escribacat : I am not Spam!
escribacat : test
AdLib : Cheers all! Really enjoyed the discussion tonight, has my brain whirring.
BigDogMom : All Will Be Well, it will get better, just drink Holy Water!
kesmarn : Seriously, feel better, c’lady! Good night!
PatsyT : Thanks AdLib !!! and all
kesmarn : AdLib can turn that water into wine for ya!
choicelady : Holy water? I’m heading for Holy Wine!
BigDogMom : Nite c’lady, feel better, try tea with lemon and honey and lots of sleep!!!
kesmarn : C’lady, just do what my favorite 8 year old did when she was smaller. Drink some holy water. All will be well!
PatsyT : CL I do not get the Register I would not waste my money
Khirad : ‘Tis true, Obama is nimble and adapts quickly. Though… it took him too long with this new reset strategy IMO.
AdLib : Kes – Thought that might sound familiar!
choicelady : Dear ones – I still have this cruddy cold and sore throat, so I’m packing it in. What a lovely evening with you all. Thank you and good night!
BigDogMom : All the local papers here in CT now have a article every day about HC and features those who do not have it…the repuglies here read the NYT and WSJ, so the message is getting to the masses, not the one who will vote GOP
PatsyT : Chris Matthews said that the Repubs should be very afraid of how fast Obama is with the learning curve…
kesmarn : Yesssss, AdLib, I’ve heard about that one on education….
kesmarn : Yes, Obama since last Friday night has been most impressive!
choicelady : Patsy – oh, dear. I am SO sorry! Yikes – you ARE up against it, aren’t you? Well, switch to the LA Times – they are doing some good coverage.
AdLib : We can also work together here at The Planet to collaborate on initiatives, letters, petitions, etc. Nellie and I are drafting a letter to request Obama consider firing Rahm, there is another in the works on education, we can do more if we all pitch in.
choicelady : BDM – I agree, and I think we’re seeing a new hour in Obama’s strategy. Someone said he’d been a good orator but not a good teacher, and I think he took that to heart. He’s been his old self lately, and it’s working well!
PatsyT : CL– CA Orange County Register -wish me Good Luck
BigDogMom : The Daily Show and Colbert shows are critical, that’s what all the under 25 yrs old watch, they are learning about our system through them, because they haven’t learned it throught our school systems…thank you no child left behind…
kesmarn : c’lady and AdLib, agreed. We can’t give up. No matter how daunting it all is. These people have surely let us know that they “ain’t playin'” though. They have an impressive arsenal, and they use all of it.
choicelady : Patsy – don’t know where you are, but in Sacramento these stories are suddenly front page center. Keep pressure on the papers and TV to cover these stories.
AdLib : Kesmarn – But the truth does get out on KO, Rachel, Daily Show, Colbert…it does get out still. We just have to yell much louder for the rest of the MSM o have to report something.
choicelady : OK that said, I do honestly understand that the rich are paid bajillions to screw up the world, and we’re volunteering or working for pennies to fix it. But we must keep on keeping on!
BigDogMom : The MSM can’t re-write O’s exchange with the GOP last week and I think they realized it, people loved it and where on O’s side, the MSM will follow the money and the money is with O now.
kesmarn : Patsy, LOL, yes, they’d love to torpedo US!
PatsyT : What happened to the stories of the people that are being denied or rejected HC- They are Americans right? why no coverage on them ?
choicelady : BDM – indeed – keep telling the MSM they stink! Get friends to keep up the heat. It took the right over 20 years to get control. We won’t get it back unless we keep at it the way they did. We on the “left” get too complacent and think if it does not change immediately, it is not worth doing. The right had better self discipline. We must do the same.
AdLib : CL – Great point. Rallying people to confront their Congresspeople would be a strong way to protest.
kesmarn : The thing is, the right, the MSM/Corporadoes view it as life or death, too. They’re in this for blood. And they hold a lot of cards. Not saying all is lost. Just that it’s not only indifference that causes us to lose battles.
choicelady : kesmarn – politically it’s mobilization and direct contact with your own legislators. Building relationships and getting known. My folks totally turned Mike Thompson, a blue dog, to support the Public Option. Never EVER underestimate the power of your voice and presence there. You fly under the radar of the media, but you DO make a huge difference when you are ever present at the district office.
BigDogMom : kes/c’lady – that’s why “we” have to do something about MSM, I think they are getting the message though, I keep e-mailing them my disappointment, if all do that, then maybe something may get changed
PatsyT : MSM/Corporadoes LOL like torpedos !
AdLib : The MSM can’t ignore Obama. And, if those Dems out there can be re-energized to realize that this is literally a life-or-death fight, the MSM will have trouble avoiding coverage of that.
kesmarn : That’s what I mean c’lady. I think people see the futility of trying to use 60s tactics against 21st century MSM/Corporadoes. They roll right over all that now. There must be a third way…
PatsyT : Plouffe brings hope
choicelady : AdLib – Amen on that! Plouffe was great at this, and let’s hope he cranks it up for the President as he did for the candidate!
BigDogMom : Oh yes, the Magic Screen of the idiot John King, I see he has left the Sunday program, no ratings because he was such a doo doo head in interviews
AdLib : Obama’s campaign mobilized many who had never been involved in politics before. I hope Plouffe’s reappearance will return to that and inspire people to get out and protest or support what they want for this nation.
choicelady : kesmarn – don’t get me started on MSM! When marriage equality became legal, briefly, I was at county hall helping to celebrate. ONE CHURCH was picketing and got all the media attention. They would not talk to me at all, and I represented 1.5 MILLION people who supported equality! Bah!
Khirad : BDM – with all 52 pundits on the dais!
Don’t forget the “magic screen” of John King and the ringmaster, The Bearded One.
BigDogMom : We have become lazy, Bush and the GOP instilled that in us over the last 10 yrs….If you tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth, O and the Dems need to wake America up and keep reminding us that it was all a lie.
PatsyT : Teabaggies make great Tee Vee just like car crashes
AdLib : BDM – You’re right, Obama needs to be FDR, omnipresent in the media, being aggressive and specific about what needs to be done. And what he needs to do but hasn’t done, is to use fear in a positive way. Tell people what their future will be like without HCR and regulation of the financial industry and corporations.
choicelady : kesmarn – generally political and labor and other activism has come from the better off sectors (skilled labor) unless and until the bottom falls out entirely. But yes – Gitmo is sobering, isn’t it? And Manzanar can be rebuilt. But what WILL it take? I don’t want to march against the government today – but Wall Street? You betcha! BTW – I have a small legacy at Merrill Lynch. I’m moving it to my credit union. LOVE my broker, but…
kesmarn : Do protests even work anymore, I wonder? The MSM can “disappear” them by simply not covering. At the same time they’ll give hours of time to 30 teabaggers on a street corner!
