- AdLib : Cheers Patsy! You cracked me up…and your music pics on the thread were great!
PatsyT : This has been great must go and watch the opening of the Olympics night everyone.
kesmarn : Going through the looking glass in 3…2…1…
boomer1949 : those doobie bros are very inspiring…
PatsyT : I must say I love that Javaz started this. She put in to words what so many of us have been feeling and I know there are more people out there that feel the same.
Chernynkaya : So, what have we decided, if anything? (No snark, just a kind of housekeeping.)
kesmarn : Has anyone suggested “Mad As Hell” as a possible name for the action committee?
boomer1949 : Okay Cher, bzzzzz, shhh, hisss, are you finished?
Khirad : Yeah, NM. And yes, it is named after the show.
Chernynkaya : Ahh, she can take it– we’re sisters in time.
PatsyT : Now now Cher don’t pick on our Boomer
AdLib : Since we were on such a roll on this topic, I thought it best to dedicate the evening to it. We’ll have to alert javaz to come here and scroll through the conversation to get up to speed with all the suggestions and ideas.
AdLib : Yes, NM.
kesmarn : Is “Truth or Consequences” in AZ?…Er, no, maybe New Mexico?
PatsyT : Global warming coming to AZ sooner than expected
boomer1949 : I was saying, “I’m in, but my computer is behaving like it’s on a 2 hour tape-delay. Somehow I feel like I’ve just gioven birth to my 4th child. Jeeze, it was so much easier 10 years ago.
AdLib : Is there a town named Purgatory in AZ?
Chernynkaya : Boomer, we needed a sec to talk behind your back.
kesmarn : LOL, AdLib! They are definitely gonna be in the long, slow, eternal crock pot, aren’t they?
AdLib : boomer – clear your cache then reload this page.
boomer1949 : OMG-my screen went totally blank.
AdLib : Well…I know AZ can get as hot as hell…didn’t realize it was a rehearsal.
PatsyT : It’s going to cost them so much more money !!!
kesmarn : Yeah, guys, and they lowered taxes on corporations at the same time. J’avaz posted about it.
AdLib : Kes – Is there outrage in the state over this?
PatsyT : Kes…you gotta be kidding that is terrible !
AdLib : Kes – like it!!! We could have Ins. Co. CEOs casually smothering “patients” while railing against “death panels”.
kesmarn :
Cher, did you hear Arizona cut off funding for hospice care for Medicaid patients? Compassionate conservatives!
Khirad : Oh, YouTube? I’m in some way or another.
AdLib : Patsy – That would be the most practical approach. In some places, like here in L.A., there are several Planet members. In those locals, we could have one type of protest and similar ones conceived for individual members. Imagine what an impact it would have, with just a couple of dozen protesters across the country, performing the same cleverly-themed protest! That could indeed be worthy of national MSM coverage, not to mention local coverage!
Chernynkaya : Agreed, Patsy.
Chernynkaya : kes– OMG you are naughty!
PatsyT : Cher It’s good there is a healthy interest about all this We are on a roll…
Chernynkaya : The YouTube thing requires no travel or money does it?
kesmarn : We could wheel out a hospital bed with a mannequin “patient” and I could demonstrate Arizona’s Hospice coverage by putting a pillow over the “patient’s” face and sitting on it. It’s called “fluffy sedation.”
Khirad : Me too kes. I cosign that sentiment.
Chernynkaya : I like that Patsy, and also– we are months away from the actual performance– we still need a concept.
Chernynkaya : AdLib: Ooops sorry, I was away for a minute! Forgive me guys.
kesmarn : Cher, in my case it may be simple logistics…trav el to destination and getting time off work. The spirit is willing but the wallet is weak.
PatsyT : Maybe the way to look at it is we could design a event that could be duplicated in other places all at the same time.
AdLib : Cher – several folks said before that they would.
AdLib : Kes – Right, especially when it’s against the status quo…meaning the owners of the MSM. However, make it irresistible to them on a visual and entertainment basis and they’ll but on a protest against themselves if they think it will get more viewers.
Chernynkaya : Why don’t the rest of you want to participate? are we overlooking an obvious flaw?
Khirad : OT – McLachlan singing.
kesmarn : Agree, AdLib, that eye-catching is the way to get the MSM to notice. They’re good at “disappearing” what doesn’t boost ratings.
AdLib : “I got you, Babe”.
Chernynkaya : Good! Hope yer short.
AdLib : Khirad – Cheers!
PatsyT : Oh sorry … I can help
AdLib : Cher, guess it’s just you and me. I’ll be Sonny.
PatsyT : That song “Pure Imagination” is to nice for that My kids were in that musical two years ago
AdLib : Kes, no, just polling folks right now. It’s still early but we’ve been discussing the concept of witty and visually entertaining protests as a way to bring MSM attention to the protests and issues being pursued.
Chernynkaya : are y’all kidding?! It’s just Adlib and me? Some protest.
Khirad : LOL Adlib, that’s twice you’ve made me literally guffaw. It’s dangerous to imbibe liquids and read you guys.
Chernynkaya : Adlib, I mean i will
PatsyT : Giant Lolipop !
