plugging planet at the face book page 1,000,000 Strong Against Offshhore Drilling
HITO : No worries Adlib. Seek and I are simple folk and are known for our smarmy posts to each other in addition to our ability to shut down a thread at the other place within 4 minutes on a given night. We don’t need no stinkin avs.
AdLib : Kes – Thank you so much for doing that! We want to keep the Planet going…global! I’ve mentioned to a few people already, I’m going to Netroots Nation on behalf of PlanetPOV and GROW, hope to do some very productive networking and build more alliances with other groups and sites. This is very nice to have happened beforehand.
SeeknDestroy : Assclowns.com… ..get your ass on!
kesmarn : That is so cool. The MoveOn thing, I mean.
PatsyT : AdLib Twitter Yipee «link»
HITO : How receptive do you think MoveOn would be to an article on the new Party of Assclowns concept? We already have the logo.
AdLib : HITO – I am very puzzled by this disappearing Avatar thing, may consult with Gravatar on it.
kesmarn : Wow. Just saw the post about the MoveOn connection with the Planet. I was plugging the Planet at the local MoveOn sponsored meeting here, too.
HITO : Adlib, his av is gone. But it was there, I saw it.
AdLib : Disco Doctor – Coming this fall to Fox!
AdLib : So, when you write articles now, they will appear as Tweets on MoveOn’s Twitter page. Not too shabby.
kesmarn : Does wonders for the patients when I dance in and flip the switch on the disco ball in their rooms.
SeeknDestroy : Kesmarn……Jaz z Hands!
Blues Tiger : Tha is cool AdLib
SeeknDestroy : Cool Ad Lib
kesmarn : {{blush}}
AdLib : Kes! You’ve got to post a photo of that, and don’t spare the sequins!
HITO : Move on following PP? Excellent. Still have their “John McCain … More of the Same” bumper stickers.
Blues Tiger :
Blues Tiger : Let me rephrase that for all the Cali people… You guys have any idea howhard it is to find mens sequin clothes in Oklahoma?
PatsyT : Kes we are just waiting for you!
PatsyT : AdLib you work that 6 year old gosh knows she is going to cost you big time so get all you can now!
kesmarn : Hi Guys, it’s 1:20 a.m. and you’re still at it! Just got home from work and got out of my sequined uniform and shoes.
SeeknDestroy : There’s a reason for that, BT…..:-)
Blues Tiger : You guys have any idea how hard it is to find mens sequin clothes?
AdLib : Hey, just got an email that MoveOn.org is following The Planet on Twitter, on our account. I had signed us up to follow them but this is cool, no?
Blues Tiger : Cool Patsy…
HITO : I knocked myself out of here by accident and had to relog in. There it is in all it’s redness.
PatsyT : BT My daughters violin teacher played for Neil Diamond on tour Small world
SeeknDestroy : nope
HITO : Seek has his avatar!
SeeknDestroy : @BT
AdLib : Oh sequins! Is there any piece of clothing you can’t make better?
SeeknDestroy : My eyes!
AdLib : Patsy – We thought she had huge, very oily shoes last week…turned out to be two dolphins she stepped on.
Blues Tiger : Speaking of Neil «link»
AdLib : BT – mucho calliente!
SeeknDestroy : Neil Diamonds clothing store?
PatsyT : AdLib- Ha- that works comes with perks- accessories next week dolphins!
AdLib : HITO – Damn, I thought I got that picture of me off the web!
Blues Tiger : «link»
Blues Tiger : I will be ordering from sequin heaven though…
AdLib : That’s what I tell my daughter, the oil’s good for your skin. And what I really love are the surprises, sometimes she comes home with a pelican stuck to the back of her jumpsuit. Last week, it was a sea turtle! What fun!
SeeknDestroy : Time to go…..assclowns , indeed
HITO : Seek this does look kinda Vatican like, I take the “ahem” back… «link»
SeeknDestroy : Fine….Mine!
AdLib : JUST IN: The Party of Assclowns backed into a second place finish, ending up in the back of the bus behind the So Proud To Be White Party! Meanwhile, The Principles First party let every other party into the race ahead of it as it held the door, finishing a dismal last.
SeeknDestroy : 30 year old Robin Williams jokes= a swing and a miss.
HITO : Not tri-cornered: «link»
HITO : Ahem.
Blues Tiger : I found some for sale on line down Argentine way… They are not excactly cheap
PatsyT : That oil is good for the hair ! Tell Carly
SeeknDestroy : Tight pants…..hey look, you’re Catholic!
HITO : BT, the buckled shoes? Yeah, they’re hideous. The hat’s a tri-cornered, no?
AdLib : If you think my daughter looks great in her bullfighting outfit, you should see her in her deep sea oil well worker outfit! So cute!!! And she always gets oil on her face!
PatsyT : Seriously They do not have it in the humor department
Blues Tiger : It’s the girly shoes that I have a problem with, not to discount the goofy hat..
HITO : Adlib, no.
AdLib : Patsy – If you consider self-flagellatio n and cutting and pasting from the Fox website fun, then Repub sites might have “fun”.
Blues Tiger : Oh damn I would kill for a Suit Of Lights….
PatsyT : PoA making a comeback late in the game
HITO : I still think the “Fearful of Black People” party should be no. 1. My great-grandmothe r should have founded that one. The Part of Assclowns pales by comparison, just saying.
SeeknDestroy : Capri pants on a bull fighter?,,,,Real ly?
PatsyT : I bet that outfit looks cute on a 6 year old
SeeknDestroy : LMAO!
HITO : You’re a good daddy!
AdLib : But my daughter loves animals! When she asks me, “Daddy, please can’t I slaughter another bull?” with those big eyes, how can I say anything but, “Si!”?
PatsyT : Do Repub sites have this much fun ??
PatsyT : AdLib I am glad I know where they are
AdLib : Patsy – The SBTBW Party merged with the Vote Against My Own Interest Party and are living happily in a trailer in Arkansas.
PatsyT : AdLib again -The ring can wait
SeeknDestroy : LOL Ad Lib
PatsyT : Where is the SPTBW Party- So Proud To Be White Party
SeeknDestroy : Smartass, I am….:-)
Blues Tiger : If your kids school doesn’t have an “Involved Dads” organization , may I suggest that you form one… They ones at my kids schools always was a blast for the kids annd the Dads
AdLib : I volunteer at my 6 year olds’ bullfights.
PatsyT : Seek LOL get off my bull…
AdLib : UPDATE” The Fearful of Black People Party is carrying the election like a concealed weapon! They now lead all other parties including the Phony Independent Party (a subsidiary of the GOP).
