LiseLives : Does POV have our email addys on file ?
LiseLives : Q – did he tell you that – that liar hehehe !
Questinia : LL… I thought you liked it fast!
Chernynkaya : Ok Back I’ll start the After chat yonder, Thanks again!
Questinia : Adlib’s not allowed to go anywhere without permission!
LiseLives : Anyone going back to the s l o w e r place ? The music thread ?
Questinia : Khirad, absolutely. Mousse. Or if less well to do… oreos.
Chernynkaya : Adlib is out for the night.
Khirad : Guinness is like the nightcap. It’s the desert after the main course of other beers.
Questinia : Where’s Adlib with the amuse-bouches
Chernynkaya : I sy we stay and chat if you want! I will be back in a sec!
LiseLives : I took a break & emailed w/ Noch – this is so speedy for the like o me lol
nottoolate : Night. Love. Thanks.
Khirad : Great job Cher.
Questinia : Nyeah!
LiseLives : You leaving Cher ?
KQµårk : Had fun Cher, thanks.
Chernynkaya : Nuh uh– Q– YOU are! So there.
Questinia : No YOU are, cher!
Khirad : I like ambers best.
Chernynkaya : Seriously– thank you all for a great chat and for putting up with me! You guys are the best!!
Khirad : Cher, that was Black Irish
Questinia : Guinness is chocolate beer.
Questinia : Chocolate nottolate
nottoolate : Brand name Piss, Brewed Melbourne Australia, Somebody talked about Fucking beer yest on PPOV. Sorry prior cryptic.
Chernynkaya : Like it K?
Khirad : I just saw Up in the Air.
Chernynkaya : Okeedokey! I think we’re ready to go to the VP After Chat???
Questinia : Nottolate yer like kerouac
Chernynkaya : Pretty cryptic, Notto, bu like.
KQµårk : Harp is great for black and tans.
Chernynkaya : Well, there’s always He’Brew! And Leninade.
KQµårk : I tend to like the darker more bitter stuff. Actually I think we had the Ale come think of it.
nottoolate : Piss beer, brewed Melbourne, AU, saw yest. after post re Fucking.
Chernynkaya : I want to rent that. I just rented Up in hte Air and Precious. Both very good.
KQµårk : If anyone wants to see a real cute movie, we saw a South Korean movie on Sundance called “I’m a Cyborg but It’s OK”.
LiseLives : I just poured meself a Kahlua – mmmm nnnn
Chernynkaya : Khirad just talked Black, aight?
Chernynkaya : I don’t drinl much beer but this stuff was delicious!
Khirad : I’m not really into the Smithswicks. It’s aight. I like Harp more.
Questinia : I love Guinness. I have one in the fridge…. yum…. bbs.
Chernynkaya : Kung fu jew rises phoenix
KQµårk : Sounds familiar but not sure. I just bought a six of Smithwick’s which is actually an older brewery than Guinness (but owned by Guinness now) and it was a great dark lager.
Questinia : CKung Fu Jew is a great start to a thread poem
Chernynkaya : Khirad! YES!
Khirad : Is that like a Kung Fu Jew, cher?
LiseLives : Q – that’s a great idea – talk in morse code – I likee !
Chernynkaya : LL was funny?
LiseLives : Q – that’
Questinia : LL.. throw grammar out the windah
Chernynkaya : KQ–
Questinia : ntl… but the words you choose are great. maybe we should all do that. see what we come up with. Beat poetry?
Chernynkaya : Anyone ever had hefeweisen beer? FANTASTIC.
KQµårk : Yeah he did that other movie Saving Uncle Ryan right?
LiseLives : notto – I’m right there with you buddy – this is …..most challenging
Chernynkaya : wasn’t it KQ? I also said it was directed by steven speigal. The hubs laughed until he cried.
LiseLives : posterior – but i guess ya knew that
nottoolate : LL: Translation = I am old, slow. Chat fast. Practice required, speed, endurance. Will need time to recover from Morse language. Thanks Quest.
Questinia : KQ said a stinky!
LiseLives : LOL – instead of poterior windgust
KQµårk : H2S
Questinia : KQ said fart instead of methane combustible?
Chernynkaya : Notto– you rock!
LiseLives : hehehe
LiseLives : KQ – you said fart.
LiseLives : Bye VB – come back soon – I be here more, also, too
Questinia : Cher… so you were just being poetic, like nottolate!
Chernynkaya : See ya VB! Don’;t be a stranger.
KQµårk : Cher that’s a good memory fart.
Khirad : I loved World Civilization class. Seriously, US history should be fundamental, but it is not enough IMO.
Chernynkaya : LL, ME?! Never.
Chernynkaya : Q–actually…ye ah!
Questinia : nottolate. you’re fantastic!
LiseLives : nottoolate – explain – me no comprende
KQµårk : The best two courses I took in college about history was Western Civ I and II. If you don’t know how we got here and why we are doomed.
Khirad : Night VB!
Chernynkaya : I am afraid the Dems will lose big in the midterms, even though we are doing a pretty good mopping job!
nottoolate : Help self, Quest. 67 age. Perhaps toolate chat. Days to recover shortening.
Questinia : nite VB
LiseLives : Cher – OY – you not becomin one o them relijis fanatics are ya ?
VegasBabe : drizzle, drazel, drozel, drome…time for this one to come home…nite folks. early work day for me tomorrow. Happy Easter!!
