AdLib : Yes, guess we should head over to the post now, see ya there and thanks for a wonderful VP! Here’s the link: «link»
AdLib : CL – I would only expect humility from you but the appreciation from us is genuine.
kesmarn : Oops…guess I’d better move over to the other side of the Looking Glass…
choicelady : You are very kind, but I think we all do these things. It’s the way of the Planeteers!
kesmarn : BT did you have that suit custom made? It fits to a T!
kesmarn : c’lady, I say again, you are doing the Lord’s work…when you’re on or off the clock!
choicelady : AdLib and all – I have my nice moments and my cranky moments, just like everyone! Just ask my spouse…
AdLib : CL – You are such a wonderful person. I look forward to meeting you one day soon!
choicelady : BT – you are not our stereotypical Okie! You have decidedly raised the tone of the entire state!
AdLib : Patsy, you can take it home in a doggy bag.
choicelady : kes – my neighbors are living on almost nothing, trying to be middle class, and not succeeding. Every time I help, it save cab fare. They are not well physically – not disabled that way – but walking is a chore, so… Glad to help when I CAN but yes have learned to say when I CANNOT.
PatsyT : I will miss my Spam
Blues Tiger : That would be me CL
Blues Tiger : CL my better half is a purple lover so being smart I bought pair of purples, now she doesn’t complain about all my shoes
choicelady : BT – is that YOU in that tres gorgeous pink Zoot? OK will never be the same!
AdLib : Well, looks like it’s about time to wrap this edition of Vox Populi. Thanks to all. The chat continues at the AfterChat article, click the link to go there: «link» Once again, thanks all for a great night!
choicelady : BT! LOVE the pink shoes, but the PURPLE ones are WAY cool!
Blues Tiger : CL you might like this pink suit… «link»
kesmarn : You are such a kind person, c’lady! There are a few folks like that in my church and while you want to do what you can for them, they can kinda take over your whole life if there aren’t some limits gently set. I know all too well!
PatsyT : My kids are going nuts over this site check it out later and press play «link»
choicelady : BT – I will look at your shoes! Cool!
AdLib : SRV wore pink and always dressed colorfully, just missed seeing him perform live, shortly before he died.
choicelady : kes – they did not actually NEED a ride, they wanted a ride, so I’m glad to help. MOST of the time. The older one (man and adopted adult son) can be very demanding, so I am careful. Otherwise I’d do nothing but ferry them places. But they ARE reasonably competent about walking around this safe neighborhood.
Blues Tiger : CL I posted a link to all my shoes…
kesmarn : Are they pink SUEDE shoes, BT? And do people step on them or stay off of them?
AdLib : Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam Wonderful Spam! Glorious Spam!
choicelady : BT – you and a 3-year-old I know love pink shoes. You know Antsy McClain and the Trailerpark Troubadors? He wears RED shoes. The grown up version of pink shoes.
PatsyT : Adlib I don’t want to fix it I enjoy having a argument about Spam
Blues Tiger : thanks AdLib
kesmarn : I’m teasing you, c’lady. I know you would never do something that would put them at risk!
AdLib : BT – Enjoyed seeing you and seeing you play. But the video cut out too soon.
choicelady : OK – they are certifiably nuts, but they do OK. They just like the attention, and I am fine with that. They get on pretty well on their own.
kesmarn : I have to admit that the “logic” of rural American fold medicine fits well with Tea Bag logic.
Blues Tiger : I love pink CL !!!
choicelady : Thanks, BT – what’s with the pink shoes? Maybe we need to leave that for later?
AdLib : Kes – It’s history, medicine, observational, and would be a fitting comment on recent events with the chicken lady. Works for me.
kesmarn : Welcome back, c’lady. Are you saying you drove the neighbors to the store and LEFT them???
Blues Tiger : WB CL !!!
choicelady : Store is close, they are mentally challenged, to say the least, but CAN walk back. Just do what I can.
kesmarn : On the Appallachian stuff, AdLib? I don’t know if that’s Planet material…?
AdLib : Welcome back CL. That was quick!
AdLib : Kes – You should write an article on that, sounds like a great read.
PatsyT : No kes not more fuel !!
kesmarn : Patsy…Spam as a fuel source or as a medicinal ingredient?
choicelady : Hi-I’m baaaack. VEry interesting turn of discussion. Lydia Pinkham’s huh? That’ll cure anything!
PatsyT : See when I tell it I love Spam it quits telling me I don’t like spam!! Nice feature!
AdLib : Patsy! You got the spam message? When you do, you have to clear your cache and restart your browser, that will solve it.
kesmarn : Ahhh. The Bad Olde Days. I’m actually fascinated by medical history. If the day ever comes when I can retire (hahahahahahaha) , I would love to dig in to American medical history, I have a book of Appallachian folk remedies that is jaw dropping in it’s weirdness and hilarious at the same time.
PatsyT : I love Spam !
AdLib : Kes – Had to look Lydia up, nice reference! Maybe doctors should just give us Carter’s Little Liver Pills and our heart valve problem will be just hunky dory!
kesmarn : AdLib, on retro-medicine: I could use a big slug o’ Lydia Pinkham’s right now. 80% alcohol and the rest opium. (Or something like that.)