PatsyT : HITO I did soooo many volunteer hour at my girls elementary school Time well spent !
HITO : BT, my mom said “somebody has to clean that goddamn floor and you’re the one today, HITO”. LOL, she only called me HITO on Xmas.
Blues Tiger : Hito everyone has a gift… Someone once told me “Hey somebody has to do the accounting and somebody has to make the music”…
SeeknDestroy : Get off my bull…..fighter ….
AdLib : The only allowable time for a 13 year old to say “bullshit” is when they are stepping in something in the ring while fighting a bull.
HITO : I believe I will change my vote also. The FOBP Party should jump into the foreground. LOL
SeeknDestroy : OLE!
PatsyT : I am rooting for the FOBP party
HITO : Adlib, seriously, Transformers II sucked. I can see your concern.
AdLib : By embracing our childre, you mean encouraging them to sail around the world and fight bulls, right?
SeeknDestroy : Ad Lib….LOL
HITO : I volunteered in my son’s elementary for 3 years (K-2), 3 days per week. Kids are great, no matter their IQ or abilities. To watch them work through concepts was very rewarding. And at that age they want to help each other. They are our future. More people need to embrace that and embrace their children.
AdLib : The SmartAss Party is 5 points ahead of the AssClown Party in the latest polling. And the Fearful Of Black People Party is shrinking back behind the couch, in 3rd place.
AdLib : Patsy – Another time then, I’m interested to hear about it.
AdLib : HITO – Then again, kids that aren’t technically “gifted” ain’t easy to understand either! I mean, loving Transformers 2 and Twilight movies? I don’t get that.
PatsyT : Seek -Palin would be rich… O that already has happened
HITO : Hey, I pay you to be the smartass you are…well in a different form of currency. It is always appreciated SA.
PatsyT : AdLib that is a bit of a long story worth telling but maybe not here
SeeknDestroy : If you could get payed for being a smartass…..
AdLib : Patsy – And what happened with that charter school that you weren’t happy about?
HITO : Seek, you are too cute.
SeeknDestroy :
PatsyT : Seek LOLOL
HITO : Gifted kids are hard to understand because they don’t think like us. They’re reasoning and “pattern” interpretations are off the charts. They don’t appear to follow logic at times, but when explained by the child, a light bulb goes off over an adult’s head.
PatsyT : AdLib Orange County High School of the Arts in Santa Ana
AdLib : Seek – heh!!!
SeeknDestroy : T5: The gifted robots revolt!
AdLib : Patsy – What was your experience with Charter schools?
PatsyT : Gifted kids are not robots
AdLib : Think of how being from TX and having been a product of their school system will be a big mark against kids in the future…anywher e but TX of course.
HITO : Adlib, now you’ve got it! Max rocks. But even I find myself imagining what he’s doing is more important than taking the recycling out. His days are numbered however (she said with a wicked laugh). He’s going to get a dose of reality this summer. It’s time.
PatsyT : AdLib Charter Schools? Hmmm we have done that.. be careful …
AdLib : HITO – Yes, I’m joking. The brighter the kid, the better they are at figuring out how to get out of helping you.
PatsyT : I have two that help put things together like Ikea stuff.. we just tell my husband what to screw and where
HITO : Patsy, If I won megamillions I would use my money to drag their asses into court and get all that bullshit overturned. The state of Texas should hang their heads in shame. And I thought the Board of Regents in NYS sucked, due to dumbing down tests to get better scores…Jesus.
Blues Tiger : What is funny is how other parents percieve your gifted child, as though they are always well mannered, never get on your last nerve or always have a clean and tidy room…
AdLib : I just spoke last night with the Exec Dir of a charter high school just south of L.A. which is a huge success story. Almost all of their students graduated and went on to college. They focus on international business and kids are excited about learning and traveling. Charter schools are a viable path to better education, indeed.
HITO : Adlib, do you honestly think gifted children use their gifts to benefit their moms? Really? LOL
Blues Tiger : Hito I learned thatschools will help you as a parent though… Just ask his counsler or teachers opinions on what you as a parent can do special for your child to engage his mind at home…
PatsyT : HITO you must love what is happening in Texas!
AdLib : Patsy – Having gifted children means they can balance the family checkbook and replace the alternator on the car while you get to blog! It’s a win-win!
HITO : Patsy, and what the schools have become. More money focused on special needs from NCLB, and the average or accelerated students get whatever is left. I was a school trustee, it blew my mind to view the inequities in education. There is no emphasis on achievement for those two sectors, I hope Arnie Duncan is on that front asking for data from school districts to identify successful research based programs and teachers. (hush Seek, I’ll get off my soapbox now)
SeeknDestroy : Please, Rand, go back on Maddow!
PatsyT : Isn’t it interesting that you find parents of gifted children blogging? I often think – OMG look at this world they have to go out to ?-? ?-?I have to do something about this
AdLib : I’m still lurning to rede, miself but I was hom skooled yousing the Rand Paul methodd.
AdLib : HITO – Your son sounds like one sharp guy! Well done all the way around!
SeeknDestroy : HITO for POTUS!
PatsyT : HITO I have walked in your shoes – my girls all read before K and it has been a constant struggle to make sure the schools challenge them – ohh the tales we could share
HITO : Kids need to be empowered that they can do important things. Kinda like when we were young it was “You can be President!”…w ell not for you HITO, you’re a woman (1966).
AdLib : When it comes to bringing up kids and making them into someone successful, look at our president. He was disadvantaged through part of his childhood, he wasn’t scheduled for Karate after Piano after Soccer and look what he became…all thanks to his mother’s supportiveness and love.
HITO : Adlib, and then there’s the internet thing. He actually tests servers for a game sight on Fridays. Blows my mind.
AdLib : Patsy – My rule is if she can spell it, she can do it! She can spell NASA, she can fly their rocket. Simple logic.
PatsyT : BT I just never want to see any child discount themselves…
AdLib : HITO – Very impressive! The thing about very bright kids is that they can get bored easily for the very reason that they understand things faster than others. They need to have more intellectual challenges than other kids to keep issues from cropping up.
Blues Tiger : Just think what space travel might be like for someone his age when he is 30
PatsyT : Yes AdLib NASA can wait
HITO : You have to know when to “push” and when to stay back. My youngest is 13 and he is amazing. He read before nursery school. Had him tested by John Hopkins every year, but kept him in public school and kept him advanced because they didn’t have a program in elementary. But he gets lazy and I tell him he needs to maximize his abilities because a mind is a terrible thing to waste. He does 1/2 hour of homework versus my daughter’s 2 hours of homework every day with the same teachers and subject. He just gets it. Wrote about Einstein in 1st grade. Talk about pressure.
