Today may be the day when Donald Drumpf (his actual family name) virtually locks up the GOP nom and simultaneously assures the collapse of the GOP and a Dem sweep in November.
Coming on the heels of Mitt Romney's unintentionally ironic attack today on Trump, the knives will be out for Trump at the debate tonight from all directions. You're invited to join us right here for a live chat during the debate, the best way on The Planet to watch a debate!
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! Today there are two races for spectators to watch, a demolition derby run by the GOP in South Carolina and a drag car race between two hot rodding Dems in Nevada.
The GOP Elite are so worried about having a nominee they can't control who will lose the General Election...that they would hand the nomination to a candidate they think they can control who has lost terribly in the Republican Primaries. So, replace the big loser...with an even bigger loser.
Join us tonight for a live chat during the Republican Presidential Debate at 6:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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You can live stream the debate on CNN and CNN International.
Republican debate: Live updates
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Post your thoughts, observations and projections on tonight's primaries right here!
South Carolina, proud of its reputation for having the lowest and most degrading style of politics, is hosting the next GOP debate that will require the candidates to speak only in nasty limericks.
Tomorrow's primary in Wisconsin could be a remarkable turning point for the Republican party. If the results match the polling of the last week and Cruz beats Trump, the most despised Republican politician by Republicans could end up the likely nominee of their party.
Amid the growing violence at Donald Trump rallies, his progress towards the Republican nomination and the frantic labors of the anti-Trump campaign by establishment Republicans, comes tonight's GOP debate and PlanetPOV will be hosting a live chat throughout.
This could be the night Marco Rubio is knocked out of the GOP Primary, Kasich may win his first (and possibly only) primary and Donald Trump could become the only Republican with a mathematically viable path towards winning the GOP nom. Post your thoughts, observations and predictions on the night's results!