

Arguing Points To Use Against Your Crazy Uncle Supporting Police Brutality

I had the misfortune of watching Faux News yesterday in order to ascertain how the conservatives plan to defend the indefensible: The Killing of Freddie Gray. Many vicious, hateful accusations and talking points were spewed to justify the use of excessive force by police to "subdue" African-American males.

The Grand Old Party of Sedition

This is a chilling event because these Republicans have demonstrated that they are willing do anything to obtain and to maintain power including undermining our constitutionally elected government as well as jeopardizing our international standing and national security.

Why Democrats Lag Behind Despite Growing Population Advantages

We can scream about republican recalcitrance, but when we had power (albeit brief), we spent it developing policies that favored the 1% and submarined any efforts to punish those who robbed the bottom 99% percent of their lifesavings. We created the stimulus which was trickle-down lite.

McDaniel Lost…The Shot Heard Around The World

McDaniel warned that this is a war, and they will not "surrender". He promised that they (conservatives) will eventually win control of the Republican party and the country. Paraphrasing what the late Maya Angelou once said “ when someone shows you who he is…believe him.”