Blues Tiger : Who?
kesmarn : Cool, BT. You don’t know koalahug, huh? I likely story…
Blues Tiger : «link»
Blues Tiger : A web page dedicated to my shoes!!!
AdLib : Cool BT! Playing it now!!!
AdLib : As long as we’re going back in time on paying for medicine, it would probably be appropriate for doctors to start using leeches again.
Blues Tiger : I be the man in Pink Shoes !!!
AdLib : BT – Is that you in all black in the audience?
kesmarn : Yes Patsy! Back in the Good Olde Days, before annoying things like open heart surgery and liver transplants and antibiotics made everything kinda complicated and mavericky.
Blues Tiger : «link»
Blues Tiger : Blues Tiger band at the Roberts Ranch Smokin’ Red Dirt BBQ
Blues Tiger : This link just came in my mail… somone posted me on youtube and I had no clue…
AdLib : Kes – The logistics would be that when you are admitted and don’t have insurance, you would have to provide them with $30k worth of chickens as security. And that’s no biggie, just get the chickens from your 40 coops.
PatsyT : It’s still early but Reid better step it up.
kesmarn : Oh Lord. More people who are willing to vote against their own interests just because they’re mad at some unknown situation/entity …
PatsyT : kes she is the barter lady -she likes the days of old when you could pay your doctor with a trade – they did’nt charge much back then did they?
AdLib : There are a lot of folks in NV that really are fed up with Reid, not necessarily for valid reasons but that’s the reality.
kesmarn : Yes, everyone who’s just gotten out of the hospital feels like painting the doctor’s house. THAT made sense. Has she ever been sick in her life. Oh God, I’d vote for Reid 1000 times before her!
AdLib : The Reid is still down by 10% in the latest polls.
kesmarn : Oh God!!! I saw that and didn’t make the connection. She’s nutz!
kesmarn : Yes, Patsy! Any word?
AdLib : Kes – She believes that we should repeal HCR and pay doctors with chickens or offer to paint their houses.
PatsyT : Oh the chicken lady?
kesmarn : I’m woefully ignorant on what Reid’s opponent it like. What’s the story with her?
AdLib : As I said, I am not rooting for Reid to lose but if he does, it would likely be either Dick Durbin or Chuck Schumer as Majority leader. Would Reid be preferable to either of them?
AdLib : BT – Be that as it may, do you see him as a strong and effective leader in The Senate from 2006 forward?
PatsyT : BT that makes sense Obama needs that with all the vitriol being spread around
AdLib : Consider how Reid folded to Bush on financing the Iraq war after promising to end it if the Dems took control in Congress. And all of the other Bush stuff that Reid let continue. When did he rally Dems to stand up to Bush?
Blues Tiger : Ried was instrumental in getting the President to run… He is very loyal to Obama
kesmarn : c’lady, you do the Lord’s work!
Blues Tiger : See you later CL
kesmarn : True. I can’t think of a real confrontation moment involving Reid.
AdLib : Very kind of you CL! Hope to see you later!
Blues Tiger : Patsy I read somewhere he takes the bullet for the President… Did we ever blame the Majority Leaders like we do now? Usually the public takes it out on the Prez
AdLib : Kes – That’s possible but if you look at Reid’s track record as majority leader, it has been one of capitulation and weakness.
choicelady : I need to drop off dear friends – I have two disabled neighbors who need a ride to the store. I will come back in if I can.
choicelady : ADLib – I did write to Reid about that very tactic. I’m sorry it came so damned late in the game. But at least he did it.
kesmarn : AdLib, do you think Pres Obama may have been pulling in the reins on Reid during the Leiberman thing?
PatsyT : BT he really has taken the beating
kesmarn : Exactly, c’lady. the false “independents” may be skewing the polls.
AdLib : CL – I don’t have as much faith in Reid as you do. And he still isn’t the kind of leader I’d want for the Dems. When the Medicare expansion was being blocked by Lieberman, I would have preferred a leader who came down on him like a ton of bricks and told him and every Dem that opposing bringing it to a vote means losing your chairmanship and support of the party in re-election. This is serios stuff, you have to have the stomach for hardball and Reid doesn’t.
choicelady : BT – I agree. He’s been too soft on them until last week, but wow – he stiffened his backbone and WON. I suspect he liked the victory and will keep doing it.
PatsyT : There are going to be more of the lesser know races that may surprise some like in my district the 44th
choicelady : kes – Milk? Sorry to hear that. I understand that your Christian RW family pretend to be independent, and that IS worrying since we have no real insight about other “independents” – might be more than we’d like to think.
Blues Tiger : Why complain about Reid? The Senate does business so much different from the House… Reid has been there 24/7 taking the brunt and still stuff is getting done
kesmarn : AdLib — sorry –stepped away to get a glass of –er– milk. The thing is the Christian RWers in my family don’t identify as Repubs either.
choicelady : AdLib – yes we do agree. Great minds or we read the same stuff. Either way is good!
Blues Tiger : the #’s of “independents who don’t vote GOP 99% of the time is a very low #
AdLib : Heh! CL, we agree on 20%!
choicelady : AdLib – I do think someone with more moxie would be great for the Senate. But he’s now proven it CAN BE DONE. I don’t think we’ll see anyone reverting to GOP pacification anytime soon.