Blues Tiger : I learned it the hard way AdLib…
AdLib : Wise words, BT.
AdLib : Good thing I pulled my 6 year old from piloting that rocket to the manned space station, you guys would be all over me.
Blues Tiger : Patsy I come froma family of perfomers… All my kids are talented but I learned you just can’t make them be what you think they can become… I learned you can try to instill into them to become the best they can be at whatever the chose and support them in achieving that…
AdLib : Hey, we might have a PlanetPOV band or orchestra in the making!
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, it shouldn’t be the mission of a parent to pressure their child to be “great” at something. I think it’s more important that they learn to be a “great” human being and their lifelong happiness will be far more likely to flow from that.
PatsyT : BT thats cool I think that is where my oldest may wind up but I -as a parent -like to push her to not give up on performance- she is so good.
Blues Tiger : Correct AdLib… I was lucky the marathon just happened to have episodes on Spears and LeAnn Rimes….
AdLib : Bt – You’re a smart Dad! There are the few child musicians/singer s/actors who don’t have their lives destroyed by being a child talent, they become Lindsey Lohans and Britney Spears. Not exactly the life most parents want for their kids. There is plenty of time to pursue careers when you’re an adult, they need and deserve to have a childhood first.
PatsyT : Parents can not make a child ‘talented’ It is a collective effort but never the less involved parents help
Blues Tiger : She’s 24 now Patsy and is working on becoming a music teacher…
HITO : BT, wow. Good for you. Congrats. And you are absolutely correct. It’ll be waiting for her and she will be that much more ready to deal with the pressure.
PatsyT : Oh Balloon Boy!
AdLib : Patsy – That’s the difference though of supporting your child and being a Stage Mom/Dad like the parents of these kids climbing Everest and sailing around the world, thrusting them into things for the parents’ own gratification.
SeeknDestroy : Right now I just need a job
Blues Tiger : At 14 my daughter was offred a recording contract in Nashville… A teacher had sent a Demo behind my back… I wouldn’t allow it… My daughter told me I ruined her life etc… After a couple of months I made her watch a “Behind The Music” marathon… I told her when she is 18 Nashville will still be there… The marathon worked…
HITO : Adlib, that balloon boy will say “Happy Birthday, you exploit-ist piece of shit, Dad”
PatsyT : Seek and you shall find
SeeknDestroy : I’m still waiting
PatsyT : Some children do not show their talents until later in life
AdLib : HITO – Imagine what Balloon Boy is going to say to his Dad when he’s grown up. “You total dick! WTF were you thinking?”
HITO : My daughter had been in her school band for 8 years..was first chair flutist. She did a teaching mentoring program this year and had to quit, there wasn’t time. That was a hard decision.
PatsyT : Some kids have that drive and they are in your face with -I want to tryout for this team or that program The parent, in that case, can just sign them up and drive them there.
AdLib : BT – You taught her what wisdom is, looking at the big picture, and that is something she’s understandably grateful for.
SeeknDestroy : «link»
HITO : Adlib, when that girl becomes a parent I am sure she will say “What the fuck were my parents thinking”. She was very lucky.
Blues Tiger : Patsy my daughteris extremly talented and driven… She had a problem saying no to people who desired to use her talent… I finally just told her she could only do one thing at a time… At first she hated me for it and then later she thanked me for it… Afte awhile she was the one making sure she didn;t over do it…
SeeknDestroy : Get off my boat!
AdLib : Patsy – That’s the sign of a supportive parent. Giving a child room to discover what they like and feel good about then backing them on it…reasonably, not urging them to sail around the world by themselves.
HITO : “drive the car” Patsy do you live in a rural area with no sidewalks or buses like me? Do you have a chauffeur’s hat like me?
PatsyT : The child has to have the talent and the drive. The parents can only facilitate and drive the car.
HITO : You’re right BT. That was my X’s behavior. Give them plenty of stuff to do and answer your blackbury. (I know I spelled it wrong)
AdLib : BT – Agreed! Also, I think it’s a degree of insecurity and ignorance. Some parents don’t feel smart enough, educated enough, etc. to teach their kids a variety of things so they figure they can just throw miney at it and all will be fine. Keep the kids learning everything so they will become superkids! Instead, it overloads them keeps them from developing independent reasoning, thought and imagination and they become under-developed emotionally and socially.
Blues Tiger : What I mean Hito is if you actually schedule you childs life with activities you are detaching yourself as the Parent… You can be the driving force but you may be actually driving them away because you just don’t want to Parent
HITO : Patsy, I told that to my daughter last summer. I told her I still loved her like crazy but I needed to pull back and let her fly this last year in high school. Better to try flying while still in the nest, because next year she dorms and she will need to find success on her own.
AdLib : HITO – I think it’s important to teach decision making at a young age. Not just letting kids make decisions but teaching them what critical thinking is…that is, WHY one would decide this way or that way.
PatsyT : Good Advice HITO I concur
HITO : I don’t know BT. My dentist’s wife was a driving force behind those twins. Obsessed almost.
Blues Tiger : I call it lazy parenting ALib, people detach themselves from the children by having others teach and guide them through so many activities..
HITO : Parenting is hard enough. My mom NEVER let me make decisions until I was 18 and it’s not good to enter that process at that age. Better to let kids try and fail at early ages so if their resolutions don’t work, you can offer some assistance, but kids need to learn how to get their asses out of trouble on their own. College of hard knocks?
AdLib : I wish 15 minutes really was 15 minutes. Then Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, reality show jerks and so many others would be forgotten quickly as they should be.
SeeknDestroy : Their yours HITO……famous or imfamous, are we?
AdLib : HITO – Absolutely. I have a relative who’s a college grad now, he confessed that he just can’t make decisions for himself.
PatsyT : I have had those 15 minutes… not much there… you can live with out it
HITO : Seek I’ll take your 15 minutes. I used mine up last October at the other place, remember?
AdLib : BT and HITO – That is something that I, as a parent, am annoyed by. The parents who schedule their kid’s life into so many activities, sports and arts that they don’t have time to be on their own and develop their own imaginations and ideas. It is smothering to do that to kids and as you say BT, it isn’t surprising that kids snap back from that to wanting no pressure on them and no ambition.
HITO : BT, the kids get used to being directed, they have lost their own personal desire, or even the mechanism of how to determine what they “like”. Sad really.
SeeknDestroy : Anyone want my 15 minutes?…I’ll don’t want them
PatsyT : You can’t go in a grocery store if you are a celeb
HITO : Warhol said 15 minutes of fame for each person in the 70s (I think). Well, now everyone is a star. And so what.
