FrankenPC : I’m lost. I try to think what it would take to get mainstream attention and I always fall back to accidental fame. Viral information. How does someone create that from scratch? I don’t tink it’s possible.
boomer1949 :
Smarty pants!!!
boomer1949 : Cher, did I hit enter again? So sorry!
Chernynkaya : Just had to see that one more time
boomer1949 : Night kes.
Chernynkaya : Boomer
Chernynkaya : Night, Sweet kes!
FrankenPC : Nite Kes
kesmarn : I’m afraid I’ll have to call it a day, friends. It was wonderful as always! Have a good night!
Chernynkaya : No tears tonight for this sub, KQ! Thnaks for sticking around.
Khirad : ‘Tis okay, I’m sure we’ll manage
Chernynkaya : I don’;t know how to give the link, but it;s on the site, I just posted it. Sorry!
PatsyT : *APPLAUSE* Great Job Cher
KQuark : It was fun Cher and you did not go away crying.
FrankenPC : Gooooo Cher!
Khirad : Cher, it’s customary to give the link.
kesmarn : Ya done good, Cher! We’re proud!
Chernynkaya : Ok guys, I guess it’s time for the after chat. I can’t thank you all enough for making this a success!
boomer1949 : kes, shhh, it’s Friday. Remember? As long as you don’t work 7-7 you know?
PatsyT : Franken the captivating thing is how this has all come about We are the real MacCoy
kesmarn : Meant to say “hear” not “here!” Where’s my edit feature?
FrankenPC : Either you are “Avatar” or you ar “Hurt Locker”
Chernynkaya : Kes– not the group so much as the guys who made the set. But maybe– I could maybe ask.
FrankenPC : Patsy has the right idea
boomer1949 : I’m a Bombay Blue Saphire, straight up, 3 olive martini. Shaken not stirred with a dash of bitters kind of party person. How ’bout the Martini party?
PatsyT : Its more about the Ideas then the dough Its more authentic that way – You have to have a naritive
kesmarn : I here there’s this group called OK Go??? Who might be interested in doing a vid for GROW. OK GROW?
Chernynkaya : I hope so. to me the best bet is a viral video of a facebook page like the coffee lady.
KQuark : Actually I read their about section and they seem like breath of fresh air.
FrankenPC : By powerful sponsor I mean something captivating like a viral device or an actual person or group.
PatsyT : GROW can start small hey we all have computers
kesmarn : Hard to say, Cher. If there’s a dedicated core with time and determination, anything can happen.
KQuark : Now a member for Member for 4 min 55 sec+
Chernynkaya : Patsy– it’s reeally who we are!
FrankenPC : GROW will only take off if it has a powerful sponsor.
PatsyT : Thats It Cher The Pissed Party
Chernynkaya : But anyway, do you guys think the GROW will take off?
FrankenPC : Kes just goes to show you we are more youthful
kesmarn : Wow. It’s 11:30 already here in the heartland! But, yah, what’s a few more minutes?!
Chernynkaya : All this beer and coffee– I say we’ll be the Pissed party!
KQuark : I’m easy even when I’m broke there’s a little on my SB card.
boomer1949 : Cher, Venti, iced two Splenda Latte puleeze?
Khirad : Free Beer? I’m always there!
FrankenPC : Sure
Chernynkaya : Oh no! Sorry Franken! Damn! Hey, it’s almost time for the after chat, but can we stay a few more mins?
Khirad : Firefox has been pissing me off lately too Franken…
KQuark : Well I have a logon anyway.
FrankenPC : KQ is persuaded by Starbucks diplomacy
PatsyT : Free Beer Party
kesmarn : KQ, seriously?
KQuark : I’m a Coffee Party member!
FrankenPC : Firefox killed my session and everything I typed looked like spam
Chernynkaya : You passed the test, Franken.
boomer1949 : okay… Newsbusters.org “Exposing liberal media bias” should be a clue, eh? Mea culpa, I’m such a nieve old fart.
Chernynkaya : But it can’t be a corporate name. generic. The corn syrup party? Nah.
PatsyT : Ex presive O Party
FrankenPC : Testing 123 test
kesmarn : Or we could be the Caf-FIENDS. Has a menacing quality.
Chernynkaya : I do the dew.
Chernynkaya : Patsy! THat’s good.
kesmarn : Cher, in the South we’d get noticed with a Mountain Dew Party brand of caffeine.
PatsyT : Juice Box Party
PatsyT : Red Bull Party
Chernynkaya : Wow, typing getting worse by the minute–especial ly when I get jazzed.
kesmarn : Khirad, good thing Beck and Limbaugh don’t have agendas, huh?