Questinia : Cher… same diff
Questinia : KQ… bingo
Chernynkaya : So speaking of memory lapses, tonight i was trying to talk about the movie Poltergeist and kept saying Pentecost!
KQµårk : The problem is our problems will take years to fix and right now people have no patience. What Democrats are doing now will not kick in for years. So the people will vote them out before they can get the job done.
Questinia : Where’s adlib with the MJA brownies and mescaline mojitos?
Questinia : I’m going to steal that!
Chernynkaya : KQ that is THE problem!! MOP!
Questinia : Speed of essence. Doomed. Talk pretty one day…. excellent. A haiku, sideways, sorta.
KQµårk : LL I turned off my speakers a while ago.
Chernynkaya : With today’s t4echnology– someone the other day said he thought thye would be revising electronic media– like the WaPo archives! I don’t believe that , but still…
nottoolate : Speed of essence? Doomed. Talk pretty one day.
KQµårk : Cher I do think one of the problems is students simply don’t get enough of a civics education these days. Students simply know nothing about how our system works and the right wing takes advantage of that fact.
VegasBabe : I think Texas is a goner. And now that GWB is back there living fulltime…..
LiseLives : Nomore popping sounds – ??
Questinia : Post-modern is basically “distrust”
nottoolate : What will happen after post-modern? Never understood term. Now feel like linquistic baboon.
Questinia : LL Oh that’s funny. WTS said he wanted to BE Joe!
LiseLives : Q – I know !!! LOL – some lady was almost angry, upset that Joe wasn’t a guy & available
Khirad : Heh, I know what you mean about getting post-modern, Q.
KQµårk : VB I thought about that too. At least students can learn for themselves much better but for the non studious people this move by Texas is bound to make more teabaggers.
Chernynkaya : Nigth Sue– thanks!
Questinia : LL My favotite was Joe. i wanted to marry him!
Chernynkaya : Khirad, tat is all true and we also teach half and Untruths. I want to study whats happening because I think if we no longer trust history, what can we trust/ It’s a kind of breakdown that I think keeps us untethered.
Questinia : Khirad… that’s why I don’t watch the news. I’ve gotten post=modern about it all. or maybe it’s cynicism.. i try to find local battles. Cause I can see those varmints.
LiseLives : Questinia – LOL !! I had so many comedic monikers, but I did have fun, while it lasted
VegasBabe : well with today’s technology, don’t you think it might be difficult, going forward, to mess with history?
KQµårk : Thanks so much VB. That means allot.
LiseLives : You asked if there were any single ladies & I asked : 1st, are you a lib ?
LiseLives : nottoolate – I remember now – it wasn’t bad –
Khirad : Seriously, this is like epistemology … how do we know anything? Year by year we learn new things about history from newly found sources that knock old info out. The truly sad thing is when people set out to purposefully misinform. It’s hard enough to get a handle on history. History is written by the victors is a cliché, but one that cannot be underestimated to any extent.
LiseLives : I’m CanuckCanuch_Who sThere – trying to avoid my old stalkers on Huff, see – incognito
VegasBabe : Quark…I just want you to know that I appreciate first hand what your going thru and if you ever need a second ear to vent to…I’m your girl. Been there, done that so to speak. k?
Chernynkaya : KQBonics!! EXcellent!
Questinia : LL had a zillion other names. She was my entire fan base!!
Chernynkaya : Q– No always chernynkaya=Cher .
KQµårk : Now everyone knows what my posts would like like without spell check. KQbonics.
nottoolate : LL: We may have. I didn’t get no respect there…nor give any either, in the end, so to speak.
Questinia : Cher… did u have another name on HP?
Chernynkaya : Lise do I know you from HP? Another sock mayne?
KQµårk : He the last oncologist who I saw wrote on my chart that I was the youngest looking 47 year old man he ever saw with a terrible heart condition. So I’ve got that.
LiseLives : Oh well ….
Khirad : Oh my lord, such a sad story, that was.
LiseLives : nottoolate ?? Didn’t we sanrk eachother at Huff ? LOL
VegasBabe : do they still speak with a brogue Kquark? are they still here? what do they think of that poor girl in mass who committed sucide following a lot of bullying?
KQµårk : You nottoolate yet. I always wanted to say that the first time I saw you moniker.
Chernynkaya : Nottoo– is there a topic? Oh, yeah–Final topic, and this is kind of selfish, because I am writing a blog about this: How do we know that what we were taught in history class is true? This, of course because of the Texas Schoolbook massacre. Who writes history and what about historical revisionism? Can you think of incidences where history was revised?
LiseLives : KQ you know I loves ya
& was 100% kidding – you’re sufficiently young at heart
nottoolate : Cher: I am Nottoohere. Ha. Topic was/is what?
KQµårk : VB my family came over from Ireland to live near Scranton, PA.
VegasBabe : ah…ladynaga is heading a group to meet in chicago for the foodfest in june. anybody here going? it should be a blast.
Chernynkaya : VB– that’s what I usually drink–w/olives.
Questinia : KQ=Q+Kool. As a chemist, KQ’ll understand that
LiseLives : This is a workout – I mean it’s physical
LiseLives : Jeeze drinks finally – bout time !!!
KQµårk : Hey now I resemble that remark.
nottoolate : Cher: Cranberry juice and seltzer. What’s that tell you?
Chernynkaya : Are you here Notto, that’s an existential question!
