AdLib : Patsy – I was actually surprised that it wasn’t already taken.
Khirad : Excellent news on the URL. See you guys on the other side.
PatsyT : See you there
AdLib : Well, looks like we’ve reached the end of tonight’s Vox Populi! The chat can continue at the connected post here: «link»
PatsyT : I like the name and the site name
AdLib : To begin, it will be hosted at WordPress. Funds will need to be raised to host it independently. Though, the voting is clear, GROWdemocracy.or g is the most popular so I have gone ahead and secured that URL.
PatsyT : Will that be a . org ?
Khirad : Ooh, inside scoop.
AdLib : Night Kes!
AdLib : Psst…I’ve already setup a free WordPress site for GROW as GROWdemocracy but I’m waiting until we’ve firmed up everything to announce it formally.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Kes
kesmarn : Good night, all! “Always look on the bright si-ide of life, ta-dum ta-dum!”
PatsyT : I bet there is a pill for that
PatsyT : GROW is really growing on me
kesmarn : GROW has tremendous potential I think. We owe j’avaz for that one!
Khirad : Well, click-clack (Python) and goodnight kes!
PatsyT : Hey Kes you have fought the good fight
AdLib : My 6 year old thinks Python is very funny. Just watched a Tivo’d episode tonight.
kesmarn : Well, as old Dubya used to say, I’m starting to lose altitude. I may have to call it a day, friends. (After midnight here.)
AdLib : Who knows, if GROW works out, we could crosspost videos of our satirical protests on YouTube, GROW’s site and Funny or Die.
PatsyT : My kids are watching Monty Python Holy Grail
PatsyT : OK in the great here after
AdLib : Patsy – You can post links to videos here but not embedded. I will be setting up the AfterChat article, you could post them there.
Khirad : Yes, we saw the Funny or Die. Too bad Phil Hartman is no longer with us…
kesmarn : Oh…hi there, AdLib…didn’t see you come back in the room. Heh-heh.
PatsyT : Can I post vids on here ?
kesmarn : Did you see the “Funny or Die” one of all the Presidents Past visiting Obama and Michelle in their Whitehouse bedroom?
AdLib : I’m back now, I’ll just sit in my chair…hey who put a tack on it? And quit throwing those spitballs! Get off your desks this instant! You’re all in a lot of trouble now!
PatsyT : I’ll look it up and post very funny
Khirad : What Gilly skit?
kesmarn : Patsy, didn’t see the Gilly skit. Tell!
PatsyT : That costco is a trip
Khirad : Behind the gym – ouch, I got caught – not another detention!
kesmarn : Not me. It was Khirad. And he won’t share what he’s smoking either.
PatsyT : Has Anyone seen that Gilly skit on SNL
kesmarn : Maybe we can bake some into brownies for Sister Sarah!
PatsyT : Who is smoking? you are going to get it!
PatsyT : Hey that slug stuff looks like it can work for Rush and bushes brain that rove slug
kesmarn : Here, Snailie, Snailie!! Here, boy! Try some of this yummy stuff!
PatsyT : Kes Thats the ticket !! Hey mitch…
kesmarn : I’m chewing gum. A whole pack of it!
PatsyT : I am jumping on the table YIPPEE
kesmarn : Patsy, let’s buy some of that and make an appointment with Mitch McConnell.
Khirad : LOL Patsy! Yes kes, teacher’s away!
kesmarn : Oh wow, now we can really go nuts and act up!
PatsyT : Kh at Costco the other day I saw a huge palette of some stuff they labeled SLUG AND SNAIL DEATH They are selling Death !! at a discount , of course
AdLib : Have to pop away for a few minutes, will be right back…
kesmarn : Patsy, you’re right. The Baggers are mad at all the wrong people. And a lot of the people they’re mad at are the ones who aren’t in a particularly good position to fight back.
AdLib : Night Cher!
Khirad : Online communications hone my arguments in the real world too. Particularly when battling a slightly more capable troll.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Cher
kesmarn : Good night, Cher!
Khirad : Bye Cher!
AdLib : Patsy – I see the CoffeeParty thing the same way, well intentioned but no focus, way too general and kumbaya for my taste. Accept that there are rotten people out there who you can’t work with, band together to become a force for good and don’t expect that you can bring everyone together. You can’t.
PatsyT : The Baggers need to be mad a Haliburton Exxon ect not Obama
kesmarn : Thanks, AdLib! I know that people may question the value of on-line organizing, but, like c’lady, I find that the Planet has changed the way I go out into the world and operate or debate issues. Feels different when people have got your back.