Chernynkaya : Well, Kes, they have, becasue they have a web site. but I mean, like the caffiene party or the deacf party or the latte aprty.
Khirad : Wow Boomer, THEY’RE upset she’s a political operative? LMAO!
Chernynkaya : Boomer, i am skeptical– that might be what the right wants us to beleive?
kesmarn : I bet no one has registered “Coffee APrty” yet!
Chernynkaya : I am serious. would it be so terrible to start a movement and riff on the name Coffee APrty?
boomer1949 : «link»
Khirad : Mmm, Irish Coffee. Or a spoof of the tea party, the moonshine party.
boomer1949 : Well, all I’ve been scouring Google and just came up with the following info on Annie…
KQuark : I hope so cher. Like I said I don’t watch TV news. I have not heard of her until tonight.
kesmarn : There you go, KQ. We’d be awake, smelling the coffee, and yet charming and genial at the same time!
Chernynkaya : Latte party– I say steal he thunder!
PatsyT : The counter message for all the Ads – They are not spending your Health Care Money on You that should be illegal
Chernynkaya : OH sorry KQ, now I get you.
KQuark : Irish Coffee Party now that’s the ticket.
kesmarn : You know we’d be called “elitist” again, though, if we did Merlot Party!
Chernynkaya : But KQ- the media HAS noticed! Good Morning america, Rachel Maddow show– I think that’s a great start for an empty name, don’t you? There was a feature showing their meetings too.
KQuark : Sensationalism, a media outlet and money. Teabaggers had all of it. While this amazing woman is doing it grass roots.
Khirad : I second merlot party! Then everyone becomes more attractive!
Khirad : Yup, she got lucky. Maté Party doesn’t have the same ring to it. And Chai Party? Too furrin’!
kesmarn : Or we could just go with Merlot Party…
Chernynkaya : If I were a billionaire I’d pay her for that name and we could rule the worls.
Khirad : Oh yeah, I nominated The Rarest Patriot for voicework.
KQuark : Oh Cher I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying the media won’t notice unless she goes topless or puts Boehner in a Hitler outfit on a sign.
Chernynkaya : I’ll admit what U might have guessed– I am insanely jealous that Coffee Lady thought of that name and became a media darling and she has NO IDEAS!
kesmarn : Cher, just think of the $$$ all those anti-HCR messages cost!
boomer1949 : https://www.yout ube.com/watch?v= lO_5HvnFEv0
KQuark : I don’t watch any of the pundits anymore. I probably will again before the midterms. It just makes the process of change seem to take even longer.
Khirad : That was annoying, them flooding MSNBC airwaves with anti-HCR messages. Ever want to see how much we’re outspent? They’re throwing money in MSNBC viewer’s faces!
Chernynkaya : KQ– Coffe lady is not at all outragious. she thought of a great name, got 100,000 hits on Facebook– where we need to be!– and 600,000 on her new web page!
PatsyT : Hey Khirad …. This message has been brought to you by the Planet
KQuark : I agree Cher the media wants one but it’s a catch 22 because to be noticed you have to be outrageous.
Chernynkaya : KQ all day long on mSNBC the #1 advertiser was the anti-HCR message: Tell Congress not to take away your health care. ALL DAY!!
kesmarn : KQ where does Dylan Rattigan stand these days? I used to watch him when he was on in the morning, but never see him now.
KQuark : That’s what I thought but when are the “principled” pundits who call the Dems weak going to get a backbone.
kesmarn : Franken
Chernynkaya : KQ not as long as owned by GE or whatever corp own them now. With Fox, the owner is an idealogue.
FrankenPC : Kes, you mention LDS…IS THAT YOU SPOCK?
kesmarn : Khirad and Cher, that’s an interesting possibility! Shroud, mourning, for our lost democracy…. hmmm
Chernynkaya : Yes kes
Chernynkaya : patsy–this thread is moving so fast, but that’s what Im saying! The media WANTS a coffee party!
KQuark : When is damn MSNBC going to actually get behind progressive causes?
kesmarn : Cher, was it an anti-war protest? I think we had ’em here, too.
Khirad : We’re all in shrouds, to represent how we all feel anonymous and unseen by DC?
Chernynkaya : Kes, Google Women In black–I was one of them
PatsyT : The coffee party has not had their coffee yet they do not seem to connect but there is a great desire for what they are doing
Khirad : Oh, i had it on in the background. The first video she did seem like she knew how to be in front of a camera though. that makes the Coffee Party lady more disappointing.
kesmarn : Civil War re-enacters around here had one woman who was dressed in mourning–head to toe, including thick veil. She would not speak. No one knew who she was. Got a lot of attention. Sounds like a role for me!