VegasBabe : bout time cher…martini please and let’s keep it dry…dbl…its been a long day
KQµårk : That’s what I mean Cher it seems like seachange.
Chernynkaya : I ma the substitute BAr Tender. What’ll it be?
LiseLives : Sorry Q – that was meant for KQ – so sorry hehe – you’re not old like KQ
KQµårk : I’ll have allot to say on that subject. My wife and I often talk about the different histories we learned me growing up in a house that was build with a Blue Jacket post Civil War loan and my wife growing up next to a confederate grave yard.
Questinia : notto… good one!
Questinia : VB… that’ll do
nottoolate : Pokemon. Is that a Rasta proctologist?
VegasBabe : it if helps any Q, I’m originally from Pittsburgh. STEELERS COUNTRY don’tcha know
Questinia : LL… put what what way?
Chernynkaya : KQ I am thinking not only about bad revisionism= lies, but we now can’t even agree if Jefferson was against Church/State! We can’t agree on the Great Depression and FDR’s efforts–if they worked or not! Why can’t we know whether history is fact?
LiseLives : Night Sue – btw, did I know sue from Huff ??
Questinia : Am I the ONLY one from the Badass?
SueInCa : ok grandson want to watch pokeman on you tube, see ya all later.
VegasBabe : cher…I don’t know the answer to that question and it’s a good one. Kquark can probably respond or Khirad.
nottoolate : Am I here?
KQµårk : I’m a NJ boy stuck in the South.
LiseLives : Whassa kvetch ? I Love Yiddish : )
LiseLives : Q – you oooooo ld ! Just kidding, but you asked for it,. putting it that way –
SueInCa : Cher Pubs revise history all the time. Read Howard Zinn History of the People
Khirad : I love Victoria. Never been to Québec.
KQµårk : I think before this Texas ruling the right was only able to spin history, but now they are able to lie about it.
Chernynkaya : Lise, you are a champ! A Kvetch, but a champ!!
LiseLives : I’m 57 –
Questinia : I love California. Most all are Left Coasters, eh? KQ.. Joyjah, i know.
VegasBabe : no I’m here…i’m just laughing at our comments tonite. where’s adlib anyway and who has the drinks dammit…i’m gettin thirsty LOL
LiseLives : My neck hurts from leaning & keying LOL
LiseLives : Married Dr, Bob & moved to Santa Barbara –
LiseLives : Me, born & raised Victoria, Vancouver & Quebec-
KQµårk : My dad turned 83 today so you can guess my age.
Chernynkaya : FINAL TOPIC: and this is kind of selfish, because I am writing a blog about this: How do we know that what we were taught in history class is true? This, of course because of the Texas Schoolbook massacre. Who writes history and what about historical revisionism? Can you think of incidences where history was revised?
Khirad : Q – I’m part of the AZ crew here. Originally the Northwest, though.
SueInCa : there went vb again
LiseLives : VB – LOL !! I’m not as angelic as you think – I was baaaad this morning on (ahem) – for the 1st time, grrrr : )
SueInCa : 56 here
VegasBabe : oh shit lise….when i grow up, I wanna be just like you…wait…i’ m 58….TO LATE …LOL
KQµårk : I can proudly say I was one of the few that argued with the bastards.
SueInCa : sage brush and desert sand, that is all there is
KQµårk : Down South it’s amazing if you vote Democrat you almost have to be in the closet.
LiseLives : VB – I’m actually friends with all my exes LOL – no one can believe it – his wife is great btw, except for her Pol. affiliations, now !
Khirad : Heh Sue, yes, it was us that were briefly talking about its little contradictions.
Chernynkaya : Born and raised in LA.
VegasBabe : poor nevada. it’s gotten pretty ugly. I’m hoping to move somewhere in cali which is foolish but my son wants to make it his home. he goes to csumb.
Questinia : I live in NYC and CT
SueInCa : Rocklin CA
Khirad : Know way KQ. I’ve NEVER been confused for a Republican!
Questinia : Where is everybody from?
LiseLives : Bob’s a doctor – would love to ask him how he feels about HCR – but we’d prob. start arguing & I don’t need to go there – not with him –
SueInCa : What is wrong with Nevada Khirad? I lived there for 3 years, I can tell you what is wrong over there LOL
VegasBabe : oh he’s remarried? welll….that just goes to prove and show what a big person you are that you can sustain a friendship with him. you go girl!!
Questinia : Lise… but you’d be like a natural scientist exploring in the field. NOBODY has been able to do it. We are relying upon you , Lise!!!
KQµårk : Speaking as a white middle aged dude who worked with a bunch of conservatives it’s a peer pressure and identity thing. It’s amazing how all my white associates just assume I’m Republican.
Chernynkaya : VB– Oh I know that– until I find out they’re a Rep. I bet if I met Goerring at a party and chatted him up he’d be charming. But once I find out who he REALLY is –done.
Khirad : By the way, last week we got into what the hell is wrong with Nevada, wish you were here for that VB.
VegasBabe : okie dokie khirad but I hope it won’t be long in coming…now I’m curious
LiseLives : & then asked for another margarita –
LiseLives : All I said is : Wow – I didn’t think I knew any Repubs. personally – guess I do now –
SueInCa : Actually the moderates are prob longing for the olden days and are very confused about what is going on
VegasBabe : queswtina….rof lmao
LiseLives : Q- I honestly felt it would ruin our friendship (him & his wife) – I knew I’d start in with my outrage –
Questinia : I think some Rpb’s are such for purely regional reasons.
