
Comments Posted By javaz

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Happy Veterans Day

I don’t know how to post pictures, and I clicked the thing to do it, but they don’t post.

The pics are on FLIKR and I copied the URL, but they don’t post.

I’m really proud of my father and it’s too bad.

But he was awarded a Silver Heart and Purple Heart and I wish that you could see his photos in uniform, because I love him and he was my father.

» Posted By javaz On November 11, 2011 @ 4:00 pm

Have you ever gone to a Veteran’s Day Parade?

Where we live is sort of rural – but Apache Junction is our mailing address – and it’s pretty much small town – there’s not a lot here – no malls, no shopping centers and really, there’s not even a downtown.

But they do a fine Veteran’s Day Parade, and we went years ago with our collapsible chairs, but we never stayed seated for long.

We stood and applauded every unit, every color guard, and the tanks and all those in uniform.

On our walk this morning, my husband mentioned that there were going to be jets doing a fly-by, and we heard them and stopped to watch them, and I cried.

There’s something about Veteran’s Day, The National Anthem, and seeing our military that makes me cry, and I’m a pacifist anti-war person.

But it’s a feeling of pride or something and gratitude.

This is a picture of my father from World War II –


And this –


To all service members and veterans –

Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

» Posted By javaz On November 11, 2011 @ 3:55 pm

The Daily Planet

I’m so sorry to read this and hope it’s nothing serious or for a prolonged time.

I am sending you best wishes and healing thoughts.

I’ll really miss your daily writings and am saddened to read this.

I do hope that you’ll be back soon and hope that you are okay.

It’s a lot of work that you do here, and I want you to know how much I appreciate all that you do, and I guess that I should apologize for not commenting more – but Christ on a crutch, there does come a time when a person has to say enough.

What interesting times we live in and I get that my parents and grandparents lived through worse, but whoa, every single level of government is so corrupt.

Did you watch Jack Abramoff on 60 Minutes last night?

Freakin’ A, and to think that there are liberals and progressives celebrating one of the biggest cons of all time, and all because he came out in support of OWS and shows contrition – yeah right – for his dealings.

If you believe that he gave all his money away – I’ve got ocean front property to sell you from Phoenix.

We here in Arizona, and God, who doesn’t hate Arizona?
But we got an election tomorrow, whereby Russell Pearce might just lose – I’ll believe it when I see it – and all the dirty tricks he’s pulled to secure a win.

Until Americans wake up and I’m not talking about you or me, I’m talking Teabaggers and Republicans and Democrats, until they wake up, we’re screwed.

I’ve lost hope in Obama, and all Democrats.

I’ve lost all faith.

I’ll still vote for Democrats, but it’s like George Carlin said – they don’t give a shit about us.

The peasants are starting to revolt – the 99% are starting to revolt – and goddammit, right when we had people moving accounts from big banks to credit unions or community banks, Wells Fargo comes out with a new bank that they’re starting for only the rich – you need over a half million to open an account.


And then today, the corporate media does a story pitting the older generation against the younger – not quite so young btw, 35 and younger – against folks 65 and older.

Whatever you do, try to save the rich!

I’m going to miss you, Cher.

I’m so sorry to read this.

I know that we’ve had our differences, but really, it was more so that I’m not very good at writing.

If you think my writing is bad, you should see me in real life!

I actually agree with you 100%. And when it seemed like I was disagreeing, well, honest to God.

I’m lacking in verbal communication, and have found that I’m lacking when it comes to writing.

You’re one of my favorite bloggers.

There were times that the devil in me surfaced, because I’ve never been easy.

I am contrary just to be contrary.

“The faults you find in others are the faults you possess.”

I’ve always thought that you and I are the same thinking-wise – but I’ve always thought that you were smarter.

Please don’t stay away for long.

» Posted By javaz On November 7, 2011 @ 3:34 pm

Bizarro SupeHerman Cain

What a clown show, but it is entertaining, n’est ce pas?

This entire GOP debate thing is such a joke.

They’ve already worn out their welcome.

Americans, I think, are tired of them already, and the GOP is mocking elections and here’s my prediction – Obama will win re-election and my husband predicts that the Democrats are going to take back the House.

We both think that the Senate will remain the same – meaning Democrat control.

We’re in for a rough ride, whereby if things don’t get better, Americans will vote in again Repukes the next time.