BigDogMom : Adlib – that’s why O has to be out there constantly now, beating the drum about what could happen with the GOP in charge. Even CNN is starting to be on his side and report more of the GOP crap…with all 52 pundits on the dias…
AdLib : CL – Thanks for that insight. That is the problem, though. When someone steals from you, you can step up to take back what’s yours or run off to hopefully keep what you have left. One is noble and can make you whole again, the other is giving into fear and is an acceptance of having less.
PatsyT : CL Moxie must return Like the?-? Howard Zinn The People Speak ?-?
BigDogMom : Can O bring our Moxie back? How far do we have to fall until we fight back?
AdLib : BDM – But protesting by their votes, as we’ve seen, can only make things worse and does not affirmatively advance any agenda. It just says “I’m mad”.
choicelady : AdLib – I worked with some of the Eastern Airline mechanics back in the 80s as their political advisor. When other airline employees wanted to LEGALLY strike in sympathy, Bush threatened arrest. One friend from another airline backed down saying he did not want his son seeing him taken away in handcuffs. It broke my heart because that would have been GOOD and HONORABLE. We have indeed lost our moxie.
kesmarn : I’ve heard us called a third world country with a technological veneer. There’s something to that. But the poor are afraid to fight back, understandably. That was another accomplishment of the horrible images to come out of “Gitmo.” People got a little glimpse into what could happen to troublemakers… .
AdLib : Cl – Agreed. And what’s disappointing is that the majjority of people become frightened and cling desperately to the shrinking income they’re getting than get angry and want to take action. People are literally just sitting by and watching their futures and their children’s futures be destroyed. If most Americans would step out of their homes to protest, things would change here overnight.
Khirad : Sorry, the word winsome reminded me of Tim Meadows’ spot-on PK Winsome. Carry on…
BigDogMom : AdLib – they will protest with their vote or non-vote…see CT and Dodd, no one said they will support him and he stepped aside, too connected to money.
PatsyT : typos are us … that not theat
boomer1949 : most of them don’t seem to be what they are, and most youngsters weren’t exposed to what we saw. was it ever taught in school.
choicelady : BDM – OK – tipo qeen.
PatsyT : CL theat needs to be the battle cry !
choicelady : AdLib – we have an “hourglass” economy where more and more middle class jobs are disappearing. It’s more like one of those wine carafes – big, heavy bottom and long, narrow neck. We are truly moving toward a Latin American kind of distribution of jobs and income.
BigDogMom : Lord look at all my typo’s, just call me the typo queen!
AdLib : BDM – I think the public is upset at the inequity of the wealthy over the majority but as we discussed last week, I don’t think most are willing to step out of their comfort zones to protest.
BigDogMom : c’lady – I beleive there where more than one lone gun man, most people believe that and wont let that happen again.
boomer1949 : cl — no they did not act alone — of course not. I’m with you.
choicelady : Boomer – she’s really scary because in the past the white sheeters were obvious and unpalatable. But she’s cute and winsome – even *I* think she’s pretty and adorable (when her mouth is shut). She is probably the worst of our nightmares since she does not seem to be what she is.
AdLib : It is indeed a stated goal to carve out the middle class and have the wealthy wealthier and the poor as virtual slaves.
BigDogMom : Adlib – I think the people understand what is happening, even with the poor MSM coverage…NY Times and most papers have all stated that fact of the top 3% and they are tired of paying more taxes then them…if anything I think people may go after the rich soon
PatsyT : the way
PatsyT : I think if Obama and TEAM push the issues they way becomes clear about the banks and wall street He need a major back up team.
choicelady : BDM – and who was behind all that? I will never believe the individuals in question acted alone. Never.
boomer1949 : cl, true. She is about as white sheets as they come.
BigDogMom : boom – your right, but it’s only a small % of people, most are more enlighted than you think they are…would never let it happen, memories of loosing JFK/MLK still run deep
choicelady : boomer1949 – but if Palin were in, we’d already HAVE brown shirts. They’d just make ’em green and pretend everything was what it is not. Her leanings toward fascism are truly scary since she covers it up with folksiness.
kesmarn : I’m reading a fascinating book called “Consumed” by Benjamin Barber, about corporate power, the decline of democracy, and the manipulation of the mind of the voter. Scary stuff.
boomer1949 : CL — I thought you posted Peeps, not Reeps!
AdLib : Some sobering facts. Due to the shift of public wealth in this nation to the top 3%, due to the reduction in value of salaries, add in the skyrocketing costs of energy, college, insurance, etc…a majority of Americans will not be able to afford the “American Way of Life”. That is the path the GOP is leading people down, I think Obama needs to make a speech with an overview of the America of tomorrow if we don’t succeed at the vital things we need to accomplish right now.
BigDogMom : c’lady – Most people today are more involved and know what’s going on in DC and Wallstreet than what happened in Germany in the 30’s – thank you internet
choicelady : kesmarn – that was Bush’s goal, and if we revert to Reeps, it could still occur. How weird is it though that with O trying to get “our” money back from banks, the Reeps are extolling the wonderfulness of Wall Street and big financial corporations? The hope is they actually are over-reaching and will make clear how little they care about US.
boomer1949 : bdm…but my argument all along has been we wouldn’t be talking brown shirts and violence in the streets if the President was not a person of color. If McPalin were in office everything would be waaaay cool. None of this crap would be going on,
choicelady : BDM – oh, I agree as long as we continue along the current path. But what if O gets set up? What if, God forbid, something happens to him? Then what? I don’t think the majority want this, but neither did the majority in Germany. Fraud prevailed. It could do so again.
BigDogMom : c’lady – Greed is Good the GOP motto
AdLib : The thing is, the GOP’s “no”, if they win, leaves the majority of Americans suffering. SO when the public’s minds move from the game playing of reform to the realities of our broken system, I doubt they will be happy then.
kesmarn : Yes, C’lady, I’ve heard it theorized that it was considered much easier to simply bankrupt and gridlock the government than to try to get a lot of righties elected the slow, old-fashioned way. And more effective/less messy than a coup. Might be something to that.
