From Think Progress:

Matalin slurs health reform advocates as ‘health care jihadists.’

Yesterday on CNN, Republican strategist and CNN contributor Mary Matalin railed against Democrats for pushing forward with health reform efforts. “They’ve been on this jihad for 70 years, and they’re going to throw over all their competitive seats to do it,” she said, adding:

And I don’t know what kind of party that is. That leaves left in the Democratic Party the urban centers, this is tyranny of the minority. Two-thirds of the country don’t want this. And one-third of these jihadists, these health care jihadists do. I guess that’s how democracy in the Obama era works.

Matalin has employed the concept of “holy war” in her political debates before. On Meet the Press in 2006, she attacked David Gregory for going “on a jihad” in covering the Vice President’s accidental shooting of his friend Harry Whittington. Gregory responded, “That’s an unfortunate use of that word, by the way. This is not what that was.” Transcript:

MATALIN: They’ve been on this jihad for 70 years, and they’re going to throw over all competitive seats to do it. And I don’t know what kind of party that is. That leaves left in the Democratic Party, the urban centers, this is tyranny of the minority. Two-thirds of the country don’t want this. And one-third of these jihadists, these health care jihadists do. I guess that’s how democracy in the Obama era works. […] And furthermore this is the worst thing. They’re going to strip out all the few good things that are in there and the entrenched things will stand. That’s what’s happened with every entitlement jihad from the ’30s and the ’60s and that’s what happened.

This isn’t the first time Mary has done something awkward on camera.

Notice what she does with her ink pen towards the end of this clip.

Note: Mary Matalin is married to James Carville. I’ve read many of Carville’s books. They are very entertaining and instructive, but he has yet to explain how that marriage manages to work.

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We all are used to the propaganda ruse of “fear.” I think we saw a lot of that during the last eight years. Here is a list of propaganda techniques, have the Goobers missed any of them during their onslaught against HCR?

I think they covered most of them!


One observation, if someone was truly principled, they would not be able to condone, either passively or actively, the behavior of someone who powerfully violated their principles.

My proposition, they are two unprincipled snakes who have each chosen a side of the game to play on and know it’s just a game. They don’t really care about the issues, they care about the money and power it can bring them.

Remember what a lying, unprincipled SOB Carville was in the primaries? That is who he is. And Matalin, what needs to be said about her?

Could you imagine kissing the lips of someone you saw as spewing venom?

If that’s not reasonable to assume, then one of two things is likely true. Either one isn’t kissing those lips or one does not truly view them as spewing venom.

I think it’s the latter.


Botox and 79 facelifts have a way of interfering with rational thought.


Matlin does not have one honest bone in her body.

Which is probably why Carville wants it.


Who knows what’s going through his wonderfully devious Looseeanna mind as he vigorously engages with his dear spouse?







Does anyone know if Sen Coburn has said anything about using God’s name in vain?




Cleric Khirad, fatwa! 😆


Again – the Senate bill is NOT the end, but the beginning. Conference Committee is where the action will be, where we will get BACK the public option. A small article this morning said Obama is pushing to make the final bill in sync with the House, not the Senate.

The public nosedive in support came when the public option was left OUT, not when it was in. Support for the House version was at over 67%. Senate followed suit til the public option died. So the Reeps can say what they want, but the American public dislikes the Senate version and ONLY because it was weakened so much.

Give the people what we want. A public option that gives us really affordable health care coverage for EVERYONE. Then the polls will reflect reality, not Matlin’s weird take on, well, everything.


choicelady, not trying to be negative, just realistic. The final bill can’t have the Public Option in it for two reasons.

First, Congressional rules don’t allow for something not already contained in either house’s bill to be added into it in conference.

Second, Lieberman and Nelson will block it for good if it is in the final bill and no bill will be passed.

There are a number of other provisions that can be strengthened and revised in the Senate bill, specifically I would like to see the Senate’s taxing citizens on their “Cadillac Helth Plans” and households over $250k dropped in favor of the House’s higher taxes on the very wealthy.


This is what I hear also, choicelady. Some are as optimistic as you are, saying we’ll get the public option back, and that no Democratic senator will dare oppose the bill in its final form. That would be phenomenal.

I do expect an improved version to come out of conference — and I’m going to send a message to each Senate conferee expressing what I hope to see.

Any word on who the conferees on the House side will be?