This is one question that no one ever answers and one question whereby the majority of Americans agree –

Raise the cap or better yet, eliminate the cap on SSI and Medicare – and that’s what brings it home for me.

They’re all in on it – and as my mother used to say – they’re all crooks.

We do live in very interesting times and the OWS is a good thing to see, but it’s only the beginning, and btw, the OWS will never be allowed to go on for long.

But it’s not going to be forgotten and it will live, and as Cher said, it’s going to take a generation or two before we see change.

My husband believes with technology and the Internet that things will change sooner, but we both believe that we won’t live long enough to see it.

» Posted By javaz On November 4, 2011 @ 3:02 pm

Weekend Music Thread – Trick or Treat

This is what scares the beejeebers out of me –

Welcome to America, whereby corporate heads are telling Americans that kids must learn science and math to compete globally, while supporting this bullshit –

Happy Halloween

» Posted By javaz On October 29, 2011 @ 7:23 pm

I’ve never heard the penis song!

I’m late to the party again.

Right now we are watching ‘The Shining’ and my gosh, I do not care how many times that I see that movie, it freaks me out every single time.

Jack Nicholson deserved an Oscar for that movie, imvho.

Interview with a Vampire is another fave –

The Devil’s Advocate –

Bela Lugosi – Dracula –

» Posted By javaz On October 29, 2011 @ 7:01 pm

2012: The End of America As We Know It

What happened to the edit button?

I just read to my husband what I wrote and he was “OMG you can’t say that, because they are going to hate you!”


It’s always been a problem for me that I’m outspoken.

I hope that no one hates me for my outspokenness.

And how old will I have to be before I stop caring about what others think of me?

» Posted By javaz On October 27, 2011 @ 5:26 pm

And for Americans here that say they’re going to move to Costa Rica or St. Martens – Really?

Have you ever lived in a foreign country?
For any length of time?
2 years?

There really is nothing like the USA.

For all it’s faults, there is nothing like America.

We’re a huge country that traverses hundreds of miles, whereby France is roughly the size of Texas.

Travel across the US, and meet Americans.

Americans are the best people in the world, except for Maine where we were the ‘outsiders’.


New Hampshire shocked me – as I used to always say HI to folks. but since my time in Paris, France, I was told how the French regarded Americans for saying HI to all was false and not real.

Boston and New Hampshire were the friendliest people we ever met.

California people are fine in California, but when Californians travel anywhere, they really need to learn manners and stop the rude.
Not even New Yorkers are as rude as people from California.

I’m not leaving the USA and I’ve lived in Europe, and loved it.
But I love it here, too, as this is my country and I love my country and all who live here.

» Posted By javaz On October 27, 2011 @ 5:11 pm

I remember the Democratic National Convention whereby we first met a Senator named Barack Obama.
(I remember thinking that he was much younger than he was, but really loving what he was saying)

It was Senator Kerry running against George Dumbya Bush, and it was former President Jimmy Carter who spoke and I love Jimmy Carter.

I personally owe Jimmy Carter for taking me off unemployment (CETA) and training me for a job, whereby I found employment, completed college and then the rest is history.

But former-President Carter stood on the stage and told us all – “Never give-up on America or the American people.”

I still believe in the American Dream, and I really do.

The American Dream is still attainable, and there are younger people living the Dream.


You do not know any younger people who have good jobs and are married to a spouse that has a good job and they have a house and have one or two children?

I can’t say this correctly, but for all the unemployed, there are young people who have and who are living the American Dream.

I’m talking young people under 30, too, and I’m talking kids who are not rich.

I really do not know how to verbalize this correctly, but it’s not all bad news, at least it’s not in my little world and the people that I know.

I wish that I could say this better – but never give up, as Jimmy Carter said.

I get the inequality and believe me, I get it, especially at my age,
whereby my husband and I stand to lose everything if they are successful at taking away our SSI and Medicare.

The American Dream lives because the Occupy Wall Street Movement lives and it’s growing.

» Posted By javaz On October 27, 2011 @ 3:47 pm

The Daily Planet, Vol. 159

I really like and agree with Nicholas Kristof’s column.
Sadly, there are certain segments in our population, both on the right (Teabaggers) and the left (Firebaggers), that will never listen to reason or logic.
Thankfully, both extreme groups are the minority.
The Dems and the GOPers need their bases, but neither extreme of either party is who decides elections.