Chernynkaya : Boomer, the coffee lady/ No, and she acted like she was used to being on national TV
KQuark : looking up coffee party now.
Khirad : Ooh, i like hands idea! We could all pass a planet to each other, or something. Have we come up with a logo yet? These are things I could get into.
Chernynkaya : The chick form the Coffee party os grim and dour, imo. I am more photgenic and have a beter personality. But I am shy.
boomer1949 : Cher, she has been blindsided…?
PatsyT : Everyone has hands that are photogenic
Khirad : Yup, the Coffee Party person was disappointing. Most political operatives get coaching, so that even if you have a message, it’s not as easy as it looks. Still, she was disappointing. What point is there to the Coffee Party, except being just as inchoate as the Tea Party?
boomer1949 : I’m far from photogenic — I hate myself in pictures or videos. However, I will sacrifice my vanity and put myself out there for the cause. Did I mention I’m not as cute as the chick from the Coffee Party?
kesmarn : Franken…or, in Beck’s case, high on LDS…
Chernynkaya : Patsy– I love your ideas. and I am usually critical.
PatsyT : In sharpie of course and how about hands holding Chinese fortune cookie messages
FrankenPC : This would be my message advert: Are you tired of having your life ran by people apparently high on LSD? Then do something about it and ship them all to Disney Land.
Chernynkaya : Boomer–absolute ly cart before the horse! The coffee party is just a clever name. BUT– the media is soooo hungry for there to be an anti-tea part party!
kesmarn : You got it, Cher. A whole collection of mutant bloggers who are reluctant to fly across country (espec. now with body scanners) and make a video!
Khirad : Yeah, it’s really not that I don’t want to help, I’m just sort of into the anonymity thing.
PatsyT : Hands with Cool Music and Yes Kes messages that makes serious sence and some can be funny
Chernynkaya : I’m glad we’re talking about this– we are on the internet because we all have three eyes, a nose on our foreheads and other wierdities. Or we just prefer to be naonymous. That’s why i don;t think a live protest will work– plaus we are all over!
boomer1949 : Coffee Party — and she couldn’t answer could she. Cart before the horse kind of thing and she lost her grip?
FrankenPC : {ENTER}
PatsyT : Opening and closing all kinds childrens, steel workers doctors no faces just hands with messages Just one thought I could draw it out
boomer1949 : Cher,
kesmarn : Sarah Palin hands, with stuff that actually makes sense, though.
Khirad : Ooh, WTS cartoon!
Khirad : Yeah Cher, I saw that too. We should learn from that. I’m pretty shy about being on camera, mash up it is? LOL. We’ve got to have someone who is good with communications, right?
Chernynkaya : Patsy, what’s Hnds/ Like OH NO Mr Bill?
KQuark : Actually that was a duh AdLib should know.
kesmarn : Does WTS do cartooning? Look at me–volunteering the guy who’s not at the meeting!
PatsyT : Hands with messages on them
PatsyT : Say I was thinking about Hands
FrankenPC : Didn’t see the Coffee party vid
KQuark : I wonder if AdLib knows how to mix live action with the animation. I think you could come up with something very clever then.
PatsyT : Oh Cher I missed that
Chernynkaya : Oh about the Coffee party: I saw her on Rachel tonight– so interesting, because maddow sweetly questioned what their point is.
kesmarn : I am so completely non-photogenic.. .this had better be an anime vid, as far as I’m concerned!
PatsyT : Youtube vid Love it !
FrankenPC : Khir, that’s a great idea. A viral video
KQuark : About my least area of expertize is marketing.
Khirad : YouTube vid, I’m all for that, like the Coffee Party one.
Chernynkaya : ‘ Bye Sue!
boomer1949 : everyone, i’m such an administrative assistant that i can’t keep my teeny tiny fingers off the ENTER key!!!!
KQuark : Boy Cher you got everyone bailing bringing up work.
FrankenPC : I would think garnering the support of some mainstream entertainers would be the most effective.
Chernynkaya : KQ….
kesmarn : Good night, Sue!
Khirad : Night sue.
Chernynkaya : Franken, substitute teachers are always tougher.:evil:
kesmarn : KQ
SueInCa : I would love to participate here, but I have to get going, have a great night all
KQuark : I think I hear my cat calling.
FrankenPC : That’s a tough one Cher
Khirad : No way he can go to Indonesia (besides HP made it sound like Indonesians all hate him now)
kesmarn : Sue, thanks for the correction!
SueInCa : no postponed leaving three days
boomer1949 : save the liver
did julia really say that? i don’t listen to converted French people, but then again, you are a nurse.
kesmarn : Sue, I understand he cancelled an overseas trip to push HCR here.