AdLib : Khirad – They could keep the same song of “Pure Imagination” to describe their platform and attacks on Obama.
kesmarn : AdLib, do we have a location? (Missed some of the earlier discussion.)
Khirad : Later TRP. Willy Wonka! In the Teabagger version it’s a white chocolate river though. But hey, why not eye candy WITH actual candy? Lollipop anyone?
Chernynkaya : I’m in.
AdLib : So, who here would be willing to participate in a comedic protest?
TheRarestPatriot : ~poof~
TheRarestPatriot : OK, K
kesmarn : TRP, good to see you here. Don’t be a stranger!
PatsyT : Night TRP
TheRarestPatriot : You all are the best! Night~
KQuark : Take care TRP.
Chernynkaya : ‘Bye, Rarest!
AdLib : Cya TRP!
boomer1949 : Willy Wonka and the Wonkettes…
TheRarestPatriot : gonna run my friends…hope to see you all soon!
kesmarn : Cher, those two are twins separated at birth, no? Except that Steele envies Boehner’s tan.
Chernynkaya : kes- michael Steel sent them out too.
PatsyT : Superheros nice
kesmarn : Saw in the paper today that the GOP is sending out fund-raising letters designed to look like the Census forms (including “Official Document. Do not Destroy” on outside.) They have Boehner’s signature on ’em. Nice guy!
boomer1949 : Lake effect kes?
Khirad : LMAO! Ad lib, that actually reminds me of something – the whole tan smearing off. Could do a laxative metaphor too. He’s got so many corps up his butt, maybe after we clean him out, he’ll wipe that ‘I just missed the last gimme putt’ sourpuss off his leathern face.
boomer1949 : Here in Ohia’ we call him Crispy Critter, Burned Toast, Well-done, Fried Useless…
Chernynkaya : Adlib– I think that’s good!
TheRarestPatriot : GREED LANTERN!…OMG!. ..This is hilarious!
Chernynkaya : Now Im thinking about that mel brooks musical number– The Inquisition- Whatta Show! from history of the world.
PatsyT : Hey all those Global warming deniers from the south can have fun purchasing all the equipment to deal with the snow that they will be getting from here on out
AdLib : The New Justice League of America! Billman, Wonker Woman, Greed Lantern!
boomer1949 : I think he’s slimy anyway, the faux tan makes it even worse. I’m from his state and thank Dog I’m not in his district. I’d be the lead in Arsenic and Old Lace.
kesmarn : You got it boomer! (You only got 8″ of snow? 12″ up here in the tundra.)
Khirad : It’s night right now. I guess the sunrise is a myth. Super heroes? Like Stiller movie I hope not.
boomer1949 : ewwww AdLib. Skunky leftover tan? Gross.
PatsyT : These Boehner jokes are too easy and too good !
boomer1949 : kes, ha, ha, ha. Finger in the air and flippin of the camera, eh?
TheRarestPatriot : Oh god, no, no….not me thanks…me and spandex are arch enemies….LOL
KQuark : I saw where Vancouver had the warmest January on record and Texas and Washington got record snow. I guess that’s what the whole climate changey thing is all about.
Khirad : He’s been in the kiln too long though, I agree boomer.
Chernynkaya : Rarest– we could dress as super heroes i suppose…
boomer1949 : AdLib, well I’m not as stoopid as I thought. Get it. Thanks!
AdLib : Heh! Patsy, we could stage a satirical wrestling match between Dems and Repubs and when someone gets “Boehner” in a head lock, he slides out, leaving his tan on the arms of the Dem who held him!
TheRarestPatriot : We need like a League of Justice or League of Common Sense to oversee every damned piece of legislation presented…let the common folk eyeball it 1st and then we’ll vote it up or down…
kesmarn : AdLib is explaining Harry Reid’s delivery to boomer?
boomer1949 : Tanorexic – Boehner! Now I get it! Jeeze, it’s been a long week.
boomer1949 : Y’all are welcome to come to my 23 degree and 8 inches of snow. We can have a partay.
AdLib : boomer – Yes, that’s why it’s called Stop Motion – stopping the camera, moving the “character” than snapping a frame and stopping and in the end, it appears to be in “motion”.
PatsyT : KQ think of it as a booster club I think they need it.
TheRarestPatriot : Right, KQ
KQuark : That’s why when I see splinter group I cringe. That’s all Dems need another splinter group.
Khirad : I’ll take an Irish Coffee, please.
kesmarn : Liqueur! And tanorexic is priceless!
TheRarestPatriot : Watched a load of them last night Adlib,…it was the Lady’s theater or something and no matter the subject they always ended up beating each other with their purses in mud….lol
Chernynkaya : But i think live claymation protets is just so whacky and hilarious.
boomer1949 : AdLib, is that when the move them, frame by frame?
PatsyT : Hi Kes, Anyone that lays a hand on the Boehner is going to get a fist full of mantan
Khirad : Hey kes, glad you liked us beating up on the tanorexic.
boomer1949 : kes, we’re on desert. Would you care for a liqueur or Irish coffee?