SeeknDestroy : Burned out at 18…..wow
PatsyT : BT I can see that..
SeeknDestroy : Twatter
AdLib : Seek –
HITO : It’s that fucking Facebook.
Blues Tiger : Hito studies have shown that kids who do to much early on don’t wntto acomplish much once they become older
SeeknDestroy : Change me! You can believe in…
PatsyT : AdLib It is out there
AdLib : Patsy – That is a sad state of affairs if parents are rewarded for endangering their kids with college grants for stupidity, greed and lust for celebrity.
HITO : My dentist and his wife pushed their two twins ala stage parents…musica lly, academically, dance, karate…I didn’t know where they found the time to do everything. Now they’re graduating high school and both kids have NO DIRECTION. Are going to take a couple of classes at the community college. That’s the other side to over-pushing kids.
PatsyT : HITO I do have a thing for men in eyeliner especially pirates
AdLib : HITO – That’s why the laws need to be changed. We need young people in Congress. And when they run on change, part of it may refer to their poopy diaper.
PatsyT : AdLib all the exploitation adds up to great collage applications – they have many motives
HITO : Jack Sparrow is hot. I don’t blame the girl.
SeeknDestroy : LOL
AdLib : BT – The girl said that if she was boarded by Pirates, that would be okay because Jack Sparrow is CUUUTE!
HITO : NO 12 YEAR OLDS FOR THE SC SENATE! They are not of consenting age, for god’s sake.
AdLib : Patsy – I don’t think that’s what drives these types, it’s more like stage parents, driving their kids to do things so they can live through them, achieve celebrity and money through them. It all boils down to one word, “exploitation” .
Blues Tiger : Well what parent would end their daughter out alone after Pirates had nabbed that British couple?
PatsyT : HITO you have just solved it !
HITO : Patsy, couldn’t agree more. It’s the “Keeping up with the Brown’s KIDS” MO.
AdLib : Yes HITO! And let’s run a 12 year old for the Senate in SC!
PatsyT : Some parents feel that if they do not have a nobel prize winner at 15 or something like that how can they hold their head up?
HITO : Maybe a 12 year old can plug up the well?
AdLib : The fraud of the teen climbing Everest, the death of that teen girl pilot, the near death of this girl trying to sail around the world to fulfill her parents’ living through her…and how can we forget about Balloon Boy?
HITO : My dad had a 32′ sailboat…looke d like Popeye’s. Had it made in England and spent two years sailing it back with his crazy friend Jack. The boat stayed in the Azores for one year. I hated taking it out with just he and I!!!! What were these people thinking?
AdLib : BREAKING NEWS: “12 Year Old Brain Surgeon Has First Operation! Sends Condolences to the Relatives of His Patient!”
SeeknDestroy : «link»
Blues Tiger : Hey Mom Hey Dadd !!! I wanna sail around the world all by myself, please please please please please, other kids are doing it, one kids Parents let him climb Mt Everest, please please please please
AdLib : Seriously, a 16 year old can’t do many things, even vote, because they’re considered not old enough to make important decisions for themselves…but they can sail alone around the world? INSANE!
Blues Tiger : I saw that AdLib…
AdLib : BT – Did you hear about the 12 year old “bullfighter” who was knocked down by an 800 lb bull?
HITO : oops over-achiever
HITO : It is the new generation of over-achieves and sadly the parents endorse this type of ridiculous stunt.
Blues Tiger : I think when you kid says Hey Dad I wanna be a Bullfighter, you answe when your 18 you can be whatever you want… Thats what this girls parents ought to be like…
AdLib : Cheney and Rove are honeymooning in Hell. The reason the oil keeps flowing in the gulf is that they are below, pumping it up.
SeeknDestroy : Get off my land!
HITO : Where is Dick? Any Dick sightings since he went to SA?
PatsyT : quiet
PatsyT : Whooo Cheney he is SO quite
HITO : If I had to rank the two women, I’d place Whitman first just based on Fiorina’s petty childish bitchy comment. She is clearly intimidated by Boxer, and she should be.
Blues Tiger : That was sorta catty… Voters can handle “bitch” but catty is hard to overcome…
SeeknDestroy : Dick?Cheney….
HITO : Really. I like the av. It reminds me of something…
AdLib : I wonder if there will be another clip of Fiorina actually saying “Meow!”.
SeeknDestroy : LOL……
AdLib : Avatars for sale! Two for $5! Get yer red hot avatars!
HITO : Are you bald? That looks good on some men.
PatsyT : No hair insults
SeeknDestroy : lip
SeeknDestroy : low blow, hito
HITO : Seek, it can’t be yours, you don’t have an av!
SeeknDestroy : Mine!
AdLib : Byline is usually the name of the journalist and date.
SeeknDestroy : wink
HITO : BT: He said many times, “I’ll be back”. He meant it!
SeeknDestroy : Language, HITO!
AdLib : HITO – I absolutely know what byline means, wasn’t sure if you meant writing about AssClown Party or the term itself.
HITO : I stand corrected, but I’m still old and now probably dumb: The byline on a newspaper or magazine article gives the name, and often the position, of the writer of the article. Bylines are traditionally placed between the headline and the text of the article.
SeeknDestroy : LOL..
PatsyT : LOL early bird special !
Blues Tiger : he will be like Palin, never quite goes away
AdLib : Seek and HITO –
! T5 – The Early Bird Special
PatsyT : Good luck Arnold … finding work
HITO : I thought it was all about being married to Maria Shiver?
AdLib : What will show the absurdity of our democracy is that The Terminator, having Terminated California’s solvency, will become a political talking head, a celebrity, on the news networks after he’s out of office…which he got into because he was a celebrity!
PatsyT : AdLib that mascot LOL Can it say GET OFF MY LAWN!
SeeknDestroy : T5: The hip replacement surgery was just a *procedure*
HITO : T5: Pull My Finger
HITO : Adlib, I actually C and Peed that baby and threw it into Word. That was mighty techie of me, btw. What about the byline answer…am I old?
Blues Tiger : «link»
Blues Tiger : Flyers for Green or Green Flyers take your pic…
SeeknDestroy : LOL….u crazy kids…..
AdLib : Patsy –
How about, T5 – You Kids Get Off My Lawn!
PatsyT : T5 – I can’t see out of these glasses
PatsyT : Back at you HITO you you have had my laughing all night
SeeknDestroy : LOL
HITO : OK Patsy, liquids came out my nose. That hurts.