Chernynkaya : OK NEW TOPIC:
KQuark : Yup I call it Obama withdrawal syndrome and noticed it during the election. As much as the right hates to admit the average American likes Obama because he’s honest and intelligent but does not talk down to people. When he is out of the spotlight people forget quickly.
kesmarn : boomer
boomer1949 : kes,
SueInCa : I think after the transparency meeting, O said do whatever you have to do and I will sign it, even public option. he was on the road in campaign mode this week, fire it up
Khirad : Thanks KQ, LOL @ Loverboy.
kesmarn : boomer, OT, but I took Tylenol for the bum knee, hence no booze. As Julia Child said: “Save the liver!”
Chernynkaya : I’m afraid if I follow the link I might never find my way back.
Khirad : Exactly Cher, of my criticisms of Obama was the hands-off collegiate approach and “respect” of the separation of powers. Pffft. Children don’t deserve respect, they need guiding by their party leader.
KQuark : «link»
KQuark : Here’s the lastes Khirad but they are even confused.
boomer1949 : kes, so where’s your Merlot?
Chernynkaya : Well, Obama learned how important he personally is to get his agenda done. No more hands off approach! He needs to provide the cover that his approval ratings give to those wimpy so-called Dems.
kesmarn : boomer, worked last night, off tonight and on tomorrow and Sunday. Yuck.
KQuark : That’s why they can change student funding in the budget reconciliation bill. That’s not part of the HCR package and goes back years.
SueInCa : Maybe i just want to see the right get a big sh–burger, but I hope i am right
Khirad : So, Kent Conrad is apparently the ranking parliamentary expert, that doesn’t make me feel good. Voting on two bills at once? If it works, sure!
kesmarn : KQ how would that work?
boomer1949 : kes, you must be on call tonight?
KQuark : I was just reading about the end game and they would like to vote on both bills at one time.
kesmarn : boomer, we luv ya! And I’m envious of the Merlot!
SueInCa : kes, i am not giving them mustard on that burger, maybe some spit to give it flavor
boomer1949 : kes, okay we’re in the same time zone, but cher and sue give me a break. I’m 3 hours of Merlot ahead of y’all. Not fair…
KQuark : I agree Cher but the PO with the president taking over is the reason for the revival. All that said I still think it’s much closer to 50-50 than Dems admit.
kesmarn : Sue, I will personally supply the Dijon mustard on that one!
SueInCa : about boomer cher
Chernynkaya : Sue I so so so hope you are 100% right!!!
Khirad : So how does this work? President signs it and then… Anyone want to explain the whole procedure sometime? I’m so out of my depth, and frankly, most pundits are, too. I just scared by the process right now.
SueInCa : I think they want to give a big shitburger to the republicans
Chernynkaya : What do you mean Sue? About Boomer, or about the PO?
KQuark : Yeah people don’t get that. That was how Republicans defunded things like they did with “welfare reform”. As long as the bill is precedent and has a budgetary impact they can amend it.
PatsyT : Sue I have wondered about that I hope that is what is going on – You think they are trying to keep it under wraps so the press lays off?
Chernynkaya : But KQ, I was watching MSNBC in the background all day– not one reprter said that! And it’s true!!
boomer1949 : kes, cher, & sue…
boomer1949 : oops, sorry all, I keep hitting Enter before I’m finsihed. It’ not easy being an Administrative Assistant — heck I’m not even green!
SueInCa : ok is the joke on me?
KQuark : Exactly Cher polls that ask the second question have shown people like the House bill more. In fact now you are seeing a small bump in approval because people like the reconciliation bill better than the Senate bill.
kesmarn : boomer!
Chernynkaya :
Boomer– yer killin me, girl!
SueInCa : boomer
Khirad : Hmm, that would be good KQ, with a passed bill to come back with every cycle.
SueInCa : boomer
SueInCa : patsy the dems are being real cagey about votes for the PO i have a feeling they are going to try to jam it in the bill. i could be wrong but that is my take on all the cagey talk going on with interviews
kesmarn : That would be great, KQ. Annual improvements, I mean
Chernynkaya : This whole new round about the PO was too much. It only makes people more demoralized.
boomer1949 :
boomer1949 : Sue,
Khirad : The polls are the worded now to get an anti-DC response. They should always explain the points in the bill. The Repubs have been masterful, IMHO at making people scared at a vague 2000 page bill of earmarks of evil and impending totalitarianism.
boomer1949 : sue,
KQuark : I said on TimeOut and this is the cynical pol watcher in me. The Dems would not mind taking the PO with them to the polls, especially left leaning Dems. But that said once the big bill is passed EVERY year it can be improved with budget reconciliation.