BigDogMom : c’lady/kes – Most people in the US are very middle of the road, they don’t like this talk of brown shirts and violence in the streets…that’ s why they voted for O, he brought hope and civility back to us.
choicelady : That is the one unintended consequence of rapacious corporate capitalism: it becomes unsustainable. Henry Ford understood that and knew he had to balance immediate profits against long term support for workers who’d buy his cars. How did we forget those lessons?
BigDogMom : Here in CT, Aetna, Joe’s meal ticket, just laid off 650 people because of the loss of business….time will tell when no one can afford the premiums and then the Insurance Companies will be dying for your business
choicelady : kesmarn – yes, and won’t that be a brave new world. I fear that because what the Right offers is brown shirt time. Law and order, discipline, forms of social welfare in exchange for, oh, national service in military branches. Like Germany and Italy…
AdLib : CL – That’s the thing, such short term thinking can sabotage the long term. Did they consider what could happen to their jobs and HC if HCR wasn’t passed and our economy was sucked down a hole over the next few years?
kesmarn : c’lady. Don’t they know it will be a pyrrhic victory, though? There will be bankruptcies untold. people will choose food over h. insurance and then when they get sick, they’ll go under.
BigDogMom : People vote against their best interests when frustrated and angry…O needs to temper that anger and I think he will by slowly exposing the GOP nonsense.
choicelady : AdLib – my own FAMILY was part of the non-vote. They have insurance and good jobs but were “too good” to vote for Coakley, so they did not vote at all. I know a lot of people were frustrated, but what earthly sense is there in letting another senate vote GO? That’s just not realistic! It’s too early to give up, but they did!
PatsyT : BDM I wish my mom was here to she Loved Dean
AdLib : kes – Me too. They cut off their nose to spite their face. And, the drag is that MA residents already have Universal HC so not only didn’t they care if this killed it, the Senate version would have made their state plan worse.
boomer1949 : bdm – I’m sorry your mom isn’t here. You must have been close. I wish I’d had the same kind of relationship.
kesmarn : AdLib, the frustrating this is that the non-voting Dems did worse than just stew; they sabotaged us all. I’m so mad at them!
BigDogMom : c’lady & boom – I wish my mother was still alive to see what was going on now, boy would she have some choice words
choicelady : kemarn – remember they WANT that disaster to occur. They want to be in a position to force people to buy market priced health insurance without any subsidies at ALL. The true test of power is NOT getting what you want but making all around you dependent on YOU. Failure of HCR is their wet dream – then they can call us irresponsible and make us buy the crap.
AdLib : CL – Like you, I have little patience for the purists. But that huge percentage of Dems that didn’t vote weren’t mostly purists. They are regular Dems who were as pissed off as all of us at the fact that the Public Option and true HCR was smothered to death by our own party. They are pissed off for good reason but the difference between them and us is that we move forward and they just stew.
PatsyT : CL I can only hope that it is a little quiet because things are getting done..
BigDogMom : boom – I think that’s what O is doing, and will continue to do…he wants to change how things are done in DC and this is how he is doing it, slow and steady wins the race
boomer1949 : CL — for sure!
choicelady : Hey boomer – mine always said the same, and I hate quoting HER, too. Are we related?
boomer1949 : Senatorfold —
Me too!
kesmarn : Do the Repub realize what the economic consequences of a failure to pass HCR will be? Catastrophic.
boomer1949 : President Obama is one cool guy. I think he knew all along that the GOPers would fight him tooth and nail. Yet, he continues to extend the olive branch. My mother used to say (and I hate to quote my mother), but she used to say “give ’em enough rope and they’ll hang themselves.”
BigDogMom : kes – when one is tired usually what comes out is better than when one thinks about it!
AdLib : The plan for HCR as I understand it is to pass the revisions to the current bill in Reconciliation then the House will sign the Senate’s bill and the changes will take place under a 51 vote majority. I’m just unsure that Reid will deliver on that though.
choicelady : AdLib – you are, of course, correct – 43% of the Dems did not even VOTE. It’s back to what KQ and I’ve been ranting about – the idle progressives who have to have purity or they’re too good to vote. But they’re the ones with no skin in the game. They were irresponsible. Coakley (?) was stupid but still better than Scotty, and we needed that vote. Talk about voting against self interest! NOT voting accomplished the same.
BigDogMom : kes – good one!
kesmarn : That’s what happens when I’m tired. Silliness abounds.
AdLib : Kesmarn – Senatorfold!
kesmarn : AdLib, “Senatorfold”?
AdLib : CL, the polling they did after the election showed that most Dems who didn’t vote, were disappointed in the Dems in DC not getting things done that were promised. They were mad and discouraged. Add to that this terrible, elitist candidate who dissed the concept of shaking hands with Patriot fans outside the stadium…and a Ken Doll running as “one of you”…it was a disaster.
PatsyT : Oh it is back to center fold guy… Hey if that was a woman that had a centerfold ??
choicelady : PatsyT – I truly think the reason you’re hearing so little about the bill is that it will be good, will have a public option, will make major changes, and NO one wants the freaks lifting up dead grannies at this point. I have a lot of confidence in what I hear from Congressional staffers on KEY committees!
BigDogMom : Patsy – I think O is playing the GOP like a fiddle, he has exposed them and will continue, it is his own party that he is having trouble with.
kesmarn : c’lady. Hilarious, yet somehow disturbing… (My computer totally threw me out of here for a while. It knows more than I do about whether I’m too tired to type, apparently. If it does it again, catch y’all at the after chat.)
choicelady : Sorry, BDM!!!
PatsyT : Obama needs to push the issues of HCR BIG TIME I think when he pulls out the elements of the bill people will see it is to their benefit -I want to see the repubs say no to banning pre-exsisting conditions or giving the Insurance a monopoly on their health care the anti trust thing should be pushed major BIG TIME
choicelady : AdLib – I think the loss in MA had everything in the world to do with the arrogance of the Dem (whose name I’ve already forgotten). She would not shake hands in the cold and SAID so, and she went on vacation with NO campaign for three weeks. SHE, not the party, not Obama, lost MA for us.
boomer1949 : white, go go boots – ha! like the drill team in video from one who is no longer here?
AdLib : I still like, “My Senator is a Centerfold”.
BigDogMom : c’lady – oh gross!!!
BigDogMom : Reid should call the GOP out on the oppointments and have them filabuster…let ‘s see how that goes..they need to be called out!!!!!
choicelady : All Scotty needs is the white boots to go with his birthday suit.