AdLib : Hey, here’s a mascot for The Assclown Party: «link»
SeeknDestroy : you’re not busy or anything…….- )
PatsyT : T5 – where did I park my car?
HITO : oh, sorry, I thought you were Ochs/Sulzberger. Weren’t they called bylines back then?
SeeknDestroy : Do it HITO!
AdLib : HITO – You mean an article?
PatsyT : HITO that is a winner!
HITO : Adlib, I hope you do a byline on the Assclowns. E me, I’ll help you.
AdLib : Rise of the Machines was a previous Terminator title.
SeeknDestroy : Depends at 10 paces
AdLib : Yep.
HITO : Acid Reflux?
SeeknDestroy : LOL
AdLib : T5 – The Rise of the Reflux.
HITO : No…I’m not having that!
SeeknDestroy : phart….arnie!
AdLib : Remember after Ahnold was elected, the GOP was fighting to change the Constitution to allow non-citizens to be president? Then when Obama was elected, they complained that he wasn’t a citizen. Assclowns!
HITO : Now his eyes look like he’s seen Jesus rising out of marshes. I worked for a CEO that had that look. Frightening.
SeeknDestroy : lol
PatsyT : T5 I shouldn’t have had the egg salad
SeeknDestroy : bad acting wasn’t helping HITO
AdLib : Yep, Van Damme too.
Blues Tiger : So he is going back on the “Roids” then
HITO : Van Damn no doubt…he’s looking very scary…bad plastic surgery was his downfall.
AdLib : T5 – I’ll Be…oh my back!
SeeknDestroy : lol
HITO : Stallone? Ew.
AdLib : BT – He’s actually already been cast in a movie that has cameos of most action stars, forget the name of it but Stallone and other older action heroes are cast in it.
SeeknDestroy : lol
HITO : Terminator 5: Geriatrics Revenge
PatsyT : Megabillionbucki naire
SeeknDestroy : 5
HITO : BT: Terminator 4 or it is 5?
AdLib : MegaBucks.
PatsyT : Megbillion
Blues Tiger : What is Arnolds plans after the election? Has he dropped any hints?
AdLib : Patsy – Love it! Or, Megzilla?
AdLib : BT – After Ahnold, a Republican would be unlikely for Governor in any case, let alone that CA has a strong Dem majority (I think Repubs are around the 30% mark). And most Americans are not pining to be taken over by billionaires.
PatsyT : Megillionare
AdLib : Yep, no one would be accurate to ding Brown for not being for equality for women. His mistake was saying “woman” when he should just identify her by name. Saying, “Meg Whitman wants all the power she can buy with her billions” would be far better.
PatsyT : I feel like Brown has been waiting to pounce like a cat … I hope he is up to this I mean there is so much you can go after that meggy with
Blues Tiger : Cali has had an odd love affair with Brown over the years… I was suprised he has a good chance to be Gov again…
AdLib : BT – I agree. He needs to focus on her being an anti-Californian billionaire who’s views are opposed by the majority of us, keep out any reference to her being a woman because it is not and should not be an issue.
HITO : Brown thought he was being trendy probably. He wanted to shed his staid AG appearance. Hey, he was good enough for Ronstadt at one point.
SeeknDestroy : cuts your cred
Blues Tiger : I think he better lay off the “woman wants to be Prez” thingy too..
SeeknDestroy : Agreed, Ad lib….it cute your cred as well
AdLib : BT – That did pain me, Brown saying that. I really wish Dems would always avoid copying the Repub way of using “nazi” and “Hitler” for descriptions. Brown was absolutely right about Whitman being a nasty propagandist but no need to invoke nazis, it undercuts the point and in itself, becomes an issue.
HITO : I wish I was kidding, I’m not. She does it to get away from his father.
HITO : Patsy, I know!!!! My soon to be X’s mom works there!
SeeknDestroy : LOL
HITO : Billdo/Orally would have been at the Men’s Hair Club for 3 months until the roots took root. But not Denmark…only America is good enough for him.
PatsyT : HITO walmart has no need for intelligence
SeeknDestroy : 81 million on a PRIMARY…..wow
AdLib : BT –
“Vote for me, I know how it feels to lose a job because of incompetence! I’m the kind of guy you can have a beer with…but will excuse myself before the check comes because I have a job interview in the morning.”
Blues Tiger : Brown already played the Nazi card I see…
HITO : I like her hair, btw. And well, he has none.
AdLib : My 6 year old is less obvious about lying than Green.
SeeknDestroy : Was Billdo in Denmark, HITO?
Blues Tiger : Vote for me I need a job, my esteemed opponent has one already…
AdLib : BT – I will take bets on this, Jerry Brown will be Governor and Barbara Boxer will be Senator in 2011.
SeeknDestroy : Not surprised, Ad Lib…..they take the cake….and they roll along lying day after day….
HITO : Green couldn’t find a job with those needed talents? Somethings rotten in denmark.
AdLib : HITO – And Green said he was discharged involuntarily, he was “fired”.
SeeknDestroy : And look how well THAT worked out…Ahhhnold!
AdLib : Seek – The GOP did the same thing when Clinton was president. They even openly claimed he was a murderer!
HITO : “INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST” Job Description and Jobs DOT: 059.267-014 Collects, records, analyzes, and disseminates tactical, strategic, or technical intelligence information: Segregates and records incoming intelligence data according to type of data to facilitate comparison, study, and accessibility
PatsyT : Seek – so true !
Blues Tiger : Oh damn no telling who ya’ll will elect now… I remember the Gov special election that put Arnold in…
SeeknDestroy : Since before Obama took office there has been a constant fear campaign….They will never stop….we can’t either
AdLib : Patsy –
PatsyT : Dement ed
AdLib : Maybe there’s a lesson here. Let’s go through the prison records to find who we want to vote for in the GOP primary in 2012. CA now has open primaries, we could have a sex offender running against a pickpocket. Whoops…how would that be any different?
HITO : Demint was one of two senators who voted against Hillary becoming SOS.
PatsyT : Boy getting someone to represent the people is harder then we could ever have thought
SeeknDestroy : That one sentence is the truth, Ad lib
AdLib : Patsy – it’s far easier to lead the ignorant and blindly loyal then thinking, reasoning people. That is an unfortunate dynamic about politics.
SeeknDestroy : LOL…right?
HITO : So Green was a GOP shill used to make sure Demint, the Queen of the Teabaggers got re-elected? Wow, maybe I’m an intelligent specialist.
PatsyT : Seek, they have to step out, you know, chorus line style and kick booty!
AdLib : BT – Yes, I saw that one and the one where he asks if they can just stop the interview. He is lying, it is so obvious, he can’t even say where he campaigned or who he campaigned to.