TheRarestPatriot : Right KQ, and being only one that shows up to rock the boat at a rally makes you a kook and really hurts the movement
AdLib : Remember the Monty Python bit of the ladies club re-enacting WWII, they just fought each other in a mud puddle? That could be done with one guy representing the HCR bill.
PatsyT : Boomer you are a total dear !
boomer1949 : Patsy — I know — I was being — well — Merlotish.
KQuark : I know by our very nature progressives are not loyal to a party and distrust authority but then we can’t complain when things don’t go our way.
Chernynkaya : I am a Fimo goddess.
kesmarn : Late to the party. Shrimp cocktail gone? Good Lord, whatta a week… Good to be with people who are seriously discussing beating up John Boehner. Sanity!
AdLib : boomer – Stop Motion is the filming process they use to animate clay characters like Gumby or physical characters like Nightmare Before Xmas.
PatsyT : Boomer, forgive me, I meant no harm just having fun
Khirad : Oh yeah, Mr. Bill was definitely not that. I was still back on claymation.
boomer1949 : Khirad, Boehner is a Crispy Critter, clay is better looking.
Chernynkaya : Seriously– a mr bill type guy that we could beat up– like the american public!
TheRarestPatriot : Oh I hear ya’, KQ…like I said I’m this movement’s greatest fan….I will be there on the day….promise.
boomer1949 : Patsy, must you be so literal? Now I feel really stooopid.
AdLib : KQ – Yes, that’s the problem when you have a fascist-type party facing off with a freedom-minded party. The former will always be able to stay on message and avoid infighting, the latter will have a hard time. That’s why I think keeping the mission and foocus narrow, where all can be on the same page, is crucial.
KQuark : TRP that’s why when we even have the chance for progress even if it’s not what we want for the future we have to take it now.
Chernynkaya : Mr Bill was not stop motion– live motion with a clay guy. I say we can use the name BILL or Mr Suits!!!!!!!!!!!
Khirad : Claymation? Boehner I suspect sometimes. More like Fimo though.
PatsyT : Boomer – holding still
PatsyT : The mini Polly Pocket Doll thing could be a mock up of the real Big People
TheRarestPatriot : I miss the idea that was America….seems we are all doomed to live this chaos now until we die….can we really make real change at this stage of the game? We won;t live to see our dreams….
boomer1949 : I give up, what exactly is stop motion?
Chernynkaya : Well, we could dress up as Gumby or Mr Bill!
AdLib : Joe Lieberman’s face could be used for claymation!
Khirad : Stop motion never ever appealed to me. I know Cher. I do NOT have THAT kind of patience (character fault). It’s fun to joke about though!
AdLib : Maybe we could use Charles Grassley’s face for claymation.
Chernynkaya : OH HEY! My son lives in an artist’s compound, called The Brewery here in LA– there are AMAZING kids there. I should talk to them when we get real.
boomer1949 : Patsy, my grandkids have Polly Pockets.
KQuark : Republicans also do a hell of a job hiding their discontent within the ranks. Another problem with progressives. Keep arguments inside the family instead of making them public. There again is where the MSNBC’s of the world do a shitty job.
AdLib : Cher – Just joking…”live claymation protests”!
PatsyT : Cher my kids have made some vids with Polly Pocket Dolls Very Funny
Chernynkaya : Claymation takes MONTHS– even with a good camera an patience.
boomer1949 : Patsy, how about mud and then we let it dry?
TheRarestPatriot : Oh NO!, It’s Mr. Bill! (at which point the Right will try to kill it)
AdLib : Cher – Mr. Bill is literally the HCR Bill…who gets sliced up than thrown in a freezer.
Khirad : SNL reference Cher!
boomer1949 : AdLib, can we put clamation on our videos?
Chernynkaya : Adlib patsy– claymation= OH NOOO, MR BIL!!
TheRarestPatriot : lol
Khirad : Message discipline… oy, if there’s one thing we don’t do well… Get ready for French flags and Free Palestine! placards.
PatsyT : Will we be covering ourselves with clay? that is good for the complexion
Chernynkaya : I know, ADLIb– I am just thinking–envisi oning– the dream. A big pastime!;-)
TheRarestPatriot : I hear that, KQ.
AdLib : TRP – There is a post up now for voting on a name for the movement, here’s the link: «link»
boomer1949 : So, let’s all meet in front the old Sears Tower in Chicago in a couple of weeks. TRP can film, my son in-law is a sound guy and has a bunch of contacts in Nashville, and my daughter can choreograph the whole thing.
TheRarestPatriot : LMAO, Adlib, Patsy
KQuark : First thing progressives need to learn is message discipline. Never every use the word liberal to describe ourselves again. It’s been successfully demonized since Reagan.
TheRarestPatriot : …and we’d already be all geared up for mugshots when they arrest us all….LMAO
AdLib : Patsy –
Live claymation protests!
Khirad : Yes, prisoners of corporations, and we should get shackles, too.
AdLib : Cher – I look at it this way, if we create a movement that gets visibility then Rachel, KO, Michael Moore, Stewart, Colbert and all will support and cover it. We should look at creating it ourselves then looking to celebrities to promote it.
TheRarestPatriot : I’m really startin to dig the orange jumpsuit idea…prisoners of the machine….