AdLib : Not to mention the tens of thousand s who will die and suffer in the meantime and have the Dems to blame for not using their majority to pass it. Some Dems are deluded, they think that the people will blame the GOP for HCR not passing, no, they will blame the party in power for not helping them. That’s what happened in MA.
boomer1949 : Letterman just called Scott Brown a go-go boy!
choicelady : That is “advantage OF what he can.” Typo! sorry!
Khirad : Whelp, okay, I’m for recess appointments then. And I really just want to see them up in arms over it. That would be precious!
choicelady : I have no problem with recess appointments. I know the new US Attorney here, and it took nearly 10 months to get him confirmed. Luckily the stand in was great, but that’s stupid. If they play hardball, O must take the advantage or what he can.
boomer1949 : If HCR fails, it’s because the Democrats are more interested in maintaining that to which they’ve become accustomed. In other words, they’re in it for themselves and no one else.
AdLib : I think it is an absolute, if the Dems don’t pass HCR, they will lose hugely in 2010 and 2012.
BigDogMom : HCR needs to pass, and it needs to be good or no one will accept it and the Dems will be out in Nov…I think O said that to get the Dems goin again, chess player that he is, reverse pschyc?
AdLib : CL – yep, we learned during the election that the editor of the AP is a GOP partisan.
Khirad : I really, really don’t know about HCR anymore. But, working on it more quietly for a bit might not be the worst strategic move. Maybe?
choicelady : First-I do not believe AP. HCR can pass and will pass. And it will be a good bill. I heard nothing last week to make me think otherwise. The push from Pelosi and Reid to do this with reconciliation is brilliant. The AP has gummed up several stories lately, so they’re not reliable.
AdLib : Khirad – I disagree, results are what matters and recess appointments are legit. He should do them and announce it was necessary because the GOP was preventing the necessary operation of government.
PatsyT : Khirad jinx Thanks Choice Lady Who can for get the ultimate Dean?
Khirad : Shelby. I say recess appointments just to make ’em go nuts in another a hypocritical bender. But no, not really. I don’t want O to behave like Bush.
boomer1949 : the Alabama guy, what a jerk! Only goes to show everyone how much he is making from the lobbyists.
AdLib : We’ll all be doing Howard Dean’s if he replaced Rahm.
choicelady : Khirad – Patsy is just doing a Howard Dean. Not to worry.
BigDogMom : Who’s the idiot who is holding up 70 nominations, that’s just wrong and it should be plastered all over the news
choicelady : Khirad – I do agree, but if the Dems do get health care, and we don’t lose either house, we should be pretty solid. Those are some big “ifs” though…
Khirad : Patsy, you’re frightening me.
Khirad : Indeed C’Lady, we’ll need Plouffe where he is. Things are about to get much nastier (I know, I know, how is it possible? it IS).
BigDogMom : Rahm screwed us and O last year and I think O realized it after Mass election…went back to being who he really is
PatsyT : GOP going nuts YYeeeee HHAAAAA
Khirad : GOP going nuts is reason enough for me on many levels.
choicelady : I disagree about Plouffe – I think the campaign strategy of returning the Reep’s volley immediately must be brought back. They say X, we say No X right away. Obama lost that huge momentum, and Plouffe is the master of it. I think he may be great where he is – behind the scenes batting the balls (and take that any way you like.)
BigDogMom : c’lady – right again, he is making the GOP look even more idiotic with their rantings, people are seeing them for what they are now…without Rahms help I might add…We need Dean in there, more to O’s temperment
PatsyT : Obama can always say… he held out his hand
AdLib : And the GOP would go nuts with Dean as CoS!
AdLib : CL – I respect and like that Obama stays on the high road, he should. But he needs to be aggressive, he needs to be everywhere in the media and convincing Americans to support his plans. Rahm undermined him by pushing the hands-off approach with the HCR bill.
choicelady : Dean? Perfect!
BigDogMom : Howard Dean is a stratagist and knows his stuff, Rahm is a political animal very much like Rove and Chainey
PatsyT : AdLib I am all for that …think of the energy that the progs would have for that….
Khirad : OMG – Dean, answered my question. I could only hope. He would be perfect in terms of temperament and inside-politics.
choicelady : kesmarn – computer slowness? Probably the cold. What’s your wind chill?
kesmarn : BDM, it was a single car accident, thank the Great Tweeter! So she only damaged her own property. Gosh, my computer is slow tonight!
choicelady : Everyone – I see what I think is a good balance with Obama. He remains outwardly committed to civility – and will even say bi-partisanship – but has reasserted his sense of self, ideals, policy, and objectives toward his goals. By keeping civil, he really does defuse a lot of the rant (and there is still lots left, of course). He takes the high road – the low road is awfully crowded.
AdLib : Patsy – Dean would be SOOO good! But Rahm poisoned Obama against him, Rahm hates Dean because Dean was right about the 50 state strategy and told Rahm to get lost when Rahm fought him on it. Would be great if Obama overcame that and hired hiom as cCoS.
BigDogMom : c’lady you are so right
Khirad : What do people make of Plouffe – or is he busy with 2010 primarily? In any case, it was probably a mistake from the start to pick a DLC Clintonista. Can’t O find someone else? And, do they need to be a former congressperson? I think so. It needs to be an insider. What say you?
boomer1949 : Patsy…and a hefty raise
boomer1949 : Ohio…it’s all about the weather and/or Ohio State football.
AdLib : BDM – I’m not certain yet if Obama is fully committed to staying aggressive or if he sees it as something he has to do right now then ease back from it. The reality seems to say that aggressiveness is required for the next 3 years to get 4 more.
choicelady : BDM – you have so hit the nail on the head. Experience just means you’ve been there longer. Does NOT mean you’ve done time well. O needs to trust his gut. He has the surest instincts I’ve ever seen, and I’m into my 12th president. Not even JFK at his most charismatic was half so wise.
BigDogMom : Patsy – that’s who I thought he was going to choose in the first place
PatsyT : Hey Boomer You will get great health care !
boomer1949 : AdLib, would you send him a note please?
kesmarn : As boomer says, it’s even worse to the south in Columbus. So sorry. Didn’t mean to hijack conversation from the Rahm topic!
PatsyT : AdLib Name some How does Howard Dean sound this week??
BigDogMom : Go boomer, Go boomer….
BigDogMom : kes – not good if someone else got hurt.
AdLib : boomer, you’ve got my vote!
boomer1949 : AdLib, I wanna’ be his COS.
choicelady : kesmarn – eeeuuuuw. Sorry.
kesmarn : BDM, unfortunately she was driving without insurance. Naughty girl!
choicelady : kesmarn – many good friends in northern and NE Ohio. You are in my thoughts. Winter is just hard there. Glad everyONE is OK even if the car got crunched.