Chernynkaya : Sorry friends, I keep getting called away! I must bid you all adieu for now.
Khirad : Haha, Costco! Not bad Patsy. We really have to be better explaining things in accessible terms like that.
AdLib : Kes – I’m very grateful too to have this community to discuss ideas and consider what we can do. Cheers to you and all Planeteers!
PatsyT : Notice with Obama we have not had any huge gas $$ spikes?
kesmarn : You said it, Khirad! Exactly!
AdLib : Patsy – I had an emotional reaction of anger every time I saw or see a Hummer and even though soccer moms are driving them sometimes, it took a lot of discipline not to say something angry. And remember, Bush and the Repubs put through a law giving people a $5,000 tax break for buying a Hummer!
Khirad : The “invisible hand” and Capitalism really are like an organized religion. Only, more like a pyramid scheme of a cult sometimes.
kesmarn : The internet really has been a godsend in uniting people of like minds. I’m so grateful to be in this group that allows us to strategize and brainstorm. There’s not much going on locally.
PatsyT : Say aren’t these bagger types the kind that like Costco, Sams Club, Walmart, they like have collective buying cant they think of the Public Option that way?
Chernynkaya : Agree Patsy– it seems to be nothing but a very smart name.
kesmarn : It’s amazing how difficult it is to de-program people who’ve been trained from childhood to believe that Capitalism is perfect. That the “invisible hand” always works to everyone’s benefit. It’s almost heresy to suggest otherwise. Certainly considered unpatriotic.
PatsyT : That
PatsyT : Tat Coffee thing does not go far enough
AdLib : Kes – The Baggers are proof. Get people riled up enough and they will become active and the numbers will grow. It would be a pseudo-revolutio n and the internet would be key because the MSM would hide such a thing as they did the anti-war protests against launching the Iraq War.
kesmarn : The numbers would have to be huge, as you say, AdLib. But–it’s true–people are getting desperate enough to consider options they wouldn’t have a few years ago.
PatsyT : Hummer- that really summed it up -I can see it now in the History books as the height of gluttony and greed
AdLib : This is why I think the concept behind GROW is not only timely but the key issue to solving the rot that is destroying this nation.
Chernynkaya : Yes Kes– Pogo said it!
AdLib : Kes, there are not enough Sheriff Joes nor enough prisons to stop 10 million Americans, let alone 100 million. If things get worse for people and better for corps, no amount of policing can stop such a movement, really, a revolution.
Khirad : Patsy, hey at least the Hummer is no more. I thought I’d never see that day.
kesmarn : That’s more accurate, Cher. In effect they say: “We have met the enemy is he is us.” But HE isn’t!! He’s the guy in the top 1% of the wealth owners.
AdLib : Sad that America has gone from “The Greatest Generation” volunteering to join the military to fight Hitler and the mindless masses can’t even focus long enough to remember to oppose the Corps that have taken away their salaries, democracy, kid’s futures, etc.
PatsyT : I see a lot of that competition in our neighborhood the biggest SUV’s driven around by moms with one little kid talking on their cell Ugh!
Chernynkaya : Yes, Kes, but I don;t think they blame themselves– they blame THE POOR! They blame the other schmuck in the same boat and if they themselves are no in trouble, they get to be smug. They never blame the right places becasue, yes, tou are right– too scary!
kesmarn : But AdLib, there are a lot of Sheriff Joes out there, willing to pull out the tasers, the clubs and the weapons to protect the property of the wealthy.
AdLib : Cher – So do I but hopefully as people in the streets taking over the HQ’s of Citibank and B of A and Goldman and occupying the homes, boats and jets of all of them. Take it away from them without violence and don’t budge.
kesmarn : Cher, exactly! Because hearing the truth means that there are big bad powerful forces that we are going to have to take on, and that scares people. It’s almost easier to blame themselves. Then they can just get high and try to forget about it all.
PatsyT : tip off like GOLDman SACKS
Chernynkaya : Khirad, pls see my reply ot Kes below.
PatsyT : blank fine, the name, should have been a tip off
Chernynkaya : Adlib– I hope that happens!!!
kesmarn : Patsy, we could start by putting Lloyd Blankfein in prison!
(CEO of Goldman-Sachs)
Chernynkaya : Kes, people believe that because it is too painful to believ the truth. No one wants to hear anything that osen;t confrm to their ready-made opinions. No one is open to any inconvenient truths and that cowardice is our undoing.