TheRarestPatriot : Wondered that for years KQ…seems the 60s really walloped the Progs….
boomer1949 : Cher, Michael Moore, brilliant!
PatsyT : Everyone looks good in Orange ! We are prisoners of the corporations!
KQuark : I think civil disobedience was so effective. I don’t understand why progressives don’t use that tactic.
Khirad : I don’t know Patsy, Stop motion is grueling. I like the Filipino orange jumpsuit dancing idea though!
TheRarestPatriot : Agreed, Adlib
Chernynkaya : Maybe Michael moore would help us– just dreaming aloud. Allowed?
TheRarestPatriot : Have we even come close to agreeing on a name for our movement?
AdLib : TRP – We should all discuss a target but my preference would be, as stated, in front of a bank or corporation but on public property so they couldn’t do a thing to stop it.
Chernynkaya : Yes Patsy– after the live chat i’ll post the videos I mean.
PatsyT : Claymation can be fun
Khirad : Yeah, flash mobs (when not out of necessity) are usually cute, but I don’t know how much affect they have. I’m not slamming them. Honest question.
KQuark : Though we have a Jersey Mike’s Giant Subs down the street that’s reminds me of home.
boomer1949 : Cher, loved that vid. Do you know how much they’ve collected in donations for victims of domestic violence? They decided to to that before Chris whatever beat up on Rhianna. Once that surfaced, this couple stepped up to the plate, called it what it was, and eveything has gone to charity.
PatsyT : Ohhh Dancing like they do with the Asian prisoners
TheRarestPatriot : Hey I’m all for it, Adlib, but where? On the national Mall? Permits, paperwork, etc….Will people show up?
Chernynkaya : A viral youTube vid would really put us on the map.
KQuark : It’s crappy Southern pizza not anything like New Joysey pizza at all.
AdLib : TRP – Not a flash mob but a choreographed event that was entertaining to passersby as it would be to MSM.
TheRarestPatriot : oooooh denied….
Chernynkaya : My daughter and friends tried that dancing thing in a local mall and was escorted out.
TheRarestPatriot : I think those flash mobs are more ‘haha’ silly events. I think people would kinda resent a ‘serious’ flash mob…IMO.
AdLib : KQ, hand me a slice, it will go great woth this doobie and my love beads.
boomer1949 : Okay, you guys, I need a project. I spend all day sitting behind a desk, and I am very proficient at what I do, because I’m very good at it. However, when it come to stepping outside that comfort zone, I’m “Cream of Wheat.” What a wimp. I can lead, but sometimes need direction.
Chernynkaya : ADlib– YES And it was in several train stas. worldwide/
KQuark : I’m back folks. We finally got our pizza after 3 and a half hours. I love how Southerners react to a little snow.
Khirad : Thanks AdLib. Yup. Stripes.
PatsyT : Armored Winnebago ROTFL
AdLib : Cher – did you see that group “happening” in the train station in the UK where everyone began dancing?
TheRarestPatriot : right
Khirad : TRP, Funny how they co-opted Alinski after slamming him, no?
TheRarestPatriot : Captain Midnight took over the national airwaves for like ten minutes in the 80s…it was mayhem….
Chernynkaya : Adlib– no marching–Did you see the viral vid of that wedding, where everyone boogied down the aisle. Like that!
AdLib : Khirad – Are you thinking of “Stripes”?
TheRarestPatriot : lol
boomer1949 : TRP you forgot the chimes…
AdLib : Patsy – No, it’s not. The problem with the groups organizing protests is that they think too linear. March on the WH! My response would be, “It’s been done” and “It wouldn’t keep me watching MSNBC to just see a large group of people walking”.
TheRarestPatriot : Hey remember Captain Midnight in the 80s? Holy crap that would wake up some folks, ay?
Khirad : Patsy, you are absolutely correct. Teabaggers get attention for being freaks, but if we could bring the eye candy? I’ll do my part and troll around strip clubs. What was the winnebago called in Spaceballs? And what was that Cold War movie with the armored Winnebago? Sorry… I’m in a goofy mood.
boomer1949 : Patsy, we could do one of those calendar projects, like “The Calendar Girls,” Helen Mirren, et.al.?
PatsyT : Cher not THAT kind of Candy but you never know if someone is truly in the mood I would not stop them
Chernynkaya : I know — let’s also make tons of cool signs. I can do that– me and Whatsie.
TheRarestPatriot : If I can get her ear again I’ll see what I can come up with…
boomer1949 : So, TRP sweet talk her, or at least find out what she thinks.
TheRarestPatriot : …’ Mississippi moon wontcha’ please stop shootin’ at me”…
bitohistory : the protests on HCR were straight from Alinski. The RW stole from the lefties.
PatsyT : AdLib that is not all that hard
Chernynkaya : Eye Candy, hmmm. Those days are over for me, I’m afraid. Let’s hire sexy babes tho– why not? And i still like the Craig’s list idea, except we might get a murderer, so maybe not.