BigDogMom : Does anyone think O is moving away from Rahm? I do, he is back to being his old self again
AdLib : Patsy – There are plenty of people Obama could choose from to be his CoS. Obviously, as Cheney and Rahm have proven, experience does not mean good judgment. Obama needs a smarter strategist who isn’t an egomaniac like Rahm. Plenty of folks like that in the political world.
boomer1949 : kes, I’m in Columbus — go figure. 12 inches here.
BigDogMom : kes glad to hear she is ok, cars can be replaced
choicelady : BDM – I think we all need to take it up as a badge of honor. New Year’s Eve the pseudo progressive called me a “bully” for having opinions different from his that could be substantiated. I wear THAT with pride since I’m anything BUT a bully. So we all can be FRs for good public policy.
kesmarn : I’m in Ohio (northern). Only 4-5 inches tonight, but 40 mph winds. Lotsa accidents. Everyone fine except the car in my friend’s daughter’s case.
AdLib : BDM. right with you. But we’re not what he called us. He is a pompous, self-important ass who is a legend in his own mind. He has a track record of corruption and failure and hatred of any who dare not to worship him and his beliefs. That asshole needs to go.
PatsyT : If not Rahm then Who for CoS ??– I would give Rahm a pass if health care were being delivered but on the other hand that SP crowd needs no feather in their cap
Khirad : Well, in Lieberman’s case, it’s Rahm who definitely has his priorities f-ed up.
BigDogMom : Well I guess I’m a fucking retard, I’ve been called worse for my beliefs
choicelady : I am SO glad I was in DC last week not this one. They’re saying two feet, maybe record breaking. I lived in the Great Lakes area off and on most of my life, and I’m glad to be reasonably warm. My hat’s off to all of you Back There!
kesmarn : Hey, I think there’s some blackberry brandy around here, c’lady!
AdLib : Folks, if you support a campaign against Lieberman for stopping HCR, Rahm thinks you are a “fucking retard”.
BigDogMom : Hey kes, how much snow, the big storm is just going to miss us in CT
boomer1949 : car crash kesmarn…snowst orm…you must be somewhere near me or at least East of me. Is she okay?
PatsyT : I heard of that snow !!
choicelady : Wow kes – that’s good news/bad news. Sorry you had to be out in it. Sit down with us and a good stiff drink!
kesmarn : Hi, Patsy.Did boomer tell ya it’s snowing out there?
AdLib : Hi kesmarn! Sorry to hear about the accident, glad everyone is okay!
BigDogMom : Rahm blew this last year politically for Obama, I think O has stopped listening to him
Khirad : For me the campaigning against some candidates would really depend on the district or state for me. Let’s face it, a progressive liberal in the deep south ain’t getting elected in the general. That would be “retarded” IMHO.
choicelady : Oh gosh AdLib – you’re SO right – we were “fucking retards”! How COULD I have forgotten! Rahm the Potty Mouth.
PatsyT : Hi Kes
kesmarn : Hey, everyone! Lurked briefly to catch up. Friend’s daughter is rescued from the car crash in the snowstorm. No one hurt. Now just as happy hour is ending, I’m strolling in…typical.
boomer1949 : OT — Columbus Zoo’s Director Emeritus Jack Hanna is on Letterman tonight with a plethora of cuties.
PatsyT : Ok how often has Rahm dropped the F bomb and no one puts up a fuss but SP and R word Come on
choicelady : AdLib – I agree the Prez needs a real CoS. Rahm is not actually doing harm anymore, but yes – he’s also not doing any good. I agree with you!
AdLib : Khirad – Rahm describe Dems who wanted to protest and/or campaign against Dems who would not support HCR as “fucking retards”. That would include me and many here. At the least, many would be “retard” sympathizers.
Khirad : Oh, that’s right CL, my mistake. Yes, he did call us “retards”.
BigDogMom : You will never see Sarah on anything other than a controlled situation..even Glen Beck is starting to question her
boomer1949 : bdm…it would be all in her head…not her brain mind you, just in her head.
Khirad : Duh CL, of course, family time! Too bad we can’t do a governor candidate do-over (how stupid was that?!) How silly of me. In any case, send him back to Illinois to do work there.
choicelady : Khirad – Rahm said the people supporting the public option were retards. He is too much like Lieberman for me, and I do not appreciate his dismissal of a sensible, achievable plan. He should not have said it at all, but he was talking about sensible, reasonable folks.
BigDogMom : boom – wouldn’t want to give her the satisfaction
PatsyT : Wouldn’t you love to see SP on Meet the Press with Tim Russert being asked why did she condemn Rahm and not Rush ?? I wish
AdLib : CL – It’s great to hear that Rahm is being ignored but we need to have a relevant CoS and from what’s transpired and what you described, we don’t. That’s like having a key player on a team being “not a detriment” instead of adding to the team’s strength. He’s got to go.
boomer1949 : What I would like to see or hear is…”gee everyone, I know you think Rahm is a jerk, and yep I agree. So, to call Sarah’s bluff, I’m firing his A$$.” Now Sarah, find something else to bitch about!
choicelady : When I was self employed, I finally fired myself. Best decision I ever made. I’d suggest Rahm follow suit. He’s in a position to fire the President’s staff. He should start at the top.
Khirad : Were we? Or was he talking about the unrealistic purists we deride here? Forgive me, I didn’t quite get the specifics on that.
choicelady : Last week in DC I got to see some cool Congressional staffers working on health care. They are paying NO attention to Rahm. They were quite affirmative about getting health care done, getting what WE wanted (we were public option folks), and doing it without needing cloture. Rahm is becoming irrelevant.
boomer1949 : AdLib, Each of us could be fired “at will” (course unless we’re self-employed), Rahm should be no different.
AdLib : CL – Most members of The Planet were called “retards” by our president’s CoS when he said it.
Khirad : It was such contrived rage lacking any authenticity. She’s let down parents of developmentally disabled children down, if anything. Give it some time, people will forget, and sack him under a different pretext – preferably timed with another major initiative/annou ncement and dumped on a Friday?
BigDogMom : Rahm doesn’t seem as big of a political operative as they say he was, he has a way of insulting the very people who got O elected.
AdLib : BDM – I think that results are more important than temporary gains for Palin. If Obama had a CoS who supported the Progressive agenda and Dems, results could occur that we all would like. With Rahm in place, that’s probably not going to happen.
choicelady : Rahm should probably be eased out just for poor judgment. His one remark is offensive, but it’s not the issue. He has a lousy sense of the nation. I am one of the people he CALLED a ‘retard’, but the issue is that he thought our support for a public option was wrong. He’s wrong!