PatsyT : Sue who? and what bombshell ?
kesmarn : Sue, I hope you’re right. Wish c’lady were here tonight. She has the inside scoop a lot of the time.
SueInCa : boomer i lie to them and then opinion like a dem
Khirad : That would explain the 4-5 points, easily. Do they just claim it as tainted or something?
Chernynkaya : Khirad– that’s me beef with polls! And esp. re HCR! “Do you want the Senate bill?” “NO” they reply. But they never ask the followup Question– which would tell them, “because it’s NOT ENOUGH!!”
SueInCa : I think they are being real cagey like they have a big one to pull over on the right, just my feeling i could be wrong
KQuark :
boomer that tickled me.
boomer1949 : Hey Patsy!
kesmarn : Sue, you think they’ve got a PO possibility up their sleeve?
boomer1949 : KQ (not KW) for sure.
KQuark : It’s even worse Khirad if you are polled by RAS even if you have voted as a Dem there is a chance they will not take your opinion.
SueInCa : Hi Patsy
Khirad : Hey Patsy!
SueInCa : the dems in the senate and Nancy
Chernynkaya : Sue, who waht??
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy!
Khirad : They’re not likely to vote but registered, right? Then I say yes, they should count. Because it’s about policy, not how disaffected they are.
Chernynkaya : Hey patsy!
SueInCa : they won’t come right out an dsay it, but i have a feeling they have a bombshell to drop
KQuark : boomer spot on that’s how the crazies got hold of the HCR efforts.
PatsyT : Hi Everyone !
Chernynkaya : Boomer I agree.
Chernynkaya : Sue i am so confused now about the PO! Does the senate have 50 votes?
kesmarn : Comrades!!
SueInCa : kes, i have been ther all my life
KQuark : kes that’s what the right will call us all anyway.
boomer1949 : Personally, here is what I think. Not philosophical or resourceful, only experienced over a number of years. The general population of our country has been duped. It’s easier to rely on other sources for information than figuring it out on our own — oops would that be called critical thinking or common sense? Everyone is looking for a short cut, a thread, or someone else to provide an answer — to think for us so we don’t have to think for ourselves. I’m speaking in generalities here and not referring to those of us at the Planet.
Khirad : Veering there kes? I’ve been there a long time!
Chernynkaya : me kes! And anarchist isn’t far behind
KQuark : Fivethirtyeigtht takes on RAS all the time. They cherry pick conservatives and only use likely voters. What about the almost 50% of people who don’t vote aren’t they important when analyzing policy?
SueInCa : Doea anyone think the PO has any chance of being jammed in there?
kesmarn : KQ, i would welcome a “flaming-commie -pinko-radical” category! Honestly, some of us are veering in that direction.
Khirad : How many 20-somethings even have land lines?
kesmarn : Khirad, I heard that too. Land line owners= older, more conservative demographic=skew ed to the right results.
KQuark : True it’s never more than four options like ideological leanings it’s Liberal, Conservative, Moderate and Don’t Know. I always wonder what the effect would be if Liberal was changed to Progressive since Reagan successfully demonized that word.
Chernynkaya : Kes, lately I see the msm quotes Rasmussen but mentions it’s an outlier.
SueInCa : who is rassie?
Khirad : Why was Rassie on Colbert. Made me angry.
kesmarn : KQ, I just assumed I was too dumb to figure it out!
SueInCa : Polls are skewed to get the response the pollster wants
Khirad : Do registered Republicans and likely voters always skew, or just now? That sorta seemed counterintuitive . I would say the problem is land lines, is this false?
Chernynkaya : KQ polls are OK for binary questions, but not for telling us nuance of sublety
KQuark : Wow my last post shows why I should not be on VP. I can’t even make it out.
kesmarn : I wish people (media) wouldn’t even quote Rasmussen. They’re way off.
FrankenPC : Cher I need to watch that video
Chernynkaya : ‘Kay. Sorry. Im just silly tonight after that La lala guy.
KQuark : Funny Cher my last comments said polls lie. Actually both are true the country is fooled to be right center if we are that so it really should not matter if people wake up.
boomer1949 : quit jerkin’ my chain lol
FrankenPC : Of you don’t stop arguing you aren’t patriots
kesmarn : We just love each other’s names!
boomer1949 : c’mon Cher
Chernynkaya : Um, er, Khirad
Chernynkaya : Khgirad
Khirad : Cher
Chernynkaya : Boomer
kesmarn : Oh, yeah, I know all about premature return button hitting!
boomer1949 : Yo Cher, quit giving me poop! Return, return, return, it’s burned in my brain, lol
KQuark : The polls are always highly skewed towards Republicans. They don’t poll anyone but people who are registered to vote and many polls only poll “likely voters”. It was a system built to make Republicans look good.