AdLib : Patsy – Exactly, we attack the media for being like a baby that turns its attention to the shiniest, most colorful thing, we would just need to use that to our advantage.
boomer1949 : “…oh blackwater (not the mercenaries) the Doobie blackwater…
TheRarestPatriot : Hmmm….Workers in Winnebagos….it ‘s cool but the idea of hundreds of RVs sounds like a seriously bad carbon footprint…LOL
PatsyT : Well right about now what gets press is Eye Candy so that one place to start thinking about
AdLib : The “same old” marches just don’t work to get play on the MSM news anymore. I like this idea, physical protests for the Media Generation.
Khirad : Okay, what’s our Green Tortoise gonna be called?
Chernynkaya : Bito– I’m there– I have to read Alinski and have been meaning to.Now’s a good time.
TheRarestPatriot : I really don’t know what in the hell I’d relay to her as we are still pretty cloudy on the framework here…maybe just bug in here ear about this site…cool with you, Adlib?
PatsyT : Its great to put all ideas out there even the most insane, they could trigger another better idea!
AdLib : On the Bus, exactly! Only we could do On the Winnebago.
Khirad : Don’t worry, I was joking about the hippie thing too.
bitohistory : I was speaking of the tactics they used.
Chernynkaya : On the BUS!!
AdLib : Khirad – Was just joking about the hippy thing, just meant we need that kind of activism.
Chernynkaya : Khirad– I forget. But i thought we’d lost you.
TheRarestPatriot : Right boomer, I’ve spoken with her briefly,..she is super sweet and I have no doubt she knows people….
boomer1949 : thanks TRP, going to put on the CD right this minute
boomer1949 : oops, and she’s a vegetarian to boot.
AdLib : Don’t forget The Pranksters.
Khirad : About what Cher? I’ve just been listening to you guys talk about the young people. I really don’t think the hippie thing would work. My sister’s daughter-in-law loves peace signs. We joked about her being a hippie. Whoosh. Over her head… :LOL:
Chernynkaya : Why not advertise for participants on craig’s list?
boomer1949 : TRP-if she’s talking to you it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Heck she traveled Spain with Mario What’s his name, some muckity muck food editor, and a popular Spanish actress. Jeeze, and he
Chernynkaya : me, me OH me! (Doobies and beads)
TheRarestPatriot : oh for a doobie, brother….
bitohistory : Read Saul Alinski. Look at what pranks Abbie Hoffman an the yippies did with handful of people. The old SDS
Chernynkaya : I know a couple of (ahem) mature actors, but no kids.
AdLib : What we’re talking about has precedent, a similar version of this was called “Happenings” in the ’60s. I think we need to revive a bit of that ’60’s activism. Who’s bringing the doobies and beads?
PatsyT : Rare Pat that happens all the time may be worth a mention
boomer1949 : Anyone teach acting, performance art, public speaking, that kind of stuff? You West Coast people must have some inside poop…me I just have freakin’ snow and Senator Sherrod Brown.
Chernynkaya : Khirad– are you insulted? If you are, I was kidding!
TheRarestPatriot : Maybe I can get my Hollywood friend, gwenyth to get behind this…..LOL
Chernynkaya : OK Adlib– I see your point.
PatsyT : Oh yes Cher they are generaly a liberal bunch and the art students ect…
Chernynkaya : Rarest– street theater needs actors, and it’s a way to show that young people care too!
TheRarestPatriot : hmmmm….acting classes you say….?….hmmm
Chernynkaya : If we did get kids involved, i say hit the acting classes.
PatsyT : boomer too funny !
AdLib : Cher – Yes, I liked the list but I would put sponsors on as optional, waiting for a sponsor could derail taking action. Otherwise, totally agree. A good physical target or event, a humorous/visual concept, a coordinated press release, that’s concise and effective. Money is important to finance protests and an agenda but that will flow from members after the group is rolling.
TheRarestPatriot : It’s tiring, boomer but yes,..it’s getting gas in the tank….for now…only 2 more days of filming and we’re wrapped…
PatsyT : There are many Young Liberals clubs at local high schools and collages … Hmm
boomer1949 : We could all dress like hippies and march on Washington…aft er the snow is cleared of course…can’t afford to break a hip.
TheRarestPatriot : Honestly, I think this might be the cause I was born to join. I really can’t imagine a better legacy, really. I could totally be wherever this thing needs me to be.
boomer1949 : TRP, extra, schemtra. Who the F cares, it’s something my friend and it must be helping you eat and maintain all the-necessary-cr ap-to-stay-above -water. Right?
Chernynkaya : Patsy– you ARE big. it’s the protests that got small!
Chernynkaya : I’ll perform!I’ll dress silly! I’ll yell! I just need $$ for a ticket to wherever. Broke!
PatsyT : I am ready for my close up Mr. Demille…..
AdLib : Everyone would have to be willing to participate as protesters/perfo rmers or architects of protests, that should be the minimum requirement on all.
PatsyT : It’s young attitudes and outlooks that they are attracted to – Oh and they like hearing truth.
Chernynkaya : Did anypne think my concise list made sense?
Chernynkaya : Pinkies, Boomer!
Chernynkaya : Patsy, yeah, but they won’t join us old farts.
boomer1949 : Patsy, the future may be with the young, but if we old farts don’t do something, the young may not have a future.