I am surprised that the corporation that my husband and I worked for is not in the top 50 of global corporations, but I think that they’d be in the top 100.

I bring that up, because my husband likes to watch ‘The Nightly Business Report’ on PBS and this past week they interviewed the top CEO from where we worked and we both listened to his advice for improving the economy.

There were 2 things that he said that were good, such as pushing kids to take more math and science in schools and push kids to go into engineering.
He said that not enough kids are interested in math and science, and the US needs to have a ‘Sputnick Moment’ to compete globally.
Yeppers, that’s all fine and good and excellent advice.

But the reality of where we worked compared to what the CEO advises is deceitful.

Both of us got out at the right time.
The rules changed for those who are left working there.
The current employees must work until they are 65 years old in order to be eligible for Medicare as the corporation will no longer bridge those of us who took early retirement.
Meaning, that my husband and I still have our corporate medical coverage, even though our premiums have gone through the roof, we still do have coverage.

That’s besides the employees having been forced to take pay-cuts and work more hours without pay, plus they are forced to take time off without pay – a week at the beginning of the year and a week in July.
But the work doesn’t go away, so they must go into work without pay to meet the deadlines.

But the best one, or worst, is that anyone who leaves, or dies, the corporation replaces the position in Mexico.
They are not allowed to hire anyone in the USA.
And that is the truth, even for white collar engineering jobs.

When they first started sending engineering jobs to Mexico, the quality of work wasn’t very good, but they’ve trained them now and they are up and running down there.
They used to utilize India heavily, but India has become too expensive, so they focused on Mexico.

This has been happening since the ’70’s, but always manufacturing, and it hasn’t been until the last 10 years (more or less) that they’ve been outsourcing engineering.

SCOTUS very much interests me and I know throughout history that SCOTUS has been corrupt, but I’m not sure if it’s ever been as corrupt as it is now, and BOTH parties are to blame for that.

Biden played a hand in squelching further testimony against Thomas and why the Democrats ever let Roberts or Alito be approved, well, I could go all CT about that and think that I might not be far off the mark.

There’s deep corruption in our government, imho, at every level, but I do have faith in Americans, or ‘we the people’ but we’re now called ‘we – the 99%’.

And when it comes to OWS and what happened in Oakland to Scott Olsen, well, if you read some comments on various sites, there are those who think that that Iraq Vet deserved it.

All I can do is remember that I have cousins who still believe that the murders at Kent State were justified and yes, they are FOX watchers, bigots, and Teabaggers, and needless to say, I never communicate with them anymore at all.

The very funny thing about that is that my cousin, who is (shocking – NOT) also a misogynist, still sends emails to my husband and my husband does not tolerate any of his bullshit.
My husband does not tolerate any bullshit via email from anyone, but rather he sends them rebuttals along with Internet sites that disproves whatever bullshit they send!

I love my husband.

» Posted By javaz On October 27, 2011 @ 2:39 pm

The Daily Planet, Vol. 157

Wow, Khirad!

Where do you find these things?

I sort of liked the guy on the skateboard.

» Posted By javaz On October 25, 2011 @ 9:29 am


» Posted By javaz On October 25, 2011 @ 8:49 am

“The rich get richer and the poor get poorer” is a saying that’s been around a long time, but it’s simply accelerated now.

Have you heard about Rick Perry’s 20% flat tax?
Steve Forbes helped write the plan, which will effectively be a huge tax cut for the rich while the working class and poor pay more.

Rick Perry doesn’t care that his tax plan gives millions in tax breaks for the rich.

How frightening is it that Murdoch wants in on educating kids.
Will the computer classes include commercials for FOX?

Both the Cain ads are very weird.
Could the cigarette smoke at the end be a reminder of Cain’s ties to the tobacco companies?

As the New York Times pointed out on Sunday, there’s another side to Cain: lobbyist. And as a lobbyist for the National Restaurant Association in DC in the 1990s, Cain was one of the tobacco industry’s best friends on K Street.

As for the yellow flowers when men were men – notice the closeups of the tough guy’s butt when he dismounts the horse?

Very strange and the fact that the media pushes these candidates onto us as being serious or even qualified for president is disturbing and makes a mockery of the elections.