AdLib : Kes – I think about 20% or so of voters are hardcore, unmovable Republicans. When the GOP was at its low, that was the percentage that would publicly espouse that they were Repubs despite how awful the Repubs looked after Bush.
Blues Tiger : CL the only person who could have defeated Coburn Gov Brad Henry was asked but refused to run against him
choicelady : I read that the teabagger are about 8%. Overall the RW is about 20%. So we need to focus on the independents (the real ones) and try to have them see that they would get only more of the same from 2008 with the return of the GOP.
AdLib : CL – The problem is that Reid is only acting like he has a spine because he’s desperate. If he won, he would naturally revert to being way too soft to be effective. I don’t oppose him, if he wins, so be it but if he loses, there is an upside.
kesmarn : Right, AdLib…it’s hard to get a handle on exactly how many of them (Christian RWers) there are out there…
choicelady : It is far more worrisome to me if the left passive armchair liberals don’t vote. That is still an issue, and KQ and I have been on a rant about them for months now.
AdLib : Kes – Yes, there is no dissuading the GOP faithful, no matter how much they lie or display racism. It is like their religion, they believe in the GOP no matter what people say or what facts are put in front of them.
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady, and these are people who love authoritarian types, which the Repub Party is full of.
choicelady : AdLib – I agree aobut Reid although he certainly found his mojo lately. That may actually save him!
choicelady : kes – you will never move the religious right. They have no alternatives since they’ve narrowed their focus so much.
kesmarn : If my very liberal, long-time Congresswoman gets serious resistance in next Tuesday’s primary, I’m going to be very concerned.
AdLib : CL – I agree, people do say they want to vote against incumbents but they do often like their incumbent. As for Reid, I have to say that I think his loss would not be terrible for the Dems. They need a better leader in The Senate. Hos loss could be a blessing in disguise.
choicelady : BT – the lack of opposition for Coburn is precisely my point. I think people stay with the Devil they know.
kesmarn : The Christian right-wingers in my family are still planning to vote Repub (although they call themselves independents). They remain “loyal” on dubious religious grounds.
choicelady : I think you’re right, AdLib, that the dwindling numbers of teabagger is not where the Repubs should go – and I think, given the tendency for people to like their OWN representatives even if they profess to hate Congress, will give us a fairly large return of Dems. If NV rejects Harry Reid for the Chicken Lady though…
AdLib : Kes – Very good point. Look at all the allies of the GOP, Wall Street, Teabaggers, Racists…all have been exposed and dissed by the public lately. WHo else does the GOP represent?
AdLib : BT – That’s good to hear. My understanding is that a huge amount of the Stimulus money still hasn’t been spent.
AdLib : This is the GOP’s mindless grab at short term benefits at the cost of the long term. Alienating Latino voters, having already alienated black voters with their racism, means they can’t win the presidency. ANgry white people just sin’t enough and is shrinking.
kesmarn : The Repubs do seem to be losing ground…the Goldman Sachs arrogance and the “drill-baby-dri ll” up-ending oil spill didn’t exactly help them this past week. But that wolf-in-sheep’s clothing Tea Party still worries me.
PatsyT : Our local school board of trustees (ultra RW reformers) have fallen from any grace they had ..125 friends on their facebook page compared to the Teachers (Union) 5000 !
Blues Tiger : AdLib there is a major portion of stimulus money that will be released in next couple of months too.. By election time it should help the economic #’s some
Blues Tiger : But Coburn is still unopposed
AdLib : If the economy continues to turn a corner and Obama and the Dems prove that government can work…doesn’t that take most of the air out of the anti-gov’t balloon?
Blues Tiger : The Tea Party has been reduced to the fringe IMO and I don’t believe they can influnce on a National scale… even here in Oklahoma all of sudden we have Dem Canidates and Independents leaving GOP running for office when iy looked like many GOP would be unoppsed a couple of months ago
AdLib : CL – Totally my fault for injecting fat into the rich, chewy center of the energy conversation.
PatsyT : Totally ! It will be one of those stories that make out of a story. The Dems just have to stick to principals
kesmarn : I think the Dems may to well with minority (especially some segments of the Hispanic vote) and traditional Lib voters. I’m worried about independents.
PatsyT : kes again LOL
kesmarn : There are car conversion kits that allow cars to run on used french fry oil from fast food places. We’re just sort of inserting a middle man/woman in this scenario.
choicelady : I just want to know how we got from microbes in mud to fat? Somewhere I missed the transition! I don’t CARE, mind you, but I remain a tad mystified. I find I’m leaning toward the fat as the REAL solution!
PatsyT : I am going to open bakery -pound cake here we come-
choicelady : kes – LOL!!!
kesmarn : Oh there would be no shortage of volunteers, c’lady. All the pastry you can eat…for your country! “The Pastrix”
choicelady : If Google is crawling the site, is this REALLY what we want to be known for? (Creeepy image that…)
PatsyT : down with Diet Coke
choicelady : Maybe we should make this totally voluntary instead of mandatory? This is verging on Soylent Green!
PatsyT : CL some of those generous ladies need a platform
kesmarn : Patsy, Friday night has once more gone to our heads…or waistlines.
Blues Tiger : the IHOP would become the new starbucks
AdLib : It will be like The Matrix only everyone being used as a battery would be obese and be fed constantly. “The Waistrix”.
choicelady : BT – I think you’re right. We have obviously capitulated to the lowest common denominator. Still and all – interesting concept!