TheRarestPatriot : boomer you’re so sweet…I’m just an extra….a meat puppet…LOL
Chernynkaya : Boomer– what’d I burst? About Maddow? Sorry, sweetie!
PatsyT : The future is with the young
boomer1949 : TRP, our movie maker guy. You can crow all you want.
Chernynkaya : I’d help with the witty if had anything. I’ll do something else tho. Something.
TheRarestPatriot : Well, Adlib it will entertain the teabaggers for sure then
boomer1949 : Cher, must you burst my 60 yo naive bubble?
AdLib : Patsy – Or we can try that YouTeleTubbies site but their demo skews very young.
Chernynkaya : You Tube–DUH! Of course!
TheRarestPatriot : TY boomer…I may take you up on that…
PatsyT : Gee, do you think we can use the utubes?
AdLib : What makes sense to me are organized, witty and visual protests that are taped and uploaded on YouTube. As MSM follows, the YouTube and organization website membership and viewership will grow.
Chernynkaya : Her staff filters– we need to make a small name for ourselves b4 she’ll see us.
TheRarestPatriot : Sunday will be my 6th day of shooting on the Gwenyth Paltrow/Tim McGraw movie Love Don’t Let Me Down….This wil be the end of my gloating….LOL~ Just wanted to let all of you know where I’ve been….
boomer1949 : TRP – you have my e-mail. Anytime you want to chat — don’t hesitate.
Chernynkaya :
boomer1949 : Patsy, no I didn’t, but I’ll check it out. Did Rachel say she actually sees the stuff sent to her or that it’s filtered through her staff first. Which is why I don’t believe she ever saw anything bito and I sent her.
Khirad : Yes, the Capitol Steps did come to mind as well. Seriously, later guys, YouTube Billionaires for Wealth Care. It’s what we’re talking about here.
PatsyT : I am imaging some pretty funny “hand” jokes/signs
Chernynkaya : Prss releases. humorous idea. a protest. a sponsor. a list of target reps. money!
AdLib : Cher – That was concise!
Chernynkaya : Here’s what I think we need– in no order:
AdLib : TRP, you’re very welcome and I too am glad to see you here.
AdLib : Considering the huge impact a handful of Teabaggers had in town halls, with a strategic choice of protest, it wouldn’t need to take a lot of people to get coverage for a witty protest.
Chernynkaya : Ever hear of thh Capitol Steps satirical group?
boomer1949 : You know, Tracy Ullman is a “rebel” in her own right. She would be terrific.
Chernynkaya : Okay, what funny about the end of democracy? Oh, we’ll think of something!
TheRarestPatriot : TY Adlib…and thanks for the email my friend
Chernynkaya : Patsy– I’ve gotta watch that later!! Great!
TheRarestPatriot : Thanks boomer…Lookit me, mah…toppa’ the world!…..LMAO~
AdLib : Congrats TRP!
AdLib : And if a series of amusing but clever protests were held, if MSM coverage continued, people would come to the organization’s site and donations could be gathered to use towards protests, initiatives and donating to good liberal candidates.
boomer1949 : TRP — Congratulations! Can’t begin to stress how great it is to see you here this evening. Sincerely!
Chernynkaya : Khirad– actually, I was talking to Patsy, KQ and adlib, but if you like, I’ll insult you too!
PatsyT : Tonight Maddow called for people to go to her site and give suggestions on how to get some thing fixed any one see that?
TheRarestPatriot : Totally off subject, but remember that TV pilot I was filming? I just got my imdb.com listing under Tough Trade!
boomer1949 : Ooops, I forgot to give credit to Wait…Wait…Do n’t Tell Me. Excellent!
AdLib : It would be unique and bring a great amount of attention to the issue being protested if it was also funny.
Khirad : I know we’re not getting rid of the senate. I thought it was an interesting debate though. Like I said, tangent.
Chernynkaya : Patsy, adlib– so correct! who here is funny, adlib? (hint) Patsy? Marion?
PatsyT : All those shows are just hoping they can put something on the air that is amusing , we can give it to them.
KQuark : Progressives are our own worse enemy with teabaggers too. We talk about them far more then they deserve. Of course Aryanna was on KO giving them free are time tonight.
boomer1949 : I get more from Jon and Stephen than anyplace else. They’re PBS & NPR only funny.
Chernynkaya : Thanks, Khirad– drove me nutz
Khirad : Cher: they’re called the Billionaires for Wealth Care.
AdLib : Realistically, we can’t look to any show host giving up their position and heading up an activist movement. However, if we build it, they will cover it and promote it, in that way, we could be working together.
boomer1949 : AdLib,
Chernynkaya : Look, we’re not gonna gete rid of the senate. I say we focus on the Possible.
PatsyT : WE could save some serious $$$ wthout the Senate – That should be a sign
boomer1949 : Cher, okay I won’t go there.
AdLib : Absolutely, I say that humor has proven to be the sole tool of liberals, we should think of protests as huge Daily Show gags, that are amusing and irresistible to the MSM (and Daily and Colbert) yet make a sharp statement.