BigDogMom : Hold off on letting him go, don’t give Palin the credit, I don’t think he is doing Obama or the party any good.
AdLib : CL – Well said!
choicelady : So how serious a threat is building up on violence from the streets and stupidity from the voting booth? I am really frightened about the future of our nation. We demand instant solutions to decades-old problems, and we think we can blow away people with whom we disagree. When will we grow up?
boomer1949 : CL, just pull up a YouTube of Droopy or Eeyore — pretty scary — very scary
BigDogMom : C’lady, that’s way more than any of us want to know….Such a pretty boy, GOP’s Pin Up
PatsyT : Wait till they take the dressing off that one ?-? oh they already did !
boomer1949 : CL, yes, it is. Poor Eeyore. Unfair comparison.
choicelady : I can’t get past the Cosmo layout. That’s waaaay more than I want to know about a Senator.
BigDogMom : Hubby came home tonight after a long hard day at work and wanted to know if Superman Scotty had saved the world yet? I said, No, he said, Christ, he said he was going to do it in one day, that he was our new savior.
PatsyT : Deputy Dog is to productive -I guess Droopy fits ! Khirad you win everything !
boomer1949 : Sorry, Hirad, I got carried away…I know your name it’s Khirad!
choicelady : Lord a’mighty, boomer – you’re right! Lieberman is Droopy Dog! Except Droopy was NICE – whiny, yes, but NICE.
Khirad : Jon Stewart does it all the time boomer.
And yes Patsy, we’ve been doing that!
boomer1949 : Hirad wins!!! Droopy Dog! Think about it…doesn’t he sound exactly like Droopy Dog?
Khirad : I know choicelady, Eeyore is my favorite!
PatsyT : Jinx again Khirad !!
AdLib : choicelady – That is the real frustrating thing…too many Americans think like consumers and are willing to be sold on anything…even if it’s to their own detriment!
choicelady : boomer dear – that’s a major insult to Eeyore!
PatsyT : Deputy Dog ??
Khirad : Droopy Dog.
boomer1949 : Liberman reminds me of Eyore and that whiney dog, what’s his name?
choicelady : Oh – the next terrorist act will be home grown, mark my words, but I bet that they will try to make it appear it was some Muslim as McVey did.
BigDogMom : LIEberman is an Indie, after the dems rejected him here in CT
PatsyT : BDM How can you sleep thru a discussion about twitter??
Khirad : Yup choicelady, the anti-Jefferson Bible.
choicelady : It horrifies me to think people could be SO stupid they’d put back Republicans over Dems. There are NO Dems worse than the best Republican these days. Was not always true, but now? Even Blanche Lincoln looks sensible. And Lieberman is NOT a Dem.
AdLib : Khirad – I see it as a toss up as to whether the next terrorist act in the U.S., including shootings of “abortion” doctors, will be committed by a teabagger type or Al Qaeda.
boomer1949 : Patsy, and I’m only drinking diet coke
BigDogMom : Hey all, fell asleep…what did I miss?
PatsyT : LOL Boomer !
boomer1949 : No, no, no the TWITS will inherit the earth unless we detwit them!
choicelady : I always say that if the Phelpses of the world had the key components of the Bible that matter to them cut out and saved, they could put the Bible on a postcard.
boomer1949 : there is no reason to pretend…some of us saw it happen. some of us only read about it. somehow living it is much different than reading about it.
PatsyT : I would say Twitter is very mysterious?-? how are they making $$$
Khirad : Yup, AdLib, that was my question. If and when? If he were to win reelection or they were not to do as well as they hoped in 2010… lord.
AdLib : The tweet shall inherit the Earth.
choicelady : AdLib – I guess, but I feel left out of the Book of Tweets.
AdLib : God tweets in mysterious ways.
Khirad : Hmm, I was talking about actual Nazi and KKK confrontations. Teabaggers come close, but Phelps takes the cake.
choicelady : Hi Patsy!
AdLib : Khirad – Don’t you think it’s just a matter of time? Such brewing racism and hatred eventually seems to vent. A terrorist act by a teabagger, how outrageous is that concept?
choicelady : Gosh AdLib, he did not Tweet me, and I sort of work for him. Humph.
boomer1949 : John Edwards in a sex tape scandal…coming up on my 11 PM news.
PatsyT : Oh Yeah AdLib well I get Texts ! so there
choicelady : Why do we need, as white people (speaking for myself and Katie Couric types, no one else) need to pretend racism is over? What benefit is there in such denial?
AdLib : There is a God. He just Tweeted me.
Khirad : Yup, AdLib, but they’ve yet not appeared to be openly confrontational and they hide it behind a façade. The whole dog-whistle credo – plausible deniability – a disingenuous veneer. Once it escalated, they might kiss that goodbye.
PatsyT : Hi Choice !
choicelady : Hi AdLib!
boomer1949 : Patsy, to some degree it does. However, the racism is so obvious. But ifone looks at it from the eyes of Brian Williams, Katie Couric, or anyone else who was under the age of twelve at the time, they don’t have a clue.
AdLib : Hi Choicelady!
choicelady : And they say there is no God…Hah! And he/she/it has a great sense of humor.
choicelady : Fred Phleps the homophobe was supposed to be in Sacramento today, but his plane got iced in, and he got stuck.
AdLib : Patsy and Khirad – Yes, saw that on Colbert and the truth is many may at least have relatives who are black or mixed race…southern slave owners did rape their slaves.
Khirad : I must say, as worried as I get, I do have a little game I play at events – spot the snipers! Makes me feel all spy gamey.
PatsyT : Khirad Jinx !
PatsyT : Boomer that makes me feel better i hope
AdLib : Khirad – The Baggers’ protests and marches come off no different than the Klan or Nazis. Marches of hatred and racism and a spite for democracy.
Khirad : Anyone see Professor Gates on Colbert? A lot of ’em might fail the one drop test.
PatsyT : AdLib they might be surprised how many of them have a drop or two or MORE !
boomer1949 : Out in the open…yep…my sentiments exactly! However, I do think the SS is more in tune with reality. When he was here in Columbus, those guys were everywhere — roofs, windows, sharpshooters, high-powered binoculars. Very mean going through the metal detectors. So, it’s not like they’re not doing their jobs.
AdLib : Patsy – I think the Bags operate on the old “One Drop” Southern theory. If you’ve got one drop of “black” blood, you’re black.