VegasBabe : lise…YIKES…s ay it ain’t so? what happened to him? this is terrible.
Chernynkaya : Lise, that drink was the only response to yr ex.
Questinia : Lise… have you asked him why?
VegasBabe : but cher…I could introduce you to some folks who are rethugs and you would really, really like them.
Khirad : Hey VB, we can keep that until after chat
I actually have an article comin’ up that will answer the avatar question. *shameless self-promotion*
KQµårk : LL you made the proper choice obviously.
Questinia : My Republican neighbor doesn’t know I can see his FB wall page. He’s married… but likes “rough trade”! Talk about hypocrisy. Even wears Ralph Lauren, evidently with leather panties
LiseLives : I couldn’t believe it – so I said nothing & asked for another drink-
KQµårk : Or a moderate Sue. Face it Reagan could not be a Republican these days.
LiseLives : My ex-husband (still a good friendof mine) recently told me he’s switched & has gone GOP –
VegasBabe : khirad…we just don’t talk enough, you and I? wassup with that? Your a pretty cool dude but I don’t know much about you. like wassup with that moniker? I like it. does it mean anything?
SueInCa : If Nixon is being brought up as a good guy, you know they are in trouble
Chernynkaya : Vb– Nope. I have no Reptilians in my family and if I find out an acquaintance is a REP they’re gone. I have a zero tolerance policy for traitors and haters.
KQµårk : VB on a personal basis some of my best friends are conservatives. It’s just a mental block pure and simple.
Khirad : Yeah, VB, once upon a time the GOP never produced this level of anxiety in me. I would say hate, but I truly feel on edge over where this country is headed without a legitimate political party, and one that’s almost got its own paramilitary wing in formation.
KQµårk : You make a point too Khirad all moderate Republicans have left the party.
VegasBabe : we can’t hate them though can we? I mean really? Haven’t we all good friends and family we care about and love who are rethugs? I do. (sigh) I’ve been a prayin bout this….really. so sad
Chernynkaya : Q, that’s what happens with a sick up one’s ass- lock jaw. It’s a medical phenomenon, known to few.
SueInCa : If they do it is broadcast all over am radio the next day
LiseLives : KQ – HAHAHA ! I think both me & my puter are about to faint –
KQµårk : Republicans are just gutless and non of them will speak out against their base.
Questinia : Republicans either can’t speak or speak with lockjaw.
Khirad : I’ve never had that problem with Firefox.
VegasBabe : nah…no white light but pretty lonesome and scarey
KQµårk : My Firefox stops sometimes during VP.
VegasBabe : Twilight Zone Indeed.
Khirad : Has anyone figured out a Republican that could speak? They’re just not there, and those that would, are held hostage. The moments they do… whoosh, under the bus. Would take a Republican resigning over this mood – someone like Hagel.
Chernynkaya : VB I hate them with a seething, magma hatred, I loathe and despise them!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LiseLives : VB – my head’s spinning, daily, at what’s taking place right now with all the Hate talk –
SueInCa : VB read Republican Gomorrah by Max Blumenthal it will explain it
Questinia : ??? Allow me to provide the music
VegasBabe : It was a black hole Quark…my system just stopped…I thought we were over
LiseLives : Ditto VB – how ws it ? did you see white light ?
VegasBabe : One of these days someone is gonna write a book that will be easy to read and won’t sound like academia which will explain in laymen’s terms what the hell happened to the Republican party. I can’t wait. I never voted for’em but I didn’t hate them as I pretty much do now.
SueInCa : VB glad to see u back
Chernynkaya : VB– Twilight Zone?
LiseLives : I have a brand new pain in my neck, really from striving to type so fast LOL !
SueInCa : LL you are right not until it is too late, way to late
KQµårk : VB I thought you fell into a black hole or something.
Chernynkaya : Sue– I like that idea! and I think he should get the likes of Colin Powell and other old timey reps on board with him.
VegasBabe : I got lost…that was weird…but I’m still here
KQµårk : That’s the point Cher they are a 24/7 advertisement for the Republican party.
SueInCa : Cher you will understand it all tomorrow. Seriously watch that flick
Questinia : Where’s Adlib with the drinkie-poos?
Chernynkaya : KQ I don’t even see fux as a RW source, but as a pure agit-prop machine. We started to discuss it a bit with the fairness doctrine. I think that’s a start.But fux is not just RW– it is a lying propaganda network.
LiseLives : The only way to affect the crazy R-wingers is if a well-respected R speaks scathingly about the recent barbaric behavior – ain’t gonna happen –
KQµårk : What is with my typos, I meant sue not soon.
SueInCa : Right now baggers are getting all th attention, the rest of the nation., 99% of us need to know we are the majority
KQµårk : You’re probably right soon but alas it will have to be after some terrible attack I fear.
Khirad : Yeah, we do need another talk. Let’s stop ignoring this.
LiseLives : Cher, nothing I fear – nothing –
SueInCa : Sooner or later Obama needs to do the hate talk like he did the rascist one during the campaign. He is going to have to talk to the nation
Khirad : Meinhof was really smart, though.
KQµårk : Cher this one I have no answer. I thought the left could set up one on their side but they just attack anyone in power.
Questinia : Ulrike Meinhof! Perfect.
Khirad : Abby Hoffman, or Ulrike Meinhof.