TheRarestPatriot : Ya know,…I hate to say this but the right would LOVE Maddow to head this up…they can make snide lesbian jokes like they do on some sites….It’d hurt her
Khirad : LOL Patsy. Yup, Cher, that’s the group I was talking about.
boomer1949 : AdLib…thanks way cool, and I will.
Chernynkaya : Maddow would be great– I have fantasies of her talking about us.
KQuark : boomer you are so right.
boomer1949 : Wouldn;t Rachel, Jon, and Stephen make a great team?
PatsyT : Giant signs in the shape of a hand and the message on the palm
boomer1949 : I wish Rachel would step up to the plate. Of course, she is under contract. As serious as she is, I think she would have more intellectual freedom at Comedy Central.
Khirad : Tangent – but is the senate really necessary? I saw ups to it, but have been considering the debate lately – even further than the filibuster angle.
AdLib : boomer, if you go to our Zazzle store, you can change the shirt with Dr. Suits into a sweatshirt, change color, etc.
KQuark : Yup about 5,000,000 ultra conservative Americans pretty much run the country from those middle American red states.
boomer1949 : Cool AdLib!
AdLib : boomer, I’ll look into the license plate thingy on Zazzle!
boomer1949 : Oh, how about a license plate frame thingy?
AdLib : KQ, I am so with you on that. The “2 from every state” makeup of the Senate is an enemy of democratic representation for the majority of Americans.
Chernynkaya : Who is that satirical group that does street theater, mocking everyone– they were fat cat bankers at the protests? Like that.
Khirad : Precisely, KQ – on MSNBC/Universal.
boomer1949 : I would love Dr. Suits in a sweatshirt. I would wear it everywhere, ‘cept in 90 degree, 75% humidity.
TheRarestPatriot : I’d love to get Chris Mathews behind this…
KQuark : MSNBC just cares about ratings and playing to the base too. They all have their multi million dollar salaries too. They are owned by GE for fuckssake.
Chernynkaya : Rarest, I’m with you!
AdLib : Patsy –
boomer1949 : Patsy, well of course…it’s all they can understand
Chernynkaya : How do we get sponsors to get us busses, permits like the baggers?
AdLib : Think Monty Python more than Teabaggers, for getting attention at a protest. Like mattresses set up in front of Citibank and people in judge robes in bed with people in business suits.
TheRarestPatriot : LMOA!
KQuark : I don’t think the SCOTUS decision is any more damaging than our crazy Constitution where states like AK and CA get the same representation. It’s not even the filibuster that makes this country ungovernable. When the country started states did not have equal populations but each state was thought to have comparable populations but CA with 35,000,000 and AK with a little over 100,000 was never the plan.
PatsyT : Rare Pat – you mean lots of misspelling on signs?
Khirad : If only OUR party and MSNBC would help organize such activism…
boomer1949 : mug and bumper sticker as well…
TheRarestPatriot : I hate to break it to everyone but WE need to employ some of the same tactics as the Right. Right now I feel that the ends justify the means. I realize it’s unsavory but whatever gets the job done now (like saving the nation) and apologize later…I do NOT want Conservatives taking over any time soon
AdLib : boomer, you beat me to it!
AdLib : Cher – Exactly, that’s what I’m saying. If we know how the MSM thinks, we should use it to our advantage. They need visuals, if we protested we should have WTS’ artwork for Dr. Suits on a poster and t-shirts, for example.
boomer1949 : AdLib…yes your tee-shirt with WTS’ beautiful art is next on my list.
Khirad : Like those singers who went to teabagger events in top hats and monocles?
PatsyT : Strong visuals mixed with serious and relevant message that hits home
Chernynkaya : How hard is it to get judges gowns? every High School has ’em. I’d dress like them to protest. No shame!
AdLib : boomer – I’m not talking about dropping to the gutter, I’m talking about using wit and humor to make a strong point.
boomer1949 : Hey Patsy!
boomer1949 : AdLib, although you are probably correct, why should we drop to the gutter just to get coverage? Somehow it bugs me. ‘course I’m such “it’s the principle of the thing” kind of person.
AdLib : bito, I think a march on the SCOTUS is good. Where do they want a march? If it’s at the SCOTUS, I think that’s a mistake. It should be blocking the doorway of Citibank or another corp with bags of “money”.
Chernynkaya : I saw a guy interviewed from the teabag meeting. he was wearing revolutionary war garb. The cameras went right to him. But he had NOTHING AT ALL to say. Stupid. They also had a knowledgable guy dressed in a suit. They gave him 20 secs.
nellie : I think we make more of an impact drafting primary challengers and working within the system.
TheRarestPatriot : Hey, …we can’t even organize when W raped the Constitution…H ow can we change the Nation of a SCOTUS decision?
AdLib : Here’s the thing about protesting, you have to understand from the beginning that the MSM will ignore anything challenging the status quo…unless it is visually interesting or clever. That’s the key, a protest needs to always have an eye towards media coverage, what will be irresistable for them to show and get more eyeballs watching them.
boomer1949 : AdLib, you bet he is. The man has answered every single one of my emails and letters. And no, they aren’t generic. They’re actually personal, as though he took the time to write them.