PatsyT : kes LOL
kesmarn : “Fat farms” would have an entirely different meaning. A few weeks in the country to chub up and then go to the donation station.
choicelady : Wait – can you see BP and Exxon chasing down fat ladies???? Could get ugly.
Blues Tiger : you guys have been reading to much tea party articles its warping your minds…
AdLib : Hey Kes, you “put your finger on it!” Fat IS fuel, it’s what our bodies burn. You can make ethanol out of almost anything. Why not fat? Fat is used to make soap and as shown in Fight Club, a by-product of making soap with fat is nitroglycerine.
PatsyT : The new name for the Grocery Store is The Filling Station
choicelady : THIN people would be reviled as unAmerican. Not doing their bit to end the energy crisis. Wow. Salads are OUT and cheesecake is IN. Double Downs are mainstream. If you have cardiac arrest – you died for your country. Yikes
Blues Tiger : we fry everything else around these parts
PatsyT : CL what are they waiting for that would be a hit!
kesmarn : Yes, people who get liposuctioned would no longer be considered silly and vain. They would be “donors.”
choicelady : BT – can you fry beer. Worth a shot?
Blues Tiger : can you fry beer?
choicelady : PAtsy – I fear it would possibly be the opposite – the fatter you become, and the more willing to have lipo, the more patriotic you’d be! You’re contributing to American renewable energy!
PatsyT : Quick stock up on the chips and beer !
Blues Tiger : My state could export liposuctionrgy
PatsyT : Would there be a fat tax ?
kesmarn : Liposuction! Yes. We could revert to the technology the glorious era of whaling! Break out our old copies of Moby Dick.
choicelady : For all the silliness – there IS a measure of truth here. What amazed me is that all our answers may be much more simple than we Americans – the high tech solves everything freaks – ever thought.
AdLib : I meant…Liposuct ionergy!
AdLib : Liposutionergy!
choicelady : Liposuction – the NEW co-generation!
kesmarn : I’ll cut you all in on my IPO for the Bedpan Light & Power stock.
AdLib : CL – The iMudPhone.
PatsyT : I heard it said today the BP is the Co that is the most responsible more the exxon
AdLib : Hey…if we could only find a way to generate energy from fat, we could solve the obesity crisis and energy crisis in one fell swoop! Liposuctions would be tax deductible!
Blues Tiger : heh heh heh
Blues Tiger : I have no problem with discussing proping with the oppiste sex kes
choicelady : kes – well, now that I think of it, she did not say it wasn’t. You may be our Donald Trump! GO for it!
kesmarn : Oops.ladies. I believe the guys have moved on to discussing science without us.
choicelady : ADLib – I know you were, but just in case we all get carried away – we need PROBES to focus and conduct the energy. But if I’m ever stranded on a deserted island, I will be shoving mud into my cell phone, ya betcha. You never know…
Blues Tiger : thats true AdLib and this sort of thing is more common than most people are aware
PatsyT : kes all you need is a probe and you can charge you phone
kesmarn : Microbes are microbes, c’lady…! I can see my bedpan empire now!
AdLib : BT – BP was also responsible for a horrible refinery explosion a few years ago in TX. They have been proven to cut back on safety for financial reasons. They are really evil.
kesmarn : When I work till 11:30, I won’t even have to carry a flashlight!
choicelady : kes – it’s MUD dear, down by the ocean, and stuff. NOT bedpans! BREATHE, dear, BREATHE!
choicelady : kes – you may be like that old Sci Fi movie from the 50s about the atomic radiated intern or some such! Wow!
AdLib : CL – That makes sense, you would need something to conduct the charge. I was hust joking!
kesmarn : c’lady I’ll never look at a bedpan the same way again.
Blues Tiger : No Kidding AdLib, but really it was BP trying to squeeze a few pennies thatcaused the disaster
choicelady : AdLib – the woman describing this said not quite – need a probe (keep it sool here folks) IN the mud that will transmit power. She was a tad unclear, but she was very excited about this. And so now am I except I don’t know what the HELL I’m talking about.
PatsyT : That gives an all new meaning for the term Mud Bath
kesmarn : c’lady, working at a hospital, I have access to a nearly infinite supply of microbes! I’ve been sitting on top of a power plant and never knew it!
AdLib : BT – Wow, just hope Haliburton isn’t involved in putting up the rig.
Blues Tiger : «link»
choicelady : ‘night Khirad!
PatsyT : Hey Khirad Rest well
kesmarn : Hi and bye, Khirad! Enjoy the vacation!
AdLib : CL – So, I can just slap a gob of mud in my flashlight and I’m good to go?
Blues Tiger : Hi and Bye Khirad
AdLib : Hey Khirad! Thanks for checking in. Get some rest!
choicelady : Just heard on NPR this evening that science has discovered that mud microbes can generate low-watt energy without end. The mud in ponds and around the edges of the ocean and just about anywhere has these microbes. They are trying to harness that for low-watt purposes, but it would be something we could learn to do oursleves, no utilities, and use at the moment for small things. It generates about a 9V battery – but without real limits. Wow.
Khirad : Hi and bye, I honestly forgot this was tonight. In any case I’m in the stinky lobby, and going up. I’m exhausted. Read my post for why.