KQµårk : Cancel that question.
LiseLives : Ha ! I slipped in 2 in a row – polishes shoulder – Ha !
KQµårk : How did everyone like the Teabonics site on flickr?
LiseLives : So do I get an A for effart ?
LiseLives : Yeah but me LL has never been in chat room in her life –
SueInCa : LL i was having trouble earklier too
KQµårk : That’s how I get most my meds these days. But they don’t ship that stuff.
LiseLives : Did anyone catch SP’s show – I tried : borrrrring as allhell
Chernynkaya : Agree Sue, she had 17% fans a couple of weeks ago– but trhey keep reporting on her and seem determined to make her popular.
Questinia : SP is like GW is like a conservative Abby Hoffman.
SueInCa : KQ send it in the mail……….
LiseLives : VB popped in & said ” what happened”
KQµårk : Sarah Palin is like George Wallace.
SueInCa : Failin Palin is a RR invention and the media is doing what they are told
Khirad : Actually, more the religious hate laws in particular, re: UK hate speech laws. Major loophole that Islamic extremists exploited to harass churches, but anyone doing the same to a mosque…
Chernynkaya : Lise, I don’t see VB.
Questinia : I don’t know if Palin is the Republican’s form of sixties rebellion
KQµårk : Sue I got ya covered.
Chernynkaya : I am convinced Sarah is a media invention and had less than 30 % fans but the media will make her more and more popular!
KQµårk : LL
SueInCa : I will take vicodin
LiseLives : Sheesh I either need a stiff drink – or a valium –
LiseLives : VB back in da house !
SueInCa : There is no making sense of people’s stupidity Q
KQµårk : That amazes me Q her favorability rating is like 30% now.
Chernynkaya : We lost VB– she POOFED!
Questinia : …and he’s a lawyer!
Questinia : My next door neighbor is a FB fan of …. Sarah Palin!
KQµårk : Yup it is painful.
KQµårk : LL you bring up a great point. If anything I’ll send up thoughts to the victims of the OK City bombing.
SueInCa : KQ and Q – I live in a rep county so I know your pain
Questinia : One guy i met thought they should bring back the Spanish Inquisition!
VegasBabe : hey what happened….are we still on?
Chernynkaya : Khirad in what way ridiculous?
KQµårk : Hell sue Republicans of today want to move back to the 1850’s before slavery ended and the theory of evolution.
Questinia : Sue: I live in a Republican town. They freely admit it.
LiseLives : Seriously, are any of you guys making special plans for the 19th ?
Khirad : UK free speech laws are ridiculous, actually. But I’m for it, done right.
SueInCa : Q 60’s hell they want to go back to the 50’s women were barefoot and pregnant
KQµårk : Oh yeah Cher. that was the last straw for fearful white people who cannot accept the future.
LiseLives : The regressives are reaching potency, dangerousness –
SueInCa : It is alot of things that converged on Obama but I won’t leave rascist ideas out of it, they just don’t want a black man in the White House
Questinia : The regressives haven’t climbed out of the sixties yet!
KQµårk : Actually the fairness doctrine and not having foreign nationals owning big media where great rules.
Chernynkaya : So my Q KQ is, did the kettle just boil over w/Obama as Prez? I have to believe that racism +economy+ the message of CHANGE freaked out the regressives.
Questinia : They really should bring back censorship re hate in media. Violent talk disinhibits.
KQµårk : There is no doubt that the hate and lies prevalent in speech these days hinders the democratic process.
LiseLives : 100% agree with KQ & VB –
VegasBabe : Spot on Kquark!! You know, canadians don’t put up with that shit which is why they closed the door on ms. coulter speaking at a university there.
KQµårk :
at myself sorry Cher instead of share.
Chernynkaya : KQ I AGREE! I am for the Canadian or UK take on free speech! The Europeans have first hand experience with hate speech consequences.
LiseLives : Now, business is good, living is very good but I watch out a lot more than ever –
KQµårk : The economy did crash then share. Face it from 2006 to 2008 no one was minding the store.
LiseLives : No, not any more since last year, but it was brutal in a way I never had to watchout for before –
SueInCa : Those people were following like sheep. Did you see the You did not get mad post on Rosie?
VegasBabe : exactly Cher. We we’re still working.
Questinia : Lise… more theft?
KQµårk : That’s why the I think the issue of free speech should be revisited. Hate speech should be legislated more and they should even look at adding criminal liability laws. I mean when your politicians straight up lie, not embellish or spin but just lie it’s a clear and present danger to society.
Chernynkaya : So why weren’t they angry for 8 bush years? Was it because the economy didn’;t crash then?
LiseLives : The anger is palpable – here in greater L.A. you really have to watch your things now – people are absolutely getting more dangerous
SueInCa : Cher I was busy taking notes so am going to watch again
SueInCa : Cher, look around you, more people below the poverty line, working more for less money, no home, lost their lifes savings, People are angry
Chernynkaya : Sue, I am going to watch that tomorrow– thanks!!
VegasBabe : Some of us here may not be able to connect and if that’s so…good for y’all….really . But one thing I know is a certainly. When ANYONE starts messing with folks’ money, things start to get ugly quick.
SueInCa : They are reading the company line, no more no less
KQµårk : That’s what sells in the media entertainment business Cher. Like David Frum said the right wing punditry is happy they lost the healthcare battle because now they can ratchet up the hate more. But they are so delusional they don’t even realize they lost a huge policy fight for the future.