“Two-thirds of the country don

Pepe Lepew

There’s a fucking word filter?

No one told me! 🙁


Hi Abby!


I used to admire the GOP for their careful and clever manipulation of language to make persuasive arguments, but they seem to have completely lost that talent as their party devolves into the fringe and the fringe’s fringe. Trying to imply that the struggle for health care reform is terrorism — which is what she’s doing by using islamic language — is just plain silly (not to mention insulting to muslims). And that’s how Matalin sounds. And by extension, her party sounds pretty silly, too.


I find it too depressing.I truly feel like I lost some of my enthusiasm and intelligence over there, I’m still recuperating from the damage.
And I really don’t care if they adjust their attitude, they just need to tell the truth that they are a right wing web site and just as propaganda filled as the Murdoch empire.


hmmm this comment didn’t land in the right spot….


I think it was posted to a comment of mine that I deleted — before I knew there was a response there. Sorry about that!


It’s a full blown Obama bashing session over on HP these days. Unrelenting.

Pepe Lepew

It’s a feeding frenzy…


And mostly just bad jokes. The comments are so silly sometimes. I’ve been posting VOTE OUT THE GOP in response to those kinds of comments. Changes the subject and makes me feel like I’ve said something sensible.


Nelli, I am confused (not new~),Why are there two more votes to pass the bill out of the Senate-both requiring 60 votes?


bito, I answered you with a guess ( 😎 ) — but now I’m curious. So I’m going to look this up. It’s a very good question.


Here we go. From the LATimes:

The Senate’s dramatic first vote to shut down the Republican filibuster capped a weekend session that marked the third time in the last month that the Senate has met on Saturday and Sunday. The vote, at 1 a.m. today Eastern time, was on whether to limit debate on Reid’s manager’s amendment, which includes the compromises required to unite the Democratic caucus.

Two more procedural votes will be needed before the bill comes to a final vote: On Tuesday to close debate over whether to insert the compromise language into the healthcare bill, and on Wednesday to close debate on the bill itself.,0,1920190.story

My guess wasn’t too far off 😉


Thank You nellie, I guess I just had brain lock. That picture on that page is great.


She is beyond comprehension. That they continue to air her uninformed and bizarre views boggles the mind.

Obama has been very strategic about health care. After all comes out of Conference Committee (Senate members are the progressives save for Baucus whose knowledge of finance is actually GOOD and who seems to be cowed by his girlfriend scandal) – Reid, Dodd, Harkin, Rockefeller. Can’t do better. Don’t know the House yet – Conyers looks sure.

Once it’s back to the Senate, THAT is when I believe Reid and Obama will lean on recalcitrant Dems to get the cloture vote and votes for the bill. I believe, since I read this this morning, that Obama is pressing for the HOUSE bill to prevail – with public option.

We are not used to a thoughtful, adult, reflective, calm, drama-free president. So we think he is not doing anything, when, in fact, he’s doing a LOT. He is the most strategic thinker I’ve seen in my lifetime, and if this does prevail as we hope, it will make manifest his calm deliberation about both product and process.

We all just have to get used to it – it’s quite a change from The Decider, isn’t it?

Thank GOD (or whoever, or no one…)


It seems that CNN is doing “Fox lite” in order to try and bring their ratings up. I quit CNN during Lou Dobbs phase out, I have a hard time with most news shows these days.
Seems like everyone is trying to prove they’re not the liberal media or “in love” with the President.
Rarely can get a positive word about this administration, which makes me feel the need to support him whole heartedly.

Pepe Lepew

Oh, I’ve thought that of CNN since 2006.
I think they look at Fox’s ratings and have said, “We gotta be more like them.”
MSNBC is about the only one I can stomach anymore.


I agree, Hope. The more the MSM bashes Obama, the more I feel defensive about him. He’s made some mistakes and didn’t step up to the plate at certain points when he should have (or when I think he should have), but there is no way he has earned the amount of vicious bashing he’s getting over at Anti-Obamaland (HP) and other places nowadays.


The word ‘jihad’ is of course both emotionally and culturally loaded, as she must know.


How Carvelle puts up with her is beyond me, maybe it is a marketing tool they have created to make money? That is the only thing I can think of, either that, or love is truly blind.


Can you imagine those two trying to have a conversation? They both talk nonstop…


You took the words right off my keyboard!


TRULY blind, yes. Can’t imagine their pillow talk.