AdLib : The thing is, people have used up so much of their available home equity and credit, the banks have cut their credit and don’t want to offer more…and that was what people were using to live The American Dream since their wages have been declining. The buffer is mostly gone so if there is another economic crash or Corps think they can keep robbing from the public, there will be a reckoning.
Khirad : Economic woes do arouse anger and unrest – but why is it focused at all the wrong things? This goes back to the original topic.
PatsyT : Where do we go from here ??
kesmarn : Patsy nailed it: short term memory loss. Plus a good job of brain washing by the right. People now believe that it was only irresponsible borrowers who burst the bubble. That people on unemployment are just lazy. And that HCR is a socialist plot.
Chernynkaya : The public is an ass. And back to your original question about hate and suicide killers: What if those crazies killed a CEO? I am afraid I would cheer.
Khirad : How can people be against both bailouts AND regulation? …
AdLib : Remember when the crash had just happened, corporate CEOs were hiding out, hiring bodyguards, the public demanded reform and everyone promised to do it. Now that things aren’t supposedly so bad and people have calmed down, these same corps who were saved with taxpayer money have been doing everything they can to kill HCR and regulation…and the public is divided on siding with them!
kesmarn : We’re so bloody confrontation-av erse!
Chernynkaya : Adlib, agree totally. That’s just the American psyche. I wish we’d never bailed out the banks and all suffered then and now, instead of lingering pain.
kesmarn : Hah! We’re on the same page, AdLib!
kesmarn : Patsy, yes, and I think the left needs to take a look at the work ethic in some areas. For example, organizing unions is harder that job-surfing and stealing from your employer. But it works out better in the long run.
AdLib : Cher – Going back to what you and others discussed before, I think it will take an even worse crash and suffering for Americans to get off their overstuffed asses and go out in the streets to take democracy back. That is a terrible thing to wish for, I hope it’s not the case but unless people are starving and can’t afford a Snuggy, let alone prescription meds, they just won’t take the necessary steps.
Khirad : I think I worked on something that was more technical (I forget, but it involved looking through a lot of Greek vocab and polisci terms), but plutocracy is generally agreed upon.
PatsyT : They have sold the Americans the thought that you should not have to work hard for anything and there is a pill for that what ever that is. Remember when Bush used to say he was working hard? Ha Ha Corporations do not want to have to work hard for anything they want the red carpet laid out for them but want the welfare state to get to work no matter how hard that may be
kesmarn : Khirad, security was called on that one!
Chernynkaya : I do not disagree! But that means we need a leader as never before.
kesmarn : We are absolutely living in a plutocracy.
Khirad : Wow, kes, someone was in need of inpatient treatment followed by NA – forthwith!
AdLib : Does anyone disagree that we’re living in a plutocracy?
Chernynkaya : aDLIB That is just do depressing. It is so hard not to turn off, but unfortunately, I cannot just watch American Idol-too boring!
AdLib : Patsy – Isn’t that what the whole Pharma industry is built on, the lie that merged into the American Dream? That you can have it all and never have to work for anything, you can just push a button or take a pill.
kesmarn : AdLib, I saw that movie. It was brilliant. Yes, the total arrogance of the plutocrats. Didn’t even attempt to disguise what they were doing!
Khirad : AdLib, that reminds me of INGSOC’s view of the proles…
PatsyT : One of those big Phama ads for quitting smoking
AdLib : kes – In Moore’s film “Capitalism”, he shares a leaked Citibank memo to its biggest investors which explains that the U.S. is already a de facto plutocracy with no real threat in sight. The memo added that technically, the public could take the country back if they banded together as a majority but they didn’t seem to worried about that happening. The GOP is serving them well, in this environment we might have all come together to bring the corps down to size which is why the division has to be more intense from the corporate stooges, the GOP.
kesmarn : Patsy, that’s it in a nutshell. I had a patient this past week say that he was going to come back to the hospital and kill me if he didn’t get discharged with a handfull of prescriptions for narcotics. Demand and ye shall receive. (He didn’t get them.)
Chernynkaya : Patsy– great comment and I so agree! But what were you referring to?
PatsyT : Me Me Me I am sick of it! How about that quit smoking ad where the woman says I can take Chantix and Smoke at the same time Ohhh so you can quit and smoke at the same time -not to worry -you do not have to work at anything You can smoke and Quit at the same time so easy for you
kesmarn : I didn’t see the interview, Khirad. But I know what quants are and I understand they have NOT gone away. Not good.
Khirad : Yeah, the CC thing I’ve heard, too.