Khirad : How do you think I knew what Boomer was doing, Cher? I remember a lot of ragging once, in fact!
Chernynkaya : Franken I agree. I used to debate KQ about where this country was, and have come to beleive it is not nearly as CENTRIST as I thought– it’s more right.
SueInCa : Franken I could see that way back with the Shrub. Washington was passing things that could destroy our constitution but the righties were on it all the way. that is how they can put in place a godly society by trashing the constitution
Khirad : There’s always those types kes. Like the ones running precinct offices during elections and campus democrats. I don’t think there’s any shortage of ambitious young people. All I know is that I’ve never been that type of person to make a good politician.
kesmarn : Yes, Franken, it’s as though they’d rather see the country go down in flames than compromise.
boomer1949 : I know khirad, but I’m an Admin during the day 5 days a week,
Chernynkaya : Oh Khirad, I love that Boomer keeps hitting return. It makes me laugh, becasue I can relate!
FrankenPC : Again, I iterate it’s not Obama that has dropped the ball. It’s like some kind of crazy nihilistic mentality has been exposed in Washington DC that seems impenetrable.
Khirad : Don’t hit return Boomer.
SueInCa : I talk to them all the time, they have not given up, they hate what is going on but do not find fault with O
kesmarn : Do you think young people are interested in running for office…I really don’t know…genuinely curious…
boomer1949 : khirad.
Khirad : Indeed Char, to say the young people gave up on Obama is BS. Who else represents them? An old white guy?
Chernynkaya : Franken– forget spell check–we read typo here.
boomer1949 : It’s like anything else…as long as someone else can make a difference, it lets the rest of us off the hook. Unfair to the President.
SueInCa : but you still have to work to change the system. i am of the mindset if the country gets angry enough, something will happen and it will not be on the side of the teabaggers
Chernynkaya : I heard of a new poll of the ‘millennial generation’ Theya re NOT turned off– over 80% said they believed in more govt! and they love obama. Now, if they would only vote…
FrankenPC : My disillusioned spell checker is on the fritz
boomer1949 : Franken,
kesmarn : I think most of his life he’s been in environments where rationality counted for something. It’s got to be frustrating that it doesn’t work in modern DC.
FrankenPC : I still believe Obama represents the best in us. So, when he was elected it was assumed that he would do great things. When we all realized that simply wasn’t going to be enough, a lot of us became dissolutioned with the system.
boomer1949 : I love O. I’ve been around a long time, and I’ve never felt this way about anyone, much less my ex-husband in my life. I sincerely believe our President believed he could bring everyone together — poor guy — but he tried.
Chernynkaya : franken– I agree- he was/is too idealistic, but I think he finally got a dose of reality.
SueInCa : but the system has been broken for a long time. we all know it the teabaggers are the only ones who think it just broke on nov 4, 2008
Khirad : I agree Kes, the blame should be on DC and recalcitrant conservadems and obstructionist Repubs. Not to say I haven’t been mildly disappointed in Obama’s performance himself. but that’s not where I place a lion’s share of the blame.
kesmarn : Franken, it is worse than I realized and I didn’t consider myself naive!
FrankenPC : Kes, I agree. Everyone who is rational is completely dissolutioned with the system itself.
kesmarn : b’ito, you got an A minus!
bitohistory : test
kesmarn : I think young people still love O, but have been very disillusioned by the tawdriness of DC.
SueInCa : the trolls are paid to say that to direct the conversation toward a resurgance of the right. i go to school up here and the kids I talk to are still behind him.
boomer1949 : I would like to think HCR will pass. However, there are too many political egos involved, concerned about being reelected, and unwilling to do the right thing because they’d have to give up a “me” perk to do so.
Chernynkaya : Kes– who knows permanently. But unless he does something pretty radical– like, I don’t know, trying torturers or something big witht he financial overhaul, I think the left has been rebuffed by him.
Khirad : Yup, I agree Cher and Kes, that’s why he did it first.
FrankenPC : Cher, another problem. Obama is such an idealist I believe HE believes that all he had to do is show the way and everything will fall into place. Capital Hill does not work that way.
Khirad : I hear the concern trolls often say he’s lost the young people. Obama still does remarkably well in my age demographic in polls. I get offended by that.
kesmarn : Franken and Khirad, I think the need and emergency was felt to be so dire…it was a top priority. HCR, I mean.
Chernynkaya : But franken, it was the keystone of his agenda. he could have waited a year, but there were plenty of people who said he had to do it fast.