Blues Tiger : There is a huge field of gas just discovered in the Gulf Adlib.. It dwarfs just about all others
kesmarn : Will have to check out Science Daily, BT. Sounds interesting,
Khirad : Good idea BT, that would be interesting. As you feel as an Okie, I as an Arizonan in a non-insane part of the state would like writing a little bit about some cool local color.
AdLib : Kes – Same here, you’re the only other person I know who’s mentioned it.
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady. Good point. There seem to be fewer and fewer jobs for people who are not highly educated. What’s going to happen to them?
Blues Tiger : I read abou too Kes I use a great site to keep up with that stuff Science daily
AdLib : BT – Right with you. Natural gas would be a fine transitional fuel until solar evolves enough. By only annoyance with it is T. Boone Pickens virtual monopoly of it in much of the U.S.
kesmarn : Wow. AdLib, you’re the only other person I’ve met who had heard about that tidal energy thing.
choicelady : All – one thing I’d like us to keep in our equation is what do we do about the riggers and folks who now have jobs with oil companies, coal mining corporations, etc. We need to figure out what to do with them. We cannot abandon them as the US did auto, textile, and steel workers.
AdLib : Kes – I heard about that as well, using the tides to generate energy. Very interesting.
Blues Tiger : I am a fan of the Bloom Box too AdLib… If they get it to run with solar that would be great but it will run fine on natural gas
choicelady : AdLib – I think all these developments that give one relative autonomy are the way to go. It is my hope that in another 50 years maximum, central ownership of energy will be gone. Local generation is so much better in terms of efficiency, and certainly in terms of cost. And it escalates the rates at which we can pull out of the oil Snake Pit.
PatsyT : Great Idea BT
AdLib : Actually, solar and chemically based can be locally based. The Bloom box is just that, a home version would be a small box that would go in your backyard. Imagine having your own power supply at a fraction of what you’re now paying.
kesmarn : I read of one scientist who was using little floating, gyroscopy-kinda things (to use the technical term
) that created energy by bobbing on waves in the ocean. A lot of them, linked together, produced quite a bit of power…totally clean power. I thought that was ingenious.
Blues Tiger : we should each post an article about the good things and the stuff people wouldn’t expect about our areas
choicelady : Oh BT – I know nothing about states’ sports teams so I must be VERY ignorant! You have a serious point there!
choicelady : G’night Seek – glad you were here.
AdLib : Night Seek!
Blues Tiger : Nigh SD
choicelady : AdLib – I would agree. Solar is the only thing (well, wind in small ways) that can be set at your site, off the grid. The loss of energy in long-line transmission is something that must stop, and local siting of solar, both for water AND energy, is now totally possible. Well it has been since 1977. Was on a panel with Barry Commoner in 1977 when he revealed the photovoltaic capacity then existed for this. DOE kept it buried. NOW is the TIME to DO this!
AdLib : CL – I agree which is why I support the Bloom Box proliferation approach. If the Feds helped finance the purchase of them for homes, governments and businesses, energy would become very cheap and plentiful, our dependence on oil would drop hugely and energy would become more populist.
PatsyT : night Seek
kesmarn : Good night, Seek. Rest well!
Blues Tiger : people know so little about other states, just the sports teams and the bad news it seems
SeeknDestroy : Pardon me folks….Goodnig ht….peace
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady, the University of Toledo has been sort of a ((snicker)) school, but they are very sharp and innovative in engineering.
PatsyT : kes that is great to know about Ohio
Blues Tiger : CL I heard thatthe next move here aginst abortion is to only allow them in hospitals… running up the cost and effectivly putting planned parenthood out of business here
choicelady : kes – VERY hopeful and interesting! I will pass that on to my friends in Y’town.
AdLib : Cl – The bloom box is a chemical based generation of electricity too. That is a great way to go until solar cells have a big breakthrough and produce enormous amounts of energy. Many scientists and futurists believe that the eventual path to cheap unlimited energy is all about solar.
kesmarn : c’lady, First Solar is in Perrysburg Ohio, a suburb of Toledo. The University and First Solar have a close working relationship. There’s some amazing engineering work going on there.
choicelady : AdLib – I’d agree save for one principle – Green ought also to equal local autonomy. Some of what a green economy promises is an end to corporatization. By giving them money and independence, Obama is building, slowly to be sure, a new kind of economic locus. It’s still unsure, but it’s exciting nonetheless – a kind of social anarchism that I find profoundly interesting and hopeful.
kesmarn : As you mentioned, AdLib, fighting Big Oil is a lot like fighting Big Pharma, Wall St., et al.
choicelady : kes – WHERE in Ohio? There is some amazing firm in Youngstown of all places doing stuff with bacteria as a power source. Innovation is coming OUT of the Rust Belt since they have no other choice!
AdLib : CL – I think that is not a good decision. There are times, like with going to the moon, when you need to accomplish something technologically or logistically complex in a short span of time and only the government, led by the President, can do that. He could get this country off a huge amount of oil by just taking the reins aAND create a huge number of jobs in creating and installing a green makeover of this nation.
PatsyT : China isn’t waiting around
choicelady : BT – I think he should have done both, and in revitalizing Detroit should have made sure they moved toward a much ‘greener’ productive standard. It’s very possible to combine heavy industry AND good environmental standards – Canada did it with their Stelco steel mill built in 1980 in Nanticock, Ont.