Khirad : They are embellishing to fit their narrative.
LiseLives : Cher – seriously ? I think the world is going quite mad, I really do –
VegasBabe : Good question Cher. IMHO No, it’s not. No way, no how.
SueInCa : If anyone gets a chance watch Orwell turns over, it is on the internet and it will give you a good insight into the corp media
LiseLives : KQ – media making up stories – the lies are rampant – shockig & I don’t say shocking easily –
VegasBabe : hmmmm….ok sue…I’ll check it out.
Chernynkaya : But is all the hatred just racism? Why has everyong gone mad?
SueInCa : VB I watch Link TV/Democracy Now
VegasBabe : YES Kquark…if they are not making them up, they are certainly embellishing. Where does one turn these days for real news?
SueInCa : Cher if any of them were put up against Palast, they would lose their friggin minds. They don’t know what journalism is
Questinia : VB… you said it!
KQµårk : All the media is about is making up stories these days.
VegasBabe : No worries Q…some folks over there are just not happy campers? Fuggedaboutit!!
SueInCa : I know KQ, i want to scream at them, ask this question dummy!
LiseLives : LOL !! “Questinia : Has the talk decayed to the point where I can participate?
Chernynkaya : Me either KQ. But tonite, they showed a clip of Obama interviewed by the CBS guy, and O was asked what he thought about all teh hatred for the likes of beck and Limpy. So O answers. The, Todd opines that he’s never seen a Prez so critical of the press and OBAMA always brings it up!! HE was ASKED! For christsake!
VegasBabe : cooooolll. I don’t need to know the details of your departure….tru st me….I can guess….but I’ve liked you from the beginning Lise and just glad your here, ok? Now….how’s business? Is it keeping you busy?
KQµårk : Me neither sue. Face it they don’t know anything that your average blogger knows. We people ship out their brains to their favorite pundit is beyond me.
Khirad : It’s weird Cher, I used to like Chucky T and his encyclopedic numbers. Now, not so much anymore.
LiseLives : VB – I told her i’ve been enjoying it – we’ll see if we can get her to show up sometime soon
VegasBabe : Hey, I agree with you Cher. the pundit who I miss regularly due to work, but like the most is jon stewart.
SueInCa : I don’t watch them much anymore either
KQµårk : Cher I really can’t watch any of them as you know.
VegasBabe : well, do invite noch won’t you lise? I think you will and she could potentially love it here. I do. It’s welll….refresh ing.
Chernynkaya : No VB, thanks! Don’t much like Tavis, but he’s better than the otheres. And I am starting to hate chuck todd!
KQµårk : Different site.
SueInCa : What is FRT?
VegasBabe : Cher…Quark was suggesting that Smiley might be a good pundit of color and recently saw that he was defending Obama. Did you get that?
Questinia : Khirad, thanks. I already made it my FB quote!
Chernynkaya : Lise– your still here! YAY!
Khirad : before you C&P that should be ‘jigar-e to’
KQµårk : That’s another site.
Chernynkaya : I think she left– too intense i think for a first timer. But she was doing great.
VegasBabe : LISE….LMAO…. it is fast, huh? I kinda like it
LiseLives : This is wayyy too fast for me to be concise –
VegasBabe : Lise…has Noch been ill again? Is she ok? You two still on at FRT? Haven’t been there in awhile myself.
Chernynkaya : KQ– I missed the question to which Smiley was the answer– what?
SueInCa : No, i am probably a bit too honest LOL.
VegasBabe : you aint never lied sue.
Questinia : Khirad! Yes! Yes! That’s it. I will C&P for future reference.
Khirad : Not quite yet, Q, but I can multitask.
SueInCa : We need color in alot of places KQ
Chernynkaya : Lise– finito? You giving up?
KQµårk : I heard where he defended O lately. I’m just throwing out possibles but it just seems like most of the pundits are old white men.
Questinia : Has the talk decayed to the point where I can participate?
Chernynkaya : Y’all I am slow, so I open 2 Vox’s and type on one and read on the other and to hell wid it! It makes me laugh though!!
VegasBabe : Tavis Smiley didn’t support Obama, last I heard. I wouldn’t watch him.
Khirad : Boehner and Co will have to set up an underground tanning salon railroad, now that the orange man is under the boot of the racist multiculturalist s.
LiseLives : LOL I lost the comment box, just found it hehehe –
SueInCa : Remember we do not have the administration of the “scare level” anymore. If there is a serious problem you will know it.
KQµårk : I wish I could but for medical reasons I can’t. My next move needs to be my last.
KQµårk : I know what you mean LL VP gets my heart rate up too high.
VegasBabe : Jeepers Quark…couldn’ t you just RENT it for the time being and get out? I feel ya and I want you and the wife outta there. The sooner the better.
Khirad : ??? ?? ????? jigar to bokhoram – may I eat you liver. Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
Chernynkaya : That’s what I think too sue. They don’;t tip their hand and also– don;t want to make it seem like the militias are powerful lest they enlist more members.
SueInCa : I think if those people of color stand up, the baggers will be running for their livesLOL
KQµårk : VB ouch!
LiseLives : LOLOL !! Will y’all jsut slow the fuck down – jeeeze !
VegasBabe : was that for me Lise? LOL….that’s usually K7’s job.
KQµårk : Shit VB I wish I could sell my TH and move out of GA.