FrankenPC : Khir, I was rooting as well.
boomer1949 : kes,
Khirad : We did see the problems there, FrankenPC, didn’t we? Honestly, I think he just wanted to get it done early. Sigh…
kesmarn : Cher, permanently lost them?
boomer1949 : Neither can I.
kesmarn : boomer, we’re talking HCR…will it pass?
boomer1949 : Cher,
Chernynkaya : kes, yes– I believe he has lost the left.
FrankenPC : I believe the cart was thrown before the horse with the HCR bill. Obama and his constituents failed to see the importance of a corruption overhaul before attempting something as grand as health care reform. You have to strip the opponents of power before making a play this large.
boomer1949 : Thanks all!
Chernynkaya : And Boomer, beware– I can’t type!
SueInCa : they don’t know much, it is not in their make-up to be intellectual
Chernynkaya : Welxome Boomer!
Chernynkaya : The Constitutional challeng IMO is BS and they know it. Let them try. BTW, I think they are really convinced no one wants HCR!
kesmarn : Hey, boomer!
Khirad : Hi boomer!
Khirad : The Repubs sure seem to be all over the place on this parliamentarian. First they don’t like him, now they do…
kesmarn : Cher, were you saying earlier this week that you feared Obama had lost the left?
boomer1949 : I’m here, I’m here. Is this the right place, night and time?
SueInCa : The only way to see is in the finished product. as to constitutional challenge the way I read the 10th is that would be at the state level.
Chernynkaya : Kes, YES!
Chernynkaya : I think the bill will pass. I don’;t honestly know if it will be enough at this point to mollify the base.
Khirad : I know, Cher. I tend to think he knows what he’s talking about. He wants this legislation, I think he’s just being honest. He brings up some problems – like amending a ghost of a bill.
kesmarn : When the parliamentarian ruled in a way the Repubs didn’t like, didn’t they just fire him and get a new one?
Chernynkaya : O’donnell has been all gloom and doom form the beginning. But too often he is right! He freaks me out all the time!
SueInCa : Khirad i think too many cooks in the kitchen on that one
FrankenPC : Sue, it’s the only way without lobby reform
Khirad : Anyone see Lawrence O’Donnell and what do you think of him? He’s freaking me out on the parliamentary difficulties here.
SueInCa : I agree Franken. Build on a foundation
kesmarn : What I’m hearing from some on the right is that if it passes they will challenge its constitutionalit y.
Chernynkaya : Kes, no problem. We don’t know what we’re doing but wee can do whatever we want! cat’s away and all….
FrankenPC : er now
FrankenPC : Yes. The assumption will be that a base framework bill will be sufficient to build on. And we can forego the real changes for noe.
Chernynkaya : Khirad, you mean hobbled by the cmpromises?
Khirad : I’ll get back to you on my theory of the Beats and 90’s, Kes. Now, on to the topic.
SueInCa : Pass – yes and votes – yes. once people see the finished product w/o the lies
kesmarn : Oops, I’ll get back on topic now!
FrankenPC : If it passes, it will be severely hobbled.
kesmarn : My mom was a stay at home. Original hippie. Organic garden, canned and preserved, made her own clothes…
Khirad : I found TDS clip! Yay, I’ll post it in after chat.
Chernynkaya : I’m going to be agood girl and start another topic:
Chernynkaya : Fine by me! I love the 50’s. My mom worked too– as a hairdresser in beverly Hills. I hated that.
kesmarn : Khirad, the 90s? Really? I’d like to hear more.
SueInCa : go for it cher, then we will let you know lol
kesmarn : Cher, it’s kinda fun to do free association!
Chernynkaya : Ahem — Franken–:razz:
Khirad : Beats gave us the 90s IMO.
FrankenPC : There’s a topic? :_D
Chernynkaya : Do I have ADD or should we go to my REAL topic?
SueInCa : My mom was different, she loved to work
kesmarn : Right, KQ, “Beat Generation” alienation and Civil Rights beginnings were sown then.
FrankenPC : Funny, the US was recovering financially from WWII and enjoying the prosperity, but the Oakland shipyards on the West Coast were totally destroyed financially. The war machine needed them no longer.
Chernynkaya : I was just talking to my son about Walt Disney– he was Uncle Walt to me becasue of his Disney Show every Sunday nite. Our generation has an umreasonable soft spot for him
SueInCa : I guess I will put it on my list, i never saw madmen either
KQuark : Like before the Civil War the seeds of dissent started in the ’50s as well.
kesmarn : Sue–working Moms in the 50s–a rarity!
Khirad : I love Madmen. I’ll have to find it for you Kes. It was truly brilliantly done.
kesmarn : Khirad, never saw the Daily Show thing, but I get the picture!