Khirad : Who saw the interview with the writer of The Quants? These guys are still on Wall St…
kesmarn : AdLib, the bottom line is that they (Wall St.) believe they are more powerful than the government and all the citizenry, then? That’s a daunting thought!
AdLib : Oh, I forgot to mention that Michael Moore also mentioned the enormous credit card debt as another crash waiting to happen, debt that can never be repaid and is continuing to increase in record amounts.
Chernynkaya : Yeah, adlib– they can always do better with a corporatist administration than with the Dems
AdLib : Kes – If they had that concern, they wouldn’t have driven the economy off a cliff. They have utter faith in greed and being too big to fail countering democracy, fairness and an angry public.
Chernynkaya : Kes– that’s my question too. The middle class is almost broke, and in debt up to its eyeballs. WHo is gonna buy all the useless crap they want and need to sell us? Or, is the new market going to be credit? No more goods, just credit and carbon credits?
kesmarn : Sigh. True. Wall St. has enough golden eggs in the freezer to outlast the total destruction of the country itself…
Khirad : And, imagine what would happen to the market if Obama did come down hard? I think they have his balls in a vicegrip – pardon my salty imagery.
AdLib : Cher – The greedy don’t think about what they have, they focus on what they don’t have and want. They have no sense of conscience or gratitude. They know a Repub Congress and president will loosen regulations and happily cut their taxes.
Khirad : Painglish = a condition of pidgin poop issuing forth from the mouth of a Hollywood-obsess ed closet-elitist wannabe.
kesmarn : AdLib–do those Wall St. guys have any idea, though, what it means to “kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?” At what point do they self-destruct?
AdLib : Cher – Yes, Rahm is very much responsible for running all the Blue Dogs and ConservaDems and getting them in as saboteurs and extortionists in Congress. He fought and hated Howard Dean who believed that real Dems could win in all 50 states. Dean was right but Rahm undermined him.
kesmarn : Patsy, it worked for Dubya!
Chernynkaya : Adlib– they (banks) are doing pretty good w/ Obama as prez, no?
kesmarn : Cher, that was a big, nasty splash of cold water in my face too. Grrrrr.
Khirad : That’s not so woo-woo AdLib, actually.
PatsyT : Kes – Palinglish a new weapon
Chernynkaya : It was areal wake up for me to realize we’d won with a phoney majority of DINO’s. we have no majority, just dome REPtilians who didn’t want to run as R’s after Bush, so Rahm scooped em up and said come to Papa! Now, we are more screwed because expectations were that we were actually in power.
Khirad : This is what is so frustrating. They are arguing against their own HC plan now, and people are so dense not to get it. Eff them and do it. When the USSA doesn’t come, they’ll feel stupid (okay, I’m being way too generous).
PatsyT : But the lies have an after bite look out repubs
AdLib : Not to be a conspiracy therorist but if the banks and Wall Street want a Repub in as president, wouldn’t it make sense for them, if they’re in a position to, let the hammer drop on a new economic crash in 2012, before the election?
kesmarn : Things are still pretty dire, after “only” the first dip. Hard to imagine what might follow another one. And I can’t believe they killed that measley $250 bill for Soc Sec recipients who did not get a COLA increase this year!
PatsyT : They have figured how to confound us by hypnotizing us with lies like the chicken with the a chalk line in the road
Khirad : Yes Cher, AFTER 2012.
Chernynkaya : This will sound terrible, but that second dip may be the kick we need to demand more stim. I hope it comes after 2012 tho!
AdLib : Look, the Repubs have come out against the very plans they supported for HCR just months ago and even call them unconstitutional now. They are lying sacks of shit so they need to be ignored and Dems need to get spinal transplants and just say, “Fuck ’em!”
kesmarn : Patsy, you’re right. We try to be logical and reasonable and then we get Palinglish thrown back at us and the only response is: “HUH??”
Khirad : I think the focus should be on getting rid of our own a-holes too. I saw the Arkansan challenger. Don’t know much about him, but he was photogenic and well-spoken. He could win general, possibly.
PatsyT : It would help if they were firm in their beliefs
Chernynkaya : Patsy — Yes! Forget the R! Do what ever you think is right!
kesmarn : Seriously, AdLib? I missed that. Moore’s very sharp; which make that prediction even scarier.
Khirad : A “double-dip” I fear would be catastrophic – on the human level AND political.
AdLib : Moore also said that he expects more economic crashes, that the commercial real estate crash hasn’t been accounted for yet.