SueInCa : Cher we have the best law enforcement in the world, they are on top of it, they just won’t make noise until they have aserious threat or incident
Chernynkaya : Lise?
LiseLives : Y’ALL ….
VegasBabe : I’m tellin’ yall….the underground railroad may have to be re-instated. and this time, any man woman or child of color will be running for their lives.
KQµårk : Travis Smiley is another pundit who would be good.
Chernynkaya : Sue
SueInCa : Cher
LiseLives : Sue – train of thought LMAO !@!
LiseLives : KQuark – Eugene is prob. far too busy to want the job – he’d be awesome though –
SueInCa : LOL, I don’t normally lose my train of thought, my birthday is coming getting old LOL
KQµårk : Yes Hannity called the Teabaggers Timothy McVeigh wannabees and they cheered.
Chernynkaya : Do we think the govt is on top of this?
SueInCa : VB you are correct and these people are gonna blow at some point, there may even be a confrontation. The left has been too quiet
VegasBabe : Well get another one sue….we’ve got time LOL
Chernynkaya : Sue
Chernynkaya : I know there will be lone terrorists but I guess I wonder if the militias will do much.
KQµårk : Cher I’m worried about the long wolf and a few of them already attacked this country.
VegasBabe : I didn’t see Quark. It would have freaked me out if I had. Something must be done about these people. Much of their additional if not primary angry also is that a black man is in the white house. that infact may be the real root.
SueInCa : I lost my train of thought lol
SueInCa : Cher
Chernynkaya : VB- yes but two were not in the militias when they did it. The article said Lone Wolves- yes. But not an Alqaida type org.
KQµårk : Did you see the Teabaggers cheering McVeigh talk about scary?
SueInCa : It only takes one Cher, Timothy McVeigh
KQµårk : I love Eugene Robinson. How come MSNBC does not give a liberal person of color a show?
VegasBabe : Cher, I don’t know bout that. Wasnt the Oklahoma bombing led by militia men?
Questinia : Lise: How’s Noch?
SueInCa : GWBush Khirad and the free spending conservatives
Chernynkaya : I read something I’ll post later– said mostly it’;s all tough talk– nobody really ACTS. Militias too disorganiozed and fragmented to getr together and basically, they get off just blogging and playing soldier, but don;t act.
Khirad : Eugene Robinson totally took Pat down on a few occasions.
KQµårk : Ughhh. It’s amazing how the right wing and many on the left forgot how we got in this great recession.
LiseLives : Be right back – just got an email from Noch – I’ll tell her hi
Questinia : Lise; Seriously, there IS a Persian phrase of affection that roughly translated means that…. right Khirad. Khirad, Khirad, wherever you are!
KQµårk : Can you imagine if FDR was under this scrutiny during the GD. They would have voted conservatives in office and we probably would have not even entered WWII let alone created the largest middle class in history.
VegasBabe : Our short attention span Kquark?? don’t you mean libbruuls? LOL
Khirad : What gives me some hope is that with ALL THE GUNS we have, none of these militias have ever been able to organize like IRA or ETA. I think it’s a little credit do to the FBI, and to the nature of these people’s inchoate ideology itself.
VegasBabe : YIKES….I never saw that Lise…wow…got ta catch up with the news. this could be very, very ugly.
LiseLives : Q – liver – HAHAHA !!
Chernynkaya : I know KQ– PAt was false claiming these were anti-govt, not anti-LAPD– big difference!
LiseLives : In other words : the land goes nutzo, while armed to the gills, not pretty –
KQµårk : Exactly VB steady progress is what is needed but our short attention span society wants everything now.
LiseLives : Vegas : Teabagger protest, yielding guns at the WH –
VegasBabe : Yes Kquark. I agree. And with the demise of the middle class, the poorer folks amongst us have little to aspire to and their angry as hell and I don’t blame them. But as the riots in ’68 weren’t the answer, neither is threatening governors either.
KQµårk : The Rodney King riots were spontaneous aggravation from a terrible decision while the teaparty crap is a conspiracy against the government.
Chernynkaya : Frankly aside from the Symbionese Liberation army, what other Left groups are equivalent?
SueInCa : Pukanan is a rascist
Chernynkaya : Another thng that steams me– false equivalence! Pat Pukanan saying the Rodeny King riots the worst case of anti- govt riots ever!
KQµårk : The fact is the country has been in a cold Civil War since the 60’s because our demographics are changing and the middle class is shrinking since the 80’s. All that angst is the cause of much of this hate.
LiseLives : I might have to slip up to Santa Barbara where people are civilized – LA’s gotten seriously scary – I have tales to tell nobody would believe – (but not now)
Questinia : How do you say “I love you so much, I want to eat your liver” in Persian”? I can sort of “say” it.
Khirad : Heh, heh, you tempt me KQ.
Chernynkaya : Quest — if yer gonna BEHAVE, leave!
LiseLives : Q !!! Don’t you dare behave !! nonono !
VegasBabe : ah…what’s happening on the 19th … dare I ask?
Chernynkaya : Lise– they better be ready for the 19th with full force!
SueInCa : Lise who knows, but I don’t think it is going to be pretty. All those guns in DC? Hmmm the District Cops are going to hae their hands full
LiseLives : Okay Cher – that’s the only way I’ll keep my sanity LOL !
Questinia : Hi Cher and Lise. I promise I’ll behave this evening!