» Posted By javaz On October 25, 2011 @ 7:22 am

The Daily Planet, Vol. 156

So it’s a wash for them.
They lose nothing.

And it brings me back to Citizens United.

You know that corporations influencing elections is nothing new, but CU made it legal, and to this day, I still cannot reconcile how the ACLU supports that decision.

With corporations being global now, well, I don’t have to explain that.

» Posted By javaz On October 24, 2011 @ 3:45 pm

Cher, I’m actually pretty surprised that I remembered so much from way earlier this morning!

I didn’t go back and re-read any of it!

Maybe my short-term memory isn’t as bad as I think!
(naw, my short-term memory is pretty bad, but still!)

Oh, and did you read my very first reply below?
What do you think about the question of where all the money goes from campaign ads on TV?
I’d be interested in your opinion on that.

My husband actually tried finding a company or business to invest in that does campaign ads and commercials, and he couldn’t find anything.
I guess those companies don’t have stock?

» Posted By javaz On October 24, 2011 @ 2:33 pm

I’m always interested with your Daily Planet, Cher!
Same with Kalima’s Morning Blog.
There’s always so much to absorb and I think of comments to leave for one portion/article, and then keep reading and forget my earlier thoughts!
Maybe I need to start taking notes!

I will say that my eyes welled with tears over the plight of the Siegels – Oh, them poor rich people!

The story of the Great Danes is a real tearjerker and hope that they find a good and loving home.

The article about the “meritocracy” is reaffirming what I think most of us already know.

As for the OWS being just noise – I’m not sure what to think about the OWS, meaning whether or not it will have any real impact, but I do truly believe that OWS is just the beginning.
Change is coming and it’s worldwide because the corporations can only push people so far with austerity measures before there’s a backlash and revolution, because there are simply more of us than them.

Our politicians are bought and the elitist attitude of our politicians running for ‘we the people’ and then when they’re elected, their corporate ideology surfaces and they ignore ‘we the people’ because somehow they know better than we do about what’s good for us.

That’s why politicians ignore the majority of ‘we the people’ when it comes to us demanding that they leave our SSI and Medicare alone and/or save the programs, or ‘we the people’ agreeing by a majority that the rich need to pay their fair share in taxes, or even the polls whereby ‘we the people’ believe that pot should be legalized.

The elites think we’re all stupid and that they know what’s best and it’s never been clearer than today.

As for them pitting the Teabaggers against the OWS and desperately trying to paint OWS supporters as anti-Semites and anti-capitalists and, the privileged and brainwashed tools screaming at OWS protesters to GET A JOB, well, it ain’t gonna fly, because the support for OWS is growing.

Even Teabaggers have children and grandchildren that struggle with foreclosures, student loans and finding jobs, and some of them are starting to wake up to the fact that they’ve been played.


» Posted By javaz On October 24, 2011 @ 10:55 am

Broken clock rule –

Scarborough: GOP presidential candidates are all ‘idiots’

In their reaction to Rick Perry’s half-hearted foray into birtherism, MSNBC’s Morning Joe crew gave a very grim assessment Monday morning of all the Republican presidential candidates.

Still in disbelief after the panel reenacted the Texas governor’s interview with Parade magazine, Mika Brzezinski was forthright in her assessment of the GOP field.

“I’m disturbed,” she told co-host Joe Scarborough. “You have a disturbing set of candidates in your party, I’m sorry. It’s disturbing. Either they are walking around with slogans or they’re crazy.”

Scarborough said he had “no defense” for those seeking the White House in his party.

“This is lunacy,” he said. “People will look back these candidates and just said, ‘What idiots. What total, absolute idiots.’ I’ll suspect we’ll do what Republicans do. All the idiots will be thrown overboard. We’ll end up nominating the really boring Gerald Ford, Bob Doyle, John McCain type and get Mitt Romney, and maybe lose. There’s got to be some sane conservatives out there.”

» Posted By javaz On October 24, 2011 @ 9:26 am

No Tax Holiday

These days, corporations are flush with $2 trillion in cash that is not being used for hiring. As long as the economy is weak and consumers aren’t spending, tax cuts will add to the cash pile, not create jobs. A tax holiday also would add to the deficit, in part because companies rush to bring money home, rather than repatriating the earnings over time at the usual rate. According to Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation, another tax holiday at 5.25 percent would increase the deficit by nearly $80 billion over 10 years; a rate of 10.5 percent would cost $42 billion.