PatsyT : HITO it must not be special to be intelligent
Blues Tiger : The one with Keith was even more trying to watch…
SeeknDestroy : And now ACORN is gone …
HITO : Pasty, I find libs do not easily negate another’s viewpoint, regardless of the basis of insanity it portrays. It’s not in our nature of giving all things an audience or chance. That may be our downfall.
SeeknDestroy : Agreed Patsy…..what are they waiting for?….the GOP gives them gems almost daily……
AdLib : Watch this interview with Green, does he look at all like he’s telling the truth? «link»
HITO : Seek, it’s easier to follow blindly than to pay attention, read alot, and make decisions. This is what this nation is becoming. They saw Obama’s internet campaign blow the door off of organizing…the GOP are just doing things their way, the nasty brain control way.
PatsyT : Ahh yes Seek but the dems have so many flaws to exploit I wish they would get busy with it.
SeeknDestroy : I h8 the GOP message obviously….but their organizing is top notch…no thinking required….lock step
Blues Tiger : He has my vote … Heh heh heh
HITO : Intelligence Specialists become unemployed?
Blues Tiger : “Greene is for wrapping up the wars in the Middle East and using that money for domestic programs, such as job creation, education and Social Security.”
AdLib : From your link BT: “Greene, 32, said he has a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of South Carolina and served as an intelligence specialist in the U.S. Air Force before working as a supply specialist with the U.S. Army until eight months ago. Now, he said, he’s one of the ranks of the unemployed and is “running to make a difference” with a campaign slogan of “Let’s get South Carolina back to work.” HE’S BEEN UNEMPLOYED FOR 8 MONTHS! HE DOESN’T HAVE $10k TO THROW AWAY.
PatsyT : Thanks BT
HITO : Information is power..even deceitful lies. He who spreads the information controls the world. Ted Turner knew this in broadcasting. But it’s been around since Ben Franklin was turning out editions.
PatsyT : I like that law!
SeeknDestroy : The dumbing down of America……the GOP paradise…ala Glen Beck
Blues Tiger : The Link is to Greenville coverage of the 2 Dems running
Blues Tiger : «link»
AdLib : HITO – I have no doubt that the underground rodents in the GOP are busy at work trying to undermine our elections as usual and grab power back from the Dems. Rove is very involved as is Roger Ailes and Fox News. Hey, how about a law preventing an alleged news organization from being an arm of a political party? What right do they have to be propagandists? That’s not what the 1st Amendment is about>
PatsyT : Anyone see a pattern here – unravel education funding – distract the public – spread fear- gain power- isn’t that how how the monarchy in europe keep their power all those centuries ? Are we going backwards?
AdLib : BT – Only the fliers were for electing Jim DeMint.
HITO : Adlib, the past few candidates we’ve discussed scream “Rove Did It”. He was and still is a mastermind of market penetration in politics. No viagra pun intended.
Blues Tiger : He Had Flyers AdLib
AdLib : Sharron Angle makes perfect sense. The low income, low information types who live in the desert west are the perfect demographic for Baggers. Also, in a midterm election, only the most driven really go out to the polls so the influence of such types is magnified. In a general election, not so much.
HITO : Demint wants school prayer to stay in…he is also a member of the C Street christians who pray. He was out sick the day his high school american history class discussed separation of church and state obviously.
SeeknDestroy : Ole Harry is the far lesser of 2 evils in NV….but at least Gibbons is gone
SeeknDestroy : I did because of Maddow
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, that’s my point. DeMint is not beatable by a long shot. That says a lot about how miserable too many people are in that state. So Green who is broke would somehow put $10,000 down to run a futile campaign…witho ut ever even campaigning? Doesn’t make sense.
HITO : No one took Green seriously…ever . I feel like I can hear a bunch of good ol boys laughing their asses off in a back room somewhere.
Blues Tiger : But we heard about her before she won… actually for weeks
SeeknDestroy : Really?
SeeknDestroy : The John Birch Society candidate?
SeeknDestroy : BT….How could Sharron Angle in NV?
Blues Tiger : I find the whole thing intriquing though… How could someone like Green slip under the Radar for a US Senate seat?
AdLib : HITO – I have an idea on that. First, it being thought to be a strong anti-incumbent November, the GOP in the state, earlier in the year, may have figured that it would be best to put the worst candidate possible in for the Dems as the “anti-incumbent “. And also, by helping to place someone on the Dem ticket who came off as insulting to black people and the Dems (felony charges on forcing porn on students isn’t the best campaign platform), they could harm the Dems and blacks in the state.
PatsyT : HITO the stuff falling out of his mouth …. like the spill in gulf … still going on.
HITO : Patsy…I forget, but I hated that guy. The crap that fell out of his mouth…oh boy.
PatsyT : Thought so
Blues Tiger : Yep Patsy
HITO : Bob Dole hooked up Seek and I, btw. I will be eternally grateful to him. Nuff said.
PatsyT : Help me folks DeMint ? is he SC?
SeeknDestroy : Boing!….LOL
AdLib : Seek – No, I didn’t vote for Dole but I took a Viagra to show my “support”.
HITO : Adlib, was the GOP that scared that the incumbent wouldn’t win so they put someone that would make the voters re-elect?
SeeknDestroy : I don’t know…..I live next to Cali….
AdLib : And SC is the biggest political swamp in the nation, the worst of the worst have come from there and operate there.
Blues Tiger : It’s going to be interesting to find all that out AdLib
SeeknDestroy : Anyone vote for Bob Dole for Emperor of the Universe?
AdLib : BT – He was out of work for months, he swore under oath in court that he was indigent, he claimed he spent only about that $10,000 on his “campaign”, he didn’t even campaign or set up a web site. Here’s the question, if a person was unemployed, on trial for a felony and tight on money, why would he throw $10,000 away on a hopeless bid to beat a GOP senator who can’t be beaten?
Blues Tiger : I have a couple of links to the Grennvill S.C. paper that I will post on the Alvin article… One covers both the Dems platforms and ideas, Greens were actually more in touch with what I would have voted for… The other article shows how people just didn;t want to vote Staus Quo again in SC
SeeknDestroy : Will do Ad Lib..thanks
Blues Tiger : Not so hard to save up when in the Military… But that is still suspicious
AdLib : If I was betting, I would bet for GOP fraud. Too many things that just don’t make sense.
AdLib : BT – Good point, we do have to allow for the absolute stupidity of tens of thousands of Dems. However, where did he get that $10,000, why is he keeping it a secret?
PatsyT : BT I saw that too- bizarre
AdLib : Seek – Maybe you should temporarily try changing it and see what happens, you can always select your original again.