Blues Tiger : I know AdLib , my mothers wells payout abot a quarter of what they paid in early 90’s… The pump Jacks look like they are moving in slow motion
kesmarn : BT, I do think First Solar, headquartered here in Ohio, got $$$ for expansion. They’re one of the few growth industries here in the old Rust Belt.
Blues Tiger : AdLib I always felt the Prez ahould have used that money to retool Detroit and start kicking out the windmills and solar panels etc
choicelady : BT and AdLib – if green energy powered abortion clinics, it would be outlawed by OK Senators!!!!
AdLib : BT – The truth about the oil industry is that they purposely limit the amount of drilling and pumping and refining they do to control and prop up the price of oil. When it comes to refineries, they have close an amazing number of them to limit the amount of gas on the market. Just as with Wall Street, the oil companies are just as greedy and devious in bilking Americans.
choicelady : AdLib – no, but I hear movement coming from some of the non-profits he’s kept close to him such as PolicyLink (that I don’t like a lot) and Green Jobs with Phaedra Ellis Lampkin who followed Van Jones. I see a lot in CA, not as much nationally. I think Obama is leaving a lot of this to groups rather than the gov’t per se.
Blues Tiger : CL we produce mor gas than oil nowadays so it makes sense
kesmarn : Patsy, isn’t it funny how it’s always the nice blond lady who explains things? Like why your plane has to sit on the ground for 17 hours. Someone you can’t really punch too hard…
AdLib : BT – Maybe if green energy was used to power abortion clinics…
AdLib : Patsy – Ain’t that a BT commercial?
Blues Tiger : Thats another article I will be writing soon , Our schzoid legislature… passing all these green bills and F uped abortion bills at same time
PatsyT : Anyone notice that commercial with the nice blond lady walking around talking about the “good things from oil and gas” Is Missing?
choicelady : Yeah BT – who stole the OK we have come to know and hate?
AdLib : I have to admit, I thought that when Obama came in and even with the Stimulus bill, he would start a WPA-like workforce on green energy. I’m not aware of that happening, is anyone else?
choicelady : BT – that is astonishing especially given OK’s reliance on drilling as a source of upper income revenues. Wow – I am amazed. How did good sense get in there?
kesmarn : BT, what the hell is going on in OK?…all of a sudden you guys are the Progressive cutting edge!
Blues Tiger : AdLib there are hundreds of wells here that are shut down or on very low production too
choicelady : Jobs, green tech, end of forest fires and landfills, and up with energy that does not make you glow in the dark. Low carbon – new carbon – is also hugely cleaner. Barry Commoner promoted this tactic 30 years ago, and we’ve not heeded him until, maybe, now.
AdLib : BT – That’s very exciting news to hear!
Blues Tiger : Oklahoma is making a move to Natural Gas and Electric Cars, We are only 1 of 4 states that Honda will be sending natural gas cars to all dealers and we offerd huge rebates on electric vehicles that made these little cute cars very affordable… lots of people in my town are scootin around in them
AdLib : BT – The thing is, oil companies already have lots of leases they haven’t even started using.
kesmarn : c’lady, would gathering all that undergrowth be as labor intensive as it sounds? I smell JOBS, too.
PatsyT : AdLib I wish
choicelady : kes – no, no – it’s DECEMBER 21 2012 so we DO have to worry! LOL!!!! The wacko Christians have adopted the Mayan calendar = thought the Mayans would repudiate the ‘end of the world’ interpretation.
AdLib : You’re all probably familiar with my excitement over the Bloom Box. If it’s not a lot of puffery and the major corps using them confirm their effectiveness, I think Obama should get radical and finance the proliferation of them around the country. The expense would quickly be repaid with the huge drop in oil consumption.
PatsyT : kes LOL
choicelady : EVeryone – I heard an amazing bit on NPR this winter from a guy at UC Berkeley who said if CA were to harvest all the undergrowth that makes for wildfires and burn it as biomass, we’d solve BOTH problems. Do we have the will? Do we have the political muscle to stand off Chevron and Exxon?
kesmarn : Well, I heard on the radio that the Rapture is scheduled for May 21,2011, so I guess we don’t really have to worry.
kesmarn : c’lady…bummme r…Boy, Louisiana’s just not on their radar screen in any way, shape or form, is it?
choicelady : AdLib – is peak oil fairly soon – 2012 or something scarily near?
AdLib : Some say we’ve already hit that point, the most optimistic views are that it would occur within 10 years. Can we change our dependency on oil before then?
Blues Tiger : People that are not aquainted with the Oil Industry may think it will effect drilling but it won’t… When President Obama opened up the “exploration” of certain areas it gave me a chuckle because believe me it has been explored and Big Oil has an idea where they want to drill
choicelady : kes – I think probably not. What do they care about the LA Bayou? They think it’s ‘collateral damage’ that matters not at all.
AdLib : Just so we’re all on the same page, from Wikipedia: Peak oil is the point in time when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction is reached, after which the rate of production enters terminal decline.
PatsyT : Why is it that at the beginning of WWII they could mobilize and fight back and here all this dragging with the green energy?
kesmarn : I wonder if this has really thrown huge buckets on ice water on the Palinesque drillin’ fans…it may be the only good thing to come out of this disaster.