KQuark : As far as I can see the progressive movement is all talk and complaining. The fact is unless there is not something big to be against Americans just are not motivated. The reason teabaggers take it to the streets is because they are motivated by hate.
Chernynkaya : I say, join the Nation! and folks– this is an election year = more responsiveness.
Khirad : Hiya Patsy.
TheRarestPatriot : Hiya
PatsyT : Hi Everyone !
bitohistory : The Nation is calling for a march on the SCOTUS decision.
AdLib : boomer, Sherrod Brown is so cool!
Chernynkaya : If we protest, they will come. And Again and again. We need press releases, sponsors, like the Baggers.
AdLib : Cher, it became the chic thing to say after many pro gay marriage protests weren’t covered, talking heads and politicians said it was a waste and not to bother with protests, just email congresspeople.
boomer1949 : I for one would be willing to request an appointment with my Senator — Sherrod Brown. I’d bet my next paycheck he would meet with me.
nellie : That’s where the people’s voice is heard loud and clear
TheRarestPatriot : Listen, where I am out here right now, …I seriously am considering a one man march to DC,…just me…and see who i pick up along the way….
Chernynkaya : AdLib– I missed that meme.
nellie : I think the voting box is our best bet
AdLib : KQ: Remember the meme last year about not wasting time physically protesting since it is ignored? What an ideal corporate message that was, “Why protest when you can send emails that can be ignored?”
nellie : That was corruption, plain and simple
Chernynkaya : Been saying this fro a year– Progs need a leader , an activist leader!!
TheRarestPatriot : Nellie, that wasn’t a decision,..it was a business deal
bitohistory : No belly button –no contribution.
nellie : Like w the iraq war
nellie : we can take to the streets and get NO COVERAGE
nellie : that decision really stinks to high heaven
TheRarestPatriot : Right on, KQuark
nellie : If corporations are people, why aren’t they limited to $2,300?
Chernynkaya : Lobbying== can’t the just be outlawed– the $ I mean. now, gifts are illegal, why not money?
KQuark : If progressives are not willing to take it to the streets like teabaggers no movement will help.
boomer1949 : Corporate funding? Shoot all of the A$$holes…okay just kidding…but close.
TheRarestPatriot : I see the TRUE worth of lobbying. It’s just gotten way outta hand when, over time, the evil doers learn to game the system.
AdLib : To get to public funding, we’d first have to limit corporate contributions in elections.
Chernynkaya : If we did any of the thing I mentioned , I’d feel it was HUGE.
nellie : No more gifts
AdLib : Corporate lobbying is a tough one…how can that be stopped?
nellie : TRP == you may be right about that
Chernynkaya : Public finding!
TheRarestPatriot : Must, must, must end corporate lobbying and the like…
AdLib : Cher, I’m with you. If that is not stoppped it won’t matter what we do. WIth the freedom to spend billions to defeat any and every politician or cause that helps Americans, we’d be sunk.
Chernynkaya : Changing campaign laws. Shortening election campaigns.
TheRarestPatriot : Hey nellie,….we just keep selling out to China…$$ will be worthless soon enough…:-)
boomer1949 : TRP – you go guy!
Chernynkaya : Constit. Amnedment voiding the SCOTUS decision, or ameliorating it.
boomer1949 : Hey AdLib, lucky you with a freakin’ 3 day weekend!
TheRarestPatriot : There’s more than one way to skin a corporate fat cat…..see what I did there?….LOL
nellie : How do we make money worthless?
boomer1949 : bito — what did they give you? I love, love, loved the Dilaudid!
Chernynkaya :
TheRarestPatriot : Is this serious vox tonight?
bitohistory : No funny stuff tonight. No laughing, esp. you #9333
TheRarestPatriot : Hey everybody…here for a bit
boomer1949 : Lucky anyone with a 3 day weekend.
AdLib : Hey Boomer!
AdLib : Those are errors, bito’s posts last week were blocked by accident and counted as spams…unless he meant to offer me information on a Nigerian Prince’s need for liquidity.
Chernynkaya : Bito, I won’t make you laugh
boomer1949 : Hi everyone, I feel like I’m late for class. Do I need a written excuse?
Chernynkaya : A walletectomy?
KQuark : I hope you’re doing well Bito. They just removed my bank account from my last surgery.
Chernynkaya : Bito, 9333!
Chernynkaya : how come 8 spams blocked?
bitohistory : I hurt ,Cher. I think
AdLib : bito, feeling okay?
AdLib : Yipe! 3 day weekend, the little one will be rarin’ to do something on Monday!
Chernynkaya : Ok Bito?
bitohistory : Just got back back from surgery, So HIGH!
AdLib : I need all tomorrow to catch up on all the great tunes!
Chernynkaya : Not too bad– the music thread was tasty.
nellie : Ready for a three day weekend
AdLib : How is everyone tonight?
AdLib : Welcome all! Just waiting for a few stragglers!
Khirad : By the way, I still think snowboarders designed that torch. Looks WAY too much like a joint
nellie : hi all
KQuark : Whose the guest.
Khirad : Hi. I’ll be back in a couple minutes. Just checking in.
Chernynkaya : Howdy.
AdLib : Welcome to Vox Populi! Please say hi when you arrive!
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