SeeknDestroy : No worries….:-)
AdLib : Seek – That’s weird!
SeeknDestroy : I’m sure Ad Lib
Blues Tiger : AdLib I caught about 10 minutes of Hardball this evening, Matthews had a couple of Dems that are State Reps in SC, they both said they had talked to Dems who had voted for Green and it might be possible that he election was on the up and up, although they both had reservations too..
HITO : Seek, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
AdLib : Oh! Seek, are you sure you’ve signed up with the same email address here that you assigned your Avatar to?
SeeknDestroy : bite me, HITO
HITO : Adlib…I’m choking I’m laughing so hard!
SeeknDestroy : lip
AdLib : We could get WTS to design their mascot, an ass with clown makeup holding a “Obama am a Bad Man!” sign.
HITO : Seek, your av posts…zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz
SeeknDestroy : my avatar from the posting side doesn’t work here….
HITO : Assclown Party….AP. Party of Assclowns..PoA.. ..I’m liking it too. Let’s go with it. All members must wear size 22 clown shoes however. Red ones.
AdLib : Seek – “av”?
SeeknDestroy : sigh….yes it is
AdLib : BT – The fact that it is even a topic of discussion that a black man shouldn’t get angry but white men and women can (hello Palin and Beck?) is so disgustingly racist!
SeeknDestroy : silly goose
HITO : Seek, I love that av. Your round head is poy-fect!
PatsyT : There has to be an app for that
SeeknDestroy : LOL
SeeknDestroy : I have one….it doesn’t work…
PatsyT : Oooo Sek needs an avi..
AdLib : The Assclown Party, could be the Dem version of Teabaggers! I like it!
Blues Tiger : Whats even funnier is how everyone went off on how unemotional President Obama has been about the Gulf annd then when he say “Kick some Ass” and shows emotion they go off about that too…
SeeknDestroy : Mine!
HITO : Hypocrites all of them. I don’t know how Obama does it. If I was Michelle, I’d tell him to quit. $400K is not that much money to save this nation.
SeeknDestroy : I still have no av…..:-(
SeeknDestroy : assclowns….lol
AdLib : BT – Glad to hear it! Got some advice from the programmer who designed this chat box, he’s a great guy!
PatsyT : HITO Tell it !
AdLib : And what about the Chamber of Commerce and John Boehner coming out for taxpayers to bail out the corporations? They should be decimated by Dem advertising using those claims, such hypocrites after TARP!
Blues Tiger : It’s working great AdLib Thanks
SeeknDestroy : Agreed Ad Lib…….Lotsa *liberal trolls* over on the other side now…..whining constantly….I never expected him to do MY agenda….just try to do his…
HITO : Adlib, you’re polite by calling them immature. I call them assclowns and tell them to call O and get their vote back. Then I remind them how great it would be if Mac and Palin were running the show.
AdLib : Hey BT! I have hopefully fixed the Vox Populi page, you should be able to use it now!
Blues Tiger : hellooo Patsy , Hito , Seek
AdLib : HITO – I’m actually a bit disappointed in the immaturity of so many of our fellow citizens. Obama doesn’t give everybody exactly what they want but is a hugely positive change for this nation compared to Bush, and they throw tantrums, wailing that they’d rather get even with him by voting out Dems in favor of the Repubs who have ruined their lives. Idjits.
SeeknDestroy : Hello BLues Tiger…:-)
HITO : Hello Tiger.
PatsyT : Hey BT
Blues Tiger : helloooooooooooo ooooooo
PatsyT : I don’t see Reid jumping on any sofas He will be ok
HITO : If she wins over Reid, maybe Stephen King was right. “The Stand’s ending of good vs. evil was set in Vegas.
SeeknDestroy : Patsy….LOL…. I still have no choice but vote for Reid…eye roll
AdLib : Patsy – Thank goodness they make sure Joe is seen. I hear going cold turkey on BS causes headaches, nausea, paranoia and an profuse salivation when screaming “Obama is a communist!”
PatsyT : Seek Oh oh She may jump on a sofa!
HITO : Adlib, then we have quite a longer road to travel before this nation wakes the fuck up and grows a collective brain.
SeeknDestroy : Internment camps…..9/11 anyone…no camps to be seen
AdLib : HITO – Yes, that’s my point, there are just a few degrees of difference in truth between all of the MSM outlets, including MSNBC, FOX, etc. It’s all about the corporations that own them trying to find demographics to appeal to. They don’t care who they are or what is said to attract them, they just want the ratings.
HITO : There was actually a poster supporting that fluoride statement…I replied to them “Wahhhh”. How uneducated are people becoming? It’s starting to defy logic.
SeeknDestroy : I saw all of this…..and much more….She’s also a Scientologist.
AdLib : Here are a few tidbits: MSNBC Countdown host Keith Olbermann has slammed a Tea Party Senate candidate who won a key primary victory this week, intimating that she is crazy because she believes sodium fluoride, a deadly poison, is poisonous. “Two months ago Ms. Angle said she was a member of the Oath Keepers, a group preparing itself not just for government internment camps, but for the day that somebody issues a ‘order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.’”
SeeknDestroy : Poliyical reality TV, Ad Lib…..
HITO : Adlib, you know you just described Murdoch’s Glen Beck.
PatsyT : AdLib here in the OC they rebroadcast Morning Joe on the cox cable community channel @ 8:00 so no one can miss it
SeeknDestroy : aka Vegas
SeeknDestroy : LOL….Las Veags is DRY?!?
HITO : Angle thinks prohibition should happen in Nevada. The casinos must love her!
AdLib : Seek – Exactly! Why would any news organization willingly employ someone who is not about journalism but about BS and spin…unless the conflict is more desired by them than the truth?
SeeknDestroy : I know…It’s either Reid or Angle….she’ll a certified loon
HITO : I stopped watching MSNBC about 9 months ago. May watch BBC once a month while eating something. MSNBC is getting as extreme as Fox.
AdLib : How about that loon in NV, Sharron Angle? She wants women back in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant!
SeeknDestroy : Insightful as usual, Ad Lib….I agree……Pat Buchanan as a regular?…….R eally?
AdLib : Patsy – MSNBC is just a corporation that saw a market for liberal commentators and promoted them. At the same time, they have Morning Joe Blows and constantly have GOP guests that make BS claims that go unchallenged. Yesterday, Chris Matthews had on Harold Ford of the DLC (Corporate-owned Dems in Name Only) and they sat there agreeing that unions are stupid for financing candidates that support their values, against sell outs like Blanche Lincoln. Pure status quo propaganda.