SueInCa : Khirad the most I remember from the 50’s was romper room and hoola hoops
kesmarn : KQ, yes, that was a major factor, too!
Chernynkaya : Yes, Kes–Madmen really shows the issue
SueInCa : Kes, my mom worked in the 50’s and so did our neighbor, they were nurses
Khirad : Kes, ever see the Daily show take on the fuzzy past? Brilliant! And so true! They all have fuzzy feelings, because they were CHILDREN at the time!
KQuark : The 50’s was so successful because the rest of the West was in ruins over WWII.
FrankenPC : Still are…still are…
kesmarn : 50s were a great time to be a white male, huh? :-
SueInCa : Khirad those people are ignorant. they usually cnnot tell you what they are protesting w/o looking to a friend for answers
FrankenPC : The 1950’s WERE successful because everyone was walking in lock step.
Chernynkaya : Nothing official Khirad– some LDS higher ups told the Sojourner guy they were sorry.
kesmarn : I think the 1950s are viewed thru a “warm-fuzzy” filter, but lives and careers were destroyed and fear was rampant because of McCarthy.
SueInCa : Beck has alot of people angry, the UCC will condemn him as well.
Khirad : What was it LDS said about Beck? I missed it.
FrankenPC : Yes, everything flowing
Chernynkaya : I think Beck stepped in it this time with the church thing
kesmarn : Everything OK now, Franken?
Khirad : I can’t believe people defending McCarthy (not Gene) with those signs… I blame Coulter…
Chernynkaya : OK I think you guys convinced me. Plus, it does keep the Left focussed on the real enemy!
SueInCa : you bet and they are channeling him all the time, especially beckster
FrankenPC : Ah problems with Firefox blocking…sorry
kesmarn : This feels so much like a McCarthy era situation. (Of course, being only 29, I wouldn’t know firthand.) But he did damage before people wised up. A lot.
KQuark : I thought so wasn’t sure.
Khirad : I saw Daily Show steal AdLib’s Willy Wonka “Imagination” idea, too, KQ. It was spooky.
Chernynkaya : KQ- I just quoted what was in the story Bito posted.
SueInCa : I think Cher KQ
SueInCa : I just think it right to know the enemy and keep book on them when they try to run again, the ammunition is fully loaded
Chernynkaya : Ok, Kes I waver between thinking we spend too much time on them and between thinking they’re not newsworthy
KQuark : How’s it going I was reading on TPM that firebaggers is a new word that is catching on, who said if first on the Planet.
Khirad : Ohh bito, I love koans! Yes Cher, I was tardy!
kesmarn : Hi, Khirad!
kesmarn : Yes, Cher, I think we took them lightly and in the meantime they’ve done some real damage.
Chernynkaya : Khirad, do you mean “prompt?”
Chernynkaya : Yep, Franken, we see and hear you!
Khirad : Wow Cher, you’re quick!
FrankenPC : (bop bop bop) Is this thing on?
Chernynkaya : Hi Khirad!
kesmarn : b’ito, I will be puzzling now forever!
SueInCa : the media did, but mccain is mostly to blame and his crew
Chernynkaya : So Kes, are you saying we should know thy enemy, right/
kesmarn : They’re so ridiculous (to us) that it’s easy to write them off. But there are people who take every word from them as gospel.
Chernynkaya : I sometimes think–with Palin–the media made her a star.
bitohistory : OK, in the mean time. Here is your koan: three in the morning, two in the afternoon.
SueInCa : Personally I want to keep tabs on the creeps, but I am not on those sites much, just to read
kesmarn : There’s a part of me that thinks we ignore them at our peril.
Chernynkaya : The news but with lot’s of clips
SueInCa : They themsleves on there or just the news about them
kesmarn : Sue, if you liked that, there’s loads of other King Singer stuff on YouTube. They’re wonderful.
Chernynkaya : Ok Let’s begin–folks can join in later. I have three topics, here’s the first:
SueInCa : Hi Franken
kesmarn : Hey, Franken! Good to see you!
Chernynkaya : Hay Franken, welcome!
SueInCa : Hiya Kes and Bito thanks for the answer on the acapella
FrankenPC : Good evening folks
kesmarn : Hi, Sue and b’ito!
Chernynkaya : I know Kes– MAGIC! Hi Bito!
bitohistory : just because … Hello
Chernynkaya : AdLib usually waits a few minutes so I will too.
kesmarn : Hey, Cher! Looks like we made it through the Looking Glass!
Chernynkaya : Hiya Sue!
SueInCa : Hello Cher
Chernynkaya : Hello all, please post a hello when you arrive so we know you’re here!
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