AdLib : BT – That would be fantastic.
choicelady : AdLib – I am very poorly informed on this issue of peak oil and renewables despite my pretenses to the contrary, but I would say we are not moving fast enough. CA has a plan to have a major part of our state’s energy in renewables by 2030, and now the oil companies are trying to press an initiative to STOP that progress!
HITO : Phew, I have no energy.
Blues Tiger : AdLib I hope to have an article up soon about the Oil Disaster and how easily it may have been prevented
choicelady : BT – I will go look.
kesmarn : I’d rather take my chances with an urban gang…
PatsyT : Wow BT There is hope in the world!
choicelady : kes and BT – what a brilliant idea equating the KKK with urban gangs. After all, what IS the difference?
Blues Tiger : Thats the one Kes, CL it is in OT
SeeknDestroy : I prefer Benny Hill…
kesmarn : BT, was that the deal where it is illegal to recruit for “gangs” in OK?
choicelady : BT – no! When did that happen???? That is SO amazingly wonderful!
SeeknDestroy : HITO has raisinetes and some tech probs…..BRB
choicelady : Hito – musta been to Benny Hinn the faith healer!
Blues Tiger : Did anyone see my post about making the KKK and militis illegal here in OKla?
HITO : Fuck, I’d be happy with the side bar at this point. Wait, let me come back in with a sock….
AdLib : Okay, for tonight, please avail yourself of the sidebar and I promise to figure out and fix the page issue.
choicelady : Now I’m through but still on sidebar so far. I will keep working on it.
HITO : Kidding.
SeeknDestroy : LOL!
Blues Tiger : it’s a miricle HITO!!!
HITO : I can see!
Blues Tiger : AdLib when I post in the big screen it just refreshes the page and shows on sidebar
choicelady : Hi Adlib – I can SEE it that way, but my own message is still not getting through.
AdLib : Sorry about the tech issues all! I will trouble shoot tomorrow!
PatsyT : I’ll stick with sidebar
kesmarn : If I’m seeing everything OK, should I just leave well enough alone?
choicelady : Oh VERY cool – I’m ON! Unless I get a spam notice…
Blues Tiger : Okie doke I’ll give it a try
PatsyT : and I see everyone and you look marlvoulous
AdLib : Patsy, is the page not working for you?
PatsyT : It works for me on the sidebar
AdLib : Folks, I just made an adjustment, try reloading the Vox Populi page by clicking on Live Events then Vox Populi, hopefully that will do the trick!
choicelady : Hi KQ and Khirad – don’t see your posts but glad you’re here.
Blues Tiger : is there a topic yet?
HITO : I can’t see anything…not even my “hello”.
choicelady : Hi HITO!
Blues Tiger : Hi Hito
choicelady : Hi Patsy! AdLib – I tired cache cleanout, but I’m still on sidebar. that’s fine for now.
SeeknDestroy : HITO-licious
PatsyT : HITO !
kesmarn : Hi, HITO!
AdLib : HITO! Nice to see ya!
HITO : Hi kids, sorry I’m late.
kesmarn : BT, better now?
Blues Tiger : hellooo S&D & PT
Blues Tiger : ok its working on side bar
PatsyT : Hi BT
Blues Tiger : one more time helloooooo?
SeeknDestroy : Hi PT and everyone else……:-)
PatsyT : Hugs and kisses to all
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy!
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
PatsyT : Hi everyone
choicelady : kes – I must agree. I think he’s stoned all the time. How otherwise could he live with himself?
AdLib : Blues Tiger? Can you see us? We see you!
SeeknDestroy : Limbaugh has his own gravitational pull….Only assholes are circling
kesmarn : BT I can see you!
Blues Tiger : hellooooooo?
AdLib : And the hearts of baby animals.
kesmarn : Seasoned with the tears of small children, c’lady
AdLib : BT – Are you seeing this?
choicelady : My mental palate, thank you. the idea of eating butterflies is not a whole lot more attractive than Rush. Who probably does eat them.
Blues Tiger : hello?
AdLib : BT – Glad to here it. That’s the one issue with this software. I have to clear my cache often for Admin stuff so I don’t run into it as much but sorry about that!
kesmarn : c’lady, I refuse to believe Limbaugh’s clean. No one who was sober could talk the way he does.
AdLib : Sorry CL! May I just suggest beautiful butterflies and rainbows to cleanse your palate?
choicelady : Kes – that WOULD be Rush’s mantra, wouldn’t it? LOL!!!
SeeknDestroy : Limbaugh is intellectually dishonest at best…..a freakin’ liar at worst
Blues Tiger : worked like a charm!!! thanks AdLib
choicelady : AdLib – double Eeeeuuuuuwww! TMI!
kesmarn : Or, in Rush’s case: Pill, Baby, Pill!
choicelady : AdLib – that’s perfect! Spill, Baby, Spill!
AdLib : Cl – That means he’s full of it.
choicelady : Seek – I do laugh!
kesmarn : C’lady I didn’t see that another one collapsed! Halliburton! OMG.
AdLib : Where’s Spill, Baby, Spill? Don’t here Palin talking about this, ain’t that odd?