PatsyT : Khirad Good point there ?-? what was I thinking
Khirad : Half-white is even worse to them in some respects, Patsy. Miscegenation and all…
AdLib : boomer – Journalism is dead. Once the corporations bought them up, it was the end. The movie Network was Paddy Cheyefsky’s warning to all of us what was happening. So way back in the 70’s, the path was clear. Now, it’s come to fruition.
boomer1949 : Patsy, but, but, but, he doesn’t have a birth certificate!! Hawaii is a foreign country!
Khirad : Could this ever rise to another Greensboro or Skokie, or does that require more honest racists announcing themselves? Just throw that out there. And yes, I worry for our president as well. I knew the SS was on it and it was around federal buildings, but even his inauguration walk had me nervous. And since then many a time since.
PatsyT : AdLib I know what you are saying can someone clue them in …psssssttt he is half white
boomer1949 : AdLib, as I said before, and even right after he died…Walter Cronkite is and has been spinning in his grave. What really frosted me was when all the hypocritical asshole “journalists” stood up and talked as though they were on his level. Made me want to throw up.
AdLib : Patsy – I don’t think BagHeads’ can separate their hatred of a black president from alleged libertarian values. They have to do all or nothing.
AdLib : boomer – I still worry a little when I see Obama out in the open.
PatsyT : Baggies need a real cause to keep them busy how about fighting corporate communism
boomer1949 : morans…very good
AdLib : Khirad – As ignorant as teabaggers are, they know as we all do that literacy tests are aimed at minorities. The funny thing is, many of these teabaggers would lose the right to vote if given a spelling test…the “morans”.
boomer1949 : Way back during the campaign…when the sock monkeys were showing up while people were waiting in line to see McPalin…that’ s when my radar lit up. It was obvious and became even more so. Of course, I was around for JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy, et.al.
Khirad : LOL, adlib. Ironically, Tancredo could have lifted his “citizenship test” from John Howard’s dog whistle in 2007. They’re rabid, that’s for sure.
PatsyT : Limp Bat
AdLib : boomer – There IS profit in the MSM promoting the popularity of a Nazi movement. The more conflict, the more people watch. Huffy would have a field day with it…I’d bet they’d even have a regular Nazi blogger. They already have trolls that would fit right in.
PatsyT : The Racist are here to stay but thankfully dying off
boomer1949 : I just love to read all the nicknames we come up with for Limpballs
PatsyT : AdLib I don’t know about the whole MSM ?-?for sure Fox and limbat would claim FREE SPEECH is good for america
AdLib : Khirad, I heard that today too. But if a Tancredo is using dog whistle politics, what does that say about the teabaggers howling back?
boomer1949 : AdLib, if there was profit in it yes they would.
boomer1949 : if these same people were wearing white sheets, perfumed in Downey, they would not be receiving so much attention.
Khirad : Did you know “dog-whistle politics” originates in Australia? I learned that today, and wasn’t surprised, given a nativism and xenophobia that might very well outdo our own.
AdLib : My proposition is, in the current environment, would the MSM support a Nazi-like party to grow and take root in America? I think the answer is absolutely. Would the MSM of 40 years ago allow it? No way! Yes, people have a right to join The Nazi Party in America put the press was supposed to be a safeguard to help protect us from such things becoming powerful.
PatsyT : Somewhere I would be great if they could get the point that if rights are taken away from some groups it is only a matter of time before it is you.
boomer1949 : teabaggers are a subgroup of the KKK.
boomer1949 : They cover their heads not because they’re embarrased (that’s giving them too much credit), but because it gives them a sense of power and authority.
PatsyT : You know Boomer I have often wondered that.
AdLib : Here’s my proposition. The Teabaggers are an openly racist group that have followed marching orders to disrupt our democracy (by taking over the town halls) and promoting the racist attacks on the President’s legitimacy and loyalty to America.
boomer1949 : Patsy,
boomer1949 : So…if the President were white, would we even be having this discussion?
PatsyT : Somewhere someone posted –Why did the KKK cover their heads? I think that says a lot they are at the core ashamed of themselves and love the validation of meeting others that accept their hatered. Fighting against the Obama admin. is like code to them and even if it is against everything that would be good for themselves and families ?-?so stupid —
boomer1949 : the MSM is looking for ratings and revenue. Unfortunately, the “journalists” want to continue to make a living to support their familites. where does one say screw you.
AdLib : The teabaggers is indeed a party for KKK members to take off their hoods and claim they care about deficits…when all they care about is hating that black man in the White House.
boomer1949 : AdLib, the teabaggers are a FRONT for the KKK. Same MO and they think the disguise is working?
AdLib : At what point does the MSM take responsibility for promoting racism as an acceptable political perspective?
AdLib : Older, poor, undereducated, hateful people should be given as much respect as the MSM is giving them? What if the KKK joined the Teabaggers (they have!), would the MSM just cheer them on for the news value as racism, hatred and anti-intellectua lism was promoted? You bet!
boomer1949 : The “base” has not been beyond the confines of the hills. It’s the natur vs. nurture model and this time nurture won.
boomer1949 : Patsy,
Khirad : This NW native takes offense at the flannels comment!
PatsyT : Look they are a tired bunch – How much youth is in that group. Not much diversity and diversity is what is growing in the country?-?- I wonder if this is anything like the George Wallace group?
boomer1949 : flannel shirts, pickup trucks with gun racks, sock monkeys, and hoods. still think the census worker was murdered and didn’t commit suicide.
Khirad : I don’t know what we’re doin’ exactly, but I love me my chai. It’s exotic, like voto meaning vote en Español and too hard for them brown furriners to figure out.
AdLib : boomer – The sad fact is that many Americans have been dumbed down to think like consumers and be open to being sold on anything.
boomer1949 : Maybe, but they’re so dumb about it. See this is what makes me so angry. They assume all of us are stoopid and don’t get it.
AdLib : Patsy – I think that as the Teabaggers get giddy with all the attention and the perception of power the MSM and GOP are giving them, their penchant for hatred and racism will end up taininting them and the GOP that’s cozying up so close to them.
boomer1949 : AdLib,
PatsyT : StarBlogs
boomer1949 : Iced Venti 2 Splenda Lattes?
AdLib : boomer – Yes but its the sense that having a black president gives them permission to be more racist that’s so outrageous.
PatsyT : One thing that might give the repubs a sting in the back end is that many of these baggies do not want corporate control either they are against the bail outs for wall street big time.
boomer1949 : Oh AdLib, they can only deceive some of us. Anyone who was around way back when can spot all the crap a mile away.