PatsyT : Cher I feel that the dems go out with what they think should be a airtight argument and the repub always pull a lie out of their A– and confuse them – — How do you anticipate the next lie — Maybe by sticking to your principals ??
Chernynkaya : (Still ranting) seriously, why do the Progs spend so much energy on the MINORITY Party? We do have to pay attention to elections, but we have allowed them to define our debates from Nov. to today. We spend so much air time analyzing those fucks, but what about our own assholes? It upsets me.
kesmarn : Right, AdLib. The right views us the same way they view their donors. “What a bunch of suckers!”
Khirad : Yeah, I saw Moore’s comments. Like, at least the GOP has cojones when in power.
kesmarn : Someone posted some comments by Michael Moore today on the Planet to the effect that the left really needs to stop being invertebrate. Moore is pissed.
Khirad : Yeah, Cher, I think we should be more scared of them regaining power than scared of what will happen if we grow a spine. That’s the difference for me.
AdLib : Cher – So with you on the wimpy, “What will the Repubs say about us?” bullshit that Dems use to make decisions. Let me make this easy for Dem politicians, “THE REPUBLICANS WILL KICK YOU IN THE BALLS WHATEVER YOU DO!”
kesmarn : AdLib has pretty much convinced me. At some point Rahm needs to go overboard.
Chernynkaya : Khirad– one of my beefs is that we on the Left spend far too much time thinking about waht the Right will do. Fuck em hard! I mean who really cares? They should be irrelevant! Yet that’s all we talk about– Plain, Beck and the other anuses. We have out own problems and we allow ourselves to constantly talk about the R’s! I don’t mean “US” i mean the left.
Khirad : “Impotent rage”. I love it.
Khirad : Reshuffling the cabinet is coming, but not sooner than Nov. I’m curious who else could go. Will he cave in to Arianna, too?
kesmarn : I think a HCR victory would go a long way toward taking the wind out of the RW sails. They might get angry, but it would be a sort of impotent rage. (Maybe that’s nothing new!)
AdLib : Khirad – I think the baggers would lose all their funding at that point since its coming from the GOP faithful, then they’d fall apart.
Chernynkaya : Adlib– very good pt, didn’;t think of that.
Khirad : The more the RW bellyaches, the more they revive anger and attacking the parliamentarian, shows me we may be closer than we think. The more they shout, the closer we are, I hope. What a “victory” would do? Would it make them angrier or deflate them?
PatsyT : This country has a bad case of Short term Memory loss
Chernynkaya : Yeah, Cheney’s too rotten to die.
AdLib : Cher – I think it’s now a strength v. weakness thing with Rahm going. If Obama even was to consider firing him in the near term, he would look weak and like he is folding to Sarah Palin and the GOP. I’ve heard that it couldn’t happen sooner than after the election this Nov, even if he wanted to which I agree, he doesn’t seem to want to do.
kesmarn : Did Cheney ever get out of the hospital? I’ve been out of the news loop for a few days.
kesmarn : Good point, Khirad!
Khirad : How fast would the “non-partisan” teabaggers disappear if Obama lost? I’m sorry for even raising the possibility – just a hypothetical to think about.
AdLib : I am totally fine with Obama not being seen as a shoe in for a 2nd term. Worrying about a return to Bush’s America under Romney will be a real motivator, no matter how upset folks are with Obama.
PatsyT : Cheney has been wrong about many things before !
Chernynkaya : Adlib, yes Rahm but his boss still likes him, so why blame Rahm ( that asshole?0 Why not accept that Obama is keeping him. We’ll see after the HCR vote. Rahm might not deliver and be chopped liver.
kesmarn : The Rs are so hate-able. Bring the country to ruin and then be totally unrepentant about it. Follow that up by fanning flames of hostility. Altogether bad people.
PatsyT : If people give into the RW crap -Cheney saying that he will be a one term pres- they just hand it over the the RW Yuck !
Khirad : Exactly Cher. The purists have yet to convince me against voting and working to elect the better alternative.
AdLib : President Romney? Reversal of HCR if it gets passed? De-regulation of the economy and tax cuts for the rich? I can’t imagine that people have already forgotten what happened during the Bush years.
Chernynkaya : I am still highly motivated by my hatred of the R to knock on doors to defeat the Pugs.
kesmarn : Patsy, that’s very encouraging news!
Khirad : I hope that Lincoln is taken down, that would be a victory for a re-enthused Left.
kesmarn : Cher, my son would definitely vote for Obama again. He just doubts that he would be able to win.