A report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations leaves no doubt that tax holidays encourage tax avoidance — as companies use accounting maneuvers to shift profits offshore and then wait for the next tax holiday before bringing the money back.

I’ve been trying to find an answer to this question –
Where does all the money from political ads go?
Obscene amounts of cash – hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on political ads, but who reaps the benefit from all that cash?

Since the media is corporate owned, would it be fair to say that all the corporate cash going into political ads goes right back into the corporations’ pockets?

» Posted By javaz On October 24, 2011 @ 6:39 am

Getting It Wrong In Afghanistan: Victory and Loss in 2002 and Today

Emerald, do you think that Hillary will try to end the Afghanistan War as a legacy, since she has stated that she is leaving the Obama Admin after one term and supposedly, she’s ‘retiring’ from politics, but will remain active politically?

BTW, great reply!

» Posted By javaz On October 24, 2011 @ 2:56 pm

Very interesting article, MTS3, and informative.

I am sad to say that I don’t understand much about Afghanistan, except for knowing that a similar war, with the help of the USA, helped break Russia and empowered the Taliban and created OBL and al-qaeda.
Or at least that’s my conclusion.

It’s obvious that Karzai has always been a puppet and has never been a friend to the US.

I’m so keeping my fingers crossed that Hillary Clinton can negotiate an end to the war and soon.

» Posted By javaz On October 24, 2011 @ 11:09 am

Weekend Music Thread: Better the Second Time Around?

That’s it!

Thank you!

» Posted By javaz On October 22, 2011 @ 6:25 pm

OT – I’ve been inspired to whip out the guitar and want to play a song and need your help.

The words are this – somewhat as I cannot remember them at all –

It’s me in the corner,
It’s me in the duh, duh, duh
It’s my reflection and it’s duh-duh duh

Thought I saw you singing
Thought I something tonight

Something laughing

Oh something is duh-duh tonight


I’d really appreciate it, if you could recognize what I’m trying to play here.

» Posted By javaz On October 22, 2011 @ 6:18 pm

Love Nils Lofgren and he’s one artist that I emulate when I play – love the guitar.

» Posted By javaz On October 22, 2011 @ 6:11 pm

Now, that’s what I’m talking about!

Music is the voice of the ages.

Got to LOL at the sidebar, about the bearded Survivor guy running for governor!

I’ve never watched a reality show and am proud of that, but jeepers creepers, this is what America has become?

God bless America, whereby anyone, including Sarah Palin or Herman Cain can run for President!

Do we live in a great country or what?

» Posted By javaz On October 22, 2011 @ 6:00 pm

RIP Stevie Ray Vaughan

My favorite ever song by him is this –

gosh, but I miss him –

And may I say, this is a most excellent way to spend a Saturday afternoon into the evening and am feeling very proud of myself, since I cleaned the house and went above and beyond in the cleaning!

» Posted By javaz On October 22, 2011 @ 5:43 pm


Still remember every word of this song and never knew Annie Lennox did it!

How do you know all this?

Love her, btw.

And what an awesome video.

» Posted By javaz On October 22, 2011 @ 5:35 pm

Love it.

» Posted By javaz On October 22, 2011 @ 5:30 pm

As a guitar player, I really love this.

Thank you.

Never heard of him, and adding him to my list!

Just beautiful.

(am so grateful that we finally splurged and bought WIFI last April)
(we still do not have cable or dish TV, but we do ROKU through our WIFI and that’s most excellent!)

» Posted By javaz On October 22, 2011 @ 5:27 pm

Oh God, I love Janis.

I own every single album by her and then when records went to CDs, I went and bought all of her albums on the Cds!

Did anyone else do that?

Then a few years back, we bought a new turntable and have been playing albums again and our albums are in pretty good shape, and we’ve been playing albums again.

Has anyone else been doing that?

» Posted By javaz On October 22, 2011 @ 5:22 pm


Love Joe Cocker – is he still with us?

Remember John Belushi on SNL used to mimic him?

And then remember when Cocker was on the show with Belushi?

Ah, them were the days when I was young, smokin’ God’s gift of the herb (never drank alcohol back then) and watching SNL.

Them were the days when I could stay up that late!

» Posted By javaz On October 22, 2011 @ 5:15 pm

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