AdLib : The Kool Aids? The Mocha Fraps?
AdLib : boomer – It is very disappointing that having a black president made racism LESS bad to many. Now that there’s a black president, they feel that they can be racist because a black man has so much power, it’s not so wrong anymore.
PatsyT : I Like it Coffee beans
PatsyT : I feel like it is a strategy to create confusion so that the republicans come out looking good
AdLib : Hey, maybe PlanetPOV members can become a party! We’ve probably got close to as many active members as they do! What shall we call ourselves? The Coffee Beans?
escribacat : technical problems….
boomer1949 : anything since our Pres. won the election has been created as a cover for the real agenda. Sorry, but I’ve believed long before he won, that his ethnicity was going to play a huge part in his success. Everything that has happened has been under the radar and without the white sheets.
PatsyT : AdLib how about it I want the answer to that ?? Ed Schultz get on that one !
AdLib : How many teabaggers are there? Why won’t anyone seek out that truth?
AdLib : Heh!
PatsyT : They are making claims the the teapartiers are people who have had it with big goverment and not being listened to .
AdLib : Yes???
boomer1949 : AdLib,
escribacat : zombies
AdLib : Seems to me that the strategy of financing this phony movement was to stir up anti-government and Obama’s illegitimacy fervor. Notice how no MSM outlets mention how many people identify themselves as “Tea Party” members?
boomer1949 : E’Cat…there’ s a word for that you know.
escribacat : The rest of them have turned into zombines
escribacat : I can see why the repubs focus on teapartiers — it’s the only glimmer of activity they’ve had for a year
escribacat : I can’t imagine anyone paying SP $100 K to blither
boomer1949 : It kinda got buried in tee-shirts..lol
PatsyT : They are staying at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and it IS very expensive, but it fits for teabaggers
boomer1949 : Speaker’s Corner…
escribacat : Where is it?
boomer1949 : REad my letter to Rachel…
escribacat : Is it Dick Armey footing the bill?
AdLib : The Teabaggers’ party is a fraud. People duped by major GOP financiers into joining.
boomer1949 : Yeah, but Arianna is a fake, and I’m telling the trught.
escribacat : Gaylord?
PatsyT : That Gaylord (he he he) is mighty expensive
escribacat : There are none so blind as those who cannot see themselves
escribacat : Boomer, I love it when Arianna makes lectures like that.
escribacat : But teapartiers are racist in my mind.
boomer1949 : AdLib…the MSM needs to be HAUNTED by the likes of Uncle Walter, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley, and Peter Jennings! Anything to bring them back to do what they went to school to be — JOURNALISTS — not ET opiners.
AdLib : escrib: 19 terrorists had an impact on 9/11. It only takes a few loud or aggressive people to make an impact.
escribacat : Wow. $100 K. I thought they were supposed to do it because they “care”
PatsyT : If you talk to some of them about issues you may find they agree on things like the anti trust for big Insurance
AdLib : And where is the Teabaggers’ money coming from. Sarah Palin alone is being paid $100,000 to speak. This convention is costing millions. Where is the money coming from and why isn’t some journalist investigating this?
escribacat : The tea partiers did have an impact last August though
AdLib : The MSM need to have conflict, they need the scenario of a Teabaggers party.
escribacat : What’s that left group — the pink women…? Maybe they need to have a convention
boomer1949 : Agree.
PatsyT : How long can they keep this up with out someone looking behind the curtain to see that there is no real wizard there.
escribacat : Agreed.
AdLib : I think their influence is a fraud. The Dems lost MA because their voters stayed home, not because the Teabaggers have a big following.
escribacat : Yes, ratings…
boomer1949 : No, they are not legit. Yes, they are racist. The MSM is just looking for ratings. What a bunch of wimps — the MSM that is.
escribacat : He got a terrible reputation in Colorado for trying to deport a Mexican family that had been here for about 20 years. The oldest son was an honors student at the local h.s. and was born here.
AdLib : Only 600 at their national convention? Are they real or is it just propaganda?
escribacat : Tom Tancredo is a real has-been though. They probably got him for free or cheap
boomer1949 : monster storm…absolute ly. unfortunately everyone drives like they live in So. CA and have never seen a snowflake in their entire lives.
escribacat : They certainly get a lot of coverage
escribacat : Wow. must be a monster storm
boomer1949 : Trust me, we’re buried. They sent us home early today…the city is shut down for the weekend.
boomer1949 : Socks would be cool too!
escribacat : Oh, that’s cold. I heard D.C. is going to be buried in a blizzard.
AdLib : Two new shirts, dark and light, with a small logo on the right side and big logo on the back.
boomer1949 : E’cat — OHIO!
escribacat : Mouse pad? I can’t resist those. Or socks.
boomer1949 : I saw the mouse pad…what else…did I miss anything?
escribacat : Hey Adlib
AdLib : Hey escrib!
escribacat : Amazing.
AdLib : BTW, I added a couple more items to our PlanetGear store. Not pressing anyone on this, just an FYI.
boomer1949 : Patsy…”forgiv e”
escribacat : Boomer, where are you?
boomer1949 : at least it’s warm and you’re not buried in a foot of snow. i was born in san diego…will never forget the parents for coming here!
AdLib : Just waiting a few minutes to see if any stragglers show up.
PatsyT : Hey boomer So Cal had thunder and lightening
escribacat : LOL. Clearly not
boomer1949 : e’cat, they wouldn’t know a slight if it bit them in the behind…
escribacat : Adlib — exactly!
AdLib : Huffy is the Sarah Palin of blogs.
escribacat : Huffy didn’t learn a lesson, they were just pleased to be mentioned
boomer1949 : yes, i watched it online today at work, before they let us go home early lol!
escribacat : No, but I saw a thing about it on huffy today
PatsyT : Hi Everyone
AdLib : Did any of you see The Daily Show last night where Jon Stewart skewered HuffPo and other sites that exaggerate for headlines?
boomer1949 : hey, e’cat…
escribacat : Hello folks
bitohistory : Hello AdLib, boomer
boomer1949 : snow, snow, snow…aren’t you glad you live where it’s warm?
boomer1949 : Hi bito!
AdLib : Hi bito!
boomer1949 : I’m here + at least a foot of snow from the great state of OHIO…
AdLib : hey boomer!
bitohistory : say Hi to me boomer
bitohistory : here for a few!
AdLib : Welcome to this week’s edition of Vox Populi! Please say “hi” when you arrive!
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