Chernynkaya : aDLIB, MAYBE. But there is so much love lost now, and so much bitterness that i see and hear towards O, I don;t think this HCR will go far enough to appease the Left.
Khirad : There’s no question that I’ll vote, and who I’ll vote for, but will I be as enthused to make calls and knock on doors? I don’t know…
PatsyT : I have more faith in Obama and his safety because every year there is a new group of 18 year olds that can vote and they are poling for Obama 66 %
kesmarn : Cher–yes, the RW organizes and funds the demos, then objects when Pelosi calls them astroturf!
Chernynkaya : My son is more patient with Obama– but he too may sit out 2012.
AdLib : Cher – Obama has lost the major enthusiasm from the left (thanks to Rahm IMO) but if he can get HCR passed and financial regulations, if it’s him against Romney in 2012, the left will be re-energized I think.
Chernynkaya : Kes, I agree, but the R is well funded by the likes of freedom Works. We have no funding. The RW pays for busses and actually, there really weren’t more than maybe 15k-20k at the protests.
Khirad : Grijalva put it perfectly. How can we not pass some form of HCR and expect to pass stuff in the future? Well, he put it much more eloquently, but as a pure practical matter, we need to get something to build other legislation from. Otherwise, I fear early lame-duckitude.
kesmarn : My 24 year old son was a very early and ardent supporter of Obama, but he’s resigned to his being a one-termer now, he tells me.
AdLib : Khirad – You have an excellent point. Imagine if a group of black men with guns cruised into Fox News offices. Would Glenn Beck be slapping their backs or cowering under his desk. See, safety is white people having guns.
kesmarn : I guess–regarding demonstrations– I’m just thinking how hard it would be for so many people I know to go to D.C. for example–time and money-wise.
Chernynkaya : Adlib, it is too little too late for the base. I hate to say that but believe it. Obama has lost the left.
AdLib : Cher – I can’t blame any Dems for feeling demoralized. It will help if HCR is passed and if that is built on to pass bank reforms and other Dem issues.
Chernynkaya : Kes- I don’t think so. There are PLENTY out of wk. Real unemployment is over 20%
kesmarn : Wow. Chilling to see the prediction about the 2d term, but perhaps very realistic, too?
Khirad : Can anyone imagine if liberals started packing heat? Like, how unpatriotic that would be seen as from FOX? Like the Black Panthers and Weathermen? But, when RW’s do it, its practicing their Constitutional Freedoms and guarding against “Tyranny”…
Chernynkaya : Yes adlib– He is a walking bulls eye! I cannot think about it, but if pressed, I’d be surprised he survives a 2nd term.
kesmarn : Cher, I’ve wondered if part of the reason the left doesn’t organize protests is that we are (many of us) still employed. Baggers are an older demographic?
PatsyT : I was glad to see the Education protest in CA this week at the UC’s
AdLib : If there were zombies, the GOP would stampede to patronize them and get their votes. They’d have to add cannibalism to their platform…if it’s not already part of it.
Chernynkaya : But I am actually less upset by the expected violence than I am by the LACK of violence form the Left. I don’t really mean that but I want some real protests, yet believe we are too demoralized to fight!
AdLib : My fear, and I don’t scare easily, is that the threats against Obama are probably multiplying and more possible now.
kesmarn : And of course, Cher, everyone is armed these days. I even hear people on the left saying that they’re going to start packing heat.
PatsyT : Lion and Tigers and Zombies oh my !
Chernynkaya : I do expect many more hate crimes if not suicide attacks. I expect more mass shootings.
Khirad : Kes, I know, multitasking is a bit hard to do, but I can still manage!
PatsyT : Going Zombie
AdLib : Patsy – zombies, Repubs, Baggers, how do you tell them apart?
PatsyT : Palins next book
Khirad : Okay, I was wondering to do it now or later. Now is good – it pertains to our topic. «link»
kesmarn : Khirad, how do you do research and type here at the same time? I can barely focus on the five subjects here!
AdLib : Khirad – You can post the link here, it will appear as “link” but it will be saved here for people to go back to after this edition is over.
PatsyT : I thought we were talking Zombies
Chernynkaya : Kes, he tells me it’s a global problem; that other countries aren’t exactly begging for Americans to take their jobs, and as for Canada, he believes they are only doing well becasue they have a big neighbor to the south. he won’t leave.
kesmarn : A 9000 pound ham, stomping in from Alaska. I can see it now, Patsy.
Khirad : Found the Rachel clip. Phew. It’s about the religious right & militias and how unpatriotic they are.