SeeknDestroy : CL….LOL
choicelady : AdLib – if Rush’s BS factory is backed up, does that mean he’s constipated? Eeeeuuuuwwww
kesmarn : Talk about a renewable resource…Rush ‘s BS machine. We could heat Northern Ohio…
choicelady : Kes – even ARianna says it’s Haliburton – they apparently built the rig. Did you see another one collapsed today – no oil spill. Yet.
SeeknDestroy : CL…as long as you laugh
AdLib : Rush is only about concocted bullshit each day, thet’s what he is, a bullshit factory. And BTW, looks like his production line is getting a bit backed up.
SeeknDestroy : Limbaugh makes up ways to hate the left
choicelady : Seek – ooooh that’s corny!
choicelady : ADLib – for WHOM???
kesmarn : Did you see that Limbaugh speculated that the oil rig was blown up by environmentalist s? He is insane.
AdLib : Seek – Ouch!
SeeknDestroy : That sucks…….(rim shot)
AdLib : Oil is a natural food.
choicelady : AdLib – do you have to use a soda straw to suck up the oil? Could take us until NEXT heating season to do that!
kesmarn : That equals a zillion badges and all of Arianna’s empire thrown in, c’lady!
AdLib : Kes – Here is your “I Refuse To Wear Badges” badge. Wear it proudly!
SeeknDestroy : LOL….groan…. .lol
choicelady : Kes – not from ME. I think that’s so juvenile. You have my undying respect. Does that equal a badge?
AdLib : Hey, if anyone wants some cheap heating oil, I saw on eBay they’re auctioning it at cut rate prices. The only thing is delivery, you have to suction it out of the Gulf of Mexico.
SeeknDestroy : LOL…booooo
kesmarn : Do I get a BADGE??
choicelady : kes – you’re obviously The Chosen! All hail KESMARN!
kesmarn : Oops, Seek, you sneaked in there! Hi!
choicelady : Hi Seek – glad you’re here.
SeeknDestroy :
choicelady : AdLib – I will do it again after we’re done. Thanks.
AdLib : Hey Seek!!!
kesmarn : Heh. I, on the other hand, have nothing on the side bar and everything appears on this page!
AdLib : CL – Welcome. That is a cache issue, when you get the “spam” message or when you don’t see the text. Clearing acache and restarting browser usually do the trick.
choicelady : BT – well, they need to get real. You are certifiably cool.
SeeknDestroy : Howdy folks!
Blues Tiger : BRB
choicelady : AdLib – did the cahce clean out, but it helped only briefly.
Blues Tiger : I’m not weird? I believe most peple in my area beg to differ… heh heh heh
kesmarn : I went up to “Live Events” on the bar and clicked on “Vox” to get here.
choicelady : AdLib – I used to get a “I hate spam” message. Now I get nothing. It’s OK – I’m here.
AdLib : BT and CL, try clearing your caches and restarting your browsers, should fix that problem. Usually, it’s cache problems on the live chat that can cause issues.
Blues Tiger : It just stays blamk for me AdLib I can post but I don’t see anything, it shows up on sidebar
choicelady : Well, BT -at least it’s nothing personal! My computer is weird. YOU, on the other hand, are NOT.
kesmarn : “ugly and mean” yes, AL…maybe they are Tea Bag carp.
AdLib : CL – What happens when you go to the VP page? Can you see the page? Do you get a “spam” message when you post?
Blues Tiger : I couldn’t get on the main page either CL
kesmarn : I’d rather have the carp than the tea-baggers, BT
choicelady : Hi AdLib – nope, locked out of the main page, so I’m sidebaring it.
AdLib : Those carp are ugly things and mean.
Blues Tiger : we are being invaded by alien species all over the country
kesmarn : Back to the carp. They seem to be having trouble stopping them. I guess it would involve interfering with shipping and that would probably hurt some people’s feelings…
AdLib : Actually, we had to child proof the site and remove all the locks.
AdLib : Hi CL. The door is always open for you!
kesmarn : Hey, c’lady! I see you!
AdLib : I heard about those nasty carp. No way to stop them? I would think it’s getting nice out there about now.
Blues Tiger : helloooooooooo choice lady
Blues Tiger : I saw a story on that kes
choicelady : Hi – am I locked out again?
kesmarn : Lake Erie. It’s not exactly the Riviera, but it’s water (which may soon be full of giant carp! New invasive species!
AdLib : That sounds nice, Kes? Where are you and the cottage located?
Blues Tiger : hellooooo Kes & AdLib
kesmarn : Hey, BT, good to see you.
AdLib : Hey BT!!!
Blues Tiger : helloooooooooooo oo
kesmarn : Oops! Crossed messages there. May open up the cottage this weekend…not sure…rain expected.
AdLib : I haven’t heard
AdLib : Any plans for the weekend?
kesmarn : Before everyone gets here, has there been any word from bito, if I might ask?
AdLib : Sweet!
kesmarn : Good much better since I was sprung EARLY from work tonight!
AdLib : Zoom, baby, zoom! How are you Kes?
kesmarn : Hi AdLib! Just had to take a minute to zoom out there!
AdLib : Welcome to Vox Populi! Please say hi when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi begins tonight (Friday, 4/30) at 7:00 pm PST. Please join us for this live chat about the week’s events! You can chat on the sidebar of any page or on the full Vox Populi page, click on the following link to go there: «link»
Vox Populi – 4-30-2010
AdLib is online.
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