SeeknDestroy : They are unbelievable…. .Selling sensationalism over journalism
PatsyT : Fiorina lost the gay vote
HITO : She and Meg Whitman were nothing to write home about as CEOs. I applaud women getting top positions at any organization, but those two make my skin crawl. I would never work for them.
PatsyT : Seek I am glad my subscription ran out
SeeknDestroy : Seen the new Newsweek Palin cover?
HITO : South Carolina…state of gov reps who cheat on their spouses AND get elected or are allowed to stay in office. Jeesh.
PatsyT : Fiorina is cooked and I hate her hair!
HITO : That clip of Fiorina saying spiteful things about Boxer was over the top. She is one nasty bitch.
SeeknDestroy : I don’t get how any self respecting woman could be GOP. The GOP wants everything back to the 1950’s….inclu ding womens right’s….etc. ..
AdLib : HITO – And what about all the Repubs who preach against gays, drugs, the sanctity of marriage, etc. then are exposed for being gay, using drugs or cheating on their wives. The GOP is pretty clear about things, it’s all just a political game, they’re fine with lying if it means they can win power.
HITO : The GOP either deifies or demonizes Obama. That’s all they have. And when they use the deity connotation it’s only as a prelude to get to the demonization part.
PatsyT : AdLib even MSNBC is lagging -what gives -there was so much info on the spill on blogs and NOW they are putting it on the air- may as well read history books on WWI
AdLib : What do the CA women who won their primaries by using millions of their own wealth, campaigning against a woman’s right to choose, minorities, HCR, etc., have to do with where women really are on the issues, let alone CA women.
SeeknDestroy : I see NOTHING new from the GOP……Just more of the same nonsense….exce pt….lets h8 Obama
HITO : Adlib, spot on. Seek says that all the time. Ever notice a horrible GOPr spewing nasty comments but insists he is gay? Is he or just using his difference to keep from getting bashed?
AdLib : Patsy – The MSM is an echo chamber for political think tanks, talking points from politicians and political parties. They are now just a megaphone for BS so what you say makes a lot of sense.
PatsyT : I find the best and most accurate info on blogs and even facebook people are getting ahead of MSM I can not believe how slow they are getting
AdLib : HITO – I think Palin has proven to the GOP that running women is a great shield for promoting their message. They can hide behind the feminist thing while being totally anti-feminist. This is the same thing they did by having Michael Steele as head of the RNC, “See? We like black people!” Then they have him spout the same policies that are meant to keep the wealthy white men in power.
SeeknDestroy : The GOP and the Tea Party
HITO : And why is someone like Palin running around endorsing candidates…who ‘s paying her…duh.
AdLib : Patsy – Jon Stewart put up an amusing bit about the MSM on this, despite the wins of 99% of incumbents, they had headlines like, “Lincoln Survives Anti-Incumbent Fever”. I suppose 99% of incumbents are “survivors”?
SeeknDestroy : Fiction becoming reality…..oy
PatsyT : GOP women=Robots
SeeknDestroy : Tea party wishful thinking.”Throw the bums out!” indeed…..wups. …didn’t happen yet
HITO : I’m afraid the flavor of the day to choose is becoming GOP women.
AdLib : That’s the thing, the MSM pumps up these scenarios which have no basis in reality, to whip up ratings and sometimes, MAKE these things happen by pressing them. Remember how they did this with the WMDs and the Iraq war?
PatsyT : Seek that takes the wind out of the MSM media story – Where is all that anti incumbent fever?
SeeknDestroy : We’ve added jobs 3 months in a row
AdLib : As long as unemployment weakens, I think the Dems will surprise the naysayers.
SeeknDestroy : Almost all incumbents won their primaries.
HITO : You did good mom! It feels great to see kids make good choices these days.
SeeknDestroy : I believe there will be a slight GOP favor to the mid terms, but not the wave that they want.
PatsyT : I have two to go Help me I hope I survive…
AdLib : Oberlin is a wonderful school!
HITO : Wow…that’s terrific Patsy. Congrats. One down one to go for me.
PatsyT : HITO no kidding Oberlin gave her a nice package!
HITO : Oberlin!
PatsyT : HITO Major Congrats ! Mine is going to Oberlin Conservatory in Ohio part of Oberlin Collage
HITO : Public colleges are getting harder to get into … private colleges offered her 11K scholarships.
HITO : me too..my daughter. She’s going to state Univ of NY – New Paltz. 13K applications…1 K accepted.
PatsyT : HITO yes I have a grad!
SeeknDestroy : I hope everyone is doing well!
AdLib : Einstein should have worked on a time theory about how time speeds up when kids pass 3 years old.
SeeknDestroy : Things are good,Patsy!
Jenuwin : I can already see that time goes by really fast!!!
PatsyT : Hey Seek Hey HITO Hope all is well with you both.
HITO : Patsy, do you have a high school grad this month?
SeeknDestroy : Ad Lib!
AdLib : Hey, hey Seek!
PatsyT : Jenuwin It seems like yesterday that they were six get ready for a time warp you can’t believe how quick it goes by!
SeeknDestroy : Hello you Libs!
AdLib : FYI – We’ll be starting Vox Populi in a few minutes, waiting for a couple of more folks but feel free to chat.
PatsyT : Issa is North San Diego County and we are right next to him in the 44th. We have Ken Calvert!
HITO : Hi Adlib…I’m using Mozilla now. Better, I got right in.
AdLib : HITO!!! Great to see ya!
Jenuwin : I remember those long ago days!
HITO : Hi kids. How’s everyone doing?
AdLib : Don’t forget what Summer is like with a 6 year old.
PatsyT : The end of the school year is SO busy for the seniors! It’s one thing after another.
AdLib : Patsy, is Issa your rep?
AdLib : Mmmm…I’ll be over for leftovers.
PatsyT : Yes Tri-tip roast in the oven and Asparagus all is good
AdLib : Hey Patsy! Welcome! Everything good with you?
PatsyT : Hi everyone
AdLib : Especially in the South.
Jenuwin : Summer is good! Need a break!
AdLib : I hear oil makes a great Father’s Day present.
AdLib : Another Summer night, folks will be rolling in.
Jenuwin : Couldn’t be better
AdLib : Hey Jenuwin! How are you this fine evening?
AdLib : Hi to all!
Jenuwin : Hi Ad Lib!
AdLib : Vox Populi will be starting momentarily. Please say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Please join us here tonight at 7:00 pm PST for Vox Populi, a live chat about the week’s events, open to all members. Use the widget on any page or join us on the Vox Populi page by clicking this link: «link»
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