PatsyT : Laugh of Die !
AdLib : So, to get back to whatever the topic is, do you expect more of these suicide attacks to come? WIll they rise in frequency? Could the more that happen encourage more to follow?
PatsyT : Fifty Foot Zombie Bagger Women doing STAND UP ?-?- RUN !!!
Chernynkaya : Oooh that’s a good one Ad. We need to come up with a bunch f those! Maybe for the video? Zoms are hot now.
Khirad : As it should, kes, as it should. I am a little proud that Raúl Grijalva was on MSNBC today, though (co-chair of Progressive Caucus from South/West Tucson).
kesmarn : Cher, I’m presenting the glories of Canada to my kids.
kesmarn : Zombie’s have better make up?
Chernynkaya : Zombies flush the toilst?
AdLib : One actually wants brains.
Chernynkaya : Well, I do despair for the US. I tried to convince my kid to move somewhere else last night, ot no avail.
AdLib : What’s the difference between a zombie and a Republican.
kesmarn : Arizona scares the living hell out of me.
AdLib : Khirad – Saw that silliness with McCain trying to use racism with being Photoshopped into an Avatar character. What a desperate, lying, nasty human being…each of them are.
kesmarn : This has the makings of a great 1950’s sci fi movie poster. Time to call WTS.
PatsyT : Kes except the Fifty Foot Zombie Bagger MIGHT JUST BE HER !!! ARRRRRghggh
kesmarn : AdLib, it took me a full 30 seconds to get that. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but I’ve managed to do it.
Khirad : LOL AdLib, punmeisters beware!
Chernynkaya : Adlib– OUCH!
AdLib : Thanks Cher! I was afraid I’d have to moderate myself for going OT!
kesmarn : Patsy–one time when we could use Palin with helicopter and rifle!
AdLib : That protest was Bunning the candle at both ends.
Chernynkaya : Adlib– Zombies= the rage virus= RW hate machine+ militias. See? It is on the topic!
PatsyT : Attack of the Fifty Foot Zombie Bagger !!!
kesmarn : Bunning sure didn’t help anybody with his histrionics this past week.
AdLib : Cher – Yes, the GOP are like kids playing with matches that have set a forrest fire that can burn down their homes too. They have so infuriated people that they just blindly hate now. ALL politicians and parties!
Chernynkaya : Anyone see Zombieland? Adlib, you are a zombie-baiter!
PatsyT : This all goes back to the lack of opportunity for the middle class How can we get that message across?
kesmarn : I hope you’re right, AdLib. I hope unemployed Dems w/out health care don’t get so mad they’ll vote for any zombie bagger out there.
Chernynkaya : Why not? They’re brain dead.
AdLib : Hey, maybe the Zombie can be the mascot for the Baggers!
Chernynkaya : Uh Oh, AdlIb. You mentioned zombies. I have a lot to say about that! I will try to keep on topic now.
AdLib : Kes – Any district crazy enough to elect a Bagger would elect a Repub and never a Dem. That’s fine because it takes a seat away from the GOP.
Khirad : Will do, Kes.
kesmarn : Khirad, would appreciate it if you can find the F. Schaeffer vid. I love that guy.
Khirad : Anyone see the Hayworth ad against McCain with the Na’vi reference, and then McCain’s people shot back that they were insulting Amerindians? …not that Amerindians have any impact on the Arizonan GOP primary (!) – but it was not-so-subtly calling Hayworth people racists.
Chernynkaya : “The same thing happened to the GOP with the Religious Right.” If the SPLC can be believed, it’s gone way beyond that. The militias HATE ALL govt. Repubs too. The “Patriots” are actually anti-American as we know it.They have gotten so mad that they do not trust any Party.
PatsyT : AdLib I have some childrens book with that same story
AdLib : Patsy, like having a baby Zombie that grows to adulthood in months.
kesmarn : But–OMG–AdLib. ..what if they actually get elected!
kesmarn : Patsy–the new pet being a boa constrictor!
AdLib : What’s hilarious is that the Baggers are putting up rivals to the GOP and splitting the vote on the right. We can only hope that they run them in Nov too!
Khirad : Frank was brilliant. I’ll try to find the video when we end here.
PatsyT : was Frank S on this week ?
kesmarn : Missed F. Schaeffer unfortunately. And you are so right, AdLib!
Chernynkaya : I dont know for sure if their fear campaign is having an effect, because we only hear about the wingers on the R. Is the great middle affected or even turned off by the RW? I hope so! Sometimes I am surprised by the SANITY of the voters.