KQµårk : You like that huh Q. Watch it Khirad will start posting Persian again.
Khirad : Yes KQ,
LiseLives : Even locally, I can def. feel a far more serious sense of danger than ever before – what’s going to happen on the 19th ??
Questinia : Good evening Mr. MuÅngström.
KQµårk : Khirad we’ll have to hold our own against the ladies.
Chernynkaya : Lise, don’t worry–I am slow too- Only answer one questiona t a time and don’t pay attention to the others for a while.
SueInCa : Vegas Babe, just do not order any mail order, they have to take it by boat
KQµårk : You are spot on VB.
LiseLives : Yay ! Q’s here too !
Khirad : I definitely think it’s a bigger problem. Subcultures tend to exist without the general public knowing.
Chernynkaya : Hey Questinia!!
KQµårk : I actually agree with Tweety on this one. There is a certain zeitgeist of radicalism that is becoming prevalent today like it was in the 60’s.
VegasBabe : You know what I did yesterday? I looked at real estate on Catalina Island, over the net of course….one can hope. It feels like a place to go to as the world around us gets crazier and crazier. We should have eliminated arms a long time ago. Now we have these militia’s threatening citizens. Sheesh….where to go to hide? and btw….unless you good people are intending to donate some serious loot for my cause, there aint no way I’ll ever see the inside of a catalina home
SueInCa : The FBI is never going to play their hand in front of the public. They are trained to “tell nothing”
Questinia : Good evening everyone.
LiseLives : LOL !! I feel like an old fart in a coke / caffeine factory –
Chernynkaya : Khirad– so you think it’s a bigger problem than we know?
KQµårk : Yeah business has their way right now. But it’s sure good to see your moniker.
Chernynkaya : I think there are definitely more militias– I know it, but do they really act?
Khirad : Right, nothing to see here, move along, keep calm.
LiseLives : OY ! this is moving faster than I can keep up with LOL –
KQµårk : The government is trying to underplay things but the arrests this week shows how dangerous this country is now.
VegasBabe : LISELIVES. WHOOOOO HOOOOOO….good to see you here girl
SueInCa : I think they are trying to keep a lid on it, but it will not work, someone is going to let loose…..
Khirad : Heh, this topic is on Cooper. Wow, real Alex Jones type stuff.
VegasBabe : their working me like a dog Kquark but just because I haven’t the strenght to post, I DO stop in daily and read the articles.
Chernynkaya : Sue, like the FBI today said it’s not a big deal, are they keeping us calem?
LiseLives : Hi VegasBabe – whoah long time, girl !
SueInCa : They are getting out of hand and ready to blow. Remember Watts?
KQµårk : Hey Vegasbabe!!! Haven’t seen you in a while how are you.
Chernynkaya : OH Hi everyone!!! Glad you made it.
VegasBabe : It’s really crazy. When has this ever happened before, US governors receiving threatening correspondence? It’s crazy and it’s scarey.
LiseLives : Ooops, double posting, breaking rules already –
KQµårk : He sue.
Khirad : I’m just catching up, this latest group I don’t know much about. Sounds like a Kaczynski manifesto, and their roots give me pause. Weird thing is that they call the gov’t a Federal Corporation…
Chernynkaya : :lol_ the champaign is at the end!
SueInCa : I think it is worse than media portrays
KQµårk : It just amazes me how unpatriotic in a real sense Americans are these days. If it’s not someone running the country they want it’s no longer their responsibility to be good citizens.
LiseLives : It keeps popping & …no champagne that I can see !
Chernynkaya : Ok about the topic– is it really crazy out ther of is the media magnifying ot?
LiseLives : It keeps popping & I keep looking for the champagne !
SueInCa : Hey Lise and KQ
Chernynkaya : Good for you, Lise!!
LiseLives : I am NOT lost, see ?
KQµårk : It’s gotten crazy out there.
Chernynkaya : Hang on Sue– I see Lise got lost..
SueInCa : It is real anger, these people are angry and some are probsably not so happy thatthey never went after king george, feeling pretty stupid right now
Chernynkaya : Out first topic is about the increase in vitriolic talk and the possible consequences. Today, the FBI is warning police across the country that an anti-government group’s call to remove governors from office could provoke violence. 30 governors so far have received letters demanding that they step down. Is there really an actual threat of widespread violence? What’s behind this—rhetoric or real anger?
SueInCa : what is the topic?
SueInCa : You will be a good influence on them,
Chernynkaya : Do you want to talk about the topic, or do you think I should forget about VP?
Chernynkaya : Oh god, that’s for sure! I don;t want them married for a long time– and not pregnant either.
SueInCa : there is plenty of time with those girls
Chernynkaya : My son is 30 and no bride in sight. My step daughters are 18 and 15 though.
SueInCa : working on her masters now
SueInCa : She will be 37 this year, career girl
Chernynkaya : How old is she? Don;t be so sure
SueInCa : He is the only one, my daughter never will have kids, and she is a teacher LOL
Chernynkaya : Oh– he’s a big boy! I bet he’s smart, and I am jealous! Want a grandchild too!!
SueInCa : just turned 10 and he is smart…..
Chernynkaya : How old is your grandson?
Chernynkaya : So far, Sue. I’ll give it a few
SueInCa : Hey, no one here but us?
Chernynkaya : When you get here, please say Hello!
Chernynkaya : Hey all, I’m over here at Vox Populi!
Vox Populi – 4-2-2010
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