It would appear that the "Powers To Be" have just been waiting for the chance to implement the mandatory use of  Full Body Scanners at every major Airport... Can't you just picture Dick Cheney making this statement to all the...

New Blood

Ashura 1388 - December 27, 2009, begins over 1,300 years ago. During the three year reign of Yazid I (680-683 CE) of the Ummayad Caliphate, one man refused to swear allegiance to the caliph, he was Hossein, son of...
This is the news of the morning: Jet passengers overpower would-be bomber A Nigerian man on an Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight allegedly tried to blow up the airliner, which landed safely. The suspect is badly hurt. Authorities consider it a terrorism attempt. Reporting from...
30 Azar 1388 - December 21, 2009. The epicenter of the clerical establishment of Iran, the city of Qom, about a hundred miles southwest of the capital, was shaken by demonstrators mourning for the recently deceased Grand Ayatollah Hossein...
Since the 13 Aban demonstrations nearly a month ago, the international nuclear debate has been ratcheted up, and the domestic scene of the Islamic Republic of Iran keeps lurching further into the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' blood-soaked hands. From...

Death to No One

13 Aban 1388 / November 4th, 2009 began with an early morning 4.9 earthquake near the southeastern port city of Bandar-e Abbas. But, 850 miles away to the north in Tehran, there were other tremors brewing beginning around 9:00 AM.
In surprising news President Barack Hussein Obama has won the Nobel Peace prize in the first year of his presidency. While the president is under constant attack at how from the right wing he has already begun to...
The comparisons of the Afghan War to Vietnam are pure hyperbole. The list of reasons are numerous but when you compare the total cost in human life lost in both wars there is simply no comparison. I...
I have to admit from what I see going on at the State Department I was wrong to think Hillary Clinton was the best choice as SOS. OK to let myself off the hook a bit I did...


Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

Lucifer and Mazakeen are making plans for Trump's presidential visit.

Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2

How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?

I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2

The thought of eternal suffering is a significant motivator for those who are strong in their religious beliefs. It is also conducive to those who push various religious doctrines on their congregants to keep them in line.