PatsyT : AdLib like that new pet so cutte at first but when it gets big and the luster has worn off…
Khirad : Anyone see Frank Schaeffer on Rachel?
kesmarn : I think the Repubs think these disaffected people are gonna vote Repub, but they might discover that some genuine Brown Shirt loonies get elected as “conservatives ” or “independents. “
AdLib : The same thing happened to the GOP with the Religious Right. The GOP figured they’d just patronize those rubes to get their votes then eventually had their party taken over by them. Now, history is repeating itself with the teabaggers.
PatsyT : Kes Pandora’s Box is right . . .
Khirad : Kes, they’re playing with fire, that much is clear.
AdLib : Cher – What I mean is that they claim their actions in whipping up anger is not responsible for doctors being assassinated for performing abortions or people making death threats against Obama…yet they continue to whip up people. What I mean is that they are so transparently dishonest, if it doesn’t work, why keep doing it?
kesmarn : They embrace ’em, Khirad, at the same time that they have contempt for ’em. Have they opened Pandora’s Box?
Chernynkaya : As far as the RW spin machine, if a few lone wolves cause havoc– well, necessary losses. As long as they regain power.
Khirad : I don’t know kes, they’ve embraced the tiger, with that whole fundraising memo.
PatsyT : You can watch American I’m Dull no thanks
kesmarn : Sometimes I get the feeling that the RW is beginning to realize they are “riding the tiger” with these tea baggers. The tail is starting to wag the dog. They’re losing control of their “minions.”
PatsyT : The lack of the Fairness Doctrine isn’t helping
AdLib : kes – This is a pattern we’ve seen repeatedly, anything that leads people to question what they think is the status quo, is swept under the rug. Or the Snuggy, so we can all just go back to watching American Idol in peace.
Chernynkaya : Adlib– do you mean why is the RW promoting fear?
Khirad : Yes, whatever happened to these stories in the MSM?
Chernynkaya : Hard to say. I think it’s likely– black prez, economy, Fox whipping them up and the RNC promoting fear. So yeah, there are more hate groups– 244% more and something’s bound to happen.
kesmarn : Khirad, do you notice that the MSM in general seem to have “disappeared” the whole Austin suicide pilot story?
PatsyT : Mitzi cool !
AdLib : At the same time they’re promoting hatred, the RW are indeed silent and dismissive of its effect. If it had no effect, why are they doing it?
PatsyT : Kh you have a great point !
kesmarn : People like Beck and Limbaugh definitely have a hand in cranking these people up, I think.
Chernynkaya : Sorry Patsy– got a call– she looked like Mitzi gaynor.
AdLib : Sorry, sent the first version before it was finished, ignore the first version.
Khirad : Why are right-wingers so silent? Isn’t that what we demand of Muslims?
kesmarn : Why do I crave filet mignon and bacon every Friday?
PatsyT : Kes lay off the fish
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy! I’m dazed and confused as usual on Friday night. Too much fish. Too much mercury.
PatsyT : Hi Kes !
kesmarn : I’ve been wandering around like a poster child for Alzheimer’s trying to find everyone. Expect no brilliance from me tonight! Hi, everyone!
PatsyT : Cher I will have to look later who did you say your mom looked like?
Khirad : Ever try to multitask when chatting here? Even now it’s not so easy…
PatsyT : When the cats away the mice will play …
AdLib : Odd…I will fix it now! Be right back!
PatsyT : AdLib the links did not work so got here by going to live events
Chernynkaya : Yep I HATE her.
Khirad : Does hate in America include Liz Cheney of Al-Chaida and her Jihad against our legal system?
Chernynkaya : Hey, Patsy!
PatsyT : Hi Guys
Chernynkaya : Where is everyone? They’re tardy.
Khirad : Oh, good, some light fare.
Chernynkaya : Stop reading that smut!
AdLib : I read something about it somewhere.
AdLib : Welcome Cher!
Chernynkaya : Nooooo Not Hate in America!!
Chernynkaya : Hi all. Had a drink at dinner, so I probably can’t type
AdLib : I thought we’d lead off with hatred in America and individuals committing suicide attacks. Then, favorite dessert recipes.
Khirad : Alright, what’s on tap tonight? (discussion wise…)
AdLib : Hey Khirad! How are you doing tonight?
Khirad : Hi!
AdLib : Welcome to Vox Populi! Please say hi when you arrive!
Vox Populi – 3-5-2010
AdLib is online.
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